Viewing file: cdn.php (22.64 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php if (!defined('W3TC')) die(); ?> <?php include W3TC_INC_DIR . '/options/common/header.php'; ?>
<p> <?php echo sprintf( __('Content Delivery Network support via %1$s is currently %2$s.', 'w3-total-cache'), '<strong>'.w3_get_engine_name($this->_config->get_string('cdn.engine')).'</strong>', '<span class="w3tc-' . ($cdn_enabled ? 'enabled">' . __('enabled', 'w3-total-cache') : 'disabled">' . __('disabled', 'w3-total-cache')) . '</span>' ); ?> </p> <form id="w3tc_cdn" action="admin.php?page=<?php echo $this->_page; ?>" method="post"> <p> <?php if ($cdn_mirror): ?> Maximize <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym> usage by <input id="cdn_rename_domain" class="button {nonce: '<?php echo wp_create_nonce('w3tc'); ?>'}" type="button" value="modify attachment URLs" /> or <input id="cdn_import_library" class="button {nonce: '<?php echo wp_create_nonce('w3tc'); ?>'}" type="button" value="importing attachments into the Media Library" />. <?php if (w3_can_cdn_purge($cdn_engine)): ?> <input id="cdn_purge" class="button {nonce: '<?php echo wp_create_nonce('w3tc'); ?>'}" type="button" value="Purge" /> objects from the <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym> using this tool <?php endif; ?> <?php if ($cdn_mirror_purge_all): ?> or <input class="button" type="submit" name="w3tc_flush_cdn" value="purge CDN completely" /> <?php endif; ?> <?php if (w3_can_cdn_purge($cdn_engine)): ?> . <?php endif; ?> <?php else: ?> <?php _e('Prepare the <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym> by:', 'w3-total-cache') ?> <input id="cdn_import_library" class="button {nonce: '<?php echo wp_create_nonce('w3tc'); ?>'}" type="button" value="<?php _e('importing attachments into the Media Library', 'w3-total-cache') ?>" />. Check <input id="cdn_queue" class="button {nonce: '<?php echo wp_create_nonce('w3tc'); ?>'}" type="button" value="<?php _e('unsuccessful file transfers', 'w3-total-cache') ?>" /> <?php _e('if some objects appear to be missing.', 'w3-total-cache') ?> <?php if (w3_can_cdn_purge($cdn_engine)): ?> <input id="cdn_purge" class="button {nonce: '<?php echo wp_create_nonce('w3tc'); ?>'}" type="button" value="<?php _e('Purge', 'w3-total-cache') ?>" /> <?php _e('objects from the <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym> if needed.', 'w3-total-cache') ?> <?php endif; ?> <input id="cdn_rename_domain" class="button {nonce: '<?php echo wp_create_nonce('w3tc'); ?>'}" type="button" value="Modify attachment URLs" /> <?php _e('if the domain name of your site has ever changed.', 'w3-total-cache') ?> <?php endif; ?> <?php echo $this->nonce_field('w3tc'); ?> <?php if ((!$this->_config_admin->get_boolean('common.visible_by_master_only') || (is_super_admin() && (!w3_force_master() || is_network_admin())))): ?> <input type="submit" name="w3tc_flush_browser_cache" value="<?php _e('Update media query string', 'w3-total-cache') ?>" <?php disabled(! ($browsercache_enabled && $browsercache_update_media_qs)) ?> class="button" /> <?php _e('to make existing file modifications visible to visitors with a primed cache.', 'w3-total-cache') ?> <?php endif ?> </p> </form> <form id="cdn_form" action="admin.php?page=<?php echo $this->_page; ?>" method="post"> <div class="metabox-holder"> <?php echo $this->postbox_header(__('General', 'w3-total-cache'), '', 'general'); ?> <table class="form-table"> <tr> <th<?php if ($cdn_mirror): ?> colspan="2"<?php else: ?> style="width: 300px;"<?php endif; ?>> <?php $this->checkbox('cdn.uploads.enable') ?> <?php w3_e_config_label('cdn.uploads.enable') ?></label><br /> <span class="description"><?php _e('If checked, all attachments will be hosted with the <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym>.', 'w3-total-cache') ?></span> </th> <?php if (! $cdn_mirror): ?> <td> <input id="cdn_export_library" class="button {nonce: '<?php echo wp_create_nonce('w3tc'); ?>'}" type="button" value="<?php _e('Upload attachments', 'w3-total-cache') ?>" /> </td> <?php endif; ?> </tr> <tr> <th<?php if ($cdn_mirror): ?> colspan="2"<?php endif; ?>> <?php $this->checkbox('cdn.includes.enable') ?> <?php w3_e_config_label('cdn.includes.enable') ?></label><br /> <span class="description"><?php _e('If checked, WordPress static core file types specified in the "wp-includes file types to upload" field below will be hosted with the <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym>.', 'w3-total-cache') ?></span> </th> <?php if (! $cdn_mirror): ?> <td> <input class="button cdn_export {type: 'includes', nonce: '<?php echo wp_create_nonce('w3tc'); ?>'}" type="button" value="<?php _e('Upload includes files', 'w3-total-cache') ?>" /> </td> <?php endif; ?> </tr> <tr> <th<?php if ($cdn_mirror): ?> colspan="2"<?php endif; ?>> <?php $this->checkbox('cdn.theme.enable') ?> <?php w3_e_config_label('cdn.theme.enable') ?></label><br /> <span class="description"><?php _e('If checked, all theme file types specified in the "theme file types to upload" field below will be hosted with the <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym>.', 'w3-total-cache') ?></span> </th> <?php if (! $cdn_mirror): ?> <td> <input class="button cdn_export {type: 'theme', nonce: '<?php echo wp_create_nonce('w3tc'); ?>'}" type="button" value="<?php _e('Upload theme files', 'w3-total-cache') ?>" /> </td> <?php endif; ?> </tr> <tr> <th<?php if ($cdn_mirror): ?> colspan="2"<?php endif; ?>> <?php $this->checkbox('cdn.minify.enable', !$minify_enabled) ?> <?php w3_e_config_label('cdn.minify.enable') ?></label><br /> <span class="description"><?php _e('If checked, minified <acronym>CSS</acronym> and <acronym>JS</acronym> files will be hosted with the <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym>.', 'w3-total-cache') ?></span> </th> <?php if (! $cdn_mirror): ?> <td> <input class="button cdn_export {type: 'minify', nonce: '<?php echo wp_create_nonce('w3tc'); ?>'}" type="button" value="<?php _e('Upload minify files', 'w3-total-cache') ?>"<?php if (!$minify_enabled): ?> disabled="disabled"<?php endif; ?> /> </td> <?php endif; ?> </tr> <tr> <th<?php if ($cdn_mirror): ?> colspan="2"<?php endif; ?>> <?php $this->checkbox('cdn.custom.enable') ?> <?php w3_e_config_label('cdn.custom.enable') ?></label><br /> <span class="description"> <?php echo sprintf( __('If checked, any file names or paths specified in the "custom file list" field below will be hosted with the <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym>. Supports regular expressions (See <a href="%s">FAQ</a>)', 'w3-total-cache'), network_admin_url('admin.php?page=w3tc_faq#q82') ); ?> </span> </th> <?php if (! $cdn_mirror): ?> <td> <input class="button cdn_export {type: 'custom', nonce: '<?php echo wp_create_nonce('w3tc'); ?>'}" type="button" value="<?php _e('Upload custom files', 'w3-total-cache') ?>" /> </td> <?php endif; ?> </tr> <?php if (! $cdn_mirror): ?> <tr> <th colspan="2"> <?php $this->checkbox('cdn.force.rewrite') ?> <?php w3_e_config_label('cdn.force.rewrite') ?></label><br /> <span class="description"><?php _e('If modified files are not always detected and replaced, use this option to over-write them.', 'w3-total-cache') ?></span> </th> </tr> <?php endif; ?> <tr> <th colspan="2"> <?php $this->checkbox('cdn.import.external') ?> <?php w3_e_config_label('cdn.import.external') ?></label><br /> <span class="description"><?php _e('Download attachments hosted elsewhere into your media library and deliver them via <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym>.', 'w3-total-cache') ?></span> </th> </tr> <?php if(w3tc_edge_mode() && (w3_is_pro($this->_config)) || w3_is_enterprise()): ?> <tr> <th colspan="2"> <?php $this->checkbox('cdncache.enabled', !$cdn_supports_full_page_mirroring) ?> <?php w3_e_config_label('cdncache.enabled') ?></label><br/> <span class="description"> <?php echo sprintf( __('Enabling this option allows the <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym> to handle requests for unauthenticated pages thereby reducing the traffic load on the origin server(s). Purge policies are set on the <a href="%s">Page Cache settings</a> tab.', 'w3-total-cache'), network_admin_url('admin.php?page=w3tc_pgcache#purge_policy') ); ?> </span> </th> </tr> <?php endif ?> <?php if ($cdn_supports_header): ?> <tr> <th colspan="2"> <?php $this->checkbox('cdn.canonical_header') ?> <?php w3_e_config_label('cdn.canonical_header') ?></label><br /> <span class="description"><?php _e('Adds canonical <acronym title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</acronym> header to assets files.', 'w3-total-cache') ?></span> </th> </tr> <?php endif; ?> </table> <?php if ((!$this->_config_admin->get_boolean('common.visible_by_master_only') || (is_super_admin() && (!w3_force_master() || is_network_admin())))): ?>
<p class="submit"> <?php echo $this->nonce_field('w3tc'); ?> <input type="submit" name="w3tc_save_options" class="w3tc-button-save button-primary" value="<?php _e('Save all settings', 'w3-total-cache') ?>" /> </p> <?php echo $this->postbox_footer(); ?>
<?php echo $this->postbox_header(__('Configuration', 'w3-total-cache'), '', 'configuration'); ?> <table class="form-table"> <?php if (w3_is_cdn_engine($cdn_engine)) { include W3TC_INC_DIR . '/options/cdn/' . $cdn_engine . '.php'; } ?> </table>
<p class="submit"> <?php echo $this->nonce_field('w3tc'); ?> <input type="submit" name="w3tc_save_options" class="w3tc-button-save button-primary" value="<?php _e('Save all settings', 'w3-total-cache') ?>" /> </p> <?php echo $this->postbox_footer(); ?>
<?php echo $this->postbox_header(__('Advanced', 'w3-total-cache'), '', 'advanced'); ?> <table class="form-table"> <tr> <th colspan="2"> <?php $this->checkbox('cdn.reject.ssl') ?> <?php w3_e_config_label('cdn.reject.ssl') ?></label><br /> <span class="description">When <acronym title="Secure Sockets Layer">SSL</acronym> pages are returned no <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym> <acronym title="Uniform Resource Indicator">URL</acronym>s will appear in HTML pages.</span> </th> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2"> <?php $this->checkbox('cdn.reject.logged_roles') ?> <?php w3_e_config_label('cdn.reject.logged_roles') ?></label><br /> <span class="description"><?php _e('Select user roles that will use the origin server exclusively:', 'w3-total-cache') ?></span>
<div id="cdn_reject_roles"> <?php $saved_roles = $this->_config->get_array('cdn.reject.roles'); ?> <input type="hidden" name="cdn.reject.roles" value="" /><br /> <?php foreach( get_editable_roles() as $role_name => $role_data ) : ?> <input type="checkbox" name="cdn.reject.roles[]" value="<?php echo $role_name ?>" <?php checked( in_array( $role_name, $saved_roles ) ) ?> id="role_<?php echo $role_name ?>" /> <label for="role_<?php echo $role_name ?>"><?php echo $role_data['name'] ?></label> <?php endforeach; ?> </div> </th> </tr> <?php if (! $cdn_mirror): ?> <tr> <th><label for="cdn_reject_uri"><?php w3_e_config_label('cdn.reject.uri') ?></label></th> <td> <textarea id="cdn_reject_uri" name="cdn.reject.uri" <?php $this->sealing_disabled('cdn') ?> cols="40" rows="5"><?php echo esc_textarea(implode("\r\n", $this->_config->get_array('cdn.reject.uri'))); ?></textarea><br /> <span class="description"><?php echo sprintf(__('Always ignore the specified pages / directories. Supports regular expression (See <a href="%s">FAQ</a>'), network_admin_url('admin.php?page=w3tc_faq#q82')) ?></span> </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2"> <?php $this->checkbox('minify.upload', $this->_config->get_boolean('')) ?> <?php _e('Automatically upload minify files', 'w3-total-cache') ?></label><br /> <span class="description"><?php _e('If <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym> is enabled (and not using the origin pull method), your minified files will be automatically uploaded.', 'w3-total-cache') ?></span> </th> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2"> <?php $this->checkbox('cdn.autoupload.enabled') ?> <?php w3_e_config_label('cdn.autoupload.enabled') ?></label><br /> <span class="description"><?php _e('Automatically attempt to find and upload changed files.', 'w3-total-cache') ?></span> </th> </tr> <tr> <th><label for="cdn_autoupload_interval"><?php w3_e_config_label('cdn.autoupload.interval') ?></label></th> <td> <input id="cdn_autoupload_interval" type="text" name="cdn.autoupload.interval" <?php $this->sealing_disabled('cdn') ?> value="<?php esc_attr_e($this->_config->get_integer('cdn.autoupload.interval')); ?>" size="8" /> <?php _e('seconds', 'w3-total-cache') ?><br /> <span class="description"><?php _e('Specify the interval between upload of changed files.', 'w3-total-cache') ?></span> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><label for="cdn_limit_interval"><?php w3_e_config_label('cdn.queue.interval') ?></label></th> <td> <input id="cdn_limit_interval" type="text" <?php $this->sealing_disabled('cdn') ?> name="cdn.queue.interval" value="<?php esc_attr_e($this->_config->get_integer('cdn.queue.interval')); ?>" size="10" /> <?php _e('seconds', 'w3-total-cache') ?><br /> <span class="description"><?php _e('The number of seconds to wait before upload attempt.', 'w3-total-cache') ?></span> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><label for="cdn_limit_queue"><?php w3_e_config_label('cdn.queue.limit') ?></label></th> <td> <input id="cdn_limit_queue" type="text" <?php $this->sealing_disabled('cdn') ?> name="cdn.queue.limit" value="<?php esc_attr_e($this->_config->get_integer('cdn.queue.limit')); ?>" size="10" /><br /> <span class="description"><?php _e('Number of files processed per upload attempt.', 'w3-total-cache') ?></span> </td> </tr> <?php endif; ?> <tr> <th style="width: 300px;"><label for="cdn_includes_files"><?php w3_e_config_label('cdn.includes.files') ?></label></th> <td> <input id="cdn_includes_files" type="text" <?php $this->sealing_disabled('cdn') ?> name="cdn.includes.files" value="<?php esc_attr_e($this->_config->get_string('cdn.includes.files')); ?>" size="100" /><br /> <span class="description"><?php _e('Specify the file types within the WordPress core to host with the <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym>.', 'w3-total-cache') ?></span> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><label for="cdn_theme_files"><?php w3_e_config_label('cdn.theme.files') ?></label></th> <td> <input id="cdn_theme_files" type="text" name="cdn.theme.files" <?php $this->sealing_disabled('cdn') ?> value="<?php esc_attr_e($this->_config->get_string('cdn.theme.files')); ?>" size="100" /><br /> <span class="description"><?php _e('Specify the file types in the active theme to host with the <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym>.', 'w3-total-cache') ?></span> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><label for="cdn_import_files"><?php w3_e_config_label('cdn.import.files') ?></label></th> <td> <input id="cdn_import_files" type="text" name="cdn.import.files" <?php $this->sealing_disabled('cdn') ?> value="<?php esc_attr_e($this->_config->get_string('cdn.import.files')); ?>" size="100" /><br /> <span class="description"><?php _e('Automatically import files hosted with 3rd parties of these types (if used in your posts / pages) to your media library.', 'w3-total-cache') ?></span> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><label for="cdn_custom_files"><?php w3_e_config_label('cdn.custom.files') ?></label></th> <td> <textarea id="cdn_custom_files" name="cdn.custom.files" <?php $this->sealing_disabled('cdn') ?> cols="40" rows="5"><?php echo esc_textarea(implode("\r\n", $this->_config->get_array('cdn.custom.files'))); ?></textarea><br /> <span class="description"><?php _e('Specify any files outside of theme or other common directories to host with the <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym>.', 'w3-total-cache') ?> <?php if (w3_is_network()): ?> <br /> <?php _e('To upload files in blogs.dir for current blog write wp-content/<currentblog>/.', 'w3-total-cache') ?> <?php endif ?> </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><label for="cdn_reject_ua"><?php w3_e_config_label('') ?></label></th> <td> <textarea id="cdn_reject_ua" name="" cols="40" <?php $this->sealing_disabled('cdn') ?> rows="5"><?php echo esc_textarea(implode("\r\n", $this->_config->get_array(''))); ?></textarea><br /> <span class="description"><?php _e('Specify user agents that should not access files hosted with the <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym>.', 'w3-total-cache') ?></span> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><label for="cdn_reject_files"><?php w3_e_config_label('cdn.reject.files') ?></label></th> <td> <textarea id="cdn_reject_files" name="cdn.reject.files" <?php $this->sealing_disabled('cdn') ?> cols="40" rows="5"><?php echo esc_textarea(implode("\r\n", $this->_config->get_array('cdn.reject.files'))); ?></textarea><br /> <span class="description"><?php _e('Specify the path of files that should not use the <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym>.', 'w3-total-cache') ?></span> </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2"> <input type="hidden" name="set_cookie_domain_old" value="<?php echo (int) $set_cookie_domain; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="set_cookie_domain_new" value="0" /> <label><input type="checkbox" name="set_cookie_domain_new" <?php $this->sealing_disabled('cdn') ?> value="1"<?php checked($set_cookie_domain, true); ?> /> <?php printf(__('Set cookie domain to "%s"', 'w3-tota-cachel'), htmlspecialchars($cookie_domain)) ?></label> <br /><span class="description"><?php _e('If using subdomain for <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym> functionality, this setting helps prevent new users from sending cookies in requests to the <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym> subdomain.', 'w3-total-cache') ?></span> </th> </tr> </table>
<p class="submit"> <?php echo $this->nonce_field('w3tc'); ?> <input type="submit" name="w3tc_save_options" class="w3tc-button-save button-primary" value="<?php _e('Save all settings', 'w3-total-cache') ?>" /> </p> <?php echo $this->postbox_footer(); ?>
<?php echo $this->postbox_header(__('Note(s):', 'w3-total-cache'), '', 'notes'); ?> <table class="form-table"> <tr> <th colspan="2"> <ul> <li><?php _e('You can use placeholders {wp_content_dir}, {plugins_dir}, {uploads_dir} instead of writing folder paths (wp-content, wp-content/plugins, wp-content/uploads).', 'w3-total-cache') ?></li> <li><?php _e('If using Amazon Web Services or Self-Hosted <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym> types, enable <acronym title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</acronym> compression in the "Media & Other Files" section on <a href="admin.php?page=w3tc_browsercache">Browser Cache</a> Settings tab.', 'w3-total-cache') ?></li> </ul> </th> </tr> </table> <?php endif ?> <?php echo $this->postbox_footer(); ?> </div> </form> <?php include W3TC_INC_DIR . '/options/common/footer.php'; ?>