Viewing file: self_test.php (13.12 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
if (!defined('W3TC')) die();
w3_require_once(W3TC_INC_DIR . '/functions/file.php'); w3_require_once(W3TC_INC_DIR . '/functions/rule.php'); ?> <h3><?php _e('Compatibility Test', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></h3>
<fieldset> <legend><?php _e('Legend', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></legend>
<p> <?php _e('<code>Installed</code>: Functionality will work properly.', 'w3-total-cache'); ?><br /> <?php _e('<code>Not detected</code>: May be installed, but cannot be automatically confirmed.', 'w3-total-cache'); ?><br /> <?php _e('<code>Ok</code>: Current value is acceptable.', 'w3-total-cache'); ?><br /> <?php _e('<code>Yes / No</code>: The value was successful detected.', 'w3-total-cache'); ?> </p> </fieldset>
<div id="w3tc-self-test"> <h4 style="margin-top: 0;"><?php _e('Server Modules & Resources:', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></h4>
<ul> <li> <?php _e('Plugin Version:', 'w3-total-cache'); ?> <code><?php echo W3TC_VERSION; ?></code> </li>
<li> <?php _e('PHP Version:', 'w3-total-cache'); ?> <code><?php echo PHP_VERSION; ?></code>; </li>
<li> Web Server: <?php if (stristr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'apache') !== false): ?> <code>Apache</code> <?php elseif (stristr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'LiteSpeed') !== false): ?> <code>Lite Speed</code> <?php elseif (stristr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'nginx') !== false): ?> <code>nginx</code> <?php elseif (stristr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'lighttpd') !== false): ?> <code>lighttpd</code> <?php elseif (stristr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'iis') !== false): ?> <code>Microsoft IIS</code> <?php else: ?> <code>Not detected</code> <?php endif; ?> </li>
<li> FTP functions: <?php if (function_exists('ftp_connect')): ?> <code>Installed</code> <?php else: ?> <code>Not installed</code> <?php endif; ?> <span class="w3tc-self-test-hint"><?php _e('(required for Self-hosted (<acronym title="File Transfer Protocol">FTP</acronym>) <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym> support)', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></span> </li>
<li> <?php _e('Multibyte String support:', 'w3-total-cache'); ?> <?php if (function_exists('mb_substr')): ?> <code><?php _e('Installed', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php else: ?> <code><?php _e('Not installed', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php endif; ?> <span class="w3tc-self-test-hint"><?php _e('(required for Rackspace Cloud Files support)', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></span> </li>
<li> <?php _e('cURL extension:', 'w3-total-cache'); ?> <?php if (function_exists('curl_init')): ?> <code><?php _e('Installed', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php else: ?> <code><?php _e('Not installed', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php endif; ?> <span class="w3tc-self-test-hint"><?php _e('(required for Amazon S3, Amazon CloudFront, Rackspace CloudFiles support)', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></span> </li>
<li> zlib extension: <?php if (function_exists('gzencode')): ?> <code><?php _e('Installed', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php else: ?> <code><?php _e('Not installed', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php endif; ?> <span class="w3tc-self-test-hint"><?php _e('(required for compression support)', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></span> </li>
<li> Opcode cache: <?php if (function_exists('apc_store')): ?> <code><?php _e('Installed (APC)', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php elseif (function_exists('eaccelerator_put')): ?> <code><?php _e('Installed (eAccelerator)', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php elseif (function_exists('xcache_set')): ?> <code><?php _e('Installed (XCache)', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php elseif (PHP_VERSION >= 6): ?> <code><?php _e('PHP6', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php else: ?> <code><?php _e('Not installed', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php endif; ?> </li>
<li> <?php _e('Memcache extension:', 'w3-total-cache'); ?> <?php if (class_exists('Memcache')): ?> <code><?php _e('Installed', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php else: ?> <code><?php _e('Not installed', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php endif; ?> </li>
<li> <?php _e('HTML Tidy extension:', 'w3-total-cache'); ?> <?php if (class_exists('tidy')): ?> <code><?php _e('Installed', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php else: ?> <code><?php _e('Not installed', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php endif; ?> <span class="w3tc-self-test-hint"><?php _e('(required for HTML Tidy minifier suppport)', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></span> </li>
<li> <?php _e('Mime type detection:', 'w3-total-cache'); ?> <?php if (function_exists('finfo_open')): ?> <code><?php _e('Installed (Fileinfo)', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php elseif (function_exists('mime_content_type')): ?> <code><?php _e('Installed (mime_content_type)', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php else: ?> <code><?php _e('Not installed', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php endif; ?> <span class="w3tc-self-test-hint"><?php _e('(required for <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym> support)', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></span> </li>
<li> <?php _e('Hash function:', 'w3-total-cache'); ?> <?php if (function_exists('hash')): ?> <code><?php _e('Installed (hash)', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php elseif (function_exists('mhash')): ?> <code><?php _e('Installed (mhash)', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php else: ?> <code><?php _e('Not installed', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php endif; ?> <span class="w3tc-self-test-hint"><?php _e('(required for NetDNA / MaxCDN <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym> purge support)', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></span> </li>
<li> <?php _e('Safe mode:', 'w3-total-cache'); ?> <?php if (w3_to_boolean(ini_get('safe_mode'))): ?> <code><?php _e('On', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php else: ?> <code><?php _e('Off', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php endif; ?> </li>
<li> <?php _e('Open basedir:', 'w3-total-cache'); ?> <?php $open_basedir = ini_get('open_basedir'); if ($open_basedir): ?> <code><?php _e('On:', 'w3-total-cache'); ?> <?php echo htmlspecialchars($open_basedir); ?></code> <?php else: ?> <code><?php _e('Off', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php endif; ?> </li>
<li> <?php _e('zlib output compression:', 'w3-total-cache'); ?> <?php if (w3_to_boolean(ini_get('zlib.output_compression'))): ?> <code><?php _e('On', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php else: ?> <code><?php _e('Off', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php endif; ?> </li>
<li> <?php _e('set_time_limit:', 'w3-total-cache'); ?> <?php if (function_exists('set_time_limit')): ?> <code><?php _e('Available', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php else: ?> <code><?php _e('Not available', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php endif; ?> </li>
<?php if (w3_is_apache()): $apache_modules = (function_exists('apache_get_modules') ? apache_get_modules() : false);
$modules = array( 'mod_deflate', 'mod_env', 'mod_expires', 'mod_headers', 'mod_mime', 'mod_rewrite', 'mod_setenvif' ); ?> <?php foreach ($modules as $module): ?> <li> <?php echo $module; ?>: <?php if ($apache_modules): ?> <?php if (in_array($module, $apache_modules)): ?> <code><?php _e('Installed', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php else: ?> <code><?php _e('Not installed', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php endif; ?> <?php else: ?> <code><?php _e('Not detected', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php endif; ?> <span class="w3tc-self-test-hint"><?php _e('(required for disk enhanced Page Cache and Browser Cache)', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></span> </li> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php endif; ?> </ul> <?php $additional_checks = apply_filters('w3tc_compatibility_test', __return_empty_array()); if ($additional_checks):?> <h4><?php _e('Additional Server Modules','w3-total-cache')?></h4> <ul> <?php foreach($additional_checks as $check) echo '<li>', $check, '</li>'; ?> </ul> <?php endif; ?>
<h4><?php _e('WordPress Resources', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></h4>
<ul> <?php $paths = array_unique(array( w3_get_pgcache_rules_core_path(), w3_get_browsercache_rules_cache_path(), w3_get_browsercache_rules_no404wp_path() )); ?> <?php foreach ($paths as $path): if ($path): ?> <li> <?php echo htmlspecialchars($path); ?>: <?php if (file_exists($path)): ?> <?php if (w3_is_writable($path)): ?> <code><?php _e('OK', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php else: ?> <code><?php _e('Not write-able', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php endif; ?> <?php else: ?> <?php if (w3_is_writable_dir(dirname($path))): ?> <code><?php _e('Write-able', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php else: ?> <code><?php _e('Not write-able', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php endif; ?> <?php endif; ?> </li> <?php endif; endforeach; ?>
<li> <?php echo w3_path(WP_CONTENT_DIR); ?>: <?php if (w3_is_writable_dir(WP_CONTENT_DIR)): ?> <code><?php _e('OK', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php else: ?> <code><?php _e('Not write-able', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php endif; ?> </li>
<li> <?php $uploads_dir = @wp_upload_dir(); ?> <?php echo htmlspecialchars($uploads_dir['path']); ?>: <?php if (!empty($uploads_dir['error'])): ?> <code><?php _e('Error:', 'w3-total-cache'); ?> <?php echo htmlspecialchars($uploads_dir['error']); ?></code> <?php elseif (!w3_is_writable_dir($uploads_dir['path'])): ?> <code><?php _e('Not write-able', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php else: ?> <code><?php _e('OK', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php endif; ?> </li>
<li> <?php _e('Fancy permalinks:', 'w3-total-cache'); ?> <?php $permalink_structure = get_option('permalink_structure'); if ($permalink_structure): ?> <code><?php echo htmlspecialchars($permalink_structure); ?></code> <?php else: ?> <code><?php _e('Disabled', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php endif; ?> </li>
<li> <?php _e('WP_CACHE define:', 'w3-total-cache'); ?> <?php if (defined('WP_CACHE')): ?> <code><?php _e('Defined', 'w3-total-cache'); ?> (<?php echo (WP_CACHE ? 'true' : 'false'); ?>)</code> <?php else: ?> <code><?php _e('Not defined', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php endif; ?> </li>
<li> <?php _e('URL rewrite:', 'w3-total-cache'); ?> <?php if (w3_can_check_rules()): ?> <code><?php _e('Enabled', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php else: ?> <code><?php _e('Disabled', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php endif; ?> </li>
<li> <?php _e('Network mode:', 'w3-total-cache'); ?> <?php if (w3_is_network()): ?> <code><?php _e('Yes', 'w3-total-cache'); ?> (<?php echo (w3_is_subdomain_install() ? 'subdomain' : 'subdir'); ?>)</code> <?php else: ?> <code><?php _e('No', 'w3-total-cache'); ?></code> <?php endif; ?> </li> </ul> </div>
<div id="w3tc-self-test-bottom"> <input class="button-primary" type="button" value="<?php _e('Close', 'w3-total-cache'); ?>" /> </div>