Viewing file: parser.php (5.09 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
* $Id: parser.php,v 2006/03/08 21:09:24 thorstenr Exp $
* phpmyfaqTemplate
* The phpmyfaqTemplate class provides methods and functions for the
* template parser
* @author Thorsten Rinne <>
* @author Eden Akhavi <>
* @package phpmyfaqTemplate
* @since 2002-08-22
* Copyright: (c) 2002-2006 phpMyFAQ Team
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
* under the License.
class phpmyfaqTemplate
* The template array
* @var mixed
* @see __construct(), processTemplate()
var $templates = array();
* The output array
* @var mixed
* @see includeTemplate(), processTemplate(), printTemplate(), addTemplate()
var $outputs = array();
* Constructor
* Combine all template files into the main templates array
* @param array
* @access public
function phpmyfaqTemplate($myTemplate)
return $this->__construct($myTemplate);
function __construct($myTemplate)
foreach ($myTemplate as $templateName => $filename) {
$this->templates[$templateName] = $this->readTemplate($filename);
* This function merges two templates
* @param string
* @param string
* @access public
function includeTemplate($name, $toname)
$this->outputs[$toname] = str_replace('{'.$name.'}', $this->outputs[$name], $this->outputs[$toname]);
$this->outputs[$name] = '';
* @param string
* @param array
* @access public
function processTemplate($templateName, $myTemplate)
global $PMF_CONF;
$tmp = $this->templates[$templateName];
// Security measure: avoid the injection of php/shell-code
$search = array('#<\?php#i', '#\{$\{#', '#<\?#', '#<\%#', '#`#', '#<script[^>]+php#mi');
$phppattern1 = "<?php";
$phppattern2 = "<?";
if (isset($PMF_CONF['parse_php']) && $PMF_CONF['parse_php'] == true) {
$phppattern1 = "<?php";
$phppattern2 = "<?";
$replace = array($phppattern1, '', $phppattern2, '', '' );
// Hack: Backtick Fix
$myTemplate = str_replace('`', '´', $myTemplate);
foreach ($myTemplate as $var => $val) {
$val = preg_replace($search, $replace, $val);
$tmp = str_replace('{'.$var.'}', $val, $tmp);
if (isset($PMF_CONF['parse_php']) && $PMF_CONF['parse_php'] == 'TRUE') {
$phpstart = '<?php';
$phpstop = '?>';
while ($strstart = strpos($tmp, $phpstart)) {
$substr = substr($tmp, $strstart + strlen($phpstart));
$strstop = strpos($substr, $phpstop);
$phpcode = substr($substr,0,$strstop);
$phpcodecontent = ob_get_contents();
$output = substr($tmp, 0, $strstart).$phpcodecontent.substr($tmp, $strstart + strlen($phpstart) + $strstop + strlen($strstop));
$tmp = $output;
// Hack: Backtick Fix
$tmp = str_replace('´', '`', $tmp);
if (isset($this->outputs[$templateName])) {
$this->outputs[$templateName] .= $tmp;
} else {
$this->outputs[$templateName] = $tmp;
* This function prints the whole parsed template file.
* @access public
function printTemplate()
foreach ($this->outputs as $val) {
print str_replace("\n\n", "\n", $val);
* This function adds two template outputs.
* @param array
* @param array
* @access public
function addTemplate($name, $toname)
$this->outputs[$toname] .= $this->outputs[$name];
$this->outputs[$name] = '';
* This function reads a template file.
* @param string;
* @return array
* @access private
function readTemplate($filename)
if (file_exists($filename)) {
$res = implode("\n", file($filename));
return $res;
} else {
die('<p><span style="color: red;">Error:</span> Cannot open the file '.$filename.'.</p>');
* Destructor
* @access private
function __destruct()