Viewing file: 10.php (3.05 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
// Include MySQL class
require_once ('Database/MySQL.php');
// Include AccountMaintenance class
require_once ('AccessControl/AccountMaintenance.php');
// Include QuickForm class
require_once ("HTML/QuickForm.php");
// Include phpmailer class
require_once ('ThirdParty/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php');
$host='localhost'; // Hostname of MySQL server
$dbUser='harryf'; // Username for MySQL
$dbPass='secret'; // Password for user
$dbName='sitepoint'; // Database name
// phpmailer settings
$yourName='Your Name';
$subject='Your password';
$msg='Here are your login details. Please change your password.';
// Instantiate the QuickForm class
$form =& new HTML_QuickForm('passwordForm', 'POST');
// Add a header to the form
$form->addElement('header', 'header', 'Forgotten Your Password?');
// Add a field for the login
$form->addElement('text','login','Enter your login name');
$form->addRule('login','Enter your login','required',false,'client');
// Add a field for the email address
$form->addElement('text','email','Enter your email address');
$form->addRule('email','Enter your email','required',false,'client');
$form->addRule('email','Enter a valid email address','email',false,'client');
// Add a submit button
$form->addElement('submit','submit','Get Password');
// If the form is submitted...
if ( $form->validate() ) {
// Instantiate MySQL connection
$db=& new MySQL($host,$dbUser,$dbPass,$dbName);
// Instantiate Account Maintenance class
$aMaint=new AccountMaintenance($db);
// Fetch a list of words
$fp = fopen ( './pass_words/pass_words.txt','rb' );
$file= fread ( $fp, filesize('./pass_words/pass_words.txt') );
// Add the words to the class
// Reset the password
if ( !$details=$aMaint->resetPassword(
$form->getSubmitValue('email') ) ) {
echo ('We have no records of your account');
} else {
// Instantiate phpmailer class
$mail = new phpmailer();
// Define who the message is from
$mail->From = $yourEmail;
$mail->FromName = $yourName;
// Set the subject of the message
$mail->Subject = $subject;
// Build the message
$mail->Body = $msg."\n\nLogin: ".$details['login'].
"\nPassword: ".$details['password'];
// Add the recipient
$name=$details['firstName'].' '.$details['lastName'];
// Send the message
echo ('An email has been sent to '.
echo ('Problem sending your details. Please contact the site '.
} else {
// If not submitted, display the form