Viewing file: package.installer.php (7.31 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
if ( ! defined( 'DUPLICATOR_VERSION' ) ) exit; // Exit if accessed directly
class DUP_Installer {
public $File;
public $Size = 0;
public $OptsDBHost;
public $OptsDBPort;
public $OptsDBName;
public $OptsDBUser;
public $OptsSSLAdmin;
public $OptsSSLLogin;
public $OptsCacheWP;
public $OptsCachePath;
public $OptsURLNew;
protected $Package;
function __construct($package) {
$this->Package = $package;
public function Build($package) {
$this->Package = $package;
DUP_Log::Info("Build Start");
$template_uniqid = uniqid('') . '_' . time();
$template_path = DUP_Util::SafePath(DUPLICATOR_SSDIR_PATH_TMP . "/installer.template_{$template_uniqid}.php");
$main_path = DUP_Util::SafePath(DUPLICATOR_PLUGIN_PATH . 'installer/build/main.installer.php');
@chmod($template_path, 0777);
@chmod($main_path, 0777);
$main_data = file_get_contents("{$main_path}");
$template_result = file_put_contents($template_path, $main_data);
if ($main_data === false || $template_result == false) {
$err_info ="These files may have permission issues. Please validate that PHP has read/write access.\n";
$err_info .= "Main Installer: '{$main_path}' \nTemplate Installer: '$template_path'";
DUP_Log::Error("Install builder failed to generate files.", "{$err_info}");
$embeded_files = array(
"assets/inc.libs.css.php" => "@@INC.LIBS.CSS.PHP@@",
"assets/inc.css.php" => "@@INC.CSS.PHP@@",
"assets/inc.libs.js.php" => "@@INC.LIBS.JS.PHP@@",
"assets/inc.js.php" => "@@INC.JS.PHP@@",
"classes/class.logging.php" => "@@CLASS.LOGGING.PHP@@",
"classes/class.utils.php" => "@@CLASS.UTILS.PHP@@",
"classes/class.config.php" => "@@CLASS.CONFIG.PHP@@",
"classes/class.serializer.php" => "@@CLASS.SERIALIZER.PHP@@",
"ajax.step1.php" => "@@AJAX.STEP1.PHP@@",
"ajax.step2.php" => "@@AJAX.STEP2.PHP@@",
"view.step1.php" => "@@VIEW.STEP1.PHP@@",
"view.step2.php" => "@@VIEW.STEP2.PHP@@",
"view.step3.php" => "@@VIEW.STEP3.PHP@@",
"" => "@@VIEW.HELP.PHP@@",);
foreach ($embeded_files as $name => $token) {
$file_path = DUPLICATOR_PLUGIN_PATH . "installer/build/{$name}";
@chmod($file_path, 0777);
$search_data = @file_get_contents($template_path);
$insert_data = @file_get_contents($file_path);
file_put_contents($template_path, str_replace("${token}", "{$insert_data}", $search_data));
if ($search_data === false || $insert_data == false) {
DUP_Log::Error("Installer generation failed at {$token}.");
@chmod($file_path, 0644);
@chmod($template_path, 0644);
@chmod($main_path, 0644);
DUP_Log::Info("Build Finished");
$storePath = "{$this->Package->StorePath}/{$this->File}";
$this->Size = @filesize($storePath);
* createZipBackup
* Puts an installer zip file in the archive for backup purposes.
private function addBackup() {
$zipPath = DUP_Util::SafePath("{$this->Package->StorePath}/{$this->Package->Archive->File}");
$installer = DUP_Util::SafePath(DUPLICATOR_SSDIR_PATH_TMP) . "/{$this->Package->NameHash}_installer.php";
$zipArchive = new ZipArchive();
if ($zipArchive->open($zipPath, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) === TRUE) {
if ($zipArchive->addFile($installer, "installer-backup.php")) {
DUP_Log::Info("Added to archive");
} else {
DUP_Log::Info("Unable to add installer-backup.php to archive.", "Installer File Path [{$installer}]");
* createFromTemplate
* Generates the final installer file from the template file
private function createFromTemplate($template) {
global $wpdb;
DUP_Log::Info("Preping for use");
$installer = DUP_Util::SafePath(DUPLICATOR_SSDIR_PATH_TMP) . "/{$this->Package->NameHash}_installer.php";
//Option values to delete at install time
$replace_items = Array(
"fwrite_url_old" => get_option('siteurl'),
"fwrite_package_name" => "{$this->Package->NameHash}",
"fwrite_package_notes" => $this->Package->Notes,
"fwrite_secure_name" => $this->Package->NameHash,
"fwrite_url_new" => $this->Package->Installer->OptsURLNew,
"fwrite_dbhost" => $this->Package->Installer->OptsDBHost,
"fwrite_dbport" => $this->Package->Installer->OptsDBPort,
"fwrite_dbname" => $this->Package->Installer->OptsDBName,
"fwrite_dbuser" => $this->Package->Installer->OptsDBUser,
"fwrite_dbpass" => '',
"fwrite_ssl_admin" => $this->Package->Installer->OptsSSLAdmin,
"fwrite_ssl_login" => $this->Package->Installer->OptsSSLLogin,
"fwrite_cache_wp" => $this->Package->Installer->OptsCacheWP,
"fwrite_cache_path" => $this->Package->Installer->OptsCachePath,
"fwrite_wp_tableprefix" => $wpdb->prefix,
"fwrite_opts_delete" => json_encode($deleteOpts),
"fwrite_blogname" => esc_html(get_option('blogname')),
"fwrite_wproot" => DUPLICATOR_WPROOTPATH,
"fwrite_duplicator_version" => DUPLICATOR_VERSION);
if (file_exists($template) && is_readable($template)) {
$err_msg = "ERROR: Unable to read/write installer. \nERROR INFO: Check permission/owner on file and parent folder.\nInstaller File = <{$installer}>";
$install_str = $this->parseTemplate($template, $replace_items);
? DUP_Log::Error("{$err_msg}" , "DUP_Installer::createFromTemplate => file-empty-read")
: DUP_Log::Info("Template parsed with new data");
$fp = (!file_exists($installer)) ? fopen($installer, 'x+') : fopen($installer, 'w');
if (! $fp || ! fwrite($fp, $install_str, strlen($install_str))) {
DUP_Log::Error("{$err_msg}", "DUP_Installer::createFromTemplate => file-write-error");
} else {
DUP_Log::Error("Installer Template missing or unreadable.", "Template [{$template}]");
DUP_Log::Info("Complete [{$installer}]");
* parseTemplate
* Tokenize a file based on an array key
* @param string $filename The filename to tokenize
* @param array $data The array of key value items to tokenize
private function parseTemplate($filename, $data) {
$q = file_get_contents($filename);
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
//NOTE: Use var_export as it's probably best and most "thorough" way to
//make sure the values are set correctly in the template. But in the template,
//need to make things properly formatted so that when real syntax errors
//exist they are easy to spot. So the values will be surrounded by quotes
$find = array ("'%{$key}%'", "\"%{$key}%\"");
$q = str_replace($find, var_export($value, true), $q);
//now, account for places that do not surround with quotes... these
//places do NOT need to use var_export as they are not inside strings
$q = str_replace('%' . $key . '%', $value, $q);
return $q;