Software: Apache. PHP/5.5.15 uname -a: Windows NT SVR-DMZ 6.1 build 7600 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition) i586 SYSTEM Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) C:\cumbreclima\wp-includes\js\swfupload\plugins\ drwxrwxrwx |
Viewing file: swfupload.speed.js (11.95 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | /* Speed Plug-in Features: *Adds several properties to the 'file' object indicated upload speed, time left, upload time, etc. - currentSpeed -- String indicating the upload speed, bytes per second - averageSpeed -- Overall average upload speed, bytes per second - movingAverageSpeed -- Speed over averaged over the last several measurements, bytes per second - timeRemaining -- Estimated remaining upload time in seconds - timeElapsed -- Number of seconds passed for this upload - percentUploaded -- Percentage of the file uploaded (0 to 100) - sizeUploaded -- Formatted size uploaded so far, bytes *Adds setting 'moving_average_history_size' for defining the window size used to calculate the moving average speed. *Adds several Formatting functions for formatting that values provided on the file object. - SWFUpload.speed.formatBPS(bps) -- outputs string formatted in the best units (Gbps, Mbps, Kbps, bps) - SWFUpload.speed.formatTime(seconds) -- outputs string formatted in the best units (x Hr y M z S) - SWFUpload.speed.formatSize(bytes) -- outputs string formatted in the best units (w GB x MB y KB z B ) - SWFUpload.speed.formatPercent(percent) -- outputs string formatted with a percent sign (x.xx %) - SWFUpload.speed.formatUnits(baseNumber, divisionArray, unitLabelArray, fractionalBoolean) - Formats a number using the division array to determine how to apply the labels in the Label Array - factionalBoolean indicates whether the number should be returned as a single fractional number with a unit (speed) or as several numbers labeled with units (time) */ var SWFUpload; if (typeof(SWFUpload) === "function") { SWFUpload.speed = {}; SWFUpload.prototype.initSettings = (function (oldInitSettings) { return function () { if (typeof(oldInitSettings) === "function") {; } this.ensureDefault = function (settingName, defaultValue) { this.settings[settingName] = (this.settings[settingName] == undefined) ? defaultValue : this.settings[settingName]; }; // List used to keep the speed stats for the files we are tracking this.fileSpeedStats = {}; this.speedSettings = {}; this.ensureDefault("moving_average_history_size", "10"); this.speedSettings.user_file_queued_handler = this.settings.file_queued_handler; this.speedSettings.user_file_queue_error_handler = this.settings.file_queue_error_handler; this.speedSettings.user_upload_start_handler = this.settings.upload_start_handler; this.speedSettings.user_upload_error_handler = this.settings.upload_error_handler; this.speedSettings.user_upload_progress_handler = this.settings.upload_progress_handler; this.speedSettings.user_upload_success_handler = this.settings.upload_success_handler; this.speedSettings.user_upload_complete_handler = this.settings.upload_complete_handler; this.settings.file_queued_handler = SWFUpload.speed.fileQueuedHandler; this.settings.file_queue_error_handler = SWFUpload.speed.fileQueueErrorHandler; this.settings.upload_start_handler = SWFUpload.speed.uploadStartHandler; this.settings.upload_error_handler = SWFUpload.speed.uploadErrorHandler; this.settings.upload_progress_handler = SWFUpload.speed.uploadProgressHandler; this.settings.upload_success_handler = SWFUpload.speed.uploadSuccessHandler; this.settings.upload_complete_handler = SWFUpload.speed.uploadCompleteHandler; delete this.ensureDefault; }; })(SWFUpload.prototype.initSettings); SWFUpload.speed.fileQueuedHandler = function (file) { if (typeof this.speedSettings.user_file_queued_handler === "function") { file = SWFUpload.speed.extendFile(file); return, file); } }; SWFUpload.speed.fileQueueErrorHandler = function (file, errorCode, message) { if (typeof this.speedSettings.user_file_queue_error_handler === "function") { file = SWFUpload.speed.extendFile(file); return, file, errorCode, message); } }; SWFUpload.speed.uploadStartHandler = function (file) { if (typeof this.speedSettings.user_upload_start_handler === "function") { file = SWFUpload.speed.extendFile(file, this.fileSpeedStats); return, file); } }; SWFUpload.speed.uploadErrorHandler = function (file, errorCode, message) { file = SWFUpload.speed.extendFile(file, this.fileSpeedStats); SWFUpload.speed.removeTracking(file, this.fileSpeedStats); if (typeof this.speedSettings.user_upload_error_handler === "function") { return, file, errorCode, message); } }; SWFUpload.speed.uploadProgressHandler = function (file, bytesComplete, bytesTotal) { this.updateTracking(file, bytesComplete); file = SWFUpload.speed.extendFile(file, this.fileSpeedStats); if (typeof this.speedSettings.user_upload_progress_handler === "function") { return, file, bytesComplete, bytesTotal); } }; SWFUpload.speed.uploadSuccessHandler = function (file, serverData) { if (typeof this.speedSettings.user_upload_success_handler === "function") { file = SWFUpload.speed.extendFile(file, this.fileSpeedStats); return, file, serverData); } }; SWFUpload.speed.uploadCompleteHandler = function (file) { file = SWFUpload.speed.extendFile(file, this.fileSpeedStats); SWFUpload.speed.removeTracking(file, this.fileSpeedStats); if (typeof this.speedSettings.user_upload_complete_handler === "function") { return, file); } }; // Private: extends the file object with the speed plugin values SWFUpload.speed.extendFile = function (file, trackingList) { var tracking; if (trackingList) { tracking = trackingList[]; } if (tracking) { file.currentSpeed = tracking.currentSpeed; file.averageSpeed = tracking.averageSpeed; file.movingAverageSpeed = tracking.movingAverageSpeed; file.timeRemaining = tracking.timeRemaining; file.timeElapsed = tracking.timeElapsed; file.percentUploaded = tracking.percentUploaded; file.sizeUploaded = tracking.bytesUploaded; } else { file.currentSpeed = 0; file.averageSpeed = 0; file.movingAverageSpeed = 0; file.timeRemaining = 0; file.timeElapsed = 0; file.percentUploaded = 0; file.sizeUploaded = 0; } return file; }; // Private: Updates the speed tracking object, or creates it if necessary SWFUpload.prototype.updateTracking = function (file, bytesUploaded) { var tracking = this.fileSpeedStats[]; if (!tracking) { this.fileSpeedStats[] = tracking = {}; } // Sanity check inputs bytesUploaded = bytesUploaded || tracking.bytesUploaded || 0; if (bytesUploaded < 0) { bytesUploaded = 0; } if (bytesUploaded > file.size) { bytesUploaded = file.size; } var tickTime = (new Date()).getTime(); if (!tracking.startTime) { tracking.startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); tracking.lastTime = tracking.startTime; tracking.currentSpeed = 0; tracking.averageSpeed = 0; tracking.movingAverageSpeed = 0; tracking.movingAverageHistory = []; tracking.timeRemaining = 0; tracking.timeElapsed = 0; tracking.percentUploaded = bytesUploaded / file.size; tracking.bytesUploaded = bytesUploaded; } else if (tracking.startTime > tickTime) { this.debug("When backwards in time"); } else { // Get time and deltas var now = (new Date()).getTime(); var lastTime = tracking.lastTime; var deltaTime = now - lastTime; var deltaBytes = bytesUploaded - tracking.bytesUploaded; if (deltaBytes === 0 || deltaTime === 0) { return tracking; } // Update tracking object tracking.lastTime = now; tracking.bytesUploaded = bytesUploaded; // Calculate speeds tracking.currentSpeed = (deltaBytes * 8 ) / (deltaTime / 1000); tracking.averageSpeed = (tracking.bytesUploaded * 8) / ((now - tracking.startTime) / 1000); // Calculate moving average tracking.movingAverageHistory.push(tracking.currentSpeed); if (tracking.movingAverageHistory.length > this.settings.moving_average_history_size) { tracking.movingAverageHistory.shift(); } tracking.movingAverageSpeed = SWFUpload.speed.calculateMovingAverage(tracking.movingAverageHistory); // Update times tracking.timeRemaining = (file.size - tracking.bytesUploaded) * 8 / tracking.movingAverageSpeed; tracking.timeElapsed = (now - tracking.startTime) / 1000; // Update percent tracking.percentUploaded = (tracking.bytesUploaded / file.size * 100); } return tracking; }; SWFUpload.speed.removeTracking = function (file, trackingList) { try { trackingList[] = null; delete trackingList[]; } catch (ex) { } }; SWFUpload.speed.formatUnits = function (baseNumber, unitDivisors, unitLabels, singleFractional) { var i, unit, unitDivisor, unitLabel; if (baseNumber === 0) { return "0 " + unitLabels[unitLabels.length - 1]; } if (singleFractional) { unit = baseNumber; unitLabel = unitLabels.length >= unitDivisors.length ? unitLabels[unitDivisors.length - 1] : ""; for (i = 0; i < unitDivisors.length; i++) { if (baseNumber >= unitDivisors[i]) { unit = (baseNumber / unitDivisors[i]).toFixed(2); unitLabel = unitLabels.length >= i ? " " + unitLabels[i] : ""; break; } } return unit + unitLabel; } else { var formattedStrings = []; var remainder = baseNumber; for (i = 0; i < unitDivisors.length; i++) { unitDivisor = unitDivisors[i]; unitLabel = unitLabels.length > i ? " " + unitLabels[i] : ""; unit = remainder / unitDivisor; if (i < unitDivisors.length -1) { unit = Math.floor(unit); } else { unit = unit.toFixed(2); } if (unit > 0) { remainder = remainder % unitDivisor; formattedStrings.push(unit + unitLabel); } } return formattedStrings.join(" "); } }; SWFUpload.speed.formatBPS = function (baseNumber) { var bpsUnits = [1073741824, 1048576, 1024, 1], bpsUnitLabels = ["Gbps", "Mbps", "Kbps", "bps"]; return SWFUpload.speed.formatUnits(baseNumber, bpsUnits, bpsUnitLabels, true); }; SWFUpload.speed.formatTime = function (baseNumber) { var timeUnits = [86400, 3600, 60, 1], timeUnitLabels = ["d", "h", "m", "s"]; return SWFUpload.speed.formatUnits(baseNumber, timeUnits, timeUnitLabels, false); }; SWFUpload.speed.formatBytes = function (baseNumber) { var sizeUnits = [1073741824, 1048576, 1024, 1], sizeUnitLabels = ["GB", "MB", "KB", "bytes"]; return SWFUpload.speed.formatUnits(baseNumber, sizeUnits, sizeUnitLabels, true); }; SWFUpload.speed.formatPercent = function (baseNumber) { return baseNumber.toFixed(2) + " %"; }; SWFUpload.speed.calculateMovingAverage = function (history) { var vals = [], size, sum = 0.0, mean = 0.0, varianceTemp = 0.0, variance = 0.0, standardDev = 0.0; var i; var mSum = 0, mCount = 0; size = history.length; // Check for sufficient data if (size >= 8) { // Clone the array and Calculate sum of the values for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { vals[i] = history[i]; sum += vals[i]; } mean = sum / size; // Calculate variance for the set for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { varianceTemp += Math.pow((vals[i] - mean), 2); } variance = varianceTemp / size; standardDev = Math.sqrt(variance); //Standardize the Data for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { vals[i] = (vals[i] - mean) / standardDev; } // Calculate the average excluding outliers var deviationRange = 2.0; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (vals[i] <= deviationRange && vals[i] >= -deviationRange) { mCount++; mSum += history[i]; } } } else { // Calculate the average (not enough data points to remove outliers) mCount = size; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { mSum += history[i]; } } return mSum / mCount; }; } |
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--[ c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13 powered by Captain Crunch Security Team | | Generation time: 0.0312 ]-- |