Viewing file: hawhaw.php (158.41 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
// HAWHAW: HTML and WML hybrid adapted webserver
// PHP class library
// Copyright (C) 2003 Norbert Huffschmid
// Last modified: 12. October 2003
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
// terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software
// Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
// version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
// PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
// If you modify this library, you have to make sure that the "powered by HAWHAW"
// copyright link below the display area is kept unchanged.
// For further information about this library and its license terms please visit:
// miscellaneous constants
define("HAW_VERSION", "HAWHAW V5.2");
define("HAW_COPYRIGHT", "(C) Norbert Huffschmid");
// constants for markup languages
define("HAW_HTML", 1);
define("HAW_WML", 2);
define("HAW_HDML", 3);
define("HAW_VXML", 4);
// constants for forced markup output
define("HAW_OUTPUT_WAP", 2);
define("HAW_OUTPUT_HDML", 3);
define("HAW_OUTPUT_PDA", 4);
define("HAW_OUTPUT_IMODE", 5);
define("HAW_OUTPUT_MML", 6);
// constants for page elements
define("HAW_PLAINTEXT", 1);
define("HAW_IMAGE", 2);
define("HAW_TABLE", 3);
define("HAW_FORM", 4);
define("HAW_LINK", 5);
define("HAW_PHONE", 6);
define("HAW_LINKSET", 7);
define("HAW_INPUT", 8);
define("HAW_TEXTAREA", 9);
define("HAW_BANNER", 10);
define("HAW_SELECT", 11);
define("HAW_CHECKBOX", 12);
define("HAW_RADIO", 13);
define("HAW_HIDDEN", 14);
define("HAW_SUBMIT", 15);
define("HAW_RAW", 16);
define("HAW_RULE", 17);
define("HAW_VOICERECORDER", 18);
define("HAW_USERDEFINED", 19);
// constants for page setup
define("HAW_ALIGN_LEFT", 1);
define("HAW_ALIGN_RIGHT", 2);
define("HAW_ALIGN_CENTER", 3);
define("HAW_NOTITLE", -1);
// constants for text formatting
define("HAW_TEXTFORMAT_BIG", 8);
// constants for input treatment
define("HAW_INPUT_TEXT", 0);
define("HAW_INPUT_PASSWORD", 1);
// constants for select treatment
define("HAW_NOTSELECTED", 0);
define("HAW_SELECTED", 1);
define("HAW_SELECT_POPUP", 0);
define("HAW_SELECT_SPIN", 1);
// constants for radio and checkbox treatment
define("HAW_NOTCHECKED", 0);
define("HAW_CHECKED", 1);
// constants for link treatment
define("HAW_NO_ACCESSKEY", -1);
// constants for HDML card types
define("HAW_HDML_DISPLAY", 0);
define("HAW_HDML_ENTRY", 1);
define("HAW_HDML_CHOICE", 2);
define("HAW_HDML_NODISPLAY", 3);
// constants for banners
define("HAW_TOP", 0);
define("HAW_BOTTOM", 1);
define("HAW_NOLINK", -1);
// constants for MML input modes
define("HAW_INPUT_HIRAGANA", 1); // values correspond to according cHTML values!
define("HAW_INPUT_KATAKANA", 2);
define("HAW_INPUT_ALPHABET", 3);
define("HAW_INPUT_NUMERIC", 4);
// constants for VoiceXML
define("HAW_VOICE_PAUSE", 300); // pause after text output
define("HAW_VOICE_ENUMERATE", 1); // activate enumeration
function HAW_specchar($input, $deck)
// convert special characters
$temp = htmlspecialchars($input); // translate &"<> to HTML entities
$output = "";
if ($deck->ml == HAW_WML)
$temp = str_replace("$", "$$", $temp); // escape $ character in WML
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_HDML)
$temp = str_replace("$", "&dol;", $temp); // escape $ character in HDML
if (strstr($deck->charset,"iso-8859-1"))
// character set iso-8859-1 (trivial mapping 1:1)
for ($i=0; $i<strlen($temp); $i++)
// do for each character of $temp
if (ord(substr($temp, $i, 1)) > 127)
// translate character into &#...; sequence
$output .= "&#" . ord(substr($temp, $i, 1)) . ";";
// copy character unchanged
$output .= substr($temp, $i, 1);
// other character set than iso-8859-1
if ($deck->unicodearray)
// array with mapping rules was prepared earlier
return $temp;
// do for each character in string
if (ord(substr($temp,0,1))>127)
$index = ord(substr($temp, 0, 1)); // ASCII value of first character from $temp
if ($deck->unicodearray[$index])
// unicode stored for this one byte code
// insert unicode and go 1 byte further
$output .= "&#" . $deck->unicodearray[$index] . ";";
$temp = substr($temp, 1, strlen($temp));
// check if there's a unibyte code stored for 1st two bytes
$index = $index * 256 + ord(substr($temp, 1, 1));
if ($deck->unicodearray[$index])
// unicode stored for this 2-byte code!
// insert unicode and go 2 bytes further
$output .= "&#" . $deck->unicodearray[$index] . ";";
$temp = substr($temp, 2, strlen($temp));
// no mapping info for 1st 2 bytes available ==> leave it as it is
$output .= substr($temp, 0, 1);
$temp = substr($temp, 1, strlen($temp));
// character <= 127 ==> leave it as it is
$output .= substr($temp, 0, 1);
$temp = substr($temp, 1, strlen($temp));
$output = $temp; // no mapping to unicode required
function HAW_voice_audio($text, $audio_src, $pause)
// print VoiceXML tags for audio output
if ($audio_src)
// play audio file if possible
printf("<audio src=\"%s\">%s</audio>", $audio_src, $text);
// speak text only
echo $text;
if ($pause > 0)
printf("<break time=\"%dms\"/>", $pause);
function HAW_voice_eventhandler($handler, $audio_array, $deck)
// create VoiceXML event handler, e.g. "help", "nomatch", "noinput"
if (count($audio_array) > 0)
while (list($key, $val) = each($audio_array))
if ($key > 0)
$count = sprintf(" count=\"%d\"", $key+1);
$count = "";
printf("<catch%s event=\"%s\">", $count, $handler);
HAW_voice_audio(HAW_specchar($val["text"], $deck), $val["src"], 0);
if ($val["url"])
printf("<goto next=\"%s\"/>", $val["url"]);
echo "</catch>\n";
class HAW_hdmlcardset
var $number_of_cards;
var $card; // array of cards
var $title;
var $final_action = ""; // action of last card
var $defaults; // default values of variables
var $disable_cache;
var $debug;
var $charset;
function HAW_hdmlcardset($title, $defaults, $disable_cache, $debug, $charset)
$this->title = $title;
$this->defaults = $defaults;
$this->disable_cache = $disable_cache;
$this->debug = $debug;
$this->charset = $charset;
// initialize first card of cardset as DISPLAY card
$this->card[0]["type"] = HAW_HDML_DISPLAY;
$this->card[0]["options"] = " name=\"1\"";
if ($title)
$this->card[0]["options"] .= " title=\"$title\"";
$this->number_of_cards = 1;
function add_display_content($display_content)
// enhance the display content of the current card with the received content
// number_of_cards-1 is the index of the current card, i.e. the last card
if ($this->card[$this->number_of_cards-1]["type"] == HAW_HDML_DISPLAY)
// current card is display card ==> continue with content
if (isset($this->card[$this->number_of_cards-1]["display_content"]))
$this->card[$this->number_of_cards-1]["display_content"] .= $display_content;
$this->card[$this->number_of_cards-1]["display_content"] = $display_content;
// current card is entry or choice card
// ==> create new display card to display received content
// ==> link current card to this new display card
$this->card[$this->number_of_cards]["type"] = HAW_HDML_DISPLAY;
$cardname = sprintf(" name=\"%d\"", $this->number_of_cards+1);
$this->card[$this->number_of_cards]["options"] .= $cardname;
if ($this->title)
$this->card[$this->number_of_cards]["options"] .= " title=\"$this->title\"";
$this->card[$this->number_of_cards]["display_content"] = $display_content;
$action = sprintf("<action type=\"accept\" task=\"go\" dest=\"#%d\">\n",
$this->card[$this->number_of_cards-1]["action"] = $action;
function make_ui_card($options, $generic_content, $cardtype)
// make user interactive card (ENTRY or CHOICE card)
if ($this->card[$this->number_of_cards-1]["type"] == HAW_HDML_DISPLAY)
// current card is display card
// ==> make an entry/choice card out of it
$this->card[$this->number_of_cards-1]["type"] = $cardtype;
// append options to the already existing ones
if (!isset($this->card[$this->number_of_cards-1]["options"]))
$this->card[$this->number_of_cards-1]["options"] = "";
$this->card[$this->number_of_cards-1]["options"] .= $options;
// append received content to the already existing one
if (!isset($this->card[$this->number_of_cards-1]["display_content"]))
$this->card[$this->number_of_cards-1]["display_content"] = "";
$this->card[$this->number_of_cards-1]["display_content"] .= $generic_content;
// current card is already entry or choice card
// ==> create new entry/choice card
// ==> link current card to this new entry/choice card
$this->card[$this->number_of_cards]["type"] = $cardtype;
$cardname = sprintf(" name=\"%d\"", $this->number_of_cards+1);
if (!isset($this->card[$this->number_of_cards]["options"]))
$this->card[$this->number_of_cards]["options"] = "";
$this->card[$this->number_of_cards]["options"] .= $cardname;
if ($this->title)
$this->card[$this->number_of_cards]["options"] .= " title=\"$this->title\"";
$this->card[$this->number_of_cards]["options"] .= $options;
$this->card[$this->number_of_cards]["display_content"] = $generic_content;
$action = sprintf("<action type=\"accept\" task=\"go\" dest=\"#%d\">\n",
$this->card[$this->number_of_cards-1]["action"] = $action;
function set_final_action($action)
$this->final_action = $action;
function create_hdmldeck()
if (!$this->debug)
$ct = sprintf("content-type: text/x-hdml;charset=%s", $this->charset);
$ttl = ($this->disable_cache ? " TTL=\"0\"" : "");
printf("<hdml version=\"3.0\" public=\"true\"%s>\n", $ttl);
printf("<!-- Generated by %s %s -->\n", HAW_VERSION, HAW_COPYRIGHT);
// create NODISPLAY card if it's necessary to initialize variables
if ($this->defaults)
$vars = "";
while (list($d_key, $d_val) = each($this->defaults))
$vars .= sprintf("%s=%s&", $d_val['name'], $d_val['value']);
// strip terminating '&'
$vars = substr($vars, 0, -5);
echo "<nodisplay>\n";
printf("<action type=\"accept\" task=\"go\" dest=\"#1\" vars=\"%s\">\n", $vars);
echo "</nodisplay>\n";
// set action of last card
$this->card[$this->number_of_cards-1]["action"] = $this->final_action;
// create all cards of card set
$i = 0;
while ( $i < $this->number_of_cards )
if ($this->card[$i]["type"] == HAW_HDML_DISPLAY)
$cardtype = "display";
elseif ($this->card[$i]["type"] == HAW_HDML_ENTRY)
$cardtype = "entry";
elseif ($this->card[$i]["type"] == HAW_HDML_CHOICE)
$cardtype = "choice";
printf("<%s%s>\n", $cardtype, $this->card[$i]["options"]);
printf("%s", $this->card[$i]["action"]);
printf("%s", $this->card[$i]["display_content"]);
printf("</%s>\n", $cardtype);
echo "</hdml>\n";
This class is the top level class of all HAWHAW classes. Your page should consist
of exactly one HAW_deck object. For WML browsers one deck with one card will be
generated. For HDML browsers one deck including as much cards as necessary will
generated. HTML browsers will receive a normal HTML page, PDA browsers will
receive handheldfriendly HTML etc.
<p>Do not overload HAW_deck objects! Remember that a lot of WAP clients can not
handle more than about 1400 byte of compiled data.
$myPage = new HAW_deck();<br>
$myPage = new HAW_deck("My WAP page");<br>
$myPage = new HAW_deck("", HAW_ALIGN_CENTER);<br>
$myPage = new HAW_deck("PDA edition", HAW_ALIGN_CENTER, HAW_OUTPUT_PDA);<br>
class HAW_deck
var $title;
var $alignment;
var $output;
var $timeout;
var $red_url;
var $disable_cache = false;
var $ml;
var $element;
var $number_of_elements;
var $number_of_forms;
var $number_of_linksets;
var $number_of_links;
var $number_of_phones;
var $top_banners;
var $number_of_top_banners = 0;
var $bottom_banners;
var $number_of_bottom_banners = 0;
var $display_banners = true;
var $waphome;
var $hdmlcardset;
// browser dependent properties
var $pureHTML = true; // Big-screen-HTML-code (default)
var $PDAstyle = false; // PDA browsers needs special HTML code
var $iModestyle = false; // cHTML too
var $upbrowser = false; // UP browser
var $owgui_1_3 = false; // Openwave GUI Extensions for WML 1.3
var $MMLstyle = false; // Mobile Markup Language
var $gif_enabled = false; // browser can not deal with GIF images
var $submitViaLink = false; // use link instead of <do>
var $debug = false; // HAWHAW debugger off
// device simulator properies
var $td_scroll = false; // specifies if bigscreen browser is able to scroll table cells
var $sim_device; // can be set to path where the device simulator resides
var $simdev_width; // size of display area inside the simulator device
var $simdev_height;
var $use_simulator = false; // decide whether default simulator device is to be used
// character set properties
var $charset = "iso-8859-1"; // default charset
var $unicodemaptab; // filename of cross mapping table to map country
// specific character code into unicode
var $unicodearray; // array containing cross mapping table
// display properties for HTML
// page background properties
var $bgcolor = "";
var $background = "";
// display (table) properties
var $border = 8;
var $disp_bgcolor = "#00BB77";
var $disp_background = "";
var $width = 200;
var $height = 200;
// text properties
var $size = "";
var $color = "";
var $link_color = "#004411";
var $vlink_color = "006633";
var $face = "Arial,Times";
// voice properties
var $voice_links = "";
var $voice_timeout = 0;
var $voice_text = "";
var $voice_audio_src = "";
var $voice_jingle = "";
var $voice_help = array();
var $voice_noinput = array();
var $voice_nomatch = array();
var $voice_property = array();
@param title (optional, default: HAW_NOTITLE) <br>
If a string is provided here, it will be displayed
in the HTML title bar, respectively somewhere on the WAP display. Using a
title you will normally have to spend one of your few lines on your WAP
display. Consider that some WAP phones/SDK's and handheld devices don't
display the title at all.
@param alignment (optional, default: HAW_ALIGN_LEFT) <br>
You can enter HAW_ALIGN_CENTER
or HAW_ALIGN_RIGHT to modify the alignment of the whole page.
@param output (optional, default: HAW_OUTPUT_AUTOMATIC) <br>
You can override HAWHAW's automatic browser detection and force a certain
output type.<br>
Possible value are:<br>
<li>HAW_OUTPUT_AUTOMATIC (default)</li>
With this parameter you can offer dedicated links for PC users, WAP users, PDA users etc.
function HAW_deck($title=HAW_NOTITLE, $alignment=HAW_ALIGN_LEFT, $output=HAW_OUTPUT_AUTOMATIC)
// register_globals=off in PHP4 inhibits automatic setup of global variables!
$HTTP_HOST = getenv('HTTP_HOST');
if ($title != HAW_NOTITLE)
$this->title = $title;
$this->alignment = $alignment;
$this->output = $output;
$this->timeout = 0;
$this->red_url = "";
$this->waphome = "http://" . $HTTP_HOST . $SCRIPT_NAME;
// set debug flag if required
// to debug HAWHAW WML output for your script:
// enter
// resp. other control string listed below
global $HTTP_GET_VARS;
$this->debug = (isset ($HTTP_GET_VARS["hawdebug"]) ? $HTTP_GET_VARS["hawdebug"] : "");
// manipulate HTTP environment variables in case of debug mode
if ($this->debug)
if ($this->debug == "wml")
$HTTP_ACCEPT = "text/vnd.wap.wml";
elseif ($this->debug == "hdml")
$HTTP_ACCEPT = "hdml;version=3.0";
elseif ($this->debug == "pda")
$HTTP_USER_AGENT = "avantgo";
elseif ($this->debug == "chtml")
elseif ($this->debug == "mml")
elseif ($this->debug == "up")
$HTTP_ACCEPT = "text/vnd.wap.wml";
$HTTP_USER_AGENT = "UP.Browser";
elseif ($this->debug == "owgui")
$HTTP_ACCEPT = "text/vnd.wap.wml";
elseif ($this->debug == "vxml")
$HTTP_ACCEPT = "text/x-vxml";
$HTTP_USER_AGENT = "Tellme";
$this->output = HAW_OUTPUT_AUTOMATIC; // turn off forced output for debugging
// determine markup language to create
if (($this->output == HAW_OUTPUT_BIGSCREEN) ||
($this->output == HAW_OUTPUT_PDA) ||
($this->output == HAW_OUTPUT_IMODE) ||
($this->output == HAW_OUTPUT_MML) || // until here forced HTML output
strstr(strtolower($HTTP_USER_AGENT), "docomo") ||
strstr(strtolower($HTTP_USER_AGENT), "portalmmm") ||
strstr(strtolower($HTTP_USER_AGENT), "opera ") ||
strstr(strtolower($HTTP_USER_AGENT), "reqwirelessweb"))
$this->ml = HAW_HTML; // create HTML (even when device accepts text/vnd.wap.wml too!)
elseif (($this->output == HAW_OUTPUT_WAP) || // forced WML output
(strstr(strtolower($HTTP_ACCEPT), "text/vnd.wap.wml")))
$this->ml = HAW_WML; // create WML
if (strstr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, "UP/") ||
strstr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, "UP.B"))
$this->upbrowser = true; // UP browser
if ((strstr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, "UP/") ||
strstr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, "UP.B")) &&
strstr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, "GUI") &&
strstr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, "UP.Link")) // Non-UP.Link gateways sometimes have problems!
$this->owgui_1_3 = true; // device accepts Openwave GUI extensions for WML 1.3
elseif (($this->output == HAW_OUTPUT_HDML) || // forced HDML output
(strstr(strtolower($HTTP_ACCEPT), "hdml;version=3."))) // HDML 3.0 and 3.1
$this->ml = HAW_HDML; // create HDML
elseif (($this->output == HAW_OUTPUT_VOICEXML) || // forced VoiceXML output
strstr(strtolower($HTTP_ACCEPT), "vxml") || // VoiceXML signalled in accept header
strstr(strtolower($HTTP_ACCEPT), "voicexml") || // alternative accept header
strstr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, "Tellme")) // Tellme studio voice browser
$this->ml = HAW_VXML; // create VoiceXML
if (strstr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, "Mozilla") ||
strstr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, "MSIE") ||
strstr(strtolower($HTTP_USER_AGENT), "avantgo") ||
strstr(strtolower($HTTP_USER_AGENT), "pendragonweb") ||
strstr(strtolower($HTTP_USER_AGENT), "j-"))
$this->ml = HAW_HTML; // HTML-based browser
$this->ml = HAW_WML; // try it with WML
$this->number_of_elements = 0;
$this->number_of_forms = 0;
$this->number_of_linksets = 0;
$this->number_of_links = 0;
$this->number_of_phones = 0;
if (($this->output == HAW_OUTPUT_PDA) ||
strstr(strtolower($HTTP_USER_AGENT), "avantgo") ||
strstr(strtolower($HTTP_USER_AGENT), "reqwirelessweb") ||
strstr(strtolower($HTTP_USER_AGENT), "pendragonweb") ||
strstr(strtolower($HTTP_USER_AGENT), "windows ce"))
// PDA browser detected
$this->PDAstyle = true;
$this->pureHTML = false;
$this->display_banners = false;
elseif (($this->output == HAW_OUTPUT_IMODE) ||
strstr(strtolower($HTTP_USER_AGENT), "docomo") ||
strstr(strtolower($HTTP_USER_AGENT), "portalmmm"))
// i-mode browser detected
$this->iModestyle = true;
$this->pureHTML = false;
$this->display_banners = false;
elseif (($this->output == HAW_OUTPUT_MML) ||
strstr(strtolower($HTTP_USER_AGENT), "j-"))
// MML browser detected
$this->MMLstyle = true;
$this->pureHTML = false;
$this->display_banners = false;
// determine if browser is able to scroll table cells
// (requirement for the usage of the device simulator)
if (strstr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, "MSIE") && !strstr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, "Opera"))
$this->td_scroll = true;
// determine if browser is able to display GIF images
if (($this->ml == HAW_HTML) ||
(strstr(strtolower($HTTP_ACCEPT), "image/gif")) ||
(strstr(strtolower($HTTP_USER_AGENT), "T68")))
$this->gif_enabled = true; // browsers can display GIF
// determine how forms are to be transmitted
if (strstr(strtolower($HTTP_USER_AGENT), "ericsson"))
$this->submitViaLink = true; // with Ericsson WAP devices it's quite difficult to submit WML forms
Adds a HAW_text object to HAW_deck.
@param text Some HAW_text object.
@see HAW_text
function add_text($text)
if (!is_object($text))
die("invalid argument in add_text()");
$this->element[$this->number_of_elements] = $text;
Adds a HAW_image object to HAW_deck.
@param image Some HAW_image object.
@see HAW_image
function add_image($image)
if (!is_object($image))
die("invalid argument in add_image()");
$this->element[$this->number_of_elements] = $image;
Adds a HAW_table object to HAW_deck.
@param table Some HAW_table object.
@see HAW_table
function add_table($table)
if (!is_object($table))
die("invalid argument in add_table()");
$this->element[$this->number_of_elements] = $table;
Adds a HAW_form object to HAW_deck.
@param form Some HAW_form object.
@see HAW_form
function add_form($form)
if (!is_object($form))
die("invalid argument in add_form()");
if ($this->number_of_forms > 0)
die("only one form per deck allowed!");
$this->element[$this->number_of_elements] = $form;
Adds a HAW_link object to HAW_deck.
@param link Some HAW_link object.
@see HAW_link
function add_link($link)
if (!is_object($link))
die("invalid argument in add_link()");
$this->element[$this->number_of_elements] = $link;
Adds a HAW_phone object to HAW_deck.
@param phone Some HAW_phone object.
@see HAW_phone
function add_phone($phone)
if (!is_object($phone))
die("invalid argument in add_phone()");
$this->element[$this->number_of_elements] = $phone;
Adds a HAW_linkset object to HAW_deck.
@param linkset Some HAW_linkset object.
@see HAW_linkset
function add_linkset($linkset)
if (!is_object($linkset))
die("invalid argument in add_linkset()");
if ($this->number_of_linksets > 0)
die("only one linkset per deck allowed!");
$this->element[$this->number_of_elements] = $linkset;
Adds a HAW_raw object to HAW_deck. (undocumented feature - for test only!)
@param raw Some HAW_raw object.
@see HAW_raw
function add_raw($raw)
if (!is_object($raw))
die("invalid argument in add_raw()");
$this->element[$this->number_of_elements] = $raw;
Adds some user-defined HAWHAW object to HAW_deck (undocumented feature)<br>
For skilled HAWHAW programmers only!
@param udef Some user-defined object.
function add_userdefined($udef)
/* A user-defined HAWHAW class definition MUST look like this:
class HAW_foo // some class name of your choice
var $bar; // some class variable declarations of your choice
function HAW_foo(...)
// some constructor code of your choice
function HAW_boobaz(...)
// as many user-defined functions as needed
// this member function is called by HAWHAW and MUST NOT be changed!
function get_elementtype()
function create($deck)
// this member function is called by HAWHAW and MUST be present!
// it is in the programmers responsibility what kind of markup is created here!
// you have access to all HAW_deck properties by evaluating $deck
} ;
You have to define this class somewhere after your require("") statement
Usage: ...
$myText = new HAW_text("Classic text");
$myClass = new HAW_foo("Cool output");
$myClass->boobaz($ringtone, $sms, $userposition);
if (!is_object($udef))
die("invalid argument in add_userdefined()");
$this->element[$this->number_of_elements] = $udef;
Adds a HAW_banner object to HAW_deck. <br>
Note: Has no effect on WML/handheld pages.
@param banner Some HAW_banner object.
@param position (optional)<br>
HAW_TOP: above HAW_deck<br>
HAW_BOTTOM: beneath HAW_deck (default)
@see HAW_banner
function add_banner($banner, $position=HAW_BOTTOM)
if (!is_object($banner))
die("invalid argument in add_banner()");
if ($position == HAW_TOP)
$this->top_banners[$this->number_of_top_banners] = $banner;
$this->bottom_banners[$this->number_of_bottom_banners] = $banner;
Adds a HAW_rule object to HAW_deck.
@param rule Some HAW_rule object.
@see HAW_rule
function add_rule($rule)
if (!is_object($rule))
die("invalid argument in add_rule()");
$this->element[$this->number_of_elements] = $rule;
Adds a HAW_voicerecorder object to HAW_deck.
@param voicerecorder Some HAW_voicerecorder object.
@see HAW_voicerecorder
function add_voicerecorder($voicerecorder)
if (!is_object($voicerecorder))
die("invalid argument in add_voicerecorder()");
$this->element[$this->number_of_elements] = $voicerecorder;
Redirects automatically after timeout to another URL. <br>
Note: This feature can not be supported for HDML browsers, due to HDML's missing
timer functionality. If you intend to serve HDML users, you should consider this
by creating an additional link to <i>red_url</i>.
@param timeout Some timeout value in seconds.
@param red_url Some URL string.
function set_redirection($timeout, $red_url)
$this->timeout = $timeout;
$this->red_url = $red_url;
Disables deck caching in the users client. <br>
Note: Use this object function, if you intend to provide changing content under
the same URL.
function disable_cache()
$this->disable_cache = true;
Enables mobile specific session support. <br>
Note: Applications for mobile devices require special session handling: As cookies
are often not supported, URL rewriting has to be done. As XML does not allow unescaped
'&' characters, the arg-separator has to be modified. And as WML/VoiceXML defines tags
which are not defined in HTML, the PHP predefined url_rewriter tags have to be adapted.<br>
Important: This function has be called before any session handling is done! Due to some
bugs in previous PHP versions, it is highly recommended to use PHP version 4.1.1 or
function enable_session()
// set session server options
ini_set('session.use_cookies', 0); // do not use cookies
ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', 1); // use transient sid support
ini_set('', 'SID'); // make short query URL's
ini_set('arg_separator.output', '&'); // '&' is not allowed in WML (XML)
// url rewriter tags are dependent from markup language
switch ($this->ml)
case HAW_HTML:
ini_set('url_rewriter.tags', 'a=href,form=option');
case HAW_WML:
ini_set('url_rewriter.tags', 'a=href,go=href,option=onpick');
case HAW_HDML:
ini_set('url_rewriter.tags', 'a=href');
case HAW_VXML:
ini_set('url_rewriter.tags', 'submit=next,link=next,goto=next');
Sets a given character set. <br>
Note: For the iso-8859-1 character set all characters with value greater
127 are automatically transformed into a "&#dec;" sequence (unicode).
For all other character sets a specific cross mapping table is
required for the conversion into unicode. Usage of unicode cross
mapping tables is optional for non-iso-8859-1 character sets.
Mapping tables are available at:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
@param charset Character set that is used in your country.<br>Default: iso-8859-1
@param unicodemaptab (optional)<br>
Cross mapping table from country specific character coding to
unicode (default: no mapping to unicode activated).<br>
With this parameter you specify where HAWHAW will find the conversion table
with the mapping rules. It is recommended to store the cross mapping table
in the same directory where is located.<br>
format: [PATH][Filename].[EXT] e.g. "../GB2312.TXT"
function set_charset($charset, $unicodemaptab="")
$this->charset = $charset;
$this->unicodemaptab = $unicodemaptab;
if ($unicodemaptab)
// cross mapping table is to be used
$errormsg = "HAWHAW!<br>Cross mapping table \"$unicodemaptab\" not found!<br>";
$errormsg .= "Please download your country-specific unicode cross mapping table from:<br>";
$errormsg .= "<a href=></a>";
// open cross mapping table file and create array with mapping info
$filename = $unicodemaptab;
if (substr($value, 0, 2) == "0x") // skip comment lines
$pair = explode(" ", $value); // tab separates code and unicode
if ((strlen($pair[0]) == 6) && ($pair[0] < 0x8080))
$this->unicodearray[hexdec($pair[0]) + 0x8080] = hexdec($pair[1]); // offset EUC
$this->unicodearray[hexdec($pair[0])] = hexdec($pair[1]);
Sets the background color for a HTML created page. Has no effect on WML/handheld
@param bgcolor See HTML specification for possible values (e.g. "#CCFFFF",
"red", ...).
function set_bgcolor($bgcolor)
$this->bgcolor = $bgcolor;
Sets a wallpaper for a HTML created page. Has no effect on WML/handheld pages.
@param background e.g. "backgrnd.gif"
function set_background($background)
$this->background = $background;
Sets the thickness of the HTML display frame. Has no effect on WML/handheld pages.
@param border Thickness is pixels (default: 8)
function set_border($border)
$this->border = $border;
Sets the display background color for a HTML created page. Has no effect on
WML/handheld pages.
@param disp_bgcolor See HTML specification for possible values (e.g. "#CCFFFF",
"red", ...).
function set_disp_bgcolor($disp_bgcolor)
$this->disp_bgcolor = $disp_bgcolor;
Sets a display wallpaper for a HTML created page. Has no effect on WML/handheld
@param background e.g. "backgrnd.gif"
function set_disp_background($background)
$this->disp_background = $background;
Sets the display width for a HTML created page. Has no effect on WML/handheld
@param width See HTML specification for possible values (e.g. "200", "50%", ...).
function set_width($width)
$this->width = $width;
Sets the display height for a HTML created page. Has no effect on WML/handheld
@param height See HTML specification for possible values (e.g. "200", "50%", ...).
function set_height($height)
$this->height = $height;
Sets the font size for all characters in a HTML created page. Has no effect on
WML/handheld pages.
@param size See HTML specification for possible values (e.g. "4", "+2", ...).
function set_size($size)
$this->size = $size;
Sets the color for all characters in a HTML created page. Has no effect on
WML/handheld pages.
@param color See HTML specification for possible values (e.g. "#CCFFFF", "red",
function set_color($color)
$this->color = $color;
Sets the color of links in a HTML created page. Has no effect on
WML/handheld pages.
@param link_color See HTML specification for possible values (e.g. "#CCFFFF", "red",
function set_link_color($link_color)
$this->link_color = $link_color;
Sets the color of visited links in a HTML created page. Has no effect on
WML/handheld pages.
@param vlink_color See HTML specification for possible values (e.g. "#CCFFFF", "red",
function set_vlink_color($vlink_color)
$this->vlink_color = $vlink_color;
Sets the font for all characters in a HTML created page. Has no effect on
WML/handheld pages.
@param face See HTML specification for possible values (e.g. "Avalon",
"Wide Latin").
function set_face($face)
$this->face = $face;
Sets the URL of a website, a bigscreen-browsing user is invited to visit via WAP. <br>
Note: On bigscreen browsers a small copyright link to the
HAWHAW information page will be created automatically by HAWHAW. The information
page invites the user to visit your site with a WAP phone.
Therefore by default your hostname and your refering script will be part of this
copyright link. You can modify this value, e.g. if your application leads the
user across different pages, but you want to make visible the entry page only.
@param waphome Some URL string.
function set_waphome($waphome)
$this->waphome = $waphome;
Activates the built-in device simulator on bigscreen browsers.
The device simulator can be displayed only by Internet Explorer. This
is because the layout requires a scrollable table element, which is unfortunately not
supported by all browsers. For visitors with other browsers the
classic HAWHAW layout will be presented instead.
function use_simulator()
$this->use_simulator = true;
Sets deck-related text to be spoken by voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some introducing text that will be spoken before any other dialog or
text output is started.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
function set_voice_text($text, $audio_src="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_text()");
$this->voice_text = $text;
$this->voice_audio_src = $audio_src;
Play jingle before link <label>s are spoken. <br>
Note: Voice users can not distinguish between plain text and link text. Playing
a short jingle before each link will make voice navigation easier.
@param url Some wav-file.
function set_voice_jingle($url)
if (!is_string($url))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_jingle()");
$this->voice_jingle = $url;
Sets help text for voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some helpful information concerning this deck.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
@param url Some other voice deck to go to (optional).
function set_voice_help($text, $audio_src="", $url="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_help()");
$arr["text"] = $text;
$arr["src"] = $audio_src;
$arr["url"] = $url;
$this->voice_help[] = $arr;
Sets noinput text for voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some text to inform the user that no input has been received.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
@param url Some other voice deck to go to (optional).
function set_voice_noinput($text, $audio_src="", $url="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_noinput()");
$arr["text"] = $text;
$arr["src"] = $audio_src;
$arr["url"] = $url;
$this->voice_noinput[] = $arr;
Sets nomatch text for voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some text to complain that user input was not recognized.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
@param url Some other voice deck to go to (optional).
function set_voice_nomatch($text, $audio_src="", $url="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_nomatch()");
$arr["text"] = $text;
$arr["src"] = $audio_src;
$arr["url"] = $url;
$this->voice_nomatch[] = $arr;
Sets a name/value property pair for VoiceXML decks. <br>
Attention: This function should be used by experienced VoiceXML developers
only! name/value combinations which are not compliant to the VoiceXML
standard or are not supported by the voice platform, will throw an
semantic error and terminate voice output. Please refer to the
<a href="" target="_blank">
W3C VoiceXML Recommendation (chapter 6.3)</a>
for detailled info about valid name/value combinations.
@param name Name of property (e.g. "bargein", "timeout", etc.)
@param value Value of property (e.g. "false", "10s", etc.)
function set_voice_property($name, $value)
$arr["name"] = $name;
$arr["value"] = $value;
$this->voice_property[] = $arr;
Deprecated function - was replaced by use_simulator()
Activates the device simulator on bigscreen browsers.
This function requires an image of your favorite device, which must be
sliced into five JPG files as the figure shows.<br>
<img src="set_sim_device.gif" alt="set_sim_device" align="right">
These five subimages MUST be named:
The segment in the middle, represented by display.jpg, will contain the HAWHAW
output. The size of this segment can be specified in the function call. By default
a size of 150 x 120 pixel is assumed.
The device simulator can be displayed only by Internet Explorer. This
is because the layout requires a scrollable table element, which is unfortunately not
supported by all browsers. For visitors with other browsers the
classic HAWHAW layout will be presented instead.
@param path Relative or absolute path where the device image segments are stored.
@param width (optional) Width of the display segment (default: 150)
@param height (optional) Height of the display segment (default: 120)
<br clear=all>
function set_sim_device($path, $width=150, $height=120)
$this->sim_device = $path;
$this->simdev_width = $width;
$this->simdev_height = $height;
Creates the page in the according markup language. Depending on the clients
browser type, HTML (pure HTML, handheldfriendly HTML, i-mode cHTML, MML),
WML, HDML or VoiceXML is thrown out.
function create_page()
global $haw_license_holder;
global $haw_license_domain;
global $haw_signature;
global $haw_sig_text;
global $haw_sig_link;
if ($this->debug)
header("content-type: text/plain");
if ($this->ml == HAW_HTML)
// create HTML page header
if (!$this->debug)
$ct = sprintf("content-type: text/html;charset=%s", $this->charset);
if (!$this->MMLstyle)
echo "<!doctype html public \"-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en\">\n";
echo "<html>\n";
echo "<head>\n";
if (!$this->iModestyle && !$this->MMLstyle)
// cHTML and MML don't support meta tags
if ($haw_license_domain)
$license = " - registered for $haw_license_domain";
$license = "";
printf("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=%s\">\n",
printf("<meta name=\"GENERATOR\" content=\"%s (PHP) %s%s\">\n",
if ($this->timeout > 0)
printf("<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"%d; URL=%s\">\n",
$this->timeout, $this->red_url);
if ($this->disable_cache)
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Cache-Control\" content=\"must-revalidate\">\n";
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Cache-Control\" content=\"no-cache\">\n";
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Cache-Control\" content=\"max-age=0\">\n";
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Expires\" content=\"0\">\n";
if ($this->PDAstyle)
echo "<meta name=\"HandheldFriendly\" content=\"True\">\n";
// init style properties
$bgcolor = "";
$background = "";
$disp_background = "";
$size = "";
$color = "";
$link_color = "";
$vlink_color = "";
$face = "";
if ($this->pureHTML)
if ($this->bgcolor)
// set background color for a HTML created page
$bgcolor = " bgcolor=\"" . $this->bgcolor . "\"";
if ($this->background)
// set wallpaper for a HTML created page
$background = " background=\"" . $this->background . "\"";
if ($this->disp_background)
// set display wallpaper for a HTML created page
$disp_background = " background=\"" . $this->disp_background . "\"";
if ($this->size)
// set the font size for all characters in a HTML created page
$size = " size=\"" . $this->size . "\"";
if ($this->color)
// set the color for all characters in a HTML created page
$color = " color=\"" . $this->color . "\"";
if ($this->link_color)
// set the color of links in a HTML created page
$link_color = " link=\"" . $this->link_color . "\"";
if ($this->vlink_color)
// set the color of visited links in a HTML created page
$vlink_color = " vlink=\"" . $this->vlink_color . "\"";
if ($this->face)
// set the font for all characters in a HTML created page
$face = " face=\"" . $this->face . "\"";
printf("<title>%s</title>\n", HAW_specchar($this->title, $this));
if ($this->pureHTML && $this->use_simulator && $this->td_scroll)
// use central HAWHAW simdev stylesheet
echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"\">\n";
echo "</head>\n";
printf("<body%s%s%s%s>\n", $bgcolor, $background, $link_color, $vlink_color);
if ($this->display_banners)
if ($this->number_of_top_banners > 0)
echo "<center>\n";
for ($i=0; $i<$this->number_of_top_banners; $i++)
// display banners at the top of the HTML page
$banner = $this->top_banners[$i];
echo "</center>\n";
if ($this->pureHTML)
echo "<center><br>\n";
if ($this->td_scroll && $this->sim_device)
// create customized device simulator table layout
echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
printf("<tr><td colspan=\"3\"><img src=\"%s/top.jpg\"></td></tr>\n",
printf("<tr><td valign=\"top\"><img src=\"%s/left.jpg\"></td>\n",
printf("<td width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" background=\"%s/display.jpg\" valign=\"top\">\n",
$this->simdev_width, $this->simdev_height, $this->sim_device);
elseif ($this->td_scroll && $this->use_simulator)
// create default device simulator table layout with central CSS layout
echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
echo "<tr><td colspan=\"3\" class=\"top\"> </td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td valign=\"top\" class=\"left\"> </td>\n";
echo "<td valign=\"top\" class=\"display\">\n";
// create simple table design for big-screen HTML
printf("<table border=\"%d\" bgcolor=\"%s\" cellpadding=\"8\" width=\"%s\" height=\"%s\"%s>\n",
$this->border, $this->disp_bgcolor, $this->width, $this->height, $disp_background);
echo "<tr><td valign=\"top\">\n";
printf("<font%s%s%s>\n", $size, $color, $face);
// determine default values for WML, HDML and VXML form elements
while (list($e_key, $e_val) = each($this->element))
if ($e_val->get_elementtype() == HAW_FORM)
// one (and only one!) form exists
$form = $e_val;
$defaults = $form->get_defaults();
if ($this->ml == HAW_WML)
// create WML page header
if (!$this->debug)
$ct = sprintf("content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml");
if ($this->disable_cache)
// not all WAP clients interprete meta directives!
// disable caching by sending HTTP content-location header with unique value
$request_uri = getenv(REQUEST_URI);
if (strchr($request_uri, "?"))
// request URI already contains parameter(s)
$header= sprintf("content-location: %s&hawcid=%s", $request_uri, date("U"));
// no parameters in URI
$header= sprintf("content-location: %s?hawcid=%s", $request_uri, date("U"));
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?" . ">\n";
if ($this->owgui_1_3)
echo "<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \"-//OPENWAVE.COM//DTD WML 1.3//EN\" \"http://www.openwave.COM/dtd/wml13.dtd\" >\n";
echo "<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN\" \"\">\n";
printf("<!-- Generated by %s %s -->\n", HAW_VERSION, HAW_COPYRIGHT);
echo "<wml>\n";
if ($this->disable_cache)
echo "<head>\n";
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Cache-Control\" content=\"must-revalidate\" forua=\"true\"/>\n";
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Cache-Control\" content=\"no-cache\" forua=\"true\"/>\n";
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Cache-Control\" content=\"max-age=0\" forua=\"true\"/>\n";
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Expires\" content=\"0\" forua=\"true\"/>\n";
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Pragma\" content=\"no-cache\" forua=\"true\"/>\n";
echo "</head>\n";
if ($this->title)
$title = " title=\"" . HAW_specchar($this->title,$this) . "\"";
$title = "";
printf("<card%s>\n", $title);
if (isset ($defaults) && $defaults)
// default values exist
// set variables each time the card is enter in forward direction ...
echo "<onevent type=\"onenterforward\">\n";
echo "<refresh>\n";
// initialize all WML variables with their default values
while (list($d_key, $d_val) = each($defaults))
printf("<setvar name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\"/>\n",
$d_val['name'], HAW_specchar($d_val['value'], $this));
echo "</refresh>\n";
echo "</onevent>\n";
// ... and backward direction
echo "<onevent type=\"onenterbackward\">\n";
echo "<refresh>\n";
while (list($d_key, $d_val) = each($defaults))
printf("<setvar name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\"/>\n", $d_val['name'], $d_val['value']);
echo "</refresh>\n";
echo "</onevent>\n";
// set redirection timeout
if ($this->timeout > 0)
echo "<onevent type=\"ontimer\">\n";
printf("<go href=\"%s\"/>\n", HAW_specchar($this->red_url, $this));
echo "</onevent>\n";
printf("<timer value=\"%d\"/>\n", $this->timeout*10);
// define <back> softkey
echo "<do type=\"prev\" label=\"Back\">\n";
echo "<prev/>\n";
echo "</do>\n";
elseif ($this->ml == HAW_HDML)
// create HDML card set structure
if (!isset($defaults))
$defaults = array();
$this->hdmlcardset = new HAW_hdmlcardset(HAW_specchar($this->title, $this),
$defaults, $this->disable_cache,
$this->debug, $this->charset);
elseif ($this->ml == HAW_VXML)
// create VXML page header
if (!$this->debug)
$ct = sprintf("content-type: application/vxml+xml");
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?" . ">\n";
printf("<!-- Generated by %s %s -->\n", HAW_VERSION, HAW_COPYRIGHT);
echo "<vxml version=\"2.0\">\n";
if ($this->disable_cache)
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Expires\" content=\"0\"/>\n";
// define voice deck properties
while (list($key, $val) = each($this->voice_property))
printf("<property name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\"/>\n", $val["name"], $val["value"]);
echo "<form>\n";
if ($this->voice_text || $this->voice_audio_src)
// create introducing audio output for VoiceXML deck
echo "<block>";
HAW_voice_audio(HAW_specchar($this->voice_text, $deck),
$this->voice_audio_src, HAW_VOICE_PAUSE);
echo "</block>\n";
if ($this->td_scroll && $this->sim_device)
// make content of table element scrollable (customized simulator)
$divstyle = sprintf(" style=\"width:%d;height:%d;overflow:auto\"",
$this->simdev_width, $this->simdev_height);
elseif ($this->td_scroll && $this->use_simulator)
// make content of table element scrollable (HAWHAW default simulator)
$divstyle = " class=\"simdev\"";
$divstyle = "";
switch ( $this->alignment )
if ($this->ml == HAW_HTML)
printf("<div align=\"left\"%s>\n", $divstyle);
elseif ($this->ml == HAW_WML)
echo "<p>\n"; // left is default
if ($this->ml == HAW_HTML)
printf("<div align=\"center\"%s>\n", $divstyle);
elseif ($this->ml == HAW_WML)
echo "<p align=\"center\">\n";
if ($this->ml == HAW_HTML)
printf("<div align=\"right\"%s>\n", $divstyle);
elseif ($this->ml == HAW_WML)
echo "<p align=\"right\">\n";
$i = 0;
while (isset($this->element[$i]))
$page_element = $this->element[$i];
switch ($page_element->get_elementtype())
case HAW_FORM:
case HAW_LINK:
case HAW_RAW:
case HAW_RULE:
$element = $this->element[$i];
if ($this->ml == HAW_HTML)
// create HTML page end
echo "</div>\n";
if ($this->pureHTML)
echo "</font></td>\n";
if ($this->td_scroll && $this->sim_device)
// display lower part of customized device simulator
printf("<td valign=\"top\"><img src=\"%s/right.jpg\"></td></tr>\n",
printf("<tr><td colspan=\"3\"><img src=\"%s/bottom.jpg\"></td>\n",
elseif ($this->td_scroll && $this->use_simulator)
// display lower part of HAWHAW default device simulator
echo "<td valign=\"top\" class=\"right\"> </td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td colspan=\"3\" class=\"bottom\"> </td>\n";
echo "</tr></table>\n";
if ($haw_license_holder && $haw_signature)
if ($haw_signature == 1)
$signature = sprintf("<font size=-1>Powered by HAWHAW (C)</font>\n");
if ($haw_sig_text)
if ($haw_sig_link)
$signature = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"><font size=-1>%s</font></a>\n", $haw_sig_link, $haw_sig_text);
$signature = sprintf("<font size=-1>%s</font>\n", $haw_sig_text);
$signature = sprintf("<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><font size=-1>Powered by HAWHAW (C)</font></a>\n", $this->waphome);
echo $signature;
echo "</center>\n";
if ($this->display_banners)
if ($this->number_of_bottom_banners > 0)
echo "<center>\n";
for ($i=0; $i<$this->number_of_bottom_banners; $i++)
// display banners at the bottom of the HTML page
$banner = $this->bottom_banners[$i];
echo "</center>\n";
echo "</body>\n";
echo "</html>\n";
elseif ($this->ml == HAW_WML)
// create WML page end
echo "</p>\n";
echo "</card>\n";
echo "</wml>\n";
elseif ($this->ml == HAW_HDML)
// create HDML page from hdml card set structure
$cardset = $this->hdmlcardset;
elseif ($this->ml == HAW_VXML)
// create VoiceXML page end
// set redirection timeout
if ($this->timeout > 0)
// redirect after <timout> to another URL
printf("<field><prompt timeout=\"%ds\"/><noinput><goto next=\"%s\"/></noinput></field>\n",
$this->timeout, $this->red_url);
elseif($this->voice_timeout > 0)
// there is at least one voice link active
// wait longest link timeout value until disconnect is forced
printf("<field><prompt timeout=\"%ds\"/><noinput><exit/></noinput></field>\n",
echo "</form>\n";
if ($this->voice_links)
echo $this->voice_links;
// create event handlers
HAW_voice_eventhandler("help", $this->voice_help, $this);
HAW_voice_eventhandler("noinput", $this->voice_noinput, $this);
HAW_voice_eventhandler("nomatch", $this->voice_nomatch, $this);
echo "</vxml>\n";
This class defines a form with various possible input elements. The input elements
have to be defined as separate objects and are linked to the form with a special
"add" function. One HAW_deck object can contain only one HAW_form object.
$myPage = new HAW_deck(...);<br>
$myForm = new HAW_form("/mynextpage.php");<br>
$myText = new HAW_text(...);<br>
$myInput = new HAW_input(...);<br>
$mySubmit = new HAW_submit(...);<br>
@see HAW_text
@see HAW_image
@see HAW_table
@see HAW_input
@see HAW_textarea
@see HAW_select
@see HAW_radio
@see HAW_checkbox
@see HAW_hidden
@see HAW_submit
@see HAW_rule
class HAW_form
var $url;
var $element;
var $number_of_elements = 0;
var $number_of_submitobjects = 0;
var $voice_text = "";
var $voice_audio_src = "";
@param url Address where the user input is sent to.<br>
Note: Currently only the GET method is supported.
function HAW_form($url)
$this->url = $url;
Adds a HAW_text object to HAW_form.
@param text Some HAW_text object.
@see HAW_text
function add_text($text)
if (!is_object($text))
die("invalid argument in add_text()");
$this->element[$this->number_of_elements] = $text;
Adds a HAW_image object to HAW_form.
@param image Some HAW_image object.
@see HAW_image
function add_image($image)
if (!is_object($image))
die("invalid argument in add_image()");
$this->element[$this->number_of_elements] = $image;
Adds a HAW_table object to HAW_form.
@param table Some HAW_table object.
@see HAW_table
function add_table($table)
if (!is_object($table))
die("invalid argument in add_table()");
$this->element[$this->number_of_elements] = $table;
Adds a HAW_input object to HAW_form.
@param input Some HAW_input object.
@see HAW_input
function add_input($input)
if (!is_object($input))
die("invalid argument in add_input()");
$this->element[$this->number_of_elements] = $input;
Adds a HAW_textarea object to HAW_form.
@param textarea Some HAW_textarea object.
@see HAW_textarea
function add_textarea($textarea)
if (!is_object($textarea))
die("invalid argument in add_textarea()");
$this->element[$this->number_of_elements] = $textarea;
Adds a HAW_select object to HAW_form.
@param select Some HAW_select object.
@see HAW_select
function add_select($select)
if (!is_object($select))
die("invalid argument in add_select()");
$this->element[$this->number_of_elements] = $select;
Adds a HAW_radio object to HAW_form.
@param radio Some HAW_radio object.
@see HAW_radio
function add_radio($radio)
if (!is_object($radio))
die("invalid argument in add_radio()");
$this->element[$this->number_of_elements] = $radio;
Adds a HAW_checkbox object to HAW_form.
@param checkbox Some HAW_checkbox object.
@see HAW_checkbox
function add_checkbox($checkbox)
if (!is_object($checkbox))
die("invalid argument in add_checkbox()");
$this->element[$this->number_of_elements] = $checkbox;
Adds a HAW_hidden object to HAW_form.
@param hidden Some HAW_hidden object.
@see HAW_hidden
function add_hidden($hidden)
if (!is_object($hidden))
die("invalid argument in add_hidden()");
$this->element[$this->number_of_elements] = $hidden;
Adds a HAW_submit object to HAW_form.
@param submit Some HAW_submit object.
@see HAW_submit
function add_submit($submit)
if (!is_object($submit))
die("invalid argument in add_submit()");
if ($this->number_of_submitobjects > 0)
die("only one HAW_submit object per form allowed!");
$this->element[$this->number_of_elements] = $submit;
Adds a HAW_raw object to HAW_form. (undocumented feature - for test only!)
@param raw_markup_object Some HAW_raw object.
@see HAW_raw
function add_raw($raw)
if (!is_object($raw))
die("invalid argument in add_raw()");
$this->element[$this->number_of_elements] = $raw;
Adds some user-defined HAWHAW object to HAW_form (undocumented feature)<br>
For skilled HAWHAW programmers only!
@param udef Some user-defined object.
function add_userdefined($udef)
// see HAW_deck->add_userdefined($def) for documentation
if (!is_object($udef))
die("invalid argument in add_userdefined()");
$this->element[$this->number_of_elements] = $udef;
Adds a HAW_rule object to HAW_form.
@param rule Some HAW_rule object.
@see HAW_rule
function add_rule($rule)
if (!is_object($rule))
die("invalid argument in add_rule()");
$this->element[$this->number_of_elements] = $rule;
Sets form-related text to be spoken by voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some introducing text that will be spoken before any dialog
is started.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
function set_voice_text($text, $audio_src="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_text()");
$this->voice_text = $text;
$this->voice_audio_src = $audio_src;
function get_defaults()
$defaults = array();
$i = 0;
while (list($key, $val) = each($this->element))
switch ($val->get_elementtype())
$checkbox = $val;
if ($checkbox->is_checked())
$defaults[$i]["name"] = $checkbox->get_name();
$defaults[$i]["value"] = $checkbox->get_value();
$element = $val;
$defaults[$i]["name"] = $element->get_name();
$defaults[$i]["value"] = $element->get_value();
return $defaults;
function get_elementtype()
return HAW_FORM;
function create(&$deck)
// determine all elements that have to be submitted
$i = 0;
while (list($key, $val) = each($this->element))
switch ($val->get_elementtype())
$element = $val;
$getvar[$i] = $element->get_name();
if ($deck->ml == HAW_HTML)
// start tag of HTML form
printf("<form action=\"%s\" method=\"get\">\n", $this->url);
// not necessary in WML, HDML and VoiceXML!
if ($deck->ml == HAW_VXML)
if ($this->voice_text || $this->voice_audio_src)
// create introducing audio output for VoiceXML form
echo "<block>";
HAW_voice_audio(HAW_specchar($this->voice_text, $deck),
$this->voice_audio_src, HAW_VOICE_PAUSE);
echo "</block>\n";
$i = 0;
while (isset($this->element[$i]))
$form_element = $this->element[$i];
switch ($form_element->get_elementtype())
case HAW_RAW:
case HAW_RULE:
$submit = $this->element[$i];
$submit->create($deck, $getvar, $this->url);
if ($deck->ml == HAW_HTML)
// terminate HTML form
echo "</form>\n";
This class allows to insert plain text into a HAW_deck, HAW_form or HAW_table object.
$myText1 = new HAW_text("Hello WAP!");<br>
$myText2 = new HAW_text("Welcome to HAWHAW", HAW_TEXTFORMAT_BOLD);<br>
$myText3 = new HAW_text("Good Morning", HAW_TEXTFORMAT_BOLD | HAW_TEXTFORMAT_BIG);<br>
@see HAW_deck
@see HAW_form
@see HAW_row
class HAW_text
var $text;
var $attrib;
var $br;
var $voice_text;
var $voice_audio_src;
@param text Some string you want to display
@param attrib (optional)<br>
function HAW_text($text, $attrib=HAW_TEXTFORMAT_NORMAL)
$this->text = $text;
$this->attrib = $attrib;
$this->br = 1; // default: 1 line break after text
$this->voice_text = $text;
$this->voice_audio_src = "";
Sets the number of line breaks (CRLF) after text. (default: 1)
@param br Some number of line breaks.
function set_br($br)
if (!is_int($br) || ($br < 0))
die("invalid argument in set_br()");
$this->br = $br;
Sets text to be spoken by voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some alternative text that replaces original <text>.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
function set_voice_text($text, $audio_src="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_text()");
$this->voice_text = $text;
$this->voice_audio_src = $audio_src;
function get_elementtype()
function create(&$deck)
if ($deck->ml == HAW_HDML)
if ($deck->alignment == HAW_ALIGN_CENTER)
// repeat alignment in HDML for each paragraph
if ($deck->alignment == HAW_ALIGN_RIGHT)
// repeat alignment in HDML for each paragraph
// print text
if ($this->text)
$content = sprintf("%s\n", HAW_specchar($this->text, $deck));
// create required amount of carriage return's
$br = "";
for ($i=0; $i < $this->br; $i++)
$br .= "<br>\n";
elseif(($deck->ml == HAW_HTML) || ($deck->ml == HAW_WML))
// HTML or WML
if (($this->attrib & HAW_TEXTFORMAT_BOXED) && ($deck->ml == HAW_HTML))
if (!($box_color = $deck->color))
$box_color = "#000000"; // set box color black, if no text color specified
printf("<table border=\"0\" bgcolor=\"%s\" width=\"100%%\"><tr><td><font color=\"%s\">\n",
$box_color, $deck->disp_bgcolor);
if ($this->attrib & HAW_TEXTFORMAT_BOLD)
echo "<b>\n";
if ($this->attrib & HAW_TEXTFORMAT_UNDERLINE)
echo "<u>\n";
if ($this->attrib & HAW_TEXTFORMAT_ITALIC)
echo "<i>\n";
if ($this->attrib & HAW_TEXTFORMAT_BIG)
echo "<big>\n";
if ($this->attrib & HAW_TEXTFORMAT_SMALL)
echo "<small>\n";
// print text
if (isset($this->text))
printf("%s\n", HAW_specchar($this->text, $deck));
if ($this->attrib & HAW_TEXTFORMAT_SMALL)
echo "</small>\n";
if ($this->attrib & HAW_TEXTFORMAT_BIG)
echo "</big>\n";
if ($this->attrib & HAW_TEXTFORMAT_ITALIC)
echo "</i>\n";
if ($this->attrib & HAW_TEXTFORMAT_UNDERLINE)
echo "</u>\n";
if ($this->attrib & HAW_TEXTFORMAT_BOLD)
echo "</b>\n";
if (($this->attrib & HAW_TEXTFORMAT_BOXED) && ($deck->ml == HAW_HTML))
echo "</font></td></tr></table>\n";
// create required amount of carriage return's
if ($deck->ml == HAW_HTML)
// break instruction in HTML
$br_command = "<br>\n";
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_WML)
// break instruction in WML
$br_command = "<br/>\n";
for ($i=0; $i < $this->br; $i++)
echo $br_command;
elseif($deck->ml == HAW_VXML)
// VoiceXML
if ($this->voice_text || $this->voice_audio_src)
// create audio output for VoiceXML text
echo "<block>";
$pause = $this->br * HAW_VOICE_PAUSE; // short pause for each break
// remove leading commas, dots etc. which may appear after link objects
HAW_voice_audio(ereg_replace("^[\?!,;.]", " ", HAW_specchar($this->voice_text, $deck)),
$this->voice_audio_src, $pause);
echo "</block>\n";
This class allows to insert bitmap images into a HAW_deck, HAW_form or HAW_table
$myImage1 = new HAW_image("my_image.wbmp", "my_image.gif", ":-)");<br>
$myImage2 = new HAW_image("my_image.wbmp", "my_image.gif", ":-)", "my_image.bmp");<br>
@see HAW_deck
@see HAW_form
@see HAW_row
class HAW_image
var $src_wbmp;
var $src_html;
var $alt;
var $src_bmp;
var $br;
var $localsrc;
var $chtml_icon;
var $mml_icon;
var $voice_text;
var $voice_audio_src;
@param src_wbmp Your bitmap in WAP-conform .wbmp format.
@param src_html Your bitmap in .gif, .jpg or any other HTML compatible format.
@param alt Alternative text for your bitmap. Will be displayed if the client can
display none of your graphic formats.
@param src_bmp (optional)<br>your bitmap in monochrome .bmp format. If the
browser signals in the HTTP request header, that he's only able to display
image/bmp and not image/vnd.wap.wbmp (e.g. the UPSim 3.2 did so), this image
will be sent.
function HAW_image($src_wbmp, $src_html, $alt, $src_bmp="")
$this->src_wbmp = $src_wbmp;
$this->src_html = $src_html;
$this->alt = $alt;
$this->src_bmp = $src_bmp;
$this->br = 0; // default: no line break after image
$this->localsrc = ""; // no localsrc attribute
$this->chtml_icon = 0; // no cHTML icon
$this->mml_icon = 0; // no MML icon
$this->voice_text = "";
$this->voice_audio_src = "";
Sets the number of line breaks (CRLF) after the image. (default: 0)
@param br Some number of line breaks.
function set_br($br)
if (!is_int($br) || ($br < 0))
die("invalid argument in set_br()");
$this->br = $br;
Use localsrc attribute on WAP/HDML devices. <br>
Using built-in icons, mobile devices don't have to download
bitmap images. If the device can not render the specified icon,
it will download the according bitmap as specified in the HAW_image
@param icon Device-internal representation of the image, e.g. "heart".
function use_localsrc($icon)
if (!is_string($icon))
die("invalid argument in use_localsrc()");
$this->localsrc = $icon;
Use cHTML icon instead of HTML bitmap on i-mode devices. <br>
Using built-in icons, mobile devices don't have to download
bitmap images. Has no effect on non-i-mode devices.
@param icon cHTML icon code, e.g. 63889 for the "heart" icon.
function use_chtml_icon($icon)
if (!is_int($icon) || ($icon < 1))
die("invalid argument in use_chtml_icon()");
$this->chtml_icon = $icon;
Use MML icon instead of HTML bitmap on MML devices. <br>
Using built-in icons, mobile devices don't have to download
bitmap images. Has no effect on non-MML devices.
@param icon MML icon code, e.g. "GB" for the "heart" icon.
function use_mml_icon($icon)
if (!is_string($icon) || (strlen($icon) != 2))
die("invalid argument in use_mml_icon()");
$this->mml_icon = $icon;
Sets text to be spoken by voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some text that represents the image for voice users.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
function set_voice_text($text, $audio_src="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_text()");
$this->voice_text = $text;
$this->voice_audio_src = $audio_src;
function get_elementtype()
return HAW_IMAGE;
function create(&$deck)
if ($deck->ml == HAW_HDML)
if ($deck->alignment == HAW_ALIGN_CENTER)
// repeat alignment in HDML for each paragraph
if ($deck->alignment == HAW_ALIGN_RIGHT)
// repeat alignment in HDML for each paragraph
if ($this->localsrc)
$icon = sprintf(" icon=\"%s\"", $this->localsrc);
$icon = "";
$content = sprintf("<img src=\"%s\" alt=\"%s\"%s>\n",
HAW_specchar($this->alt, $deck), $icon);
// create required amount of carriage return's
$br = "";
for ($i=0; $i < $this->br; $i++)
$br .= "<br>\n";
elseif (($deck->ml == HAW_HTML) || ($deck->ml == HAW_WML))
// HTML or WML
if ($deck->ml == HAW_HTML)
if ($deck->iModestyle && $this->chtml_icon)
// cHTML icon available ==> use this icon instead of bitmap
printf("&#%d;", $this->chtml_icon);
elseif ($deck->MMLstyle && $this->mml_icon)
// MML icon available ==> use this icon instead of bitmap
echo CHR(27) . "$" . $this->mml_icon . CHR(15);
// use HTML bitmap
printf("<img src=\"%s\" alt=\"%s\">\n",
$this->src_html, HAW_specchar($this->alt, $deck));
// evaluate HTML break instruction
if ($deck->MMLstyle)
$br_command = "<br>\n"; // MML has problems with clear attribute
$br_command = "<br clear=all>\n";
// WML
if ($this->localsrc)
$localsrc = sprintf(" localsrc=\"%s\"", $this->localsrc);
$localsrc = "";
if ($deck->gif_enabled && (substr(strtolower($this->src_html), -4) == ".gif"))
// user agent is able to display the provided GIF image
printf("<img src=\"%s\" alt=\"%s\"%s/>\n", $this->src_html,
HAW_specchar($this->alt, $deck), $localsrc);
elseif (strstr(strtolower($HTTP_ACCEPT), "image/vnd.wap.wbmp"))
// user agent is able to display .wbmp image
printf("<img src=\"%s\" alt=\"%s\"%s/>\n", $this->src_wbmp,
HAW_specchar($this->alt, $deck), $localsrc);
elseif (strstr(strtolower($HTTP_ACCEPT), "image/bmp") && $this->src_bmp)
// user agent is able to display .bmp and .bmp image is available
printf("<img src=\"%s\" alt=\"%s\"%s/>\n", $this->src_bmp,
HAW_specchar($this->alt, $deck), $localsrc);
// hope that the user agent makes the best of it!
printf("<img src=\"%s\" alt=\"%s\"%s/>\n", $this->src_wbmp,
HAW_specchar($this->alt, $deck), $localsrc);
// break instruction in WML
$br_command = "<br/>\n";
// create required amount of carriage return's
for ($i=0; $i < $this->br; $i++)
echo $br_command;
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_VXML)
// VoiceXML
if ($this->voice_text || $this->voice_audio_src)
// create image-related audio output for VoiceXML images
echo "<block>";
HAW_voice_audio(HAW_specchar($this->voice_text, $deck),
$this->voice_audio_src, HAW_VOICE_PAUSE);
echo "</block>\n";
This class allows to insert tables into a HAW_deck or HAW_form object.
<p>Note: Not all WAP clients are able to display tables properly! HDML is not
supporting tables at all. For HDML users the table's content will be generated
column-by-column, respectively row-by-row, where each table cell will result in
one separate line on the display.
$myTable = new HAW_table();<br>
$row1 = new HAW_row();<br>
$row2 = new HAW_row();<br>
@see HAW_deck
@see HAW_form
@see HAW_row
class HAW_table
var $row;
var $number_of_rows;
var $voice_text;
var $voice_audio_src;
function HAW_table()
$this->number_of_rows = 0;
$this->voice_text = "";
$this->voice_audio_src = "";
Adds a HAW_row object to HAW_table.
@param row Some HAW_row object.
function add_row($row)
if (!is_object($row))
die("invalid argument in add_row()");
$this->row[$this->number_of_rows] = $row;
Sets text to be spoken by voice browsers. <br>
Note: Tables should be avoided whenever voice users are targeted.
Anyway, the HAWHAW API allows to assign voice output to HAW_table objects in order
to say some introducing words before the table content is spoken.
@param text Some helpful text.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
function set_voice_text($text, $audio_src="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_text()");
$this->voice_text = $text;
$this->voice_audio_src = $audio_src;
function get_elementtype()
return HAW_TABLE;
function create(&$deck)
// HDML does not support tables ==> skip all table tags for HDML
if ($deck->ml == HAW_HTML)
echo "<table border=\"1\">\n";
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_WML)
// WML
// evaluate maximum number of columns in table
$max_columns = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->number_of_rows; $i++)
$row = $this->row[$i];
$columns = $row->get_number_of_columns();
if ($columns > $max_columns)
$max_columns = $columns;
printf("<table columns=\"%d\">\n", $max_columns);
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_VXML)
if ($this->voice_text || $this->voice_audio_src)
// create introducing audio output for VoiceXML table
echo "<block>";
HAW_voice_audio(HAW_specchar($this->voice_text, $deck),
$this->voice_audio_src, HAW_VOICE_PAUSE);
echo "</block>\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->number_of_rows; $i++)
$row = $this->row[$i];
//terminate table
if ($deck->ml == HAW_HTML)
// make new line in HTML
if ($deck->MMLstyle)
echo "</table><br>\n"; // MML has problems with clear attribute
echo "</table><br clear=all>\n";
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_WML)
// make new line in WML
echo "</table><br/>\n";
This class defines the rows, a HAW_table object consists of.
$image1 = new HAW_image("my_image.wbmp", "my_image.gif", ":-)");<br>
$text1 = new HAW_text("my text");<br>
$row1 = new HAW_row();<br>
@see HAW_table
@see HAW_text
@see HAW_image
@see HAW_link
class HAW_row
var $column;
var $number_of_columns;
function HAW_row()
$this->number_of_columns = 0;
Adds a cell element to a HAW_row object.
@param cell_element (optional)<br>Can be a HAW_text object, a HAW_image object,
a HAW_link object or the NULL pointer (default).
The latter results in an empty cell element.
function add_column($cell_element=NULL)
$this->column[$this->number_of_columns] = $cell_element;
if (is_object($cell_element))
if (($cell_element->get_elementtype() != HAW_PLAINTEXT) &&
($cell_element->get_elementtype() != HAW_IMAGE) &&
($cell_element->get_elementtype() != HAW_LINK))
die("invalid argument in add_column()");
function get_number_of_columns()
return $this->number_of_columns;
function create(&$deck)
// HDML and VXML do not support tables ==> skip all table tags for HDML and VXML
if (($deck->ml != HAW_HDML) && ($deck->ml != HAW_VXML))
echo "<tr>\n"; // start of row
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->number_of_columns; $i++)
if (($deck->ml != HAW_HDML) && ($deck->ml != HAW_VXML))
echo "<td>\n"; // start of column
// call create function for each cellelement that is a HAWHAW object
$column = $this->column[$i];
if (is_object($column))
if (($deck->ml != HAW_HDML) && ($deck->ml != HAW_VXML))
echo "</td>\n"; // end of column
if (($deck->ml != HAW_HDML) && ($deck->ml != HAW_VXML))
echo "</tr>\n"; // end of row
This class provides a text input field in a HAW_form object.
$myInput1 = new HAW_input("cid", "", "Customer ID");<br>
$myInput2 = new HAW_input("cid", "", "Customer ID", "*N");<br>
$myInput3 = new HAW_input("pw", "", "Password", "*N");<br>
@see HAW_form
class HAW_input
var $name;
var $value;
var $label;
var $size;
var $maxlength;
var $type;
var $format;
var $mode;
var $br;
var $voice_text;
var $voice_audio_src;
var $voice_type;
var $voice_grammar;
var $voice_help;
var $voice_noinput;
var $voice_nomatch;
@param name Variable in which the input is sent to the destination URL.
@param value Initial value (string!) that will be presented in the input field.
@param label Describes your input field on the surfer's screen/display.
@param format (optional, default: "*M")<br>
Input format code according to the WAP standard.
Allows the WAP user client e.g. to input only digits and no characters.
function HAW_input($name, $value, $label, $format="*M")
$this->name = $name;
$this->value = $value;
$this->label = $label;
$this->format = $format;
$this->type = HAW_INPUT_TEXT;
$this->mode = HAW_INPUT_ALPHABET;
$this->br = 1;
$this->voice_text = $label;
$this->voice_audio_src = "";
$this->voice_type = "digits";
$this->voice_grammar = "";
$this->voice_help = array();
$this->voice_noinput = array();
$this->voice_nomatch = array();
Set size of the input field. <br>
Note: Will be ignored in case of HDML/VoiceXML output.
@param size Number of characters fitting into the input field.
function set_size($size)
$this->size = $size;
Set maximum of allowed characters in the input field. <br>
Note: Will be ignored in case of HDML output.
@param maxlength Maximum number of characters the user can enter.
function set_maxlength($maxlength)
$this->maxlength = $maxlength;
Set input type
@param type Allowed values: HAW_INPUT_TEXT (default) or HAW_INPUT_PASSWORD.
function set_type($type)
$this->type = $type;
Set input mode/istyle for japanese MML/i-mode devices
@param mode input mode<br>
HAW_INPUT_ALPHABET (default)<br>
function set_mode($mode)
$this->mode = $mode;
// input mode can be mapped into a format string, used from WML and HDML
// ==> set format string
// (if a format string was provided during object initiation, this value
// will be overwritten)
switch ($mode)
case HAW_INPUT_HIRAGANA: { $this->format = "*M"; break; }
case HAW_INPUT_KATAKANA: { $this->format = "*M"; break; }
case HAW_INPUT_ALPHABET: { $this->format = "*m"; break; }
case HAW_INPUT_NUMERIC: { $this->format = "*N"; break; }
Sets the number of line breaks (CRLF) after input field (default: 1). <br>
Note: Has no effect in WML/HDML.
@param br Some number of line breaks.
function set_br($br)
if (!is_int($br) || ($br < 0))
die("invalid argument in set_br()");
$this->br = $br;
Sets text to be spoken by voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some alternative text that replaces <label>.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
function set_voice_text($text, $audio_src="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_text()");
$this->voice_text = $text;
$this->voice_audio_src = $audio_src;
Sets the type of the input field in voice decks (default: "digits"). <br>
Note: Support of builtin grammar types is platform specific.
The W3C VoiceXML Version 2.0 recommendation defines these grammar types:
<li>digits (default)</li>
@param type String with grammar type.
function set_voice_type($type)
if (!is_string($type))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_type()");
$this->voice_type = $type;
Defines an external grammar for an input field in voice decks. <br>
Attention: This function should be used by experienced VoiceXML developers
only! Please refer to the W3C VoiceXML Recommendation for detailled info
about grammar definitions.
@param src URL specifying the location of the grammar, e.g. "".
@param type Media type of the grammar, e.g. "application/srgs+xml".
function set_voice_grammar($src, $type)
if (!is_string($src) || !is_string($type))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_grammar()");
$this->voice_grammar["src"] = $src;
$this->voice_grammar["type"] = $type;
$this->voice_type = ""; // external grammar overrides builtin grammar
Sets help text for voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some helpful information concerning this input.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
@param url Some other voice deck to go to (optional).
function set_voice_help($text, $audio_src="", $url="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_help()");
$arr["text"] = $text;
$arr["src"] = $audio_src;
$arr["url"] = $url;
$this->voice_help[] = $arr;
Sets noinput text for voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some text to inform the user that no input has been received.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
@param url Some other voice deck to go to (optional).
function set_voice_noinput($text, $audio_src="", $url="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_noinput()");
$arr["text"] = $text;
$arr["src"] = $audio_src;
$arr["url"] = $url;
$this->voice_noinput[] = $arr;
Sets nomatch text for voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some text to complain that user input was not recognized.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
@param url Some other voice deck to go to (optional).
function set_voice_nomatch($text, $audio_src="", $url="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_nomatch()");
$arr["text"] = $text;
$arr["src"] = $audio_src;
$arr["url"] = $url;
$this->voice_nomatch[] = $arr;
function get_name()
return $this->name;
function get_value()
return $this->value;
function get_label()
return $this->label;
function get_size()
return $this->size;
function get_maxlength()
return $this->maxlength;
function get_type()
return $this->type;
function get_mode()
return $this->mode;
function get_format()
return $this->format;
function get_elementtype()
return HAW_INPUT;
function create(&$deck)
if ($this->type == HAW_INPUT_PASSWORD)
$type = "type=\"password\"";
$type = "type=\"text\"";
if ($this->size)
$size = sprintf("size=\"%d\"", $this->size);
if ($this->maxlength)
$maxlength = sprintf("maxlength=\"%d\"", $this->maxlength);
if ($deck->ml == HAW_HTML)
if ($deck->iModestyle)
$mode = sprintf(" istyle=\"%d\"", $this->mode);
$mode = "";
if ($deck->MMLstyle)
switch ($this->mode)
case HAW_INPUT_ALPHABET: { $mode = " mode=\"alphabet\""; break; }
case HAW_INPUT_KATAKANA: { $mode = " mode=\"katakana\""; break; }
case HAW_INPUT_HIRAGANA: { $mode = " mode=\"hiragana\""; break; }
case HAW_INPUT_NUMERIC: { $mode = " mode=\"numeric\""; break; }
default: { $mode = " mode=\"alphabet\""; break; }
// create HTML input
printf("%s <input %s name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\" %s %s%s> ",
HAW_specchar($this->label, $deck), $type,
$this->name, $this->value, $size, $maxlength, $mode);
for ($i=0; $i < $this->br; $i++)
echo "<br>\n";
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_WML)
// create WML input
printf("%s<input emptyok=\"true\" format=\"%s\" %s name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\" %s %s/>\n",
HAW_specchar($this->label, $deck), $this->format,
$type, $this->name, $this->value, $size, $maxlength);
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_HDML)
// create HDML input
$options = " format=\"$this->format\"";
$options .= " key=\"$this->name\"";
if ($this->type == HAW_INPUT_PASSWORD)
$options .= " NOECHO=\"true\"";
if ($deck->alignment == HAW_ALIGN_CENTER)
$display_content = "<center>\n";
elseif ($deck->alignment == HAW_ALIGN_RIGHT)
$display_content = "<right>\n";
$display_content .= HAW_specchar($this->label, $deck);
$display_content .= "\n";
// make user interactive entry card
$deck->hdmlcardset->make_ui_card($options, $display_content, HAW_HDML_ENTRY);
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_VXML)
// create VoiceXML input
if ($this->voice_type)
if (($this->voice_type == "digits") && $this->maxlength)
$type = sprintf(" type=\"digits?maxlength=%d\"", $this->maxlength);
$type = sprintf(" type=\"%s\"", $this->voice_type);
$type = "";
printf("<field%s name=\"%s\">\n", $type, $this->name);
if ($this->voice_grammar)
// external grammar has been defined
printf("<grammar src=\"%s\" type=\"%s\"/>\n",
$this->voice_grammar["src"], $this->voice_grammar["type"]);
if ($this->voice_text || $this->voice_audio_src)
echo "<prompt>";
HAW_voice_audio(HAW_specchar($this->voice_text, $deck),
$this->voice_audio_src, 0);
echo "</prompt>\n";
// create event handlers
HAW_voice_eventhandler("help", $this->voice_help, $deck);
HAW_voice_eventhandler("noinput", $this->voice_noinput, $deck);
HAW_voice_eventhandler("nomatch", $this->voice_nomatch, $deck);
echo "</field>\n";
This class provides a input textarea in a HAW_form object.<br>
Note: Creates no output for VoiceXML. Voice applications can use class
HAW_voicerecorder instead.
$myArea1 = new HAW_textarea("fb", "", "Feedback");<br>
$myArea2 = new HAW_textarea("msg", "Enter message here ...", "Message", 40 , 5);<br>
@see HAW_form
@see HAW_voicerecorder
class HAW_textarea
var $name;
var $value;
var $label;
var $rows;
var $cols;
var $mode;
var $br;
@param name Variable in which the input is sent to the destination URL.
@param value Initial value (string!) that will be presented in the textarea.
@param label Describes your textarea on the surfer's screen/display.
@param rows Rows (optional, default: 3)
@param cols Columns (optional, default: 16)
function HAW_textarea($name, $value, $label, $rows=3, $cols=16)
$this->name = $name;
$this->value = $value;
$this->label = $label;
$this->rows = $rows;
$this->cols = $cols;
$this->mode = HAW_INPUT_ALPHABET;
$this->br = 1;
Set input mode/istyle for japanese MML/i-mode devices
@param mode input mode<br>
HAW_INPUT_ALPHABET (default)<br>
function set_mode($mode)
$this->mode = $mode;
Sets the number of line breaks (CRLF) after textarea. (default: 1)<br>
Note: Has no effect in WML/HDML.
@param br Some number of line breaks.
function set_br($br)
if (!is_int($br) || ($br < 0))
die("invalid argument in set_br()");
$this->br = $br;
function get_name()
return $this->name;
function get_value()
return $this->value;
function get_label()
return $this->label;
function get_mode()
return $this->mode;
function get_elementtype()
function create(&$deck)
if ($deck->ml == HAW_HTML)
if ($deck->iModestyle)
$mode = sprintf(" istyle=\"%d\"", $this->mode);
if ($deck->MMLstyle)
switch ($this->mode)
case HAW_INPUT_ALPHABET: { $mode = " mode=\"alphabet\""; break; }
case HAW_INPUT_KATAKANA: { $mode = " mode=\"katakana\""; break; }
case HAW_INPUT_HIRAGANA: { $mode = " mode=\"hiragana\""; break; }
case HAW_INPUT_NUMERIC: { $mode = " mode=\"numeric\""; break; }
default: { $mode = " mode=\"alphabet\""; break; }
if (!$deck->iModestyle && !$deck->MMLstyle)
$wrap = sprintf(" wrap=\"virtual\"");
// create HTML input
printf("%s<br><textarea name=\"%s\" rows=\"%s\" cols=\"%s\"%s%s>%s</textarea> ",
HAW_specchar($this->label, $deck), $this->name, $this->rows,
$this->cols, $mode, $wrap, $this->value);
for ($i=0; $i < $this->br; $i++)
echo "<br>\n";
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_WML)
// create WML input
printf("%s<input emptyok=\"true\" name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\"/>\n",
HAW_specchar($this->label, $deck),
$this->name, $this->value);
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_HDML)
// create HDML input
$options = " key=\"$this->name\"";
if ($deck->alignment == HAW_ALIGN_CENTER)
$display_content = "<center>\n";
elseif ($deck->alignment == HAW_ALIGN_RIGHT)
$display_content = "<right>\n";
$display_content .= HAW_specchar($this->label, $deck);
$display_content .= "\n";
// make user interactive entry card
$deck->hdmlcardset->make_ui_card($options, $display_content, HAW_HDML_ENTRY);
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_VXML)
// no output for VoiceXML possible
This class provides a select element in a HAW_form object.
It allows to create optimized WML for WAP devices which
are capable to interprete the Openwave GUI extensions for WML 1.3. All other
WAP devices receive WML 1.1 compatible markup code, which is quite similar to
the markup code created by the HAW_radio class.
$mySelect = new HAW_select("color");<br>
$mySelect->add_option("Blue", "b");<br>
$mySelect->add_option("Red", "r", HAW_SELECTED);<br>
$mySelect->add_option("Yellow", "y");
@see HAW_form
class HAW_select
var $name;
var $type;
var $value;
var $options;
var $number_of_options;
var $voice_text;
var $voice_audio_src;
var $voice_help;
var $voice_noinput;
var $voice_nomatch;
@param name Variable in which the information about the selected option is sent to
the destination URL.
@param type (optional)<br>
Type of select area:<br>
HAW_SELECT_POPUP: popup the whole selection list (default)<br>
HAW_SELECT_SPIN: rotate options on a WAP device screen<br>
function HAW_select($name, $type=HAW_SELECT_POPUP)
$this->name = $name;
$this->type = $type;
$this->value = false;
$this->number_of_options = 0;
$this->voice_text = HAW_VOICE_ENUMERATE;
$this->voice_audio_src = "";
$this->voice_help = array();
$this->voice_noinput = array();
$this->voice_nomatch = array();
Adds one option to a HAW_select object.
@param label Describes the option on the surfer's screen/display.
@param value Value (string!) sent in the "name" variable, if this option is selected.
@param is_selected (optional)<br>Allowed values are HAW_SELECTED or HAW_NOTSELECTED
(default).<br>Note: Setting to "selected" will overwrite previous "selected"
options of this HAW_select object.
function add_option($label, $value, $is_selected=HAW_NOTSELECTED)
if (!$label || !$value)
die("invalid argument in add_option()");
$this->options[$this->number_of_options]["label"] = $label;
$this->options[$this->number_of_options]["value"] = $value;
if (!$this->value || ($is_selected == HAW_SELECTED))
$this->value = $value;
Sets text to be spoken by voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some alternative text that replaces the enumeration of select options.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
function set_voice_text($text, $audio_src="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_text()");
$this->voice_text = $text;
$this->voice_audio_src = $audio_src;
Sets help text for voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some helpful information concerning this select element.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
@param url Some other voice deck to go to (optional).
function set_voice_help($text, $audio_src="", $url="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_help()");
$arr["text"] = $text;
$arr["src"] = $audio_src;
$arr["url"] = $url;
$this->voice_help[] = $arr;
Sets noinput text for voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some text to inform the user that no input has been received.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
@param url Some other voice deck to go to (optional).
function set_voice_noinput($text, $audio_src="", $url="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_noinput()");
$arr["text"] = $text;
$arr["src"] = $audio_src;
$arr["url"] = $url;
$this->voice_noinput[] = $arr;
Sets nomatch text for voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some text to complain that user input was not recognized.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
@param url Some other voice deck to go to (optional).
function set_voice_nomatch($text, $audio_src="", $url="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_nomatch()");
$arr["text"] = $text;
$arr["src"] = $audio_src;
$arr["url"] = $url;
$this->voice_nomatch[] = $arr;
function get_name()
return $this->name;
function get_value()
return $this->value;
function get_elementtype()
return HAW_SELECT;
function create(&$deck)
if ($deck->ml == HAW_HTML)
// create HTML select
echo "<select name=\"" . $this->name . "\" size=\"1\">\n";
for ($i=0; $i < $this->number_of_options; $i++)
if ($this->options[$i]["value"] == $this->value)
$state = " selected";
$state = "";
echo "<option" . $state . " value=\"" . $this->options[$i]["value"] . "\">"
. HAW_specchar($this->options[$i]["label"], $deck) . "\n";
echo "</select>\n";
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_WML)
// create WML select
if ($deck->owgui_1_3)
// Openwave GUI extensions for WML 1.3
switch ($this->type)
case HAW_SELECT_POPUP: { $type_option = "type=\"popup\""; break; }
case HAW_SELECT_SPIN: { $type_option = "type=\"spin\""; break; }
default: { $type_option = "type=\"popup\""; break; }
echo "<select " . $type_option . " name=\"" . $this->name . "\">\n";
// conventional WML (similar as for HAW_radio)
echo "<select name=\"" . $this->name . "\">\n";
for ($i=0; $i < $this->number_of_options; $i++)
echo "<option value=\"" . $this->options[$i]["value"] . "\">"
. HAW_specchar($this->options[$i]["label"], $deck) . "</option>\n";
echo "</select>\n";
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_HDML)
// create HDML select (similar as for HAW_radio)
$options = " key=\"$this->name\"";
$ce_area = "";
while (list($key, $val) = each($this->options))
// create one <ce> statement for each option
$ce_area .= sprintf("<ce value=\"%s\">%s\n",
HAW_specchar($val["label"], $deck));
// make user interactive choice card
$deck->hdmlcardset->make_ui_card($options, $ce_area, HAW_HDML_CHOICE);
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_VXML)
// create VoiceXML select
printf("<field name=\"%s\">\n", $this->name);
if ($this->voice_text || $this->voice_audio_src)
if ($this->voice_text != HAW_VOICE_ENUMERATE)
echo "<prompt>";
HAW_voice_audio(HAW_specchar($this->voice_text, $deck),
$this->voice_audio_src, 0);
echo "</prompt>\n";
while (list($key, $val) = each($this->options))
if ($key < 9)
$dtmf = sprintf(" dtmf=\"%d\"", $key+1);
$dtmf = "";
printf("<prompt>%s<break time=\"%dms\"/></prompt>\n",
HAW_specchar($val["label"], $deck), HAW_VOICE_PAUSE);
printf("<option%s value=\"%s\">%s</option>\n", $dtmf, $val["value"],
ereg_replace("[\?!]"," ",strtolower(HAW_specchar($val["label"], $deck))));
// create event handlers
HAW_voice_eventhandler("help", $this->voice_help, $deck);
HAW_voice_eventhandler("noinput", $this->voice_noinput, $deck);
HAW_voice_eventhandler("nomatch", $this->voice_nomatch, $deck);
echo "</field>\n";
This class provides a radio button element in a HAW_form object.
$myRadio = new HAW_radio("country");<br>
$myRadio->add_button("Finland", "F");<br>
$myRadio->add_button("Germany", "G", HAW_CHECKED);<br>
$myRadio->add_button("Sweden", "S");
@see HAW_form
class HAW_radio
var $name;
var $value;
var $buttons;
var $number_of_buttons;
var $voice_text;
var $voice_audio_src;
var $voice_help;
var $voice_noinput;
var $voice_nomatch;
@param name Variable in which the information about the pressed button is sent to
the destination URL.
function HAW_radio($name)
$this->name = $name;
$this->value = "";
$this->number_of_buttons = 0;
$this->voice_text = HAW_VOICE_ENUMERATE;
$this->voice_audio_src = "";
$this->voice_help = array();
$this->voice_noinput = array();
$this->voice_nomatch = array();
Adds one radio button to a HAW_radio object.
@param label Describes the radiobutton on the surfer's screen/display.
@param value Value (string!) sent in the "name" variable, if this button is selected.
@param is_checked (optional)<br>Allowed values are HAW_CHECKED or HAW_NOTCHECKED
(default).<br>Note: Setting to "checked" will overwrite previous "checked"
radiobuttons of this HAW_radio object.
function add_button($label, $value, $is_checked=HAW_NOTCHECKED)
if (!$label || !$value)
die("invalid argument in add_button()");
$this->buttons[$this->number_of_buttons]["label"] = $label;
$this->buttons[$this->number_of_buttons]["value"] = $value;
if (!$this->value || ($is_checked == HAW_CHECKED))
$this->value = $value;
Sets text to be spoken by voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some alternative text that replaces the enumeration of buttons.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
function set_voice_text($text, $audio_src="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_text()");
$this->voice_text = $text;
$this->voice_audio_src = $audio_src;
Sets help text for voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some helpful information concerning this radio button element.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
@param url Some other voice deck to go to (optional).
function set_voice_help($text, $audio_src="", $url="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_help()");
$arr["text"] = $text;
$arr["src"] = $audio_src;
$arr["url"] = $url;
$this->voice_help[] = $arr;
Sets noinput text for voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some text to inform the user that no input has been received.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
@param url Some other voice deck to go to (optional).
function set_voice_noinput($text, $audio_src="", $url="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_noinput()");
$arr["text"] = $text;
$arr["src"] = $audio_src;
$arr["url"] = $url;
$this->voice_noinput[] = $arr;
Sets nomatch text for voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some text to complain that user input was not recognized.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
@param url Some other voice deck to go to (optional).
function set_voice_nomatch($text, $audio_src="", $url="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_nomatch()");
$arr["text"] = $text;
$arr["src"] = $audio_src;
$arr["url"] = $url;
$this->voice_nomatch[] = $arr;
function get_name()
return $this->name;
function get_value()
return $this->value;
function get_elementtype()
return HAW_RADIO;
function create(&$deck)
if ($deck->ml == HAW_HTML)
// create HTML radio
while (list($key, $val) = each($this->buttons))
if ($val["value"] == $this->value)
$state = "checked";
$state = "";
printf("<input type=\"radio\" name=\"%s\" %s value=\"%s\"> %s<br>\n",
$this->name, $state, $val["value"],
HAW_specchar($val["label"], $deck));
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_WML)
// create WML radio
if ($deck->owgui_1_3)
// Openwave GUI extensions for WML 1.3
printf("<select type=\"radio\" name=\"%s\">\n", $this->name);
// conventional WML (similar as for HAW_select)
printf("<select name=\"%s\">\n", $this->name);
while (list($key, $val) = each($this->buttons))
printf("<option value=\"%s\">%s</option>\n",
$val["value"], HAW_specchar($val["label"], $deck));
echo "</select>\n";
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_HDML)
// create HDML radio (similar as for HAW_select)
$options = " key=\"$this->name\"";
$ce_area = "";
while (list($key, $val) = each($this->buttons))
// create one <ce> statement for each button
$ce_area .= sprintf("<ce value=\"%s\">%s\n",
HAW_specchar($val["label"], $deck));
// make user interactive choice card
$deck->hdmlcardset->make_ui_card($options, $ce_area, HAW_HDML_CHOICE);
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_VXML)
// create VoiceXML radio
printf("<field name=\"%s\">\n", $this->name);
if ($this->voice_text || $this->voice_audio_src)
if ($this->voice_text != HAW_VOICE_ENUMERATE)
echo "<prompt>";
HAW_voice_audio(HAW_specchar($this->voice_text, $deck),
$this->voice_audio_src, 0);
echo "</prompt>\n";
while (list($key, $val) = each($this->buttons))
if ($key < 9)
$dtmf = sprintf(" dtmf=\"%d\"", $key+1);
$dtmf = "";
printf("<prompt>%s<break time=\"%dms\"/></prompt>\n",
HAW_specchar($val["label"], $deck), HAW_VOICE_PAUSE);
printf("<option%s value=\"%s\">%s</option>\n", $dtmf, $val["value"],
ereg_replace("[\?!]"," ",strtolower(HAW_specchar($val["label"], $deck))));
// create event handlers
HAW_voice_eventhandler("help", $this->voice_help, $deck);
HAW_voice_eventhandler("noinput", $this->voice_noinput, $deck);
HAW_voice_eventhandler("nomatch", $this->voice_nomatch, $deck);
echo "</field>\n";
This class provides a single checkbox element in a HAW_form object.
$myCheckbox = new HAW_checkbox("agmt", "yes", "I agree");<br>
$myCheckbox = new HAW_checkbox("agmt", "yes", "I agree", HAW_NOTCHECKED);<br>
$myCheckbox = new HAW_checkbox("agmt", "yes", "I agree", HAW_CHECKED);<br>
Note: The first and the second example are identical.
@see HAW_form
class HAW_checkbox
var $name;
var $value;
var $state;
var $voice_text;
var $voice_audio_src;
var $voice_help;
var $voice_noinput;
var $voice_nomatch;
@param name Variable in which "value" is sent to the destination URL, in case that
the box is checked.
@param value See name.
@param label Describes the checkbox on the surfer's screen/display.
@param state (optional)<br>Allowed values are HAW_CHECKED or HAW_NOTCHECKED
function HAW_checkbox($name, $value, $label, $state=HAW_NOTCHECKED)
$this->name = $name;
$this->value = $value;
$this->label = $label;
$this->state = $state;
$this->voice_text = $label;
$this->voice_audio_src = "";
$this->voice_help = array();
$this->voice_noinput = array();
$this->voice_nomatch = array();
Sets text to be spoken by voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some alternative text that replaces <label>.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
function set_voice_text($text, $audio_src="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_text()");
$this->voice_text = $text;
$this->voice_audio_src = $audio_src;
Sets help text for voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some helpful information concerning this checkbox.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
@param url Some other voice deck to go to (optional).
function set_voice_help($text, $audio_src="", $url="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_help()");
$arr["text"] = $text;
$arr["src"] = $audio_src;
$arr["url"] = $url;
$this->voice_help[] = $arr;
Sets noinput text for voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some text to inform the user that no input has been received.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
@param url Some other voice deck to go to (optional).
function set_voice_noinput($text, $audio_src="", $url="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_noinput()");
$arr["text"] = $text;
$arr["src"] = $audio_src;
$arr["url"] = $url;
$this->voice_noinput[] = $arr;
Sets nomatch text for voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some text to complain that user input (typically "yes" or "no") was not recognized.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
@param url Some other voice deck to go to (optional).
function set_voice_nomatch($text, $audio_src="", $url="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_nomatch()");
$arr["text"] = $text;
$arr["src"] = $audio_src;
$arr["url"] = $url;
$this->voice_nomatch[] = $arr;
function is_checked()
return $this->state;
function get_name()
return $this->name;
function get_value()
return $this->value;
function get_label()
return $this->label;
function get_elementtype()
function create(&$deck)
if ($deck->ml == HAW_HTML)
// create HTML checkbox
$state = ($this->is_checked() ? "checked" : "");
printf("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"%s\" %s value=\"%s\"> %s<br>\n",
$this->name, $state, $this->value,
HAW_specchar($this->label, $deck));
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_WML)
// create WML checkbox
printf("<select name=\"%s\" multiple=\"true\">\n", $this->name);
printf("<option value=\"%s\">%s</option>\n",
$this->value, HAW_specchar($this->label, $deck));
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_HDML)
// create HDML checkbox
// HDML does not support the multiple option feature!
// ==> trick: simulate checkbox by creating radio buttons [x] and [ ]
$options = " key=\"$this->name\"";
// create label above the radio buttons
$cb = sprintf("%s\n", HAW_specchar($this->label, $deck));
// create "checked" radio button
$cb .= sprintf("<ce value=\"%s\">[x]\n", $this->value);
// create "not checked" radio button
$cb .= "<ce value=\"\">[ ]\n";
// make user interactive choice card
$deck->hdmlcardset->make_ui_card($options, $cb, HAW_HDML_CHOICE);
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_VXML)
// create VoiceXML checkbox (field with boolean grammar type)
printf("<field type=\"boolean\" name=\"%s\">\n", $this->name);
if ($this->voice_text || $this->voice_audio_src)
echo "<prompt>";
HAW_voice_audio(HAW_specchar($this->voice_text, $deck),
$this->voice_audio_src, 0);
echo "</prompt>\n";
printf("<filled><if cond=\"%s\"><assign name=\"%s\" expr=\"'%s'\"/><else/><assign name=\"%s\" expr=\"''\"/></if></filled>\n",
$this->name, $this->name, $this->value, $this->name);
// create event handlers
HAW_voice_eventhandler("help", $this->voice_help, $deck);
HAW_voice_eventhandler("noinput", $this->voice_noinput, $deck);
HAW_voice_eventhandler("nomatch", $this->voice_nomatch, $deck);
echo "</field>\n";
This class provides a "hidden" element in a HAW_form object.
$myHiddenElement = new HAW_hidden("internal_reference", "08154711");
@see HAW_form
class HAW_hidden
var $name;
var $value;
@param name Variable in which "value" sent to the destination URL.
@param value See name.
function HAW_hidden($name, $value)
$this->name = $name;
$this->value = $value;
function get_name()
return $this->name;
function get_value()
return $this->value;
function get_elementtype()
return HAW_HIDDEN;
function create(&$deck)
if ($deck->ml == HAW_HTML)
// create hidden HTML field
printf("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\">\n",
$this->name, HAW_specchar($this->value, $deck));
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_VXML)
// create hidden field in VoiceXML
printf("<field name=\"%s\" expr=\"'%s'\"/>\n",
$this->name, HAW_specchar($this->value, $deck));
// not necessary in WML and HDML!
This class provides a submit button in a HAW_form object.
One HAW_form object can contain only one HAW_submit object.
$mySubmit = new HAW_submit("Submit");<br>
$mySubmit = new HAW_submit("Submit", "user_pressed");
@see HAW_form
class HAW_submit
var $label;
var $name;
@param label What's written on the button.
@param name (optional)<br>
Variable in which "label" is sent to the destination URL.
function HAW_submit($label, $name="")
$this->label = $label;
$this->name = $name;
function get_name()
return $this->name;
function get_label()
return $this->label;
function get_elementtype()
return HAW_SUBMIT;
function create(&$deck, $getvar, $url)
if ($deck->ml == HAW_HTML)
// create submit button in HTML
$name = ($this->name ? "name=\"" . "$this->name" ."\"" : "");
printf("<input type=\"submit\" %s value=\"%s\"><br>\n", $name,
HAW_specchar($this->label, $deck));
elseif (($deck->ml == HAW_WML) || ($deck->ml == HAW_HDML))
// determine querystring for both WML and HDML
$query_string = "";
if ($getvar) // safety check for "empty" forms
while (list($key, $val) = each($getvar))
$query_string .= $val . "=$(" . $val . ")&";
if ($this->name != "")
$query_string .= $this->name . "=" . urlencode($this->label);
if (substr($query_string, -5) == "&")
$query_string = substr($query_string, 0, strlen($query_string)-5);
// replace '&' character in URL with '&'
$url = ereg_replace("&", "&", $url);
if ($deck->ml == HAW_WML)
if ($deck->submitViaLink)
// special handling for devices which have problems with <do> construct
printf("<anchor>%s\n", HAW_specchar($this->label, $deck));
if (strchr($url,"?"))
printf("<go href=\"%s&%s\"/>\n", $url, $query_string);
printf("<go href=\"%s?%s\"/>\n", $url, $query_string);
echo "</anchor><br/>\n";
// normal WML style
if ($deck->owgui_1_3)
// create <do type="button"> sequence for Openwave GUI extensions WML 1.3
printf("<do type=\"button\" label=\"%s\">\n",
HAW_specchar($this->label, $deck));
// create <do type="accept"> sequence in normal WML
printf("<do type=\"accept\" label=\"%s\">\n",
HAW_specchar($this->label, $deck));
if (strchr($url,"?"))
printf("<go href=\"%s&%s\">\n", $url, $query_string);
printf("<go href=\"%s?%s\">\n", $url, $query_string);
echo "</go>\n";
echo "</do>\n";
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_HDML)
// store info for final card in HDML card set
if (strchr($url,"?"))
$action = sprintf("<action type=\"accept\" label=\"%s\" task=\"go\" dest=\"%s&%s\">\n",
HAW_specchar($this->label, $deck),
$url, $query_string);
$action = sprintf("<action type=\"accept\" label=\"%s\" task=\"go\" dest=\"%s?%s\">\n",
HAW_specchar($this->label, $deck),
$url, $query_string);
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_VXML)
// determine filled tag for VoiceXML
$namelist = " namelist=\""; // init namelist attribute
if ($getvar) // safety check for "empty" forms
// created namelist attribute with form fields
while (list($key, $val) = each($getvar))
$namelist .= $val . " ";
if ($this->name != "")
// create special field for submit info
printf("<field name=\"%s\" expr=\"'%s'\"/>\n",
$this->name, HAW_specchar($this->label, $deck));
// add submit field to namelist
$namelist .= $this->name . " ";
// remove last blank character in namelist
if (substr($namelist, -1) == " ")
$namelist = substr($namelist, 0, strlen($namelist)-1);
// complete namelist attribute
$namelist .= "\"";
// replace '&' character in URL with '&'
$url = ereg_replace("&", "&", $url);
printf("<filled><submit next=\"%s\"%s method=\"get\"/></filled>\n",
$url, $namelist);
This class provides a link in a HAW_deck, HAW_linkset or HAW_table object.
$myPage = new HAW_deck(...);<br>
$myLink = new HAW_link("Continue","/mynextpage.php");<br>
@see HAW_deck
@see HAW_linkset
@see HAW_table
class HAW_link
var $label;
var $url;
var $title;
var $accesskey; // "1", "2", ... "0", "*", "#"
var $br;
var $voice_text;
var $voice_audio_src;
var $voice_timeout;
@param label Describes the link on the surfer's screen/display.
@param url Next destination address.
@param title (optional)<br>If a string is provided here, it will be displayed
in the HTML browser status bar during "MouseOver", respectively somewhere
on the WAP display. In order to work well with a broad range of user agents,
keep your title under 6 characters.
function HAW_link($label, $url, $title="")
$this->label = $label;
$this->url = $url;
$this->title = $title;
$this->accesskey = HAW_NO_ACCESSKEY; // no accesskey assigned
// can be assigned later e.g. from HAW_linkset object if required
$this->br = 1; // default: 1 line break after text
$this->voice_text = $label;
$this->voice_audio_src = "";
$this->voice_timeout = 10; // voice decks with text and links only terminate after 10 sec
Sets the number of line breaks (CRLF) after link. (default: 1)
@param br Some number of line breaks.
function set_br($br)
if (!is_int($br) || ($br < 0))
die("invalid argument in set_br()");
$this->br = $br;
Sets link text to be spoken by voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some alternative text that replaces <label>.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
function set_voice_text($text, $audio_src="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_text()");
$this->voice_text = $text;
$this->voice_audio_src = $audio_src;
Sets the link timeout for voice browsers (default: 10 sec). <br>
Note: Voice decks with text only will force a disconnect immediately after the
complete text has been spoken.
Voice decks with text and links will wait some time for user voice input and will
initiate the disconnect too, if no user input is received.
For each link it is possible to specify an individual timeout value, i.e. a voice
deck does not disconnect before the longest timeout of all active links expires.
@param timeout Timeout in seconds.
function set_voice_timeout($timeout)
if (!is_int($timeout) || ($timeout < 1))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_timeout()");
$this->voice_timeout = $timeout;
Sets a DTMF key as link trigger for voice browsers.
@param key "1", "2", ..., "9", "0", "*", "#"
function set_voice_dtmf($key)
if (!ereg("[0-9#\*]", $key))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_dtmf()");
function get_url()
return $this->url;
function get_label()
return $this->label;
function get_title()
return $this->title;
function get_accesskey()
return $this->accesskey;
function get_elementtype()
return HAW_LINK;
function set_accesskey($accesskey)
$this->accesskey = $accesskey;
function create(&$deck)
if ($this->url)
// inhibit "empty" links
if ($deck->ml == HAW_HTML)
// create link in HTML
$title_option = "";
if ($this->title && $deck->pureHTML)
$title_option = sprintf(" onmouseover=\"self.status='%s';return true;\"",
HAW_specchar($this->title, $deck));
$accesskey_option = "";
if ($deck->iModestyle && ($this->accesskey != HAW_NO_ACCESSKEY))
$accesskey_option = sprintf(" accesskey=\"%s\"", $this->accesskey);
if ($deck->MMLstyle && ($this->accesskey != HAW_NO_ACCESSKEY))
$accesskey_option = sprintf(" directkey=\"%s\"", $this->accesskey);
// create required amount of carriage return's
$br = "";
for ($i=0; $i < $this->br; $i++)
$br .= "<br>";
printf("<a href=\"%s\"%s%s>%s</a>%s\n",
$this->url, $title_option, $accesskey_option,
HAW_specchar($this->label, $deck), $br);
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_WML)
// create link in WML
if ($this->title)
$title_option = sprintf(" title=\"%s\"",
HAW_specchar($this->title, $deck));
$title_option = "";
// create required amount of carriage return's
$br = "";
for ($i=0; $i < $this->br; $i++)
$br .= "<br/>";
printf("<a%s href=\"%s\">%s</a>%s\n",
$title_option, HAW_specchar($this->url, $deck),
HAW_specchar($this->label, $deck), $br);
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_HDML)
// create link in HDML
if ($this->title)
$title_option = sprintf(" label=\"%s\"",
HAW_specchar($this->title, $deck));
$title_option = "";
if ($this->accesskey != HAW_NO_ACCESSKEY)
$accesskey_option = sprintf(" accesskey=\"%s\"", $this->accesskey);
$accesskey_option = "";
// create required amount of carriage return's
$br = "";
for ($i=0; $i < $this->br; $i++)
$br .= "<br>";
$content = sprintf("<a task=\"go\" dest=\"%s\"%s%s>%s</a>%s\n",
HAW_specchar($this->url, $deck),
$title_option, $accesskey_option,
HAW_specchar($this->label, $deck), $br);
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_VXML)
// remove http:// from link label, as voice browsers complain about :
// (and users can't speak complete url anyway)
$label = ereg_replace("^http://", "", strtolower(HAW_specchar($this->label, $deck)));
if ($this->accesskey != HAW_NO_ACCESSKEY)
$dtmf = sprintf(" dtmf=\"%s\"", $this->accesskey);
$dtmf = "";
// prepare tag for VoiceXML link (will be written at form end)
$deck->voice_links .= sprintf("<link next=\"%s\"%s><grammar>[%s]</grammar></link>\n",
HAW_specchar($this->url, $deck), $dtmf, $label);
if ($this->voice_text || $this->voice_audio_src)
// create audio output for VoiceXML link
echo "<block>";
if ($deck->voice_jingle)
// play jingle before link label is spoken
printf("<audio src=\"%s\"></audio>", $deck->voice_jingle);
$pause = $this->br * HAW_VOICE_PAUSE; // short pause for each break
HAW_voice_audio(HAW_specchar($this->voice_text, $deck),
$this->voice_audio_src, $pause);
echo "</block>\n";
// update deck timeout
if ($deck->voice_timeout < $this->voice_timeout)
$deck->voice_timeout = $this->voice_timeout;
This class provides a phone number in a HAW_deck object. If supported by their
mobile device, users can establish a voice connection to the specified number.
$myPage = new HAW_deck(...);<br>
$myPhone = new HAW_phone("123-45678", "CALL");<br>
@see HAW_deck
class HAW_phone
var $label;
var $number;
var $title;
var $voice_text;
var $voice_audio_src;
@param phone_number Phone number to dial.
@param title (optional)<br>If a string is provided here, the call button on a
WAP/HDML device will be entitled. In order to work well with a broad range
of user agents, keep your title under 6 characters.
function HAW_phone($phone_number, $title="")
$this->label = $phone_number;
$this->number = ereg_replace("[^+0-9]", "", $phone_number);
$this->title = $title;
$this->voice_text = $phone_number;
$this->voice_audio_src = "";
Sets text to be spoken by voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some alternative text that replaces <phone_number>.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
function set_voice_text($text, $audio_src="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_text()");
$this->voice_text = $text;
$this->voice_audio_src = $audio_src;
function get_elementtype()
return HAW_PHONE;
function create($deck)
if ($deck->ml == HAW_HTML)
if ($deck->iModestyle)
// create phoneto: link for i-Mode
printf("<a href=\"phoneto:%s\">%s</a><br>",
$this->number, HAW_specchar($this->label, $deck));
elseif ($deck->MMLstyle)
// create tel: link for MML
printf("<a href=\"tel:%s\">%s</a><br>",
$this->number, HAW_specchar($this->label, $deck));
// create phone number as plain text
printf("<code><big>%s</big></code><br>\n", HAW_specchar($this->label, $deck));
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_WML)
// create phone number in WML
if ($this->title)
$title_option = sprintf(" title=\"%s\"",
HAW_specchar($this->title, $deck));
printf("<a%s href=\"wtai://wp/mc;%s\">%s</a><br/>\n", $title_option,
ereg_replace("[+]", "%2B", $this->number), HAW_specchar($this->label, $deck));
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_HDML)
// create phone number in HDML
if ($this->title)
$title_option = sprintf(" label=\"%s\"",
HAW_specchar($this->title, $deck));
$content = sprintf("<a task=\"call\" number=\"%s\"%s>%s</a><br>\n",
$this->number, $title_option, HAW_specchar($this->label, $deck));
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_VXML)
// create phone number in VXML
// VoiceXML transfer is not supported yet
if ($this->voice_text || $this->voice_audio_src)
// create audio output for VoiceXML text
echo "<block>";
HAW_voice_audio(HAW_specchar($this->voice_text, $deck),
$this->voice_audio_src, HAW_VOICE_PAUSE);
echo "</block>\n";
This class defines a set of links. It should be preferably used for all kinds of menus.
The links have to be defined as separate HAW_link objects and are attached to the
linkset with a special "add_link" function.
For WAP devices browser-dependent WML code will be created. On all UP-browser-based
WAP devices linksets allow easier navigation through WML decks by using the "onpick"
WML option and therefore are improving the "usability" of an application. Instead of
painfully navigating through the links "sports->football->results->today" the mobile
user e.g. can press "2431" on the keypad to enter his favorite deck. For all other
WAP devices normal <a> tags are created. One HAW_deck object can contain only
one linkset object.
$myPage = new HAW_deck(...);<br>
$myLinkset = new HAW_linkset();<br>
$myLink1 = new HAW_link("Phonebook", "/wap/phonebook.php");<br>
$myLink2 = new HAW_link("DateBook", "/wap/datebook.php");<br>
@see HAW_link
@see HAW_deck
class HAW_linkset
var $element;
var $number_of_elements;
var $voice_text;
var $voice_audio_src;
var $voice_help;
var $voice_noinput;
var $voice_nomatch;
function HAW_linkset()
$this->number_of_elements = 0;
$this->voice_text = HAW_VOICE_ENUMERATE;
$this->voice_audio_src = "";
$this->voice_help = array();
$this->voice_noinput = array();
$this->voice_nomatch = array();
Adds a HAW_link object to HAW_linkset
@param link Some HAW_link object.
@see HAW_link
function add_link(&$link)
if (!is_object($link))
die("invalid argument in add_link()");
if ($this->number_of_elements < 12)
// number of possible access keys not exhausted
$accesskey = $this->number_of_elements + 1; // start with key 1
if ($accesskey == 12)
$accesskey = "#";
elseif ($accesskey == 11)
$accesskey = "*";
elseif ($accesskey == 10)
$accesskey = "0";
$this->element[$this->number_of_elements] = $link;
Sets text to be spoken by voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some alternative text that replaces the enumeration of link <label>s.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
function set_voice_text($text, $audio_src="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_text()");
$this->voice_text = $text;
$this->voice_audio_src = $audio_src;
Sets help text for voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some helpful information concerning this linkset.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
@param url Some other voice deck to go to (optional).
function set_voice_help($text, $audio_src="", $url="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_help()");
$arr["text"] = $text;
$arr["src"] = $audio_src;
$arr["url"] = $url;
$this->voice_help[] = $arr;
Sets noinput text for voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some text to inform the user that no input has been received.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
@param url Some other voice deck to go to (optional).
function set_voice_noinput($text, $audio_src="", $url="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_noinput()");
$arr["text"] = $text;
$arr["src"] = $audio_src;
$arr["url"] = $url;
$this->voice_noinput[] = $arr;
Sets nomatch text for voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some text to complain that user input was not recognized.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
@param url Some other voice deck to go to (optional).
function set_voice_nomatch($text, $audio_src="", $url="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_nomatch()");
$arr["text"] = $text;
$arr["src"] = $audio_src;
$arr["url"] = $url;
$this->voice_nomatch[] = $arr;
function get_elementtype()
function create(&$deck)
if ($this->number_of_elements > 0)
if ($deck->ml == HAW_HTML)
// create linkset in HTML
if ($deck->pureHTML)
// create links inside a table for big-screen HTML
echo "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"4\"><tr><td>\n";
// repeat size and face declarations in table element
if ($deck->size)
// set the font size for all characters in the table element
$size = " size=\"" . $deck->size . "\"";
$size = "";
if ($deck->face)
// set the font for all characters in the table element
$face = " face=\"" . $deck->face . "\"";
$face = "";
printf("<font%s%s>\n", $size, $face);
while (list($key, $val) = each($this->element))
echo "</font></td></tr></table>\n";
// create normal links for the small devices
while (list($key, $val) = each($this->element))
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_WML)
// create linkset in WML
if ($deck->upbrowser &&
($deck->number_of_forms == 0) &&
($deck->number_of_links == 0) &&
($deck->number_of_phones == 0))
echo "<select>\n";
while (list($key, $val) = each($this->element))
if ($val->get_title())
$title = " title=\"" . HAW_specchar($val->get_title(), $deck) . "\"";
printf("<option onpick=\"%s\"%s>%s</option>\n",
HAW_specchar($val->get_url(), $deck), $title,
HAW_specchar($val->get_label(), $deck));
echo "</select>\n";
// create normal WML links
while (list($key, $val) = each($this->element))
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_HDML)
// create linkset in HDML
while (list($key, $val) = each($this->element))
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_VXML)
// create linkset for VoiceXML
echo "<field name=\"haw_menu_item\">\n";
if ($this->voice_text || $this->voice_audio_src)
if ($this->voice_text != HAW_VOICE_ENUMERATE)
echo "<prompt>";
HAW_voice_audio(HAW_specchar($this->voice_text, $deck),
$this->voice_audio_src, 0);
echo "</prompt>\n";
while (list($key, $val) = each($this->element))
if ($val->get_url())
// inhibit "empty" links
if ($val->get_accesskey() != HAW_NO_ACCESSKEY)
$dtmf = sprintf(" dtmf=\"%s\"", $val->get_accesskey());
$dtmf = "";
printf("<prompt>%s<break time=\"%dms\"/></prompt>\n",
HAW_specchar($val->get_label(), $deck), HAW_VOICE_PAUSE);
printf("<option%s value=\"%s\">%s</option>\n",
$dtmf, HAW_specchar($val->get_url(), $deck),
ereg_replace("[\?!]"," ",strtolower(HAW_specchar($val->get_label(), $deck))));
// create event handlers
HAW_voice_eventhandler("help", $this->voice_help, $deck);
HAW_voice_eventhandler("noinput", $this->voice_noinput, $deck);
HAW_voice_eventhandler("nomatch", $this->voice_nomatch, $deck);
echo "</field>\n";
echo "<filled><submit expr=\"haw_menu_item\"/></filled>\n";
Undocumented class for raw markup insertion - For test only!
class HAW_raw
var $ml;
var $code;
@param ml Markup language (HAW_HTML, HAW_WML, HAW_HDML).
@param code Some markup code to be inserted for the selected markup language<br>
Note: Using this class is for meant for test purposes only. Inproper usage
can result in highly incompatible applications.
function HAW_raw($ml,$code)
$this->ml = $ml;
$this->code = $code;
function get_elementtype()
return HAW_RAW;
function create($deck)
if ($deck->ml == $this->ml)
This class provides a banner in a HAW_deck object (HTML only).
$myPage = new HAW_deck(...);<br>
$myBanner1 = new HAW_banner("", "", "Welcome at adpartner1!");<br>
$myBanner2 = new HAW_banner("", HAW_NOLINK, "Buy products of adpartner2!");<br>
@see HAW_deck
class HAW_banner
var $image;
var $url;
var $alt;
var $width = -1;
var $height = -1;
var $br = 1;
@param image Your ad-partners banner in .gif, .jpg or any other HTML compatible format.
@param url Link to your ad-partner (or HAW_NOLINK if no link available)
@param alt Alternative text for the banner
function HAW_banner($image, $url, $alt)
$this->image = $image;
$this->url = $url;
$this->alt = $alt;
Sets explicitely the size of a banner<br>
Note: Use of this function is not mandatory but will accelerate page set-up
@param width Width of banner in pixels.
@param height Height of banner in pixels.
function set_size($width, $height)
if (!is_int($width) || ($width < 1) || !is_int($height) || ($height < 1))
die("invalid argument in set_size()");
$this->width = $width;
$this->height = $height;
Sets the number of line breaks (CRLF) after banner. (default: 1)
@param br Some number of line breaks.
function set_br($br)
if (!is_int($br) || ($br < 0))
die("invalid argument in set_br()");
$this->br = $br;
function create()
if ($this->url != HAW_NOLINK)
// banner links to url
echo "<a href=\"$this->url\" target=\"_blank\">";
if (($this->width>0) && ($this->height>0))
// prepare this variable only if size info available
$size = sprintf(" width=%d height=%d", $this->width, $this->height);
printf("<img src=\"%s\" alt=\"%s\"%s hspace=10 vspace=10 border=0>",
$this->image, $this->alt, $size);
if ($this->url != HAW_NOLINK)
// close <a> tag
echo "</a>\n";
for ($i=0; $i<$this->br; $i++)
// create required number of line breaks
echo "<br>\n";
This class will cause a (hawrizontal) rule to be drawn across the screen.
You can use it to separate text paragraphs in HAW_deck or HAW_form objects.
$myDefaultRule = new HAW_rule();<br>
$mySpecialRule = new HAW_rule("60%", 4);<br>
@see HAW_deck
@see HAW_form
class HAW_rule
var $width;
var $size;
@param width (optional)<br>Percentage of screen width or absolute value in
number of pixels (e.g. "50%", 100).
@param size (optional)<br>Height of the line to be drawn in pixels.
function HAW_rule($width="", $size="")
$this->width = $width;
$this->size = $size;
function get_elementtype()
return HAW_RULE;
function create(&$deck)
$width_option = ($this->width ? " width=\"" . $this->width . "\"" : "");
$size_option = ($this->size ? " size=\"" . $this->size . "\"" : "");
if ($deck->ml == HAW_HTML)
// draw horizontal row in HTML
echo "<hr" . $width_option . $size_option . ">\n";
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_WML)
if ($deck->owgui_1_3)
// WAP device accepts Openwave GUI extensions for WML 1.3
echo "<hr" . $width_option . $size_option . "/>\n";
// WAP device does not understand <hr> tags
// ==> draw some number of hyphens to create a rule
echo "----------<br/>\n";
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_HDML)
// HDML devices doesn't understand <hr>
// ==> draw some number of hyphens to create a rule
if ($deck->alignment == HAW_ALIGN_CENTER)
// repeat alignment in HDML for each paragraph
if ($deck->alignment == HAW_ALIGN_RIGHT)
// repeat alignment in HDML for each paragraph
elseif ($deck->ml == HAW_VXML)
// make a longer speech pause
printf("<block><break time=\"%dms\"/></block>\n", 3 * HAW_VOICE_PAUSE);
This class provides a voice recorder in a HAW_deck object.<br><br>
Voice recording is feature for voice browsers only (VoiceXML).
The recorded voice input will be sent encrypted as multipart/form-data
to some other url, which normally will be another PHP/HAWHAW script. Here you can
store the received data as .wav file on your server, play it to the user, or do whatever
you want. Saving of the received voice data is similar to normal PHP file upload handling.
Voice recording is a very powerful feature which offers many oportunities to
create high-sophisticated voice applications.<br><br>
$myRecorder = new HAW_voicerecorder("", "Please speak after the tone");<br>
$myRecorder = new HAW_voicerecorder("", "You have 2 minutes from now");<br>
// ... and in we store the received wav file like this:<br>
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['haw_recording']['tmp_name'], "/voice/message.wav");
@see HAW_deck
class HAW_voicerecorder
var $url;
var $label;
var $beep;
var $maxtime;
var $finalsilence;
var $type;
var $voice_text;
var $voice_audio_src;
var $voice_noinput;
@param url Address where the recorded file is sent to.
@param label Some introducing words before the recording starts.
function HAW_voicerecorder($url, $label)
$this->url = $url;
$this->label = $label;
$this->beep = true;
$this->maxtime = "";
$this->finalsilence = "";
$this->type = "";
$this->voice_text = $label;
$this->voice_audio_src = "";
$this->voice_noinput = array();
Sets text to be spoken by voice browsers.
@param text Some alternative text that replaces <label>.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
function set_voice_text($text, $audio_src="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_text()");
$this->voice_text = $text;
$this->voice_audio_src = $audio_src;
Sets noinput text for voice browsers. <br>
@param text Some text to inform the user that no input has been received.
@param audio_src Some audio file (e.g. *.wav file) to play (optional).
@param url Some other voice deck to go to (optional).
function set_voice_noinput($text, $audio_src="", $url="")
if (!is_string($text))
die("invalid argument in set_voice_noinput()");
$arr["text"] = $text;
$arr["src"] = $audio_src;
$arr["url"] = $url;
$this->voice_noinput[] = $arr;
Activates/deactivates beep before recording starts.
@param beep_indicator: true (default) or false.
function make_beep($beep_indicator)
if ($beep_indicator == false)
$this->beep = false;
Sets maximum duration of recording.
@param maxtime Duration of record in seconds
function set_maxtime($maxtime)
$this->maxtime = $maxtime;
Sets interval of silence that indicates end of speech.
@param finalsilence Silence duration (in seconds)
function set_finalsilence($finalsilence)
$this->finalsilence = $finalsilence;
Sets media format of recording.
@param type e.g. "audio/x-wav"
function set_type($type)
$this->type = $type;
function get_elementtype()
function create(&$deck)
if ($deck->ml == HAW_VXML)
// VoiceXML (no output for non-voice browsers)
if ($this->maxtime)
$maxtime = sprintf(" maxtime=\"%ds\"", $this->maxtime);
$maxtime = "";
if ($this->finalsilence)
$finalsilence = sprintf(" finalsilence=\"%ds\"", $this->finalsilence);
$finalsilence = "";
if ($this->type)
$type = sprintf(" type=\"%s\"", $this->type);
$type = "";
if ($this->beep)
$beep = "true";
$beep = "false";
printf("<record name=\"haw_recording\" beep=\"%s\"%s%s%s>\n",
$beep, $maxtime, $finalsilence, $type);
if ($this->voice_text || $this->voice_audio_src)
echo "<prompt>";
HAW_voice_audio(HAW_specchar($this->voice_text, $deck),
$this->voice_audio_src, 0);
echo "</prompt>\n";
// replace '&' character in URL with '&'
$this->url = ereg_replace("&", "&", $this->url);
printf("<filled><submit next=\"%s\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" method=\"post\" namelist=\"haw_recording\"/></filled>\n",
// create event handler for noinput
HAW_voice_eventhandler("noinput", $this->voice_noinput, $deck);
echo "</record>\n";