Active Record eXtended
This is the original one-to-many Active Record implementation submitted by
Chris Ravenscroft ( The reason why we are offering both versions is that the Extended version
is more powerful but more complex. My personal preference is to keep it simpler, but your view may vary.
To use, just include instead of
It provides a new function called Find() that is quite intuitive to use as shown in the example below. It also supports loading all relationships using a single query (using joins).
function ar_assert($obj, $cond)
global $err_count;
$res = var_export($obj, true);
return (strpos($res, $cond));
$db = NewADOConnection('mysql://root@localhost/northwind');
echo "<pre>\n";
echo "\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "Preparing database using SQL queries (creating 'people', 'children')\n";
$db->Execute("DROP TABLE `people`");
$db->Execute("DROP TABLE `children`");
$db->Execute("CREATE TABLE `people` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`name_first` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
`name_last` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
`favorite_color` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
$db->Execute("CREATE TABLE `children` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`person_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`name_first` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
`name_last` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
`favorite_pet` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
$db->Execute("insert into children (person_id,name_first,name_last,favorite_pet) values (1,'Jill','Lim','tortoise')");
$db->Execute("insert into children (person_id,name_first,name_last) values (1,'Joan','Lim')");
$db->Execute("insert into children (person_id,name_first,name_last) values (1,'JAMIE','Lim')");
// This class _implicitely_ relies on the 'people' table (pluralized form of 'person')
class Person extends ADOdb_Active_Record
function __construct()
// This class _implicitely_ relies on the 'children' table
class Child extends ADOdb_Active_Record
function __construct()
// This class _explicitely_ relies on the 'children' table and shares its metadata with Child
class Kid extends ADOdb_Active_Record
function __construct()
// This class _explicitely_ relies on the 'children' table but does not share its metadata
class Rugrat extends ADOdb_Active_Record
function __construct()
parent::__construct('children', false, false, array('new' => true));
echo "Inserting person in 'people' table ('John Lim, he likes lavender')\n";
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$person = new Person();
$person->name_first = 'John';
$person->name_last = 'Lim';
$person->favorite_color = 'lavender';
$person->save(); // this save will perform an INSERT successfully
$err_count = 0;
echo "\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "person->Find('id=1') [Lazy Method]\n";
echo "person is loaded but its children will be loaded on-demand later on\n";
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$person5 = new Person();
$people5 = $person5->Find('id=1');
echo (ar_assert($people5, "'name_first' => 'John'")) ? "[OK] Found John\n" : "[!!] Find failed\n";
echo (ar_assert($people5, "'favorite_pet' => 'tortoise'")) ? "[!!] Found relation when I shouldn't\n" : "[OK] No relation yet\n";
foreach($people5 as $person)
foreach($person->children as $child)
echo (ar_assert($people5, "'favorite_pet' => 'tortoise'")) ? "[OK] Found relation: child\n" : "[!!] Missing relation: child\n";
echo "\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "person->Find('id=1' ... ADODB_WORK_AR) [Worker Method]\n";
echo "person is loaded, and so are its children\n";
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$person6 = new Person();
$people6 = $person6->Find('id=1', false, false, array('loading' => ADODB_WORK_AR));
echo (ar_assert($people6, "'name_first' => 'John'")) ? "[OK] Found John\n" : "[!!] Find failed\n";
echo (ar_assert($people6, "'favorite_pet' => 'tortoise'")) ? "[OK] Found relation: child\n" : "[!!] Missing relation: child\n";
echo "\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "person->Find('id=1' ... ADODB_JOIN_AR) [Join Method]\n";
echo "person and its children are loaded using a single query\n";
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$person7 = new Person();
// When I specifically ask for a join, I have to specify which table id I am looking up
// otherwise the SQL parser will wonder which table's id that would be.
$people7 = $person7->Find('', false, false, array('loading' => ADODB_JOIN_AR));
echo (ar_assert($people7, "'name_first' => 'John'")) ? "[OK] Found John\n" : "[!!] Find failed\n";
echo (ar_assert($people7, "'favorite_pet' => 'tortoise'")) ? "[OK] Found relation: child\n" : "[!!] Missing relation: child\n";
echo "\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "person->Load('') [Join Method]\n";
echo "Load() always uses the join method since it returns only one row\n";
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$person2 = new Person();
// Under the hood, Load(), since it returns only one row, always perform a join
// Therefore we need to clarify which id we are talking about.
echo (ar_assert($person2, "'name_first' => 'John'")) ? "[OK] Found John\n" : "[!!] Find failed\n";
echo (ar_assert($person2, "'favorite_pet' => 'tortoise'")) ? "[OK] Found relation: child\n" : "[!!] Missing relation: child\n";
echo "\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "child->Load('') [Join Method]\n";
echo "We are now loading from the 'children' table, not from 'people'\n";
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$ch = new Child();
echo (ar_assert($ch, "'name_first' => 'Jill'")) ? "[OK] Found Jill\n" : "[!!] Find failed\n";
echo (ar_assert($ch, "'favorite_color' => 'lavender'")) ? "[OK] Found relation: person\n" : "[!!] Missing relation: person\n";
echo "\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "child->Find('' ... ADODB_WORK_AR) [Worker Method]\n";
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$ch2 = new Child();
$ach2 = $ch2->Find('id=1', false, false, array('loading' => ADODB_WORK_AR));
echo (ar_assert($ach2, "'name_first' => 'Jill'")) ? "[OK] Found Jill\n" : "[!!] Find failed\n";
echo (ar_assert($ach2, "'favorite_color' => 'lavender'")) ? "[OK] Found relation: person\n" : "[!!] Missing relation: person\n";
echo "\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "kid->Find('' ... ADODB_WORK_AR) [Worker Method]\n";
echo "Where we see that kid shares relationships with child because they are stored\n";
echo "in the common table's metadata structure.\n";
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$ch3 = new Kid('children');
$ach3 = $ch3->Find('', false, false, array('loading' => ADODB_WORK_AR));
echo (ar_assert($ach3, "'name_first' => 'Jill'")) ? "[OK] Found Jill\n" : "[!!] Find failed\n";
echo (ar_assert($ach3, "'favorite_color' => 'lavender'")) ? "[OK] Found relation: person\n" : "[!!] Missing relation: person\n";
echo "\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "kid->Find('' ... ADODB_LAZY_AR) [Lazy Method]\n";
echo "Of course, lazy loading also retrieve medata information...\n";
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$ch32 = new Kid('children');
$ach32 = $ch32->Find('', false, false, array('loading' => ADODB_LAZY_AR));
echo (ar_assert($ach32, "'name_first' => 'Jill'")) ? "[OK] Found Jill\n" : "[!!] Find failed\n";
echo (ar_assert($ach32, "'favorite_color' => 'lavender'")) ? "[!!] Found relation when I shouldn't\n" : "[OK] No relation yet\n";
foreach($ach32 as $akid)
echo (ar_assert($ach32, "'favorite_color' => 'lavender'")) ? "[OK] Found relation: person\n" : "[!!] Missing relation: person\n";
echo "\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "rugrat->Find('' ... ADODB_WORK_AR) [Worker Method]\n";
echo "In rugrat's constructor it is specified that\nit must forget any existing relation\n";
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$ch4 = new Rugrat('children');
$ach4 = $ch4->Find('', false, false, array('loading' => ADODB_WORK_AR));
echo (ar_assert($ach4, "'name_first' => 'Jill'")) ? "[OK] Found Jill\n" : "[!!] Find failed\n";
echo (ar_assert($ach4, "'favorite_color' => 'lavender'")) ? "[!!] Found relation when I shouldn't\n" : "[OK] No relation found\n";
echo "\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "kid->Find('' ... ADODB_WORK_AR) [Worker Method]\n";
echo "Note how only rugrat forgot its relations - kid is fine.\n";
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$ch5 = new Kid('children');
$ach5 = $ch5->Find('', false, false, array('loading' => ADODB_WORK_AR));
echo (ar_assert($ach5, "'name_first' => 'Jill'")) ? "[OK] Found Jill\n" : "[!!] Find failed\n";
echo (ar_assert($ach5, "'favorite_color' => 'lavender'")) ? "[OK] I did not forget relation: person\n" : "[!!] I should not have forgotten relation: person\n";
echo "\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "rugrat->Find('' ... ADODB_WORK_AR) [Worker Method]\n";
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$ch6 = new Rugrat('children');
$ch6s = $ch6->Find('', false, false, array('loading' => ADODB_WORK_AR));
$ach6 = $ch6s[0];
echo (ar_assert($ach6, "'name_first' => 'Jill'")) ? "[OK] Found Jill\n" : "[!!] Find failed\n";
echo (ar_assert($ach6, "'favorite_color' => 'lavender'")) ? "[!!] Found relation when I shouldn't\n" : "[OK] No relation yet\n";
echo "\nLoading relations:\n";
$ach6->LoadRelations('person', 'order by id', 0, 2);
echo (ar_assert($ach6, "'favorite_color' => 'lavender'")) ? "[OK] Found relation: person\n" : "[!!] Missing relation: person\n";
echo "\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "Test suite complete.\n";
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
Todo (Code Contributions welcome)
Check _original and current field values before update, only update changes. Also if the primary key value is changed, then on update, we should save and use the original primary key values in the WHERE clause!
PHP5 specific: Make GetActiveRecords*() return an Iterator.
PHP5 specific: Change PHP5 implementation of Active Record to use __get() and __set() for better performance.
Change Log
You can force column names to be quoted in INSERT and UPDATE statements, typically because you are using reserved words as column names by setting
ADODB_Active_Record::$_quoteNames = true;
Fixed some issues with incompatible fetch modes (ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC) causing problems in UpdateActiveTable.
Added support for functions that support predefining one-to-many relationships:
ClassHasMany ClassBelongsTo TableHasMany TableBelongsTo TableKeyHasMany TableKeyBelongsTo.
You can also define your child/parent class in these functions, instead of the default ADODB_Active_Record.
HasMany hardcoded primary key field name to "id". Fixed.
Support for belongsTo and hasMany. Thanks to Chris Ravenscroft (
Added LoadRelations().
Added support for assoc arrays in Set().
$ADODB_ASSOC_CASE=2 did not work properly. Fixed.
Added === check in ADODB_SetDatabaseAdapter for $db, Thx Christian Affolter.
Added ErrorNo().
Fixed php 5.2.0 compat issues.
If inserting a record and the value of a primary key field is null, then we do not insert that field in as
we assume it is an auto-increment field. Needed by mssql.
0.04 5 June 2006
Added support for declaring table name in $_table in class declaration. Thx Bill Dueber for idea.
Added find($where,$bindarr=false) method to retrieve an array of active record objects.
- Now we only update fields that have changed, using $this->_original.
- We do not include auto_increment fields in replace(). Thx Travis Cline
- Much better error handling. ErrorMsg() implemented. Throw implemented if detected.
- You can now define the primary keys of the view or table you are accessing manually.
- The Active Record allows you to create an object which does not have a primary key. You can INSERT but not UPDATE in this case.
- Set() documented.
- Fixed _pluralize bug with y suffix.
0.01 6 Mar 2006
- Fixed handling of nulls when saving (it didn't save nulls, saved them as '').
- Better error handling messages.
- Factored out a new method GetPrimaryKeys().
0.00 5 Mar 2006
1st release