Viewing file: PgCacheAdmin.php (8.04 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
/** * W3 PgCache plugin - administrative interface */ if (!defined('W3TC')) { die(); }
w3_require_once(W3TC_INC_DIR . '/functions/file.php'); w3_require_once(W3TC_INC_DIR . '/functions/rule.php'); w3_require_once(W3TC_LIB_W3_DIR . '/Plugin.php');
/** * Class W3_Plugin_PgCacheAdmin */ class W3_Plugin_PgCacheAdmin extends W3_Plugin {
function run() { add_filter('w3tc_save_options', array($this, 'remove_old_files'),10,2); }
function cleanup() { // We check to see if we're dealing with a cluster $config = w3_instance('W3_Config'); $is_cluster = $config->get_boolean('cluster.messagebus.enabled');
// If we are, we notify the subscribers. If not, we just cleanup in here if ($is_cluster) { $this->cleanup_cluster(); } else { $this->cleanup_local(); }
} /** * Will trigger notifications to be sent to the cluster to 'order' them to clean their page cache. */ function cleanup_cluster() { $sns_client = w3_instance('W3_Enterprise_SnsClient'); $sns_client->pgcache_cleanup(); } function cleanup_local() { $engine = $this->_config->get_string('pgcache.engine');
switch ($engine) { case 'file': w3_require_once(W3TC_LIB_W3_DIR . '/Cache/File/Cleaner.php');
$w3_cache_file_cleaner = new W3_Cache_File_Cleaner(array( 'cache_dir' => w3_cache_blog_dir('page'), 'clean_timelimit' => $this->_config->get_integer('timelimit.cache_gc') ));
$w3_cache_file_cleaner->clean(); break;
case 'file_generic': w3_require_once(W3TC_LIB_W3_DIR . '/Cache/File/Cleaner/Generic.php');
if (w3_get_blog_id() == 0) $flush_dir = W3TC_CACHE_PAGE_ENHANCED_DIR; else $flush_dir = W3TC_CACHE_PAGE_ENHANCED_DIR . '/' . w3_get_domain(w3_get_host());
$w3_cache_file_cleaner_generic = new W3_Cache_File_Cleaner_Generic(array( 'exclude' => array( '.htaccess' ), 'cache_dir' => $flush_dir, 'expire' => $this->_config->get_integer('browsercache.html.lifetime'), 'clean_timelimit' => $this->_config->get_integer('timelimit.cache_gc') ));
$w3_cache_file_cleaner_generic->clean(); break; } }
/** * Prime cache * * @param integer $start * @return void */ function prime($start = 0) { $start = (int) $start;
/** * Don't start cache prime if queues are still scheduled */ if ($start == 0) { $crons = _get_cron_array();
foreach ($crons as $timestamp => $hooks) { foreach ($hooks as $hook => $keys) { foreach ($keys as $key => $data) { if ($hook == 'w3_pgcache_prime' && count($data['args'])) { return; } } } } }
$interval = $this->_config->get_integer(''); $limit = $this->_config->get_integer(''); $sitemap = $this->_config->get_string('');
/** * Parse XML sitemap */ $urls = $this->parse_sitemap($sitemap);
/** * Queue URLs */ $queue = array_slice($urls, $start, $limit);
if (count($urls) > ($start + $limit)) { wp_schedule_single_event(time() + $interval, 'w3_pgcache_prime', array( $start + $limit )); }
/** * Make HTTP requests and prime cache */ w3_require_once(W3TC_INC_DIR . '/functions/http.php'); w3_require_once(W3TC_INC_DIR . '/functions/url.php');
// use empty user-agent since by default we use W3TC-powered by // which blocks caching foreach ($queue as $url) w3_http_get($url, array('user-agent' => '')); }
/** * Parses sitemap * * @param string $url * @return array */ function parse_sitemap($url) { w3_require_once(W3TC_INC_DIR . '/functions/http.php');
if (!w3_is_url($url)) $url = home_url($url);
$urls = array(); $response = w3_http_get($url);
if (!is_wp_error($response) && $response['response']['code'] == 200) { $url_matches = null; $sitemap_matches = null;
if (preg_match_all('~<sitemap>(.*?)</sitemap>~is', $response['body'], $sitemap_matches)) { $loc_matches = null;
foreach ($sitemap_matches[1] as $sitemap_match) { if (preg_match('~<loc>(.*?)</loc>~is', $sitemap_match, $loc_matches)) { $loc = trim($loc_matches[1]);
if ($loc) { $urls = array_merge($urls, $this->parse_sitemap($loc)); } } } } elseif (preg_match_all('~<url>(.*?)</url>~is', $response['body'], $url_matches)) { $locs = array(); $loc_matches = null; $priority_matches = null;
foreach ($url_matches[1] as $url_match) { $loc = ''; $priority = 0;
if (preg_match('~<loc>(.*?)</loc>~is', $url_match, $loc_matches)) { $loc = trim($loc_matches[1]); }
if (preg_match('~<priority>(.*?)</priority>~is', $url_match, $priority_matches)) { $priority = (double) trim($priority_matches[1]); }
if ($loc && $priority) { $locs[$loc] = $priority; } }
$urls = array_keys($locs); } }
return $urls; }
/** * Returns required rules for module * @return array */ function get_required_rules() { $e = w3_instance('W3_Plugin_PgCacheAdminEnvironment'); return $e->get_required_rules(); }
/** * Makes get requests to url specific to a post, its permalink * @param $post_id * @return boolean returns true on success */ public function prime_post($post_id) { /** @var $purges W3_SharedPageUrls */ $purges = w3_instance('W3_SharedPageUrls'); $post_urls = $purges->get_post_urls($post_id); /** * Make HTTP requests and prime cache */ w3_require_once(W3TC_INC_DIR . '/functions/http.php'); w3_require_once(W3TC_INC_DIR . '/functions/url.php');
foreach ($post_urls as $url) { $result = w3_http_get($url, array('user-agent' => '')); if (is_wp_error($result)) return false; } return true; }
/** * Remove .old files if changing settings. * * @param W3_Config $new_config * @param W3_Config $old_config * @param W3_ConfigAdmin $config_admin * @return W3_Config */ public function remove_old_files($new_config, $old_config, $config_admin = null) { if ((!$new_config->get_boolean('pgcache.cache.home') && $old_config->get_boolean('pgcache.cache.home')) || $new_config->get_boolean('pgcache.reject.front_page') && !$old_config->get_boolean('pgcache.reject.front_page') || !$new_config->get_boolean('pgcache.cache.feed') && $old_config->get_boolean('pgcache.cache.feed') || !$new_config->get_boolean('pgcache.cache.query') && $old_config->get_boolean('pgcache.cache.query') || !$new_config->get_boolean('pgcache.cache.ssl') && $old_config->get_boolean('pgcache.cache.ssl')) { $new_config->set('notes.need_empty_pgcache', true); } return $new_config; } }