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class UniteBaseClassRev{ protected static $wpdb; protected static $table_prefix; protected static $mainFile; protected static $t; protected static $dir_plugin; protected static $dir_languages; public static $url_plugin; protected static $url_ajax; public static $url_ajax_actions; protected static $url_ajax_showimage; protected static $path_settings; public static $path_plugin; protected static $path_languages; protected static $path_temp; protected static $path_views; protected static $path_templates; protected static $path_cache; protected static $path_base; protected static $is_multisite; protected static $debugMode = false; /** * * the constructor */ public function __construct($mainFile,$t){ global $wpdb; self::$is_multisite = UniteFunctionsWPRev::isMultisite(); self::$wpdb = $wpdb; self::$table_prefix = self::$wpdb->base_prefix; if(UniteFunctionsWPRev::isMultisite()){ $blogID = UniteFunctionsWPRev::getBlogID(); if($blogID != 1){ self::$table_prefix .= $blogID."_"; } } self::$mainFile = $mainFile; self::$t = $t; //set plugin dirname (as the main filename) $info = pathinfo($mainFile); $baseName = $info["basename"]; $filename = str_replace(".php","",$baseName); self::$dir_plugin = $filename; self::$url_plugin = plugins_url(self::$dir_plugin)."/"; self::$url_ajax = admin_url("admin-ajax.php"); self::$url_ajax_actions = self::$url_ajax . "?action=".self::$dir_plugin."_ajax_action"; self::$url_ajax_showimage = self::$url_ajax . "?action=".self::$dir_plugin."_show_image"; self::$path_plugin = dirname(self::$mainFile)."/"; self::$path_settings = self::$path_plugin."settings/"; self::$path_temp = self::$path_plugin."temp/"; //set cache path: self::setPathCache(); self::$path_views = self::$path_plugin."views/"; self::$path_templates = self::$path_views."/templates/"; self::$path_base = ABSPATH; self::$path_languages = self::$path_plugin."languages/"; self::$dir_languages = self::$dir_plugin."/languages/"; load_plugin_textdomain(self::$dir_plugin,false,self::$dir_languages); //update globals oldversion flag GlobalsRevSlider::$isNewVersion = false; $version = get_bloginfo("version"); $version = (double)$version; if($version >= 3.5) GlobalsRevSlider::$isNewVersion = true; } /** * * set cache path for images. for multisite it will be current blog content folder */ private static function setPathCache(){ self::$path_cache = self::$path_plugin."cache/"; if(self::$is_multisite){ if(!defined("BLOGUPLOADDIR") || !is_dir(BLOGUPLOADDIR)) return(false); $path = BLOGUPLOADDIR.self::$dir_plugin."-cache/"; if(!is_dir($path)) mkdir($path); if(is_dir($path)) self::$path_cache = $path; } } /** * * set debug mode. */ public static function setDebugMode(){ self::$debugMode = true; } /** * * add some wordpress action */ protected static function addAction($action,$eventFunction){ add_action( $action, array(self::$t, $eventFunction) ); } /** * * register script helper function * @param $scriptFilename */ protected static function addScriptAbsoluteUrl($scriptPath,$handle){ wp_register_script($handle, $scriptPath); wp_enqueue_script($handle); } /** * * register script helper function * @param $scriptFilename */ protected static function addScriptAbsoluteUrlWaitForOther($scriptPath,$handle,$waitfor = array()){ wp_enqueue_script($handle, $scriptPath, $waitfor); } /** * * register script helper function * @param $scriptFilename */ protected static function addScript($scriptName,$folder="js",$handle=null){ if($handle == null) $handle = self::$dir_plugin."-".$scriptName; wp_register_script($handle , self::$url_plugin .$folder."/".$scriptName.".js?rev=". GlobalsRevSlider::SLIDER_REVISION ); wp_enqueue_script($handle); } /** * * register script helper function * @param $scriptFilename */ protected static function addScriptWaitFor($scriptName,$folder="js",$handle=null,$waitfor = array()){ if($handle == null) $handle = self::$dir_plugin."-".$scriptName; wp_enqueue_script($handle, self::$url_plugin .$folder."/".$scriptName.".js?rev=". GlobalsRevSlider::SLIDER_REVISION, $waitfor); } /** * * register common script helper function * the handle for the common script is coming without plugin name */ protected static function addScriptCommon($scriptName,$handle=null, $folder="js"){ if($handle == null) $handle = $scriptName; self::addScript($scriptName,$folder,$handle); } /** * * simple enqueue script */ protected static function addWPScript($scriptName){ wp_enqueue_script($scriptName); } /** * * register style helper function * @param $styleFilename */ protected static function addStyle($styleName,$handle=null,$folder="css"){ if($handle == null) $handle = self::$dir_plugin."-".$styleName; wp_register_style($handle , self::$url_plugin .$folder."/".$styleName.".css?rev=". GlobalsRevSlider::SLIDER_REVISION); wp_enqueue_style($handle); } /** * * register style helper function * @param $styleFilename */ protected static function addDynamicStyle($styleName,$handle=null,$folder="css"){ if($handle == null) $handle = self::$dir_plugin."-".$styleName; wp_register_style($handle , self::$url_plugin .$folder."/".$styleName.".php?rev=". GlobalsRevSlider::SLIDER_REVISION ); wp_enqueue_style($handle); } /** * * register common script helper function * the handle for the common script is coming without plugin name */ protected static function addStyleCommon($styleName,$handle=null,$folder="css"){ if($handle == null) $handle = $styleName; self::addStyle($styleName,$handle,$folder); } /** * * register style absolute url helper function */ protected static function addStyleAbsoluteUrl($styleUrl,$handle){ wp_register_style($handle , $styleUrl); wp_enqueue_style($handle); } /** * * simple enqueue style */ protected static function addWPStyle($styleName){ wp_enqueue_style($styleName); } /** * * get image url to be shown via thumb making script. */ public static function getImageUrl($filepath, $width=null,$height=null,$exact=false,$effect=null,$effect_param=null){ $urlImage = UniteImageViewRev::getUrlThumb(self::$url_ajax_showimage, $filepath,$width ,$height ,$exact ,$effect ,$effect_param); return($urlImage); } /** * * on show image ajax event. outputs image with parameters */ public static function onShowImage(){ $pathImages = UniteFunctionsWPRev::getPathContent(); $urlImages = UniteFunctionsWPRev::getUrlContent(); try{ $imageView = new UniteImageViewRev(self::$path_cache,$pathImages,$urlImages); $imageView->showImageFromGet(); }catch (Exception $e){ header("status: 500"); echo $e->getMessage(); exit(); } } /** * * get POST var */ protected static function getPostVar($key,$defaultValue = ""){ $val = self::getVar($_POST, $key, $defaultValue); return($val); } /** * * get GET var */ protected static function getGetVar($key,$defaultValue = ""){ $val = self::getVar($_GET, $key, $defaultValue); return($val); } /** * * get post or get variable */ protected static function getPostGetVar($key,$defaultValue = ""){ if(array_key_exists($key, $_POST)) $val = self::getVar($_POST, $key, $defaultValue); else $val = self::getVar($_GET, $key, $defaultValue); return($val); } /** * * get some var from array */ protected static function getVar($arr,$key,$defaultValue = ""){ $val = $defaultValue; if(isset($arr[$key])) $val = $arr[$key]; return($val); } /** * * make config file of all the text in the settings for the .mo and .po creation */ protected static function updateSettingsText(){ $filelist = UniteFunctionsRev::getFileList(self::$path_settings,"xml"); foreach($filelist as $file){ $filepath = self::$path_settings.$file; UniteFunctionsWPRev::writeSettingLanguageFile($filepath); } } }