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Are you sure you want to cancel?8Unable to retrieve operating system version information.!Memory allocation request failed.#Unable to create extraction thread.Cabinet is not valid.Filetable full.%Can not change to destination folder.Setup could not find a drive with %s KB free disk space to install the program. Please free up some space first and press RETRY or press CANCEL to exit setup.KThat folder is invalid. Please make sure the folder exists and is writable.IYou must specify a folder with fully qualified pathname or choose Cancel.!Could not update folder edit box.5Could not load functions required for browser dialog.7Could not load Shell32.dll required for browser dialog.(Error creating process <%s>. Reason: %s1The cluster size in this system is not supported.,A required resource appears to be corrupted.QWindows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 Beta 2 or greater is required for this installation.Error loading %shGetProcAddress() failed on function '%s'. Possible reason: incorrect version of advpack.dll being used./Windows 95 or Windows NT is required to installCould not create folder '%s'To install this program, you need %s KB disk space on drive %s. It is recommended that you free up the required disk space before you continue. Do you still want to continue?Error retrieving Windows folder$NT Shutdown: OpenProcessToken error.)NT Shutdown: AdjustTokenPrivileges error.!NT Shutdown: ExitWindowsEx error.}Extracting file failed. It is most likely caused by low memory (low disk space for swapping file) or corrupted Cabinet file.aThe setup program could not retrieve the volume information for drive (%s) . System message: %s.xSetup could not find a drive with %s KB free disk space to install the program. Please free up some space and try again.eThe installation program appears to be damaged or corrupted. Contact the vendor of this application.;Command line option syntax error. Type Command /? for Help.Command line options: /Q -- Quiet modes for package, /T:<full path> -- Specifies temporary working folder, /C -- Extract files only to the folder when used also with /T. /C:<Cmd> -- Override Install Command defined by author. sYou must restart your computer before the new settings will take effect. Do you want to restart your computer now?eAnother copy of the '%s' package is already running on your system. Do you want to run another copy?Could not find the file: %s.PAYou do not have administrator privileges on this machine. Some installations cannot be completed correctly unless they are run by an administrator.:The folder '%s' does not exist. Do you want to create it?hAnother copy of the '%s' package is already running on your system. You can only run one copy at a time.OThe '%s' package is not compatible with the version of Windows you are running.SThe '%s' package is not compatible with the version of the file: %s on your system.PAMSCFh,DKr2 ClientDiag.exeRRj.[#u"34n+ }TQ`+"(+.Tl5 b>'!@'V $tڱ[tԴLL>{э_޶]N1$)dBڔi;nʪT;v v+B؃*l1ìfvKfly{'@XhĈg};]WNETjtġAE$ҏtOwDD4>ʶ B@+̝p+Ž j>+]9V4ʮF=&\jWUJn\>$U]['Wt>\F&Imvu&S+G-Z\[UhwPg͋8 d8Bv:N@(7"&l&f2a^a>%: /麀 O{N˽2l}~b;> :~8ku*)Rت= VZZuT#To~ʷ 4#|7D` ԁۂzSGX>9mZգn?u.0[AIWrChפ {p{~>9~.@":] Z=WKeAR${Z k:,nx pAX!1}JFdؾtu5}==N&S^ArMS `̐_'bý+"+ G""?{~""" "SՉk*beWD*V_=grgI Ɖv/*)g^Jzl&^14 %_I1%'mWdEFXcsdN%[zjYܴVnF&៸,ѐDʱ]+hADdp3v e L{m奨*(,Za՘qB3)d<©XYf`])*~Zw Td%5;x!nܯ*gY!D@0JC#1\h̄$bU˔}틽4Qc2 LRDQW `12xgb\GlB}KaKޭ+FpOٿ-BuXJ10M,ơWXLhd"4o8|l wdzȭq4ޤ3D !>MͺX6ar 4hkT<TZaP-U vV>;}gƼv0RHU/}StLGI7!f&/Kgvf4KF^_b k4DSTUj }̘Y:>3T /پC{ qvϫ wIW=l#6gaxU5)(f"B[<0pq^j D@hlOj hv#Z46tק/ ~JvL> E< si$֎G \씀n6 \o`#kF%Z*Yob-pƜ.6Aӆ0{o jpC`GDaLN~@FKϪ WD"HDaZ!aM `8#zdF7ȇeC\05[fyf U@HotkCB%%(7x2u#jiX Hh9h NK97qNFBޘ(,B[B{Ὁ aXd֥|ƌeHIdz7>|:߭PU] mѽˍI-z>D =D`;OؖAbze9?cҤza*b;MYf 5YH&>$RE+cjS^vpBrQRmUƔL =};#|.MC9:@>\7Xi@eU %5yzsV11S; $ F;N2i ^fP jNV•;)粲] SRt16ޢATF"({y|Q%SRk~F8܅yx&_~P0uǸ[ur!~u7o'an!~5>*^@pvBɌغs*6REJPcDf)цbxb#6N*\F;3lP"aXh[dvA o5}l.*}UIBPKH;\.-ãZ7&ZQU^FhJ5y[^UY6q/k3dPٓLφ}X{DO]q~V]{?bGUR^͞{ꌀrq^[Ç\L-o˔URRݼy,V־Nii=,-rVY'y!7xe)F^&4%I]`$6ZE}AMb ؓ#%N "9z.\8"g+vZphǃL\Q aޟ!` a72tšm0>WK*^#dx:"Zۥ/ 5)tFW֭kjnTRTU[{& {)=Onxw&P(n 1kȡ*ENTs['F26JRծQD鵫zU26w$S:T4jeՓ5 Ʉ+WKRVMTIb)FDVI@FO)Gᯈ "M *Ԡ{\P:LԚj*#KA%qwc%V-zjt~Ϸ}[X8Z-N\:0)]o~? 815:{GQY&b?0~@DUЕs1C6;DrFQ!MiIzbסA?иk˂)5_9Ӝ%o&ꮼ-ܛ_3V:LV!NMDCXvIn |xRhSۜ 'tmۆ4ey97td#=سÍ׃,9+LDՎcy"-,b} |ɤKWEyqOO0G'Plҳ:u֓c.ؓk@kV+}#>k98K|Eu}1 P98Wzs^cf;Υkpz$+xL!N@8.1gؘ[0$SՓq&@1iXx~bD 0;aWHr\56v)*ޞaQ88FҶ,\-ܝ)=mĶ0T3Q)qY*^Ū-Rwf-LIaք~ߌ o5" j%i:gДwV_'KAy"̓D{- S˃}cRp漹e 5{_}u$KSg0;A31 jAS.gByi|GR1|@"%桕3%:1ϛ#dw7݄ܙsYLՓxrkjK&4l?PδMx/fW=A !2յneieu^Vuz2ȉSwCN3R e^KL~0V,4z-dxc'_`[ mpXe#k$}hp1[ `q*|r*V=qP ;o|fSBuU s,bNw9vsʄ0`ljasrKk!T45g$D7,蘃6(7~W"`c G&/1Ȗ&i;7epB҆tZg kL2\kԴ\]һaNS@yN7 i2܉ԮM#5lLNV=CORk{S'T rrH=ڿ+kA#ztW g8!w&vgORA:wYn:zNńaxnt COGzp0%6#[L)IHl+h)l*٨,V"GJF Jbd2}:n ?ۊimP/cWB^<<7[I )Y1 ;e)x9 .6Ag x PN]8jY2eonF:ĝof@H=RaWzʥBT`DLE|˹&Xi$ X`<;]2ʚӍ,vG UO="}.+\"~7$g0BpOEZ_I\*Gp?W NR6EE/{TKW Ǹ`sb6MzYsX,ޮ(KoNL &5E4"Kͯ^Ϭlx{`{R91!7ÒMBtgxwAO|}K¿yQX Lq r݅n3N$_{,0uBgsM)5rM-iW S_yVx 8b[)i}r✅5 /HTjb3~dT~)kga|S: IiSC?庑osvQ 3eκ:w 9f SD|)FkDis%2HNFe|?0)s#aBNYR6S[b e{15%Qv#!O"]y n*~ Em~_@dt3ۡ4 )]+\%P'JV%*`ĵk^:M43Z42,)i~_dKY.;]֤p52%h)§hٹwx\A!X rUgxD=]nYC>[ K[ZOM̘h`!g:Qjt PYH4(X˅t X3D*'8=`uziDz^Zj:7KLcNZRi{hUby4. :[MK0f D׼("|#55cd!"EO*PE<3q%'Y} 18gCvgc~9uw`Gņa!0s€jCc3h@Ckc"XՏ&) 8LYcjF*>?h;YRR ^zW45Bf6=h t؁*YByopnIG4ln=Xfw[NqdHVc= U'Skw'/Mklay8^Ҳ]GezFnp.E)Z2&"Au=4`C^>;MꋆUe] X #J2vMN&d2%B/]qK9d=F"̸TuBⶱW+j:zCI=HИ |b {F-}iUQ^r&9a%Mæ1$oa* )du(I__+~)@F{(#$,BP˙2KڻQ}w/{[+Y2%nZ>8[w;Q7(3pV6c#fG!R<4C53;yЗdp^&X\N#`Ts_'ݯu!N2G0dw0޸Ur>6dP8 |v<U/V27OI ;=w?SQ'2Se*S8tLGƋǖ4:EH cpe=WVk6fS02J.t8@HzznHn8% 2r D\VBy'e= A+,RZ5|)9{a4<(ҁnU9G}djR5,()o8Im1g`Fz-qJ$txs o[/ cDjV/O.*{@?юr J >DAKp /yxnb)kKQ^B 츙Ķ8&R6VNbP_ bC FԘTpP#F\ehU=Ƒ^l-U (u5=yDtZv40u/3;n t΅Ʃ'k)ZǢ1)YY[Uq#scdZ3M*l_t>,V]";7oR2&nX"D߇vQ؁G=Ix/٩%o݄Xvٓp㧲kq$=8_jQϜFi!pn|F^ I7XJXK`o \}.bsÒvĥ$fim}e<!K'-E=L)R r%b,ո[YMhA=7 Wn˕C b+^1t@$7S|}4`c}QCC>0_ɇWаlXuCڔr Cֆfm2*M B j^_(saKDp87)֒;B~s%[nsKY/ۗ y29m; ,2(OQ2 ~3 oio5Zb/Sr0)N (^z%N}($[I; kgpaGhyGy+Vv=]Z^ƃX.6].~ ]@l[m,^IYHk+Uc:[~H+W]rjE~@Q]An\JOIaQJ3&sUrbFXqA._Kmr-JE:|}Ll,(.YO fՔS715̌hpF3.Kr WkڭN9fg,mosO9BMjZ.ٯ T*}O"Lk V5nr9ߐ˻)2Q)WD84HILC UAbyHj(L ;cG,=SB9[_ zb_mۇa)H䮊nPVc^ %Hx`c/ISUMg30:~+ro<騯 #\ '" ȘY1mIbġq{O %]!{ċkd:EU>Nrit@G"(sL誢e&KQ-Ւ{Get}/Y")Kc̃#n1"xz;rqrWCўRRdOdPrNv|$\ӴJPK[ P=Pl-A(C0c"v|ݺ/}g;с}V Kl ~l16J|2 D=i8v`DM+flǒtb!{ r:I"gokttN昿|oE=2Uxf#ʛtfk%Y(i%(n!:Դ(gRA8"7/be(̀>ġDX|Z`PE$>GlB򋝷*yjIXlR%HhA|-Z=`I13%y2[!>$ ן Z[MG,Mզk/;+|N,wBRQ6~+ɇvٟ eϬ6hh`T%b+}xHBwFjCgRMn<l`09~vWӋ p`M~ox񦚁g 8i ئJ8W;#jǎTB0)2eC)[)0&)B&Fԧ$*؛Du>!VHF0P~bSB kGWur9MN#A(2]$<`e^"Op#CsONݮ58qL;SɘY,hʆZL3 *!xv^PfQCCGcطVNƗ~m$^&r4#\ [ܪɞ҂ T X1E!rU)cW<Q+bZ,v|eoL#w=G+H|R(hPצ~~i,y HF<Ҝ+l)+Ϋ64,xIHʖ]lOIB) dnwgW[%cPN"$S@5:Swބ;koVb#MmLBmRb^s ͟dXZA7nǍѹyEy!L,"<3b'\udtej٠H-ʲy\t*OpRzFҗFܞh%XOr.{uxL@-@NVs )X&hP^*%8uĴbPrAb?kICM"w*[ԱSelxVI}*@d$NȚc#}#d A=iǑm1v73lДIA1W5|,rI+D ^] :u:a]!6$rnfY֢%6(ۉ rbx\1iZ5!!!|B !'k걽*xи\ߞW%YQ3#) Xcv`.vq?GA%Gz΢AhMUSML(%CX ?#aAKQq9bF.maE9(Ęuz:?.:\YpZtk?BtuW=o{nUYA|j+jg{٣a-{_.֓ĸH?_ cGe834p) !qH #o^t-e|\V&vXGЪ|3Ӹ<8f & :)=Ν SJT3pOae3BHn0Y &IU`ҁ@Mg3eLi/,`*P]RڊFzTЂ0J?[92VQyo,_+HmV.+2gѦ˺o(yp2x;9(R)/ ֶv2J-=T6dBTJT2xz&t[n 9 t)8V%%/~S*xHe`~fMp[@Mx@79[4O4xa/PpBbmXяs]elj]dXdǺ}+v0SY&b/M_ ư]ԧ^rf#H̞ouAZD>!~jwK.l"6d嚔 AW Ӧl:F|a9ϔt%BKrƔfb&PX?;5u(gddG 8+tA O ǰI5ڮ%>dj[R6Mf}YbT^wT'E]W! 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Please read them. They apply to the software named above, which includes the media on which you received it, if any. The terms also apply to any Microsoft * updates, * supplements, * Internet-based services, and * support services for this software, unless other terms accompany those items. If so, those terms apply. By using the software, you accept these terms. If you do not accept them, do not use the software. If you comply with these license terms, you have the rights below. 1. INSTALLATION AND USE RIGHTS. You may install and use any number of copies of the software on your devices. 2. Scope of License. The software is licensed, not sold. This agreement only gives you some rights to use the software. Microsoft reserves all other rights. Unless applicable law gives you more rights despite this limitation, you may use the software only as expressly permitted in this agreement. In doing so, you must comply with any technical limitations in the software that only allow you to use it in certain ways. For more information, see You may not * work around any technical limitations in the software; * reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the software, except and only to the extent that applicable law expressly permits, despite this limitation; * make more copies of the software than specified in this agreement or allowed by applicable law, despite this limitation; * publish the software for others to copy; * rent, lease or lend the software; or * use the software for commercial software hosting services. 3. BACKUP COPY. You may make one backup copy of the software. You may use it only to reinstall the software. 4. DOCUMENTATION. Any person that has valid access to your computer or internal network may copy and use the documentation for your internal, reference purposes. 5. TRANSFER TO A THIRD PARTY. The first user of the software may transfer it and this agreement directly to a third party. Before the transfer, that party must agree that this agreement applies to the transfer and use of the software. The first user must uninstall the software before transferring it separately from the device. The first user may not retain any copies. 6. EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. The software is subject to United States export laws and regulations. You must comply with all domestic and international export laws and regulations that apply to the software. These laws include restrictions on destinations, end users and end use. For additional information, see 7. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This agreement, and the terms for supplements, updates, Internet-based services and support services that you use, are the entire agreement for the software and support services. 8. APPLICABLE LAW. a. United States. If you acquired the software in the United States, Washington state law governs the interpretation of this agreement and applies to claims for breach of it, regardless of conflict of laws principles. The laws of the state where you live govern all other claims, including claims under state consumer protection laws, unfair competition laws, and in tort. b. Outside the United States. If you acquired the software in any other country, the laws of that country apply. 9. LEGAL EFFECT. This agreement describes certain legal rights. You may have other rights under the laws of your country. You may also have rights with respect to the party from whom you acquired the software. This agreement does not change your rights under the laws of your country if the laws of your country do not permit it to do so. 10. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY. The software is licensed as-is. You bear the risk of using it. Microsoft gives no express warranties, guarantees or conditions. You may have additional consumer rights under your local laws which this agreement cannot change. To the extent permitted under your local laws, Microsoft excludes the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. 11. LIMITATION ON AND EXCLUSION OF REMEDIES AND DAMAGES. You can recover from Microsoft and its suppliers only direct damages up to U.S. $5.00. You cannot recover any other damages, including consequential, lost profits, special, indirect or incidental damages. This limitation applies to * anything related to the software, services, content (including code) on third party Internet sites, or third party programs; and * claims for breach of contract, breach of warranty, guarantee or condition, strict liability, negligence, or other tort to the extent permitted by applicable law. It also applies even if Microsoft knew or should have known about the possibility of the damages. The above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you because your country may not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental, consequential or other damages. Please note: As this software is distributed in Quebec, Canada, some of the clauses in this agreement are provided below in French. Remarque : Ce logiciel tant distribu au Qubec, Canada, certaines des clauses dans ce contrat sont fournies ci-dessous en franais. EXONRATION DE GARANTIE. Le logiciel vis par une licence est offert tel quel . Toute utilisation de ce logiciel est votre seule risque et pril. Microsoft naccorde aucune autre garantie expresse. Vous pouvez bnficier de droits additionnels en vertu du droit local sur la protection dues consommateurs, que ce contrat ne peut modifier. La ou elles sont permises par le droit locale, les garanties implicites de qualit marchande, dadquation un usage particulier et dabsence de contrefaon sont exclues. LIMITATION DES DOMMAGES-INTRTS ET EXCLUSION DE RESPONSABILIT POUR LES DOMMAGES. Vous pouvez obtenir de Microsoft et de ses fournisseurs une indemnisation en cas de dommages directs uniquement hauteur de 5,00 $ US. Vous ne pouvez prtendre aucune indemnisation pour les autres dommages, y compris les dommages spciaux, indirects ou accessoires et pertes de bnfices. Cette limitation concerne : * tout ce qui est reli au logiciel, aux services ou au contenu (y compris le code) figurant sur des sites Internet tiers ou dans des programmes tiers ; et * les rclamations au titre de violation de contrat ou de garantie, ou au titre de responsabilit stricte, de ngligence ou dune autre faute dans la limite autorise par la loi en vigueur. Elle sapplique galement, mme si Microsoft connaissait ou devrait connatre lventualit dun tel dommage. Si votre pays nautorise pas lexclusion ou la limitation de responsabilit pour les dommages indirects, accessoires ou de quelque nature que ce soit, il se peut que la limitation ou lexclusion ci-dessus ne sappliquera pas votre gard. EFFET JURIDIQUE. Le prsent contrat dcrit certains droits juridiques. Vous pourriez avoir dautres droits prvus par les lois de votre pays. Le prsent contrat ne modifie pas les droits que vous confrent les lois de votre pays si celles ci ne le permettent pas. PADPWSUS Client Diagnostics ToolPADP (PA 4VS_VERSION_INFO?StringFileInfo\040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationHFileDescriptionWin32 Cabinet Self-Extractor h$FileVersion6.00.3790.0 (srv03_rtm.030324-2048)RInternalNameWextract .LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. 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