Viewing file: package.php (15.93 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
if ( ! defined( 'DUPLICATOR_VERSION' ) ) exit; // Exit if accessed directly
require_once (DUPLICATOR_PLUGIN_PATH . 'classes/package.archive.php');
require_once (DUPLICATOR_PLUGIN_PATH . 'classes/package.installer.php');
require_once (DUPLICATOR_PLUGIN_PATH . 'classes/package.database.php');
require_once (DUPLICATOR_PLUGIN_PATH . 'classes/utility.php');
final class DUP_PackageStatus {
private function __construct() {}
const START = 10;
const DBSTART = 20;
const DBDONE = 30;
const ARCSTART = 40;
const ARCDONE = 50;
const COMPLETE = 100;
final class DUP_PackageType {
private function __construct() {}
const MANUAL = 0;
const SCHEDULED = 1;
* Class used to store and process all Package logic
* @package Dupicator\classes
class DUP_Package {
const OPT_ACTIVE = 'duplicator_package_active';
public $ID;
public $Name;
public $Hash;
public $NameHash;
public $Version;
public $Type;
public $Notes;
public $StorePath;
public $StoreURL;
public $ScanFile;
public $Runtime;
public $ExeSize;
public $ZipSize;
public $Archive;
public $Installer;
public $Database;
* Manages the Package Process
function __construct() {
$this->ID = null;
$this->Version = DUPLICATOR_VERSION;
$this->Type = DUP_PackageType::MANUAL;
$this->Name = self::GetDefaultName();
$this->Notes = null;
$this->StoreURL = DUP_Util::SSDirURL();
$this->Database = new DUP_Database($this);
$this->Archive = new DUP_Archive($this);
$this->Installer = new DUP_Installer($this);
* Generates a scan report
* @return array of scan results
public function Scan() {
$timerStart = DUP_Util::GetMicrotime();
$report = array();
$this->ScanFile = "{$this->NameHash}_scan.json";
$report['RPT']['ScanTime'] = "0";
$report['RPT']['ScanFile'] = $this->ScanFile;
$srv = DUP_Server::GetChecks();
$report['SRV']['WEB']['ALL'] = $srv['SRV']['WEB']['ALL'];
$report['SRV']['WEB']['model'] = $srv['SRV']['WEB']['model'];
$report['SRV']['PHP']['ALL'] = $srv['SRV']['PHP']['ALL'];
$report['SRV']['PHP']['openbase'] = $srv['SRV']['PHP']['openbase'];
$report['SRV']['PHP']['maxtime'] = $srv['SRV']['PHP']['maxtime'];
$report['SRV']['PHP']['mysqli'] = $srv['SRV']['PHP']['mysqli'];
$report['SRV']['WP']['ALL'] = $srv['SRV']['WP']['ALL'];
$report['SRV']['WP']['version'] = $srv['SRV']['WP']['version'];
$report['SRV']['WP']['core'] = $srv['SRV']['WP']['core'];
$report['SRV']['WP']['cache'] = $srv['SRV']['WP']['cache'];
$report['ARC']['Size'] = DUP_Util::ByteSize($this->Archive->Size) or "unknown";
$report['ARC']['DirCount'] = number_format(count($this->Archive->Dirs));
$report['ARC']['FileCount'] = number_format(count($this->Archive->Files));
$report['ARC']['LinkCount'] = number_format(count($this->Archive->Links));
$report['ARC']['WarnFileName'] = is_array($this->Archive->WarnFileName) ? $this->Archive->WarnFileName : "unknown";
$report['ARC']['WarnFileSize'] = is_array($this->Archive->WarnFileSize) ? $this->Archive->WarnFileSize : "unknown";
$report['ARC']['Status']['Size'] = ($this->Archive->Size > DUPLICATOR_SCAN_SITE) ? 'Warn' : 'Good';
$report['ARC']['Status']['Names'] = count($this->Archive->WarnFileName) ? 'Warn' : 'Good';
$report['ARC']['Status']['Big'] = count($this->Archive->WarnFileSize) ? 'Warn' : 'Good';
$report['ARC']['Dirs'] = $this->Archive->Dirs;
$report['ARC']['Files'] = $this->Archive->Files;
$report['ARC']['OmitFiles'] = $this->Archive->OmitFiles;
$report['ARC']['OmitDirs'] = $this->Archive->OmitDirs;
$db = $this->Database->Stats();
$report['DB']['Status'] = $db['Status'];
$report['DB']['Size'] = DUP_Util::ByteSize($db['Size']) or "unknown";
$report['DB']['Rows'] = number_format($db['Rows']) or "unknown";
$report['DB']['TableCount'] = $db['TableCount'] or "unknown";
$report['DB']['TableList'] = $db['TableList'] or "unknown";
$report['RPT']['ScanTime'] = DUP_Util::ElapsedTime(DUP_Util::GetMicrotime(), $timerStart);
$fp = fopen(DUPLICATOR_SSDIR_PATH_TMP . "/{$this->ScanFile}", 'w');
fwrite($fp, json_encode($report));
return $report;
* Starts the package build process
* @return DUP_Package
public function Build() {
global $wp_version;
global $wpdb;
global $current_user;
$timerStart = DUP_Util::GetMicrotime();
$this->Archive->File = "{$this->NameHash}";
$this->Installer->File = "{$this->NameHash}_installer.php";
$this->Database->File = "{$this->NameHash}_database.sql";
$php_max_time = @ini_get("max_execution_time");
$php_max_memory = @ini_set('memory_limit', DUPLICATOR_PHP_MAX_MEMORY);
$php_max_time = ($php_max_time == 0) ? "(0) no time limit imposed" : "[{$php_max_time}] not allowed";
$php_max_memory = ($php_max_memory === false) ? "Unabled to set php memory_limit" : DUPLICATOR_PHP_MAX_MEMORY . " ({$php_max_memory} default)";
$info = "********************************************************************************\n";
$info .= "PACKAGE-LOG: " . @date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\n";
$info .= "NOTICE: Do NOT post to public sites or forums \n";
$info .= "********************************************************************************\n";
$info .= "VERSION:\t" . DUPLICATOR_VERSION . "\n";
$info .= "WORDPRESS:\t{$wp_version}\n";
$info .= "PHP INFO:\t" . phpversion() . ' | ' . 'SAPI: ' . php_sapi_name() . "\n";
$info .= "SERVER:\t\t{$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']} \n";
$info .= "PHP TIME LIMIT: {$php_max_time} \n";
$info .= "PHP MAX MEMORY: {$php_max_memory} \n";
$info .= "MEMORY STACK: " . DUP_Server::GetPHPMemory();
$info = null;
$packageObj = serialize($this);
if (! $packageObj) {
DUP_Log::Error("Unable to serialize pacakge object while building record.");
$this->ID = $this->FindHashKey($this->Hash);
if ($this->ID != 0){
} else {
$results = $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . "duplicator_packages", array(
'name' => $this->Name,
'hash' => $this->Hash,
'status' => DUP_PackageStatus::START,
'created' => current_time('mysql', get_option('gmt_offset', 1)),
'owner' => isset($current_user->user_login) ? $current_user->user_login : 'unknown',
'package' => $packageObj)
if ($results == false) {
$error_result = $wpdb->print_error();
DUP_Log::Error("Duplicator is unable to insert a package record into the database table.", "'{$error_result}'");
$this->ID = $wpdb->insert_id;
//PHPs serialze method will return the object, but the ID above is not passed
//for one reason or another so passing the object back in seems to do the trick
$dbSizeRead = DUP_Util::ByteSize($this->Database->Size);
$zipSizeRead = DUP_Util::ByteSize($this->Archive->Size);
$exeSizeRead = DUP_Util::ByteSize($this->Installer->Size);
DUP_Log::Info("SQL File: {$dbSizeRead}");
DUP_Log::Info("Installer File: {$exeSizeRead}");
DUP_Log::Info("Archive File: {$zipSizeRead} ");
if ( !($this->Archive->Size && $this->Database->Size && $this->Installer->Size)) {
DUP_Log::Error("A required file contains zero bytes.", "Archive Size: {$zipSizeRead} | SQL Size: {$dbSizeRead} | Installer Size: {$exeSizeRead}");
//Validate SQL files completed
$sql_tmp_path = DUP_UTIL::SafePath(DUPLICATOR_SSDIR_PATH_TMP . '/'. $this->Database->File);
$sql_complete_txt = DUP_Util::TailFile($sql_tmp_path, 3);
if (! strstr($sql_complete_txt, 'DUPLICATOR_MYSQLDUMP_EOF')) {
DUP_Log::Error("ERROR: SQL file not complete. The end of file marker was not found. Please try to re-create the package.");
$timerEnd = DUP_Util::GetMicrotime();
$timerSum = DUP_Util::ElapsedTime($timerEnd, $timerStart);
$this->Runtime = $timerSum;
$this->ExeSize = $exeSizeRead;
$this->ZipSize = $zipSizeRead;
$info = "\n********************************************************************************\n";
$info .= "RECORD ID:[{$this->ID}]\n";
$info .= "TOTAL PROCESS RUNTIME: {$timerSum}\n";
$info .= "PEAK PHP MEMORY USED: " . DUP_Server::GetPHPMemory(true) . "\n";
$info .= "DONE PROCESSING => {$this->Name} " . @date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\n";
return $this;
* Saves the active options associted with the active(latest) package.
* @param $_POST $post The Post server object
* @see DUP_Package::GetActive
* @return void */
public function SaveActive($post = null) {
if (isset($post)) {
$post = stripslashes_deep($post);
$name_chars = array(".", "-");
$name = ( isset($post['package-name']) && ! empty($post['package-name'])) ? $post['package-name'] : self::GetDefaultName();
$name = substr(sanitize_file_name($name), 0 , 40);
$name = str_replace($name_chars, '', $name);
$filter_dirs = isset($post['filter-dirs']) ? $this->parseDirectoryFilter($post['filter-dirs']) : '';
$filter_exts = isset($post['filter-exts']) ? $this->parseExtensionFilter($post['filter-exts']) : '';
$tablelist = isset($post['dbtables']) ? implode(',', $post['dbtables']) : '';
$this->Version = DUPLICATOR_VERSION;
$this->Name = $name;
$this->Hash = $post['package-hash'];
$this->NameHash = "{$this->Name}_{$this->Hash}";;
$this->Notes = esc_html($post['package-notes']);
$this->Archive->PackDir = rtrim(DUPLICATOR_WPROOTPATH, '/');
$this->Archive->Format = 'ZIP';
$this->Archive->FilterOn = isset($post['filter-on']) ? 1 : 0;
$this->Archive->FilterDirs = esc_html($filter_dirs);
$this->Archive->FilterExts = str_replace(array('.' ,' '), "", esc_html($filter_exts));
$this->Installer->OptsDBHost = esc_html($post['dbhost']);
$this->Installer->OptsDBPort = esc_html($post['dbport']);
$this->Installer->OptsDBName = esc_html($post['dbname']);
$this->Installer->OptsDBUser = esc_html($post['dbuser']);
$this->Installer->OptsSSLAdmin = isset($post['ssl-admin']) ? 1 : 0;
$this->Installer->OptsSSLLogin = isset($post['ssl-login']) ? 1 : 0;
$this->Installer->OptsCacheWP = isset($post['cache-wp']) ? 1 : 0;
$this->Installer->OptsCachePath = isset($post['cache-path']) ? 1 : 0;
$this->Installer->OptsURLNew = esc_html($post['url-new']);
$this->Database->FilterOn = isset($post['dbfilter-on']) ? 1 : 0;
$this->Database->FilterTables = esc_html($tablelist);
update_option(self::OPT_ACTIVE, $this);
* Save any property of this class through reflection
* @param $property A valid public property in this class
* @param $value The value for the new dynamic property
* @return void */
public function SaveActiveItem($property, $value) {
$package = self::GetActive();
$reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($package);
$reflectionClass->getProperty($property)->setValue($package, $value);
update_option(self::OPT_ACTIVE, $package);
* Sets the status to log the state of the build
* @param $status The status level for where the package is
* @return void */
public function SetStatus($status) {
global $wpdb;
$packageObj = serialize($this);
if (! isset($status)) {
DUP_Log::Error("Package SetStatus did not receive a proper code.");
if (! $packageObj) {
DUP_Log::Error("Package SetStatus was unable to serialize package object while updating record.");
$table = $wpdb->prefix . "duplicator_packages";
$sql = "UPDATE `{$table}` SET status = {$status}, package = '{$packageObj}' WHERE ID = {$this->ID}";
* Does a hash already exisit
* @return int Returns 0 if no has is found, if found returns the table ID
public function FindHashKey($hash) {
global $wpdb;
$table = $wpdb->prefix . "duplicator_packages";
$qry = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT ID, hash FROM `{$table}` WHERE hash = '{$hash}'" );
if ( strlen($qry->hash) == 0) {
return 0;
} else {
return $qry->ID;
* Makes the hashkey for the package files
* @return string A unique hashkey */
public function MakeHash() {
return uniqid() . mt_rand(1000, 9999) . date("ymdHis");
* Gets the active package. The active package is defined as the package that was lasted saved.
* Do to cache issues with the built in WP function get_option moved call to a direct DB call.
* @see DUP_Package::SaveActive
* @return DUP_Package
public static function GetActive() {
global $wpdb;
$obj = new DUP_Package();
$row = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT option_value FROM `{$wpdb->options}` WHERE option_name = %s LIMIT 1", self::OPT_ACTIVE ) );
if (is_object($row)) {
$obj = @unserialize($row->option_value);
//Incase unserilaize fails
$obj = (is_object($obj)) ? $obj : new DUP_Package();
return $obj;
* Creates a default name
* @return string A default packagename
public static function GetDefaultName() {
//Remove specail_chars from final result
$special_chars = array(".", "-");
$name = date('Ymd') . '_' . sanitize_title(get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ));
$name = substr(sanitize_file_name($name), 0 , 40);
$name = str_replace($special_chars, '', $name);
return $name;
* Cleanup all tmp files
* @param all empty all contents
* @return void
public static function TmpCleanup($all = false) {
//Delete all files now
if ($all){
foreach (glob($dir) as $file) {
//Remove scan files that are 24 hours old
else {
$dir = DUPLICATOR_SSDIR_PATH_TMP . "/*_scan.json";
foreach (glob($dir) as $file) {
if (filemtime($file) <= time() - 86400) {
private function buildCleanup() {
$files = DUP_Util::ListFiles(DUPLICATOR_SSDIR_PATH_TMP);
if (function_exists('rename')) {
foreach($files as $file){
$name = basename($file);
if (strstr($name, $this->NameHash)) {
} else {
foreach($files as $file){
$name = basename($file);
if (strstr($name, $this->NameHash)) {
private function parseDirectoryFilter($dirs = "") {
$dirs = str_replace(array("\n", "\t", "\r"), '', $dirs);
$filter_dirs = "";
$dir_array = array_unique(explode(";", $dirs));
foreach ($dir_array as $val) {
if (strlen($val) >= 2) {
$filter_dirs .= DUP_Util::SafePath(trim(rtrim($val, "/\\"))) . ";";
return $filter_dirs;
private function parseExtensionFilter($extensions = "") {
$filter_exts = "";
if (strlen($extensions) >= 1 && $extensions != ";") {
$filter_exts = str_replace(array(' ', '.'), '', $extensions);
$filter_exts = str_replace(",", ";", $filter_exts);
$filter_exts = DUP_Util::StringAppend($extensions, ";");
return $filter_exts;