This general-purpose definition is designed to catch a wide range of spam, with particular emphasis on: * Sexual content and penile enlargement ads * Pharmacy and bogus health cures * General unwanted commercial "services" * Spam tools * 419 scams (the "Nigerian funds transfer" scam) This ruleset aggressively filters messages containing Lazy HTML (HTML with references to remote graphics): if you receive a lot of legitimate mail containing Lazy HTML, you will either need to whitelist the sources of that mail, or else remove the test. This rulest also regards any message containing more than 25% non-ASCII characters as spam, so if you receive a lot of legitimate mail of this type you will need to take steps to deal with that. We recommend that you do not directly modify this rule set, because subsequent versions of Mercury will usually attempt to update it. Instead, create a copy of this set and work on the copy, disabling this one. This rule set is a standard part of the Mercury/32 distribution and is updated from time to time: you can find updated rule sets on our web site, at -