Software: Apache. PHP/5.5.15 uname -a: Windows NT SVR-DMZ 6.1 build 7600 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition) i586 SYSTEM Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) C:\Program Files\Mythicsoft\Agent Ransack\help\en\ drwxrwxrwx |
Viewing file: agentransack_navigation.js (6.76 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | /* ---------------- Script � 2005-2010 EC Software ----------------- This script was created by Help & Manual and is part of the "Browser-based Help" export format. This script is designed for use in combination with the output of Help & Manual and must not be used outside this context. Do not modify this file! It will be overwritten by Help & Manual. ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ var usecookie = false; var tocselecting = false; var currentselection; var autocollapse = false; var treestate = ""; function track(action, data) { } function fullexpand() { switchall(true); } function fullcollapse() { switchall(false); } function levelexpand(divID) { var div = hmnavigation.document.getElementById(divID).firstChild; while (div) { if ( switchdiv(div,, true); div = div.nextSibling; } } function switchall(divvisible) { var tree = hmnavigation.document.getElementById("tree"); if (tree) { var items = tree.getElementsByTagName("div"); for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) if (divvisible != ((items[i].style.display=="block")?true:false)) switchdiv(items[i], items[i].id, divvisible); if ((divvisible) && (currentselection)) intoview(currentselection, tree, false); } } function loadstate(tree) { var divID; if ((treestate=="") && (usecookie)) treestate = document.cookie; while (treestate != "") { divID = treestate.substring(0,treestate.indexOf(",")); treestate = treestate.substring(divID.length+1,treestate.length); toggle(divID); } var topicID = hmcontent.location.href.substring(hmcontent.location.href.lastIndexOf("/")+1,hmcontent.location.href.length); if (topicID.lastIndexOf("#") != -1) topicID = topicID.substring(0,topicID.lastIndexOf("#")); if (topicID.lastIndexOf("?") != -1) topicID = topicID.substring(0,topicID.lastIndexOf("?")); tocselecting = false; currentselection = null; lazysync(topicID); } function savestate(tree) { treestate = ""; var items = tree.getElementsByTagName("div"); for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) if (items[i].style.display=="block") treestate = treestate.concat(items[i].id + ","); if (usecookie) document.cookie = treestate; } function toggle(divID) { var thisdiv = hmnavigation.document.getElementById(divID); if (thisdiv) switchdiv(thisdiv, divID, (("none")?true:false)); } function switchdiv(thisdiv, divID, divvisible) { var thisicon = hmnavigation.document.getElementById("i"+divID.substring(3,divID.length)); var icons = ""; if (thisicon) icons = thisicon.getAttribute("name"); if (divvisible) {"block"; if (thisicon) thisicon.src = icons.substring(icons.lastIndexOf(":")+1, icons.length); } else {"none"; if (thisicon) thisicon.src = icons.substring(0, icons.lastIndexOf(":")); } } function hilightexpand(spanID, divID) { hilight(spanID); var thisdiv = hmnavigation.document.getElementById(divID); if (thisdiv) switchdiv(thisdiv, divID, true); } function hilight(spanID) { tocselecting = true; var thisnode = null; var selectionchanged = false; thisnode = hmnavigation.document.getElementById(spanID); if (thisnode) { try { if ((currentselection) && (currentselection != thisnode)) currentselection.className = "heading" + currentselection.className.substr(7,1); } catch(e){} thisnode.className = "hilight"+thisnode.className.substr(7,1); selectionchanged = (currentselection != thisnode); currentselection = thisnode; } return selectionchanged; } function intoview(thisnode, tree, selectionchanged) { var thisparent = thisnode; while (thisparent != tree) { if ((selectionchanged) && (thisparent.nodeName.toLowerCase()=="div")) switchdiv(thisparent,,true); thisparent = thisparent.parentNode; } thisparent = thisnode; for (var t=0; thisparent!=null; t+=thisparent.offsetTop, thisparent=thisparent.offsetParent); var bt = (hmnavigation.window.pageYOffset)?hmnavigation.window.pageYOffset:hmnavigation.document.body.scrollTop; var bh = (hmnavigation.window.innerHeight)?hmnavigation.window.innerHeight:hmnavigation.document.body.offsetHeight; if ((t+thisnode.offsetHeight-bt) > bh) hmnavigation.window.scrollTo(0,(t+24-bh)) else if (t < bt) hmnavigation.window.scrollTo(0,t); } function collapseunfocused(tree, selectedID) { if (tree) { var nodepath = "div"+selectedID.substring(1,selectedID.length); var items = tree.getElementsByTagName("div"); for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (nodepath.lastIndexOf(items[i].id)<0) { switchdiv(items[i], items[i].id, false); } } } } function quicksync(aID) { if (aID != "") { var tree = hmnavigation.document.getElementById("tree"); if (tree) { if (!tocselecting) { var thisspan = hmnavigation.document.getElementById(aID); if (thisspan) { var selectionchanged = hilight("s"+aID.substring(1,aID.length)); intoview(thisspan, tree, selectionchanged); } } if (autocollapse) { if (currentselection) collapseunfocused(tree,; else collapseunfocused(tree, ""); } } } tocselecting = false; } function lazysync(topicID) { if (topicID != "") { var tree = hmnavigation.document.getElementById("tree"); if (tree) { if (!tocselecting) { var array = new Array(0); var items = tree.getElementsByTagName("a"); for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (items[i].href.substring(items[i].href.lastIndexOf("/")+1,items[i].href.length)==topicID) { var selectionchanged = hilight("s"+items[i].id.substring(1,items[i].id.length)); intoview(items[i], tree, selectionchanged); break; } } } if (autocollapse) { if (currentselection) collapseunfocused(tree,; else collapseunfocused(tree, ""); } } } tocselecting = false; } function preloadicons() { var icons = new Array(); for (i=0; i<preloadicons.arguments.length; i++) { icons[i] = new Image(); icons[i].src = preloadicons.arguments[i]; } } |
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--[ c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13 powered by Captain Crunch Security Team | | Generation time: 0.0312 ]-- |