Viewing file: define.php (39.28 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) { die(); }
define('W3TC', true); define('W3TC_VERSION', ''); define('W3TC_POWERED_BY', 'W3 Total Cache/' . W3TC_VERSION); define('W3TC_EMAIL', ''); define('W3TC_TEXT_DOMAIN', 'w3-total-cache'); define('W3TC_PAYPAL_URL', ''); define('W3TC_PAYPAL_BUSINESS', ''); define('W3TC_LINK_URL', ''); define('W3TC_LINK_NAME', 'W3 EDGE, Optimization Products for WordPress'); define('W3TC_FEED_URL', ''); define('W3TC_NEWS_FEED_URL', ''); define('W3TC_README_URL', ''); define('W3TC_SUPPORT_US_TIMEOUT', 2592000); define('W3TC_SUPPORT_REQUEST_URL', ''); define('W3TC_TRACK_URL', ''); define('W3TC_MAILLINGLIST_SIGNUP_URL', ''); define('NEWRELIC_SIGNUP_URL', ''); define('MAXCDN_SIGNUP_URL', ''); define('MAXCDN_AUTHORIZE_URL', ''); define('NETDNA_AUTHORIZE_URL', ''); // this is the URL our updater / license checker pings. This should be the URL of the site with EDD installed if (!defined('EDD_W3EDGE_STORE_URL')) define('EDD_W3EDGE_STORE_URL', '' ); if (!defined('EDD_W3EDGE_STORE_URL_PLUGIN')) define('EDD_W3EDGE_STORE_URL_PLUGIN', '' );
// the name of your product. This should match the download name in EDD exactly define('EDD_W3EDGE_W3TC_NAME', 'W3 Total Cache Pro: Annual Subscription');
define('W3TC_WIN', (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN'));
defined('W3TC_DIR') || define('W3TC_DIR', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..')); define('W3TC_FILE', 'w3-total-cache/w3-total-cache.php'); define('W3TC_INC_DIR', W3TC_DIR . '/inc'); define('W3TC_INC_WIDGET_DIR', W3TC_INC_DIR. '/widget'); define('W3TC_INC_FUNCTIONS_DIR', W3TC_INC_DIR . '/functions'); define('W3TC_INC_OPTIONS_DIR', W3TC_INC_DIR . '/options'); define('W3TC_INC_LIGHTBOX_DIR', W3TC_INC_DIR . '/lightbox'); define('W3TC_INC_POPUP_DIR', W3TC_INC_DIR . '/popup'); define('W3TC_LIB_DIR', W3TC_DIR . '/lib'); define('W3TC_LIB_W3_DIR', W3TC_LIB_DIR . '/W3'); define('W3TC_LIB_MINIFY_DIR', W3TC_LIB_DIR . '/Minify'); define('W3TC_LIB_CF_DIR', W3TC_LIB_DIR . '/CF'); define('W3TC_LIB_CSSTIDY_DIR', W3TC_LIB_DIR . '/CSSTidy'); define('W3TC_LIB_MICROSOFT_DIR', W3TC_LIB_DIR . '/Microsoft'); define('W3TC_LIB_NUSOAP_DIR', W3TC_LIB_DIR . '/Nusoap'); define('W3TC_LIB_NETDNA_DIR', W3TC_LIB_DIR . '/NetDNA'); define('W3TC_LIB_OAUTH_DIR', W3TC_LIB_DIR . '/OAuth'); define('W3TC_LIB_NEWRELIC_DIR', W3TC_LIB_DIR . '/NewRelic'); define('W3TC_PLUGINS_DIR', W3TC_DIR . '/plugins'); define('W3TC_INSTALL_DIR', W3TC_DIR . '/wp-content'); define('W3TC_INSTALL_MINIFY_DIR', W3TC_INSTALL_DIR . '/w3tc/min'); define('W3TC_LANGUAGES_DIR', W3TC_DIR . '/languages');
define('W3TC_CACHE_DIR', WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/cache'); define('W3TC_CONFIG_DIR', WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/w3tc-config'); define('W3TC_CACHE_CONFIG_DIR', W3TC_CACHE_DIR . '/config'); define('W3TC_CACHE_MINIFY_DIR', W3TC_CACHE_DIR . '/minify'); define('W3TC_CACHE_PAGE_ENHANCED_DIR', W3TC_CACHE_DIR . '/page_enhanced'); define('W3TC_CACHE_TMP_DIR', W3TC_CACHE_DIR . '/tmp'); define('W3TC_CACHE_BLOGMAP_FILENAME', W3TC_CACHE_DIR . '/blogs.php');
defined('WP_CONTENT_DIR') || define('WP_CONTENT_DIR', realpath(W3TC_DIR . '/../..'));
define('W3TC_CDN_COMMAND_UPLOAD', 1); define('W3TC_CDN_COMMAND_DELETE', 2); define('W3TC_CDN_COMMAND_PURGE', 3); define('W3TC_CDN_TABLE_QUEUE', 'w3tc_cdn_queue');
define('W3TC_INSTALL_FILE_ADVANCED_CACHE', W3TC_INSTALL_DIR . '/advanced-cache.php'); define('W3TC_INSTALL_FILE_DB', W3TC_INSTALL_DIR . '/db.php'); define('W3TC_INSTALL_FILE_OBJECT_CACHE', W3TC_INSTALL_DIR . '/object-cache.php');
define('W3TC_ADDIN_FILE_ADVANCED_CACHE', WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/advanced-cache.php'); define('W3TC_ADDIN_FILE_DB', WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/db.php'); define('W3TC_FILE_DB_CLUSTER_CONFIG', WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/db-cluster-config.php'); define('W3TC_ADDIN_FILE_OBJECT_CACHE', WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/object-cache.php');
define('W3TC_WP_LOADER', (defined('WP_PLUGIN_DIR') ? WP_PLUGIN_DIR : WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/plugins') . '/w3tc-wp-loader.php'); if (!defined('W3TC_EXTENSION_DIR')) define('W3TC_EXTENSION_DIR', (defined('WP_PLUGIN_DIR') ? WP_PLUGIN_DIR : WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/plugins')); define('W3TC_CORE_EXTENSION_DIR', W3TC_DIR . '/extensions'); w3_require_once(W3TC_INC_DIR . '/functions/compat.php'); w3_require_once(W3TC_INC_DIR . '/functions/plugin.php');
@ini_set('pcre.backtrack_limit', 4194304); @ini_set('pcre.recursion_limit', 4194304);
global $w3_late_init; $w3_late_init = false; /** * Returns current microtime * * @return double */ function w3_microtime() { list ($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
return ((double) $usec + (double) $sec); }
/** * Check if content is HTML or XML * * @param string $content * @return boolean */ function w3_is_xml($content) { if (strlen($content) > 1000) { $content = substr($content, 0, 1000); }
if (strstr($content, '<!--') !== false) { $content = preg_replace('~<!--.*?-->~s', '', $content); }
$content = ltrim($content, "\x00\x09\x0A\x0D\x20\xBB\xBF\xEF");
return (stripos($content, '<?xml') === 0 || stripos($content, '<html') === 0 || stripos($content, '<!DOCTYPE') === 0); }
/** * If content can handle HTML comments, can disable printout per request using filter 'w3tc_can_print_comment' * @param $buffer * @return bool */ function w3_can_print_comment(&$buffer) { if (function_exists('apply_filters')) return apply_filters('w3tc_can_print_comment', w3_is_xml($buffer) && !defined('DOING_AJAX')); return w3_is_xml($buffer) && !defined('DOING_AJAX'); }
/* * Returns URI from filename/dirname * * @return string */ function w3_filename_to_url($filename, $use_site_url = false) { // using wp-content instead of document_root as known dir since dirbased // multisite wp adds blogname to the path inside site_url if (substr($filename, 0, strlen(WP_CONTENT_DIR)) != WP_CONTENT_DIR) return ''; $uri_from_wp_content = substr($filename, strlen(WP_CONTENT_DIR));
if ($use_site_url) $site_url_ssl = w3_get_url_ssl(w3_get_site_url()); else $site_url_ssl = w3_get_url_ssl(w3_get_home_url());
$dir = ''; if (substr(trailingslashit(WP_CONTENT_DIR), 0, strlen(trailingslashit(w3_get_site_root()))) == trailingslashit(w3_get_site_root())) { if ($use_site_url || w3_get_domain(w3_get_home_url()) == w3_get_domain(w3_get_site_url())) $dir = str_replace($site_url_ssl, '', w3_get_url_ssl(w3_get_site_url())); else $dir = str_replace($site_url_ssl, '', w3_get_url_ssl(w3_get_home_url())); $dir = trim($dir, '/\\'); if ($dir) $dir = '/' . $dir; $content_path = trim(substr(trailingslashit(WP_CONTENT_DIR), strlen(trailingslashit(w3_get_site_root()))), '/\\'); } else $content_path = trim(substr(trailingslashit(WP_CONTENT_DIR), strlen(trailingslashit(w3_get_document_root()))), '/\\');
$url = $site_url_ssl . $dir . '/' . $content_path . $uri_from_wp_content;
return $url; }
/** * Returns true if database cluster is used * * @return boolean */ function w3_is_dbcluster() { return defined('W3TC_FILE_DB_CLUSTER_CONFIG') && @file_exists(W3TC_FILE_DB_CLUSTER_CONFIG) && defined('W3TC_ENTERPRISE') && W3TC_ENTERPRISE; }
/** * Returns true if it's WPMU * * @return boolean */ function w3_is_wpmu() { static $wpmu = null;
if ($wpmu === null) { $wpmu = file_exists(ABSPATH . 'wpmu-settings.php'); }
return $wpmu; }
/** * Returns true if WPMU uses vhosts * * @return boolean */ function w3_is_subdomain_install() { return ((defined('SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL') && SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL) || (defined('VHOST') && VHOST == 'yes')); }
/** * Returns true if it's WP with enabled Network mode * * @return boolean */ function w3_is_multisite() { static $multisite = null;
if ($multisite === null) { $multisite = ((defined('MULTISITE') && MULTISITE) || defined('SUNRISE') || w3_is_subdomain_install()); }
return $multisite; }
/** * Returns if there is multisite mode * * @return boolean */ function w3_is_network() { return (w3_is_wpmu() || w3_is_multisite()); }
/** * Check if URL is valid * * @param string $url * @return boolean */ function w3_is_url($url) { return preg_match('~^(https?:)?//~', $url); }
/** * Returns true if current connection is secure * * @return boolean */ function w3_is_https() { switch (true) { case (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && w3_to_boolean($_SERVER['HTTPS'])): case (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) && (int) $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443): return true; }
return false; }
/** * Check if there was database error * * @param string $content * @return boolean */ function w3_is_database_error(&$content) { return (stristr($content, '<title>Database Error</title>') !== false); }
/** * Retuns true if preview settings active * * @return boolean */ function w3_is_preview_mode() { return (isset($_COOKIE['w3tc_preview']) && $_COOKIE['w3tc_preview'] == true) || (isset($_REQUEST['w3tc_preview']) || (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'w3tc_preview') !== false)); }
/** * Returns a preview link with current state * @return string */ function w3tc_get_preview_link() { w3_require_once(W3TC_INC_FUNCTIONS_DIR . '/ui.php'); return w3_is_preview_mode() ? w3_button_link(__('Stop Previewing', 'w3-total-cache'), wp_nonce_url(w3_admin_url('admin.php?page=w3tc_dashboard&w3tc_default_stop_previewing'), 'w3tc'), false) : w3_button_link(__('Preview', 'w3-total-cache'), wp_nonce_url(w3_admin_url('admin.php?page=w3tc_dashboard&w3tc_default_previewing'), 'w3tc'), true); }
/** * Returns true if server is Apache * * @return boolean */ function w3_is_apache() { return (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) && stristr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Apache') !== false); }
/** * Check whether server is LiteSpeed * * @return bool */ function w3_is_litespeed() { return (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) && stristr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'LiteSpeed') !== false); }
/** * Returns true if server is nginx * * @return boolean */ function w3_is_nginx() { return (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) && stristr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'nginx') !== false); }
/** * Check whether $engine is correct CDN engine * * @param string $engine * @return boolean */ function w3_is_cdn_engine($engine) { return in_array($engine, array('ftp', 's3', 'cf', 'cf2', 'rscf', 'azure', 'mirror', 'netdna', 'maxcdn', 'cotendo', 'akamai', 'edgecast', 'att')); }
/** * Returns true if CDN engine is mirror * * @param string $engine * @return bool */ function w3_is_cdn_mirror($engine) { return in_array($engine, array('mirror', 'netdna', 'maxcdn', 'cotendo', 'cf2', 'akamai', 'edgecast', 'att')); }
/** * Returns true if CDN has purge all support * @param $engine * @return bool */ function w3_cdn_can_purge_all($engine) { return in_array($engine, array('cotendo', 'edgecast', 'att', 'netdna', 'maxcdn')); }
/** * Returns domain from host * * @param string $host * @return string */ function w3_get_domain($host) { $host = strtolower($host);
if (($pos = strpos($host, ':')) !== false) { $host = substr($host, $pos+3); } if (($pos = strpos($host, '/')) !== false) { $host = substr($host, 0, $pos); }
$host = rtrim($host, '.');
return $host; }
/** * Returns array of all available blognames * * @return array */ function w3_get_blognames() { global $wpdb;
$blognames = array();
$sql = sprintf('SELECT domain, path FROM %s', $wpdb->blogs); $blogs = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
if ($blogs) { $base_path = w3_get_base_path();
foreach ($blogs as $blog) { $blogname = trim(str_replace($base_path, '', $blog->path), '/');
if ($blogname) { $blognames[] = $blogname; } } }
return $blognames; }
/** * Returns current blog ID * * @return integer */ function w3_get_blog_id() { global $w3_current_blog_id; if (!is_null($w3_current_blog_id)) return $w3_current_blog_id; if (!w3_is_network() || is_network_admin()) { $w3_current_blog_id = 0; return $w3_current_blog_id; }
$blog_data = w3_blogmap_get_blog_data(); if (!is_null($blog_data)) $w3_current_blog_id = substr($blog_data, 1); else $w3_current_blog_id = 0;
return $w3_current_blog_id; }
/** * Returns blogmap filename by home url * * @param string $blog_home_url * @return string */ function w3_blogmap_filename($blog_home_url) { if (!defined('W3TC_BLOG_LEVELS')) return W3TC_CACHE_BLOGMAP_FILENAME; else { $filename = dirname(W3TC_CACHE_BLOGMAP_FILENAME) . '/' . basename(W3TC_CACHE_BLOGMAP_FILENAME, '.php') . '/';
$s = md5($blog_home_url); for ($n = 0; $n < W3TC_BLOG_LEVELS; $n++) $filename .= substr($s, $n, 1) . '/';
return $filename . basename(W3TC_CACHE_BLOGMAP_FILENAME); } }
/** * Returns blog_id by home url * If database not initialized yet - returns 0 * * @return integer */ function w3_blogmap_get_blog_data() { $host = w3_get_host();
// subdomain if (w3_is_subdomain_install()) { $blog_data = w3_blogmap_try_get_blog_data($host); if (is_null($blog_data)) $GLOBALS['w3tc_blogmap_register_new_item'] = $host;
return $blog_data; } else { // try subdir blog $url = $host . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $pos = strpos($url, '?'); if ($pos !== false) $url = substr($url, 0, $pos);
$url = rtrim($url, '/'); $start_url = $url;
for (;;) { $blog_data = w3_blogmap_try_get_blog_data($url); if (!is_null($blog_data)) return $blog_data; $pos = strrpos($url, '/'); if ($pos === false) break;
$url = rtrim(substr($url, 0, $pos), '/'); }
$GLOBALS['w3tc_blogmap_register_new_item'] = $start_url; return null; } }
function w3_blogmap_try_get_blog_data($url) { $filename = w3_blogmap_filename($url);
if (file_exists($filename)) { $data = file_get_contents($filename); $blog_data = @eval($data);
if (is_array($blog_data) && isset($blog_data[$url])) return $blog_data[$url]; } return null; }
/** * @return bool */ function w3_force_master() { global $w3_force_master; if (!is_null($w3_force_master)) return $w3_force_master;
if (!w3_is_multisite()) $w3_force_master = false; else { $blog_data = w3_blogmap_get_blog_data(); if (is_null($blog_data) || ($blog_data[0] != 'm' && $blog_data[0] != 'c')) $w3_force_master = true; else $w3_force_master = ($blog_data[0] == 'm'); }
return $w3_force_master; }
/** * Returns path to section's cache dir * * @param string $section * @return string */ function w3_cache_dir($section) { return W3TC_CACHE_DIR . '/' . $section; }
/** * Returns path to blog's cache dir * * @param string $section * @param null|int $blog_id * @return string */ function w3_cache_blog_dir($section, $blog_id = null) { if (is_null($blog_id)) $blog_id = w3_get_blog_id();
$postfix = sprintf('%06d', $blog_id);
if (defined('W3TC_BLOG_LEVELS')) { for ($n = 0; $n < W3TC_BLOG_LEVELS; $n++) $postfix = substr($postfix, strlen($postfix) - 1 - $n, 1) . '/' . $postfix; }
return w3_cache_dir($section) . '/' . $postfix; }
/** * Return full path to log file for module * Path used in priority * 1) W3TC_DEBUG_DIR * 2) WP_DEBUG_LOG * 3) W3TC_CACHE_DIR * * @param $module * @param null $blog_id * @return string */ function w3_debug_log($module, $blog_id = null) { if (is_null($blog_id)) $blog_id = w3_get_blog_id();
$postfix = sprintf('%06d', $blog_id);
if (defined('W3TC_BLOG_LEVELS')) { for ($n = 0; $n < W3TC_BLOG_LEVELS; $n++) $postfix = substr($postfix, strlen($postfix) - 1 - $n, 1) . '/' . $postfix; } $from_dir = W3TC_CACHE_DIR; if (defined('W3TC_DEBUG_DIR') && W3TC_DEBUG_DIR) { $dir_path = W3TC_DEBUG_DIR; if (!is_dir(W3TC_DEBUG_DIR)) $from_dir = dirname(W3TC_DEBUG_DIR); } else $dir_path = w3_cache_dir('log'); $filename = $dir_path . '/' . $postfix . '/' . $module . '.log'; if (!is_dir(dirname($filename))) { w3_require_once( W3TC_INC_DIR . '/functions/file.php'); w3_mkdir_from(dirname($filename), $from_dir); }
return $filename; }
/** * Returns URL regexp from URL * * @param string $url * @return string */ function w3_get_url_regexp($url) { $url = preg_replace('~(https?:)?//~i', '', $url); $url = preg_replace('~^www\.~i', '', $url);
$regexp = '(https?:)?//(www\.)?' . w3_preg_quote($url);
return $regexp; }
/** * Returns SSL URL if current connection is https * @param string $url * @return string */ function w3_get_url_ssl($url) { if (w3_is_https()) { $url = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $url); }
return $url; }
/** * Get domain URL * * @return string */
function w3_get_domain_url() { $home_url = w3_get_home_url(); $parse_url = @parse_url($home_url);
if ($parse_url && isset($parse_url['scheme']) && isset($parse_url['host'])) { $scheme = $parse_url['scheme']; $host = $parse_url['host']; $port = (isset($parse_url['port']) && $parse_url['port'] != 80 ? ':' . (int) $parse_url['port'] : ''); $domain_url = sprintf('%s://%s%s', $scheme, $host, $port);
return $domain_url; }
return false; }
/** * Returns domain url regexp * * @return string */ function w3_get_domain_url_regexp() { $domain_url = w3_get_domain_url(); $regexp = w3_get_url_regexp($domain_url);
return $regexp; }
/** * Returns home URL * * No trailing slash! * * @return string */ function w3_get_home_url() { static $home_url = null; if ($home_url === null) { $config = w3_instance('W3_Config'); if (w3_is_multisite() && $config->get_boolean('common.force_master')) { $home_url = get_home_url(); } else { // get_option is unusable here, it can cause problem when objCache isn't yet initialized // Which is why we save the 'home' option in our ConfigCache // We don't just use $config->get_string, because we want the cache to rebuild // when 'wordpress.home' is not (yet) present $home_url = $config->get_cache_option('wordpress.home'); $home_url = rtrim($home_url, '/'); } }
return $home_url; }
/** * Returns SSL home url * * @return string */ function w3_get_home_url_ssl() { $home_url = w3_get_home_url(); $ssl = w3_get_url_ssl($home_url);
return $ssl; }
/** * Returns home url regexp * * @return string */ function w3_get_home_url_regexp() { $home_url = w3_get_home_url(); $regexp = w3_get_url_regexp($home_url);
return $regexp; }
/** * Network installs returns wrong wp site path * @return string */ function w3_get_wp_sitepath() { if (w3_is_network()) { global $current_site; return $current_site->path; } else { return w3_get_site_path(); } }
/** * Returns site URL * * No trailing slash! * * @return string */ function w3_get_site_url() { static $site_url = null;
if ($site_url === null) { $site_url = get_option('siteurl'); $site_url = rtrim($site_url, '/'); }
return $site_url; }
/** * Returns SSL site URL * * @return string */ function w3_get_site_url_ssl() { $site_url = w3_get_site_url(); $ssl = w3_get_url_ssl($site_url);
return $ssl;
/** * Returns absolute path to document root * * No trailing slash! * * @return string */ function w3_get_document_root() { static $document_root = null;
if ($document_root === null) { if (!empty($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) && $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] == $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) { $document_root = w3_get_site_root(); } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) { $document_root = substr(w3_path($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']), 0, -strlen(w3_path($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']))); } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'])) { $document_root = substr(w3_path($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']), 0, -strlen(w3_path($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']))); } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])) { $document_root = w3_path($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']); } else { $document_root = w3_get_site_root(); }
$document_root = realpath($document_root); $document_root = w3_path($document_root); }
return $document_root; }
/** * Returns absolute path to home directory * * Example: * * DOCUMENT_ROOT=/var/www/vhosts/ * Install dir=/var/www/vhosts/ * home= * siteurl= * return /var/www/vhosts/ * * No trailing slash! * * @return string */ function w3_get_home_root() { if (w3_is_network()) { $path = w3_get_base_path(); } else { $path = w3_get_home_path(); }
$home_root = w3_get_document_root() . $path; $home_root = realpath($home_root); $home_root = w3_path($home_root);
return $home_root; }
/** * Returns absolute path to blog install dir * * Example: * * DOCUMENT_ROOT=/var/www/vhosts/ * install dir=/var/www/vhosts/ * return /var/www/vhosts/ * * No trailing slash! * * @return string */ function w3_get_site_root() { $site_root = ABSPATH; $site_root = realpath($site_root); $site_root = w3_path($site_root);
return $site_root; }
/** * Returns blog path * * Example: * * siteurl= * return /site/blog/ * * With trailing slash! * * @return string */ function w3_get_site_path() { $site_url = w3_get_site_url(); $parse_url = @parse_url($site_url);
if ($parse_url && isset($parse_url['path'])) { $site_path = '/' . ltrim($parse_url['path'], '/'); } else { $site_path = '/'; }
if (substr($site_path, -1) != '/') { $site_path .= '/'; }
return $site_path; }
/** * Returns home domain * * @return string */ function w3_get_home_domain() { $home_url = w3_get_home_url(); $parse_url = @parse_url($home_url);
if ($parse_url && isset($parse_url['host'])) { return $parse_url['host']; }
return w3_get_host(); }
/** * Returns home path * * Example: * * home= * siteurl= * return /site/ * * With trailing slash! * * @return string */ function w3_get_home_path() { $home_url = w3_get_home_url(); $parse_url = @parse_url($home_url);
if ($parse_url && isset($parse_url['path'])) { $home_path = '/' . ltrim($parse_url['path'], '/'); } else { $home_path = '/'; }
if (substr($home_path, -1) != '/') { $home_path .= '/'; }
return $home_path; }
/** * Returns path to WP directory relative to document root * * Example: * * DOCUMENT_ROOT=/var/www/vhosts/ * Install dir=/var/www/vhosts/ * return /site/blog/ * * With trailing slash! * * @return string */ function w3_get_base_path() { $document_root = w3_get_document_root(); $site_root = w3_get_site_root();
$base_path = str_replace($document_root, '', $site_root); $base_path = '/' . ltrim($base_path, '/');
if (substr($base_path, -1) != '/') { $base_path .= '/'; }
return $base_path; }
/** * Returns server hostname * * @return string */ function w3_get_host() { static $host = null;
if ($host === null) { if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'])) { $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']; } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { // HTTP_HOST sometimes is not set causing warning $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } else { $host = ''; } }
return $host; }
/** * Returns host ID * * @return string */ function w3_get_host_id() { static $host_id = null;
if ($host_id === null) { $host = w3_get_host(); $blog_id = w3_get_blog_id();
$host_id = sprintf('%s_%d', $host, $blog_id); }
return $host_id; }
/** * Returns WP config file path * * @return string */ function w3_get_wp_config_path() { $search = array( ABSPATH . 'wp-config.php', dirname(ABSPATH) . '/wp-config.php' );
foreach ($search as $path) { if (file_exists($path)) { return $path; } }
return false; }
/** * Returns theme key * * @param string $theme_root * @param string $template * @param string $stylesheet * @return string */ function w3_get_theme_key($theme_root, $template, $stylesheet) { $site_root = w3_get_site_root(); $theme_path = ltrim(str_replace($site_root, '', w3_path($theme_root)), '/');
return substr(md5($theme_path . $template . $stylesheet), 0, 5); }
/** * Returns theme key (legacy support) * * @param string $theme_root * @param string $template * @param string $stylesheet * @return string */ function w3_get_theme_key_legacy($theme_root, $template, $stylesheet) { return substr(md5($theme_root . $template . $stylesheet), 0, 6); }
/** * Returns true if we can check rules * * @return bool */ function w3_can_check_rules() { return (w3_is_apache() || w3_is_litespeed() || w3_is_nginx()); }
/** * Returns true if CDN engine is supporting purge * * @param string $engine * @return bool */ function w3_can_cdn_purge($engine) { return in_array($engine, array('ftp', 's3', 'cf', 'cf2', 'rscf', 'azure', 'netdna', 'maxcdn', 'cotendo', 'edgecast', 'akamai', 'att')); }
/** * Returns true if CDN supports realtime purge. That is purging on post changes, comments etc. * @param $engine * @return bool */ function w3tc_cdn_supports_realtime_purge($engine) { return !in_array($engine, array('cf2')); }
/** * Parses path * * @param string $path * @return mixed */ function w3_parse_path($path) { $path = str_replace(array( '%BLOG_ID%', '%POST_ID%', '%BLOG_ID%', '%HOST%', '%DOMAIN%', '%BASE_PATH%' ), array( (isset($GLOBALS['blog_id']) ? (int) $GLOBALS['blog_id'] : 0), (isset($GLOBALS['post_id']) ? (int) $GLOBALS['post_id'] : 0), w3_get_blog_id(), w3_get_host(), w3_get_domain(w3_get_host()), trim(w3_get_base_path(), '/') ), $path);
return $path; }
/** * Normalizes file name * * Relative to site root! * * @param string $file * @return string */ function w3_normalize_file($file) { if (w3_is_url($file)) { if (strstr($file, '?') === false) { $home_url_regexp = '~' . w3_get_home_url_regexp() . '~i'; $file = preg_replace($home_url_regexp, '', $file); } }
if (!w3_is_url($file)) { $file = w3_path($file); $file = str_replace(w3_get_site_root(), '', $file); $file = ltrim($file, '/'); }
return $file; }
/** * Normalizes file name for minify * * Relative to document root! * * @param string $file * @return string */ function w3_normalize_file_minify($file) { if (w3_is_url($file)) { if (strstr($file, '?') === false) { $domain_url_regexp = '~' . w3_get_domain_url_regexp() . '~i'; $file = preg_replace($domain_url_regexp, '', $file); } }
if (!w3_is_url($file)) { $file = w3_path($file); $file = str_replace(w3_get_document_root(), '', $file); $file = ltrim($file, '/'); }
return $file; }
/** * Normalizes file name for minify * * Relative to document root! * * @param string $file * @return string */ function w3_normalize_file_minify2($file) { $file = w3_remove_query($file); $file = w3_normalize_file_minify($file); $file = w3_translate_file($file);
return $file; }
/** * Translates remote file to local file * * @param string $file * @return string */ function w3_translate_file($file) { if (!w3_is_url($file)) { $file = '/' . ltrim($file, '/'); $regexp = '~^' . w3_preg_quote(w3_get_site_path()) . '~'; $file = preg_replace($regexp, w3_get_base_path(), $file); $file = ltrim($file, '/'); }
return $file; }
/** * Remove WP query string from URL * * @param string $url * @return string */ function w3_remove_query($url) { $url = preg_replace('~[&\?]+(ver=([a-z0-9-_\.]+|[0-9-]+))~i', '', $url);
return $url; }
/** * Converts win path to unix * * @param string $path * @return string */ function w3_path($path) { $path = preg_replace('~[/\\\]+~', '/', $path); $path = rtrim($path, '/');
return $path; }
/** * Returns real path of given path * * @param string $path * @return string */ function w3_realpath($path) { $path = w3_path($path); $parts = explode('/', $path); $absolutes = array();
foreach ($parts as $part) { if ('.' == $part) { continue; } if ('..' == $part) { array_pop($absolutes); } else { $absolutes[] = $part; } }
return implode('/', $absolutes); }
/** * Returns GMT date * @param integer $time * @return string */ function w3_http_date($time) { return gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', $time); }
/** * Redirects to URL * * @param string $url * @param array $params * @return string */ function w3_redirect($url = '', $params = array()) { w3_require_once(W3TC_INC_DIR . '/functions/url.php');
$url = w3_url_format($url, $params); if (function_exists('do_action')) do_action('w3_redirect');
@header('Location: ' . $url); exit(); }
/** * Redirects to URL * * @param string $url * @param array $params * * @return string */ function w3_redirect_temp( $url = '', $params = array() ) { w3_require_once( W3TC_INC_DIR . '/functions/url.php' );
$url = w3_url_format( $url, $params ); if (function_exists('do_action')) do_action( 'w3_redirect' );
$status_code = 301;
$protocol = $_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]; if ( 'HTTP/1.1' === $protocol ) { $status_code = 307; }
$text = get_status_header_desc( $status_code ); if ( !empty( $text ) ) { $status_header = "$protocol $status_code $text"; @header( $status_header, true, $status_code ); } @header( 'Location: ' . $url, true, $status_code ); exit(); }
/** * Returns caching engine name * * @param $engine * @param $module * * @return string */ function w3_get_engine_name($engine, $module = '') { switch ($engine) { case 'memcached': $engine_name = 'memcached'; break;
case 'apc': $engine_name = 'apc'; break;
case 'eaccelerator': $engine_name = 'eaccelerator'; break;
case 'xcache': $engine_name = 'xcache'; break;
case 'wincache': $engine_name = 'wincache'; break;
case 'file': if ($module == 'pgcache') $engine_name = 'disk: basic'; else $engine_name = 'disk'; break;
case 'file_generic': $engine_name = 'disk: enhanced'; break;
case 'ftp': $engine_name = 'self-hosted / file transfer protocol upload'; break;
case 's3': $engine_name = 'amazon simple storage service (s3)'; break;
case 'cf': $engine_name = 'amazon cloudfront'; break;
case 'cf2': $engine_name = 'amazon cloudfront'; break;
case 'rscf': $engine_name = 'rackspace cloud files'; break;
case 'azure': $engine_name = 'microsoft azure storage'; break;
case 'mirror': $engine_name = 'mirror'; break;
case 'netdna': $engine_name = 'netdna'; break;
case 'maxcdn': $engine_name = 'maxcdn'; break;
case 'cotendo': $engine_name = 'cotendo'; break;
case 'akamai': $engine_name = 'akamai'; break;
case 'edgecast': $engine_name = 'media template procdn / edgecast'; break;
case 'att': $engine_name = 'at&t'; break;
default: $engine_name = 'n/a'; break; }
return $engine_name; }
/** * Converts value to boolean * * @param mixed $value * @return boolean */ function w3_to_boolean($value) { if (is_string($value)) { switch (strtolower($value)) { case '+': case '1': case 'y': case 'on': case 'yes': case 'true': case 'enabled': return true;
case '-': case '0': case 'n': case 'no': case 'off': case 'false': case 'disabled': return false; } }
return (boolean) $value; }
/** * Quotes regular expression string * * @param string $string * @param string $delimiter * @return string */ function w3_preg_quote($string, $delimiter = null) { $string = preg_quote($string, $delimiter); $string = strtr($string, array( ' ' => '\ ' ));
return $string; }
/** * Returns true if zlib output compression is enabled otherwise false * * @return boolean */ function w3_zlib_output_compression() { return w3_to_boolean(ini_get('zlib.output_compression')); }
/** * Recursive strips slahes from the var * * @param mixed $var * @return mixed */ function w3_stripslashes($var) { if (is_string($var)) { return stripslashes($var); } elseif (is_array($var)) { $var = array_map('w3_stripslashes', $var); }
return $var; }
/** * Escapes HTML comment * * @param string $comment * @return mixed */ function w3_escape_comment($comment) { while (strstr($comment, '--') !== false) { $comment = str_replace('--', '- -', $comment); }
return $comment; }
/** * Returns instance of singleton class * * @param string $class * @return object */ function w3_instance($class) { static $instances = array();
if (!isset($instances[$class])) { w3_require_once( W3TC_LIB_W3_DIR . '/' . str_replace('_', '/', substr($class, 3)) . '.php'); $instances[$class] = new $class(); }
$v = $instances[$class]; // Don't return reference return $v; }
/** * Requires and keeps track of which files has already been loaded. * * @param string $path Absolute path to the file */ function w3_require_once($path) { static $files = array();
if (!isset($files[$path])) { $files[$path] = 1; require_once $path; } }
/** * Detects post ID * * @return integer */ function w3_detect_post_id() { global $posts, $comment_post_ID, $post_ID;
if ($post_ID) { return $post_ID; } elseif ($comment_post_ID) { return $comment_post_ID; } elseif (is_single() || is_page() && count($posts)) { return $posts[0]->ID; } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['p'])) { return (integer) $_REQUEST['p']; }
return 0; }
function w3_get_instance_id() { static $instance_id;
if(!isset($instance_id)) { $config = w3_instance('W3_Config'); $instance_id = $config->get_integer('common.instance_id', 0); } return $instance_id; }
/** * Checks if post should be flushed or not. Returns true if it should not be flushed * @param $post * @param string $module which cache module to check against (pgcache, varnish, cdncache, dbcache or objectcache) * @param W3_Config $config * @return bool */ function w3_is_flushable_post($post, $module, $config) { if (is_numeric($post)) $post = get_post($post); $post_status = array('publish'); // dont flush when we have post "attachment" // its child of the post and is flushed always when post is published, while not changed in fact $post_type = array('revision', 'attachment'); switch($module) { case 'pgcache': case 'varnish': case 'cdncache': if (!$config->get_boolean('pgcache.reject.logged')) $post_status[] = 'private'; break; case 'dbcache': if (!$config->get_boolean('dbcache.reject.logged')) $post_status[] = 'private'; break; } $flushable = !in_array($post->post_type, $post_type) && in_array($post->post_status, $post_status); return apply_filters('w3tc_flushable_post', $flushable, $post, $module); }
/** * Takes seconds and converts to array('Nh ','Nm ', 'Ns ', 'Nms ') or "Nh Nm Ns Nms" * @param $input * @param bool $string * @return array|string */ function w3_convert_secs_to_time($input, $string = true) { $input = (double)$input; $time = array(); $msecs = floor($input*1000 % 1000); $seconds = $input % 60; $input = floor($input / 60); $minutes = $input % 60; $input = floor($input / 60); $hours = $input % 60; if ($hours) $time[] = sprintf(__('%dh', 'w3-total-cache'), $hours); if ($minutes) $time[] = sprintf(__('%dm', 'w3-total-cache'), $minutes); if ($seconds) $time[] = sprintf(__('%ds', 'w3-total-cache'), $seconds); if ($msecs) $time[] = sprintf(__('%dms', 'w3-total-cache'), $msecs);
if(empty($time)) $time[] = sprintf(__('%dms', 'w3-total-cache'), 0); if ($string) return implode(' ', $time); return $time; }
/** * @var W3_Config $config * @return string */ function w3_w3tc_release_version($config = null) { if (w3_is_enterprise($config)) return 'enterprise'; if (w3_is_pro($config) && w3tc_is_pro_dev_mode()) return 'pro development'; if (w3_is_pro($config)) return 'pro'; return 'community'; }
/** * @param W3_Config $config * @return bool */ function w3_is_pro($config = null) { $result = false; if ($config) $result = $config->get_string('plugin.type') == 'pro' || ($config->get_string('plugin.type') == 'pro_dev' ); return $result || (defined('W3TC_PRO') && W3TC_PRO); }
/** * Enable Pro Dev mode support * @return bool */ function w3tc_is_pro_dev_mode() { return defined('W3TC_PRO_DEV_MODE') && W3TC_PRO_DEV_MODE; }
/** * @param W3_Config $config * @return bool */ function w3_is_enterprise($config = null) { $result = false; if ($config) $result = $config->get_string('plugin.type') == 'enterprise'; return $result || (defined('W3TC_ENTERPRISE') && W3TC_ENTERPRISE); }
/** * Checks if site is using edge mode. * @return bool */ function w3tc_edge_mode() { return defined('W3TC_EDGE_MODE') && W3TC_EDGE_MODE; }