Here, you can modify the general configuration such as, site name, comments per page, make backups, and allot more.
Grestul System - General configuration
Do not touch fields that do not require changing.
General Configurations
'; echo 'Website Name:
'; echo '

"; echo ''; echo ''; echo 'Comments Per page:
'; echo ''; echo '"; echo ''; echo ''; ?>

'; echo "The Backup created successfully!"; echo '
'; exit; } else { echo '
'; echo "The backup couldn't be created! — You must create it manually. "; echo '
'; } } ?>
Database Backups
read()) { if(($f!= ".") && ($f!= "..")) { if(!is_dir($f)) $count++; } } echo "Their are total of $count backups on record.

"; $sub = ($_GET['dir']); $path = 'inc/backup'; $path = $path . "$sub"; $dh = opendir($path); $i=1; while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if($file != "." && $file != "..") { if (substr($file, -4, -3) =="."){ echo "\n\n $i ) $file $size

"; }else{ echo "$i ) $file

"; } $i++; } } closedir($dh); } elseif (isset($_POST['hide'])) { $dir = 'inc/backup/'; $count = 0; $d = dir($dir); while ($f = $d->read()) { if(($f!= ".") && ($f!= "..")) { if(!is_dir($f)) $count++; } } echo "Their are total of $count backups on record."; } else { $dir = 'inc/backup/'; $count = 0; $d = dir($dir); while ($f = $d->read()) { if(($f!= ".") && ($f!= "..")) { if(!is_dir($f)) $count++; } } echo "Their are total of $count backups on record."; } ?>

$v) { if ($k != 'sub') // ignore submit button { $str .= "\$$k='$v';\n"; // add line to config file text } } $str .= "?>"; $file_open = fopen(GRESTUL_ROOT.'inc/settings.php', "w+"); fwrite($file_open, $str); $fclose($file_open); } ?>