Here, you can modify the main templates of the admin control panel. Be sure to modify with care and to leave the comments in for refrence.
Grestul Management - Main Comments Style.
You are currently modifying: Main comment style.
'; echo "Template Updated!"; echo '
'; } else if($_POST['Submit']){ echo '
'; echo "Can't update the template! — make sure the file is CHMODded."; echo '
'; } ?>
Main Comment Style "; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "\n "; }else if(is_writable(GRESTUL_ROOT.'inc/style.css')) { $file = file(GRESTUL_ROOT.'inc/style.css'); echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo "\n
"; } else { echo '
'; echo "The style.css file isn't writable! Please CHMOD inc/style.css to use this editor"; echo '
'; } ?>