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xmlns:lp%ld="%s"1`o22PAoopopoooC:\msys\1.0\home\Carsten_Wiedmann\httpd-2.2.14\modules\dav\main\mod_dav.callow Depth infinity PROPFIND requestsDAVDepthInfinityspecify minimum allowed timeoutDAVMinTimeoutspecify the DAV provider for a directory or locationDAVA subtree cannot specify a different DAV provider than its parent."DAV Off" cannot be used to turn off a subtree of a DAV-enabled location.Unknown DAV provider: %sofffilesystemonDAVMinTimeout requires a non-negative integer.An invalid Depth header was specified.10infinityDepthDAV/2SEARCHBINDThe request was invalid: the URI included an un-escaped hash characterbuggy client used un-escaped hash in Request-URIdav-handler

text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1Unable to deliver content.Unable to set up HTTP headers.verbose-error-to* %s > xmlns:C="%s"> xmlns:m="" HTTP/1.1 > xmlns:ns%d="%s" %s [%d, #%d]The provider did not define a resource for %s.Could not fetch resource information.labelResourceThe file was PUT successfully, but there was a problem updating its lock information.The file was PUT successfully, but there was a problem opening the lock database which prevents inheriting locks from the parent resources.The PUT was successful, but there was a problem automatically checking in the resource or its parent collection.Could not get next bucket brigadeAn error occurred while reading the request body.Unable to PUT new contents for %s.Cannot PUT to a collection.Cannot create resource %s with PUT.%s %s has been created.Locationbytes content-rangeThe DELETE was successful, but there was a problem automatically checking in the parent collection.Could not DELETE %s.Could not DELETE %s due to a failed precondition (e.g. locks).Depth of "1" is not allowed for DELETE.Depth must be "infinity" for DELETE of a collection. supported-report-setsupported-live-property-setsupported-method-setAllowLABELCHECKOUTUNCHECKOUTCHECKINMKACTIVITYMKWORKSPACEVERSION-CONTROLUNLOCKLOCKPUTMKCOLMOVECOPYPROPPATCHPROPFINDTRACEDELETEPOSTHEADGETOPTIONSMS-Author-Via,bindings1,2The "options" element was not found.optionsA DAV:supported-method element does not have a "name" attributenamesupported-method A DAV:supported-live-property element does not have a "name" attributeDAV:namespacesupported-live-property The property database could not be opened, preventing report of supported properties.The lock database could not be opened, preventing the reporting of supported lock properties.A DAV:supported-report element does not have a "name" attributesupported-report DAV:supported-report-set could not be determined due to a problem fetching the available reports for this resource. Provider encountered an error while streaming a multistatus PROPFIND response.The lock database could not be opened, preventing access to the various lock properties for the PROPFIND.The "propfind" element does not contain one of the required child elements (the specific command).proppropnameallpropThe "propfind" element was not found.propfindPROPFIND requests with a Depth of "infinity" are not allowed for %s. HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found The request body does not contain a "propertyupdate" element.A "prop" element is missing inside the propertyupdate command.setremoveCould not open the property database for %s.propertyupdate HTTP/1.1 %d (status) Attempted DAV:remove operation could not be completed due to other errors.Attempted DAV:set operation could not be completed due to other errors. HTTP/1.1 200 OK CollectionThe MKCOL was successful, but there was a problem updating its lock information.The MKCOL was successful, but there was a problem opening the lock database which prevents inheriting locks from the parent resources.The MKCOL was successful, but there was a problem automatically checking in the parent collection.Invalid Content-Length %sUnknown Transfer-Encoding %schunkedContent-LengthTransfer-EncodingThe MOVE/COPY was successful, but there was a problem updating the lock information.The MOVE/COPY was successful, but there was a problem automatically checking in the destination or its parent collection.The MOVE/COPY was successful, but there was a problem automatically checking in the source parent collection.Could not MOVE/COPY %s.Destination collection contains the Source and Overwrite has been specified.Source collection contains the Destination.Could not MOVE/COPY %s due to a failed precondition on the destination (e.g. locks).Could not MOVE %s due to a failed precondition on the source (e.g. locks).Depth must be "infinity" when moving a collection.Depth must be "0" or "infinity" for COPY or MOVE.Source and Destination URIs are the same.Destination is not empty and Overwrite is not "T"Destination URI is handled by a different repository than the source URI. MOVE or COPY between repositories is not possible.DAV not enabled for Destination URI.Destination URI had an error.WWW-Authenticate%sThe request is missing a Destination header.http://%s%sNew-uriHostDestinationCannot COPY/MOVE resource %s.An invalid Overwrite header was specified.Overwrite %s Lock-Token<>The lock refresh for %s failed because no lock tokens were specified in an "If:" header.Could not LOCK %s due to a failed precondition (e.g. other locks).Depth must be 0 or "infinity" for LOCK.The UNLOCK on %s failed -- an invalid lock token was specified in the "If:" header.Unlock failed (%s): No Lock-Token specified in headerVersion selectorThe VERSION-CONTROL was successful, but there was a problem updating its lock information.The VERSION-CONTROL was successful, but there was a problem opening the lock database which prevents inheriting locks from the parent resources.The VERSION-CONTROL was successful, but there was a problem automatically checking in the parent collection.Could not VERSION-CONTROL resource %s.Cache-Controlno-cacheAn "href" element does not contain a URI.The "version" element does not contain an "href" element.hrefThe "version-control" element does not contain a "version" element.versionThe request body does not contain a "version-control" element.version-controlChecked-out resourceCould not CHECKOUT resource %s.The resource is already checked out to the workspace.Cannot checkout unversioned resource.Cannot checkout this type of resource.Within the DAV:activity-set element, the DAV:new element must be used, or at least one DAV:href must be specified.newactivity-setfork-okunreservedDAV:apply-to-version cannot be used in conjunction with a Label header.apply-to-versionThe request body, if present, must be a DAV:checkout element.checkoutCould not UNCHECKOUT resource %s.The resource is not checked out to the workspace.Cannot uncheckout unversioned resource.Cannot uncheckout this type of resource.VersionCould not CHECKIN resource %s.The resource is not checked out.Cannot checkin unversioned resource.Cannot checkin this type of resource.keep-checked-outThe request body, if present, must be a DAV:checkin element.checkinThe request body does not contain an "update" element.The "update" element does not contain a "label-name" or "version" element.Could not UPDATE %s.Version URI had an error.Depth must be zero for UPDATE with a versionThe version element does not contain an "href" element.A "label-name" or "href" element does not contain any content.label-nameupdateThe request body does not contain a "label" element.The "label" element does not contain an "add", "set", or "remove" element.Errors occurred during the LABEL operation.The LABEL operation was terminated prematurely.A "label-name" element does not contain a label name.The label command element does not contain a "label-name" element.addProvider encountered an error while streaming a REPORT response.The request body must specify a report.The request body does not contain a "mkworkspace" element.WorkspaceCould not create workspace %s.mkworkspaceActivityCould not create activity %s.The request body must be present and must be a DAV:merge element.Could not MERGE resource "%s" into "%s".text/xmlno-checkoutno-auto-mergeMerge source URI had an error.The DAV:source element must contain a DAV:href element.The DAV:merge element must contain a DAV:source element.sourcemergeBindingThe BIND was successful, but there was a problem automatically checking in the source parent collection.Could not BIND %s.Could not BIND %s due to a failed precondition on the destination (e.g. locks).Destination URI is handled by a different repository than the source URI. BIND between repositories is not possible.Cross server bindings are not allowed by this server.gather_propsetsfind_livepropinsert_all_livepropssupportedlocklockdiscoverygetcontentlanguagegetcontenttypeINTERNAL DESIGN ERROR: resource must define its URI. %s Content-LanguageDAV:lockdiscovery could not be determined due to a problem fetching the locks for this resource.<%s:%s/> <%s/> Could not open the property database.lp xmlns:%s%ld="%s"Attempted to set/remove a property without a valid, open, read/write property database.Property is read-only.Could not execute PROPPATCH.davresourcetypedisplaynamecreator-displaynamecomment %s Destination URI contains invalid components (a query or a fragment).Destination URI refers to different scheme or port (%s://hostname:%d) (want: %s://hostname:%d)Destination URI must be an absolute URI.Invalid syntax in Destination URI.g%d xmlns:%s="%s"Second-InfiniteTimeoutError(s) occurred on resources during the validation process. HTTP/1.1 424 Failed Dependency An error occurred on another resource, preventing the requested operation on this resource. The error was: A validation error has occurred on the parent resource, preventing the operation on the resource specified by the Request-URI.Cannot access parent of repository root.ETagDESIGN ERROR: dav_validate_request called with depth>0, but no response ptr.Invalid "If:" header: Unexpected character encountered (0x%02x, '%c').Invalid "If:" header: Multiple "not" entries for the same state.Internal server error parsing "If:" header.Invalid If-header: unclosed "(".Invalid If-header: unclosed "<" or unexpected tagged-list production.Invalid URI in tagged If-header.IfThe precondition(s) specified by the "If:" header did not match this resource. At least one failure is because: %sThe preconditions specified by the "If:" header did not match this resource.The locktoken specified in the "Lock-Token:" header did not specify one of this resource's locktoken(s).This resource is locked and the "If:" header did not specify one of the locktokens for this resource's lock(s).User "" submitted a locktoken created by user "".an entity-tag was specified using the "Not" form, but the resource's actual ETag matches the provided entity-tag was specified, but the resource's actual ETag does not match.a State-token was supplied, but it was not found in the locks on this resource.a State-token was supplied, which used a "Not" condition. The State-token was found in the locks on this resourcea State-token was supplied, but a lock database is not available for to provide the required unknown state token was suppliedThe locktoken specified in the "Lock-Token:" header is invalid because this resource has no outstanding locks.This resource is locked and an "If:" header was not supplied to allow access to the resource.The requested resource is already locked exclusively.Existing lock(s) on the requested resource prevent an exclusive lock.The locks could not be queried for verification against a possible "If:" header.If-None-MatchIf-MatchNo locktokens were specified in the "If:" header, so the refresh could not be performed.,LabelVaryLabelMissing one or more intermediate collections. Cannot create resource %s.Unable to checkout resource %s.Unable to create versioned resource %s.Unable to auto-checkout parent collection. Cannot create resource %s.The locks could not be queried for determining auto-versioning behavior.Cannot open lock database to determine auto-versioning behavior.Auto-checkout is only enabled for locked resources, but there is no lock provider.Unable to auto-checkin parent collection %s.Unable to auto-checkin resource %s.Unable to undo auto-checkout of parent collection %s.Unable to undo auto-version-control of resource %s.Unable to undo auto-checkout of resource %s. Second-%lu%s DESIGN ERROR: attempted to product an activelock element from a partial, indirect lock record. Creating an XML parsing error to ease detection of this situation: <The server cannot satisfy the LOCK request due to an unknown XML element ("%s") within the DAV:lockinfo element.ownersharedexclusivelockscopewritelocktypeCould not parse the lockinfo due to an internal problem creating a lock structure.The request body contains an unexpected XML root element.lockinfoError(s) occurred on resources during the addition of a depth lock.The specified locktoken does not correspond to an existing lock on this resource.The lock database is corrupt. A direct lock could not be found for the corresponding indirect lock on this resource.C:\msys\1.0\home\Carsten_Wiedmann\httpd-2.2.14\modules\dav\main\util_lock.cFailed to query lock-null status for %sThe resource was created successfully, but there was a problem inheriting locks from the parent resource.Could not fetch parent resource. Unable to inherit locks from the parent and apply them to this resource. 8Ph  `(t`4VS_VERSION_INFO?StringFileInfo040904b00 CommentsLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.VCompanyNameApache Software FoundationTFileDescriptiondav_module for Apache.FileVersion2.2.146 2009 The Apache Software Foundation.> OriginalFilenamemod_dav.soFProductNameApache HTTP Server2ProductVersion2.2.14DVarFileInfo$Translation module for Apache T00!040A0\0i0p0|00122 222%2/282>2I2O2c2h2{2223>3Q3]3m3s334444445I5`555555556 616O666666666667 777 7@7^7m7s7x7Z9p999999999999C:P:}::::F;K;U;[;a;p;{;;;;;;;;<+)>1>C>K>T>e>r>>>>>>??%?+?X?_?k????? 0000011112022222>3w333,484?4I4U4\4444444 5D55536M6\6b666647<7C7v788899+919H9Q9\9f9u9|9999:$:):0:5:::c:h:p:u:}::::::::::::::::::; ;;;;#;+;0;?;D;L;Q;|;;;;;;;;;;< <<#<(M>S>Y>u>>>>>>> ??3?U?y?????00L0f0n000191f11122;2h2t2222223?33334444455+5D5V5s555555666b777o8x888859M9999%:R:p:::;+;[;t;;;;;=1m112 2-222D2T2h2o2{2222 33+373>3F3i333 4\4444444B5J5Q5555777828}8888'969<99999W::::; ;;b;u;;;;<<.<5<;>>>>>?+?7?F?L?s?????P000000.1\1111112252L2S2\222222 313O3^3d333 4P4X4_4444444H5f555555+6?6N6\6b6y6667I7Q7X77788D8P8_8e8|8888b9q9w99:':.:_:d:k:v::::;;;;;<<6i>w>}>>>????`00"0)0W0\0c0m00000161s1{111111222H2Y2l2{22223T3j3333333)4@4G4|4445&5/5=5C555555;6|66666F7|788&8Z8|88888 99999%9-9J9T9a9g9q999999999999:$:1:7:A:U::::::::::: ;;!;';1;D;n;;;;<<<< ====>+>3>}>>>>6?C?]?v?}?????????p0 0060=0L000011\11222222?3333444;556667^8d8k88888888889#9*9F9M9\9p9w9999999999':G:U::$;|;<<=O=b={=====>>#>/>????000J000181U111112'212b22222222 33"363B3W3h33333,434V4]444455d666666<7b7o7z77788!8M8T88849;99:!:<::::::::;;<;@;D;H;L;;<<=@=v===>>????;0A0G0N00001 1T1m12222J33333334444*525955556M6U6\6666*7U7778 8O8W8^8888.969=9999J:V:h:t::::::::::;;;.;P;u;;;;<>->?D00q111%22=3333333334444'4<4H4N4p444455<111111112 2$2(2,282D2T2d2t22222222200D0H0L0P0T0X0NB10JC:\msys\1.0\home\Carsten_Wiedmann\httpd-2.2.14\modules\dav\main\Release\mod_dav.pdb0 *H r0n1 0 +0h +7Z0X03 +70% <<<Obsolete>>>0!0 +{~ [)l {00zU0  *H 0>1 0 UPL10U Unizeto Sp. z o.o.10U Certum CA0 090303125815Z 240303125815Z01 0 UPL1"0 U Unizeto Technologies S.A.1'0%U Certum Certification Authority1'0%UCertum Time-Stamping Authority0"0  *H 0 v^ ?@a$#Sӱ3Oi,f5\G'Cgf1 0 UPL10U Unizeto Sp. z o.o.10U Certum CA0 090303125230Z 240303125230Z0v1 0 UPL1"0 U Unizeto Technologies S.A.1'0%U Certum Certification Authority10UCertum Level I CA0"0  *H 0 B83 jCG :rZ0U*ٸ$5ݸ^Ef|ɺw"uSA~V I+߉rsOLST`^ aI&M3$rdD魂|OHj:⾦JFڍ-aX{tF4~)n7=H(Ji<+n4sEs-Ѣ9pv7)`"wa*Tԧwnu00U00U0Ucn(6E5<r;0RU#K0IB@0>1 0 UPL10U Unizeto Sp. z o.o.10U Certum CA 0,U%0#0! 3010/U 0'0%+  *H bF!pU=zۤ/kw֓ uK^6T0ꆗR@Ďc2PBcBY$ɵexOYl@F(n'5N=@7kJHӋ 󈗏bӒZm%9?"O@w}SZ";( ,͇pGVaBykcw1`' 9{i.ay>7/Sc zW( EOU1kG EE!8֝00{d0  *H 0v1 0 UPL1"0 U Unizeto Technologies S.A.1'0%U Certum Certification Authority10UCertum Level I CA0 091031233306Z 100129233306Z0m1 0 UDE10U open source developer10UCarsten Wiedmann1#0! *H  carsten_sttgt@gmx.de0"0  *H 0 (Ĥ C|ף+<;Or:ꚠZ#AvhoN:jvj5> *.3FEr'򄲁2%}.|նSr< ȚZr+HC܂hʹӱ(KURʮ|\y̢_{l(.xZǂo@t̲zO%0Npt6I}}Y5Q<诐1 0 UPL10U Unizeto Sp. z o.o.10U Certum CAzU0 +0 *H  1  *H 0 *H  1 091111135426Z0# *H  1Aܭ-kiG0v *H   1g0e0c0a ,bM//f˨ a0I0B@0>1 0 UPL10U Unizeto Sp. z o.o.10U Certum CAzU0  *H (<5RG.R+:49ԸWS] wpe{92͵Nkf[pMߨM@@K>U&9jZVYnDZ=9߹P0/GT8t/zoM$/M X *M؄ b$JNkĽ|ieSx*+"yv,j* ܚ͇aJ@\h&>~C*Y