Viewing file: class-yoast-textstatistics.php (11.58 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php /** * @package WPSEO\Admin */
/** * Modified (Reduced) TextStatistics Class * * Mostly removed functionality that isn't needed within the WordPress SEO plugin. * * @link * @link (new repo location) * @license New BSD license * * @todo [JRF => whomever] Research if a class/library can be found which will offer * this functionality to a broader scope of languages/charsets. * Now basically limited to English. */ class Yoast_TextStatistics {
/** * @var string $strEncoding Used to hold character encoding to be used by object, if set */ protected $strEncoding = '';
/** * @var string $blnMbstring Efficiency: Is the MB String extension loaded ? */ protected $blnMbstring = true;
/** * @var bool $normalize Should the result be normalized ? */ public $normalize = true;
/** * Constructor. * * @param string $strEncoding Optional character encoding. */ public function __construct( $strEncoding = '' ) { if ( $strEncoding <> '' ) { // Encoding is given. Use it! $this->strEncoding = $strEncoding; } $this->blnMbstring = extension_loaded( 'mbstring' ); }
/** * Gives the Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease of text entered rounded to one digit * * @param string $strText Text to be checked * * @return int|float */ public function flesch_kincaid_reading_ease( $strText ) { $strText = $this->clean_text( $strText ); $score = WPSEO_Utils::calc( WPSEO_Utils::calc( 206.835, '-', WPSEO_Utils::calc( 1.015, '*', $this->average_words_per_sentence( $strText ) ) ), '-', WPSEO_Utils::calc( 84.6, '*', $this->average_syllables_per_word( $strText ) ) );
return $this->normalize_score( $score, 0, 100 ); }
/** * Gives string length. * * @param string $strText Text to be measured * * @return int */ public function text_length( $strText ) { if ( ! $this->blnMbstring ) { return strlen( $strText ); }
try { if ( $this->strEncoding == '' ) { $intTextLength = mb_strlen( $strText ); } else { $intTextLength = mb_strlen( $strText, $this->strEncoding ); } } catch ( Exception $e ) { $intTextLength = strlen( $strText ); }
return $intTextLength; }
/** * Gives letter count (ignores all non-letters). Tries mb_strlen and if that fails uses regular strlen. * * @param string $strText Text to be measured * * @return int */ public function letter_count( $strText ) { $strText = $this->clean_text( $strText ); // To clear out newlines etc $strText = preg_replace( '`[^A-Za-z]+`', '', $strText );
if ( ! $this->blnMbstring ) { return strlen( $strText ); }
try { if ( $this->strEncoding == '' ) { $intTextLength = mb_strlen( $strText ); } else { $intTextLength = mb_strlen( $strText, $this->strEncoding ); } } catch ( Exception $e ) { $intTextLength = strlen( $strText ); }
return $intTextLength; }
/** * Trims, removes line breaks, multiple spaces and generally cleans text before processing. * * @param string $strText Text to be transformed * * @return string */ protected function clean_text( $strText ) { static $clean = array();
$key = sha1( $strText );
if ( isset( $clean[ $key ] ) ) { return $clean[ $key ]; }
// all these tags should be preceeded by a full stop. $fullStopTags = array( 'li', 'p', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'dd' ); foreach ( $fullStopTags as $tag ) { $strText = str_ireplace( '</' . $tag . '>', '.', $strText ); } $strText = strip_tags( $strText ); $strText = preg_replace( '`[",:;\(\)-]`', ' ', $strText ); // Replace commas, hyphens etc (count them as spaces) $strText = preg_replace( '`[\.!?]`', '.', $strText ); // Unify terminators $strText = trim( $strText ) . '.'; // Add final terminator, just in case it's missing. $strText = preg_replace( '`[ ]*(\n|\r\n|\r)[ ]*`', ' ', $strText ); // Replace new lines with spaces $strText = preg_replace( '`([\.])[\. ]+`', '$1', $strText ); // Check for duplicated terminators $strText = trim( preg_replace( '`[ ]*([\.])`', '$1 ', $strText ) ); // Pad sentence terminators $strText = preg_replace( '` [0-9]+ `', ' ', ' ' . $strText . ' ' ); // Remove "words" comprised only of numbers $strText = preg_replace( '`[ ]+`', ' ', $strText ); // Remove multiple spaces $strText = preg_replace_callback( '`\. [^ ]+?`', create_function( '$matches', 'return strtolower( $matches[0] );' ), $strText ); // Lower case all words following terminators (for gunning fog score)
$strText = trim( $strText );
// Cache it and return $clean[ $key ] = $strText;
return $strText; }
/** * Converts string to lower case. Tries mb_strtolower and if that fails uses regular strtolower. * * @param string $strText Text to be transformed * * @return string */ protected function lower_case( $strText ) {
if ( ! $this->blnMbstring ) { return strtolower( $strText ); }
try { if ( $this->strEncoding == '' ) { $strLowerCaseText = mb_strtolower( $strText ); } else { $strLowerCaseText = mb_strtolower( $strText, $this->strEncoding ); } } catch ( Exception $e ) { $strLowerCaseText = strtolower( $strText ); }
return $strLowerCaseText; }
/** * Converts string to upper case. Tries mb_strtoupper and if that fails uses regular strtoupper. * * @param string $strText Text to be transformed * * @return string */ protected function upper_case( $strText ) { if ( ! $this->blnMbstring ) { return strtoupper( $strText ); }
try { if ( $this->strEncoding == '' ) { $strUpperCaseText = mb_strtoupper( $strText ); } else { $strUpperCaseText = mb_strtoupper( $strText, $this->strEncoding ); } } catch ( Exception $e ) { $strUpperCaseText = strtoupper( $strText ); }
return $strUpperCaseText; }
/** * Returns sentence count for text. * * @param string $strText Text to be measured * * @return int */ public function sentence_count( $strText ) { if ( strlen( trim( $strText ) ) == 0 ) { return 0; }
$strText = $this->clean_text( $strText ); // Will be tripped up by "Mr." or "U.K.". Not a major concern at this point. // [JRF] Will also be tripped up by ... or ?! // @todo [JRF => whomever] May be replace with something along the lines of this - will at least provide better count in ... and ?! situations: // $intSentences = max( 1, preg_match_all( '`[^\.!?]+[\.!?]+([\s]+|$)`u', $strText, $matches ) ); [/JRF] $intSentences = max( 1, $this->text_length( preg_replace( '`[^\.!?]`', '', $strText ) ) );
return $intSentences; }
/** * Returns word count for text. * * @param string $strText Text to be measured * * @return int */ public function word_count( $strText ) { if ( strlen( trim( $strText ) ) == 0 ) { return 0; }
$strText = $this->clean_text( $strText ); // Will be tripped by em dashes with spaces either side, among other similar characters $intWords = ( 1 + $this->text_length( preg_replace( '`[^ ]`', '', $strText ) ) ); // Space count + 1 is word count return $intWords; }
/** * Returns average words per sentence for text. * * @param string $strText Text to be measured * * @return int|float */ public function average_words_per_sentence( $strText ) { $strText = $this->clean_text( $strText ); $intSentenceCount = $this->sentence_count( $strText ); $intWordCount = $this->word_count( $strText );
return ( WPSEO_Utils::calc( $intWordCount, '/', $intSentenceCount ) ); }
/** * Returns average syllables per word for text. * * @param string $strText Text to be measured * * @return int|float */ public function average_syllables_per_word( $strText ) { $strText = $this->clean_text( $strText ); $intSyllableCount = 0; $intWordCount = $this->word_count( $strText ); $arrWords = explode( ' ', $strText ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $intWordCount; $i ++ ) { $intSyllableCount += $this->syllable_count( $arrWords[ $i ] ); }
return ( WPSEO_Utils::calc( $intSyllableCount, '/', $intWordCount ) ); }
/** * Returns the number of syllables in the word. * Based in part on Greg Fast's Perl module Lingua::EN::Syllables * * @param string $strWord Word to be measured * * @return int */ public function syllable_count( $strWord ) { if ( strlen( trim( $strWord ) ) == 0 ) { return 0; }
// Should be no non-alpha characters $strWord = preg_replace( '`[^A-Za-z]`', '', $strWord );
$intSyllableCount = 0; $strWord = $this->lower_case( $strWord );
// Specific common exceptions that don't follow the rule set below are handled individually // Array of problem words (with word as key, syllable count as value) $arrProblemWords = array( 'simile' => 3, 'forever' => 3, 'shoreline' => 2, ); if ( isset( $arrProblemWords[ $strWord ] ) ) { $intSyllableCount = $arrProblemWords[ $strWord ]; } if ( $intSyllableCount > 0 ) { return $intSyllableCount; }
// These syllables would be counted as two but should be one $arrSubSyllables = array( 'cial', 'tia', 'cius', 'cious', 'giu', 'ion', 'iou', 'sia$', '[^aeiuoyt]{2,}ed$', '.ely$', '[cg]h?e[rsd]?$', 'rved?$', '[aeiouy][dt]es?$', '[aeiouy][^aeiouydt]e[rsd]?$', // Sorts out deal, deign etc '^[dr]e[aeiou][^aeiou]+$', // Purse, hearse '[aeiouy]rse$', );
// These syllables would be counted as one but should be two $arrAddSyllables = array( 'ia', 'riet', 'dien', 'iu', 'io', 'ii', '[aeiouym]bl$', '[aeiou]{3}', '^mc', 'ism$', '([^aeiouy])\1l$', '[^l]lien', '^coa[dglx].', '[^gq]ua[^auieo]', 'dnt$', 'uity$', 'ie(r|st)$', );
// Single syllable prefixes and suffixes $arrPrefixSuffix = array( '`^un`', '`^fore`', '`ly$`', '`less$`', '`ful$`', '`ers?$`', '`ings?$`', );
// Remove prefixes and suffixes and count how many were taken $strWord = preg_replace( $arrPrefixSuffix, '', $strWord, - 1, $intPrefixSuffixCount );
// Removed non-word characters from word $strWord = preg_replace( '`[^a-z]`is', '', $strWord ); $arrWordParts = preg_split( '`[^aeiouy]+`', $strWord ); $intWordPartCount = 0; foreach ( $arrWordParts as $strWordPart ) { if ( $strWordPart <> '' ) { $intWordPartCount ++; } }
// Some syllables do not follow normal rules - check for them // Thanks to Joe Kovar for correcting a bug in the following lines $intSyllableCount = ( $intWordPartCount + $intPrefixSuffixCount ); foreach ( $arrSubSyllables as $strSyllable ) { $intSyllableCount -= preg_match( '`' . $strSyllable . '`', $strWord ); } foreach ( $arrAddSyllables as $strSyllable ) { $intSyllableCount += preg_match( '`' . $strSyllable . '`', $strWord ); } $intSyllableCount = ( $intSyllableCount == 0 ) ? 1 : $intSyllableCount;
return $intSyllableCount; }
/** * Normalizes score according to min & max allowed. If score larger * than max, max is returned. If score less than min, min is returned. * Also rounds result to specified precision. * Thanks to * * @param int|float $score Initial score * @param int $min Minimum score allowed * @param int $max Maximum score allowed * @param int $dps Round to # decimals * * @return int|float */ public function normalize_score( $score, $min, $max, $dps = 1 ) { $score = WPSEO_Utils::calc( $score, '+', 0, true, $dps ); // Round if ( ! $this->normalize ) { return $score; }
if ( $score > $max ) { $score = $max; } elseif ( $score < $min ) { $score = $min; }
return $score; }
} /* End of class */