Software: Apache. PHP/5.5.15 uname -a: Windows NT SVR-DMZ 6.1 build 7600 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition) i586 SYSTEM Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) C:\cumbre\cumbreclima\wp-content\plugins\js_composer\assets\js\params\ drwxrwxrwx |
Viewing file: css_editor.js (13.42 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | /* ========================================================= * css_editor.js v1.0.1 * ========================================================= * Copyright 2014 Wpbakery * * Shortcodes css editor for edit form backbone/underscore version * ========================================================= */ // Safety first if(_.isUndefined( var vc = {atts: {}}; (function ($) { var preloader_url = ajaxurl.replace(/admin\-ajax\.php/, 'images/wpspin_light.gif'), template_options = { evaluate: /<#([\s\S]+?)#>/g, interpolate: /\{\{\{([\s\S]+?)\}\}\}/g, escape: /\{\{([^\}]+?)\}\}(?!\})/g }; ={ setCssEditor: function(view) { if(view) this._css_editor = view; return this; }, updateSelection:function () { var selection = this.get('selection'), id = this._css_editor.getBackgroundImage(), attachment; if (id) { attachment =; attachment.fetch(); } selection.reset(attachment ? [ attachment ] : []); } }); /** * Css editor view. * @type {*} */ var VcCssEditor = Backbone.View.extend({ attrs: {}, layouts: ['margin', 'border-width', 'padding'], positions: ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'], $field: false, simplify: false, $simplify: false, events: { 'click .icon-remove': 'removeImage', 'click .vc_add-image': 'addBackgroundImage', 'change .vc_simplify': 'changeSimplify' // 'change [data-attribute]': 'attributeChanged' }, initialize: function() { // _.bindAll(, 'open'); _.bindAll(this, 'setSimplify') }, attributeChanged: function(e) { var $control, attr_name; e.preventDefault(); if(this.simplify) { $control = $(e.currentTarget); attr_name = $'attribute'); this.$el.find('[data-attribute=' + attr_name +']:not(.vc_top)').val($control.val()); } }, render: function(value) { this.attrs = {}; this.$simplify = this.$el.find('.vc_simplify'); _.isString(value) && this.parse(value); //; return this; }, parse: function(value) { var data_split = value.split(/\s*(\.[^\{]+)\s*\{\s*([^\}]+)\s*\}\s*/g); data_split[2] && this.parseAtts(data_split[2].replace(/\s+!important/g, '')); }, addBackgroundImage: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (this.image_media) return'vc_editor'); this.image_media ={ state:'vc_single-image', states:[ new ] }); this.image_media.on('toolbar:create:vc_single-image', function (toolbar) { this.createSelectToolbar(toolbar, { text: window.i18nLocale.set_image }); }, this.image_media); this.image_media.state('vc_single-image').on('select', this.setBgImage);'vc_editor'); }, setBgImage: function() { var selection = this.get('selection').single(); selection && this._css_editor.$el.find('.vc_background-image .vc_image').html(_.template($('#vc_css-editor-image-block').html(), selection.attributes, _.extend({variable: 'img'}, template_options))); }, setCurrentBgImage: function(value) { var image_regexp = /([^\?]+)(\?id=\d+){0,1}/, url = '', id = '', image_split; if(value.match(/^\d+$/)) { this.$el.find('.vc_background-image .vc_image').html(_.template($('#vc_css-editor-image-block').html(), {url: preloader_url, id: value, css_class: 'vc_preview'}, _.extend({variable: 'img'}, template_options))); $.ajax({ type:'POST', url:window.ajaxurl, data:{ action:'wpb_single_image_src', content: value, size: 'full' }, dataType:'html', context:this }).done(function (url) { this.$el.find('.vc_ce-image').attr('src', url + '?id=' + value).removeClass('vc_preview'); }); } else if(value.match(image_regexp)) { image_split = value.split(image_regexp); url = image_split[1]; if(image_split[2]) id = image_split[2].replace(/[^\d]+/, ''); this.$el.find('.vc_background-image .vc_image').html(_.template($('#vc_css-editor-image-block').html(), {url: url, id: id}, _.extend({variable: 'img'}, template_options))); } }, changeSimplify: function(e) { var f = _.debounce(this.setSimplify, 100); f && f(); }, setSimplify: function() { this.simplifiedMode(this.$':checked')); }, simplifiedMode: function(enable) { if(enable) { this.simplify = true; this.$el.addClass('vc_simplified'); } else { this.simplify = false; this.$el.removeClass('vc_simplified'); _.each(this.layouts, function(attr){ if(attr === 'border-width') attr = 'border'; var $control = $('[data-attribute=' + attr +'].vc_top'); this.$el.find('[data-attribute=' + attr +']:not(.vc_top)').val($control.val()); }, this); } }, removeImage: function(e) { var $control = $(e.currentTarget); e.preventDefault(); $control.parent().remove(); }, getBackgroundImage: function() { return this.$el.find('.vc_ce-image').data('imageId'); }, parseAtts: function(string) { var border_regex = /(\d+\S*)\s+(\w+)\s+([\d\w#\(,]+)/, background_regex = /^([^\s]+)\s+url\(([^\)]+)\)([\d\w]+\s+[\d\w]+){0,1}$/, background_size = false;';'), function(val){ var val_s = val.split(/:\s/), val_pos, border_split, background_split, value = val_s[1] || '', name = val_s[0] || ''; if(value) value = value.trim(); if(name.match(new RegExp('^(' + this.layouts.join('|').replace('-', '\\-') +')$')) && value) { val_pos = value.split(/\s+/g); if(val_pos.length == 1) { val_pos = [val_pos[0], val_pos[0], val_pos[0], val_pos[0]]; } else if(val_pos.length === 2) { val_pos[2] = val_pos[0]; val_pos[3] = val_pos[1]; } else if(val_pos.length === 3) { val_pos[3] = val_pos[1]; } _.each(this.positions, function(pos, key) { this.$el.find('[data-name=' + name + '-' + pos +']').val(val_pos[key]); }, this); } else if(name === 'background-size') { background_size = value; this.$el.find('[name=background_style]').val(value); } else if(name === 'background-repeat' && !background_size) { this.$el.find('[name=background_style]').val(value); } else if(name === 'background-image') { this.setCurrentBgImage(value.replace(/url\(([^\)]+)\)/, '$1')); } else if(name === 'background' && value) { background_split = value.split(background_regex); background_split[1] && this.$el.find('[name=' + name +'_color]').val(background_split[1]); background_split[2] && this.setCurrentBgImage(background_split[2]); } else if(name == 'border' && value && value.match(border_regex)) { border_split = value.split(border_regex); val_pos = [border_split[1], border_split[1], border_split[1], border_split[1]]; _.each(this.positions, function(pos, key) { this.$el.find('[name=' + name + '_' + pos +'_width]').val(val_pos[key]); }, this); this.$el.find('[name=border_style]').val(border_split[2]); this.$el.find('[name=border_color]').val(border_split[3]).trigger('change'); } else if (name.indexOf('border') != -1 && value) { if (name.indexOf('style') != -1) { this.$el.find('[name=border_style]').val(value); } else if (name.indexOf('color') != -1) { this.$el.find('[name=border_color]').val(value).trigger('change'); } else if (name.match(/^[\w\-\d]+$/)) { this.$el.find('[name=' + name.replace(/\-+/g, '_') + ']').val(value); } } else if (name.match(/^[\w\-\d]+$/) && value) { this.$el.find('[name=' + name.replace(/\-+/g, '_') + ']').val(value); } }, this); }, save: function() { var string = ''; this.attrs = {}; _.each(this.layouts, function(type) {this.getFields(type)}, this); this.getBackground(); this.getBorder(); if(!_.isEmpty(this.attrs)) { string = '.vc_custom_' + (+new Date) + '{' + _.reduce(this.attrs, function(memo, value, key){ return value ? memo + key + ': ' + value + ' !important;' : memo; }, '', this) + '}'; } string && vc.frame_window && vc.frame_window.vc_iframe.setCustomShortcodeCss(string); return string; }, getBackground: function() { var color = this.$el.find('[name=background_color]').val(), image = this.$el.find('.vc_background-image img').attr('src'), style = this.$el.find('[name=background_style]').val(); if(color && image) { this.attrs['background'] = color + ' ' + 'url(' + image + ')'; } else if(color) { this.attrs['background-color'] = color; } else if(image) { this.attrs['background-image'] = 'url(' + image + ')'; } if(style.match(/repeat/)) { this.attrs['background-position'] = '0 0'; this.attrs['background-repeat'] = style; } else if(style.match(/cover|contain/)) { this.attrs['background-position'] = 'center'; this.attrs['background-repeat'] = 'no-repeat'; this.attrs['background-size'] = style; } if(color.match(/^rgba/)) { this.attrs['*background-color'] = color.replace(/\s+/, '').replace(/(rgb)a\((\d+)\,(\d+),(\d+),[^\)]+\)/, '$1($2,$3,$4)'); } }, getBorder: function() { var style = this.$el.find('[name=border_style]').val(), color = this.$el.find('[name=border_color]').val(); var sides = ['left','right','top','bottom']; if (style && color && this.attrs['border-width'] && this.attrs['border-width'].match(/^\d+\S+$/)) { this.attrs.border = this.attrs['border-width'] + ' ' + style + ' ' + color; this.attrs['border-width'] = undefined; } else { _.each(sides, function (side) { if(this.attrs['border-'+side+'-width']) { if (color) this.attrs['border-' + side + '-color'] = color; if (style) this.attrs['border-' + side + '-style'] = style; } }, this); } }, getFields: function(type) { var data = [], pluck; if(this.simplify) return this.getSimplifiedField(type); _.each(this.positions, function(pos){ var val = this.$el.find('[data-name=' + type + '-' + pos +']').val().replace(/\s+/, ''); if(!val.match(/^\d*(\.\d+){0,1}(%|in|cm|mm|em|rem|ex|pt|pc|px|vw|vh|vmin|vmax)$/)) { val = (isNaN(parseFloat(val)) ? '' : '' + parseFloat(val) + 'px'); } val.length && data.push({name: pos, val: val}); }, this); _.each(data, function(attr){ var attr_name = type == 'border-width' ? 'border-' + + '-width' : type + '-' +; this.attrs[attr_name] = attr.val; }, this); }, getSimplifiedField: function(type) { var pos = 'top', val = this.$el.find('[data-name=' + type + '-' + pos +']').val().replace(/\s+/, ''); if(!val.match(/^\d*(\.\d+){0,1}(%|in|cm|mm|em|rem|ex|pt|pc|px|vw|vh|vmin|vmax)$/)) { val = (isNaN(parseFloat(val)) ? '' : '' + parseFloat(val) + 'px'); } if(val.length) this.attrs[type] = val; } }); /** * Add new param to atts types list for vc * @type {Object} */ vc.atts.css_editor = { parse: function(param) { var $field = this.content().find('input.wpb_vc_param_value.' + param.param_name + ''), css_editor = $'cssEditor'), result =; if(result) vc.edit_form_callbacks.push(remove_old_design_options); return result; } }; /** * Backward capability for old css attributes * @return {String} - Css settings with class name and css attributes settings. */ var parse_old_design_options = function() { var old_attributes = {}, keys = {'bg_color': 'background-color', 'padding': 'padding', 'margin_bottom': 'margin-bottom', 'bg_image': 'background-image'}, params = vc.edit_element_block_view.model.get('params'), css_string = ''; css_string = _.reduce(keys, function(memo, css_name, attr_name){ var value = params[attr_name]; if(_.isUndefined(value) || !value.length) return memo; if(attr_name === 'bg_image') value = 'url(' + value +')'; return memo + css_name + ': ' + value + ';'; }, '', this); return css_string ? '.tmp_class{' + css_string + '}' : ''; }; var remove_old_design_options = function() { this.params = _.omit(this.params, 'bg_color', 'padding', 'margin_bottom', 'bg_image'); }; /** * Find all fields with css_editor type and initialize. */ $('[data-css-editor=true]').each(function(){ var $editor = $(this), $field = $editor.find('input.wpb_vc_param_value'), value = $field.val(); if(!value) value = parse_old_design_options(); $'cssEditor', new VcCssEditor({el: $editor}).render(value)); }); })(window.jQuery); |
:: Command execute :: | |
--[ c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13 powered by Captain Crunch Security Team | | Generation time: 0.0156 ]-- |