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/** * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * @license LGPL * */ class HTML_Template_Flexy_Plugin_Savant { /** * Output an HTML <a href="">...</a> tag. * * @author Paul M. Jones <> * * @package Savant * * * @access public * * @param string $href The URL for the resulting <a href="">...</a> tag. * * @param string $text The text surrounded by the <a>...</a> tag set. * * @param string $extra Any "extra" HTML code to place within the <a> * opening tag. * * @return string */ function ahref($href, $text, $extra = null) { $output = '<a href="' . $href . '"'; if (! is_null($extra)) { $output .= ' ' . $extra; } $output .= '>' . $text . '</a>'; return $output; } /** * * Output a single checkbox <input> element. * @author Paul M. Jones <> * * @package Savant * * @version $Id: Savant.php,v 1.7 2005/05/14 03:39:11 alan_k Exp $ * * @access public * * @param string $name The HTML "name=" value for the checkbox. * * @param mixed $value The value of the checkbox if checked. * * @param mixed $selected Check $value against this; if they match, * mark the checkbox as checked. * * @param string $set_unchecked If null, this will add no HTML to the * output. However, if set to any non-null value, the value will be * added as a hidden element before the checkbox so that if the * checkbox is unchecked, the hidden value will be returned instead * of the checked value. * * @param string $extra Any "extra" HTML code to place within the * checkbox element. * * @return string * */ function checkbox( $name, $value, $selected = null, $set_unchecked = null, $extra = null) { $html = ''; if (! is_null($set_unchecked)) { // this sets the unchecked value of the checkbox. $html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" "; $html .= "name=\"$name\" "; $html .= "value=\"$set_unchecked\" />\n"; } $html .= "<input type=\"checkbox\" "; $html .= "name=\"$name\" "; $html .= "value=\"$value\""; if ($value == $selected) { $html .= " checked=\"checked\""; } $html .= " $extra />"; return $html; } /** * * Output a set of checkbox <input>s. * * * @author Paul M. Jones <> * * @package Savant * * @version $Id: Savant.php,v 1.7 2005/05/14 03:39:11 alan_k Exp $ * * @access public * * @param string $name The HTML "name=" value of all the checkbox * <input>s. The name will get [] appended to it to make it an array * when returned to the server. * * @param array $options An array of key-value pairs where the key is * the checkbox value and the value is the checkbox label. * * @param string $set_unchecked If null, this will add no HTML to the * output. However, if set to any non-null value, the value will be * added as a hidden element before every checkbox so that if the * checkbox is unchecked, the hidden value will be returned instead * of the checked value. * * @param string $sep The HTML text to place between every checkbox * in the set. * * @param string $extra Any "extra" HTML code to place within the * checkbox element. * * @return string * */
function checkboxes( $name, $options, $selected = array(), $set_unchecked = null, $sep = "<br />\n", $extra = null) { // force $selected to be an array. this allows multi-checks to // have multiple checked boxes. settype($selected, 'array'); // the text to be returned $html = ''; if (is_array($options)) { // an iteration counter. we use this to track which array // elements are checked and which are unchecked. $i = 0; foreach ($options as $value => $label) { if (! is_null($set_unchecked)) { // this sets the unchecked value of the checkbox. $html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" "; $html .= "name=\"{$name}[$i]\" "; $html .= "value=\"$set_unchecked\" />\n"; } $html .= "<input type=\"checkbox\" "; $html .= "name=\"{$name}[$i]\" "; $html .= "value=\"$value\""; if (in_array($value, $selected)) { $html .= " checked=\"checked\""; } if (! is_null($extra)) { $html .= " $extra"; } $html .= " />$label$sep"; $i++; } } return $html; }
/** * * Cycle through a series of values based on an iteration number, * with optional group repetition. * * For example, if you have three values in a cycle (a, b, c) the iteration * returns look like this: * * 0 => a * 1 => b * 2 => c * 3 => a * 4 => b * 5 => c * * If you repeat each cycle value (a,b,c) 2 times on the iterations, * the returns look like this: * * 0 => a * 1 => a * 2 => b * 3 => b * 4 => c * 5 => c * * * @author Paul M. Jones <> * * @package Savant * * @version $Id: Savant.php,v 1.7 2005/05/14 03:39:11 alan_k Exp $ * * @access public * * @param int $iteration The iteration number for the cycle. * * @param array $values The values to cycle through. * * @param int $repeat The number of times to repeat a cycle value. * * @return string * */ function cycle($iteration, $values = null, $repeat = 1) { settype($values, 'array'); // prevent divide-by-zero errors if ($repeat == 0) { $repeat = 1; } return $values[($iteration / $repeat) % count($values)]; } /** * * Output a formatted date using strftime() conventions. * * * @author Paul M. Jones <> * * @package Savant * * @version $Id: Savant.php,v 1.7 2005/05/14 03:39:11 alan_k Exp $ * * @access public * * @param string $datestring Any date-time string suitable for * strtotime(). * * @param string $format The strftime() formatting string. * * @return string * */
function dateformat($datestring, $format = false) { if ($format === false) { $format = isset($this->flexy->options['plugin.dateformat']) ? $this->flexy->options['plugin.dateformat'] : '%d %b %Y'; } if (trim($datestring) == '') { return ''; } $date = strtotime($datestring); if ($date > 1) { return strftime($format, $date); } require_once 'Date.php'; $date = new Date($date); return $date->format($format); } /** * * Output a formatted number using number_format * * * * @param string $datestring Any date-time string suitable for * strtotime(). * * @param string $format The strftime() formatting string. * * @return string * */
function numberformat($number, $dec=false,$point=false,$thousands=false) { if (!strlen(trim($number))) { return; } // numberformat int decimals, string dec_point, string thousands_sep $dec = ($dec !== false) ? $dec : ( isset($this->flexy->options['plugin.numberformat.decimals']) ? $this->flexy->options['plugin.numberformat.decimals'] : 2 ); $point = ($point !== false) ? $point : ( isset($this->flexy->options['plugin.numberformat.point']) ? $this->flexy->options['plugin.numberformat.point'] : '.'); $thousands = ($thousands !== false) ? $thousands : ( isset($this->flexy->options['plugin.numberformat.thousands']) ? $this->flexy->options['plugin.numberformat.thousands'] : ','); return number_format($number,$dec,$point,$thousands); }
/** * * Output an <image ... /> tag. * * * @author Paul M. Jones <> * * @package Savant * * @version $Id: Savant.php,v 1.7 2005/05/14 03:39:11 alan_k Exp $ * * @access public * * @param string $src The image source as a relative or absolute HREF. * * @param string $link Providing a link will make the image clickable, * leading to the URL indicated by $link; defaults to null. * * @param string $alt Alternative descriptive text for the image; * defaults to the filename of the image. * * @param int $border The border width for the image; defaults to zero. * * @param int $width The displayed image width in pixels; defaults to * the width of the image. * * @param int $height The displayed image height in pixels; defaults to * the height of the image. * */ function image( $src, $alt = null, $border = 0, $width = null, $height = null) { $size = ''; // build the alt tag if (is_null($alt)) { $alt = basename($src); } $alt = ' alt="' . htmlentities($alt) . '"'; // build the border tag $border = ' border="' . htmlentities($border) . '"'; // get the width and height of the image if (is_null($width) && is_null($height)) { if (substr(strtolower($src), 0, 7) == 'http://' || substr(strtolower($src), 0, 8) == 'https://') { // the image is not on the local filesystem $root = ''; } else { // we need to set a base root path so we can find images on the // local file system $root = isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) ? $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' : ''; } $info = @getimagesize($root . $src); $width = (is_null($width)) ? $info[0] : $width; $height = (is_null($height)) ? $info[1] : $height; unset($info); } // build the width tag if ($width > 0) { $size .= ' width="' . htmlentities($width) . '"'; } // build the height tag if ($height > 0) { $size .= ' height="' . htmlentities($height) . '"'; } // done! return '<img src="' . $src . '"' . $alt . $border . $size . ' />'; } /** * * Output a single <input> element. * * @license LGPL * * @author Paul M. Jones <> * * @package Savant * * @version $Id: Savant.php,v 1.7 2005/05/14 03:39:11 alan_k Exp $ * * @access public * * @param string $type The HTML "type=" value (e.g., 'text', * 'hidden', 'password'). * * @param string $name The HTML "name=" value. * * @param mixed $value The initial value of the input element. * * @param string $extra Any "extra" HTML code to place within the * checkbox element. * * @return string * */ function input($type, $name, $value = '', $extra = '') { $output = "<input type=\"$type\" name=\"$name\" "; $output .= "value=\"$value\" $extra />"; return $output; } /** * * Output a <script></script> link to a JavaScript file. * * * @license LGPL * * @author Paul M. Jones <> * * @package Savant * * @version $Id: Savant.php,v 1.7 2005/05/14 03:39:11 alan_k Exp $ * * @access public * * @param string $href The HREF leading to the JavaScript source * file. * * @return string * */
function javascript($href) { return '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="' . $href . '"></script>'; }
/** * * Output a value using echo after processing with optional modifier * functions. * * Allows you to pass a space-separated list of value-manipulation * functions so that the value is "massaged" before output. For * example, if you want to strip slashes, force to lower case, and * convert to HTML entities (as for an input text box), you might do * this: * * $this->modify($value, 'stripslashes strtolower htmlentities'); * * @license LGPL * * @author Paul M. Jones <> * * @package Savant * * @version $Id: Savant.php,v 1.7 2005/05/14 03:39:11 alan_k Exp $ * * @access public * * @param string $value The value to be printed. * * @param string $functions A space-separated list of * single-parameter functions to be applied to the $value before * printing. * * @return string * */ function modify($value, $functions = null) { // is there a space-delimited function list? if (is_string($functions)) { // yes. split into an array of the // functions to be called. $list = explode(' ', $functions); // loop through the function list and // apply to the output in sequence. foreach ($list as $func) { if (!function_exists($func)) { continue; } // extend this.. if (!in_array($func, array('htmlspecialchars','nl2br','urlencode'))) { continue; } $value = $func($value); } } return $value; }
/** * * Output a series of HTML <option>s based on an associative array * where the key is the option value and the value is the option * label. You can pass a "selected" value as well to tell the * function which option value(s) should be marked as seleted. * * * @author Paul M. Jones <> * * @package Savant * * @version $Id: Savant.php,v 1.7 2005/05/14 03:39:11 alan_k Exp $ * * @access public * * @param array $options An associative array of key-value pairs; the * key is the option value, the value is the option lable. * * @param mixed $selected A string or array that matches one or more * option values, to tell the function what options should be marked * as selected. Defaults to an empty array. * * @return string * */ function options( $options, $selected = array(), $extra = null) { $html = ''; // force $selected to be an array. this allows multi-selects to // have multiple selected options. settype($selected, 'array'); // is $options an array? if (is_array($options)) { // loop through the options array foreach ($options as $value => $label) { $html .= '<option value="' . $value . '"'; $html .= ' label="' . $label . '"'; if (in_array($value, $selected)) { $html .= ' selected="selected"'; } if (! is_null($extra)) { $html .= ' ' . $extra; } $html .= ">$label</option>\n"; } } return $html; }
/** * * Output a set of radio <input>s with the same name. * * * @author Paul M. Jones <> * * @package Savant * * @version $Id: Savant.php,v 1.7 2005/05/14 03:39:11 alan_k Exp $ * * @access public * * @param string $name The HTML "name=" value of all the radio <input>s. * * @param array $options An array of key-value pairs where the key is the * radio button value and the value is the radio button label. * * $options = array ( * 0 => 'zero', * 1 => 'one', * 2 => 'two' * ); * * @param string $checked A comparison string; if any of the $option * element values and $checked are the same, that radio button will * be marked as "checked" (otherwise not). * * @param string $extra Any "extra" HTML code to place within the * <input /> element. * * @param string $sep The HTML text to place between every radio * button in the set. * * @return string * */
function radios( $name, $options, $checked = null, $set_unchecked = null, $sep = "<br />\n", $extra = null) { $html = ''; if (is_array($options)) { if (! is_null($set_unchecked)) { // this sets the unchecked value of the // radio button set. $html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" "; $html .= "name=\"$name\" "; $html .= "value=\"$set_unchecked\" />\n"; } foreach ($options as $value => $label) { $html .= "<input type=\"radio\" "; $html .= "name=\"$name\" "; $html .= "value=\"$value\""; if ($value == $checked) { $html .= " checked=\"checked\""; } $html .= " $extra />$label$sep"; } } return $html; } /** * * Output a <link ... /> to a CSS stylesheet. * * * @author Paul M. Jones <> * * @package Savant * * @version $Id: Savant.php,v 1.7 2005/05/14 03:39:11 alan_k Exp $ * * @access public * * @param string $href The HREF leading to the stylesheet file. * * @return string * */ function stylesheet($href) { return '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $href . '" />'; }
/** * * Output a single <textarea> element. * * @license LGPL * * @author Paul M. Jones <> * * @package Savant * * @version $Id: Savant.php,v 1.7 2005/05/14 03:39:11 alan_k Exp $ * * @access public * * @param string $name The HTML "name=" value. * * @param string $text The initial value of the textarea element. * * @param int $tall How many rows tall should the area be? * * @param mixed $wide The many columns wide should the area be? * * @param string $extra Any "extra" HTML code to place within the * checkbox element. * * @return string * */ function textarea($name, $text, $tall = 24, $wide = 80, $extra = '') { $output = "<textarea name=\"$name\" rows=\"$tall\" "; $output .= "cols=\"$wide\" $extra>$text</textarea>"; return $output; } }