Software: Apache. PHP/5.5.15 uname -a: Windows NT SVR-DMZ 6.1 build 7600 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition) i586 SYSTEM Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) C:\cumbre\cumbreclima\wp-content\plugins\js_composer\assets\js\backend\ drwxrwxrwx |
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content = content.replace(new RegExp('\\s*</('+blocklist1+')>\\s*', 'g'), '</$1>\n'); content = content.replace(new RegExp('\\s*<((?:'+blocklist1+')(?: [^>]*)?)>', 'g'), '\n<$1>'); // Mark </p> if it has any attributes. content = content.replace(/(<p [^>]+>.*?)<\/p>/g, '$1</p#>'); // Sepatate <div> containing <p> content = content.replace(/<div( [^>]*)?>\s*<p>/gi, '<div$1>\n\n'); // Remove <p> and <br /> content = content.replace(/\s*<p>/gi, ''); content = content.replace(/\s*<\/p>\s*/gi, '\n\n'); content = content.replace(/\n[\s\u00a0]+\n/g, '\n\n'); content = content.replace(/\s*<br ?\/?>\s*/gi, '\n'); // Fix some block element newline issues content = content.replace(/\s*<div/g, '\n<div'); content = content.replace(/<\/div>\s*/g, '</div>\n'); content = content.replace(/\s*\[caption([^\[]+)\[\/caption\]\s*/gi, '\n\n[caption$1[/caption]\n\n'); content = content.replace(/caption\]\n\n+\[caption/g, 'caption]\n\n[caption'); blocklist2 = 'blockquote|ul|ol|li|table|thead|tbody|tfoot|tr|th|td|h[1-6]|pre|fieldset'; 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pee = pee.replace(new RegExp('(</?(?:'+blocklist+')(?: [^>]*)?>)\\s*</p>', 'gi'), "$1"); pee = pee.replace(/\s*\n/gi, '<br />\n'); pee = pee.replace(new RegExp('(</?(?:'+blocklist+')[^>]*>)\\s*<br />', 'gi'), "$1"); pee = pee.replace(/<br \/>(\s*<\/?(?:p|li|div|dl|dd|dt|th|pre|td|ul|ol)>)/gi, '$1'); pee = pee.replace(/(?:<p>|<br ?\/?>)*\s*\[caption([^\[]+)\[\/caption\]\s*(?:<\/p>|<br ?\/?>)*/gi, '[caption$1[/caption]'); pee = pee.replace(/(<(?:div|th|td|form|fieldset|dd)[^>]*>)(.*?)<\/p>/g, function(a, b, c) { if ( c.match(/<p( [^>]*)?>/) ) return a; return b + '<p>' + c + '</p>'; }); // put back the line breaks in pre|script if ( preserve_linebreaks ) pee = pee.replace(/<wp-temp-lb>/g, '\n'); if ( preserve_br ) pee = pee.replace(/<wp-temp-br([^>]*)>/g, '<br$1>'); return pee; }; |
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--[ c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13 powered by Captain Crunch Security Team | | Generation time: 0.0312 ]-- |