Viewing file: field_slider.php (15.78 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
/** * Redux Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * Redux Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Redux Framework. If not, see <>. * * @package ReduxFramework * @subpackage Field_Slider * @author Kevin Provance (kprovance) * @version 2.0.0 */
// Exit if accessed directly if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; }
if ( ! class_exists( 'ReduxFramework_slider' ) ) { class ReduxFramework_slider {
/** * Field Constructor. * Required - must call the parent constructor, then assign field and value to vars, and obviously call the render field function * * @since ReduxFramework 3.1.8 */ private $display_none = 0; private $display_label = 1; private $display_text = 2; private $display_select = 3;
function __construct( $field = array(), $value = '', $parent ) {
//parent::__construct( $parent->sections, $parent->args ); $this->parent = $parent; $this->field = $field; $this->value = $value;
// Set defaults $defaults = array( 'handles' => 1, 'resolution' => 1, 'display_value' => 'text', 'float_mark' => '.', );
$this->field = wp_parse_args( $this->field, $defaults );
// Sanitize float mark switch ( $this->field['float_mark'] ) { case ',': case '.': break; default: $this->field['float_mark'] = '.'; break; }
// Sanitize resolution value $this->field['resolution'] = $this->cleanVal( $this->field['resolution'] );
// Sanitize handle value switch ( $this->field['handles'] ) { case 0: case 1: $this->field['handles'] = 1; break; default: $this->field['handles'] = 2; break; }
// Sanitize display value switch ( $this->field['display_value'] ) { case 'label': $this->field['display_value'] = $this->display_label; break; case 'text': default: $this->field['display_value'] = $this->display_text; break; case 'select': $this->field['display_value'] = $this->display_select; break; case 'none': $this->field['display_value'] = $this->display_none; break; } }
private function cleanVal( $var ) { if ( is_float( $var ) ) { $cleanVar = floatval( $var ); } else { $cleanVar = intval( $var ); }
return $cleanVar; }
private function cleanDefault( $val ) { if ( empty( $val ) && ! empty( $this->field['default'] ) && $this->cleanVal( $this->field['min'] ) >= 1 ) { $val = $this->cleanVal( $this->field['default'] ); }
if ( empty( $val ) && $this->cleanVal( $this->field['min'] ) >= 1 ) { $val = $this->cleanVal( $this->field['min'] ); }
if ( empty( $val ) ) { $val = 0; }
// Extra Validation if ( $val < $this->field['min'] ) { $val = $this->cleanVal( $this->field['min'] ); } else if ( $val > $this->field['max'] ) { $val = $this->cleanVal( $this->field['max'] ); }
return $val; }
private function cleanDefaultArray( $val ) { $one = $this->value[1]; $two = $this->value[2];
if ( empty( $one ) && ! empty( $this->field['default'][1] ) && $this->cleanVal( $this->field['min'] ) >= 1 ) { $one = $this->cleanVal( $this->field['default'][1] ); }
if ( empty( $one ) && $this->cleanVal( $this->field['min'] ) >= 1 ) { $one = $this->cleanVal( $this->field['min'] ); }
if ( empty( $one ) ) { $one = 0; }
if ( empty( $two ) && ! empty( $this->field['default'][2] ) && $this->cleanVal( $this->field['min'] ) >= 1 ) { $two = $this->cleanVal( $this->field['default'][1] + 1 ); }
if ( empty( $two ) && $this->cleanVal( $this->field['min'] ) >= 1 ) { $two = $this->cleanVal( $this->field['default'][1] + 1 ); }
if ( empty( $two ) ) { $two = $this->field['default'][1] + 1; }
$val[0] = $one; $val[1] = $two;
return $val; }
/** * Clean the field data to the fields defaults given the parameters. * * @since Redux_Framework 3.1.8 */ function clean() {
// Set min to 0 if no value is set. $this->field['min'] = empty( $this->field['min'] ) ? 0 : $this->cleanVal( $this->field['min'] );
// Set max to min + 1 if empty. $this->field['max'] = empty( $this->field['max'] ) ? $this->field['min'] + 1 : $this->cleanVal( $this->field['max'] );
// Set step to 1 if step is empty ot step > max. $this->field['step'] = empty( $this->field['step'] ) || $this->field['step'] > $this->field['max'] ? 1 : $this->cleanVal( $this->field['step'] );
if ( 2 == $this->field['handles'] ) { if ( ! is_array( $this->value ) ) { $this->value[1] = 0; $this->value[2] = 1; } $this->value = $this->cleanDefaultArray( $this->value ); } else { if ( is_array( $this->value ) ) { $this->value = 0; } $this->value = $this->cleanDefault( $this->value ); }
// More dummy checks //if ( ! is_array( $this->field['default'] ) && 2 == $this->field['handles'] ) { if ( ! is_array( $this->value ) && 2 == $this->field['handles'] ) { $this->value[0] = $this->field['min']; $this->value[1] = $this->field['min'] + 1; }
//if ( is_array( $this->field['default'] ) && 1 == $this->field['handles'] ) { if ( is_array( $this->value ) && 1 == $this->field['handles'] ) { $this->value = $this->field['min']; }
/** * Enqueue Function. * If this field requires any scripts, or css define this function and register/enqueue the scripts/css * * @since ReduxFramework 3.1.8 */ function enqueue() {
$min = Redux_Functions::isMin();
wp_enqueue_style( 'nouislider-css', ReduxFramework::$_url . 'inc/fields/slider/vendor/nouislider/jquery.nouislider.css', array(), filemtime( ReduxFramework::$_dir . 'inc/fields/slider/vendor/nouislider/jquery.nouislider.css' ), 'all' );
wp_register_script( 'nouislider-js', ReduxFramework::$_url . 'inc/fields/slider/vendor/nouislider/jquery.nouislider' . $min . '.js', array( 'jquery' ), '5.0.0', true );
wp_enqueue_script( 'redux-field-slider-js', ReduxFramework::$_url . 'inc/fields/slider/field_slider' . $min . '.js', array( 'jquery', 'nouislider-js', 'redux-js', 'select2-js' ), time(), true );
wp_enqueue_style( 'redux-field-slider-css', ReduxFramework::$_url . 'inc/fields/slider/field_slider.css', time(), true ); }
/** * Field Render Function. * Takes the vars and outputs the HTML for the field in the settings * * @since ReduxFramework 0.0.4 */ function render() {
$fieldID = $this->field['id']; $fieldName = $this->field['name'] . $this->field['name_suffix']; //$fieldName = $this->parent->args['opt_name'] . '[' . $this->field['id'] . ']';
// Set handle number variable. $twoHandles = false; if ( 2 == $this->field['handles'] ) { $twoHandles = true; }
// Set default values(s) if ( true == $twoHandles ) { $valOne = $this->value[0]; $valTwo = $this->value[1];
$html = 'data-default-one="' . $valOne . '" '; $html .= 'data-default-two="' . $valTwo . '" ';
$nameOne = $fieldName . '[1]'; $nameTwo = $fieldName . '[2]';
$idOne = $fieldID . '[1]'; $idTwo = $fieldID . '[2]'; } else { $valOne = $this->value; $valTwo = '';
$html = 'data-default-one="' . $valOne . '"';
$nameOne = $fieldName; $nameTwo = '';
$idOne = $fieldID; $idTwo = ''; }
$showInput = false; $showLabel = false; $showSelect = false;
// TEXT output if ( $this->display_text == $this->field['display_value'] ) { $showInput = true; echo '<input type="text" name="' . $nameOne . '" id="' . $idOne . '" value="' . $valOne . '" class="redux-slider-input redux-slider-input-one-' . $fieldID . ' ' . $this->field['class'] . '"/>';
// LABEL output } elseif ( $this->display_label == $this->field['display_value'] ) { $showLabel = true;
$labelNum = $twoHandles ? '-one' : '';
echo '<div class="redux-slider-label' . $labelNum . '" id="redux-slider-label-one-' . $fieldID . '" name="' . $nameOne . '"> </div>';
// SELECT output } elseif ( $this->display_select == $this->field['display_value'] ) { $showSelect = true;
if ( isset( $this->field['select2'] ) ) { // if there are any let's pass them to js $select2_params = json_encode( $this->field['select2'] ); $select2_params = htmlspecialchars( $select2_params, ENT_QUOTES );
echo '<input type="hidden" class="select2_params" value="' . $select2_params . '">'; }
echo '<select class="redux-slider-select-one redux-slider-select-one-' . $fieldID . ' ' . $this->field['class'] . '" name="' . $nameOne . '" id="' . $idOne . '"> </select>'; }
// DIV output echo '<div ' . ' class="redux-slider-container"' . ' ' . $this->field['class'] . ' id="' . $fieldID . '" ' . ' data-id="' . $fieldID . '" ' . ' data-min="' . $this->field['min'] . '" ' . ' data-max="' . $this->field['max'] . '" ' . ' data-step="' . $this->field['step'] . '" ' . ' data-handles="' . $this->field['handles'] . '" ' . ' data-display="' . $this->field['display_value'] . '" ' . ' data-rtl="' . is_rtl() . '" ' . ' data-float-mark="' . $this->field['float_mark'] . '" ' . ' data-resolution="' . $this->field['resolution'] . '" ' . $html . '>' . ' </div>';
// Double slider output if ( true == $twoHandles ) {
// TEXT if ( true == $showInput ) { echo '<input type="text" name="' . $nameTwo . '" id="' . $idTwo . '" value="' . $valTwo . '" class="redux-slider-input redux-slider-input-two-' . $fieldID . ' ' . $this->field['class'] . '"/>'; }
// LABEL if ( true == $showLabel ) { echo '<div class="redux-slider-label-two" id="redux-slider-label-two-' . $fieldID . '" name="' . $nameTwo . '"> </div>'; }
// SELECT if ( true == $showSelect ) { echo '<select class="redux-slider-select-two redux-slider-select-two-' . $fieldID . ' ' . $this->field['class'] . '" name="' . $nameTwo . '" id="' . $idTwo . '"> </select>';
} }
// NO output (input hidden) if ( $this->display_none == $this->field['display_value'] || $this->display_label == $this->field['display_value'] ) { echo '<input type="hidden" class="redux-slider-value-one-' . $fieldID . ' ' . $this->field['class'] . '" name="' . $nameOne . '" id="' . $idOne . '" value="' . $valOne . '"/>';
// double slider hidden output if ( true == $twoHandles ) { echo '<input type="hidden" class="redux-slider-value-two-' . $fieldID . ' ' . $this->field['class'] . '" name="' . $nameTwo . '" id="' . $idTwo . '" value="' . $valTwo . '"/>'; } } } } }