!C99Shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13!

Software: Apache. PHP/5.5.15 

uname -a: Windows NT SVR-DMZ 6.1 build 7600 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition) i586 


Safe-mode: OFF (not secure)

C:\cumbreclima\wp-includes\   drwxrwxrwx
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Viewing file:     class-wp-http-ixr-client.php (2.88 KB)      -rw-rw-rw-
Select action/file-type:
(+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
scheme = $bits['scheme']; $this->server = $bits['host']; $this->port = isset($bits['port']) ? $bits['port'] : $port; $this->path = !empty($bits['path']) ? $bits['path'] : '/'; // Make absolutely sure we have a path if ( ! $this->path ) { $this->path = '/'; } if ( ! empty( $bits['query'] ) ) { $this->path .= '?' . $bits['query']; } } else { $this->scheme = 'http'; $this->server = $server; $this->path = $path; $this->port = $port; } $this->useragent = 'The Incutio XML-RPC PHP Library'; $this->timeout = $timeout; } public function query() { $args = func_get_args(); $method = array_shift($args); $request = new IXR_Request($method, $args); $xml = $request->getXml(); $port = $this->port ? ":$this->port" : ''; $url = $this->scheme . '://' . $this->server . $port . $this->path; $args = array( 'headers' => array('Content-Type' => 'text/xml'), 'user-agent' => $this->useragent, 'body' => $xml, ); // Merge Custom headers ala #8145 foreach ( $this->headers as $header => $value ) $args['headers'][$header] = $value; if ( $this->timeout !== false ) $args['timeout'] = $this->timeout; // Now send the request if ( $this->debug ) echo '
' . htmlspecialchars($xml) . "\n
\n\n"; $response = wp_remote_post($url, $args); if ( is_wp_error($response) ) { $errno = $response->get_error_code(); $errorstr = $response->get_error_message(); $this->error = new IXR_Error(-32300, "transport error: $errno $errorstr"); return false; } if ( 200 != wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response ) ) { $this->error = new IXR_Error(-32301, 'transport error - HTTP status code was not 200 (' . wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response ) . ')'); return false; } if ( $this->debug ) echo '
' . htmlspecialchars( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ) ) . "\n
\n\n"; // Now parse what we've got back $this->message = new IXR_Message( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ) ); if ( ! $this->message->parse() ) { // XML error $this->error = new IXR_Error(-32700, 'parse error. not well formed'); return false; } // Is the message a fault? if ( $this->message->messageType == 'fault' ) { $this->error = new IXR_Error($this->message->faultCode, $this->message->faultString); return false; } // Message must be OK return true; } }

:: Command execute ::


:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ ok ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ ok ]
:: Make File ::
[ ok ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

--[ c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13 powered by Captain Crunch Security Team | http://ccteam.ru | Generation time: 0.0312 ]--