Viewing file: package.database.php (10.97 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
if ( ! defined( 'DUPLICATOR_VERSION' ) ) exit; // Exit if accessed directly
class DUP_Database {
public $Type = 'MySQL';
public $Size;
public $File;
public $Path;
public $FilterTables;
public $FilterOn;
public $Name;
protected $Package;
private $dbStorePath;
private $EOFMarker;
private $networkFlush;
function __construct($package) {
$this->Package = $package;
$this->EOFMarker = "";
$package_zip_flush = DUP_Settings::Get('package_zip_flush');
$this->networkFlush = empty($package_zip_flush) ? false : $package_zip_flush;
public function Build($package) {
try {
$this->Package = $package;
$time_start = DUP_Util::GetMicrotime();
$package_mysqldump = DUP_Settings::Get('package_mysqldump');
$package_phpdump_qrylimit = DUP_Settings::Get('package_phpdump_qrylimit');
$this->dbStorePath = "{$this->Package->StorePath}/{$this->File}";
$mysqlDumpPath = self::GetMySqlDumpPath();
$mode = ($mysqlDumpPath && $package_mysqldump) ? 'MYSQLDUMP' : 'PHP';
$mysqlDumpSupport = ($mysqlDumpPath) ? 'Is Supported' : 'Not Supported';
$log = "\n********************************************************************************\n";
$log .= "DATABASE:\n";
$log .= "********************************************************************************\n";
$log .= "BUILD MODE: {$mode} ";
$log .= ($mode == 'PHP') ? "(query limit - {$package_phpdump_qrylimit})\n" : "\n";
$log .= "MYSQLDUMP: {$mysqlDumpSupport}\n";
$log = null;
switch ($mode) {
case 'MYSQLDUMP': $this->mysqlDump($mysqlDumpPath); break;
case 'PHP' : $this->phpDump(); break;
DUP_Log::Info("SQL CREATED: {$this->File}");
$time_end = DUP_Util::GetMicrotime();
$time_sum = DUP_Util::ElapsedTime($time_end, $time_start);
$sql_file_size = filesize($this->dbStorePath);
if ($sql_file_size <= 0) {
DUP_Log::Error("SQL file generated zero bytes.", "No data was written to the sql file. Check permission on file and parent directory at [{$this->dbStorePath}]");
DUP_Log::Info("SQL FILE SIZE: " . DUP_Util::ByteSize($sql_file_size));
DUP_Log::Info("SQL FILE TIME: " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
DUP_Log::Info("SQL RUNTIME: {$time_sum}");
$this->Size = @filesize($this->dbStorePath);
} catch (Exception $e) {
DUP_Log::Error("Runtime error in DUP_Database::Build","Exception: {$e}");
* Get the database stats
public function Stats() {
global $wpdb;
$filterTables = isset($this->FilterTables) ? explode(',', $this->FilterTables) : null;
$tblCount = 0;
$tables = $wpdb->get_results("SHOW TABLE STATUS", ARRAY_A);
$info = array();
$info['Status']['Success'] = is_null($tables) ? false : true;
$info['Status']['Size'] = 'Good';
$info['Status']['Rows'] = 'Good';
$info['Size'] = 0;
$info['Rows'] = 0;
$info['TableCount'] = 0;
$info['TableList'] = array();
//Only return what we really need
foreach ($tables as $table) {
$name = $table["Name"];
if ($this->FilterOn && is_array($filterTables)) {
if (in_array($name, $filterTables)) {
$size = ($table["Data_length"] + $table["Index_length"]);
$info['Size'] += $size;
$info['Rows'] += ($table["Rows"]);
$info['TableList'][$name]['Rows'] = empty($table["Rows"]) ? '0' : number_format($table["Rows"]);
$info['TableList'][$name]['Size'] = DUP_Util::ByteSize($size);
$info['Status']['Size'] = ($info['Size'] > 100000000) ? 'Warn' : 'Good';
$info['Status']['Rows'] = ($info['Rows'] > 1000000) ? 'Warn' : 'Good';
$info['TableCount'] = $tblCount;
return $info;
* Returns the mysqldump path if the server is enabled to execute it
* @return boolean|string
public static function GetMySqlDumpPath() {
//Is shell_exec possible
if (! DUP_Util::IsShellExecAvailable()) {
return false;
$custom_mysqldump_path = DUP_Settings::Get('package_mysqldump_path');
$custom_mysqldump_path = (strlen($custom_mysqldump_path)) ? $custom_mysqldump_path : '';
//Common Windows Paths
if (DUP_Util::IsOSWindows()) {
$paths = array(
'C:/Program Files/xampp/mysql/bin/mysqldump',
'C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 6.0/bin/mysqldump',
'C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.5/bin/mysqldump',
'C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.4/bin/mysqldump',
'C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.1/bin/mysqldump',
'C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.0/bin/mysqldump',
//Common Linux Paths
} else {
$path1 = '';
$path2 = '';
$mysqldump = `which mysqldump`;
if (@is_executable($mysqldump))
$path1 = (!empty($mysqldump)) ? $mysqldump : '';
$mysqldump = dirname(`which mysql`) . "/mysqldump";
if (@is_executable($mysqldump))
$path2 = (!empty($mysqldump)) ? $mysqldump : '';
$paths = array(
// Find the one which works
foreach ( $paths as $path ) {
if ( @is_executable($path))
return $path;
return false;
private function mysqlDump($exePath) {
global $wpdb;
$host = explode(':', DB_HOST);
$host = reset($host);
$port = strpos(DB_HOST, ':') ? end(explode( ':', DB_HOST ) ) : '';
$name = DB_NAME;
//Build command
$cmd = escapeshellarg($exePath);
$cmd .= ' --no-create-db';
$cmd .= ' --single-transaction';
$cmd .= ' --hex-blob';
$cmd .= ' --skip-add-drop-table';
//Filter tables
$tables = $wpdb->get_col('SHOW TABLES');
$filterTables = isset($this->FilterTables) ? explode(',', $this->FilterTables) : null;
$tblAllCount = count($tables);
$tblFilterOn = ($this->FilterOn) ? 'ON' : 'OFF';
if (is_array($filterTables) && $this->FilterOn) {
foreach ($tables as $key => $val) {
if (in_array($tables[$key], $filterTables)) {
$cmd .= " --ignore-table={$name}.{$tables[$key]} ";
$tblCreateCount = count($tables);
$tblFilterCount = $tblAllCount - $tblCreateCount;
$cmd .= ' -u ' . escapeshellarg(DB_USER);
$cmd .= (DB_PASSWORD) ?
' -p' . escapeshellarg(DB_PASSWORD) : '';
$cmd .= ' -h ' . escapeshellarg($host);
$cmd .= ( ! empty($port) && is_numeric($port) ) ?
' -P ' . $port : '';
$cmd .= ' -r ' . escapeshellarg($this->dbStorePath);
$cmd .= ' ' . escapeshellarg(DB_NAME);
$cmd .= ' 2>&1';
$output = shell_exec($cmd);
// Password bug > 5.6 (@see
if ( trim( $output ) === 'Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.' ) {
$output = '';
$output = (strlen($output)) ? $output : "Ran from {$exePath}";
DUP_Log::Info("TABLES: total:{$tblAllCount} | filtered:{$tblFilterCount} | create:{$tblCreateCount}");
DUP_Log::Info("FILTERED: [{$this->FilterTables}]");
DUP_Log::Info("RESPONSE: {$output}");
$sql_footer = "\n\n/* Duplicator WordPress Timestamp: " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "*/\n";
$sql_footer .= "/* " . DUPLICATOR_DB_EOF_MARKER . " */\n";
file_put_contents($this->dbStorePath, $sql_footer, FILE_APPEND);
return ($output) ? false : true;
private function phpDump() {
global $wpdb;
$wpdb->query("SET session wait_timeout = " . DUPLICATOR_DB_MAX_TIME);
$handle = fopen($this->dbStorePath, 'w+');
$tables = $wpdb->get_col('SHOW TABLES');
$filterTables = isset($this->FilterTables) ? explode(',', $this->FilterTables) : null;
$tblAllCount = count($tables);
$tblFilterOn = ($this->FilterOn) ? 'ON' : 'OFF';
$qryLimit = DUP_Settings::Get('package_phpdump_qrylimit');
if (is_array($filterTables) && $this->FilterOn) {
foreach ($tables as $key => $val) {
if (in_array($tables[$key], $filterTables)) {
$tblCreateCount = count($tables);
$tblFilterCount = $tblAllCount - $tblCreateCount;
DUP_Log::Info("TABLES: total:{$tblAllCount} | filtered:{$tblFilterCount} | create:{$tblCreateCount}");
DUP_Log::Info("FILTERED: [{$this->FilterTables}]");
$sql_header = "/* DUPLICATOR MYSQL SCRIPT CREATED ON : " . @date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " */\n\n";
$sql_header .= "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;\n\n";
fwrite($handle, $sql_header);
//All creates must be created before inserts do to foreign key constraints
foreach ($tables as $table) {
//$sql_del = ($GLOBALS['duplicator_opts']['dbadd_drop']) ? "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$table};\n\n" : "";
//@fwrite($handle, $sql_del);
$create = $wpdb->get_row("SHOW CREATE TABLE `{$table}`", ARRAY_N);
@fwrite($handle, "{$create[1]};\n\n");
//Create Insert in 100 row increments to better handle memory
foreach ($tables as $table) {
$row_count = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT Count(*) FROM `{$table}`");
//DUP_Log::Info("{$table} ({$row_count})");
if ($row_count > $qryLimit) {
$row_count = ceil($row_count / $qryLimit);
} else if ($row_count > 0) {
$row_count = 1;
if ($row_count >= 1) {
fwrite($handle, "\n/* INSERT TABLE DATA: {$table} */\n");
for ($i = 0; $i < $row_count; $i++) {
$sql = "";
$limit = $i * $qryLimit;
$query = "SELECT * FROM `{$table}` LIMIT {$limit}, {$qryLimit}";
$rows = $wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_A);
if (is_array($rows)) {
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$sql .= "INSERT INTO `{$table}` VALUES(";
$num_values = count($row);
$num_counter = 1;
foreach ($row as $value) {
if ( is_null( $value ) || ! isset( $value ) ) {
($num_values == $num_counter) ? $sql .= 'NULL' : $sql .= 'NULL, ';
} else {
($num_values == $num_counter)
? $sql .= '"' . @esc_sql($value) . '"'
: $sql .= '"' . @esc_sql($value) . '", ';
$sql .= ");\n";
fwrite($handle, $sql);
//Flush buffer if enabled
if ($this->networkFlush) {
$sql = null;
$rows = null;
$sql_footer = "\nSET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1; \n\n";
$sql_footer .= "/* Duplicator WordPress Timestamp: " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "*/\n";
$sql_footer .= "/* " . DUPLICATOR_DB_EOF_MARKER . " */\n";
fwrite($handle, $sql_footer);