Viewing file: class.utils.php (10.06 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
// Exit if accessed directly
if (! defined('DUPLICATOR_INIT')) {
$_baseURL = "http://" . $_baseURL;
header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
header("Location: $_baseURL");
/** * *****************************************************
* CLASS::DupUtil
* Various Static Utility methods for working with the installer */
class DupUtil {
* Get current microtime as a float. Can be used for simple profiling.
static public function get_microtime() {
return microtime(true);
* Return a string with the elapsed time.
* Order of $end and $start can be switched.
static public function elapsed_time($end, $start) {
return sprintf("%.4f sec.", abs($end - $start));
* @param string $string Thing that needs escaping
* @param bool $echo Do we echo or return?
* @return string Escaped string.
static public function esc_html_attr($string = '', $echo = false) {
$output = htmlentities($string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
if ($echo)
echo $output;
return $output;
* Count the tables in a given database
* @param string $_POST['dbname'] Database to count tables in
static public function dbtable_count($conn, $dbname) {
$res = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = '{$dbname}' ");
$row = mysqli_fetch_row($res);
return is_null($row) ? 0 : $row[0];
* Returns the table count
* @param string $conn A valid link resource
* @param string $table_name A valid table name
static public function table_row_count($conn, $table_name) {
$total = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `$table_name`");
if ($total) {
$total = @mysqli_fetch_array($total);
return $total[0];
} else {
return 0;
* Adds a slash to the end of a path
* @param string $path A path
static public function add_slash($path) {
$last_char = substr($path, strlen($path) - 1, 1);
if ($last_char != '/') {
$path .= '/';
return $path;
* Makes path safe for any OS
* Paths should ALWAYS READ be "/"
* uni: /home/path/file.xt
* win: D:/home/path/file.txt
* @param string $path The path to make safe
static public function set_safe_path($path) {
return str_replace("\\", "/", $path);
static public function unset_safe_path($path) {
return str_replace("/", "\\", $path);
* PHP_SAPI for fcgi requires a data flush of at least 256
* bytes every 40 seconds or else it forces a script hault
static public function fcgi_flush() {
echo(str_repeat(' ', 256));
* A safe method used to copy larger files
* @param string $source The path to the file being copied
* @param string $destination The path to the file being made
static public function copy_file($source, $destination) {
$sp = fopen($source, 'r');
$op = fopen($destination, 'w');
while (!feof($sp)) {
$buffer = fread($sp, 512); // use a buffer of 512 bytes
fwrite($op, $buffer);
// close handles
/** METHOD: string_has_value
* Finds a string in a file and returns true if found
* @param array $list A list of strings to search for
* @param string $haystack The string to search in
static public function string_has_value($list, $file) {
foreach ($list as $var) {
if (strstr($file, $var) !== false) {
return true;
return false;
/** METHOD: get_active_plugins
* Returns the active plugins for a package
* @param conn $dbh A database connection handle
* @return array $list A list of active plugins
static public function get_active_plugins($dbh) {
$query = @mysqli_query($dbh, "SELECT option_value FROM `{$GLOBALS['FW_TABLEPREFIX']}options` WHERE option_name = 'active_plugins' ");
if ($query) {
$row = @mysqli_fetch_array($query);
$all_plugins = unserialize($row[0]);
if (is_array($all_plugins)) {
return $all_plugins;
return array();
/** METHOD: get_database_tables
* Returns the tables for a database
* @param conn $dbh A database connection handle
* @return array $list A list of all table names
static public function get_database_tables($dbh) {
$query = @mysqli_query($dbh, 'SHOW TABLES');
if ($query) {
while ($table = @mysqli_fetch_array($query)) {
$all_tables[] = $table[0];
if (is_array($all_tables)) {
return $all_tables;
return array();
* MySQL connection support for sock
* @param same as mysqli_connect
* @return database connection handle
static public function db_connect( $host, $username, $password, $dbname = '', $port = null ) {
//sock connections
if ( 'sock' === substr( $host, -4 ) )
$url_parts = parse_url( $host );
$dbh = @mysqli_connect( 'localhost', $username, $password, $dbname, null, $url_parts['path'] );
$dbh = @mysqli_connect( $host, $username, $password, $dbname, $port );
return $dbh;
* MySQL database version number
* @param conn $dbh Database connection handle
* @return false|string false on failure, version number on success
static public function mysql_version($dbh) {
if (function_exists('mysqli_get_server_info')) {
return preg_replace('/[^0-9.].*/', '', mysqli_get_server_info($dbh));
} else {
return 0;
* MySQL server variable
* @param conn $dbh Database connection handle
* @return string the server variable to query for
static public function mysql_variable_value($dbh, $variable) {
$result = @mysqli_query($dbh, "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '{$variable}'");
$row = @mysqli_fetch_array($result);
return isset($row[1]) ? $row[1] : null;
* Determine if a MySQL database supports a particular feature
* @param conn $dbh Database connection handle
* @param string $feature the feature to check for
* @return bool
static public function mysql_has_ability($dbh, $feature) {
$version = self::mysql_version($dbh);
switch (strtolower($feature)) {
case 'collation' :
case 'group_concat' :
case 'subqueries' :
return version_compare($version, '4.1', '>=');
case 'set_charset' :
return version_compare($version, '5.0.7', '>=');
return false;
* Sets the MySQL connection's character set.
* @param resource $dbh The resource given by mysqli_connect
* @param string $charset The character set (optional)
* @param string $collate The collation (optional)
static public function mysql_set_charset($dbh, $charset = null, $collate = null) {
$charset = (!isset($charset) ) ? $GLOBALS['DBCHARSET_DEFAULT'] : $charset;
$collate = (!isset($collate) ) ? $GLOBALS['DBCOLLATE_DEFAULT'] : $collate;
if (self::mysql_has_ability($dbh, 'collation') && !empty($charset)) {
if (function_exists('mysqli_set_charset') && self::mysql_has_ability($dbh, 'set_charset')) {
return mysqli_set_charset($dbh, $charset);
} else {
$sql = " SET NAMES {$charset}";
if (!empty($collate))
$sql .= " COLLATE {$collate}";
return mysqli_query($dbh, $sql);
* Display human readable byte sizes
* @param string $size The size in bytes
static public function readable_bytesize($size) {
try {
$units = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB');
for ($i = 0; $size >= 1024 && $i < 4; $i++)
$size /= 1024;
return round($size, 2) . $units[$i];
} catch (Exception $e) {
return "n/a";
* The characters that are special in the replacement value of preg_replace are not the
* same characters that are special in the pattern
* @param string $str The string to replace on
static public function preg_replacement_quote($str) {
return preg_replace('/(\$|\\\\)(?=\d)/', '\\\\\1', $str);
* Check to see if the internet is accessable
* @param string $url A url e.g without prefix ""
* @param string $port A valid port number
* @return bool
static public function is_url_active($url, $port) {
if (function_exists('fsockopen')) {
$port = isset($port) && is_integer($port) ? $port : 80;
$connected = @fsockopen($url, $port); //website and port
if ($connected){
$is_conn = true;
} else {
$is_conn = false;
return $is_conn;
} else {
return false;