!C99Shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13!

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uname -a: Windows NT SVR-DMZ 6.1 build 7600 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition) i586 


Safe-mode: OFF (not secure)

C:\cumbre\cumbreclima\wp-content\plugins\carousel-without-jetpack\carousel\   drwxrwxrwx
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Viewing file:     jetpack-carousel.php (20.6 KB)      -rw-rw-rw-
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Plugin Name: Jetpack Carousel
Plugin URL: http://wordpress.com/
Description: Transform your standard image galleries into an immersive full-screen experience.
Version: 0.1
Author: Automattic

Released under the GPL v.2 license.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
class Jetpack_Carousel {

$prebuilt_widths = array( 3707001000120014002000 );

$first_run true;

$in_jetpack true;

__construct() {
add_action'init', array( $this'init' ) );

init() {
        if ( 
$this->maybe_disable_jp_carousel() )

$this->in_jetpack = ( class_exists'Jetpack' ) && method_exists'Jetpack''enable_module_configurable' ) ) ? true false;

        if ( 
is_admin() ) {
// Register the Carousel-related related settings
add_action'admin_init', array( $this'register_settings' ), );
            if ( ! 
$this->in_jetpack ) {
                if ( 
== $this->test_1or0_optionget_option'carousel_enable_it' ), true ) )
// Carousel disabled, abort early, but still register setting so user can switch it back on
// If in admin, register the ajax endpoints.
add_action'wp_ajax_get_attachment_comments', array( $this'get_attachment_comments' ) );
add_action'wp_ajax_nopriv_get_attachment_comments', array( $this'get_attachment_comments' ) );
add_action'wp_ajax_post_attachment_comment', array( $this'post_attachment_comment' ) );
add_action'wp_ajax_nopriv_post_attachment_comment', array( $this'post_attachment_comment' ) );
        } else {
            if ( ! 
$this->in_jetpack ) {
                if ( 
== $this->test_1or0_optionget_option'carousel_enable_it' ), true ) )
// Carousel disabled, abort early
// If on front-end, do the Carousel thang.
$this->prebuilt_widths apply_filters'jp_carousel_widths'$this->prebuilt_widths );
add_filter'post_gallery', array( $this'enqueue_assets' ), 1000); // load later than other callbacks hooked it
add_filter'gallery_style', array( $this'add_data_to_container' ) );
add_filter'wp_get_attachment_image_attributes', array( $this'add_data_to_images' ), 10);

        if ( 
$this->in_jetpack && method_exists'Jetpack''module_configuration_load' ) ) {
Jetpack::enable_module_configurabledirnamedirname__FILE__ ) ) . '/carousel.php' );
Jetpack::module_configuration_loaddirnamedirname__FILE__ ) ) . '/carousel.php', array( $this'jetpack_configuration_load' ) );

maybe_disable_jp_carousel() {
apply_filters'jp_carousel_maybe_disable'false );

jetpack_configuration_load() {
wp_safe_redirectadmin_url'options-media.php#carousel_background_color' ) );

asset_version$version ) {
apply_filters'jp_carousel_asset_version'$version );

enqueue_assets$output ) {
        if ( ! empty( 
$output ) && ! apply_filters'jp_carousel_force_enable'false ) ) {
// Bail because someone is overriding the [gallery] shortcode.
remove_filter'gallery_style', array( $this'add_data_to_container' ) );
remove_filter'wp_get_attachment_image_attributes', array( $this'add_data_to_images' ) );

do_action'jp_carousel_thumbnails_shown' );

        if ( 
$this->first_run ) {
wp_enqueue_script'jetpack-carousel'plugins_url'jetpack-carousel.js'__FILE__ ), array( 'jquery.spin' ), $this->asset_version'20140505' ), true );

// Note: using  home_url() instead of admin_url() for ajaxurl to be sure  to get same domain on wpcom when using mapped domains (also works on self-hosted)
            // Also: not hardcoding path since there is no guarantee site is running on site root in self-hosted context.
$is_logged_in is_user_logged_in();
$current_user wp_get_current_user();
$comment_registration intvalget_option'comment_registration' ) );
$require_name_email   intvalget_option'require_name_email' ) );
$localize_strings = array(
'widths'               => $this->prebuilt_widths,
'is_logged_in'         => $is_logged_in,
'lang'                 => strtolowersubstrget_locale(), 0) ),
'ajaxurl'              => set_url_schemeadmin_url'admin-ajax.php' ) ),
'nonce'                => wp_create_nonce'carousel_nonce' ),
'display_exif'         => $this->test_1or0_optionget_option'carousel_display_exif' ), true ),
'display_geo'          => $this->test_1or0_optionget_option'carousel_display_geo' ), true ),
'background_color'     => $this->carousel_background_color_sanitizeget_option'carousel_background_color' ) ),
'comment'              => __'Comment''jetpack' ),
'post_comment'         => __'Post Comment''jetpack' ),
'write_comment'        => __'Write a Comment...''jetpack' ),
'loading_comments'     => __'Loading Comments...''jetpack' ),
'download_original'    => sprintf__'View full size <span class="photo-size">%1$s<span class="photo-size-times">&times;</span>%2$s</span>''jetpack' ), '{0}''{1}' ),
'no_comment_text'      => __'Please be sure to submit some text with your comment.''jetpack' ),
'no_comment_email'     => __'Please provide an email address to comment.''jetpack' ),
'no_comment_author'    => __'Please provide your name to comment.''jetpack' ),
'comment_post_error'   => __'Sorry, but there was an error posting your comment. Please try again later.''jetpack' ),
'comment_approved'     => __'Your comment was approved.''jetpack' ),
'comment_unapproved'   => __'Your comment is in moderation.''jetpack' ),
'camera'               => __'Camera''jetpack' ),
'aperture'             => __'Aperture''jetpack' ),
'shutter_speed'        => __'Shutter Speed''jetpack' ),
'focal_length'         => __'Focal Length''jetpack' ),
'comment_registration' => $comment_registration,
'require_name_email'   => $require_name_email,
'login_url'            => wp_login_urlapply_filters'the_permalink'get_permalink() ) ),

            if ( ! isset( 
$localize_strings['jetpack_comments_iframe_src'] ) || empty( $localize_strings['jetpack_comments_iframe_src'] ) ) {
// We're not using Jetpack comments after all, so fallback to standard local comments.

if ( $is_logged_in ) {
$localize_strings['local_comments_commenting_as'] = '<p id="jp-carousel-commenting-as">' sprintf__'Commenting as %s''jetpack' ), $current_user->data->display_name ) . '</p>';
                } else {
                    if ( 
$comment_registration ) {
$localize_strings['local_comments_commenting_as'] = '<p id="jp-carousel-commenting-as">' __'You must be <a href="#" class="jp-carousel-comment-login">logged in</a> to post a comment.''jetpack' ) . '</p>';
                    } else {
$required = ( $require_name_email ) ? __'%s (Required)''jetpack' ) : '%s';
$localize_strings['local_comments_commenting_as'] = ''
'<fieldset><label for="email">' sprintf$required__'Email''jetpack' ) ) . '</label> '
'<input type="text" name="email" class="jp-carousel-comment-form-field jp-carousel-comment-form-text-field" id="jp-carousel-comment-form-email-field" /></fieldset>'
'<fieldset><label for="author">' sprintf$required__'Name''jetpack' ) ) . '</label> '
'<input type="text" name="author" class="jp-carousel-comment-form-field jp-carousel-comment-form-text-field" id="jp-carousel-comment-form-author-field" /></fieldset>'
'<fieldset><label for="url">' __'Website''jetpack' ) . '</label> '
'<input type="text" name="url" class="jp-carousel-comment-form-field jp-carousel-comment-form-text-field" id="jp-carousel-comment-form-url-field" /></fieldset>';

$localize_strings apply_filters'jp_carousel_localize_strings'$localize_strings );
wp_localize_script'jetpack-carousel''jetpackCarouselStrings'$localize_strings );
is_rtl() ) {
wp_enqueue_style'jetpack-carousel'plugins_url'/rtl/jetpack-carousel-rtl.css'__FILE__ ), array(), $this->asset_version'20120629' ) );                
            } else {
wp_enqueue_style'jetpack-carousel'plugins_url'jetpack-carousel.css'__FILE__ ), array(), $this->asset_version'20120629' ) );                
wp_register_style'jetpack-carousel-ie8fix'plugins_url'jetpack-carousel-ie8fix.css'__FILE__ ), array(), $this->asset_version'20121024' ) );
$GLOBALS['wp_styles']->add_data'jetpack-carousel-ie8fix''conditional''lte IE 8' );
wp_enqueue_style'jetpack-carousel-ie8fix' );
do_action'jp_carousel_enqueue_assets'$this->first_run$localize_strings );

$this->first_run false;


add_data_to_images$attr$attachment null ) {

        if ( 
$this->first_run // not in a gallery
return $attr;

$attachment_id   intval$attachment->ID );
$orig_file       wp_get_attachment_image_src$attachment_id'full' );
$orig_file       = isset( $orig_file[0] ) ? $orig_file[0] : wp_get_attachment_url$attachment_id );
$meta            wp_get_attachment_metadata$attachment_id );
$size            = isset( $meta['width'] ) ? intval$meta['width'] ) . ',' intval$meta['height'] ) : '';
$img_meta        = ( ! empty( $meta['image_meta'] ) ) ? (array) $meta['image_meta'] : array();
$comments_opened intvalcomments_open$attachment_id ) );

         * Note: Cannot generate a filename from the width and height wp_get_attachment_image_src() returns because
         * it takes the $content_width global variable themes can set in consideration, therefore returning sizes
         * which when used to generate a filename will likely result in a 404 on the image.
         * $content_width has no filter we could temporarily de-register, run wp_get_attachment_image_src(), then
         * re-register. So using returned file URL instead, which we can define the sizes from through filename
         * parsing in the JS, as this is a failsafe file reference.
         * EG with Twenty Eleven activated:
         * array(4) { [0]=> string(82) "http://vanillawpinstall.blah/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/IMG_3534-1024x764.jpg" [1]=> int(584) [2]=> int(435) [3]=> bool(true) }
         * EG with Twenty Ten activated:
         * array(4) { [0]=> string(82) "http://vanillawpinstall.blah/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/IMG_3534-1024x764.jpg" [1]=> int(640) [2]=> int(477) [3]=> bool(true) }

$medium_file_info wp_get_attachment_image_src$attachment_id'medium' );
$medium_file      = isset( $medium_file_info[0] ) ? $medium_file_info[0] : '';

$large_file_info  wp_get_attachment_image_src$attachment_id'large' );
$large_file       = isset( $large_file_info[0] ) ? $large_file_info[0] : '';

$attachment       get_post$attachment_id );
$attachment_title wptexturize$attachment->post_title );
$attachment_desc  wpautopwptexturize$attachment->post_content ) );

// Not yet providing geo-data, need to "fuzzify" for privacy
if ( ! empty( $img_meta ) ) {
            foreach ( 
$img_meta as $k => $v ) {
                if ( 
'latitude' == $k || 'longitude' == $k )
$img_meta[$k] );

$img_meta json_encodearray_map'strval'$img_meta ) );

$attr['data-attachment-id']     = $attachment_id;
$attr['data-orig-file']         = esc_attr$orig_file );
$attr['data-orig-size']         = $size;
$attr['data-comments-opened']   = $comments_opened;
$attr['data-image-meta']        = esc_attr$img_meta );
$attr['data-image-title']       = esc_attr$attachment_title );
$attr['data-image-description'] = esc_attr$attachment_desc );
$attr['data-medium-file']       = esc_attr$medium_file );
$attr['data-large-file']        = esc_attr$large_file );


add_data_to_container$html ) {

        if ( isset( 
$post ) ) {
$blog_id = (int) get_current_blog_id();

            if ( 
defined'IS_WPCOM' ) && IS_WPCOM ) {
$likes_blog_id $blog_id;
            } else {
$likes_blog_id No_Jetpack_Options::get_option'id' );

$extra_data = array(
'data-carousel-extra' => array(
'blog_id' => $blog_id,
'permalink' => get_permalink$post->ID ),
'likes_blog_id' => $likes_blog_id

$extra_data apply_filters'jp_carousel_add_data_to_container'$extra_data );
            foreach ( (array) 
$extra_data as $data_key => $data_values ) {
$html str_replace'<div ''<div ' esc_attr$data_key ) . "='" json_encode$data_values ) . "' "$html );


get_attachment_comments() {
        if ( ! 
headers_sent() )
header('Content-type: text/javascript');


$attachment_id = ( isset( $_REQUEST['id'] ) ) ? (int) $_REQUEST['id'] : 0;
$offset        = ( isset( $_REQUEST['offset'] ) ) ? (int) $_REQUEST['offset'] : 0;

        if ( ! 
$attachment_id ) {
json_encode__'Missing attachment ID.''jetpack' ) );

        if ( 
$offset )
$offset 0;

$comments get_comments( array(
'status'  => 'approve',
'order'   => ( 'asc' == get_option('comment_order') ) ? 'ASC' 'DESC',
'number'  => 10,
'offset'  => $offset,
'post_id' => $attachment_id,
        ) );

$out      = array();

// Can't just send the results, they contain the commenter's email address.
foreach ( $comments as $comment ) {
$avatar get_avatar$comment->comment_author_email64 );
            if( ! 
$avatar )
$avatar '';
$out[] = array(
'id'              => $comment->comment_ID,
'parent_id'       => $comment->comment_parent,
'author_markup'   => get_comment_author_link$comment->comment_ID ),
'gravatar_markup' => $avatar,
'date_gmt'        => $comment->comment_date_gmt,
'content'         => wpautop($comment->comment_content),

json_encode$out ) );

post_attachment_comment() {
        if ( ! 
headers_sent() )
header('Content-type: text/javascript');

        if ( empty( 
$_POST['nonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce($_POST['nonce'], 'carousel_nonce') )
json_encode( array( 'error' => __'Nonce verification failed.''jetpack' ) ) ) );

$_blog_id = (int) $_POST['blog_id'];
$_post_id = (int) $_POST['id'];
$comment $_POST['comment'];

        if ( empty( 
$_blog_id ) )
json_encode( array( 'error' => __'Missing target blog ID.''jetpack' ) ) ) );

        if ( empty( 
$_post_id ) )
json_encode( array( 'error' => __'Missing target post ID.''jetpack' ) ) ) );

        if ( empty( 
$comment ) )
json_encode( array( 'error' => __'No comment text was submitted.''jetpack' ) ) ) );

// Used in context like NewDash
$switched false;
        if ( 
is_multisite() && $_blog_id != get_current_blog_id() ) {
switch_to_blog$_blog_id );
$switched true;


        if ( ! 
comments_open$_post_id ) )
json_encode( array( 'error' => __'Comments on this post are closed.''jetpack' ) ) ) );

        if ( 
is_user_logged_in() ) {
$user         wp_get_current_user();
$user_id      $user->ID;
$display_name $user->display_name;
$email        $user->user_email;
$url          $user->user_url;

            if ( empty( 
$user_id ) )
json_encode( array( 'error' => __'Sorry, but we could not authenticate your request.''jetpack' ) ) ) );
        } else {
$user_id      0;
$display_name $_POST['author'];
$email        $_POST['email'];
$url          $_POST['url'];

            if ( 
get_option'require_name_email' ) ) {
                if ( empty( 
$display_name ) )
json_encode( array( 'error' => __'Please provide your name.''jetpack' ) ) ) );

                if ( empty( 
$email ) )
json_encode( array( 'error' => __'Please provide an email address.''jetpack' ) ) ) );

                if ( ! 
is_email$email ) )
json_encode( array( 'error' => __'Please provide a valid email address.''jetpack' ) ) ) );

$comment_data =  array(
'comment_content'      => $comment,
'comment_post_ID'      => $_post_id,
'comment_author'       => $display_name,
'comment_author_email' => $email,
'comment_author_url'   => $url,
'comment_approved'     => 0,
'comment_type'         => '',

        if ( ! empty( 
$user_id ) )
$comment_data['user_id'] = $user_id;

// Note: wp_new_comment() sanitizes and validates the values (too).
$comment_id wp_new_comment$comment_data );
do_action'jp_carousel_post_attachment_comment' );
$comment_status wp_get_comment_status$comment_id );

        if ( 
true == $switched )

json_encode( array( 'comment_id' => $comment_id'comment_status' => $comment_status ) ) );

register_settings() {
add_settings_section('carousel_section'__'Image Gallery Carousel''jetpack' ), array( $this'carousel_section_callback' ), 'media');

        if ( ! 
$this->in_jetpack ) {
add_settings_field('carousel_enable_it'__'Enable carousel''jetpack' ), array( $this'carousel_enable_it_callback' ), 'media''carousel_section' );
register_setting'media''carousel_enable_it', array( $this'carousel_enable_it_sanitize' ) );

add_settings_field('carousel_background_color'__'Background color''jetpack' ), array( $this'carousel_background_color_callback' ), 'media''carousel_section' );
register_setting'media''carousel_background_color', array( $this'carousel_background_color_sanitize' ) );

add_settings_field('carousel_display_exif'__'Metadata''jetpack'), array( $this'carousel_display_exif_callback' ), 'media''carousel_section' );
register_setting'media''carousel_display_exif', array( $this'carousel_display_exif_sanitize' ) );

// No geo setting yet, need to "fuzzify" data first, for privacy
        // add_settings_field('carousel_display_geo', __( 'Geolocation', 'jetpack' ), array( $this, 'carousel_display_geo_callback' ), 'media', 'carousel_section' );
        // register_setting( 'media', 'carousel_display_geo', array( $this, 'carousel_display_geo_sanitize' ) );

// Fulfill the settings section callback requirement by returning nothing
function carousel_section_callback() {

test_1or0_option$value$default_to_1 true ) {
        if ( 
true == $default_to_1 ) {
// Binary false (===) of $value means it has not yet been set, in which case we do want to default sites to 1
if ( false === $value )
$value 1;
        return ( 
== $value ) ? 0;

sanitize_1or0_option$value ) {
        return ( 
== $value ) ? 0;

settings_checkbox($name$label_text$extra_text ''$default_to_checked true) {
        if ( empty( 
$name ) )
$option $this->test_1or0_optionget_option$name ), $default_to_checked );
'<input type="checkbox" name="'.esc_attr($name).'" id="'.esc_attr($name).'" value="1" ';
checked'1'$option );
'/> <label for="'.esc_attr($name).'">'.$label_text.'</label>';
        if ( ! empty( 
$extra_text ) )
'<p class="description">'.$extra_text.'</p>';

settings_select($name$values$extra_text '') {
        if ( empty( 
$name ) || ! is_array$values ) || empty( $values ) )
$option get_option$name );
'<select name="'.esc_attr($name).'" id="'.esc_attr($name).'">';
$values as $key => $value ) {
'<option value="'.esc_attr($key).'" ';
selected$key$option );
        if ( ! empty( 
$extra_text ) )
'<p class="description">'.$extra_text.'</p>';

carousel_display_exif_callback() {
$this->settings_checkbox'carousel_display_exif'__'Show photo metadata (<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exchangeable_image_file_format" target="_blank">Exif</a>) in carousel, when available.''jetpack' ) );

carousel_display_exif_sanitize$value ) {
$this->sanitize_1or0_option$value );

carousel_display_geo_callback() {
$this->settings_checkbox'carousel_display_geo'__'Show map of photo location in carousel, when available.''jetpack' ) );

carousel_display_geo_sanitize$value ) {
$this->sanitize_1or0_option$value );

carousel_background_color_callback() {
$this->settings_select'carousel_background_color', array( 'black' => __'Black''jetpack' ), 'white' => __'White''jetpack''jetpack' ) ) );

carousel_background_color_sanitize$value ) {
        return ( 
'white' == $value ) ? 'white' 'black';

carousel_enable_it_callback() {
$this->settings_checkbox'carousel_enable_it'__'Display images in full-size carousel slideshow.''jetpack' ) );

carousel_enable_it_sanitize$value ) {
$this->sanitize_1or0_option$value );


:: Command execute ::


:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ ok ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ ok ]
:: Make File ::
[ ok ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

--[ c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13 powered by Captain Crunch Security Team | http://ccteam.ru | Generation time: 0.0312 ]--