!C99Shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13!

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uname -a: Windows NT SVR-DMZ 6.1 build 7600 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition) i586 


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/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
 * @package PhpMyAdmin-Designer

 * init

var _change = 0; // variable to track any change in designer layout.
var _staying = 0; //  variable to check if the user stayed after seeing the confirmation prompt.
var show_relation_lines = true;

AJAX.registerTeardown('pmd/move.js', function () {
    if ($.FullScreen.supported) {
        $(document).unbind($.FullScreen.prefix + 'fullscreenchange');

AJAX.registerOnload('pmd/move.js', function () {
    $('#page_content').css({'margin-left': '3px'});
    if ($.FullScreen.supported) {
        $(document).fullScreenChange(function () {
            if (! $.FullScreen.isFullScreen()) {
                    .css({'width': 'auto', 'height': 'auto'});
    } else {

// Below is the function to bind onbeforeunload events with the content_frame as well as the top window.

FIXME: we can't register the beforeonload event because it will persist between pageloads

AJAX.registerOnload('pmd/move.js', function (){
    $(window).bind('beforeunload', function () {        // onbeforeunload for the frame window.
        if (_change == 1 && _staying === 0) {
            return PMA_messages.strLeavingDesigner;
        } else if (_change == 1 && _staying == 1) {
            _staying = 0;
    $(window).unload(function () {
        _change = 0;
    window.top.onbeforeunload = function () {     // onbeforeunload for the browser main window.
        if (_change == 1 && _staying === 0) {
            _staying = 1;                                                   //  Helps if the user stays on the page  as there
            setTimeout('make_zero();', 100);                    //   is no other way of knowing whether the user stayed or not.
            return PMA_messages.strLeavingDesigner;

function make_zero() {   // Function called if the user stays after seeing the confirmation prompt.
    _staying = 0;

var dx, dy, dy2;
var cur_click = null;
// update in Main()
var sm_x = 2, sm_y = 2;
var sm_s           = 0;
var sm_add         = 10;
var s_left         = 0;
var s_right        = 0;
var ON_relation    = 0;
var ON_grid        = 0;
var ON_display_field = 0;
// relation_style: 0 - angular 1 - direct
var ON_angular_direct = 1;
var click_field    = 0;
var link_relation  = "";
var id_hint;
var canvas_width   = 0;
var canvas_height  = 0;
var osn_tab_width  = 0;
var osn_tab_height = 0;
var height_field   = 7;
var Glob_X, Glob_Y;
var timeoutID;
var layer_menu_cur_click = 0;
var step = 10;
var old_class;
var from_array = [];
var downer;


//window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN | Event.MOUSEUP);
document.onmousedown = MouseDown;
document.onmouseup   = MouseUp;
document.onmousemove = MouseMove;

var isIE = document.all && !window.opera;
var isNN = !document.all && document.getElementById;
var isN4 = document.layers;

if (isIE) {
    window.onscroll = General_scroll;
    document.onselectstart = function () {
        return false;

//document.onmouseup = function (){General_scroll_end();}
function MouseDown(e)
    var offsetx, offsety;
    if (cur_click !== null) {
        offsetx = isIE ? event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft : e.pageX;
        offsety = isIE ? event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop : e.pageY;
        dx = offsetx - parseInt(cur_click.style.left, 10);
        dy = offsety - parseInt(cur_click.style.top, 10);
        //alert(" dx = " + dx + " dy = " +dy);
        document.getElementById("canvas").style.display = 'none';
        var left = parseInt(cur_click.style.left, 10);
        var top  = parseInt(cur_click.style.top, 10);
        dx = e.pageX - left;
        dy = e.pageY - top;

        alert(" dx = " + dx + " dy = " +dy);
        cur_click.style.zIndex = 2;
    if (layer_menu_cur_click) {
        offsetx = e.pageX;
        dx = offsetx - parseInt(document.getElementById("layer_menu").style.width, 10);

function MouseMove(e)
    //Glob_X = e.pageX;
    //Glob_Y = e.pageY;
    Glob_X = isIE ? event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft : e.pageX;
    Glob_Y = isIE ? event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop : e.pageY;

    //mouseX = (bw.ns4||bw.ns6)? e.pageX: bw.ie&&bw.win&&!bw.ie4? (event.clientX-2)+document.body.scrollLeft : event.clientX+document.body.scrollLeft;
    //mouseY = (bw.ns4||bw.ns6)? e.pageY: bw.ie&&bw.win&&!bw.ie4? (event.clientY-2)+document.body.scrollTop : event.clientY+document.body.scrollTop;

    //window.status = "X = "+ Glob_X + " Y = "+ Glob_Y;

    if (cur_click !== null) {
        _change = 1;
        var mGx = Glob_X - dx;
        var mGy = Glob_Y - dy;
        mGx = mGx > 0 ? mGx : 0;
        mGy = mGy > 0 ? mGy : 0;

        if (ON_grid) {
            mGx = mGx % step < step / 2 ? mGx - mGx % step : mGx - mGx % step + step;
            mGy = mGy % step < step / 2 ? mGy - mGy % step : mGy - mGy % step + step;

        cur_click.style.left = mGx + 'px';
        cur_click.style.top  = mGy + 'px';

    if (ON_relation || ON_display_field) {
        document.getElementById('pmd_hint').style.left = (Glob_X + 20) + 'px';
        document.getElementById('pmd_hint').style.top  = (Glob_Y + 20) + 'px';

    if (layer_menu_cur_click) {
        document.getElementById("layer_menu").style.width = ((Glob_X - dx) >= 150 ? Glob_X - dx : 150) + 'px';
        //document.getElementById("layer_menu").style.height = Glob_Y - dy>=200?Glob_Y - dy:200;
        //document.getElementById("id_scroll_tab").style.height = Glob_Y - dy2;

function MouseUp(e)
    if (cur_click !== null) {
        document.getElementById("canvas").style.display = 'inline-block';
        cur_click.style.zIndex = 1;
        cur_click = null;
    layer_menu_cur_click = 0;

//function ToInt(s)
//    return s.substring(0,s.length-2)*1; //re = /(\d+)\w*/; newstr = str.replace(re, "$1");

function Canvas_pos()
    canvas_width  = document.getElementById('canvas').width  = osn_tab_width  - 3;
    canvas_height = document.getElementById('canvas').height = osn_tab_height - 3;

    if (isIE) {
        document.getElementById('canvas').style.width  = ((osn_tab_width  - 3) ? (osn_tab_width  - 3) : 0) + 'px';
        document.getElementById('canvas').style.height = ((osn_tab_height - 3) ? (osn_tab_height - 3) : 0) + 'px';

function Osn_tab_pos()
    osn_tab_width  = parseInt(document.getElementById('osn_tab').style.width, 10);
    osn_tab_height = parseInt(document.getElementById('osn_tab').style.height, 10);

function Main()
    //alert( document.getElementById('osn_tab').offsetTop);

    document.getElementById("layer_menu").style.top = -1000 + 'px'; //fast scroll
    sm_x += document.getElementById('osn_tab').offsetLeft;
    sm_y += document.getElementById('osn_tab').offsetTop;
    id_hint = document.getElementById('pmd_hint');
    if (isIE) {

//-------------------------------- new -----------------------------------------
function Rezize_osn_tab()
    var max_X = 0;
    var max_Y = 0;
    for (var key in j_tabs) {
        var k_x = parseInt(document.getElementById(key).style.left, 10) + document.getElementById(key).offsetWidth;
        var k_y = parseInt(document.getElementById(key).style.top, 10) + document.getElementById(key).offsetHeight;
        max_X = max_X < k_x ? k_x : max_X;
        max_Y = max_Y < k_y ? k_y : max_Y;

    osn_tab_width  = max_X + 50;
    osn_tab_height = max_Y + 50;
    document.getElementById('osn_tab').style.width = osn_tab_width + 'px';
    document.getElementById('osn_tab').style.height = osn_tab_height + 'px';

 * refreshes display, must be called after state changes
function Re_load()
    var n;
    var x1;
    var x2;
    var a = [];
    var K;
    var key;
    var key2;
    var key3;
    for (K in contr) {
        for (key in contr[K]) {
            // contr name
            for (key2 in contr[K][key]) {
                // table name
                for (key3 in contr[K][key][key2]) {
                    // field name
                    if (!document.getElementById("check_vis_" + key2).checked ||
                        !document.getElementById("check_vis_" + contr[K][key][key2][key3][0]).checked) {
                        // if hide
                    var x1_left  = document.getElementById(key2).offsetLeft + 1;
                    var x1_right = x1_left + document.getElementById(key2).offsetWidth;
                    var x2_left  = document.getElementById(contr[K][key][key2][key3][0]).offsetLeft;
                    var x2_right = x2_left + document.getElementById(contr[K][key][key2][key3][0]).offsetWidth;
                    a[0] = Math.abs(x1_left - x2_left);
                    a[1] = Math.abs(x1_left - x2_right);
                    a[2] = Math.abs(x1_right - x2_left);
                    a[3] = Math.abs(x1_right - x2_right);
                    n = s_left = s_right = 0;
                    for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
                        if (a[n] > a[i]) {
                            n = i;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        x1 = x1_left - sm_s;
                        x2 = x2_right + sm_s;
                        if (x1 < x2) {
                            n = 0;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        x1 = x1_right + sm_s;
                        x2 = x2_left - sm_s;
                        if (x1 > x2) {
                            n = 0;
                    if (n == 3) {
                        x1 = x1_right + sm_s;
                        x2 = x2_right + sm_s;
                        s_right = 1;
                    if (n === 0) {
                        x1 = x1_left - sm_s;
                        x2 = x2_left - sm_s;
                        s_left = 1;
                    //alert(key2 + "." + key3);

                    var row_offset_top = 0;
                    //alert('id_tbody_' + key2);
                    //alert(document.getElementById('id_hide_tbody_' + key2));
                    var tab_hide_button = document.getElementById('id_hide_tbody_' + key2);

                    if (tab_hide_button.innerHTML == 'v') {
                        row_offset_top = document.getElementById(key2 + "." + key3).offsetTop;

                    var y1 = document.getElementById(key2).offsetTop
                         + row_offset_top
                         + height_field;

                    row_offset_top = 0;
                    var tab_hide_button = document.getElementById('id_hide_tbody_' + contr[K][key][key2][key3][0]);
                    if (tab_hide_button.innerHTML == 'v') {
                        row_offset_top = document.getElementById(contr[K][key][key2][key3][0]
                            + '.' + contr[K][key][key2][key3][1]).offsetTop;

                    var y2 =
                        + row_offset_top
                        + height_field;

                    //alert(y1 + ' - ' + key2 + "." + key3);
                        x1 - sm_x,
                        y1 - sm_y,
                        x2 - sm_x,
                        y2 - sm_y,
                        getColorByTarget(contr[K][key][key2][key3][0] + '.' + contr[K][key][key2][key3][1])

 * draws a line from x1:y1 to x2:y2 with color
function Line(x1, y1, x2, y2, color_line)
    var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
    var ctx    = canvas.getContext("2d");
    ctx.strokeStyle = color_line;
    ctx.lineWidth = 1;
    ctx.moveTo(x1, y1);
    ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);

 * draws a relation/constraint line, whether angular or not
function Line0(x1, y1, x2, y2, color_line)
    if (! show_relation_lines) {
    Circle(x1, y1, 3, 3, color_line);
    Rect(x2 - 1, y2 - 2, 4, 4, color_line);

    if (ON_angular_direct) {
        Line2(x1, y1, x2, y2, color_line);
    } else {
        Line3(x1, y1, x2, y2, color_line);

 * draws a angular relation/constraint line
function Line2(x1, y1, x2, y2, color_line)
    var x1_ = x1;
    var x2_ = x2;

    if (s_right) {
        x1_ += sm_add;
        x2_ += sm_add;
    } else if (s_left) {
        x1_ -= sm_add;
        x2_ -= sm_add;
    } else if (x1 < x2) {
        x1_ += sm_add;
        x2_ -= sm_add;
    } else {
        x1_ -= sm_add;
        x2_ += sm_add;

    Line(x1, y1, x1_, y1, color_line);
    Line(x2, y2, x2_, y2, color_line);
    Line(x1_, y1, x2_, y2, color_line);

 * draws a relation/constraint line
function Line3(x1, y1, x2, y2, color_line)
    var x1_ = x1;
    var x2_ = x2;

    if (s_right) {
        if (x1 < x2) {
            x1_ += x2 - x1 + sm_add;
            x2_ += sm_add;
        } else {
            x2_ += x1 - x2 + sm_add;
            x1_ += sm_add;

        Line(x1, y1, x1_, y1, color_line);
        Line(x2, y2, x2_, y2, color_line);
        Line(x1_, y1, x2_, y2, color_line);
    if (s_left) {
        if (x1 < x2) {
            x2_ -= x2 - x1 + sm_add;
            x1_ -= sm_add;
        } else {
            x1_ -= x1 - x2 + sm_add;
            x2_ -= sm_add;

        Line(x1, y1, x1_, y1, color_line);
        Line(x2, y2, x2_, y2, color_line);
        Line(x1_, y1, x2_, y2, color_line);

    var x_s = (x1 + x2) / 2;
    Line(x1, y1, x_s, y1, color_line);
    Line(x_s, y2, x2, y2, color_line);
    Line(x_s, y1, x_s, y2, color_line);

function Circle(x, y, r, w, color)
    var ctx = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');
    ctx.moveTo(x, y);
    ctx.lineWidth = w;
    ctx.strokeStyle = color;
    ctx.arc(x, y, r, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);

function Clear()
    var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
    var ctx    = canvas.getContext("2d");
    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas_width, canvas_height);

function Rect(x1, y1, w, h, color)
    var ctx = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');
    ctx.fillStyle = color;
    ctx.fillRect(x1, y1, w, h);
//--------------------------- FULLSCREEN -------------------------------------
function Enter_fullscreen()
    if (! $.FullScreen.isFullScreen()) {
            .css({'width': screen.width - 5, 'height': screen.height - 5})

function Exit_fullscreen()
    if ($.FullScreen.isFullScreen()) {
//------------------------------ SAVE ------------------------------------------
function Save(url) // (del?) no for pdf
    for (var key in j_tabs) {
        document.getElementById('t_x_' + key + '_').value = parseInt(document.getElementById(key).style.left, 10);
        document.getElementById('t_y_' + key + '_').value = parseInt(document.getElementById(key).style.top, 10);
        document.getElementById('t_v_' + key + '_').value = document.getElementById('id_tbody_' + key).style.display == 'none' ? 0 : 1;
        document.getElementById('t_h_' + key + '_').value = document.getElementById('check_vis_' + key).checked ? 1 : 0;
    document.form1.action = url;

function Get_url_pos()
    var poststr = '';
    for (var key in j_tabs) {
        poststr += '&t_x[' + key + ']=' + parseInt(document.getElementById(key).style.left, 10);
        poststr += '&t_y[' + key + ']=' + parseInt(document.getElementById(key).style.top, 10);
        poststr += '&t_v[' + key + ']=' + (document.getElementById('id_tbody_' + key).style.display == 'none' ? 0 : 1);
        poststr += '&t_h[' + key + ']=' + (document.getElementById('check_vis_' + key).checked ? 1 : 0);
    return poststr;

function Save2()
    _change = 0;
    var poststr = 'IS_AJAX=1&server=' + server + '&db=' + db + '&token=' + token + '&die_save_pos=1';
    poststr += Get_url_pos();
    makeRequest('pmd_save_pos.php', poststr);

function Grid()
    if (!ON_grid) {
        ON_grid = 1;
        document.getElementById('grid_button').className = 'M_butt_Selected_down';
    } else {
        document.getElementById('grid_button').className = 'M_butt';
        ON_grid = 0;

function Angular_direct()
    if (ON_angular_direct) {
        ON_angular_direct = 0;
        document.getElementById('angular_direct_button').className = 'M_butt_Selected_down';
    } else {
        ON_angular_direct = 1;
        document.getElementById('angular_direct_button').className = 'M_butt';
//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RELATION ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
function Start_relation()
    if (ON_display_field) {

    if (!ON_relation) {
        document.getElementById('foreign_relation').style.display = '';
        ON_relation = 1;
        document.getElementById('pmd_hint').innerHTML = PMA_messages.strSelectReferencedKey;
        document.getElementById('pmd_hint').style.display = 'block';
        document.getElementById('rel_button').className = 'M_butt_Selected_down';
    } else {
        document.getElementById('pmd_hint').innerHTML = "";
        document.getElementById('pmd_hint').style.display = 'none';
        document.getElementById('rel_button').className = 'M_butt';
        click_field = 0;
        ON_relation = 0;

function Click_field(T, f, PK) // table field
    if (ON_relation) {
        if (!click_field) {
            //.style.display=='none'        .style.display = 'none'
            if (!PK) {
                return;// 0;
            if (j_tabs[db + '.' + T] != '1') {
                document.getElementById('foreign_relation').style.display = 'none';
            click_field = 1;
            link_relation = "T1=" + T + "&F1=" + f;
            document.getElementById('pmd_hint').innerHTML = PMA_messages.strSelectForeignKey;
        } else {
            Start_relation(); // hidden hint...
            if (j_tabs[db + '.' + T] != '1' || !PK) {
                document.getElementById('foreign_relation').style.display = 'none';
            var left = Glob_X - (document.getElementById('layer_new_relation').offsetWidth>>1);
            document.getElementById('layer_new_relation').style.left = left + 'px';
            var top = Glob_Y - document.getElementById('layer_new_relation').offsetHeight;
            document.getElementById('layer_new_relation').style.top  = top + 'px';
            document.getElementById('layer_new_relation').style.display = 'block';
            link_relation += '&T2=' + T + '&F2=' + f;

    if (ON_display_field) {
        // if is display field
        if (display_field[T] == f) {
            //s = '';for(k in display_field)s += k + ' = ' + display_field[k] + ',';alert(s);
            old_class = 'tab_field';
            //display_field.splice(T, 1);
            delete display_field[T];
            //s = '';for(k in display_field)s += k + ' = ' + display_field[k] + ', ';alert(s);
            //n = 0;for(k in display_field)n++;alert(n);
        } else {
            old_class = 'tab_field_3';
            if (display_field[T]) {
                document.getElementById('id_tr_' + T + '.' + display_field[T]).className = 'tab_field';
                //display_field.splice(T, 1);
                delete display_field[T];
            display_field[T] = f;
        ON_display_field = 0;
        document.getElementById('pmd_hint').innerHTML = "";
        document.getElementById('pmd_hint').style.display = 'none';
        document.getElementById('display_field_button').className = 'M_butt';
        makeRequest('pmd_display_field.php', 'T=' + T + '&F=' + f + '&server=' + server + '&db=' + db + '&token=' + token);

function New_relation()
    document.getElementById('layer_new_relation').style.display = 'none';
    link_relation += '&server=' + server + '&db=' + db + '&token=' + token + '&die_save_pos=0';
    link_relation += '&on_delete=' + document.getElementById('on_delete').value + '&on_update=' + document.getElementById('on_update').value;
    link_relation += Get_url_pos();

    makeRequest('pmd_relation_new.php', link_relation);

//-------------------------- create tables -------------------------------------

function Start_table_new()
    PMA_commonParams.set('table', '');

function Start_tab_upd(table)
    PMA_commonParams.set('table', table);
//--------------------------- hide tables --------------------------------------

function Small_tab_all(id_this) // max/min all tables
    if (id_this.alt == "v") {
        for (var key in j_tabs) {
            if (document.getElementById('id_hide_tbody_' + key).innerHTML == "v") {
                Small_tab(key, 0);
        id_this.alt = ">";
        id_this.src = pmaThemeImage + "pmd/rightarrow1.png";
    } else {
        for (var key in j_tabs) {
            if (document.getElementById('id_hide_tbody_' + key).innerHTML != "v") {
                Small_tab(key, 0);
        id_this.alt = "v";
        id_this.src = pmaThemeImage + "pmd/downarrow1.png";

function Small_tab_invert() // invert max/min all tables
    for (var key in j_tabs) {
        Small_tab(key, 0);

function Relation_lines_invert()
    show_relation_lines = ! show_relation_lines;

function Small_tab_refresh()
    for (var key in j_tabs) {
        if (document.getElementById('id_hide_tbody_' + key).innerHTML != "v") {
            Small_tab(key, 0);
            Small_tab(key, 0);

function Small_tab(t, re_load)
    var id      = document.getElementById('id_tbody_' + t);
    var id_this = document.getElementById('id_hide_tbody_' + t);
    var id_t    = document.getElementById(t);
    id_t.style.width = id_t.offsetWidth + 'px';
    if (id_this.innerHTML == "v") {
        id.style.display = 'none';
        id_this.innerHTML = '>';
    } else {
        id.style.display = '';
        id_this.innerHTML = 'v';
    if (re_load) {
function Select_tab(t)
    var id_zag = document.getElementById('id_zag_' + t);
    if (id_zag.className != 'tab_zag_3') {
        document.getElementById('id_zag_' + t).className = 'tab_zag_2';
    } else {
        document.getElementById('id_zag_' + t).className = 'tab_zag';
    var id_t = document.getElementById(t);
    window.scrollTo(parseInt(id_t.style.left, 10) - 300, parseInt(id_t.style.top, 10) - 300);
        function () {
            document.getElementById('id_zag_' + t).className = 'tab_zag';

function Canvas_click(id)
    var n = 0;
    var relation_name = 0;
    var selected = 0;
    var a = [];
    var Key0, Key1, Key2, Key3, Key, x1, x2;
    var K, key, key2, key3;
    var Local_X = $.FullScreen.isFullScreen() ? Glob_X : Glob_X - document.getElementById("canvas_outer").offsetLeft;
    var Local_Y = Glob_Y - document.getElementById("canvas_outer").offsetTop;
    for (K in contr) {
        for (key in contr[K]) {
            for (key2 in contr[K][key]) {
                for (key3 in contr[K][key][key2]) {
                    if (!document.getElementById("check_vis_" + key2).checked
                        || !document.getElementById("check_vis_" + contr[K][key][key2][key3][0]).checked) {
                        continue; // if hide
                    var x1_left  = document.getElementById(key2).offsetLeft + 1;//document.getElementById(key2+"."+key3).offsetLeft;
                    var x1_right = x1_left + document.getElementById(key2).offsetWidth;
                    var x2_left  = document.getElementById(contr[K][key][key2][key3][0]).offsetLeft;//+document.getElementById(contr[K][key2][key3][0]+"."+contr[K][key2][key3][1]).offsetLeft
                    var x2_right = x2_left + document.getElementById(contr[K][key][key2][key3][0]).offsetWidth;
                    a[0] = Math.abs(x1_left - x2_left);
                    a[1] = Math.abs(x1_left - x2_right);
                    a[2] = Math.abs(x1_right - x2_left);
                    a[3] = Math.abs(x1_right - x2_right);
                    n = s_left = s_right = 0;
                    for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
                        if (a[n] > a[i]) {
                            n = i;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        x1 = x1_left - sm_s;
                        x2 = x2_right + sm_s;
                        if (x1 < x2) {
                            n = 0;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        x1 = x1_right + sm_s;
                        x2 = x2_left - sm_s;
                        if (x1 > x2) {
                            n = 0;
                    if (n == 3) {
                        x1 = x1_right + sm_s;
                        x2 = x2_right + sm_s;
                        s_right = 1;
                    if (n === 0) {
                        x1 = x1_left - sm_s;
                        x2 = x2_left - sm_s;
                        s_left    = 1;

                    var y1 = document.getElementById(key2).offsetTop + document.getElementById(key2 + "." + key3).offsetTop + height_field;
                    var y2 = document.getElementById(contr[K][key][key2][key3][0]).offsetTop +
                                     document.getElementById(contr[K][key][key2][key3][0] + "." + contr[K][key][key2][key3][1]).offsetTop + height_field;
                    if (!selected && Local_X > x1 - 10 && Local_X < x1 + 10 && Local_Y > y1 - 7 && Local_Y < y1 + 7) {
                        Line0(x1 - sm_x, y1 - sm_y, x2 - sm_x, y2 - sm_y, "rgba(255,0,0,1)");
                        selected = 1; // Rect(x1-sm_x,y1-sm_y,10,10,"rgba(0,255,0,1)");
                        relation_name = key; //
                        Key0 = contr[K][key][key2][key3][0];
                        Key1 = contr[K][key][key2][key3][1];
                        Key2 = key2;
                        Key3 = key3;
                        Key = K;
                    } else {
                            x1 - sm_x,
                            y1 - sm_y,
                            x2 - sm_x,
                            y2 - sm_y,
                            getColorByTarget(contr[K][key][key2][key3][0] + '.' + contr[K][key][key2][key3][1])
    if (selected) {
        // select relations
        //alert(Key0+' - '+Key1+' - '+Key2+' - '+Key3);
        var left = Glob_X - (document.getElementById('layer_upd_relation').offsetWidth>>1);
        document.getElementById('layer_upd_relation').style.left = left + 'px';
        var top = Glob_Y - document.getElementById('layer_upd_relation').offsetHeight - 10;
        document.getElementById('layer_upd_relation').style.top = top + 'px';
        document.getElementById('layer_upd_relation').style.display = 'block';
        link_relation = 'T1=' + Key0 + '&F1=' + Key1 + '&T2=' + Key2 + '&F2=' + Key3 + '&K=' + Key;

function Upd_relation()
    document.getElementById('layer_upd_relation').style.display = 'none';
    link_relation += '&server=' + server + '&db=' + db + '&token=' + token + '&die_save_pos=0';
    link_relation += Get_url_pos();
    makeRequest('pmd_relation_upd.php', link_relation);

function VisibleTab(id, t_n)
    if (id.checked) {
        document.getElementById(t_n).style.display = 'block';
    } else {
        document.getElementById(t_n).style.display = 'none';

function Hide_tab_all(id_this) // max/min all tables
    if (id_this.alt == 'v') {
        id_this.alt = '>';
        id_this.src = pmaThemeImage + "pmd/rightarrow1.png";
    } else {
        id_this.alt = 'v';
        id_this.src = pmaThemeImage + "pmd/downarrow1.png";
    var E = document.form1;
    for (var i = 0; i < E.elements.length; i++) {
        if (E.elements[i].type == "checkbox" && E.elements[i].id.substring(0, 10) == 'check_vis_') {
            if (id_this.alt == 'v') {
                E.elements[i].checked = true;
                document.getElementById(E.elements[i].value).style.display = '';
            } else {
                E.elements[i].checked = false;
                document.getElementById(E.elements[i].value).style.display = 'none';

function in_array_k(x, m)
    var b = 0;
    for (var u in m) {
        if (x == u) {
            b = 1;
    return b;

function No_have_constr(id_this)
    var a = [];
    var K, key, key2, key3;
    for (K in contr) {
        for (key in contr[K]) {
            // contr name
            for (key2 in contr[K][key]) {
                // table name
                for (key3 in contr[K][key][key2]) {
                    // field name
                    a[key2] = a[contr[K][key][key2][key3][0]] = 1; // exist constr

    if (id_this.alt == 'v') {
        id_this.alt = '>';
        id_this.src = pmaThemeImage + "pmd/rightarrow2.png";
    } else {
        id_this.alt = 'v';
        id_this.src = pmaThemeImage + "pmd/downarrow2.png";
    var E = document.form1;
    for (var i = 0; i < E.elements.length; i++) {
        if (E.elements[i].type == "checkbox" && E.elements[i].id.substring(0, 10) == 'check_vis_') {
            if (!in_array_k(E.elements[i].value, a)) {
                if (id_this.alt == 'v') {
                    E.elements[i].checked = true;
                    document.getElementById(E.elements[i].value).style.display = '';
                } else {
                    E.elements[i].checked = false;
                    document.getElementById(E.elements[i].value).style.display = 'none';

function PDF_save()
    // var WinPDF =
    // window.open("pmd_pdf.php?token="+token+"&db="+db,"wind1", "top=200,left=200,width=200,height=100,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,menubar=no");
    Save('pmd_pdf.php?server=' + server + '&token=' + token + '&db=' + db);

function General_scroll()
    if (!document.getElementById('show_relation_olways').checked) {
        document.getElementById("canvas").style.display = 'none';
        timeoutID = setTimeout(General_scroll_end, 500);
    //if (timeoutID)
    timeoutID = setTimeout(
        function () {
            document.getElementById('top_menu').style.left = document.body.scrollLeft + 'px';
            document.getElementById('top_menu').style.top  = document.body.scrollTop + 'px';

function General_scroll_end()
    document.getElementById('layer_menu').style.left = document.body.scrollLeft;
    document.getElementById('layer_menu').style.top  = document.body.scrollTop + document.getElementById('top_menu').offsetHeight;
    if (isIE) {
        document.getElementById('layer_menu').style.left = document.body.scrollLeft;
        document.getElementById('layer_menu').style.top  = document.body.scrollTop + document.getElementById('top_menu').offsetHeight;
    document.getElementById("canvas").style.display = 'block';

function Show_left_menu(id_this) // max/min all tables
    if (id_this.alt == "v") {
        var pos = $("#top_menu").offset();
        var height = $("#top_menu").height();
        document.getElementById("layer_menu").style.top = '0px';
        document.getElementById("layer_menu").style.display = 'block';
        id_this.alt = ">";
        id_this.src = pmaThemeImage + "pmd/uparrow2_m.png";
        if (isIE) {
    } else {
        document.getElementById("layer_menu").style.top = -1000 + 'px'; //fast scroll
        document.getElementById("layer_menu").style.display = 'none';
        id_this.alt = "v";
        id_this.src = pmaThemeImage + "pmd/downarrow2_m.png";
function Top_menu_right(id_this)
    if (id_this.alt == ">") {
        id_this.alt = "<";
        id_this.src = pmaThemeImage + "pmd/2leftarrow_m.png";
    } else {
        document.getElementById('top_menu').style.paddingLeft = 0;
        id_this.alt = ">";
        id_this.src = pmaThemeImage + "pmd/2rightarrow_m.png";

function Top_menu_reposition(id_this)
    if (id_this.alt == "<") {

function moveTopMenuToRight(id_this)
    var top_menu_width = 10;
    $('#top_menu').children().each(function () {
        top_menu_width += $(this).outerWidth(true);
    var offset = parseInt(document.getElementById('canvas_outer').offsetWidth - top_menu_width, 10);
    document.getElementById('top_menu').style.paddingLeft = offset + 'px';
function Start_display_field()
    if (ON_relation) {
    if (!ON_display_field) {
        ON_display_field = 1;
        document.getElementById('pmd_hint').innerHTML = PMA_messages.strChangeDisplay;
        document.getElementById('pmd_hint').style.display = 'block';
        document.getElementById('display_field_button').className = 'M_butt_Selected_down';//'#FFEE99';gray #AAAAAA

        if (isIE) { // correct for IE
            document.getElementById('display_field_button').className = 'M_butt_Selected_down_IE';
    } else {
        document.getElementById('pmd_hint').innerHTML = "";
        document.getElementById('pmd_hint').style.display = 'none';
        document.getElementById('display_field_button').className = 'M_butt';
        ON_display_field = 0;
var TargetColors = [];
function getColorByTarget(target)
    var color = '';  //"rgba(0,100,150,1)";

    for (var i in TargetColors) {
        if (TargetColors[i][0] == target) {
            color = TargetColors[i][1];

    if (color.length === 0) {
        var i = TargetColors.length + 1;
        var d = i % 6;
        var j = (i - d) / 6;
        j = j % 4;
        var color_case = new Array(
            new Array(1, 0, 0),
            new Array(0, 1, 0),
            new Array(0, 0, 1),
            new Array(1, 1, 0),
            new Array(1, 0, 1),
            new Array(0, 1, 1)
        var a = color_case[d][0];
        var b = color_case[d][1];
        var c = color_case[d][2];
        var e = (1 - (j - 1) / 6);

        var r = Math.round(a * 200 * e);
        var g = Math.round(b * 200 * e);
        var b = Math.round(c * 200 * e);
        var color = "rgba(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ",1)";

        TargetColors.push(new Array(target, color));

    return color;

function Click_option(id_this, column_name, table_name)
    var left = Glob_X - (document.getElementById(id_this).offsetWidth>>1);
    document.getElementById(id_this).style.left = left + 'px';
    // var top = Glob_Y - document.getElementById(id_this).offsetHeight - 10;
    document.getElementById(id_this).style.top  = (screen.height / 4) + 'px';
    document.getElementById(id_this).style.display = 'block';
    document.getElementById('option_col_name').innerHTML = '<strong>' + $.sprintf(PMA_messages.strAddOption, column_name) + '</strong>';
    col_name = column_name;
    tab_name = table_name;

function Close_option()
    document.getElementById('pmd_optionse').style.display = 'none';

function Select_all(id_this, owner)
    var parent = document.form1;
    downer = owner;
    var i;
    var k;
    var tab = [];
    for (i = 0; i < parent.elements.length; i++) {
        if (parent.elements[i].type == "checkbox" && parent.elements[i].id.substring(0, (9 + id_this.length)) == 'select_' + id_this + '._') {
            if (document.getElementById('select_all_' + id_this).checked === true) {
                parent.elements[i].checked = true;
                parent.elements[i].disabled = true;
                var temp = '`' + id_this.substring(owner.length + 1) + '`.*';
            } else {
                parent.elements[i].checked = false;
                parent.elements[i].disabled = false;
    if (document.getElementById('select_all_' + id_this).checked === true) {
        select_field.push('`' + id_this.substring(owner.length + 1) + '`.*');
        tab = id_this.split(".");
    } else {
        for (i = 0; i < select_field.length; i++) {
            if (select_field[i] == ('`' + id_this.substring(owner.length + 1) + '`.*')) {
                select_field.splice(i, 1);
        for (k = 0; k < from_array.length; k++) {
            if (from_array[k] == id_this) {
                from_array.splice(k, 1);

function Table_onover(id_this, val, buil)
    if (!val) {
        document.getElementById("id_zag_" + id_this).className = "tab_zag_2";
        if (buil) {
            document.getElementById("id_zag_" + id_this + "_2").className = "tab_zag_2";
    } else {
        document.getElementById("id_zag_" + id_this).className = "tab_zag";
        if (buil) {
            document.getElementById("id_zag_" + id_this + "_2").className = "tab_zag";

/* This function stores selected column information in select_field[]
 * In case column is checked it add else it deletes
function store_column(id_this, owner, col)
    var i;
    var k;
    if (document.getElementById('select_' + owner + '.' + id_this + '._' + col).checked === true) {
        select_field.push('`' + id_this + '`.`' + col + '`');
    } else {
        for (i = 0; i < select_field.length; i++) {
            if (select_field[i] == ('`' + id_this + '`.`' + col + '`')) {
                select_field.splice(i, 1);
        for (k = 0; k < from_array.length; k++) {
            if (from_array[k] == id_this) {
                from_array.splice(k, 1);

 * This function builds object and adds them to history_array
 * first it does a few checks on each object, then makes an object(where,rename,groupby,aggregate,orderby)
 * then a new history object is made and finally all these history objects are addded to history_array[]

function add_object()
    var rel = document.getElementById('rel_opt');
    var sum = 0;
    var init = history_array.length;
    if (rel.value != '--') {
        if (document.getElementById('Query').value === "") {
            document.getElementById('pmd_hint').innerHTML = "value/subQuery is empty";
            document.getElementById('pmd_hint').style.display = 'block';
        var p = document.getElementById('Query');
        var where_obj = new where(rel.value, p.value);//make where object
        history_array.push(new history(col_name, where_obj, tab_name, h_tabs[downer + '.' + tab_name], "Where"));
        sum = sum + 1;
        rel.value = '--';
        p.value = "";
    if (document.getElementById('new_name').value !== "") {
        var rename_obj = new rename(document.getElementById('new_name').value);//make Rename object
        history_array.push(new history(col_name, rename_obj, tab_name, h_tabs[downer + '.' + tab_name], "Rename"));
        sum = sum + 1;
        document.getElementById('new_name').value = "";
    if (document.getElementById('operator').value != '---') {
        var aggregate_obj = new aggregate(document.getElementById('operator').value);
        history_array.push(new history(col_name, aggregate_obj, tab_name, h_tabs[downer + '.' + tab_name], "Aggregate"));
        sum = sum + 1;
        document.getElementById('operator').value = '---';
        //make aggregate operator
    if (document.getElementById('groupby').checked === true) {
        history_array.push(new history(col_name, 'GroupBy', tab_name, h_tabs[downer + '.' + tab_name], "GroupBy"));
        sum = sum + 1;
        document.getElementById('groupby').checked = false;
        //make groupby
    if (document.getElementById('h_rel_opt').value != '--') {
        if (document.getElementById('having').value === "") {
            document.getElementById('pmd_hint').innerHTML = "value/subQuery is empty";
            document.getElementById('pmd_hint').style.display = 'block';
        var p = document.getElementById('having');
        var where_obj = new having(
        );//make where object
        history_array.push(new history(col_name, where_obj, tab_name, h_tabs[downer + '.' + tab_name], "Having"));
        sum = sum + 1;
        document.getElementById('h_rel_opt').value = '--';
        document.getElementById('h_operator').value = '---';
        p.value = ""; //make having
    if (document.getElementById('orderby').checked === true) {
        history_array.push(new history(col_name, 'OrderBy', tab_name, h_tabs[downer + '.' + tab_name], "OrderBy"));
        sum = sum + 1;
        document.getElementById('orderby').checked = false;
        //make orderby
    PMA_ajaxShowMessage($.sprintf(PMA_messages.strObjectsCreated, sum));
    //output sum new objects created
    var existingDiv = document.getElementById('ab');
    existingDiv.innerHTML = display(init, history_array.length);

:: Command execute ::


:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ ok ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ ok ]
:: Make File ::
[ ok ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

--[ c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13 powered by Captain Crunch Security Team | http://ccteam.ru | Generation time: 0.0312 ]--