Viewing file: field_slides.php (15.34 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
/** * Redux Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * Redux Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Redux Framework. If not, see <>. * * @package ReduxFramework * @subpackage Field_slides * @author Luciano "WebCaos" Ubertini * @author Daniel J Griffiths (Ghost1227) * @author Dovy Paukstys * @version 3.0.0 */
// Exit if accessed directly if ( !defined ( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; }
// Don't duplicate me! if ( !class_exists ( 'ReduxFramework_slides' ) ) {
/** * Main ReduxFramework_slides class * * @since 1.0.0 */ class ReduxFramework_slides {
/** * Field Constructor. * Required - must call the parent constructor, then assign field and value to vars, and obviously call the render field function * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @return void */ function __construct ( $field = array(), $value = '', $parent ) { $this->parent = $parent; $this->field = $field; $this->value = $value; }
/** * Field Render Function. * Takes the vars and outputs the HTML for the field in the settings * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @return void */ public function render () {
$defaults = array( 'show' => array( 'title' => true, 'description' => true, 'url' => true, ), 'content_title' => __ ( 'Slide', 'redux-framework' ) );
$this->field = wp_parse_args ( $this->field, $defaults );
echo '<div class="redux-slides-accordion" data-new-content-title="' . esc_attr ( sprintf ( __ ( 'New %s', 'redux-framework' ), $this->field[ 'content_title' ] ) ) . '">';
$x = 0;
$multi = ( isset ( $this->field[ 'multi' ] ) && $this->field[ 'multi' ] ) ? ' multiple="multiple"' : "";
if ( isset ( $this->value ) && is_array ( $this->value ) && !empty ( $this->value ) ) {
$slides = $this->value;
foreach ( $slides as $slide ) {
if ( empty ( $slide ) ) { continue; }
$defaults = array( 'title' => '', 'description' => '', 'sort' => '', 'url' => '', 'image' => '', 'thumb' => '', 'attachment_id' => '', 'height' => '', 'width' => '', 'select' => array(), ); $slide = wp_parse_args ( $slide, $defaults );
if ( empty ( $slide[ 'thumb' ] ) && !empty ( $slide[ 'attachment_id' ] ) ) { $img = wp_get_attachment_image_src ( $slide[ 'attachment_id' ], 'full' ); $slide[ 'image' ] = $img[ 0 ]; $slide[ 'width' ] = $img[ 1 ]; $slide[ 'height' ] = $img[ 2 ]; }
echo '<div class="redux-slides-accordion-group"><fieldset class="redux-field" data-id="' . $this->field[ 'id' ] . '"><h3><span class="redux-slides-header">' . $slide[ 'title' ] . '</span></h3><div>';
$hide = ''; if ( empty ( $slide[ 'image' ] ) ) { $hide = ' hide'; }
echo '<div class="screenshot' . $hide . '">'; echo '<a class="of-uploaded-image" href="' . $slide[ 'image' ] . '">'; echo '<img class="redux-slides-image" id="image_image_id_' . $x . '" src="' . $slide[ 'thumb' ] . '" alt="" target="_blank" rel="external" />'; echo '</a>'; echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="redux_slides_add_remove">';
echo '<span class="button media_upload_button" id="add_' . $x . '">' . __ ( 'Upload', 'redux-framework' ) . '</span>';
$hide = ''; if ( empty ( $slide[ 'image' ] ) || $slide[ 'image' ] == '' ) { $hide = ' hide'; }
echo '<span class="button remove-image' . $hide . '" id="reset_' . $x . '" rel="' . $slide[ 'attachment_id' ] . '">' . __ ( 'Remove', 'redux-framework' ) . '</span>';
echo '</div>' . "\n";
echo '<ul id="' . $this->field[ 'id' ] . '-ul" class="redux-slides-list">';
if ( $this->field[ 'show' ][ 'title' ] ) { $title_type = "text"; } else { $title_type = "hidden"; }
$placeholder = ( isset ( $this->field[ 'placeholder' ][ 'title' ] ) ) ? esc_attr ( $this->field[ 'placeholder' ][ 'title' ] ) : __ ( 'Title', 'redux-framework' ); echo '<li><input type="' . $title_type . '" id="' . $this->field[ 'id' ] . '-title_' . $x . '" name="' . $this->field[ 'name' ] . '[' . $x . '][title]' . $this->field['name_suffix'] . '" value="' . esc_attr ( $slide[ 'title' ] ) . '" placeholder="' . $placeholder . '" class="full-text slide-title" /></li>';
if ( $this->field[ 'show' ][ 'description' ] ) { $placeholder = ( isset ( $this->field[ 'placeholder' ][ 'description' ] ) ) ? esc_attr ( $this->field[ 'placeholder' ][ 'description' ] ) : __ ( 'Description', 'redux-framework' ); echo '<li><textarea name="' . $this->field[ 'name' ] . '[' . $x . '][description]' . $this->field['name_suffix'] . '" id="' . $this->field[ 'id' ] . '-description_' . $x . '" placeholder="' . $placeholder . '" class="large-text" rows="6">' . esc_attr ( $slide[ 'description' ] ) . '</textarea></li>'; }
$placeholder = ( isset ( $this->field[ 'placeholder' ][ 'url' ] ) ) ? esc_attr ( $this->field[ 'placeholder' ][ 'url' ] ) : __ ( 'URL', 'redux-framework' ); if ( $this->field[ 'show' ][ 'url' ] ) { $url_type = "text"; } else { $url_type = "hidden"; }
echo '<li><input type="' . $url_type . '" id="' . $this->field[ 'id' ] . '-url_' . $x . '" name="' . $this->field[ 'name' ] . '[' . $x . '][url]' . $this->field['name_suffix'] .'" value="' . esc_attr ( $slide[ 'url' ] ) . '" class="full-text" placeholder="' . $placeholder . '" /></li>'; echo '<li><input type="hidden" class="slide-sort" name="' . $this->field[ 'name' ] . '[' . $x . '][sort]' . $this->field['name_suffix'] .'" id="' . $this->field[ 'id' ] . '-sort_' . $x . '" value="' . $slide[ 'sort' ] . '" />'; echo '<li><input type="hidden" class="upload-id" name="' . $this->field[ 'name' ] . '[' . $x . '][attachment_id]' . $this->field['name_suffix'] .'" id="' . $this->field[ 'id' ] . '-image_id_' . $x . '" value="' . $slide[ 'attachment_id' ] . '" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" class="upload-thumbnail" name="' . $this->field[ 'name' ] . '[' . $x . '][thumb]' . $this->field['name_suffix'] .'" id="' . $this->field[ 'id' ] . '-thumb_url_' . $x . '" value="' . $slide[ 'thumb' ] . '" readonly="readonly" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" class="upload" name="' . $this->field[ 'name' ] . '[' . $x . '][image]' . $this->field['name_suffix'] .'" id="' . $this->field[ 'id' ] . '-image_url_' . $x . '" value="' . $slide[ 'image' ] . '" readonly="readonly" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" class="upload-height" name="' . $this->field[ 'name' ] . '[' . $x . '][height]' . $this->field['name_suffix'] .'" id="' . $this->field[ 'id' ] . '-image_height_' . $x . '" value="' . $slide[ 'height' ] . '" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" class="upload-width" name="' . $this->field[ 'name' ] . '[' . $x . '][width]' . $this->field['name_suffix'] .'" id="' . $this->field[ 'id' ] . '-image_width_' . $x . '" value="' . $slide[ 'width' ] . '" /></li>'; echo '<li><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="button deletion redux-slides-remove">' . sprintf ( __ ( 'Delete %s', 'redux-framework' ), $this->field[ 'content_title' ] ) . '</a></li>'; echo '</ul></div></fieldset></div>'; $x ++; } }
if ( $x == 0 ) { echo '<div class="redux-slides-accordion-group"><fieldset class="redux-field" data-id="' . $this->field[ 'id' ] . '"><h3><span class="redux-slides-header">New ' . $this->field[ 'content_title' ] . '</span></h3><div>';
$hide = ' hide';
echo '<div class="screenshot' . $hide . '">'; echo '<a class="of-uploaded-image" href="">'; echo '<img class="redux-slides-image" id="image_image_id_' . $x . '" src="" alt="" target="_blank" rel="external" />'; echo '</a>'; echo '</div>';
//Upload controls DIV echo '<div class="upload_button_div">';
//If the user has WP3.5+ show upload/remove button echo '<span class="button media_upload_button" id="add_' . $x . '">' . __ ( 'Upload', 'redux-framework' ) . '</span>';
echo '<span class="button remove-image' . $hide . '" id="reset_' . $x . '" rel="' . $this->parent->args[ 'opt_name' ] . '[' . $this->field[ 'id' ] . '][attachment_id]">' . __ ( 'Remove', 'redux-framework' ) . '</span>';
echo '</div>' . "\n";
echo '<ul id="' . $this->field[ 'id' ] . '-ul" class="redux-slides-list">'; if ( $this->field[ 'show' ][ 'title' ] ) { $title_type = "text"; } else { $title_type = "hidden"; } $placeholder = ( isset ( $this->field[ 'placeholder' ][ 'title' ] ) ) ? esc_attr ( $this->field[ 'placeholder' ][ 'title' ] ) : __ ( 'Title', 'redux-framework' ); echo '<li><input type="' . $title_type . '" id="' . $this->field[ 'id' ] . '-title_' . $x . '" name="' . $this->field[ 'name' ] . '[' . $x . '][title]' . $this->field['name_suffix'] .'" value="" placeholder="' . $placeholder . '" class="full-text slide-title" /></li>';
if ( $this->field[ 'show' ][ 'description' ] ) { $placeholder = ( isset ( $this->field[ 'placeholder' ][ 'description' ] ) ) ? esc_attr ( $this->field[ 'placeholder' ][ 'description' ] ) : __ ( 'Description', 'redux-framework' ); echo '<li><textarea name="' . $this->field[ 'name' ] . '[' . $x . '][description]' . $this->field['name_suffix'] .'" id="' . $this->field[ 'id' ] . '-description_' . $x . '" placeholder="' . $placeholder . '" class="large-text" rows="6"></textarea></li>'; } $placeholder = ( isset ( $this->field[ 'placeholder' ][ 'url' ] ) ) ? esc_attr ( $this->field[ 'placeholder' ][ 'url' ] ) : __ ( 'URL', 'redux-framework' ); if ( $this->field[ 'show' ][ 'url' ] ) { $url_type = "text"; } else { $url_type = "hidden"; } echo '<li><input type="' . $url_type . '" id="' . $this->field[ 'id' ] . '-url_' . $x . '" name="' . $this->field[ 'name' ] . '[' . $x . '][url]' . $this->field['name_suffix'] .'" value="" class="full-text" placeholder="' . $placeholder . '" /></li>'; echo '<li><input type="hidden" class="slide-sort" name="' . $this->field[ 'name' ] . '[' . $x . '][sort]' . $this->field['name_suffix'] .'" id="' . $this->field[ 'id' ] . '-sort_' . $x . '" value="' . $x . '" />'; echo '<li><input type="hidden" class="upload-id" name="' . $this->field[ 'name' ] . '[' . $x . '][attachment_id]' . $this->field['name_suffix'] .'" id="' . $this->field[ 'id' ] . '-image_id_' . $x . '" value="" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" class="upload" name="' . $this->field[ 'name' ] . '[' . $x . '][image]' . $this->field['name_suffix'] .'" id="' . $this->field[ 'id' ] . '-image_url_' . $x . '" value="" readonly="readonly" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" class="upload-height" name="' . $this->field[ 'name' ] . '[' . $x . '][height]' . $this->field['name_suffix'] .'" id="' . $this->field[ 'id' ] . '-image_height_' . $x . '" value="" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" class="upload-width" name="' . $this->field[ 'name' ] . '[' . $x . '][width]' . $this->field['name_suffix'] .'" id="' . $this->field[ 'id' ] . '-image_width_' . $x . '" value="" /></li>'; echo '<input type="hidden" class="upload-thumbnail" name="' . $this->field[ 'name' ] . '[' . $x . '][thumb]' . $this->field['name_suffix'] .'" id="' . $this->field[ 'id' ] . '-thumb_url_' . $x . '" value="" /></li>'; echo '<li><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="button deletion redux-slides-remove">' . sprintf ( __ ( 'Delete %s', 'redux-framework' ), $this->field[ 'content_title' ] ) . '</a></li>'; echo '</ul></div></fieldset></div>'; } echo '</div><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="button redux-slides-add button-primary" rel-id="' . $this->field[ 'id' ] . '-ul" rel-name="' . $this->field[ 'name' ] . '[title][]' . $this->field['name_suffix'] .'">' . sprintf ( __ ( 'Add %s', 'redux-framework' ), $this->field[ 'content_title' ] ) . '</a><br/>'; }
/** * Enqueue Function. * If this field requires any scripts, or css define this function and register/enqueue the scripts/css * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @return void */ public function enqueue () {
wp_enqueue_script( 'redux-field-media-js', ReduxFramework::$_url . 'assets/js/media/media' . Redux_Functions::isMin() . '.js', array( 'jquery', 'redux-js' ), time(), true );
wp_enqueue_style ( 'redux-field-media-css', ReduxFramework::$_url . 'inc/fields/media/field_media.css', time (), true );
wp_enqueue_script ( 'redux-field-slides-js', ReduxFramework::$_url . 'inc/fields/slides/field_slides' . Redux_Functions::isMin () . '.js', array( 'jquery', 'jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-accordion', 'wp-color-picker', 'redux-field-media-js' ), time (), true );
wp_enqueue_style ( 'redux-field-slides-css', ReduxFramework::$_url . 'inc/fields/slides/field_slides.css', time (), true ); } }