b0VIM 7.3݄R$WojciechSZAREPUDLOy:/opt/thirdparty/tarballs/xampp/windows/xampp-windows-workspace-9/xampp/security/htdocs/lang/en.phpU3210#"! Utp_)`, J]6\3ad$_[Z,+gC! d <  ^ 9  h g G  | { L ' & o J %  a` ji>^*mG[Z48+ $TEXT['security-head'] = "XAMPP SECURITY"; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // SECURITY // --------------------------------------------------------------------- $TEXT['status-tab3'] = "Hint"; $TEXT['status-tab2'] = "Status"; $TEXT['status-tab1'] = "Component"; $TEXT['status-nok'] = "DEACTIVATED"; $TEXT['status-ok'] = "ACTIVATED"; $TEXT['status-lookfaq'] = "see FAQ"; $TEXT['status-oci8-url'] = "http://www.apachefriends.org/faq-lampp-en.html#oci8"; $TEXT['status-oci8'] = "PHP extension OCI8/Oracle"; $TEXT['status-named'] = "Domain Name Service (DNS)"; $TEXT['status-tomcat'] = "Tomcat Service"; $TEXT['status-ftp'] = "FTP Service"; $TEXT['status-smtp'] = "SMTP Service"; $TEXT['status-mmcache-url'] = "http://www.apachefriends.org/faq-wampp-en.html#mmcache"; $TEXT['status-mmcache'] = "PHP extension Turck MMCache"; $TEXT['status-python'] = "Python with mod_python"; $TEXT['status-ssi'] = "Server Side Includes (SSI)"; $TEXT['status-cgi'] = "Common Gateway Interface (CGI)"; $TEXT['status-perl'] = "Perl with mod_perl"; $TEXT['status-php'] = "PHP"; $TEXT['status-ssl'] = "HTTPS (SSL)"; $TEXT['status-mysql'] = "MySQL database"; $TEXT['status-text2'] = "Some changes to the configuration sometime may cause false negative status reports. With SSL (https://localhost) all these reports do not function!"; $TEXT['status-text1'] = "This page offers you on one view all information about what's running and working and what's not."; $TEXT['status-head'] = "XAMPP Status"; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // STATUS // --------------------------------------------------------------------- $TEXT['navi-chinese'] = "中文"; $TEXT['navi-slovenian'] = "Slovenian"; $TEXT['navi-portuguese'] = "Portugus"; $TEXT['navi-polish'] = "Polski"; $TEXT['navi-norwegian'] = "Norsk"; $TEXT['navi-dutch'] = "Nederlands"; $TEXT['navi-italian'] = "Italiano"; $TEXT['navi-french'] = "Francais"; $TEXT['navi-spanish'] = "Espaol"; $TEXT['navi-german'] = "Deutsch"; $TEXT['navi-english'] = "English"; $TEXT['navi-languages'] = "Languages"; $TEXT['navi-guest1'] = "FCKeditor"; $TEXT['navi-specialguest'] = "Current Guest"; $TEXT['navi-jpgraph'] = "JpGraph"; $TEXT['navi-filezilla'] = "FileZilla FTP"; $TEXT['navi-mercury'] = "Mercury Mail"; $TEXT['navi-webalizer'] = "Webalizer"; $TEXT['navi-phpmyadmin'] = "phpMyAdmin"; $TEXT['navi-tools'] = "Tools"; $TEXT['navi-phpswitch'] = "PHP Switch"; $TEXT['navi-jsp'] = "Java"; $TEXT['navi-python'] = "Python"; $TEXT['navi-perl'] = "Perl"; $TEXT['navi-adodb'] = "ADOdb"; $TEXT['navi-pear'] = "PEAR:Excel_Writer"; $TEXT['navi-perlasp'] = "Perl:ASP"; $TEXT['navi-phonebook'] = "Phone Book"; $TEXT['navi-iart2'] = "Flash Art"; $TEXT['navi-iart'] = "Instant Art"; $TEXT['navi-perlenv'] = "MiniPerl"; $TEXT['navi-guest'] = "Guest Book"; $TEXT['navi-bio'] = "Biorhythm"; $TEXT['navi-cdcol'] = "CD Collection"; $TEXT['navi-demos'] = "Demos"; $TEXT['navi-about'] = "About XAMPP"; $TEXT['navi-components'] = "Components"; $TEXT['navi-doc'] = "Documentation"; $TEXT['navi-security'] = "Security"; $TEXT['navi-status'] = "Status"; $TEXT['navi-welcome'] = "Welcome"; $TEXT['navi-xampp'] = "XAMPP"; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // NAVIGATION // --------------------------------------------------------------------- $TEXT['global-xampp'] = "XAMPP for Windows"; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // GLOBAL // --------------------------------------------------------------------- $TEXT['guest1-text3'] = "The example page written with the FCKeditor."; $TEXT['guest1-text2'] = "FCKeditor Homepage: www.fckeditor.net. Note: The Arial font do NOT function here, but i do not know why!"; $TEXT['guest1-text1'] = "A very nice HMTL ONLINE editor with much more JavaScript. Optimized for the IE. But do not function with the Mozilla FireFox."; $TEXT['guest1-name'] = "Current Guest in this release: FCKeditor"; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Guest // --------------------------------------------------------------------- $TEXT['path-cocoon'] = "And the correct folder on your disk is: ...\\xampp\\tomcat\\webapps\\cocoon"; $TEXT['go-cocoon'] = "Cocoon now with http://localhost/cocoon/"; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Cocoon // --------------------------------------------------------------------- $TEXT['switch-not'] = "My PHP is okay AND i will NOT a \"switch\" !!!
Super! Then forget this here ... ;-)
";ad]jizW9 t * ) i D C  ; &  V U  ZYon3~U1pfnm?>rq' $TEXT['mail-head'] = "Mailing with Mercury Mail SMTP and POP3 Server"; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // MERCURY // --------------------------------------------------------------------- $TEXT['srccode-in'] = "Get the source here"; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // CODE // --------------------------------------------------------------------- $TEXT['about-subhead4'] = "Contact persons"; $TEXT['about-subhead3'] = "Collaboration"; $TEXT['about-subhead2'] = "Design"; $TEXT['about-subhead1'] = "Idea and realisation"; $TEXT['about-head'] = "About XAMPP"; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // ABOUT // --------------------------------------------------------------------- $TEXT['phonebook-button2'] = "ADD"; $TEXT['phonebook-button1'] = "DELETE"; $TEXT['phonebook-head2'] = "Add entry"; $TEXT['phonebook-sure'] = "Sure?"; $TEXT['phonebook-attrib4'] = "Command"; $TEXT['phonebook-attrib3'] = "Phone number"; $TEXT['phonebook-attrib2'] = "First name"; $TEXT['phonebook-attrib1'] = "Last name"; $TEXT['phonebook-head1'] = "My phone numbers"; $TEXT['phonebook-error'] = "Couldn't open the database!"; $TEXT['phonebook-text1'] = "A very simple phone book script. But implemented with a very modern and up-to-date technology: SQLite, the SQL database without server."; $TEXT['phonebook-head'] = "Phone Book (Example for PHP+SQLite)"; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // PHONE BOOK DEMO // --------------------------------------------------------------------- $TEXT['flash-ok'] = "OK"; $TEXT['flash-text1'] = "The MING project for win32 does not exist any longer and it is not complete.
Please read this: Ming - an SWF output library and PHP module"; $TEXT['flash-head'] = "Flash Art (Example for PHP+MING)"; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // FLASH ART DEMO // --------------------------------------------------------------------- $TEXT['iart-ok'] = "OK"; $TEXT['iart-text1'] = "Font AnkeCalligraph by Anke Arnold"; $TEXT['iart-head'] = "Instant Art (Example for PHP+GD+FreeType)"; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // INSTANT ART DEMO // --------------------------------------------------------------------- $TEXT['bio-physical'] = "Physical"; $TEXT['bio-emotional'] = "Emotional"; $TEXT['bio-intellectual'] = "Intellectual"; $TEXT['bio-today'] = "Today"; $TEXT['bio-birthday'] = "Birthday"; $TEXT['bio-error2'] = "is invalid"; $TEXT['bio-error1'] = "Date"; $TEXT['bio-ok'] = "OK"; $TEXT['bio-ask'] = "Please enter your date of birth"; $TEXT['bio-by'] = "by"; $TEXT['bio-head'] = "Biorhythm (Example for PHP+GD)"; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // BIORHYTHM DEMO // --------------------------------------------------------------------- $TEXT['cds-button2'] = "ADD CD"; $TEXT['cds-button1'] = "DELETE CD"; $TEXT['cds-head2'] = "Add CD"; $TEXT['cds-sure'] = "Sure?"; $TEXT['cds-attrib4'] = "Command"; $TEXT['cds-attrib3'] = "Year"; $TEXT['cds-attrib2'] = "Title"; $TEXT['cds-attrib1'] = "Artist"; $TEXT['cds-head1'] = "My CDs"; $TEXT['cds-error'] = "Could not connect to database!
Is MySQL running or did you change the password?"; $TEXT['cds-text2'] = "CD list as PDF document."; $TEXT['cds-text1'] = "A very simple CD programm.";ad6pU0 E  ; i   6 $  R898dP#"E{q'& $TEXT['ADOdb-head'] = "ADOdb - Another DB access (PHP)"; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // ADODB // --------------------------------------------------------------------- $TEXT['jpgraph-url'] = "

http://www.aditus.nu/jpgraph/"; $TEXT['jpgraph-head'] = "JpGraph - Graph Library for PHP"; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // JPGRAPH // --------------------------------------------------------------------- $TEXT['pear-cell'] = "The value of a cell"; $TEXT['pear-text'] = "A short Manual from Bjrn Schotte of ThinkPHP (only in german)"; $TEXT['pear-head'] = "Excel export with PEAR (PHP)"; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // PEAR // --------------------------------------------------------------------- $TEXT['filezilla-url'] = "

http://filezilla.sourceforge.net"; $TEXT['filezilla-install4'] = "The FTP Server is shutdown with the \"FileZillaFTP_stop.bat\". For FileZilla FTP as service, please use the \"FileZillaServer.exe\" directly. Then, you can configure all start options."; The default interface is the loopback address"; B: An anonymous user \"anonymous\", no password. The home directory is xampp\anonymous.

A: A default user \"newuser\", password \"wampp\". The home directory is xampp\htdocs.
$TEXT['filezilla-install3'] = "Configure \"FileZilla FTP\". For this, please use the FileZilla Interface with the \"FileZilla Server Interface.exe\". Two Users are in this example:

$TEXT['filezilla-install2'] = "Into the main directory of xampp, start \"filezilla_setup.bat\" for setup. Attention: For Windows NT, 2000 and XP Professional, FileZilla needs to install as service."; $TEXT['filezilla-install'] = "Apache is not a FTP Server ... but FileZilla FTP is one. Please consider the following references."; $TEXT['filezilla-head'] = "FileZilla FTP Server"; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // FileZilla FTP // --------------------------------------------------------------------- $TEXT['mail-url'] = "http://www.pmail.com/overviews/ovw_mercury.htm"; ";
  • spam and other obscenities are totally forbidden with Mercury!;
  • one test user called \"newuser\" (newuser@localhost) with the Password = wampp;
  • to test, please send a message to postmaster@localhost or admin@localhost and check for these messages in the following folders: xampp.../mailserver/MAIL/postmaster or (...)/admin;
  • the config file of Mercury is called MERCURY.INI;
  • For all user of gateway servers: Please set your DNS via TCP/IP (f.e. via InterNic with the IP number;
  • on startup, Mercury defines the Domain Name Service (DNS) automatically as the name server of your provider;
  • Mercury needs an external connection on startup;
  • $TEXT['mail-help2'] = "";
  • If your computer is not online or blocked by a firewall, your servers are SECURE against outside attacks.
  • For FileZilla FTP und Mercury Mail, you must fix all security problems by yourself! Sorry.
  • All these test are made ONLY for host \"localhost\" (
  • Some other important notes:
  • Perl Tutorial by Nik Silver
  • HTML - An Interactive Tutorial For Beginners by Dave Kristula
  • PHP Tutorial by David Gowans
  • Apache Friends documentation ";
  • FPDF Class documentation
  • eAccelerator
  • MySQL documentation
  • Perl documentation
  • PHP referenz documentation
  • Apache 2 documentation