!C99Shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13!

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// =============================================================================
// Bookmark Jump Tag Table - Use the tags to search for bookmarks in the code
// =============================================================================
// Jump Tags  - Description
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 1176233654 -  PROC - "addTableRow()"
// 1176238636 -  PROC - "copyProps()"
// 1176238671 -  PROC - "updateTreeSelection()"
// 1176305779 -  PROC - "clearTable()"

// UI.JS include file

// I removed the link to load DOMAPI, and moved it to the frameTree.html file since
// that is the only frame that uses it.  There is no point in taking the load
// performance hit here if we don't need it, but I'll leave the link just in case.
// [BrandonB] 4/10/2007
// document.writeln("<script type='text\/javascript' src='../lib/domapi/src/domapi.js?theme=IBM'><\/script>");

// Not including wsman lib here as it'll be better if be load at top frame where all the data and
// be retreived and stored. Individual pages will just get it and display it - Manish 04/12/2007
//document.writeln("<script type='text\/javascript' src='../lib/wsman/wsman.js'><\/script>");

// Little function to take an array of IDs and expose them
// in the global DOM.  IDs should have a leading underscore,
// and they will be exposed without it, for example an ID of
// _txtStatus will be exposed globally as txtStatus

// Changing code to not use eval as it invokes the compiler and costs performance
// - Manish 4/12/2007
function exposeElms(array)
	for (var i=0;i<array.length;i++)
	        if (array[i])
		    var actualElm=array[i].substr(1);
		    window[actualElm] = document.getElementById(array[i]);
		    if (gDebugShowElms)
		    	window[actualElm].style.backgroundColor = '#ffdf00';	// Color the elms with yellow to show where they are
			window[actualElm].style.border = '1px dashed purple';	// Color the elms with yellow to show where they are
			window[actualElm].title = actualElm;	// Show the elms ID on hover

//                               addTableRow
// Given a reference to a table, and an array of cells to write, this function
// will create a new TR element and fill it with the same number of
// TD elements as the array length.  arg is an object whose properties I may
// need to expand upon as time goes by...
// Input
// -----
//   rTable - reference to a table
//   arCells - array of strings to go into the cells
//   oRowProps - object with properties to be applied to TR
//     Ex: {align:'center'}
//   arCellProps - array of objects with properties to be applied to each TD
//     Ex1: to add a row that spans 4 columns, you only need one cell entry
//				with a colspan
// 			 [{colspan:4, style:{ textAlign:'left', fontWeight:'bold'}}]
//     Ex2: to add centering and bold to each cell of a 3 column table
// 			[ {style:{ textAlign:'left', fontWeight:'bold'}},
// 			  {style:{ textAlign:'left', fontWeight:'bold'}},
// 			  {style:{ textAlign:'left', fontWeight:'bold'}} ]
// Output
// ------
//    -
//                                                                    Author:BMB
// Jump Tag 1176233654 [  PROC - "addTableRow()" ]

function addTableRow(rTable, arCells, arCellProps, oRowProps)
	// First get ref to parent for appending rows  - this could be the TABLE
	// or TBODY
	var p=rTable;	// parent container is TABLE
	var tb=rTable.getElementsByTagName("TBODY");
	if (tb.length)
		p=tb[0];	// parent container is TBODY, not TABLE
	var xx=document.createElement("TR");
	if (oRowProps!=undefined)
	for (var i=0;i<arCells.length;i++)
		var yy=document.createElement("TD");
		var val=(arCells[i]==""?"&nbsp":arCells[i]);

		if (arCellProps!=undefined)
			if (arCellProps[i]!=undefined)
				copyProps(yy, arCellProps[i]);




function addTableRowWithRowHead(rTable, arCells, arCellProps, oRowProps)
	// First get ref to parent for appending rows  - this could be the TABLE
	// or TBODY
	var p=rTable;	// parent container is TABLE
	var tb=rTable.getElementsByTagName("TBODY");
	if (tb.length)
		p=tb[0];	// parent container is TBODY, not TABLE
	var xx=document.createElement("TR");
	if (oRowProps!=undefined)
	for (var i=0;i<arCells.length;i++)
			var yy=document.createElement("TH");
			var yy=document.createElement("TD");
		var val=(arCells[i]==""?"&nbsp":arCells[i]);

		if (arCellProps!=undefined)
			if (arCellProps[i]!=undefined)
				copyProps(yy, arCellProps[i]);




//                                clearTable
// Clears a table of all rows.  Used for redrawing the table after a sort
// or filter operation
// Input
// -----
//   rTable - reference to table
//   offset0Based - first row to start deleting.  All rows below this one will
// 				be clobbered.  Used to preserve table header rows.  Defaults
//					to 1 because typically this function will only be called for
//					dynamically updated tables, which will probably have a header row.
//					Pass 0 to kill all table rows.
// Output
// ------
//    -
//                                                                    Author:BMB
// Jump Tag 1176305779 [  PROC - "clearTable()" ]

function clearTable(rTable, offset0Based)
	var firstrow=(offset0Based==undefined?1:offset0Based);
	// First get ref to parent for appending rows  - this could be the TABLE
	// or TBODY
	var p=rTable;	// parent container is TABLE
	var tb=rTable.getElementsByTagName("TBODY");
	if (tb.length)
		p=tb[0];	// parent container is TBODY, not TABLE
	// Get all the TRs (rows)
	var aRows=p.getElementsByTagName("TR");
	var numrows=aRows.length-firstrow;
	for (var i=0;i<numrows;i++)
		// When children are removed, they move down in the array so we keep
		// removing from the same index


//                                copyProps
// Copies all props of an object to another object.  Only recurses into
// other objects.  Mainly used for copying DOM based styles to other objects
// Input
// -----
//   target - target obj/property
//   src - source object
// Output
// ------
//    -
//                                                                    Author:BMB
// Jump Tag 1176238636 [  PROC - "copyProps()" ]

function copyProps(target, src)
	for (var i in src)
		if (typeof src[i] =='object' )

//                           updateTreeSelection
// Selects a tree node
// Input
// -----
//   node - name of the tree node, as specified by the reference var the node
// was assigned to when instantiated.
//   quiet - if true then don't click the node, just select it
// Output
// ------
//    -
//                                                                    Author:BMB
// Jump Tag 1176238671 [  PROC - "updateTreeSelection()" ]

function updateTreeSelection(node, quiet)
	var count=1000;
	function checkTree()
		if (count)
			if (top.gFrameTreeLoaded==true)
				top.frames.frameTree.selectTreeNode(node, quiet);
			alert("DEVERROR:  Could not wait for tree frame to load");

// all pages including this js can use it
String.prototype.startsWith = function(str) {
	for (var i = 0; i < this.length && i < str.length; i++) {
		if (this.charAt(i) != str.charAt(i)) {
			return false;
	return true;

//                           selectTextInCombo
// Selects the particular text in combo box. If the text doesnt exist in combo,
// it is added
// Input
// -----
//   cb	- "select" element representing the combo box (HTML DOM element)
//   str - the string to be selected
//   startsWith - boolean specifying whether to select text if it starts with given text
// Output
// ------
//    -
//                                                                    Author:Manish
// Jump Tag 1176238671 [  PROC - "updateTreeSelection()" ]

function selectTextInCombo(cb, str, startsWith, value)
	var found = false;
	if (str == "") {
		str = "Unknown";
	for (var i = 0; i < cb.options.length; i++) {
		var op = cb.options[i];
		if (startsWith) {
			if (op.text.startsWith(str)) {
				op.selected = true;
				found = true;
		else {
			if (op.text == str) {
				op.selected = true;	
				found = true;
	if (!found) {
		var op = document.createElement("option");
		op.text = str;
                if (value != undefined)
                        op.value = value;
		cb.add(op, null || undefined);	// for IE and standard compliant
		op.selected = true;

function getSelectedTextInCombo(cb)
	return cb.options[cb.selectedIndex].text;

var combo = {};
//                           combo.setValue
// Selects the option in combo with given value. 
// Input
// -----
//   cb	- "select" element representing the combo box (HTML DOM element)
//   value - value to be selected
// Output
// ------
//    -
//                                                                    Author:Manish
combo.setValue = function(cb, value)
	var found = false;
	for (var i = 0; i < cb.options.length; i++) {
		var op = cb.options[i];
		if (op.value == value) {
			op.selected = true;	
			found = true;
	if (!found && value == "") {
		var op = document.createElement("option");
		op.text = "Unknown";
		cb.add(op, null || undefined);	// for IE and standard compliant
		op.selected = true;

// sets the float value from float values in option(s)
combo.setFloatValue = function(cb, fvalue, add) {
	var found = false;
	for (var i = 0; i < cb.options.length; i++) {
		var op = cb.options[i];
		var opvalue = parseFloat(op.value);
		fvalue = parseFloat(fvalue);
		if (opvalue == fvalue) {
			op.selected = true;	
			found = true;
	if (!found && add) {
		var op = document.createElement("option");
		op.text = fvalue;
		cb.add(op, null || undefined);	// for IE and standard compliant
		op.selected = true;

combo.addOption = function(cmb, text, value) {
	var op = document.createElement("option");
	op.text = text;
	op.value = value || "";
	cmb.add(op, null || undefined);

//                           combo.getValue
// Gets the selected value from combo
// Input
// -----
//   cb	- "select" element representing the combo box (HTML DOM element)
// Output
// ------
//    -
//                                                                    Author:Manish
combo.getValue = function(cb)
	return cb.options[cb.selectedIndex].value;

combo.getText = function(cb) {
	return cb.options[cb.selectedIndex].text;

// wait while retrieving data
function showWait(enable, text)
	if(document.getElementById('WaitDiv') != undefined)
			document.getElementById("WaitMsg").innerHTML=text || "Loading...";
			window.scrollTo(0, 0);	// scroll window to top so that retreiving part is visible


 * Shows/Hides the given section. 
 * section - name of the section. the id of progress circle must be progress_<section>
 * show - true means show else hide
function showSection(section, show) {
	var div = document.getElementById("progress_" + section);
	if (div) {
		div.style.visibility = show ? 'visible' : 'hidden';

// Shows progress by disabling certain controls and changing its text
// Use hideProgress to enable the controls back and show their normal text
// disableControls is array	[
// 	{ id: ,changedText: }
// 	...
// ]
gDisabledControls = { };	// stores disabled controls. 
							// they will be used in hideProgress to enable them
function showProgress(disableControls) {
	for (var i = 0; i < disableControls.length; i++) {
		var con = disableControls[i];
		var control = document.getElementById(con.id);
		if (!control) {
		// store the current value of control
		gDisabledControls[con.id] = control.value;
		// disable it and change its value
		control.disabled = true;
		if (con.changedText) {
			control.value = con.changedText;

// Hides the progress by enabling the disabled controls with their old values
function hideProgress() {
	for (var id in gDisabledControls) {
		var control = document.getElementById(id);
		if (control) {
			control.value = gDisabledControls[id];
			control.disabled = false;
	// finally. reset the gDisabledControls so that to be used again
	gDisabledControls = { };

// takes a function which is called while traversing the DOM node
function foreachDOMNode(func) {
	traverseNode(document.body, func);

function traverseNode(node, func) {
	var childNodes = node.childNodes;
	for (var i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++) {
		var child = childNodes.item(i);
		traverseNode(child, func);

// converts the datetime complextype dat

:: Command execute ::


:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ ok ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ ok ]
:: Make File ::
[ ok ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

--[ c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13 powered by Captain Crunch Security Team | http://ccteam.ru | Generation time: 0.0312 ]--