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Viewing file:     vc_teaser_grid.php (15.2 KB)      -rw-rw-rw-
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(+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |

$grid_columns_count $grid_teasers_count $grid_layout $grid_link $grid_link_target '';
$grid_template $grid_thumb_size $grid_posttypes $grid_layout_mode $grid_taxomonies $grid_categories $posts_in $posts_not_in '';
$grid_content $el_class $width $orderby $order $el_position $isotope_item '';

extractshortcode_atts( array(
'title' => '',
'grid_columns_count' => 4,
'grid_teasers_count' => 8,
'grid_layout' => 'title_thumbnail_text'// title_thumbnail_text, thumbnail_title_text, thumbnail_text, thumbnail_title, thumbnail, title_text
'grid_link' => 'link_post'// link_post, link_image, link_image_post, link_no
'grid_link_target' => '_self',
'grid_template' => 'grid'//grid, carousel
'grid_thumb_size' => 'thumbnail',
'grid_posttypes' => '',
'grid_taxomonies' => '',
'grid_categories' => '',
'grid_layout_mode' => 'fitRows',
'posts_in' => '',
'posts_not_in' => '',
'grid_content' => 'teaser'// teaser, content
'el_class' => '',
'width' => '1/1',
'orderby' => NULL,
'order' => 'DESC',
'el_position' => ''
), $atts ) );

if ( 
$grid_template == 'grid' || $grid_template == 'filtered_grid' ) {
wp_enqueue_style'isotope-css' );
wp_enqueue_script'isotope' );
$isotope_item 'isotope-item ';
} else if ( 
$grid_template == 'carousel' ) {
wp_enqueue_script'jcarousellite' );
$isotope_item '';

if ( 
$grid_link == 'link_image' || $grid_link == 'link_image_post' ) {
wp_enqueue_script'prettyphoto' );
wp_enqueue_style'prettyphoto' );

$output '';

$el_class $this->getExtraClass$el_class );
$width ''//wpb_translateColumnWidthToSpan( $width );
$li_span_class wpb_translateColumnsCountToSpanClass$grid_columns_count );

$query_args = array();

$not_in = array();
if ( 
$posts_not_in != '' ) {
$posts_not_in str_ireplace" """$posts_not_in );
$not_in explode","$posts_not_in );

$link_target $grid_link_target == '_blank' ' target="_blank"' '';

//exclude current post/page from query
if ( $posts_in == '' ) {
array_push$not_in$post->ID );
} else if ( 
$posts_in != '' ) {
$posts_in str_ireplace" """$posts_in );
$query_args['post__in'] = explode","$posts_in );
if ( 
$posts_in == '' || $posts_not_in != '' ) {
$query_args['post__not_in'] = $not_in;

// Post teasers count
if ( $grid_teasers_count != '' && ! is_numeric$grid_teasers_count ) ) $grid_teasers_count = - 1;
if ( 
$grid_teasers_count != '' && is_numeric$grid_teasers_count ) ) $query_args['posts_per_page'] = $grid_teasers_count;

// Post types
$pt = array();
if ( 
$grid_posttypes != '' ) {
$grid_posttypes explode","$grid_posttypes );
    foreach ( 
$grid_posttypes as $post_type ) {
array_push$pt$post_type );
$query_args['post_type'] = $pt;

// Taxonomies

$taxonomies = array();
if ( 
$grid_taxomonies != '' ) {
$grid_taxomonies explode","$grid_taxomonies );
    foreach ( 
$grid_taxomonies as $taxom ) {
array_push$taxonomies$taxom );

// Narrow by categories
if ( $grid_categories != '' ) {
$grid_categories explode","$grid_categories );
$gc = array();
    foreach ( 
$grid_categories as $grid_cat ) {
array_push$gc$grid_cat );
$gc implode","$gc );
$query_args['category_name'] = $gc;

$taxonomies get_taxonomies'''object' );
$query_args['tax_query'] = array( 'relation' => 'OR' );
    foreach ( 
$taxonomies as $t ) {
        if ( 
in_array$t->object_type[0], $pt ) ) {
$query_args['tax_query'][] = array(
'taxonomy' => $t->name//$t->name,//'portfolio_category',
'terms' => $grid_categories,
'field' => 'slug',

// Order posts
if ( $orderby != NULL ) {
$query_args['orderby'] = $orderby;
$query_args['order'] = $order;

// Run query
$my_query = new WP_Query$query_args );

$teasers '';
$teaser_categories = Array();
if ( 
$grid_template == 'filtered_grid' && empty( $grid_taxomonies ) ) {
$taxonomies get_object_taxonomies( ! empty( $query_args['post_type'] ) ? $query_args['post_type'] : get_post_types( array( 'public' => false'name' => 'attachment' ), 'names''NOT' ) );

$posts_Ids = array();

while ( 
$my_query->have_posts() ) {
$link_title_start $link_image_start $p_link $link_image_end $p_img_large '';


$posts_Ids[] = $my_query->post->ID;

$categories_css '';
    if ( 
$grid_template == 'filtered_grid' ) {
/** @var $post_cate``gories get list of categories */
        // $post_categories = get_the_category($my_query->post->ID);
$post_categories wp_get_object_terms$my_query->post->IDarray_values$taxonomies ) );
        if ( ! 
is_wp_error$post_categories ) ) {
            foreach ( 
$post_categories as $cat ) {
                if ( ! 
in_array$cat->term_id$teaser_categories ) ) {
$teaser_categories[] = $cat->term_id;
$categories_css .= ' grid-cat-' $cat->term_id;

$post_title the_title""""false );
$post_id $my_query->post->ID;

$teaser_post_type 'posts_grid_teaser_' $my_query->post->post_type ' ';
    if ( 
$grid_content == 'teaser' ) {
$content apply_filters'the_excerpt'get_the_excerpt() );
    } else {
$content get_the_content();
$content apply_filters'the_content'$content );
$content str_replace']]>'']]&gt;'$content );

// $content = ( $grid_content == 'teaser' ) ? apply_filters('the_excerpt', get_the_excerpt()) : get_the_content(); //TODO: get_the_content() rewrite more WP native way.
$content wpautop$content );
$link '';
$thumbnail '';

// Read more link
if ( $grid_link != 'link_no' ) {
$link '<a class="more-link" href="' get_permalink$post_id ) . '"' $link_target ' title="' sprintfesc_attr__'Permalink to %s''js_composer' ), the_title_attribute'echo=0' ) ) . '">' __"Read more""js_composer" ) . '</a>';

// Thumbnail logic
if ( in_array$grid_layout, array( 'title_thumbnail_text''thumbnail_title_text''thumbnail_text''thumbnail_title''thumbnail''title_text' ) ) ) {
$post_thumbnail $p_img_large '';
//$attach_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($post_id);

$post_thumbnail wpb_getImageBySize( array( 'post_id' => $post_id'thumb_size' => $grid_thumb_size ) );
$thumbnail $post_thumbnail['thumbnail'];
$p_img_large $post_thumbnail['p_img_large'];

// Link logic
if ( $grid_link != 'link_no' ) {
$p_video '';
        if ( 
$grid_link == 'link_image' || $grid_link == 'link_image_post' ) {
$p_video get_post_meta$post_id"_p_video"true );

        if ( 
$grid_link == 'link_post' ) {
$link_image_start '<a class="link_image" href="' get_permalink$post_id ) . '"' $link_target ' title="' sprintfesc_attr__'Permalink to %s''js_composer' ), the_title_attribute'echo=0' ) ) . '">';
$link_title_start '<a class="link_title" href="' get_permalink$post_id ) . '"' $link_target ' title="' sprintfesc_attr__'Permalink to %s''js_composer' ), the_title_attribute'echo=0' ) ) . '">';
        } else if ( 
$grid_link == 'link_image' ) {
            if ( 
$p_video != "" ) {
$p_link $p_video;
            } else {
$p_link $p_img_large[0];
$link_image_start '<a class="link_image prettyphoto" href="' $p_link '"' $link_target ' title="' the_title_attribute'echo=0' ) . '">';
$link_title_start '<a class="link_title prettyphoto" href="' $p_link '"' $link_target ' title="' the_title_attribute'echo=0' ) . '">';
        } else if ( 
$grid_link == 'link_image_post' ) {
            if ( 
$p_video != "" ) {
$p_link $p_video;
            } else {
$p_link $p_img_large[0];
$link_image_start '<a class="link_image prettyphoto" href="' $p_link '"' $link_target ' title="' the_title_attribute'echo=0' ) . '">';
$link_title_start '<a class="link_title" href="' get_permalink$post_id ) . '"' $link_target ' title="' sprintfesc_attr__'Permalink to %s''js_composer' ), the_title_attribute'echo=0' ) ) . '">';
$link_title_end $link_image_end '</a>';
    } else {
$link_image_start '';
$link_title_start '';
$link_title_end $link_image_end '';
$teasers .= '<li class="' $isotope_item.apply_filtersVC_SHORTCODE_CUSTOM_CSS_FILTER_TAG$li_span_class'vc_teaser_grid_li'$atts ) . $categories_css '">';
// If grid layout is: Title + Thumbnail + Text
if ( $grid_layout == 'title_thumbnail_text' ) {
        if ( 
$post_title ) {
$to_filter '<h2 class="post-title">' $link_title_start $post_title $link_title_end '</h2>';
$teasers .= apply_filters'vc_teaser_grid_title'$to_filter, array( "grid_layout" => $grid_layout"ID" => $post_id"title" => $post_title"media_link" => $p_link ) );
        if ( 
$thumbnail ) {
$to_filter '<div class="post-thumb">' $link_image_start $thumbnail $link_image_end '</div>';
$teasers .= apply_filters'vc_teaser_grid_thumbnail'$to_filter, array( "grid_layout" => $grid_layout"ID" => $post_id"thumbnail" => $thumbnail"media_link" => $p_link ) );
        if ( 
$content ) {
$to_filter '<div class="entry-content">' $content '</div>';
$teasers .= apply_filters'vc_teaser_grid_content'$to_filter, array( "grid_layout" => $grid_layout"ID" => $post_id"content" => $content"media_link" => $p_link ) );
// If grid layout is: Thumbnail + Title + Text
else if ( $grid_layout == 'thumbnail_title_text' ) {
        if ( 
$thumbnail ) {
$to_filter '<div class="post-thumb">' $link_image_start $thumbnail $link_image_end '</div>';
$teasers .= apply_filters'vc_teaser_grid_thumbnail'$to_filter, array( "grid_layout" => $grid_layout"ID" => $post_id"thumbnail" => $thumbnail"media_link" => $p_link ) );
        if ( 
$post_title ) {
$to_filter '<h2 class="post-title">' $link_title_start $post_title $link_title_end '</h2>';
$teasers .= apply_filters'vc_teaser_grid_title'$to_filter, array( "grid_layout" => $grid_layout"ID" => $post_id"title" => $post_title"media_link" => $p_link ) );
        if ( 
$content ) {
$to_filter '<div class="entry-content">' $content '</div>';
$teasers .= apply_filters'vc_teaser_grid_content'$to_filter, array( "grid_layout" => $grid_layout"ID" => $post_id"content" => $content"media_link" => $p_link ) );
// If grid layout is: Thumbnail + Text
else if ( $grid_layout == 'thumbnail_text' ) {
        if ( 
$thumbnail ) {
$to_filter '<div class="post-thumb">' $link_image_start $thumbnail $link_image_end '</div>';
$teasers .= apply_filters'vc_teaser_grid_thumbnail'$to_filter, array( "grid_layout" => $grid_layout"ID" => $post_id"thumbnail" => $thumbnail"media_link" => $p_link ) );
        if ( 
$content ) {
$to_filter '<div class="entry-content">' $content '</div>';
$teasers .= apply_filters'vc_teaser_grid_content'$to_filter, array( "grid_layout" => $grid_layout"ID" => $post_id"content" => $content"media_link" => $p_link ) );
// If grid layout is: Thumbnail + Title
else if ( $grid_layout == 'thumbnail_title' ) {
        if ( 
$thumbnail ) {
$to_filter '<div class="post-thumb">' $link_image_start $thumbnail $link_image_end '</div>';
$teasers .= apply_filters'vc_teaser_grid_thumbnail'$to_filter, array( "grid_layout" => $grid_layout"ID" => $post_id"thumbnail" => $thumbnail"media_link" => $p_link ) );
        if ( 
$post_title ) {
$to_filter '<h2 class="post-title">' $link_title_start $post_title $link_title_end '</h2>';
$teasers .= apply_filters'vc_teaser_grid_title'$to_filter, array( "grid_layout" => $grid_layout"ID" => $post_id"title" => $post_title"media_link" => $p_link ) );
// If grid layout is: Thumbnail
else if ( $grid_layout == 'thumbnail' ) {
        if ( 
$thumbnail ) {
$to_filter '<div class="post-thumb">' $link_image_start $thumbnail $link_image_end '</div>';
$teasers .= apply_filters'vc_teaser_grid_thumbnail'$to_filter, array( "grid_layout" => $grid_layout"ID" => $post_id"thumbnail" => $thumbnail"media_link" => $p_link ) );
// If grid layout is: Title + Text
else if ( $grid_layout == 'title_text' ) {
        if ( 
$post_title ) {
$to_filter '<h2 class="post-title">' $link_title_start $post_title $link_title_end '</h2>';
$teasers .= apply_filters'vc_teaser_grid_title'$to_filter, array( "grid_layout" => $grid_layout"ID" => $post_id"title" => $post_title"media_link" => $p_link ) );
        if ( 
$content ) {
$to_filter '<div class="entry-content">' $content '</div>';
$teasers .= apply_filters'vc_teaser_grid_content'$to_filter, array( "grid_layout" => $grid_layout"ID" => $post_id"content" => $content"media_link" => $p_link ) );
$teasers .= '</li> ' $this->endBlockComment'single teaser' );
// endwhile loop

if ( 
$grid_template == 'filtered_grid' && $teasers && ! empty( $teaser_categories ) ) {
$categories_list = wp_list_categories(array(
    'orderby' => 'name',
    'walker' => new Teaser_Grid_Category_Walker(),
    'include' => implode(',', $teaser_categories),
    'show_option_none'   => __('No categories', 'js_composer'),
    'echo' => false
$categories_array get_termsarray_values$taxonomies ), array(
'orderby' => 'name',
'include' => implode','$teaser_categories )
    ) );

$categories_list_output '<ul class="categories_filter vc_clearfix">';
$categories_list_output .= '<li class="active"><a href="#" data-filter="*">' __'All''js_composer' ) . '</a></li>';
    if ( ! 
is_wp_error$categories_array ) ) {
        foreach ( 
$categories_array as $cat ) {
$categories_list_output .= '<li><a href="#" data-filter=".grid-cat-' $cat->term_id '">' esc_attr$cat->name ) . '</a></li>';
$categories_list_output .= '</ul><div class="vc_clearfix"></div>';
} else {
$categories_list_output '';

if ( 
$teasers ) {
$teasers '<div class="teaser_grid_container">' $categories_list_output '<ul class="wpb_thumbnails wpb_thumbnails-fluid vc_clearfix" data-layout-mode="' $grid_layout_mode '">' $teasers '</ul></div>';
} else {
$teasers __"Nothing found.""js_composer" );

$posttypes_teasers '';

if ( 
is_array$grid_posttypes ) ) {
//$posttypes_teasers_ar = explode(",", $grid_posttypes);
$posttypes_teasers_ar $grid_posttypes;
    foreach ( 
$posttypes_teasers_ar as $post_type ) {
$posttypes_teasers .= 'wpb_teaser_grid_' $post_type ' ';

$grid_class 'wpb_' $grid_template ' columns_count_' $grid_columns_count ' grid_layout-' $grid_layout ' ' $grid_layout '_' $li_span_class ' ' 'columns_count_' $grid_columns_count '_' $grid_layout ' ' $posttypes_teasers;
$css_class apply_filtersVC_SHORTCODE_CUSTOM_CSS_FILTER_TAG'wpb_teaser_grid wpb_content_element ' $grid_class $width $el_class$this->settings['base'], $atts );

$output .= "\n\t" '<div class="' $css_class '">';
$output .= "\n\t\t" '<div class="wpb_wrapper">';
//$output .= ($title != '' ) ? "\n\t\t\t".'<h2 class="wpb_heading wpb_teaser_grid_heading">'.$title.'</h2>' : '';
$output .= wpb_widget_title( array( 'title' => $title'extraclass' => 'wpb_teaser_grid_heading' ) );
if ( 
$grid_template == 'carousel' ) {
$output .= apply_filters'vc_teaser_grid_carousel_arrows''<a href="#" class="prev">&larr;</a> <a href="#" class="next">&rarr;</a>' );

$output .= $teasers;
$output .= "\n\t\t" '</div> ' $this->endBlockComment'.wpb_wrapper' );
$output .= "\n\t" '</div> ' $this->endBlockComment'.wpb_teaser_grid' );


:: Command execute ::


:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ ok ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ ok ]
:: Make File ::
[ ok ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

--[ c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13 powered by Captain Crunch Security Team | http://ccteam.ru | Generation time: 0.0312 ]--