Viewing file: shortcodes.php (42.75 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php /** * WPBakery Visual Composer Shortcodes main * * @package WPBakeryVisualComposer * */
/* abstract VisualComposer class to create structural object of any type */ if ( ! class_exists( 'WPBakeryVisualComposerAbstract' ) ) { abstract class WPBakeryVisualComposerAbstract { public static $config; protected $is_plugin = true; protected $is_theme = false; protected $disable_updater = false; protected $settings_as_theme = false; protected $as_network_plugin = false; protected $is_init = false; protected $controls_css_settings = 'cc'; protected $controls_list = array('edit', 'clone', 'delete'); public function __construct() { }
public function init( $settings ) { self::$config = (array)$settings; }
public function addAction( $action, $method, $priority = 10 ) { add_action( $action, array( &$this, $method ), $priority ); }
public function removeAction( $action, $method, $priority = 10 ) { return remove_action( $action, array( $this, $method ), $priority ); }
public function addFilter( $filter, $method, $priority = 10 ) { return add_filter( $filter, array( &$this, $method ), $priority ); }
public function removeFilter( $filter, $method, $priority = 10 ) { remove_filter( $filter, array( &$this, $method ), $priority ); }
/* Shortcode methods */ public function addShortCode( $tag, $func ) { add_shortcode( $tag, $func ); }
public function doShortCode( $content ) { do_shortcode( $content ); }
public function removeShortCode( $tag ) { remove_shortcode( $tag ); }
public function post( $param ) { return isset( $_POST[$param] ) ? $_POST[$param] : null; }
public function get( $param ) { return isset( $_GET[$param] ) ? $_GET[$param] : null; }
/** * @deprecated * @param $asset * @return string */ public function assetURL( $asset ) { return vc_asset_url( $asset ); }
public function assetPath( $asset ) { return self::$config['APP_ROOT'] . self::$config['ASSETS_DIR'] . $asset; }
public static function config( $name ) { return isset( self::$config[$name] ) ? self::$config[$name] : null; } } }
define( 'VC_SHORTCODE_CUSTOMIZE_PREFIX', 'vc_theme_' ); define( 'VC_SHORTCODE_BEFORE_CUSTOMIZE_PREFIX', 'vc_theme_before_' ); define( 'VC_SHORTCODE_AFTER_CUSTOMIZE_PREFIX', 'vc_theme_after_' ); define( 'VC_SHORTCODE_CUSTOM_CSS_FILTER_TAG', 'vc_shortcodes_css_class' ); if ( ! class_exists( 'WPBakeryShortCode' ) ) { abstract class WPBakeryShortCode extends WPBakeryVisualComposerAbstract {
protected $shortcode; protected $html_template;
protected $atts, $settings; protected static $enqueue_index = 0; protected static $js_scripts = array(); protected static $css_scripts = array(); protected $shortcode_string = ''; protected $controls_template_file = 'editors/partials/backend_controls.tpl.php';
public function __construct( $settings ) { $this->settings = $settings; $this->shortcode = $this->settings['base'];
$this->addAction( 'admin_init', 'enqueueAssets' ); $this->addAction( 'admin_head', 'printIconStyles' ); // if($this->isAdmin() || !shortcode_exists($this->shortcode)) $this->addShortCode($this->shortcode, Array($this, 'output')); }
public function addInlineAnchors( $content ) { return ( $this->isInline() || $this->isEditor() && $this->settings( 'is_container' ) === true ? '<span class="vc_container-anchor"></span>' : '' ) . $content; }
public function enqueueAssets() { if ( ! empty( $this->settings['admin_enqueue_js'] ) ) $this->registerJs( $this->settings['admin_enqueue_js'] ); if ( ! empty( $this->settings['admin_enqueue_css'] ) ) $this->registerCss( $this->settings['admin_enqueue_css'] ); }
/** * Prints out the styles needed to render the element icon for the back end interface. * Only performed if the 'icon' setting is a valid URL. * * @return void * @since 4.2 * @author Benjamin Intal */ public function printIconStyles() { if ( ! filter_var( $this->settings( 'icon' ), FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) ) { return; } echo " <style> .vc_el-container #".esc_attr( $this->settings['base'] )." .vc_element-icon, .wpb_".esc_attr( $this->settings['base'] )." .wpb_element_title .vc_element-icon { background-image: url(" . esc_url( $this->settings['icon'] ) . "); background-image: url(" . esc_url( $this->settings['icon'] ) . "); -webkit-background-size: contain; -moz-background-size: contain; -ms-background-size: contain; -o-background-size: contain; background-size: contain; } </style>"; }
protected function registerJs( $param ) { if ( is_array( $param ) ) { foreach ( $param as $value ) { $this->registerJs( $value ); } } elseif ( is_string( $param ) && ! empty( $param ) ) { $name = $this->shortcode . '_enqueue_js_' . self::$enqueue_index ++; self::$js_scripts[] = $name; wp_register_script( $name, $param, array( 'jquery' ), time(), true ); } }
protected function registerCss( $param ) { if ( is_array( $param ) ) { foreach ( $param as $value ) { $this->registerCss( $value ); } } elseif ( is_string( $param ) ) { $name = $this->shortcode . '_enqueue_css_' . self::$enqueue_index ++; self::$css_scripts[] = $name; wp_register_style( $name, $param, array( 'js_composer' ), time() ); } }
public static function enqueueCss() { foreach ( self::$css_scripts as $stylesheet ) { wp_enqueue_style( $stylesheet ); } }
public static function enqueueJs() { foreach ( self::$js_scripts as $script ) { wp_enqueue_script( $script ); } }
public function shortcode( $shortcode ) {
protected function setTemplate( $template ) { $this->html_template = $template; }
protected function getTemplate() { if ( isset( $this->html_template ) ) return $this->html_template; return false; }
protected function getFileName() { return $this->shortcode; }
/** * Find html template for shortcode output. */ protected function findShortcodeTemplate() { // Check template path in shortcode's mapping settings if ( ! empty( $this->settings['html_template'] ) && is_file( $this->settings( 'html_template' ) ) ) { return $this->setTemplate( $this->settings['html_template'] ); }
// Check template in theme directory $user_template = vc_shortcodes_theme_templates_dir( $this->getFilename() . '.php' ); if ( is_file( $user_template ) ) { return $this->setTemplate( $user_template ); }
// Check default place $default_dir = vc_manager()->getDefaultShortcodesTemplatesDir() . '/'; if ( is_file( $default_dir . $this->getFilename() . '.php' ) ) { return $this->setTemplate( $default_dir . $this->getFilename() . '.php' ); } }
protected function content( $atts, $content = null ) { return $this->loadTemplate( $atts, $content ); }
protected function loadTemplate( $atts, $content = null ) { $output = ''; if ( ! is_null( $content ) ) $content = apply_filters( 'vc_shortcode_content_filter', $content, $this->shortcode ); $this->findShortcodeTemplate(); if ( $this->html_template ) { ob_start(); include ( $this->html_template ); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } else { trigger_error( sprintf( __( 'Template file is missing for `%s` shortcode. Make sure you have `%s` file in your theme folder.', 'js_composer' ), $this->shortcode, 'wp-content/themes/your_theme/vc_templates/' . $this->shortcode . '.php' ) ); } return apply_filters( 'vc_shortcode_content_filter_after', $output, $this->shortcode ); }
public function contentAdmin( $atts, $content ) { $element = $this->shortcode; $output = $custom_markup = $width = $el_position = '';
if ( $content != NULL ) { $content = wpautop( stripslashes( $content ) ); }
if ( isset( $this->settings['params'] ) ) { $shortcode_attributes = array( 'width' => '1/1' ); foreach ( $this->settings['params'] as $param ) { if ( $param['param_name'] != 'content' ) { if ( isset( $param['value'] ) ) { $shortcode_attributes[$param['param_name']] = is_string( $param['value'] ) ? __( $param['value'], "js_composer" ) : $param['value']; } else { $shortcode_attributes[$param['param_name']] = ''; } } else if ( $param['param_name'] == 'content' && $content == NULL ) { $content = isset( $param['value'] ) ? __( $param['value'], "js_composer" ) : ''; } } extract( shortcode_atts( $shortcode_attributes , $atts ) ); $elem = $this->getElementHolder( $width ); if ( isset( $atts['el_position'] ) ) $el_position = $atts['el_position']; $iner = $this->outputTitle( $this->settings['name'] ); foreach ( $this->settings['params'] as $param ) { $param_value = isset( $$param['param_name'] ) ? $$param['param_name'] : ''; if ( is_array( $param_value ) ) { // Get first element from the array reset( $param_value ); $first_key = key( $param_value ); $param_value = is_null( $first_key ) ? '' : $param_value[$first_key]; } $iner .= $this->singleParamHtmlHolder( $param, $param_value ); } $elem = str_ireplace( '%wpb_element_content%', $iner, $elem ); $output .= $elem; } else { //This is used for shortcodes without params (like simple divider) // $column_controls = $this->getColumnControls($this->settings['controls']); $width = '1/1';
$elem = $this->getElementHolder( $width );
$inner = ''; if ( isset( $this->settings["custom_markup"] ) && $this->settings["custom_markup"] != '' ) { if ( $content != '' ) { $custom_markup = str_ireplace( "%content%", $content, $this->settings["custom_markup"] ); } else if ( $content == '' && isset( $this->settings["default_content_in_template"] ) && $this->settings["default_content_in_template"] != '' ) { $custom_markup = str_ireplace( "%content%", $this->settings["default_content_in_template"], $this->settings["custom_markup"] ); } //$output .= do_shortcode($this->settings["custom_markup"]); $inner .= do_shortcode( $custom_markup ); } $elem = str_ireplace( '%wpb_element_content%', $inner, $elem ); $output .= $elem; } return $output; }
public function isAdmin() { return is_admin() && ! empty( $_POST['action'] ) && preg_match( '/^wpb\_/', $_POST['action'] ); }
public function isInline() { return vc_is_inline(); }
public function isEditor() { return vc_is_editor(); }
public function output( $atts, $content = null, $base = '' ) { $this->atts = $this->prepareAtts( $atts ); $output = ''; $content = empty( $content ) && ! empty( $atts['content'] ) ? $atts['content'] : $content; if ( ( $this->isInline() || vc_is_page_editable() ) && method_exists( $this, 'contentInline' ) ) { $output .= $this->contentInline( $this->atts, $content ); } elseif ( $this->isAdmin() ) { $output .= $this->contentAdmin( $this->atts, $content ); } if ( empty( $output ) ) { $custom_output = VC_SHORTCODE_CUSTOMIZE_PREFIX . $this->shortcode; $custom_output_before = VC_SHORTCODE_BEFORE_CUSTOMIZE_PREFIX . $this->shortcode; // before shortcode function hook $custom_output_after = VC_SHORTCODE_AFTER_CUSTOMIZE_PREFIX . $this->shortcode; // after shortcode function hook
// Before shortcode if ( function_exists( $custom_output_before ) ) { $output .= $custom_output_before( $this->atts, $content ); } else { $output .= $this->beforeShortcode( $this->atts, $content ); } // Shortcode content if ( function_exists( $custom_output ) ) { $output .= $custom_output( $this->atts, $content ); } else { $output .= $this->content( $this->atts, $content ); } // After shortcode if ( function_exists( $custom_output_after ) ) { $output .= $custom_output_after( $this->atts, $content ); } else { $output .= $this->afterShortcode( $this->atts, $content ); }
// Filter for overriding outputs $output = apply_filters( 'vc_shortcode_output', $output, $this ); }
return $output; }
/** * Creates html before shortcode html. * * @param $atts - shortcode attributes list * @param $content - shortcode content * @return string - html which will be displayed before shortcode html. */ public function beforeShortcode( $atts, $content ) { return ''; }
/** * Creates html before shortcode html. * * @param $atts - shortcode attributes list * @param $content - shortcode content * @return string - html which will be displayed after shortcode html. */ public function afterShortcode( $atts, $content ) { return ''; }
public function getExtraClass( $el_class ) { $output = ''; if ( $el_class != '' ) { $output = " " . str_replace( ".", "", $el_class ); } return $output; }
public function getCSSAnimation( $css_animation ) { $output = ''; if ( $css_animation != '' ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'waypoints' ); $output = ' wpb_animate_when_almost_visible wpb_' . $css_animation; } return $output; }
/** * Create HTML comment for blocks * * @param $string * * @return string */ public function endBlockComment( $string ) { //return ''; return ( ! empty( $_GET['wpb_debug'] ) && $_GET['wpb_debug'] == 'true' ? '<!-- END ' . $string . ' -->' : '' ); }
/** * Start row comment for html shortcode block * * @param $position - block position * @return string */ public function startRow( $position ) { $output = ''; return ''; }
/** * End row comment for html shortcode block * * @param $position -block position * @return string */
public function endRow( $position ) { $output = ''; return ''; }
public function settings( $name ) { return isset( $this->settings[$name] ) ? $this->settings[$name] : null; } public function setSettings( $name, $value ) { $this->settings[$name] = $value; }
public function getElementHolder( $width ) { $output = ''; $column_controls = $this->getColumnControlsModular(); $css_class = 'wpb_' . $this->settings["base"] . ' wpb_content_element wpb_sortable' . ( ! empty( $this->settings["class"] ) ? ' ' . $this->settings["class"] : '' ); $output .= '<div data-element_type="' . $this->settings["base"] . '" class="' . $css_class . '">'; $output .= str_replace( "%column_size%", wpb_translateColumnWidthToFractional( $width ), $column_controls ); $output .= $this->getCallbacks( $this->shortcode ); $output .= '<div class="wpb_element_wrapper ' . $this->settings( "wrapper_class" ) . '">'; $output .= '%wpb_element_content%'; $output .= '</div>'; // <!-- end .wpb_element_wrapper -->'; $output .= '</div>'; // <!-- end #element-'.$this->shortcode.' -->'; return $output; }
/* This returs block controls ---------------------------------------------------------- */ public function getColumnControls( $controls, $extended_css = '' ) { $controls_start = '<div class="vc_controls controls controls_element'.(!empty($extended_css) ? " {$extended_css}" : '').'">'; $controls_end = '</div>';
$controls_add = ''; //' <a class="column_add" href="#" title="'.sprintf(__('Add to %s', 'js_composer'), strtolower($this->settings('name'))).'"></a>'; $controls_edit = ' <a class="vc_control column_edit" href="#" title="'.sprintf(__('Edit %s', 'js_composer'), strtolower($this->settings('name'))).'"><span class="vc_icon"></span></a>'; $controls_delete = ' <a class="vc_control column_clone" href="#" title="'.sprintf(__('Clone %s', 'js_composer'), strtolower($this->settings('name'))).'"><span class="vc_icon"></span></a> <a class="column_delete" href="#" title="'.sprintf(__('Delete %s', 'js_composer'), strtolower($this->settings('name'))).'"><span class="vc_icon"></span></a>';
$column_controls_full = $controls_start . $controls_add . $controls_edit . $controls_delete . $controls_end; $column_controls_size_delete = $controls_start . $controls_delete . $controls_end; $column_controls_popup_delete = $controls_start . $controls_delete . $controls_end; $column_controls_edit_popup_delete = $controls_start . $controls_edit . $controls_delete . $controls_end;
if ( $controls == 'popup_delete' ) { return $column_controls_popup_delete; } else if ( $controls == 'edit_popup_delete' ) { return $column_controls_edit_popup_delete; } else if ( $controls == 'size_delete' ) { return $column_controls_size_delete; } else if ( $controls == 'popup_delete' ) { return $column_controls_popup_delete; } else if ( $controls == 'add' ) { return $controls_start . $controls_add . $controls_end; } else { return $column_controls_full; } }
/** * Build new modern controls for shortcode. * * @param string $position - y,x position where to put controls inside block * Possible $position values * cc - center center position of the block * tl - top left * tr - top right * br - bottom right * @param string $extended_css * @return string */ public function getColumnControlsModular($extended_css = '') { ob_start(); vc_include_template($this->controls_template_file, array( 'position' => $this->controls_css_settings, 'extended_css' => $extended_css, 'name' => $this->settings('name'), 'controls' => $this->controls_list )); return ob_get_clean(); } /* This will fire callbacks if they are defined in map.php ---------------------------------------------------------- */ public function getCallbacks( $id ) { $output = '';
if ( isset( $this->settings['js_callback'] ) ) { foreach ( $this->settings['js_callback'] as $text_val => $val ) { /* TODO: name explain */ $output .= '<input type="hidden" class="wpb_vc_callback wpb_vc_' . $text_val . '_callback " name="' . $text_val . '" value="' . $val . '" />'; } }
return $output; }
public function singleParamHtmlHolder( $param, $value ) { $output = ''; // Compatibility fixes $old_names = array( 'yellow_message', 'blue_message', 'green_message', 'button_green', 'button_grey', 'button_yellow', 'button_blue', 'button_red', 'button_orange' ); $new_names = array( 'alert-block', 'alert-info', 'alert-success', 'btn-success', 'btn', 'btn-info', 'btn-primary', 'btn-danger', 'btn-warning' ); $value = str_ireplace( $old_names, $new_names, $value ); //$value = __($value, "js_composer"); // $param_name = isset( $param['param_name'] ) ? $param['param_name'] : ''; $type = isset( $param['type'] ) ? $param['type'] : ''; $class = isset( $param['class'] ) ? $param['class'] : ''; if ( ! empty( $param['holder'] ) ) { if ( $param['holder'] !== 'hidden' ) { $output .= '<' . $param['holder'] . ' class="wpb_vc_param_value ' . $param_name . ' ' . $type . ' ' . $class . '" name="' . $param_name . '">' . $value . '</' . $param['holder'] . '>'; } elseif ( $param['holder'] == 'input' ) { $output .= '<' . $param['holder'] . ' readonly="true" class="wpb_vc_param_value ' . $param_name . ' ' . $type . ' ' . $class . '" name="' . $param_name . '" value="' . $value . '">'; } elseif ( in_array( $param['holder'], array( 'img', 'iframe' ) ) ) { $output .= '<' . $param['holder'] . ' class="wpb_vc_param_value ' . $param_name . ' ' . $type . ' ' . $class . '" name="' . $param_name . '" src="' . $value . '">'; } } if ( ! empty( $param['admin_label'] ) && $param['admin_label'] === true ) { $output .= '<span class="vc_admin_label admin_label_' . $param['param_name'] . ( empty( $value ) ? ' hidden-label' : '' ) . '"><label>' . __( $param['heading'], 'js_composer' ) . '</label>: ' . $value . '</span>'; }
return $output; }
protected function outputTitle( $title ) { $icon = $this->settings('icon'); if( filter_var( $icon, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) ) $icon = ''; return '<h4 class="wpb_element_title"><span class="vc_element-icon'.( !empty($icon) ? ' '.$icon : '' ).'"></span> '.esc_attr($title).'</h4>'; }
public function template( $content = '' ) { return $this->contentAdmin( $this->atts, $content ); }
protected function prepareAtts( $atts ) { $return = array(); if ( is_array( $atts ) ) { foreach ( $atts as $key => $val ) { $return[$key] = preg_replace( '/\`\`/', '"', $val ); } } return $return; } } } if ( ! class_exists( 'WPBakeryShortCode_UniversalAdmin' ) ) { abstract class WPBakeryShortCode_UniversalAdmin extends WPBakeryShortCode { protected $html_editor_already_is_used = false;
public function __construct( $settings ) { $this->settings = $settings; $this->addShortCode( $this->settings['base'], Array( $this, 'output' ) ); }
protected function content( $atts, $content = null ) { return ''; }
public function contentAdmin( $atts, $content ) {
$output = ''; $this->loadParams(); //if ( $content != NULL ) { $content = apply_filters('the_content', $content); } $content = $el_position = ''; if ( isset( $this->settings['params'] ) ) { $shortcode_attributes = array(); foreach ( $this->settings['params'] as $param ) { if ( $param['param_name'] != 'content' ) { $shortcode_attributes[$param['param_name']] = $param['value']; } else if ( $param['param_name'] == 'content' && $content === null ) { $content = $param['value']; } } extract( shortcode_atts( $shortcode_attributes , $atts ) ); $editor_css_classes = apply_filters('vc_edit_form_class', array('vc_col-sm-12', 'wpb_edit_form_elements')); $output .= '<div class="' . implode( ' ', $editor_css_classes ) . '"><h2>' . __( 'Edit', 'js_composer' ) . ' ' . __( $this->settings['name'], "js_composer" ) . '</h2>';
foreach ( $this->settings['params'] as $param ) { $param_value = isset( $$param['param_name'] ) ? $$param['param_name'] : null; if ( is_array( $param_value ) && ! empty( $param['type'] ) && $param['type'] != 'checkbox' ) { // Get first element from the array reset( $param_value ); $first_key = key( $param_value ); $param_value = $param_value[$first_key]; } $output .= $this->singleParamEditHolder( $param, $param_value ); }
$output .= '<div class="edit_form_actions"><a href="#" class="wpb_save_edit_form button-primary">' . __( 'Save', "js_composer" ) . '</a></div>';
$output .= '</div>'; //close wpb_edit_form_elements } return $output; }
protected function singleParamEditHolder( $param, $param_value ) { $param['vc_single_param_edit_holder_class'] = array( 'wpb_el_type_' . $param['type'], 'vc_shortcode-param' ); if ( ! empty( $param['param_holder_class'] ) ) $param['vc_single_param_edit_holder_class'][] = $param['param_holder_class']; $param = apply_filters( 'vc_single_param_edit', $param ); $output = '<div class="' . implode( ' ', $param['vc_single_param_edit_holder_class'] ) . '">'; $output .= ( isset( $param['heading'] ) ) ? '<div class="wpb_element_label">' . __( $param['heading'], "js_composer" ) . '</div>' : ''; $output .= '<div class="edit_form_line">'; $output .= $this->singleParamEditForm( $param, $param_value ); $output .= (isset($param['description'])) ? '<span class="vc_description vc_clearfix">'.__($param['description'], "js_composer").'</span>' : ''; $output .= '</div>'; $output .= '</div>'; return $output; }
protected function singleParamEditForm( $param, $param_value ) {
$param_line = ''; // Textfield - input if ( $param['type'] == 'textfield' ) { $value = __( $param_value, "js_composer" ); $value = htmlspecialchars( $value ); //$value = $param_value; $param_line .= '<input name="' . $param['param_name'] . '" class="wpb_vc_param_value wpb-textinput ' . $param['param_name'] . ' ' . $param['type'] . '" type="text" value="' . $value . '"/>'; } // Dropdown - select else if ( $param['type'] == 'dropdown' ) { $css_option = vc_get_dropdown_option( $param, $param_value ); $param_line .= '<select name="' . $param['param_name'] . '" class="wpb_vc_param_value wpb-input wpb-select ' . $param['param_name'] . ' ' . $param['type'] . ' ' . $css_option . '" data-option="' . $css_option . '">'; foreach ( $param['value'] as $text_val => $val ) { if ( is_numeric( $text_val ) && ( is_string( $val ) || is_numeric( $val ) ) ) { $text_val = $val; } $text_val = __( $text_val, "js_composer" ); //$val = strtolower(str_replace(array(" "), array("_"), $val)); //$val = strtolower(str_replace(array(" "), array("_"), $val)); //issue #464 github $selected = ''; if ( $param_value !== '' && (string)$val === (string)$param_value ) { $selected = ' selected="selected"'; } $param_line .= '<option class="' . $val . '" value="' . $val . '"' . $selected . '>' . htmlspecialchars( $text_val ) . '</option>'; } $param_line .= '</select>'; } // WYSIWYG field else if ( $param['type'] == 'textarea_html' ) { if ( $this->html_editor_already_is_used !== false ) { $param_value = __( $param_value, "js_composer" ); $param_line .= '<textarea name="' . $param['param_name'] . '" class="wpb_vc_param_value wpb-textarea ' . $param['param_name'] . ' textarea">' . $param_value . '</textarea>'; $param_line .= '<div class="updated"><p>' . __( 'Field type is changed from `textarea_html` to `textarea`, because it is already used by `' . $this->html_editor_already_is_used . '` field. Textarea_html field\'s type can be used only once per shortcode.', 'js_composer' ) . '</p></div>'; } else { $this->html_editor_already_is_used = $param['param_name']; $param_line .= do_shortcode_param_settings_field( 'textarea_html', $param, $param_value ); } // $param_line .= $this->getTinyHtmlTextArea($param, $param_value); } // Checkboxes with post types else if ( $param['type'] == 'checkbox' ) { // param_line .= '<input class="wpb_vc_param_value wpb-checkboxes" type="hidden" value="" name="'.$param['param_name'].'"/>'; $current_value = explode( ",", $param_value ); $values = is_array( $param['value'] ) ? $param['value'] : array(); foreach ( $values as $label => $v ) { $checked = in_array( $v, $current_value ) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; $param_line .= ' <input id="' . $param['param_name'] . '-' . $v . '" value="' . $v . '" class="wpb_vc_param_value ' . $param['param_name'] . ' ' . $param['type'] . '" type="checkbox" name="' . $param['param_name'] . '"' . $checked . '> ' . __( $label, "js_composer" ); } } else if ( $param['type'] == 'posttypes' ) { // $param_line .= '<input class="wpb_vc_param_value wpb-checkboxes" type="hidden" value="" name="'.$param['param_name'].'"/>'; $args = array( 'public' => true ); $post_types = get_post_types( $args ); foreach ( $post_types as $post_type ) { $checked = ""; if ( $post_type != 'attachment' ) { if ( in_array( $post_type, explode( ",", $param_value ) ) ) $checked = ' checked="checked"'; $param_line .= ' <input id="' . $param['param_name'] . '-' . $post_type . '" value="' . $post_type . '" class="wpb_vc_param_value ' . $param['param_name'] . ' ' . $param['type'] . '" type="checkbox" name="' . $param['param_name'] . '"' . $checked . '> ' . $post_type; } } } else if ( $param['type'] == 'taxonomies' || $param['type'] == 'taxomonies' ) { // $param_line .= '<input class="wpb_vc_param_value wpb-checkboxes" type="hidden" value="" name=""/>'; $post_types = get_post_types( array( 'public' => false, 'name' => 'attachment' ), 'names', 'NOT' ); foreach ( $post_types as $type ) { $taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies( $type, '' ); foreach ( $taxonomies as $tax ) { $checked = ""; if ( in_array( $tax->name, explode( ",", $param_value ) ) ) $checked = ' checked="checked"'; $param_line .= ' <label data-post-type="' . $type . '"><input id="' . $param['param_name'] . '-' . $tax->name . '" value="' . $tax->name . '" data-post-type="' . $type . '" class="wpb_vc_param_value ' . $param['param_name'] . ' ' . $param['type'] . '" type="checkbox" name="' . $param['param_name'] . '"' . $checked . '> ' . $tax->label . '</label>'; } } } // Exploded textarea else if ( $param['type'] == 'exploded_textarea' ) { $param_value = str_replace( ",", "\n", $param_value ); $param_line .= '<textarea name="' . $param['param_name'] . '" class="wpb_vc_param_value wpb-textarea ' . $param['param_name'] . ' ' . $param['type'] . '">' . $param_value . '</textarea>'; } // Big Regular textarea else if ( $param['type'] == 'textarea_raw_html' ) { // $param_value = __($param_value, "js_composer"); $param_line .= '<textarea name="' . $param['param_name'] . '" class="wpb_vc_param_value wpb-textarea_raw_html ' . $param['param_name'] . ' ' . $param['type'] . '" rows="16">' . htmlentities( rawurldecode( base64_decode( $param_value ) ), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8' ) . '</textarea>'; } // Big Regular textarea else if ( $param['type'] == 'textarea_safe' ) { // $param_value = __($param_value, "js_composer"); $param_line .= '<textarea name="' . $param['param_name'] . '" class="wpb_vc_param_value wpb-textarea_raw_html ' . $param['param_name'] . ' ' . $param['type'] . '">' . vc_value_from_safe( $param_value, true ) . '</textarea>'; } // Regular textarea else if ( $param['type'] == 'textarea' ) { $param_value = __( $param_value, "js_composer" ); $param_line .= '<textarea name="' . $param['param_name'] . '" class="wpb_vc_param_value wpb-textarea ' . $param['param_name'] . ' ' . $param['type'] . '">' . $param_value . '</textarea>'; } // Attach images else if ( $param['type'] == 'attach_images' ) { // TODO: More native way $param_value = wpb_removeNotExistingImgIDs( $param_value ); $param_line .= '<input type="hidden" class="wpb_vc_param_value gallery_widget_attached_images_ids ' . $param['param_name'] . ' ' . $param['type'] . '" name="' . $param['param_name'] . '" value="' . $param_value . '"/>'; //$param_line .= '<a class="button gallery_widget_add_images" href="#" title="'.__('Add images', "js_composer").'">'.__('Add images', "js_composer").'</a>'; $param_line .= '<div class="gallery_widget_attached_images">'; $param_line .= '<ul class="gallery_widget_attached_images_list">'; $param_line .= ( $param_value != '' ) ? fieldAttachedImages( explode( ",", $param_value ) ) : ''; $param_line .= '</ul>'; $param_line .= '</div>'; $param_line .= '<div class="gallery_widget_site_images">'; // $param_line .= siteAttachedImages(explode(",", $param_value)); $param_line .= '</div>'; $param_line .= '<a class="gallery_widget_add_images" href="#" title="' . __( 'Add images', "js_composer" ) . '">' . __( 'Add images', "js_composer" ) . '</a>'; //class: button //$param_line .= '<div class="wpb_clear"></div>'; } else if ( $param['type'] == 'attach_image' ) { $param_value = wpb_removeNotExistingImgIDs( preg_replace( '/[^\d]/', '', $param_value ) ); $param_line .= '<input type="hidden" class="wpb_vc_param_value gallery_widget_attached_images_ids ' . $param['param_name'] . ' ' . $param['type'] . '" name="' . $param['param_name'] . '" value="' . $param_value . '"/>'; //$param_line .= '<a class="button gallery_widget_add_images" href="#" use-single="true" title="'.__('Add image', "js_composer").'">'.__('Add image', "js_composer").'</a>'; $param_line .= '<div class="gallery_widget_attached_images">'; $param_line .= '<ul class="gallery_widget_attached_images_list">'; $param_line .= ( $param_value != '' ) ? fieldAttachedImages( explode( ",", $param_value ) ) : ''; $param_line .= '</ul>'; $param_line .= '</div>'; $param_line .= '<div class="gallery_widget_site_images">'; // $param_line .= siteAttachedImages(explode(",", $param_value)); $param_line .= '</div>'; $param_line .= '<a class="gallery_widget_add_images" href="#" use-single="true" title="' . __( 'Add image', "js_composer" ) . '">' . __( 'Add image', "js_composer" ) . '</a>'; //class: button //$param_line .= '<div class="wpb_clear"></div>'; } // else if ( $param['type'] == 'widgetised_sidebars' ) { $wpb_sidebar_ids = Array(); $sidebars = $GLOBALS['wp_registered_sidebars'];
$param_line .= '<select name="' . $param['param_name'] . '" class="wpb_vc_param_value dropdown wpb-input wpb-select ' . $param['param_name'] . ' ' . $param['type'] . '">'; foreach ( $sidebars as $sidebar ) { $selected = ''; if ( $sidebar["id"] == $param_value ) $selected = ' selected="selected"'; $sidebar_name = __( $sidebar["name"], "js_composer" ); $param_line .= '<option value="' . $sidebar["id"] . '"' . $selected . '>' . $sidebar_name . '</option>'; } $param_line .= '</select>'; } else { $param_line .= do_shortcode_param_settings_field( $param['type'], $param, $param_value ); }
return $param_line; }
protected function getTinyHtmlTextArea( $param = array(), $param_value ) { $param_line = '';
//$upload_media_btns = '<div class="wpb_media-buttons hide-if-no-js"> '.__('Upload/Insert').' <a title="'.__('Add an Image').'" class="wpb_insert-image" href="#"><img alt="'.__('Add an Image').'" src="'.home_url().'/wp-admin/images/media-button-image.gif"></a> <a class="wpb_switch-editors" title="'.__('Switch Editors').'" href="#">HTML mode</a></div>';
if ( function_exists( 'wp_editor' ) ) { $default_content = __( $param_value, "js_composer" ); $output_value = ''; // WP 3.3+ ob_start(); wp_editor( $default_content, 'wpb_tinymce_' . $param['param_name'], array( 'editor_class' => 'wpb_vc_param_value wpb-textarea visual_composer_tinymce ' . $param['param_name'] . ' ' . $param['type'], 'media_buttons' => true, 'wpautop' => true ) ); $output_value = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $param_line .= $output_value; } return $param_line; } } } if ( ! class_exists( 'WPBakeryShortCodesContainer' ) ) { abstract class WPBakeryShortCodesContainer extends WPBakeryShortCode { protected $predefined_atts = array( );
public function customAdminBlockParams() { return ''; }
public function mainHtmlBlockParams( $width, $i ) { return 'data-element_type="' . $this->settings["base"] . '" class="wpb_' . $this->settings['base'] . ' wpb_sortable wpb_content_holder vc_shortcodes_container"' . $this->customAdminBlockParams(); }
public function containerHtmlBlockParams( $width, $i ) { return 'class="wpb_column_container vc_container_for_children"'; }
public function getColumnControls( $controls, $extended_css = '' ) { $controls_start = '<div class="vc_controls vc_controls-visible controls controls_column' . ( ! empty( $extended_css ) ? " {$extended_css}" : '' ) . '">'; $controls_end = '</div>';
if ( $extended_css == 'bottom-controls' ) $control_title = sprintf( __( 'Append to this %s', 'js_composer' ), strtolower( $this->settings( 'name' ) ) ); else $control_title = sprintf( __( 'Prepend to this %s', 'js_composer' ), strtolower( $this->settings( 'name' ) ) );
$controls_add = ' <a class="vc_control column_add" href="#" title="' . $control_title . '"><span class="vc_icon"></span></a>'; $controls_edit = ' <a class="vc_control column_edit" href="#" title="' . sprintf( __( 'Edit this %s', 'js_composer' ), strtolower( $this->settings( 'name' ) ) ) . '"><span class="vc_icon"></span></a>'; $controls_clone = '<a class="vc_control column_clone" href="#" title="' . sprintf( __( 'Clone this %s', 'js_composer' ), strtolower( $this->settings( 'name' ) ) ) . '"><span class="vc_icon"></span></a>';
$controls_delete = '<a class="vc_control column_delete" href="#" title="' . sprintf( __( 'Delete this %s', 'js_composer' ), strtolower( $this->settings( 'name' ) ) ) . '"><span class="vc_icon"></span></a>'; return $controls_start . $controls_add . $controls_edit . $controls_clone . $controls_delete . $controls_end; }
public function contentAdmin( $atts, $content = null ) { $width = $el_class = ''; extract( shortcode_atts( $this->predefined_atts, $atts ) ); $output = '';
$column_controls = $this->getColumnControls( $this->settings( 'controls' ) ); $column_controls_bottom = $this->getColumnControls( 'add', 'bottom-controls' ); for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $width ); $i ++ ) { $output .= '<div ' . $this->mainHtmlBlockParams( $width, $i ) . '>'; $output .= $column_controls; $output .= '<div class="wpb_element_wrapper">'; $output .= $this->outputTitle( $this->settings['name'] ); $output .= '<div ' . $this->containerHtmlBlockParams( $width, $i ) . '>'; $output .= do_shortcode( shortcode_unautop( $content ) ); $output .= '</div>'; if ( isset( $this->settings['params'] ) ) { $inner = ''; foreach ( $this->settings['params'] as $param ) { $param_value = isset( $$param['param_name'] ) ? $$param['param_name'] : ''; if ( is_array( $param_value ) ) { // Get first element from the array reset( $param_value ); $first_key = key( $param_value ); $param_value = $param_value[$first_key]; } $inner .= $this->singleParamHtmlHolder( $param, $param_value ); } $output .= $inner; } $output .= '</div>'; $output .= $column_controls_bottom; $output .= '</div>'; } return $output; } protected function outputTitle( $title ) { $icon = $this->settings('icon'); if( filter_var( $icon, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) ) $icon = ''; return '<h4 class="wpb_element_title"><span title="'.esc_attr($title).'" class="vc_element-icon'.( !empty($icon) ? ' '.$icon : '' ).'"></span></h4>'; } } } if ( ! class_exists( 'WPBakeryShortCode_Settings' ) ) { class WPBakeryShortCode_Settings extends WPBakeryShortCode_UniversalAdmin {
public function content( $atts, $content = null ) { return $this->contentADmin( $atts, $content ); }
public function contentAdmin( $atts, $content ) { $this->loadDefaultParams(); $output = $el_position = ''; $groups_content = array(); if ( isset( $this->settings['params'] ) ) { $shortcode_attributes = array(); foreach ( $this->settings['params'] as $param ) { if ( $param['param_name'] != 'content' ) { if ( isset( $param['std'] ) ) { $shortcode_attributes[$param['param_name']] = $param['std']; } else { $shortcode_attributes[$param['param_name']] = isset( $param['value'] ) ? $param['value'] : null; } } else if ( $param['param_name'] == 'content' && $content === null ) { $content = isset( $param['value'] ) ? $param['value'] : ''; } } extract( shortcode_atts( $shortcode_attributes , $atts ) ); $editor_css_classes = apply_filters( 'vc_edit_form_class', array( 'wpb_edit_form_elements' ) ); $output .= '<div class="' . implode( ' ', $editor_css_classes ) . '" data-title="' . htmlspecialchars( __( 'Edit', 'js_composer' ) . ' ' . __( $this->settings['name'], "js_composer" ) ) . '">'; foreach ( $this->settings['params'] as $param ) { $param_value = isset( $$param['param_name'] ) ? $$param['param_name'] : ''; if ( is_array( $param_value ) && ! empty( $param_value ) && isset( $param['std'] ) ) { $param_value = $param['std']; } elseif ( is_array( $param_value ) && ! empty( $param_value ) && ! empty( $param['type'] ) && $param['type'] != 'checkbox' ) { // Get first element from the array reset( $param_value ); $first_key = key( $param_value ); $param_value = $param_value[$first_key]; } elseif ( is_array( $param_value ) ) { $param_value = ''; } $group = isset( $param['group'] ) && $param['group'] !== '' ? $param['group'] : '_general'; if ( ! isset( $groups_content[$group] ) ) { $groups[] = $group; $groups_content[$group] = ''; } $groups_content[$group] .= $this->singleParamEditHolder( $param, $param_value ); } if ( sizeof( $groups ) > 1 ) { $output .= '<div class="vc_panel-tabs" id="vc_edit-form-tabs"><ul>'; $key = 0; foreach ( $groups as $g ) { $output .= '<li><a href="#vc_edit-form-tab-' . $key ++ . '">' . ( $g === '_general' ? __( 'General', 'js_composer' ) : $g ) . '</a></li>'; } $output .= '</ul>'; $key = 0; foreach ( $groups as $g ) { $output .= '<div id="vc_edit-form-tab-' . $key ++ . '" class="vc_edit-form-tab">'; $output .= $groups_content[$g]; $output .= '</div>'; } $output .= '</div>'; } elseif ( ! empty( $groups_content['_general'] ) ) { $output .= $groups_content['_general']; }
$output .= '</div>'; //close wpb_edit_form_elements if ( ! WpbakeryShortcodeParams::isEnqueue() ) { foreach ( WpbakeryShortcodeParams::getScripts() as $script ) { $output .= "\n\n" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $script . '"></script>'; } } }
return $output; }
public function loadDefaultParams() { global $vc_params_list; if ( empty( $vc_params_list ) ) return false; $script_url = vc_asset_url( 'js/params/all.js' ); foreach ( $vc_params_list as $param ) { add_shortcode_param( $param, 'vc_' . $param . '_form_field', $script_url ); } do_action('vc_load_default_params'); } } } if ( ! class_exists( 'WPBakeryShortCodeFishBones' ) ) { class WPBakeryShortCodeFishBones extends WPBakeryShortCode { protected $shortcode_class = false;
public function __construct( $settings ) { $this->settings = $settings; $this->shortcode = $this->settings['base']; $this->addAction( 'admin_init', 'enqueueAssets' ); $this->addAction( 'admin_head', 'printIconStyles' ); $this->addAction( 'admin_print_scripts-post.php', 'enqueueAssets' ); $this->addAction( 'admin_print_scripts-post-new.php', 'enqueueAssets' ); if ( $this->isAdmin() ) { $this->removeShortCode( $this->shortcode ); } // if($this->isAdmin() || !shortcode_exists($this->shortcode)) $this->addShortCode($this->shortcode, Array($this, 'output')); if ( $this->isAdmin() || ! shortcode_exists( $this->shortcode ) ) { $this->addShortCode( $this->shortcode, Array( &$this, 'render' ) ); } }
public function shortcodeClass() { if ( $this->shortcode_class !== false ) return $this->shortcode_class; require_once vc_path_dir( 'SHORTCODES_DIR', 'wordpress-widgets.php' ); $file_name = preg_replace( '/_/', '-', $this->settings( 'base' ) ) . '.php'; if ( is_file( vc_path_dir( 'SHORTCODES_DIR', $file_name ) ) ) { require_once vc_path_dir( 'SHORTCODES_DIR', $file_name ); } $class_name = $this->settings('php_class_name') ? $this->settings('php_class_name') : 'WPBakeryShortCode_' . $this->settings( 'base' ); if ( class_exists( $class_name ) && is_subclass_of( $class_name, 'WPBakeryShortCode' ) ) { $this->shortcode_class = new $class_name( $this->settings ); } else { $this->shortcode_class = $this; } return $this->shortcode_class; }
public function render( $atts, $content = null ) { return $this->shortcodeClass()->output( $atts, $content ); }
protected function content( $atts, $content = null ) { return ''; // this method is not used }
public function template( $content = '' ) { return $this->shortcodeClass()->contentAdmin( $this->atts, $content ); } } }