Viewing file: 7.php (9.17 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
// Include the MySQL class
// Include the Session class
// Include the SignUp class
// Include the QuickForm class
require_once ("HTML/QuickForm.php");
// Include the phpmailer class
require_once ("ThirdParty/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php");
// Settings for MySQL
$host='localhost'; // Hostname of MySQL server
$dbUser='harryf'; // Username for MySQL
$dbPass='secret'; // Password for user
$dbName='sitepoint'; // Database name
// Settings for SignUp class
$frmName='Your Name';
$subj='Account Confirmation';
<h2>Thank you for registering!</h2>
<div>The final step is to confirm
your account by clicking on:</div>
<b>Your Site Team</b>
// Instantiate the MySQL class
$db=& new MySQL($host,$dbUser,$dbPass,$dbName);
// Instantiate the Session class
$session=new Session;
// Instantiate the signup class
$signUp=new SignUp($db,$listener,$frmName,$frmAddress,$subj,$msg,TRUE);
// Is this an account confirmation ?
if ( isset ( $_GET['code'] ) ) {
if ( $signUp->confirm($_GET['code']) ) {
$display='Thank you. You\'re account has now been confirmed.<br />'.
'You can now <a href="4.php">login</a>';
} else {
$display='There was a problem confirming your account.<br />'.
'Please try again or contact the site administrators';
// Otherwise display the form
} else {
// Register a session variable for use in the image
if ( !$session->get('randomString') )
// A function for comparing password
function cmpPass($element, $confirmPass) {
global $form;
$password = $form->getElementValue('password');
return ($password == $confirmPass);
// A function to encrypt the password
function encryptValue($value) {
return md5($value);
// Instantiate the QuickForm class
$form = new HTML_QuickForm('regForm', 'POST');
// Clear the default HTML templates
// Define new templates
<table class="registration">
<td class="header" colspan="2">{header}</td>
<tr valign="top">
<td class="label">
<td class="field">
<!-- BEGIN error --><span class="error">{error}</span><br><!-- END error -->
<!-- BEGIN required --><span class="required">*</span><!-- END required -->
<td> </td>
<td class="requiredNote">{requiredNote}</td>
// Add a header to the form
$form->addHeader('Registration Form');
// Register the compare function
$form->registerRule('compare', 'function', 'cmpPass');
// The login field
$form->addElement('text','login','Desired Username:','class="signupData"');
$form->addRule('login','Please provide a username','required',false,'client');
$form->addRule('login','Username must be at least 6 characters','minlength',6,'client');
$form->addRule('login','Username cannot be more than 50 characters','maxlength',50,'client');
$form->addRule('login','Username can only contain letters and numbers','alphanumeric',NULL,'client');
// The password field
$form->addRule('password','Please provide a password','required',false,'client');
$form->addRule('password','Password must be at least 6 characters','minlength',6,'client');
$form->addRule('password','Password cannot be more than 12 characters','maxlength',50,'client');
$form->addRule('password','Password can only contain letters and numbers','alphanumeric',NULL,'client');
// The field for confirming the password
$form->addRule('confirmPass','Please confirm password','required',false,'client');
$form->addRule('confirmPass','Passwords must match','compare','function');
// The email field
$form->addElement('text','email','Email Address:','class="signupData"');
$form->addRule('email','Please an email address','required',false,'client');
$form->addRule('email','Please enter a valid email address','email',false,'client');
$form->addRule('email','Email cannot be more than 50 characters','maxlength',50,'client');
// The first name field
$form->addElement('text','firstName','First Name:','class="signupData"');
$form->addRule('firstName','Please enter your first name','required',false,'client');
$form->addRule('firstName','First name cannot be more than 50 characters','maxlength',50,'client');
// The last name field
$form->addElement('text','lastName','Last Name:','class="signupData"');
$form->addRule('lastName','Please enter your last name','required',false,'client');
$form->addRule('lastName','Last name cannot be more than 50 characters','maxlength',50,'client');
// The signature field
// The image check field for "humanness"
$form->addElement('text','imageCheck','Image Text:',
$form->addRule('imageCheck','Please enter text from image',
// Server side validation! Don't give away random string in JavaScript
$form->addRule('imageCheck','Please confirm the text in the image',
// The image check field
<tr valign="top">
<td class="info">
Enter the text as it<br />appears in the image
<td class="field">
<img src="8.php">
// Add a submit button called submit and "Send" as the text for the button
// Specify the "required field" note for the bottom of the form
$form->setRequiredNote('<span class="required">*</span> required');
// If the form is submitted...
if ( $form->validate() ) {
// Apply the encryption filter to the password
$form->applyFilter('password', 'encryptValue');
// Build an array from the submitted form values
$submitVars=array (
'signature'=>$form->getSubmitValue('signature') );
// Create signup
if ( $signUp->createSignup($submitVars) ) {
// Send confirmation email
if ( $signUp->sendConfirmation() ) {
$display='Thank you. Please check your email to '.
'confirm your account';
} else {
$display='Unable to send confirmation email.<br />'.
'Please contact the site administrators';
} else {
$display='There was an error creating your account.<br />'.
'Please try again later or '.
'contact the site administrators';
} else {
// If not submitted, display the form
<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title> Sign Up </title>
<style type="text/css">
body, a, td, input, textarea
font-family: verdana;
font-size: 11px;
width: 400px;
color: navy;
text-align: center;
font-variant: small-caps;
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border-color: navy;
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border-width: 1px;
background-color: #f6f7f8;
color: navy;
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color: navy;
text-align: right;
width: 40%;
padding: 3px;
color: red;
width: 60%;
padding: 3px;
color: red;
font-size: 9px;
text-align: right;
width: 200px;
background-color: #f6f7f8;
font-weight: bold;
background-color: #f6f7f8;
font-weight: bold;
width: 200px;
height: 100px;
background-color: #f6f7f8;
color: navy;
font-weight: bold;
<?php echo ( $display );?>