Welcome to the Grestul Administration Panel! Use the tabs above to switch between controls. Here on the homepage, you'll find information about the system, credits, and the current released version.
Grestul System Overview
Check for updates.
System Information $count]"; echo '

'; echo "[Installed php version: $version]"; echo '
'; echo '
'; $t=mysql_query("select version() as ve"); echo mysql_error(); $r=mysql_fetch_object($t); echo "[Mysql Version: $r->ve]"; // lets see how long it took $timeg = microtime(); $timeg = explode(' ', $timeg); $timeg = $timeg[1] + $timeg[0]; $finish = $timeg; $total_time = round(($finish - $start), 4); echo '

[Page load - '.$total_time.' seconds]'."\n\n"; ?>
Head Developers & Team Leaders
Imad Jomaa
Imad Jomaa
Graphics & stylsheet developer
Imad Jomaa