Viewing file: loop.php (16.38 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
function vc_loop_form_field( $settings, $value ) { $query_builder = new VcLoopSettings( $value ); $params = $query_builder->getContent(); $loop_info = ''; foreach ( $params as $key => $param ) { $param_value = vc_loop_get_value( $param ); if ( ! empty( $param_value ) ) $loop_info .= ' <b>' . $query_builder->getLabel( $key ) . '</b>: ' . $param_value . ';'; }
return '<div class="vc_loop">' . '<input name="' . $settings['param_name'] . '" class="wpb_vc_param_value ' . $settings['param_name'] . ' ' . $settings['type'] . '_field" type="hidden" value="' . $value . '"/>' . '<a href="#" class="button vc_loop-build ' . $settings['param_name'] . '_button" data-settings="' . rawurlencode( json_encode( $settings['settings'] ) ) . '">' . __( 'Build query', 'js_composer' ) . '</a>' . '<div class="vc_loop-info">' . $loop_info . '</div>' . '</div>'; }
function vc_loop_get_value( $param ) { $value = array(); $selected_values = (array)$param['value']; if ( isset( $param['options'] ) && is_array( $param['options'] ) ) { foreach ( $param['options'] as $option ) { if ( is_array( $option ) && isset( $option['value'] ) ) { if ( in_array( ( ( $option['action'] === '-' ? '-' : '' ) . $option['value'] ), $selected_values ) ) $value[] = $option['action'] . $option['name']; } elseif ( is_array( $option ) && isset( $option[0] ) ) { if ( in_array( $option[0], $selected_values ) ) $value[] = $option[1]; } elseif ( in_array( $option, $selected_values ) ) { $value[] = $option; } } } else { $value[] = $param['value']; } return implode( ', ', $value ); }
/** * Parses loop settings and creates WP_Query according to manual * * @link */ class VcLoopQueryBuilder { protected $args = array();
function __construct( $data ) { foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) { $method = 'parse_' . $key; if ( method_exists( $this, $method ) ) { $this->$method( $value ); } } }
// Pages count protected function parse_size( $value ) { $this->args['posts_per_page'] = $value === 'All' ? -1 : (int)$value; }
// Sorting field protected function parse_order_by( $value ) { $this->args['orderby'] = $value; }
// Sorting order protected function parse_order( $value ) { $this->args['order'] = $value; }
// By post types protected function parse_post_type( $value ) { $this->args['post_type'] = $this->stringToArray( $value ); }
// By author protected function parse_authors( $value ) { $this->args['author'] = $value; }
// By categories protected function parse_categories( $value ) { $this->args['cat'] = $value; }
// By taxonomies protected function parse_tax_query( $value ) { $terms = $this->stringToArray( $value ); if ( empty( $this->args['tax_query'] ) ) { $this->args['tax_query'] = array( 'relation' => 'OR' ); } $negative_term_list = array(); foreach ( $terms as $term ) { if ( (int)$term < 0 ) $negative_term_list[] = abs( $term ); } $terms = get_terms( VcLoopSettings::getTaxonomies(), array( 'include' => array_map( 'abs', $terms ) ) ); foreach ( $terms as $t ) { $operator = in_array( (int)$t->term_id, $negative_term_list ) ? 'NOT IN' : 'IN'; $this->args['tax_query'][] = array( 'field' => 'id', 'taxonomy' => $t->taxonomy, 'terms' => $t->term_id, 'operator' => $operator ); } }
// By tags ids protected function parse_tags( $value ) { $in = $not_in = array(); $tags_ids = $this->stringToArray( $value ); foreach ( $tags_ids as $tag ) { $tag = (int)$tag; if ( $tag < 0 ) { $not_in[] = abs( $tag ); } else { $in[] = $tag; } } $this->args['tag__in'] = $in; $this->args['tag__not_in'] = $not_in; }
// By posts ids protected function parse_by_id( $value ) { $in = $not_in = array(); $ids = $this->stringToArray( $value ); foreach ( $ids as $id ) { $id = (int)$id; if ( $id < 0 ) { $not_in[] = abs( $id ); } else { $in[] = $id; } } $this->args['post__in'] = $in; $this->args['post__not_in'] = $not_in; }
public function excludeId( $id ) { if ( ! isset( $this->args['post__not_in'] ) ) $this->args['post__not_in'] = array(); $this->args['post__not_in'][] = $id; }
/** * Converts string to array. Filters empty arrays values * * @param $value * @return array */ protected function stringToArray( $value ) { $valid_values = array(); $list = preg_split( '/\,[\s]*/', $value ); foreach ( $list as $v ) { if ( strlen( $v ) > 0 ) $valid_values[] = $v; } return $valid_values; }
public function build() { return array( $this->args, new WP_Query( $this->args ) ); } }
class VcLoopSettings { // Available parts of loop for WP_Query object. protected $content = array(); protected $parts; protected $query_parts = array( 'size', 'order_by', 'order', 'post_type', 'authors', 'categories', 'tags', 'tax_query', 'by_id' );
function __construct( $value, $settings = array() ) { $this->parts = array( 'size' => __( 'Post Count', 'js_composer' ), 'order_by' => __( 'Order By', 'js_composer' ), 'order' => __( 'Order', 'js_composer' ), 'post_type' => __( 'Post types', 'js_composer' ), 'authors' => __( 'Author', 'js_composer' ), 'categories' => __( 'Categories', 'js_composer' ), 'tags' => __( 'Tags', 'js_composer' ), 'tax_query' => __( 'Taxonomies', 'js_composer' ), 'by_id' => __( 'Individual Posts/Pages', 'js_composer' ) ); $this->settings = $settings; // Parse loop string $data = $this->parseData( $value ); foreach ( $this->query_parts as $part ) { $value = isset( $data[$part] ) ? $data[$part] : ''; $locked = $this->getSettings( $part, 'locked' ) === 'true'; // Predefined value check. if ( ! is_null( $this->getSettings( $part, 'value' ) ) && $this->replaceLockedValue( $part ) && ( $locked === true || strlen( (string)$value ) == 0 ) ) { $value = $this->settings[$part]['value']; } elseif ( ! is_null( $this->getSettings( $part, 'value' ) ) && ! $this->replaceLockedValue( $part ) && ( $locked === true || strlen( (string)$value ) == 0 ) ) { $value = implode( ',', array_unique( explode( ',', $value . ',' . $this->settings[$part]['value'] ) ) ); } // Find custom method for parsing if ( method_exists( $this, 'parse_' . $part ) ) { $method = 'parse_' . $part; $this->content[$part] = $this->$method( $value ); } else { $this->content[$part] = $this->parseString( $value ); } // Set locked if value is locked by settings if ( $locked ) $this->content[$part]['locked'] = true; // if ( $this->getSettings( $part, 'hidden' ) === 'true' ) { $this->content[$part]['hidden'] = true; } } }
protected function replaceLockedValue( $part ) { return in_array( $part, array( 'size', 'order_by', 'order' ) ); }
public function getLabel( $key ) { return isset( $this->parts[$key] ) ? $this->parts[$key] : $key; }
public function getSettings( $part, $name ) { $settings_exists = isset( $this->settings[$part] ) && is_array( $this->settings[$part] ); return $settings_exists && isset( $this->settings[$part][$name] ) ? $this->settings[$part][$name] : null; }
public function parseString( $value ) { return array( 'value' => $value ); }
protected function parseDropDown( $value, $options = array() ) { return array( 'value' => $value, 'options' => $options ); }
protected function parseMultiSelect( $value, $options = array() ) { return array( 'value' => explode( ',', $value ), 'options' => $options ); }
public function parse_order_by( $value ) { return $this->parseDropDown( $value, array( //array('none', __("None", 'js_composer')), array( 'date', __( "Date", 'js_composer' ) ), 'ID', array( 'author', __( "Author", 'js_composer' ) ), array( 'title', __( "Title", 'js_composer' ) ), //'name', array( 'modified', __( "Modified", 'js_composer' ) ), //'parent', array( 'rand', __( "Random", 'js_composer' ) ), array( 'comment_count', __( "Comment count", 'js_composer' ) ), array( 'menu_order', __( "Menu order", 'js_composer' ) ), //'meta_value', //'meta_value_num', //'post__in' ) ); }
public function parse_order( $value ) { return $this->parseDropDown( $value, array( array( 'ASC', __( "Ascending", 'js_composer' ) ), array( 'DESC', __( "Descending", 'js_composer' ) ) ) ); }
public function parse_post_type( $value ) { $options = array(); $args = array( 'public' => true ); $post_types = get_post_types( $args ); foreach ( $post_types as $post_type ) { if ( $post_type != 'attachment' ) { $options[] = $post_type; } } return $this->parseMultiSelect( $value, $options ); }
public function parse_authors( $value ) { $options = $not_in = array(); if ( empty( $value ) ) return $this->parseMultiSelect( $value, $options ); $list = explode( ',', $value ); foreach ( $list as $id ) { if ( (int)$id < 0 ) $not_in[] = abs( $id ); } $users = get_users( array( 'include' => array_map( 'abs', $list ) ) ); foreach ( $users as $user ) { $options[] = array( 'value' => (string)$user->ID, 'name' => $user->data->user_nicename, 'action' => in_array( (int)$user->ID, $not_in ) ? '-' : '+' ); } return $this->parseMultiSelect( $value, $options ); }
public function parse_categories( $value ) { $options = $not_in = array(); if ( empty( $value ) ) return $this->parseMultiSelect( $value, $options ); $list = explode( ',', $value ); foreach ( $list as $id ) { if ( (int)$id < 0 ) $not_in[] = abs( $id ); } $list = get_categories( array( 'include' => array_map( 'abs', $list ) ) ); foreach ( $list as $obj ) { $options[] = array( 'value' => (string)$obj->cat_ID, 'name' => $obj->cat_name, 'action' => in_array( (int)$obj->cat_ID, $not_in ) ? '-' : '+' ); } return $this->parseMultiSelect( $value, $options ); }
public function parse_tags( $value ) { $options = $not_in = array(); if ( empty( $value ) ) return $this->parseMultiSelect( $value, $options ); $list = explode( ',', $value ); foreach ( $list as $id ) { if ( (int)$id < 0 ) $not_in[] = abs( $id ); } $list = get_tags( array( 'include' => array_map( 'abs', $list ) ) ); foreach ( $list as $obj ) { $options[] = array( 'value' => (string)$obj->term_id, 'name' => $obj->name, 'action' => in_array( (int)$obj->term_id, $not_in ) ? '-' : '+' ); } return $this->parseMultiSelect( $value, $options ); }
public function parse_tax_query( $value ) { $options = $not_in = array(); if ( empty( $value ) ) return $this->parseMultiSelect( $value, $options ); $list = explode( ',', $value ); foreach ( $list as $id ) { if ( (int)$id < 0 ) $not_in[] = abs( $id ); } $list = get_terms( VcLoopSettings::getTaxonomies(), array( 'include' => array_map( 'abs', $list ) ) ); foreach ( $list as $obj ) { $options[] = array( 'value' => (string)$obj->term_id, 'name' => $obj->name, 'action' => in_array( (int)$obj->term_id, $not_in ) ? '-' : '+' ); } return $this->parseMultiSelect( $value, $options ); }
public function parse_by_id( $value ) { $options = $not_in = array(); if ( empty( $value ) ) return $this->parseMultiSelect( $value, $options ); $list = explode( ',', $value ); foreach ( $list as $id ) { if ( (int)$id < 0 ) $not_in[] = abs( $id ); } $list = get_posts( array( 'post_type' => 'any', 'include' => array_map( 'abs', $list ) ) );
foreach ( $list as $obj ) { $options[] = array( 'value' => (string)$obj->ID, 'name' => $obj->post_title, 'action' => in_array( (int)$obj->ID, $not_in ) ? '-' : '+' ); } return $this->parseMultiSelect( $value, $options ); }
public function render() { echo json_encode( $this->content ); }
public function getContent() { return $this->content; }
/** * get list of taxonomies which has no tags and categories items. * * @static * @return array */ public static function getTaxonomies() { $taxonomy_exclude = (array)apply_filters( 'get_categories_taxonomy', 'category' ); $taxonomy_exclude[] = 'post_tag'; $taxonomies = array(); foreach ( get_taxonomies() as $taxonomy ) { if ( ! in_array( $taxonomy, $taxonomy_exclude ) ) $taxonomies[] = $taxonomy; } return $taxonomies; }
public static function buildDefault( $settings ) { if ( ! isset( $settings['settings'] ) || ! is_array( $settings['settings'] ) ) return ''; $value = ''; foreach ( $settings['settings'] as $key => $val ) { if ( isset( $val['value'] ) ) $value .= ( empty( $value ) ? '' : '|' ) . $key . ':' . $val['value']; } return $value; }
public static function buildWpQuery( $query, $exclude_id = false ) { $data = self::parseData( $query ); $query_builder = new VcLoopQueryBuilder( $data ); if ( $exclude_id ) $query_builder->excludeId( $exclude_id ); return $query_builder->build( $exclude_id ); }
public static function parseData( $value ) { $data = array(); $values_pairs = preg_split( '/\|/', $value ); foreach ( $values_pairs as $pair ) { if ( ! empty( $pair ) ) { list( $key, $value ) = preg_split( '/\:/', $pair ); $data[$key] = $value; } } return $data; } }
/** * Suggestion list for wp_query field * */ class VcLoopSuggestions { protected $content = array(); protected $exclude = array(); protected $field;
function __construct( $field, $query, $exclude ) { $this->exclude = explode( ',', $exclude ); $method_name = 'get_' . preg_replace( '/_out$/', '', $field ); if ( method_exists( $this, $method_name ) ) { $this->$method_name( $query ); } }
public function get_authors( $query ) { $args = ! empty( $query ) ? array( 'search' => '*' . $query . '*', 'search_columns' => array( 'user_nicename' ) ) : array(); if ( ! empty( $this->exclude ) ) $args['exclude'] = $this->exclude; $users = get_users( $args ); foreach ( $users as $user ) { $this->content[] = array( 'value' => (string)$user->ID, 'name' => (string)$user->data->user_nicename ); } }
public function get_categories( $query ) { $args = ! empty( $query ) ? array( 'search' => $query ) : array(); if ( ! empty( $this->exclude ) ) $args['exclude'] = $this->exclude; $categories = get_categories( $args );
foreach ( $categories as $cat ) { $this->content[] = array( 'value' => (string)$cat->cat_ID, 'name' => $cat->cat_name ); } }
public function get_tags( $query ) { $args = ! empty( $query ) ? array( 'search' => $query ) : array(); if ( ! empty( $this->exclude ) ) $args['exclude'] = $this->exclude; $tags = get_tags( $args ); foreach ( $tags as $tag ) { $this->content[] = array( 'value' => (string)$tag->term_id, 'name' => $tag->name ); } }
public function get_tax_query( $query ) { $args = ! empty( $query ) ? array( 'search' => $query ) : array(); if ( ! empty( $this->exclude ) ) $args['exclude'] = $this->exclude; $tags = get_terms( VcLoopSettings::getTaxonomies(), $args ); foreach ( $tags as $tag ) { $this->content[] = array( 'value' => $tag->term_id, 'name' => $tag->name ); } }
public function get_by_id( $query ) { $args = ! empty( $query ) ? array( 's' => $query, 'post_type' => 'any' ) : array( 'post_type' => 'any' ); if ( ! empty( $this->exclude ) ) $args['exclude'] = $this->exclude; $posts = get_posts( $args ); foreach ( $posts as $post ) { $this->content[] = array( 'value' => $post->ID, 'name' => $post->post_title ); } }
public function render() { echo json_encode( $this->content ); } }
/** * Build WP_Query object from query string. * String created by loop controllers * * @param $query * @return string */ function vc_build_loop_query( $query, $exclude_id = false ) { return VcLoopSettings::buildWpQuery( $query, $exclude_id ); }
function vc_get_loop_suggestion() { $loop_suggestions = new VcLoopSuggestions(vc_post_param('field'), vc_post_param('query'), vc_post_param('exclude')); $loop_suggestions->render(); die(); } function vc_get_loop_settings_json() { $loop_settings = new VcLoopSettings(vc_post_param('value'), vc_post_param('settings')); $loop_settings->render(); die(); } add_action( 'wp_ajax_wpb_get_loop_suggestion', 'vc_get_loop_suggestion' ); add_action('wp_ajax_wpb_get_loop_settings', 'vc_get_loop_settings_json'); function vc_loop_include_templates() { require_once vc_path_dir( 'TEMPLATES_DIR', 'params/loop/templates.html' ); } add_action('admin_footer', 'vc_loop_include_templates');
function vc_set_loop_default_value($param) { if ( empty( $param['value']) && isset($param['settings'])) { $param['value'] = VcLoopSettings::buildDefault( $param ); } return $param; } add_filter('vc_mapper_attribute_loop', 'vc_set_loop_default_value');