Viewing file: ConvertCharset.class.php (21.74 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
* @author Mikolaj Jedrzejak <>
* @copyright Copyright Mikolaj Jedrzejak (c) 2003-2004
* @version 1.0 2004-07-27 00:37
* @link Unicode Homepage
* @link My Homepage
$PATH_TO_CLASS = dirname(ereg_replace("\\\\","/",__FILE__)) . "/" . "ConvertTables" . "/";
define ("DEBUG_MODE", 1);
* -- 1.0 2004-07-28 --
* -- The most important thing --
* I want to thank all people who helped me fix all bugs, small and big once.
* I hope that you don't mind that your names are in this file.
* -- Some Apache issues --
* I get info from Lukas Lisa, that in some cases with special apache configuration
* you have to put header() function with proper encoding to get your result
* displayed correctly.
* If you want to see what I mean, go to demo.php and demo1.php
* -- BETA 1.0 2003-10-21 --
* -- You should know about... --
* For good understanding this class you shouls read all this stuff first :) but if you are
* in a hurry just start the demo.php and see what's inside.
* 1. That I'm not good in english at 03:45 :) - so forgive me all mistakes
* 2. This class is a BETA version because I haven't tested it enough
* 3. Feel free to contact me with questions, bug reports and mistakes in PHP and this documentation (email below)
* -- In a few words... --
* Why ConvertCharset class?
* I have made this class because I had a lot of problems with diferent charsets. First because people
* from Microsoft wanted to have thair own encoding, second because people from Macromedia didn't
* thought about other languages, third because sometimes I need to use text written on MAC, and of course
* it has its own encoding :)
* Notice & remember:
* - When I'm saying 1 byte string I mean 1 byte per char.
* - When I'm saying multibyte string I mean more than one byte per char.
* So, this are main FEATURES of this class:
* - conversion between 1 byte charsets
* - conversion from 1 byte to multi byte charset (utf-8)
* - conversion from multibyte charset (utf-8) to 1 byte charset
* - every conversion output can be save with numeric entities (browser charset independent - not a full truth)
* This is a list of charsets you can operate with, the basic rule is that a char have to be in both charsets,
* otherwise you'll get an error.
* - windows-1250 - Central Europe
* - windows-1251 - Cyrillic
* - windows-1252 - Latin I
* - windows-1253 - Greek
* - windows-1254 - Turkish
* - windows-1255 - Hebrew
* - windows-1256 - Arabic
* - windows-1257 - Baltic
* - windows-1258 - Viet Nam
* - cp874 - Thai - this file is also for DOS
* - DOS
* - cp437 - Latin US
* - cp737 - Greek
* - cp775 - BaltRim
* - cp850 - Latin1
* - cp852 - Latin2
* - cp855 - Cyrylic
* - cp857 - Turkish
* - cp860 - Portuguese
* - cp861 - Iceland
* - cp862 - Hebrew
* - cp863 - Canada
* - cp864 - Arabic
* - cp865 - Nordic
* - cp866 - Cyrylic Russian (this is the one, used in IE "Cyrillic (DOS)" )
* - cp869 - Greek2
* - MAC (Apple)
* - x-mac-cyrillic
* - x-mac-greek
* - x-mac-icelandic
* - x-mac-ce
* - x-mac-roman
* - ISO (Unix/Linux)
* - iso-8859-1
* - iso-8859-2
* - iso-8859-3
* - iso-8859-4
* - iso-8859-5
* - iso-8859-6
* - iso-8859-7
* - iso-8859-8
* - iso-8859-9
* - iso-8859-10
* - iso-8859-11
* - iso-8859-12
* - iso-8859-13
* - iso-8859-14
* - iso-8859-15
* - iso-8859-16
* - gsm0338 (ETSI GSM 03.38)
* - cp037
* - cp424
* - cp500
* - cp856
* - cp875
* - cp1006
* - cp1026
* - koi8-r (Cyrillic)
* - koi8-u (Cyrillic Ukrainian)
* - nextstep
* - us-ascii
* - us-ascii-quotes
* - DSP implementation for NeXT
* - stdenc
* - symbol
* - zdingbat
* - And specially for old Polish programs
* - mazovia
* -- Now, to the point... --
* Here are main variables.
* You can set this value to:
* - -1 - No errors or comments
* - 0 - Only error messages, no comments
* - 1 - Error messages and comments
* Default value is 1, and during first steps with class it should be left as is.
* This is a place where you store all files with charset encodings. Filenames should have
* the same names as encodings. My advise is to keep existing names, because thay
* were taken from (, and after update to unicode 3.0 or 4.0
* the names of files will be the same, so if you want to save your time...uff, leave the
* names as thay are for future updates.
* The directory with edings files should be in a class location directory by default,
* but of course you can change it if you like.
* @package All about charset...
* @author Mikolaj Jedrzejak <>
* @copyright Copyright Mikolaj Jedrzejak (c) 2003-2004
* @version 1.0 2004-07-27 23:11
* @access public
* @link Unicode Homepage
class ConvertCharset {
var $RecognizedEncoding; //This value keeps information if string contains multibyte chars.
var $Entities; // This value keeps information if output should be with numeric entities.
* CharsetChange::NumUnicodeEntity()
* Unicode encoding bytes, bits representation.
* Each b represents a bit that can be used to store character data.
* - bytes, bits, binary representation
* - 1, 7, 0bbbbbbb
* - 2, 11, 110bbbbb 10bbbbbb
* - 3, 16, 1110bbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb
* - 4, 21, 11110bbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb
* This function is written in a "long" way, for everyone who woluld like to analize
* the process of unicode encoding and understand it. All other functions like HexToUtf
* will be written in a "shortest" way I can write tham :) it does'n mean thay are short
* of course. You can chech it in HexToUtf() (link below) - very similar function.
* IMPORTANT: Remember that $UnicodeString input CANNOT have single byte upper half
* extended ASCII codes, why? Because there is a posibility that this function will eat
* the following char thinking it's miltibyte unicode char.
* @param string $UnicodeString Input Unicode string (1 char can take more than 1 byte)
* @return string This is an input string olso with unicode chars, bus saved as entities
* @see HexToUtf()
function UnicodeEntity ($UnicodeString)
$OutString = "";
$StringLenght = strlen ($UnicodeString);
for ($CharPosition = 0; $CharPosition < $StringLenght; $CharPosition++)
$Char = $UnicodeString [$CharPosition];
$AsciiChar = ord ($Char);
if ($AsciiChar < 128) //1 7 0bbbbbbb (127)
$OutString .= $Char;
else if ($AsciiChar >> 5 == 6) //2 11 110bbbbb 10bbbbbb (2047)
$FirstByte = ($AsciiChar & 31);
$Char = $UnicodeString [$CharPosition];
$AsciiChar = ord ($Char);
$SecondByte = ($AsciiChar & 63);
$AsciiChar = ($FirstByte * 64) + $SecondByte;
$Entity = sprintf ("&#%d;", $AsciiChar);
$OutString .= $Entity;
else if ($AsciiChar >> 4 == 14) //3 16 1110bbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb
$FirstByte = ($AsciiChar & 31);
$Char = $UnicodeString [$CharPosition];
$AsciiChar = ord ($Char);
$SecondByte = ($AsciiChar & 63);
$Char = $UnicodeString [$CharPosition];
$AsciiChar = ord ($Char);
$ThidrByte = ($AsciiChar & 63);
$AsciiChar = ((($FirstByte * 64) + $SecondByte) * 64) + $ThidrByte;
$Entity = sprintf ("&#%d;", $AsciiChar);
$OutString .= $Entity;
else if ($AsciiChar >> 3 == 30) //4 21 11110bbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb
$FirstByte = ($AsciiChar & 31);
$Char = $UnicodeString [$CharPosition];
$AsciiChar = ord ($Char);
$SecondByte = ($AsciiChar & 63);
$Char = $UnicodeString [$CharPosition];
$AsciiChar = ord ($Char);
$ThidrByte = ($AsciiChar & 63);
$Char = $UnicodeString [$CharPosition];
$AsciiChar = ord ($Char);
$FourthByte = ($AsciiChar & 63);
$AsciiChar = ((((($FirstByte * 64) + $SecondByte) * 64) + $ThidrByte) * 64) + $FourthByte;
$Entity = sprintf ("&#%d;", $AsciiChar);
$OutString .= $Entity;
return $OutString;
* ConvertCharset::HexToUtf()
* This simple function gets unicode char up to 4 bytes and return it as a regular char.
* It is very similar to UnicodeEntity function (link below). There is one difference
* in returned format. This time it's a regular char(s), in most cases it will be one or two chars.
* @param string $UtfCharInHex Hexadecimal value of a unicode char.
* @return string Encoded hexadecimal value as a regular char.
* @see UnicodeEntity()
function HexToUtf ($UtfCharInHex)
$OutputChar = "";
$UtfCharInDec = hexdec($UtfCharInHex);
if($UtfCharInDec<128) $OutputChar .= chr($UtfCharInDec);
else if($UtfCharInDec<2048)$OutputChar .= chr(($UtfCharInDec>>6)+192).chr(($UtfCharInDec&63)+128);
else if($UtfCharInDec<65536)$OutputChar .= chr(($UtfCharInDec>>12)+224).chr((($UtfCharInDec>>6)&63)+128).chr(($UtfCharInDec&63)+128);
else if($UtfCharInDec<2097152)$OutputChar .= chr($UtfCharInDec>>18+240).chr((($UtfCharInDec>>12)&63)+128).chr(($UtfCharInDec>>6)&63+128). chr($UtfCharInDec&63+128);
return $OutputChar;
* CharsetChange::MakeConvertTable()
* This function creates table with two SBCS (Single Byte Character Set). Every conversion
* is through this table.
* - The file with encoding tables have to be save in "Format A" of charset table format! This is usualy writen in a header of every charset file.
* - BOTH charsets MUST be SBCS
* - The files with encoding tables have to be complet (Non of chars can be missing, unles you are sure you are not going to use it)
* "Format A" encoding file, if you have to build it by yourself should aplly these rules:
* - you can comment everything with #
* - first column contains 1 byte chars in hex starting from 0x..
* - second column contains unicode equivalent in hex starting from 0x....
* - then every next column is optional, but in "Format A" it should contain unicode char name or/and your own comment
* - the columns can be splited by "spaces", "tabs", "," or any combination of these
* - below is an example
* <code>
* #
* # The entries are in ANSI X3.4 order.
* #
* 0x00 0x0000 # NULL end extra comment, if needed
* 0x01 0x0001 # START OF HEADING
* # Oh, one more thing, you can make comments inside of a rows if you like.
* 0x02 0x0002 # START OF TEXT
* 0x03 0x0003 # END OF TEXT
* next line, and so on...
* </code>
* You can get full tables with encodings from
* @param string $FirstEncoding Name of first encoding and first encoding filename (thay have to be the same)
* @param string $SecondEncoding Name of second encoding and second encoding filename (thay have to be the same). Optional for building a joined table.
* @return array Table necessary to change one encoding to another.
function MakeConvertTable ($FirstEncoding, $SecondEncoding = "")
$ConvertTable = array();
for($i = 0; $i < func_num_args(); $i++)
* Because func_*** can't be used inside of another function call
* we have to save it as a separate value.
$FileName = func_get_arg($i);
if (!is_file(CONVERT_TABLES_DIR . $FileName))
print $this->DebugOutput(0, 0, CONVERT_TABLES_DIR . $FileName); //Print an error message
$FileWithEncTabe = fopen(CONVERT_TABLES_DIR . $FileName, "r") or die(); //This die(); is just to make sure...
* We asume that line is not longer
* than 1024 which is the default value for fgets function
if($OneLine=trim(fgets($FileWithEncTabe, 1024)))
* We don't need all comment lines. I check only for "#" sign, because
* this is a way of making comments by in thair encoding files
* and that's where the files are from :-)
if (substr($OneLine, 0, 1) != "#")
* Sometimes inside the charset file the hex walues are separated by
* "space" and sometimes by "tab", the below preg_split can also be used
* to split files where separator is a ",", "\r", "\n" and "\f"
$HexValue = preg_split ("/[\s,]+/", $OneLine, 3); //We need only first 2 values
* Sometimes char is UNDEFINED, or missing so we can't use it for convertion
if (substr($HexValue[1], 0, 1) != "#")
$ArrayKey = strtoupper(str_replace(strtolower("0x"), "", $HexValue[1]));
$ArrayValue = strtoupper(str_replace(strtolower("0x"), "", $HexValue[0]));
$ConvertTable[func_get_arg($i)][$ArrayKey] = $ArrayValue;
} //if (substr($OneLine,...
} //if($OneLine=trim(f...
} //while(!feof($FirstFileWi...
} //for($i = 0; $i < func_...
* The last thing is to check if by any reason both encoding tables are not the same.
* For example, it will happen when you save the encoding table file with a wrong name
* - of another charset.
if ((func_num_args() > 1) && (count($ConvertTable[$FirstEncoding]) == count($ConvertTable[$SecondEncoding])) && (count(array_diff_assoc($ConvertTable[$FirstEncoding], $ConvertTable[$SecondEncoding])) == 0))
print $this->DebugOutput(1, 1, "$FirstEncoding, $SecondEncoding");
return $ConvertTable;
* ConvertCharset::Convert()
* This is a basic function you are using. I hope that you can figure out this function syntax :-)
* @param string $StringToChange The string you want to change :)
* @param string $FromCharset Name of $StringToChange encoding, you have to know it.
* @param string $ToCharset Name of a charset you want to get for $StringToChange.
* @param boolean $TurnOnEntities Set to true or 1 if you want to use numeric entities insted of regular chars.
* @return string Converted string in brand new encoding :)
* @version 1.0 2004-07-27 01:09
function Convert ($StringToChange, $FromCharset, $ToCharset, $TurnOnEntities = false)
* Check are there all variables
if ($StringToChange == "")
print $this->DebugOutput(0, 3, "\$StringToChange");
else if ($FromCharset == "")
print $this->DebugOutput(0, 3, "\$FromCharset");
else if ($ToCharset == "")
print $this->DebugOutput(0, 3, "\$ToCharset");
* Now a few variables need to be set.
$NewString = "";
$this->Entities = $TurnOnEntities;
* For all people who like to use uppercase for charset encoding names :)
$FromCharset = strtolower($FromCharset);
$ToCharset = strtolower($ToCharset);
* Of course you can make a conversion from one charset to the same one :)
* but I feel obligate to let you know about it.
if ($FromCharset == $ToCharset)
print $this->DebugOutput(1, 0, $FromCharset);
if (($FromCharset == $ToCharset) AND ($FromCharset == "utf-8"))
print $this->DebugOutput(0, 4, $FromCharset);
* This divison was made to prevent errors during convertion to/from utf-8 with
* "entities" enabled, because we need to use proper destination(to)/source(from)
* encoding table to write proper entities.
* This is the first case. We are convertinf from 1byte chars...
if ($FromCharset != "utf-8")
* Now build table with both charsets for encoding change.
if ($ToCharset != "utf-8")
$CharsetTable = $this->MakeConvertTable ($FromCharset, $ToCharset);
$CharsetTable = $this->MakeConvertTable ($FromCharset);
* For each char in a string...
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($StringToChange); $i++)
$HexChar = "";
$UnicodeHexChar = "";
$HexChar = strtoupper(dechex(ord($StringToChange[$i])));
// This is fix from Mario Klingemann, it prevents
// droping chars below 16 because of missing leading 0 [zeros]
if (strlen($HexChar)==1) $HexChar = "0".$HexChar;
//end of fix by Mario Klingemann
// This is quick fix of 10 chars in gsm0338
// Thanks goes to Andrea Carpani who pointed on this problem
// and solve it ;)
if (($FromCharset == "gsm0338") && ($HexChar == '1B')) {
$HexChar .= strtoupper(dechex(ord($StringToChange[$i])));
// end of workarround on 10 chars from gsm0338
if ($ToCharset != "utf-8")
if (in_array($HexChar, $CharsetTable[$FromCharset]))
$UnicodeHexChar = array_search($HexChar, $CharsetTable[$FromCharset]);
$UnicodeHexChars = explode("+",$UnicodeHexChar);
for($UnicodeHexCharElement = 0; $UnicodeHexCharElement < count($UnicodeHexChars); $UnicodeHexCharElement++)
if (array_key_exists($UnicodeHexChars[$UnicodeHexCharElement], $CharsetTable[$ToCharset]))
if ($this->Entities == true)
$NewString .= $this->UnicodeEntity($this->HexToUtf($UnicodeHexChars[$UnicodeHexCharElement]));
$NewString .= chr(hexdec($CharsetTable[$ToCharset][$UnicodeHexChars[$UnicodeHexCharElement]]));
print $this->DebugOutput(0, 1, $StringToChange[$i]);
} //for($UnicodeH...
print $this->DebugOutput(0, 2,$StringToChange[$i]);
if (in_array("$HexChar", $CharsetTable[$FromCharset]))
$UnicodeHexChar = array_search($HexChar, $CharsetTable[$FromCharset]);
* Sometimes there are two or more utf-8 chars per one regular char.
* Extream, example is polish old Mazovia encoding, where one char contains
* two lettes 007a (z) and 0142 (l slash), we need to figure out how to
* solve this problem.
* The letters are merge with "plus" sign, there can be more than two chars.
* In Mazowia we have 007A+0142, but sometimes it can look like this
* 0x007A+0x0142+0x2034 (that string means nothing, it just shows the possibility...)
$UnicodeHexChars = explode("+",$UnicodeHexChar);
for($UnicodeHexCharElement = 0; $UnicodeHexCharElement < count($UnicodeHexChars); $UnicodeHexCharElement++)
if ($this->Entities == true)
$NewString .= $this->UnicodeEntity($this->HexToUtf($UnicodeHexChars[$UnicodeHexCharElement]));
$NewString .= $this->HexToUtf($UnicodeHexChars[$UnicodeHexCharElement]);
} // for
print $this->DebugOutput(0, 2, $StringToChange[$i]);
* This is second case. We are encoding from multibyte char string.
else if($FromCharset == "utf-8")
$HexChar = "";
$UnicodeHexChar = "";
$CharsetTable = $this->MakeConvertTable ($ToCharset);
foreach ($CharsetTable[$ToCharset] as $UnicodeHexChar => $HexChar)
if ($this->Entities == true) {
$EntitieOrChar = $this->UnicodeEntity($this->HexToUtf($UnicodeHexChar));
$EntitieOrChar = chr(hexdec($HexChar));
$StringToChange = str_replace($this->HexToUtf($UnicodeHexChar), $EntitieOrChar, $StringToChange);
$NewString = $StringToChange;
return $NewString;
* ConvertCharset::DebugOutput()
* This function is not really necessary, the debug output could stay inside of
* source code but like this, it's easier to manage and translate.
* Besides I couldn't find good coment/debug class :-) Maybe I'll write one someday...
* All messages depend on DEBUG_MODE level, as I was writing before you can set this value to:
* - -1 - No errors or notces are shown
* - 0 - Only error messages are shown, no notices
* - 1 - Error messages and notices are shown
* @param int $Group Message groupe: error - 0, notice - 1
* @param int $Number Following message number
* @param mix $Value This walue is whatever you want, usualy it's some parameter value, for better message understanding.
* @return string String with a proper message.
function DebugOutput ($Group, $Number, $Value = false)
//$Debug [$Group][$Number] = "Message, can by with $Value";
//$Group[0] - Errors
//$Group[1] - Notice
$Debug[0][0] = "Error, can NOT read file: " . $Value . "<br>";
$Debug[0][1] = "Error, can't find maching char \"". $Value ."\" in destination encoding table!" . "<br>";
$Debug[0][2] = "Error, can't find maching char \"". $Value ."\" in source encoding table!" . "<br>";
$Debug[0][3] = "Error, you did NOT set variable " . $Value . " in Convert() function." . "<br>";
$Debug[0][4] = "You can NOT convert string from " . $Value . " to " . $Value . "!" . "<BR>";
$Debug[1][0] = "Notice, you are trying to convert string from ". $Value ." to ". $Value .", don't you feel it's strange? ;-)" . "<br>";
$Debug[1][1] = "Notice, both charsets " . $Value . " are identical! Check encoding tables files." . "<br>";
$Debug[1][2] = "Notice, there is no unicode char in the string you are trying to convert." . "<br>";
if (DEBUG_MODE >= $Group)
return $Debug[$Group][$Number];
} // function DebugOutput
} //class ends here