!C99Shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13!

Software: Apache. PHP/5.5.15 

uname -a: Windows NT SVR-DMZ 6.1 build 7600 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition) i586 


Safe-mode: OFF (not secure)

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Viewing file:     english.php (15.21 KB)      -rw-rw-rw-
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(+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |

function translate($s, $i="") {
    global $lang_array;

      return ("[Translation required] : $s");

    if($lang_array['english'][$s]!="") {
    if($i == "") return $lang_array['english'][$s];
        $sprint = $lang_array['english'][$s];
    return sprintf("$sprint" , $i);
    else return ("[Translation required] : $s");

$lang_array['english'] = array(
           "OK_BTN" => "OK",
           "YES" => "Yes",
           "NO" => "No",
                   "BACK" => "Back",

           "ARCHIVE_TITLE" => "Archives",
           "ARCHIVE_CHOOSE" => "Choose a newsletter",
           "ARCHIVE_SUBJECT" => "Subject",
           "ARCHIVE_DATE" => "Date",
           "ARCHIVE_FORMAT" => "Format",
           "ARCHIVE_DISPLAY" => "Display this message",
           "ARCHIVE_BROWSE" => "Browse archives",
           "ARCHIVE_DELETE" => "Delete this archive",
           "ARCHIVE_DELETE_TITLE" => "Archive deletion",
           "ARCHIVE_DELETED" => "Archive deleted successfully",
           "ARCHIVE_NOT_FOUND" => "No archive found",
           "PHPMYNEWSLETTER_TITLE" => "phpMyNewsletter",
           "EMAIL_ADDRESS" => "Email address",
           "EMAIL_ADDRESS_NOT_VALID" => "This email address is not valid",
           "NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIPTION" => "Subscribe",
           "NEWSLETTER_UNSUBSCRIPTION" => "Unsubscribe",
           "AVAILABLE_NEWSLETTER" => "Available newsletters",
           //ADMIN LOGIN admin/login.php
           "LOGIN_TITLE" => "Login",
           "LOGIN_PLEASE_ENTER_PASSWORD" => "Password is required to access administration area",
           "LOGIN_PASSWORD" => "Password",
           "LOGIN" => "Login !",
           "LOGIN_BAD_PASSWORD" => "Wrong password !",
           "MENU_SUBSCRIBERS"=> "Subscribers",
           "MENU_COMPOSE" => "Compose",
           "MENU_ARCHIVES" => "Archives",
           "MENU_NEWSLETTER" => "Newsletter Settings",
           "MENU_CONFIG" => "Global Settings",
           "MENU_LOGOUT" => "Logout",
           "SELECTED_NEWSLETTER" => "Selected newsletter",
           "NEWSLETTER_TOTAL_SUBSCRIBER" => "subscriber",
           "NEWSLETTER_TOTAL_SUBSCRIBERS" => "subscribers",
           "NEWSLETTER_CHOOSE" => "Choose a newsletter to manage",
           "NEWSLETTER_ACTION" => "Newsletter action",
           "NEWSLETTER_NEW" => "Create a new newsletter",
           "NEWSLETTER_DEL" => "Delete '%s'",
           "NEWSLETTER_SETTINGS" => "Newsletter settings",
           "NEWSLETTER_NAME" => "Newsletter name",
           "NEWSLETTER_FROM_ADDR" => "Sender email address",
           "NEWSLETTER_FROM_NAME" => "Sender name",
           "NEWSLETTER_SUBJECT" => "Message subject",
           "NEWSLETTER_HEADER" => "Message header",
           "NEWSLETTER_FOOTER" => "Message footer",
           "NEWSLETTER_SUB_MSG_SUBJECT" => "Subscription message subject",
           "NEWSLETTER_SUB_MSG_BODY" => "Subscription message",
           "NEWSLETTER_WELCOME_MSG_SUBJECT" => "Welcome message subject",
           "NEWSLETTER_WELCOME_MSG_BODY" => "Welcome message",
           "NEWSLETTER_UNSUB_MSG_SUBJECT" => "Unsubscription message subject",
           "NEWSLETTER_UNSUB_MSG_BODY" => "Unsubscription message",
           "NEWSLETTER_SAVE_SETTINGS" => "Save these settings",
           "NEWSLETTER_SETTINGS_SAVED" => "Settings saved",
           "NEWSLETTER_CREATE" => "Create a newsletter",
           "NEWSLETTER_SAVE_NEW" => "Create this newsletter",
           "NEWSLETTER_DELETED" => "Newsletter deleted successfully",
           "NEWSLETTER_DELETE_WARNING" => "Delete all data related to this newsletter",
           "NEWSLETTER_SETTINGS_CREATED" => "Newsletter create successfully",
           "NEWSLETTER_DEFAULT_HEADER" => "========= HEADER =========\n".
                          "Put whatever you want here.\n".
                          "This will be appended to the top of every message",
           "NEWSLETTER_DEFAULT_FOOTER" => "======== FOOTER =======\n".
                          "You can put some message here",  
           "NEWSLETTER_SUB_DEFAULT_SUBJECT" => "Please confirm your subscription",
                   "NEWSLETTER_SUB_DEFAULT_BODY" => "Someone, probably you, request a subscription to this newsletter, please follow the instructions bellow", 
                   "NEWSLETTER_WELCOME_DEFAULT_SUBJECT" => "Welcome to this newsletter",
              "NEWSLETTER_WELCOME_DEFAULT_BODY" => "Welcome to this newsletter !",           
           "NEWSLETTER_UNSUB_DEFAULT_SUBJECT" => "Please confirm your unsubscription",
                   "NEWSLETTER_UNSUB_DEFAULT_BODY" => "Someone, probably you, request unsubscription from this newsletter, please follow the instructions bellow", 

           "SUBSCRIBER_ADD_TITLE" => "Add a subscriber",
           "SUBSCRIBER_ADD_BTN" => "Add this email address",
           "SUBSCRIBER_ADDED" => "%s successfully added",
           "SUBSCRIBER_IMPORT_TITLE" => "Import a list of email address",
           "SUBSCRIBER_IMPORT_BTN" => "Import",
           "SUBSCRIBER_IMPORT_HELP" => "You can import a list of email address directly from a file.<br />This file need to follow this format:<br/>adress1@domain.com<br />adress2@domain.com<br/>adress3@domain.com",
           "SUBSCRIBER_DELETE_TITLE" => "Delete a subscriber",
           "SUBSCRIBER_DELETE_BTN" => "Delete this email address",
           "SUBSCRIBER_DELETED" => "Subscriber successfully deleted",
           "SUBSCRIBER_EXPORT_TITLE" => "Export subscribers",
           "SUBSCRIBER_EXPORT_BTN" => "Export now",
           "SUBSCRIBER_TEMP_TITLE" => "Subscription pending",
           "SUBSCRIBER_TEMP_BTN" => "Delete this email address",
           "SUBSCRIBER_TEMP_DELETED" => "Email address successfully deleted",
           "COMPOSE_NEW" => "Compose a new message",
           "COMPOSE_SUBJECT" => "Subject",
           "COMPOSE_FORMAT" => "Format",
           "COMPOSE_FORMAT_TEXT" => "Plain text",
           "COMPOSE_FORMAT_HTML" => "HTML",
           "COMPOSE_FORMAT_HTML_NOTICE" => "(Only provide code included between the <em>&lt;body&gt;&lt;/body&gt;<em> tags)",
           "COMPOSE_PREVIEW" => "Message Preview",
           "COMPOSE_RESET" => "Reset",
           "COMPOSE_PREVIEW_TITLE" => "Message Preview",
           "COMPOSE_BACK" => "Back",
           "COMPOSE_SEND" => "Send this message",
           "COMPOSE_SENDING" => "Sending a message ...",
           "COMPOSE_SENT" => "Message sent successfully",

           //GLOBAL CONFIG
           "GCONFIG_TITLE" => "Global Settings",
           "GCONFIG_DB_TITLE"=> "Database settings",
           "GCONFIG_DB_HOST" => "Hostname",
           "GCONFIG_DB_LOGIN" => "User Login",
           "GCONFIG_DB_DBNAME" => "Database Name",
           "GCONFIG_DB_PASSWD" => "User Password",
           "GCONFIG_DB_CONFIG_TABLE" => "Config table",
           "GCONFIG_DB_TABLE_MAIL" => "Subscriber emails are stored in",
           "GCONFIG_DB_TABLE_TEMPORARY" => "Temp table",
           "GCONFIG_DB_TABLE_NEWSCONFIG" => "Newsletter config table",
           "GCONFIG_DB_TABLE_ARCHIVES" => "Archives are stored in",
           "GCONFIG_DB_TABLE_SUBMOD" => "Subscription waiting for moderation are stored in",

           "GCONFIG_DB_CONFIG_UNWRITABLE" => "With write permissions on %s, More database settings would be available.",
           "GCONFIG_MISC_TITLE" => "Misc Settings",
           "GCONFIG_MISC_ADMIN_PASSW" => "Admin access password",
           "GCONFIG_MISC_ADMIN_PASSW2"=> "(leave it blank if you don't want to change it)",
           "GCONFIG_MISC_BASE_URL" => "Base URL",
           "GCONFIG_MISC_BASE_PATH" => "Path to phpMyNewsletter",
           "GCONFIG_MISC_LANGUAGE" => "Language",

           "GCONFIG_MESSAGE_HANDLING_TITLE" => "Message handling",
           "GCONFIG_MESSAGE_ADMIN_NAME" => "Default message sender name (<i>From:</i> field)",
           "GCONFIG_MESSAGE_ADMIN_MAIL" => "Default message sender email address",
           "GCONFIG_MESSAGE_CHARSET" => "Charset to use",
           "GCONFIG_MESSAGE_NUM_LOOP" => "Number of messages sent in each sending loop",
           "GCONFIG_MESSAGE_SEND_METHOD" => "Sending method",
                   "GCONFIG_MESSAGE_SEND_METHOD_FUNCTION" => "PHP mail() function",
           "GCONFIG_MESSAGE_SMTP_HOST" => "SMTP server hostname",
           "GCONFIG_MESSAGE_SMTP_AUTH" => "SMTP authentification  needed ?",
           "GCONFIG_MESSAGE_SMTP_LOGIN" =>"SMTP username",
           "GCONFIG_MESSAGE_SMTP_PASSWORD" => "SMTP password",

           "GCONFIG_SUBSCRIPTION_TITLE" => "Subscriptions",
           "GCONFIF_SUBSCRIPTION_VALIDATION_TIMEOUT" => "Subscribers have %s day(s) to confirm their subscriptions",
           "GCONFIG_SUBSCRIPTION_CONFIRM_SUB" => "Subscribers need to confirm their sunscriptions ?",
           "GCONFIG_SUBSCRIPTION_CONFIRM_UNSUB" => "Subscribers need to confirm their unsubscriptions ?",
           "GCONFIG_SUBSCRIPTION_MODERATE" => "Subscriptions are moderated ?",

           "GCONFIG_SAVE_BTN" => "Save these settings",
           "GCONFIG_SUCCESSFULLY_SAVED" => "Global settings saved successfully",
           "ERROR_SQL" => "Database Error :<br/>%s<br/>",
           "ERROR_SQL2" => "SQL Error :<br/>%s<br/>",
           "ERROR_DBCONNECT" => "Unable to connect to the Database.",
           "ERROR_DBCONNECT_2" => "Unable to connect to the Database: <br />%s.<br />Please check your database settings.",
           "ERROR_DBCONNECT_3" => "Connection Error",

           "ERROR_DBCONNECT_CORE" => "Unable to connect to the Database.<br />".
                         "<ul><li>Check that <b>password</b> used to connect to the database is <b>correct</b>.</li>".
"<li>Check that your <b>database server is up and running</b>.</li></ul>".
(DbError() ? "The following error message can help you : ".DbError() : "")
."<br /><br /><a href=\"http://gregory.kokanosky.free.fr/v4/phpmynewsletter/docs/\">Documentation</a> section on phpMyNewsletter website.",

           "ERROR_FLUSHING_TEMP_TABLE" => "Error while flushing temporary table (%s)",
           "ERROR_SAVING_SETTINGS" => "Error while saving settings: %s",
           "ERROR_DELETING_NEWSLETTER" => "Error while deleting this newsletter",
           "ERROR_CHOOSE_ANOTHER_NEWSLETTER" => "Please choose another newsletter, or <a href=\"index.php?page=home&action=create\">create a new one</a>",
           "ERROR_NO_NEWSLETTER_CREATE_ONE" => "Please <a href=\"index.php?page=newsletterconf&action=create\">create a new newsletter</a>",

           "ERROR_NO_SUCH_NEWSLETTER" => "Newsletter not found",
           "ERROR_ADDING_SUBSCRIBER" => "Error while adding %s",
           "ERROR_ALREADY_SUBSCRIBER" => "%s is already in the subscribers list",
           "ERROR_SUPPLY_VALID_EMAIL" => "Please supply a valid address email",
           "ERROR_DELETING_SUBSCRIBER" => "Error while deleting this address: %s",
           "ERROR_NO_EMAIL_IN_FILE"=>"No email address in this file",
           "ERROR_IMPORT_FILE_MISSING" => "Please provide a file to import",
                "ERROR_IMPORT_TMPDIR_NOT_WRITABLE" => "Can't write in admin/import !",
           "ERROR_DELETING_TEMP" => "Error while deleting this address: %s",
           "ERROR_UNABLE_TO_SEND" => "No subscriber, unable to compose a new message",
           "ERROR_ALL_FIELDS_REQUIRED" => "All fields required",
           "ERROR_SENDING" => "Error while sending this message",
           "ERROR_DELETING_ARCHIVE" => "Error while deleting this archive",
           "ERROR_UNKNOWN" => "Unknown error",
                   "ERROR_SENDING_CONFIRM_MAIL" => "Error while sending confirmation mail",
           "ERROR_LOG_CREATE" => "Unable to create log file.<br/>".
                      "Please check permissions of admin/logs",

           "NO_SUBSCRIBER" => "No subscriber in the database",
           "NO_ARCHIVE" => "No archive for this newsletter",
           "NEWSLETTER_NOT_YET" => "No newsletter configured yet.",
           "BACK" => "Back",
           "EXAMPLE" => "Example",
           "DONE" => "Done",
           "INSTALL_TITLE" => "phpMyNewsletter installation",
           "INSTALL_LANGUAGE" => "Language",
           "INSTALL_LANGUAGE_LABEL" => "Choose your prefered language",
           "INSTALL_DB_TYPE" => "Database Type",
           "INSTALL_DB_TITLE" => "Database",
           "INSTALL_DB_HOSTNAME" => "Hostname",
           "INSTALL_DB_NAME" => "Database name",
           "INSTALL_DB_LOGIN"=> "Login",
           "INSTALL_DB_PASS" => "Password",
           "INSTALL_DB_TABLE_PREFIX" => "Database tables prefix",
           "INSTALL_DB_CREATE_DB" => "Create database ?",
           "INSTALL_DB_CREATE_TABLES" => "Create database tables ?",
           "INSTALL_GENERAL_SETTINGS" => "Common settings",
           "INSTALL_ADMIN_PASS" => "Admin password",
           "INSTALL_ADMIN_BASEURL"=> "Base Url",
           "INSTALL_ADMIN_PATH_TO_PMNL" => "Path to phpMyNewsletter",
           "INSTALL_ADMIN_NAME" => "Admin name",
           "INSTALL_ADMIN_EMAIL" => "Admin email address",
           "INSTALL_MESSAGE_SENDING_TITLE" => "Message sending",
           "INSTALL_MESSAGE_SENDING_LOOP" => "Newsletter are sent by loop of %s messages.",
           "INSTALL_VALIDATION_PERIOD" => "Subscribers have %s days to confirm their subscriptions.",
           "INSTALL_SENDING_METHOD" => "Sending method",
           "INSTALL_PHP_MAIL_FONCTION" => "php mail() function (default)",
           "INSTALL_PHP_MAIL_FONCTION_ONLINE" => "Online.net specific email() php function",

           "INSTALL_SMTP_HOST" => "SMTP host",
           "INSTALL_SMTP_AUTH_NEEDED" => "Authentificaton needed ?",
           "INSTALL_SMTP_USERNAME" => "Username",
           "INSTALL_SMTP_PASSWORD" => "Password",
           "INSTALL_SUBSCRIPTION_TITLE" => "Subscription / Unsubscription",
           "INSTALL_SUB_CONFIRM" => "Subscribers need to confirm their subscriptions ?",
           "INSTALL_UNSUB_CONFIRM"=>"Subscribers need to confirm their unsubscriptions ?",
           "INSTALL_SAVE_CREATE_DB" => "Creating %s database",
           "INSTALL_SAVE_CREATE_TABLE" => "Creating %s table",
           "INSTALL_SAVE_CONFIG" => "Saving configuration",
           "INSTALL_SAVE_CONFIG_FILE" => "Saving configuration file",
           "INSTALL_UNABLE_TO_SAVE_CONFIG_FILE" => "Unable to save config file.",
           "INSTALL_CONFIG_MANUALLY" => "Please cut and paste the lines below in the config file (<em>include/config.php</em>).",
           "INSTALL_FINISHED" => "Finish",
           "LOGOUT_DONE" => "You are logged out",
           "LOGOUT_ERROR"=> "Error while logging out",
           "LOGOUT_TITLE" => "Logout",
           "LOGOUT_BACK" => "Back",

           "SUBSCRIPTION_TITLE" => "Newsletter subscription",
           "SUBSCRIPTION_SEND_CONFIRM_MESSAGE" => "Confirmation request sent by email.",
           "SUBSCRIPTION_ALREADY_SUBSCRIBER" => "You've already subscribed to this newsletter.",
           "SUBSCRIPTION_CONFIRMATION" => "Confirm your subscription",
                   "SUBSCRIPTION_FINISHED" => "Subscription successfull",

           "SUBSCRIPTION_MAIL_BODY" => "Go to the following URL in order to confirm your subscription",
           "SUBSCRIPTION_UNSUBSCRIBE_LINK" => "Click on the following link to unsubscribe",
           "SUBSCRIPTION_UNKNOWN_EMAIL_ADDRESS" => "Error: Unknow email address",

           "UNSUBSCRIPTION_TITLE" => "Newsletter unsubscription",    
                   "UNSUBSCRIPTION_MAIL_BODY" => "To unsubscribe click on the following link",
           "UNSUBSCRIPTION_SEND_CONFIRM_MESSAGE" => "Confirmation request sent by email.",
           "UNSUBSCRIPTION_CONFIRMATION" => "Confirm your unsubscription",

           "UNSUBSCRIPTION_FINISHED" => "Unsubscription done",

           "NEWSLETTER_TITLE" => "Newsletters",
                   "UNSUBSCRIPTION_UNKNOWN_EMAIL_ADDRESS" => "Error: Unknow email address",
           "SEND_UNSUBSCRIPTION_LINK" => "\r\n\r\nUnsubscription :\r\n",

           "PASSWORD_MD5_NOTICE" => "Admin password storage format has changed, please supply your admin password to update your configuration.",
           "PASSWORD_MD5_PWD" => "Password: ",
           "PASSWORD_MD5_ERR" => "An error occured, maybe you've entered a wrong password.",
           "PASSWORD_MD5_ERR2"=> "An SQL error occured : %s.",



:: Command execute ::


:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ ok ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ ok ]
:: Make File ::
[ ok ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

--[ c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13 powered by Captain Crunch Security Team | http://ccteam.ru | Generation time: 0.0312 ]--