Software: Apache. PHP/5.5.15 uname -a: Windows NT SVR-DMZ 6.1 build 7600 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition) i586 SYSTEM Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) E:\copia nuevo\phpMyAdmin\js\ drwxrwxrwx |
Viewing file: functions.js (134 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | /* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */ /** * general function, usually for data manipulation pages * */ /** * @var $table_clone reference to the action links on the tbl_structure page */ var $table_clone = false; /** * @var sql_box_locked lock for the sqlbox textarea in the querybox/querywindow */ var sql_box_locked = false; /** * @var array holds elements which content should only selected once */ var only_once_elements = []; /** * @var int ajax_message_count Number of AJAX messages shown since page load */ var ajax_message_count = 0; /** * @var codemirror_editor object containing CodeMirror editor of the query editor in SQL tab */ var codemirror_editor = false; /** * @var codemirror_editor object containing CodeMirror editor of the inline query editor */ var codemirror_inline_editor = false; /** * @var chart_activeTimeouts object active timeouts that refresh the charts. When disabling a realtime chart, this can be used to stop the continuous ajax requests */ var chart_activeTimeouts = {}; /** * Make sure that ajax requests will not be cached * by appending a random variable to their parameters */ $.ajaxPrefilter(function (options, originalOptions, jqXHR) { var nocache = new Date().getTime() + "" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000); if (typeof == "string") { += "&_nocache=" + nocache; } else if (typeof == "object") { = $.extend(, {'_nocache' : nocache}); } }); /** * Add a hidden field to the form to indicate that this will be an * Ajax request (only if this hidden field does not exist) * * @param object the form */ function PMA_prepareForAjaxRequest($form) { if (! $form.find('input:hidden').is('#ajax_request_hidden')) { $form.append('<input type="hidden" id="ajax_request_hidden" name="ajax_request" value="true" />'); } } /** * Generate a new password and copy it to the password input areas * * @param object the form that holds the password fields * * @return boolean always true */ function suggestPassword(passwd_form) { // restrict the password to just letters and numbers to avoid problems: // "editors and viewers regard the password as multiple words and // things like double click no longer work" var pwchars = "abcdefhjmnpqrstuvwxyz23456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWYXZ"; var passwordlength = 16; // do we want that to be dynamic? no, keep it simple :) var passwd = passwd_form.generated_pw; passwd.value = ''; for (var i = 0; i < passwordlength; i++) { passwd.value += pwchars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * pwchars.length)); } passwd_form.text_pma_pw.value = passwd.value; passwd_form.text_pma_pw2.value = passwd.value; return true; } /** * Version string to integer conversion. */ function parseVersionString(str) { if (typeof(str) != 'string') { return false; } var add = 0; // Parse possible alpha/beta/rc/ var state = str.split('-'); if (state.length >= 2) { if (state[1].substr(0, 2) == 'rc') { add = - 20 - parseInt(state[1].substr(2), 10); } else if (state[1].substr(0, 4) == 'beta') { add = - 40 - parseInt(state[1].substr(4), 10); } else if (state[1].substr(0, 5) == 'alpha') { add = - 60 - parseInt(state[1].substr(5), 10); } else if (state[1].substr(0, 3) == 'dev') { /* We don't handle dev, it's git snapshot */ add = 0; } } // Parse version var x = str.split('.'); // Use 0 for non existing parts var maj = parseInt(x[0], 10) || 0; var min = parseInt(x[1], 10) || 0; var pat = parseInt(x[2], 10) || 0; var hotfix = parseInt(x[3], 10) || 0; return maj * 100000000 + min * 1000000 + pat * 10000 + hotfix * 100 + add; } /** * Indicates current available version on main page. */ function PMA_current_version(data) { if (data && data.version && { var current = parseVersionString(pmaversion); var latest = parseVersionString(data.version); var version_information_message = '<span>' + PMA_messages.strLatestAvailable + ' ' + escapeHtml(data.version) + '</span>'; if (latest > current) { var message = $.sprintf( PMA_messages.strNewerVersion, escapeHtml(data.version), escapeHtml( ); var htmlClass = 'notice'; if (Math.floor(latest / 10000) === Math.floor(current / 10000)) { /* Security update */ htmlClass = 'error'; } $('#maincontainer').after('<div class="' + htmlClass + '">' + message + '</div>'); } if (latest === current) { version_information_message = ' (' + PMA_messages.strUpToDate + ')'; } $('#li_pma_version span').remove(); $('#li_pma_version').append(version_information_message); } } /** * Loads Git revision data from ajax for index.php */ function PMA_display_git_revision() { $('#is_git_revision').remove(); $('#li_pma_version_git').remove(); $.get( "index.php", { "server": PMA_commonParams.get('server'), "token": PMA_commonParams.get('token'), "git_revision": true, "ajax_request": true }, function (data) { if (data.success === true) { $(data.message).insertAfter('#li_pma_version'); } } ); } /** * for libraries/display_change_password.lib.php * libraries/user_password.php * */ function displayPasswordGenerateButton() { $('#tr_element_before_generate_password').parent().append('<tr class="vmiddle"><td>' + PMA_messages.strGeneratePassword + '</td><td><input type="button" class="button" id="button_generate_password" value="' + PMA_messages.strGenerate + '" onclick="suggestPassword(this.form)" /><input type="text" name="generated_pw" id="generated_pw" /></td></tr>'); $('#div_element_before_generate_password').parent().append('<div class="item"><label for="button_generate_password">' + PMA_messages.strGeneratePassword + ':</label><span class="options"><input type="button" class="button" id="button_generate_password" value="' + PMA_messages.strGenerate + '" onclick="suggestPassword(this.form)" /></span><input type="text" name="generated_pw" id="generated_pw" /></div>'); } /* * Adds a date/time picker to an element * * @param object $this_element a jQuery object pointing to the element */ function PMA_addDatepicker($this_element, type, options) { var showTimepicker = true; if (type=="date") { showTimepicker = false; } var defaultOptions = { showOn: 'button', buttonImage: themeCalendarImage, // defined in js/messages.php buttonImageOnly: true, stepMinutes: 1, stepHours: 1, showSecond: true, showMillisec: true, showMicrosec: true, showTimepicker: showTimepicker, showButtonPanel: false, dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', // yy means year with four digits timeFormat: '', constrainInput: false, altFieldTimeOnly: false, showAnim: '', beforeShow: function (input, inst) { // Remember that we came from the datepicker; this is used // in tbl_change.js by verificationsAfterFieldChange() $'comes_from', 'datepicker'); // Fix wrong timepicker z-index, doesn't work without timeout setTimeout(function () { $('#ui-timepicker-div').css('z-index', $('#ui-datepicker-div').css('z-index')); }, 0); }, onClose: function (dateText, dp_inst) { // The value is no more from the date picker $'comes_from', ''); } }; if (type == "datetime" || type == "timestamp") { $this_element.datetimepicker($.extend(defaultOptions, options)); } else if (type == "date") { $this_element.datetimepicker($.extend(defaultOptions, options)); } else if (type == "time") { $this_element.timepicker($.extend(defaultOptions, options)); } } /** * selects the content of a given object, f.e. a textarea * * @param object element element of which the content will be selected * @param var lock variable which holds the lock for this element * or true, if no lock exists * @param boolean only_once if true this is only done once * f.e. only on first focus */ function selectContent(element, lock, only_once) { if (only_once && only_once_elements[]) { return; } only_once_elements[] = true; if (lock) { return; }; } /** * Displays a confirmation box before submitting a "DROP/DELETE/ALTER" query. * This function is called while clicking links * * @param object the link * @param object the sql query to submit * * @return boolean whether to run the query or not */ function confirmLink(theLink, theSqlQuery) { // Confirmation is not required in the configuration file // or browser is Opera (crappy js implementation) if (PMA_messages.strDoYouReally === '' || typeof(window.opera) != 'undefined') { return true; } var is_confirmed = confirm($.sprintf(PMA_messages.strDoYouReally, theSqlQuery)); if (is_confirmed) { if ($(theLink).hasClass('formLinkSubmit')) { var name = 'is_js_confirmed'; if ($(theLink).attr('href').indexOf('usesubform') != -1) { name = 'subform[' + $(theLink).attr('href').substr('#').match(/usesubform\[(\d+)\]/i)[1] + '][is_js_confirmed]'; } $(theLink).parents('form').append('<input type="hidden" name="' + name + '" value="1" />'); } else if (typeof(theLink.href) != 'undefined') { theLink.href += '&is_js_confirmed=1'; } else if (typeof(theLink.form) != 'undefined') { theLink.form.action += '?is_js_confirmed=1'; } } return is_confirmed; } // end of the 'confirmLink()' function /** * Displays an error message if a "DROP DATABASE" statement is submitted * while it isn't allowed, else confirms a "DROP/DELETE/ALTER" query before * sumitting it if required. * This function is called by the 'checkSqlQuery()' js function. * * @param object the form * @param object the sql query textarea * * @return boolean whether to run the query or not * * @see checkSqlQuery() */ function confirmQuery(theForm1, sqlQuery1) { // Confirmation is not required in the configuration file if (PMA_messages.strDoYouReally === '') { return true; } // "DROP DATABASE" statement isn't allowed if (PMA_messages.strNoDropDatabases !== '') { var drop_re = new RegExp('(^|;)\\s*DROP\\s+(IF EXISTS\\s+)?DATABASE\\s', 'i'); if (drop_re.test(sqlQuery1.value)) { alert(PMA_messages.strNoDropDatabases); theForm1.reset(); sqlQuery1.focus(); return false; } // end if } // end if // Confirms a "DROP/DELETE/ALTER/TRUNCATE" statement // // TODO: find a way (if possible) to use the parser-analyser // for this kind of verification // For now, I just added a ^ to check for the statement at // beginning of expression var do_confirm_re_0 = new RegExp('^\\s*DROP\\s+(IF EXISTS\\s+)?(TABLE|DATABASE|PROCEDURE)\\s', 'i'); var do_confirm_re_1 = new RegExp('^\\s*ALTER\\s+TABLE\\s+((`[^`]+`)|([A-Za-z0-9_$]+))\\s+DROP\\s', 'i'); var do_confirm_re_2 = new RegExp('^\\s*DELETE\\s+FROM\\s', 'i'); var do_confirm_re_3 = new RegExp('^\\s*TRUNCATE\\s', 'i'); if (do_confirm_re_0.test(sqlQuery1.value) || do_confirm_re_1.test(sqlQuery1.value) || do_confirm_re_2.test(sqlQuery1.value) || do_confirm_re_3.test(sqlQuery1.value)) { var message; if (sqlQuery1.value.length > 100) { message = sqlQuery1.value.substr(0, 100) + '\n ...'; } else { message = sqlQuery1.value; } var is_confirmed = confirm($.sprintf(PMA_messages.strDoYouReally, message)); // statement is confirmed -> update the // "is_js_confirmed" form field so the confirm test won't be // run on the server side and allows to submit the form if (is_confirmed) { theForm1.elements['is_js_confirmed'].value = 1; return true; } // statement is rejected -> do not submit the form else { window.focus(); sqlQuery1.focus(); return false; } // end if (handle confirm box result) } // end if (display confirm box) return true; } // end of the 'confirmQuery()' function /** * Displays an error message if the user submitted the sql query form with no * sql query, else checks for "DROP/DELETE/ALTER" statements * * @param object the form * * @return boolean always false * * @see confirmQuery() */ function checkSqlQuery(theForm) { var sqlQuery; // get the textarea element containing the query if (codemirror_editor) {; sqlQuery = codemirror_editor.getValue(); } else { sqlQuery = theForm.elements.sql_query.value; } var isEmpty = 1; var space_re = new RegExp('\\s+'); if (typeof(theForm.elements['sql_file']) != 'undefined' && theForm.elements['sql_file'].value.replace(space_re, '') !== '') { return true; } if (typeof(theForm.elements['sql_localfile']) != 'undefined' && theForm.elements['sql_localfile'].value.replace(space_re, '') !== '') { return true; } if (isEmpty && typeof(theForm.elements['id_bookmark']) != 'undefined' && (theForm.elements['id_bookmark'].value !== null || theForm.elements['id_bookmark'].value !== '') && theForm.elements['id_bookmark'].selectedIndex !== 0) { return true; } // Checks for "DROP/DELETE/ALTER" statements if (sqlQuery.replace(space_re, '') !== '') { if (confirmQuery(theForm, sqlQuery)) { return true; } else { return false; } } theForm.reset(); isEmpty = 1; if (isEmpty) { alert(PMA_messages.strFormEmpty); codemirror_editor.focus(); return false; } return true; } // end of the 'checkSqlQuery()' function /** * Check if a form's element is empty. * An element containing only spaces is also considered empty * * @param object the form * @param string the name of the form field to put the focus on * * @return boolean whether the form field is empty or not */ function emptyCheckTheField(theForm, theFieldName) { var theField = theForm.elements[theFieldName]; var space_re = new RegExp('\\s+'); return (theField.value.replace(space_re, '') === '') ? 1 : 0; } // end of the 'emptyCheckTheField()' function /** * Check whether a form field is empty or not * * @param object the form * @param string the name of the form field to put the focus on * * @return boolean whether the form field is empty or not */ function emptyFormElements(theForm, theFieldName) { var theField = theForm.elements[theFieldName]; var isEmpty = emptyCheckTheField(theForm, theFieldName); return isEmpty; } // end of the 'emptyFormElements()' function /** * Ensures a value submitted in a form is numeric and is in a range * * @param object the form * @param string the name of the form field to check * @param integer the minimum authorized value * @param integer the maximum authorized value * * @return boolean whether a valid number has been submitted or not */ function checkFormElementInRange(theForm, theFieldName, message, min, max) { var theField = theForm.elements[theFieldName]; var val = parseInt(theField.value, 10); if (typeof(min) == 'undefined') { min = 0; } if (typeof(max) == 'undefined') { max = Number.MAX_VALUE; } // It's not a number if (isNaN(val)) {; alert(PMA_messages.strEnterValidNumber); theField.focus(); return false; } // It's a number but it is not between min and max else if (val < min || val > max) {; alert($.sprintf(message, val)); theField.focus(); return false; } // It's a valid number else { theField.value = val; } return true; } // end of the 'checkFormElementInRange()' function function checkTableEditForm(theForm, fieldsCnt) { // TODO: avoid sending a message if user just wants to add a line // on the form but has not completed at least one field name var atLeastOneField = 0; var i, elm, elm2, elm3, val, id; for (i = 0; i < fieldsCnt; i++) { id = "#field_" + i + "_2"; elm = $(id); val = elm.val(); if (val == 'VARCHAR' || val == 'CHAR' || val == 'BIT' || val == 'VARBINARY' || val == 'BINARY') { elm2 = $("#field_" + i + "_3"); val = parseInt(elm2.val(), 10); elm3 = $("#field_" + i + "_1"); if (isNaN(val) && elm3.val() !== "") {; alert(PMA_messages.strEnterValidLength); elm2.focus(); return false; } } if (atLeastOneField === 0) { id = "field_" + i + "_1"; if (!emptyCheckTheField(theForm, id)) { atLeastOneField = 1; } } } if (atLeastOneField === 0) { var theField = theForm.elements["field_0_1"]; alert(PMA_messages.strFormEmpty); theField.focus(); return false; } // at least this section is under jQuery if ($("input.textfield[name='table']").val() === "") { alert(PMA_messages.strFormEmpty); $("input.textfield[name='table']").focus(); return false; } return true; } // enf of the 'checkTableEditForm()' function /** * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page */ AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () { $('input:checkbox.checkall').die('click'); }); AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () { /** * Row marking in horizontal mode (use "live" so that it works also for * next pages reached via AJAX); a tr may have the class noclick to remove * this behavior. */ $('input:checkbox.checkall').live('click', function (e) { var $tr = $(this).closest('tr'); // make the table unselectable (to prevent default highlighting when shift+click) //$tr.parents('table').noSelect(); if (!e.shiftKey || last_clicked_row == -1) { // usual click // XXX: FF fires two click events for <label> (label and checkbox), so we need to handle this differently var $checkbox = $tr.find(':checkbox'); if ($checkbox.length) { // checkbox in a row, add or remove class depending on checkbox state var checked = $checkbox.prop('checked'); if (!$(':checkbox, label')) { checked = !checked; $checkbox.prop('checked', checked).trigger('change'); } if (checked) { $tr.addClass('marked'); } else { $tr.removeClass('marked'); } last_click_checked = checked; } else { // normal data table, just toggle class $tr.toggleClass('marked'); last_click_checked = false; } // remember the last clicked row last_clicked_row = last_click_checked ? $('tr.odd:not(.noclick), tr.even:not(.noclick)').index($tr) : -1; last_shift_clicked_row = -1; } else { // handle the shift click PMA_clearSelection(); var start, end; // clear last shift click result if (last_shift_clicked_row >= 0) { if (last_shift_clicked_row >= last_clicked_row) { start = last_clicked_row; end = last_shift_clicked_row; } else { start = last_shift_clicked_row; end = last_clicked_row; } $tr.parent().find('tr.odd:not(.noclick), tr.even:not(.noclick)') .slice(start, end + 1) .removeClass('marked') .find(':checkbox') .prop('checked', false) .trigger('change'); } // handle new shift click var curr_row = $('tr.odd:not(.noclick), tr.even:not(.noclick)').index($tr); if (curr_row >= last_clicked_row) { start = last_clicked_row; end = curr_row; } else { start = curr_row; end = last_clicked_row; } $tr.parent().find('tr.odd:not(.noclick), tr.even:not(.noclick)') .slice(start, end + 1) .addClass('marked') .find(':checkbox') .prop('checked', true) .trigger('change'); // remember the last shift clicked row last_shift_clicked_row = curr_row; } }); addDateTimePicker(); /** * Add attribute to text boxes for iOS devices (based on bugID: 3508912) */ if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(iphone|ipod|ipad)/i)) { $('input[type=text]').attr('autocapitalize', 'off').attr('autocorrect', 'off'); } }); /** * True if last click is to check a row. */ var last_click_checked = false; /** * Zero-based index of last clicked row. * Used to handle the shift + click event in the code above. */ var last_clicked_row = -1; /** * Zero-based index of last shift clicked row. */ var last_shift_clicked_row = -1; /** * Row highlighting in horizontal mode (use "live" * so that it works also for pages reached via AJAX) */ /*AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () { $('tr.odd, tr.even').live('hover',function (event) { var $tr = $(this); $tr.toggleClass('hover',event.type=='mouseover'); $tr.children().toggleClass('hover',event.type=='mouseover'); }); })*/ /** * This array is used to remember mark status of rows in browse mode */ var marked_row = []; /** * marks all rows and selects its first checkbox inside the given element * the given element is usaly a table or a div containing the table or tables * * @param container DOM element */ function markAllRows(container_id) { $("#" + container_id).find("input:checkbox:enabled").prop('checked', true) .trigger("change") .parents("tr").addClass("marked"); return true; } /** * marks all rows and selects its first checkbox inside the given element * the given element is usaly a table or a div containing the table or tables * * @param container DOM element */ function unMarkAllRows(container_id) { $("#" + container_id).find("input:checkbox:enabled").prop('checked', false) .trigger("change") .parents("tr").removeClass("marked"); return true; } /** * Checks/unchecks all checkbox in given conainer (f.e. a form, fieldset or div) * * @param string container_id the container id * @param boolean state new value for checkbox (true or false) * @return boolean always true */ function setCheckboxes(container_id, state) { $("#" + container_id).find("input:checkbox").prop('checked', state); return true; } // end of the 'setCheckboxes()' function /** * Checks/unchecks all options of a <select> element * * @param string the form name * @param string the element name * @param boolean whether to check or to uncheck options * * @return boolean always true */ function setSelectOptions(the_form, the_select, do_check) { $("form[name='" + the_form + "'] select[name='" + the_select + "']").find("option").prop('selected', do_check); return true; } // end of the 'setSelectOptions()' function /** * Sets current value for query box. */ function setQuery(query) { if (codemirror_editor) { codemirror_editor.setValue(query); codemirror_editor.focus(); } else { document.sqlform.sql_query.value = query; document.sqlform.sql_query.focus(); } } /** * Create quick sql statements. * */ function insertQuery(queryType) { if (queryType == "clear") { setQuery(''); return; } var query = ""; var myListBox = document.sqlform.dummy; var table = document.sqlform.table.value; if (myListBox.options.length > 0) { sql_box_locked = true; var columnsList = ""; var valDis = ""; var editDis = ""; var NbSelect = 0; for (var i = 0; i < myListBox.options.length; i++) { NbSelect++; if (NbSelect > 1) { columnsList += ", "; valDis += ","; editDis += ","; } columnsList += myListBox.options[i].value; valDis += "[value-" + NbSelect + "]"; editDis += myListBox.options[i].value + "=[value-" + NbSelect + "]"; } if (queryType == "selectall") { query = "SELECT * FROM `" + table + "` WHERE 1"; } else if (queryType == "select") { query = "SELECT " + columnsList + " FROM `" + table + "` WHERE 1"; } else if (queryType == "insert") { query = "INSERT INTO `" + table + "`(" + columnsList + ") VALUES (" + valDis + ")"; } else if (queryType == "update") { query = "UPDATE `" + table + "` SET " + editDis + " WHERE 1"; } else if (queryType == "delete") { query = "DELETE FROM `" + table + "` WHERE 1"; } setQuery(query); sql_box_locked = false; } } /** * Inserts multiple fields. * */ function insertValueQuery() { var myQuery = document.sqlform.sql_query; var myListBox = document.sqlform.dummy; if (myListBox.options.length > 0) { sql_box_locked = true; var columnsList = ""; var NbSelect = 0; for (var i = 0; i < myListBox.options.length; i++) { if (myListBox.options[i].selected) { NbSelect++; if (NbSelect > 1) { columnsList += ", "; } columnsList += myListBox.options[i].value; } } /* CodeMirror support */ if (codemirror_editor) { codemirror_editor.replaceSelection(columnsList); //IE support } else if (document.selection) { myQuery.focus(); var sel = document.selection.createRange(); sel.text = columnsList; document.sqlform.insert.focus(); } //MOZILLA/NETSCAPE support else if (document.sqlform.sql_query.selectionStart || document.sqlform.sql_query.selectionStart == "0") { var startPos = document.sqlform.sql_query.selectionStart; var endPos = document.sqlform.sql_query.selectionEnd; var SqlString = document.sqlform.sql_query.value; myQuery.value = SqlString.substring(0, startPos) + columnsList + SqlString.substring(endPos, SqlString.length); } else { myQuery.value += columnsList; } sql_box_locked = false; } } /** * Add a date/time picker to each element that needs it * (only when jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js is loaded) */ function addDateTimePicker() { if ($.timepicker !== undefined) { $('input.timefield, input.datefield, input.datetimefield').each(function () { no_decimals = $(this).parent().attr('data-decimals'); var showMillisec = false; var showMicrosec = false; var timeFormat = 'HH:mm:ss'; // check for decimal places of seconds if (($(this).parent().attr('data-decimals') > 0) && ($(this).parent().attr('data-type').indexOf('time') != -1)){ showMillisec = true; timeFormat = ''; if ($(this).parent().attr('data-decimals') > 3) { showMicrosec = true; } } PMA_addDatepicker($(this), $(this).parent().attr('data-type'), { showMillisec: showMillisec, showMicrosec: showMicrosec, timeFormat: timeFormat }); }); } } /** * Refresh/resize the WYSIWYG scratchboard */ function refreshLayout() { var $elm = $('#pdflayout'); var orientation = $('#orientation_opt').val(); var paper = 'A4'; if ($('#paper_opt').length == 1) { paper = $('#paper_opt').val(); } var posa = 'y'; var posb = 'x'; if (orientation == 'P') { posa = 'x'; posb = 'y'; } $elm.css('width', pdfPaperSize(paper, posa) + 'px'); $elm.css('height', pdfPaperSize(paper, posb) + 'px'); } /** * Initializes positions of elements. */ function TableDragInit() { $('.pdflayout_table').each(function () { var $this = $(this); var number = $'number'); var x = $('#c_table_' + number + '_x').val(); var y = $('#c_table_' + number + '_y').val(); $this.css('left', x + 'px'); $this.css('top', y + 'px'); /* Make elements draggable */ $this.draggable({ containment: "parent", drag: function (evt, ui) { var number = $'number'); $('#c_table_' + number + '_x').val(parseInt(ui.position.left, 10)); $('#c_table_' + number + '_y').val(parseInt(, 10)); } }); }); } /** * Resets drag and drop positions. */ function resetDrag() { $('.pdflayout_table').each(function () { var $this = $(this); var x = $'x'); var y = $'y'); $this.css('left', x + 'px'); $this.css('top', y + 'px'); }); } /** * User schema handlers. */ $(function () { /* Move in scratchboard on manual change */ $('.position-change').live('change', function () { var $this = $(this); var $elm = $('#table_' + $'number')); $elm.css($'axis'), $this.val() + 'px'); }); /* Refresh on paper size/orientation change */ $('.paper-change').live('change', function () { var $elm = $('#pdflayout'); if ($elm.css('visibility') == 'visible') { refreshLayout(); TableDragInit(); } }); /* Show/hide the WYSIWYG scratchboard */ $('#toggle-dragdrop').live('click', function () { var $elm = $('#pdflayout'); if ($elm.css('visibility') == 'hidden') { refreshLayout(); TableDragInit(); $elm.css('visibility', 'visible'); $elm.css('display', 'block'); $('#showwysiwyg').val('1'); } else { $elm.css('visibility', 'hidden'); $elm.css('display', 'none'); $('#showwysiwyg').val('0'); } }); /* Reset scratchboard */ $('#reset-dragdrop').live('click', function () { resetDrag(); }); }); /** * Returns paper sizes for a given format */ function pdfPaperSize(format, axis) { switch (format.toUpperCase()) { case '4A0': if (axis == 'x') { return 4767.87; } else { return 6740.79; } break; case '2A0': if (axis == 'x') { return 3370.39; } else { return 4767.87; } break; case 'A0': if (axis == 'x') { return 2383.94; } else { return 3370.39; } break; case 'A1': if (axis == 'x') { return 1683.78; } else { return 2383.94; } break; case 'A2': if (axis == 'x') { return 1190.55; } else { return 1683.78; } break; case 'A3': if (axis == 'x') { return 841.89; } else { return 1190.55; } break; case 'A4': if (axis == 'x') { return 595.28; } else { return 841.89; } break; case 'A5': if (axis == 'x') { return 419.53; } else { return 595.28; } break; case 'A6': if (axis == 'x') { return 297.64; } else { return 419.53; } break; case 'A7': if (axis == 'x') { return 209.76; } else { return 297.64; } break; case 'A8': if (axis == 'x') { return 147.40; } else { return 209.76; } break; case 'A9': if (axis == 'x') { return 104.88; } else { return 147.40; } break; case 'A10': if (axis == 'x') { return 73.70; } else { return 104.88; } break; case 'B0': if (axis == 'x') { return 2834.65; } else { return 4008.19; } break; case 'B1': if (axis == 'x') { return 2004.09; } else { return 2834.65; } break; case 'B2': if (axis == 'x') { return 1417.32; } else { return 2004.09; } break; case 'B3': if (axis == 'x') { return 1000.63; } else { return 1417.32; } break; case 'B4': if (axis == 'x') { return 708.66; } else { return 1000.63; } break; case 'B5': if (axis == 'x') { return 498.90; } else { return 708.66; } break; case 'B6': if (axis == 'x') { return 354.33; } else { return 498.90; } break; case 'B7': if (axis == 'x') { return 249.45; } else { return 354.33; } break; case 'B8': if (axis == 'x') { return 175.75; } else { return 249.45; } break; case 'B9': if (axis == 'x') { return 124.72; } else { return 175.75; } break; case 'B10': if (axis == 'x') { return 87.87; } else { return 124.72; } break; case 'C0': if (axis == 'x') { return 2599.37; } else { return 3676.54; } break; case 'C1': if (axis == 'x') { return 1836.85; } else { return 2599.37; } break; case 'C2': if (axis == 'x') { return 1298.27; } else { return 1836.85; } break; case 'C3': if (axis == 'x') { return 918.43; } else { return 1298.27; } break; case 'C4': if (axis == 'x') { return 649.13; } else { return 918.43; } break; case 'C5': if (axis == 'x') { return 459.21; } else { return 649.13; } break; case 'C6': if (axis == 'x') { return 323.15; } else { return 459.21; } break; case 'C7': if (axis == 'x') { return 229.61; } else { return 323.15; } break; case 'C8': if (axis == 'x') { return 161.57; } else { return 229.61; } break; case 'C9': if (axis == 'x') { return 113.39; } else { return 161.57; } break; case 'C10': if (axis == 'x') { return 79.37; } else { return 113.39; } break; case 'RA0': if (axis == 'x') { return 2437.80; } else { return 3458.27; } break; case 'RA1': if (axis == 'x') { return 1729.13; } else { return 2437.80; } break; case 'RA2': if (axis == 'x') { return 1218.90; } else { return 1729.13; } break; case 'RA3': if (axis == 'x') { return 864.57; } else { return 1218.90; } break; case 'RA4': if (axis == 'x') { return 609.45; } else { return 864.57; } break; case 'SRA0': if (axis == 'x') { return 2551.18; } else { return 3628.35; } break; case 'SRA1': if (axis == 'x') { return 1814.17; } else { return 2551.18; } break; case 'SRA2': if (axis == 'x') { return 1275.59; } else { return 1814.17; } break; case 'SRA3': if (axis == 'x') { return 907.09; } else { return 1275.59; } break; case 'SRA4': if (axis == 'x') { return 637.80; } else { return 907.09; } break; case 'LETTER': if (axis == 'x') { return 612.00; } else { return 792.00; } break; case 'LEGAL': if (axis == 'x') { return 612.00; } else { return 1008.00; } break; case 'EXECUTIVE': if (axis == 'x') { return 521.86; } else { return 756.00; } break; case 'FOLIO': if (axis == 'x') { return 612.00; } else { return 936.00; } break; } // end switch return 0; } /** * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page */ AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () { $("a.inline_edit_sql").die('click'); $("input#sql_query_edit_save").die('click'); $("input#sql_query_edit_discard").die('click'); $('input.sqlbutton').unbind('click'); $("#export_type").unbind('change'); $('#sqlquery').unbind('keydown'); $('#sql_query_edit').unbind('keydown'); if (codemirror_inline_editor) { // Copy the sql query to the text area to preserve it. $('#sql_query_edit').text(codemirror_inline_editor.getValue()); $(codemirror_inline_editor.getWrapperElement()).unbind('keydown'); codemirror_inline_editor.toTextArea(); codemirror_inline_editor = false; } if (codemirror_editor) { $(codemirror_editor.getWrapperElement()).unbind('keydown'); } }); /** * Jquery Coding for inline editing SQL_QUERY */ AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () { // If we are coming back to the page by clicking forward button // of the browser, bind the code mirror to inline query editor. bindCodeMirrorToInlineEditor(); $("a.inline_edit_sql").live('click', function () { if ($('#sql_query_edit').length) { // An inline query editor is already open, // we don't want another copy of it return false; } var $form = $(this).prev('form'); var sql_query = $form.find("input[name='sql_query']").val().trim(); var $inner_sql = $(this).parent().prev().find('code.sql'); var old_text = $inner_sql.html(); var new_content = "<textarea name=\"sql_query_edit\" id=\"sql_query_edit\">" + sql_query + "</textarea>\n"; new_content += "<input type=\"submit\" id=\"sql_query_edit_save\" class=\"button btnSave\" value=\"" + PMA_messages.strGo + "\"/>\n"; new_content += "<input type=\"button\" id=\"sql_query_edit_discard\" class=\"button btnDiscard\" value=\"" + PMA_messages.strCancel + "\"/>\n"; var $editor_area = $('div#inline_editor'); if ($editor_area.length === 0) { $editor_area = $('<div id="inline_editor_outer"></div>'); $editor_area.insertBefore($inner_sql); } $editor_area.html(new_content); $inner_sql.hide(); bindCodeMirrorToInlineEditor(); return false; }); $("input#sql_query_edit_save").live('click', function () { $(".success").hide(); //hide already existing success message var sql_query; if (codemirror_inline_editor) {; sql_query = codemirror_inline_editor.getValue(); } else { sql_query = $(this).prev().val(); } var $form = $("a.inline_edit_sql").prev('form'); var $fake_form = $('<form>', {action: 'import.php', method: 'post'}) .append($form.find("input[name=server], input[name=db], input[name=table], input[name=token]").clone()) .append($('<input/>', {type: 'hidden', name: 'show_query', value: 1})) .append($('<input/>', {type: 'hidden', name: 'is_js_confirmed', value: 0})) .append($('<input/>', {type: 'hidden', name: 'sql_query', value: sql_query})); if (! checkSqlQuery($fake_form[0])) { return false; } $fake_form.appendTo($('body')).submit(); }); $("input#sql_query_edit_discard").live('click', function () { $('div#inline_editor_outer').siblings('code.sql').show(); $('div#inline_editor_outer').remove(); }); $('input.sqlbutton').click(function (evt) { insertQuery(; return false; }); $("#export_type").change(function () { if ($("#export_type").val() == 'svg') { $("#show_grid_opt").prop("disabled", true); $("#orientation_opt").prop("disabled", true); $("#with_doc").prop("disabled", true); $("#show_table_dim_opt").removeProp("disabled"); $("#all_tables_same_width").removeProp("disabled"); $("#paper_opt").removeProp("disabled"); $("#show_color_opt").removeProp("disabled"); //$(this).css("background-color","yellow"); } else if ($("#export_type").val() == 'dia') { $("#show_grid_opt").prop("disabled", true); $("#with_doc").prop("disabled", true); $("#show_table_dim_opt").prop("disabled", true); $("#all_tables_same_width").prop("disabled", true); $("#paper_opt").removeProp("disabled"); $("#show_color_opt").removeProp("disabled"); $("#orientation_opt").removeProp("disabled"); } else if ($("#export_type").val() == 'eps') { $("#show_grid_opt").prop("disabled", true); $("#orientation_opt").removeProp("disabled"); $("#with_doc").prop("disabled", true); $("#show_table_dim_opt").prop("disabled", true); $("#all_tables_same_width").prop("disabled", true); $("#paper_opt").prop("disabled", true); $("#show_color_opt").prop("disabled", true); } else if ($("#export_type").val() == 'pdf') { $("#show_grid_opt").removeProp("disabled"); $("#orientation_opt").removeProp("disabled"); $("#with_doc").removeProp("disabled"); $("#show_table_dim_opt").removeProp("disabled"); $("#all_tables_same_width").removeProp("disabled"); $("#paper_opt").removeProp("disabled"); $("#show_color_opt").removeProp("disabled"); } else { // nothing } }); if ($('#input_username')) { if ($('#input_username').val() === '') { $('#input_username').focus(); } else { $('#input_password').focus(); } } }); /** * Binds the CodeMirror to the text area used to inline edit a query. */ function bindCodeMirrorToInlineEditor() { var $inline_editor = $('#sql_query_edit'); if ($inline_editor.length > 0) { if (typeof CodeMirror !== 'undefined') { var height = $('#sql_query_edit').css('height'); codemirror_inline_editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea($inline_editor[0], { lineNumbers: true, matchBrackets: true, indentUnit: 4, mode: "text/x-mysql", lineWrapping: true }); codemirror_inline_editor.getScrollerElement().style.height = height; codemirror_inline_editor.refresh(); codemirror_inline_editor.focus(); $(codemirror_inline_editor.getWrapperElement()).bind( 'keydown', catchKeypressesFromSqlTextboxes ); } else { $inline_editor.focus().bind( 'keydown', catchKeypressesFromSqlTextboxes ); } } } function catchKeypressesFromSqlTextboxes(event) { // ctrl-enter is 10 in chrome and ie, but 13 in ff if (event.ctrlKey && (event.keyCode == 13 || event.keyCode == 10)) { if ($('#sql_query_edit').length > 0) { $("#sql_query_edit_save").trigger('click'); } else if ($('#sqlquery').length > 0) { $("#button_submit_query").trigger('click'); } } } /** * Adds doc link to single highlighted SQL element */ function PMA_doc_add($elm, params) { if (typeof mysql_doc_template == 'undefined') { return; } var url = $.sprintf( mysql_doc_template, params[0] ); if (params.length > 1) { url += '#' + params[1]; } var content = $elm.text(); $elm.text(''); $elm.append('<a target="mysql_doc" class="cm-sql-doc" href="' + url + '">' + content + '</a>'); } /** * Generates doc links for keywords inside highlighted SQL */ function PMA_doc_keyword(idx, elm) { var $elm = $(elm); /* Skip already processed ones */ if ($elm.find('a').length > 0) { return; } var keyword = $elm.text().toUpperCase(); var $next = $'.cm-keyword'); if ($next) { var next_keyword = $next.text().toUpperCase(); var full = keyword + ' ' + next_keyword; var $next2 = $'.cm-keyword'); if ($next2) { var next2_keyword = $next2.text().toUpperCase(); var full2 = full + ' ' + next2_keyword; if (full2 in mysql_doc_keyword) { PMA_doc_add($elm, mysql_doc_keyword[full2]); PMA_doc_add($next, mysql_doc_keyword[full2]); PMA_doc_add($next2, mysql_doc_keyword[full2]); return; } } if (full in mysql_doc_keyword) { PMA_doc_add($elm, mysql_doc_keyword[full]); PMA_doc_add($next, mysql_doc_keyword[full]); return; } } if (keyword in mysql_doc_keyword) { PMA_doc_add($elm, mysql_doc_keyword[keyword]); } } /** * Generates doc links for builtins inside highlighted SQL */ function PMA_doc_builtin(idx, elm) { var $elm = $(elm); var builtin = $elm.text().toUpperCase(); if (builtin in mysql_doc_builtin) { PMA_doc_add($elm, mysql_doc_builtin[builtin]); } } /** * Higlights SQL using CodeMirror. */ function PMA_highlightSQL(base) { var $elm = base.find('code.sql'); $elm.each(function () { var $sql = $(this); var $pre = $sql.find('pre'); /* We only care about visible elements to avoid double processing */ if ($":visible")) { var $highlight = $('<div class="sql-highlight cm-s-default"></div>'); $sql.append($highlight); if (typeof CodeMirror != 'undefined') { CodeMirror.runMode($sql.text(), 'text/x-mysql', $highlight[0]); $pre.hide(); $highlight.find('.cm-keyword').each(PMA_doc_keyword); $highlight.find('.cm-builtin').each(PMA_doc_builtin); } } }); } /** * Show a message on the top of the page for an Ajax request * * Sample usage: * * 1) var $msg = PMA_ajaxShowMessage(); * This will show a message that reads "Loading...". Such a message will not * disappear automatically and cannot be dismissed by the user. To remove this * message either the PMA_ajaxRemoveMessage($msg) function must be called or * another message must be show with PMA_ajaxShowMessage() function. * * 2) var $msg = PMA_ajaxShowMessage(PMA_messages.strProcessingRequest); * This is a special case. The behaviour is same as above, * just with a different message * * 3) var $msg = PMA_ajaxShowMessage('The operation was successful'); * This will show a message that will disappear automatically and it can also * be dismissed by the user. * * 4) var $msg = PMA_ajaxShowMessage('Some error', false); * This will show a message that will not disappear automatically, but it * can be dismissed by the user after he has finished reading it. * * @param string message string containing the message to be shown. * optional, defaults to 'Loading...' * @param mixed timeout number of milliseconds for the message to be visible * optional, defaults to 5000. If set to 'false', the * notification will never disappear * @return jQuery object jQuery Element that holds the message div * this object can be passed to PMA_ajaxRemoveMessage() * to remove the notification */ function PMA_ajaxShowMessage(message, timeout) { /** * @var self_closing Whether the notification will automatically disappear */ var self_closing = true; /** * @var dismissable Whether the user will be able to remove * the notification by clicking on it */ var dismissable = true; // Handle the case when a empty data.message is passed. // We don't want the empty message if (message === '') { return true; } else if (! message) { // If the message is undefined, show the default message = PMA_messages.strLoading; dismissable = false; self_closing = false; } else if (message == PMA_messages.strProcessingRequest) { // This is another case where the message should not disappear dismissable = false; self_closing = false; } // Figure out whether (or after how long) to remove the notification if (timeout === undefined) { timeout = 5000; } else if (timeout === false) { self_closing = false; } // Create a parent element for the AJAX messages, if necessary if ($('#loading_parent').length === 0) { $('<div id="loading_parent"></div>') .prependTo("body"); } // Update message count to create distinct message elements every time ajax_message_count++; // Remove all old messages, if any $("span.ajax_notification[id^=ajax_message_num]").remove(); /** * @var $retval a jQuery object containing the reference * to the created AJAX message */ var $retval = $( '<span class="ajax_notification" id="ajax_message_num_' + ajax_message_count + '"></span>' ) .hide() .appendTo("#loading_parent") .html(message) .show(); // If the notification is self-closing we should create a callback to remove it if (self_closing) { $retval .delay(timeout) .fadeOut('medium', function () { if ($(this).is(':data(tooltip)')) { $(this).tooltip('destroy'); } // Remove the notification $(this).remove(); }); } // If the notification is dismissable we need to add the relevant class to it // and add a tooltip so that the users know that it can be removed if (dismissable) { $retval.addClass('dismissable').css('cursor', 'pointer'); /** * Add a tooltip to the notification to let the user know that (s)he * can dismiss the ajax notification by clicking on it. */ PMA_tooltip( $retval, 'span', PMA_messages.strDismiss ); } PMA_highlightSQL($retval); return $retval; } /** * Removes the message shown for an Ajax operation when it's completed * * @param jQuery object jQuery Element that holds the notification * * @return nothing */ function PMA_ajaxRemoveMessage($this_msgbox) { if ($this_msgbox !== undefined && $this_msgbox instanceof jQuery) { $this_msgbox .stop(true, true) .fadeOut('medium'); if ($':data(tooltip)')) { $this_msgbox.tooltip('destroy'); } else { $this_msgbox.remove(); } } } // This event only need to be fired once after the initial page load $(function () { /** * Allows the user to dismiss a notification * created with PMA_ajaxShowMessage() */ $('span.ajax_notification.dismissable').live('click', function () { PMA_ajaxRemoveMessage($(this)); }); /** * The below two functions hide the "Dismiss notification" tooltip when a user * is hovering a link or button that is inside an ajax message */ $('span.ajax_notification a, span.ajax_notification button, span.ajax_notification input') .live('mouseover', function () { if ($(this).parents('span.ajax_notification').is(':data(tooltip)')) { $(this).parents('span.ajax_notification').tooltip('disable'); } }) .live('mouseout', function () { if ($(this).parents('span.ajax_notification').is(':data(tooltip)')) { $(this).parents('span.ajax_notification').tooltip('enable'); } }); }); /** * Hides/shows the "Open in ENUM/SET editor" message, depending on the data type of the column currently selected */ function PMA_showNoticeForEnum(selectElement) { var enum_notice_id = selectElement.attr("id").split("_")[1]; enum_notice_id += "_" + (parseInt(selectElement.attr("id").split("_")[2], 10) + 1); var selectedType = selectElement.val(); if (selectedType == "ENUM" || selectedType == "SET") { $("p#enum_notice_" + enum_notice_id).show(); } else { $("p#enum_notice_" + enum_notice_id).hide(); } } /* * Creates a Profiling Chart with jqplot. Used in sql.js * and in server_status_monitor.js */ function PMA_createProfilingChartJqplot(target, data) { return $.jqplot(target, [data], { seriesDefaults: { renderer: $.jqplot.PieRenderer, rendererOptions: { showDataLabels: true } }, highlighter: { show: true, tooltipLocation: 'se', sizeAdjust: 0, tooltipAxes: 'pieref', useAxesFormatters: false, formatString: '%s, %.9Ps' }, legend: { show: true, location: 'e', rendererOptions: {numberColumns: 2} }, // from seriesColors: [ '#fce94f', '#fcaf3e', '#e9b96e', '#8ae234', '#729fcf', '#ad7fa8', '#ef2929', '#eeeeec', '#888a85', '#c4a000', '#ce5c00', '#8f5902', '#4e9a06', '#204a87', '#5c3566', '#a40000', '#babdb6', '#2e3436' ] } ); } /** * Formats a profiling duration nicely (in us and ms time). * Used in server_status_monitor.js * * @param integer Number to be formatted, should be in the range of microsecond to second * @param integer Accuracy, how many numbers right to the comma should be * @return string The formatted number */ function PMA_prettyProfilingNum(num, acc) { if (!acc) { acc = 2; } acc = Math.pow(10, acc); if (num * 1000 < 0.1) { num = Math.round(acc * (num * 1000 * 1000)) / acc + 'µ'; } else if (num < 0.1) { num = Math.round(acc * (num * 1000)) / acc + 'm'; } else { num = Math.round(acc * num) / acc; } return num + 's'; } /** * Formats a SQL Query nicely with newlines and indentation. Depends on Codemirror and MySQL Mode! * * @param string Query to be formatted * @return string The formatted query */ function PMA_SQLPrettyPrint(string) { if (typeof CodeMirror == 'undefined') { return string; } var mode = CodeMirror.getMode({}, "text/x-mysql"); var stream = new CodeMirror.StringStream(string); var state = mode.startState(); var token, tokens = []; var output = ''; var tabs = function (cnt) { var ret = ''; for (var i = 0; i < 4 * cnt; i++) { ret += " "; } return ret; }; // "root-level" statements var statements = { 'select': ['select', 'from', 'on', 'where', 'having', 'limit', 'order by', 'group by'], 'update': ['update', 'set', 'where'], 'insert into': ['insert into', 'values'] }; // don't put spaces before these tokens var spaceExceptionsBefore = {';': true, ',': true, '.': true, '(': true}; // don't put spaces after these tokens var spaceExceptionsAfter = {'.': true}; // Populate tokens array var str = ''; while (! stream.eol()) { stream.start = stream.pos; token = mode.token(stream, state); if (token !== null) { tokens.push([token, stream.current().toLowerCase()]); } } var currentStatement = tokens[0][1]; if (! statements[currentStatement]) { return string; } // Holds all currently opened code blocks (statement, function or generic) var blockStack = []; // Holds the type of block from last iteration (the current is in blockStack[0]) var previousBlock; // If a new code block is found, newBlock contains its type for one iteration and vice versa for endBlock var newBlock, endBlock; // How much to indent in the current line var indentLevel = 0; // Holds the "root-level" statements var statementPart, lastStatementPart = statements[currentStatement][0]; blockStack.unshift('statement'); // Iterate through every token and format accordingly for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { previousBlock = blockStack[0]; // New block => push to stack if (tokens[i][1] == '(') { if (i < tokens.length - 1 && tokens[i + 1][0] == 'statement-verb') { blockStack.unshift(newBlock = 'statement'); } else if (i > 0 && tokens[i - 1][0] == 'builtin') { blockStack.unshift(newBlock = 'function'); } else { blockStack.unshift(newBlock = 'generic'); } } else { newBlock = null; } // Block end => pop from stack if (tokens[i][1] == ')') { endBlock = blockStack[0]; blockStack.shift(); } else { endBlock = null; } // A subquery is starting if (i > 0 && newBlock == 'statement') { indentLevel++; output += "\n" + tabs(indentLevel) + tokens[i][1] + ' ' + tokens[i + 1][1].toUpperCase() + "\n" + tabs(indentLevel + 1); currentStatement = tokens[i + 1][1]; i++; continue; } // A subquery is ending if (endBlock == 'statement' && indentLevel > 0) { output += "\n" + tabs(indentLevel); indentLevel--; } // One less indentation for statement parts (from, where, order by, etc.) and a newline statementPart = statements[currentStatement].indexOf(tokens[i][1]); if (statementPart != -1) { if (i > 0) { output += "\n"; } output += tabs(indentLevel) + tokens[i][1].toUpperCase(); output += "\n" + tabs(indentLevel + 1); lastStatementPart = tokens[i][1]; } // Normal indentatin and spaces for everything else else { if (! spaceExceptionsBefore[tokens[i][1]] && ! (i > 0 && spaceExceptionsAfter[tokens[i - 1][1]]) && output.charAt(output.length - 1) != ' ') { output += " "; } if (tokens[i][0] == 'keyword') { output += tokens[i][1].toUpperCase(); } else { output += tokens[i][1]; } } // split columns in select and 'update set' clauses, but only inside statements blocks if ((lastStatementPart == 'select' || lastStatementPart == 'where' || lastStatementPart == 'set') && tokens[i][1] == ',' && blockStack[0] == 'statement') { output += "\n" + tabs(indentLevel + 1); } // split conditions in where clauses, but only inside statements blocks if (lastStatementPart == 'where' && (tokens[i][1] == 'and' || tokens[i][1] == 'or' || tokens[i][1] == 'xor')) { if (blockStack[0] == 'statement') { output += "\n" + tabs(indentLevel + 1); } // Todo: Also split and or blocks in newlines & identation++ //if (blockStack[0] == 'generic') // output += ... } } return output; } /** * jQuery function that uses jQueryUI's dialogs to confirm with user. Does not * return a jQuery object yet and hence cannot be chained * * @param string question * @param string url URL to be passed to the callbackFn to make * an Ajax call to * @param function callbackFn callback to execute after user clicks on OK */ jQuery.fn.PMA_confirm = function (question, url, callbackFn) { var confirmState = PMA_commonParams.get('confirm'); // when the Confirm directive is set to false in // and not changed in user prefs, confirmState is "" // when it's unticked in user prefs, confirmState is 1 if (confirmState === "" || confirmState === "1") { // user does not want to confirm if ($.isFunction(callbackFn)) {, url); return true; } } if (PMA_messages.strDoYouReally === '') { return true; } /** * @var button_options Object that stores the options passed to jQueryUI * dialog */ var button_options = {}; button_options[PMA_messages.strOK] = function () { $(this).dialog("close"); if ($.isFunction(callbackFn)) {, url); } }; button_options[PMA_messages.strCancel] = function () { $(this).dialog("close"); }; $('<div/>', {'id': 'confirm_dialog'}) .prepend(question) .dialog({ buttons: button_options, close: function () { $(this).remove(); }, modal: true }); }; /** * jQuery function to sort a table's body after a new row has been appended to it. * Also fixes the even/odd classes of the table rows at the end. * * @param string text_selector string to select the sortKey's text * * @return jQuery Object for chaining purposes */ jQuery.fn.PMA_sort_table = function (text_selector) { return this.each(function () { /** * @var table_body Object referring to the table's <tbody> element */ var table_body = $(this); /** * @var rows Object referring to the collection of rows in {@link table_body} */ var rows = $(this).find('tr').get(); //get the text of the field that we will sort by $.each(rows, function (index, row) { row.sortKey = $.trim($(row).find(text_selector).text().toLowerCase()); }); //get the sorted order rows.sort(function (a, b) { if (a.sortKey < b.sortKey) { return -1; } if (a.sortKey > b.sortKey) { return 1; } return 0; }); //pull out each row from the table and then append it according to it's order $.each(rows, function (index, row) { $(table_body).append(row); row.sortKey = null; }); //Re-check the classes of each row $(this).find('tr:odd') .removeClass('even').addClass('odd') .end() .find('tr:even') .removeClass('odd').addClass('even'); }); }; /** * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page */ AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () { $("#create_table_form_minimal.ajax").die('submit'); $("form.create_table_form.ajax").die('submit'); $("form.create_table_form.ajax input[name=submit_num_fields]").die('click'); $("form.create_table_form.ajax input").die('keyup'); }); /** * jQuery coding for 'Create Table'. Used on db_operations.php, * db_structure.php and db_tracking.php (i.e., wherever * libraries/display_create_table.lib.php is used) * * Attach Ajax Event handlers for Create Table */ AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () { /** * Attach event handler for submission of create table form (save) */ $("form.create_table_form.ajax").live('submit', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); /** * @var the_form object referring to the create table form */ var $form = $(this); /* * First validate the form; if there is a problem, avoid submitting it * * checkTableEditForm() needs a pure element and not a jQuery object, * this is why we pass $form[0] as a parameter (the jQuery object * is actually an array of DOM elements) */ if (checkTableEditForm($form[0], $form.find('input[name=orig_num_fields]').val())) { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(PMA_messages.strProcessingRequest); PMA_prepareForAjaxRequest($form); //User wants to submit the form $.post($form.attr('action'), $form.serialize() + "&do_save_data=1", function (data) { if (data.success === true) { $('#properties_message') .removeClass('error') .html(''); PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.message); // Only if the create table dialog (distinct panel) exists if ($("#create_table_dialog").length > 0) { $("#create_table_dialog").dialog("close").remove(); } $('#tableslistcontainer').before(data.formatted_sql); /** * @var tables_table Object referring to the <tbody> element that holds the list of tables */ var tables_table = $("#tablesForm").find("tbody").not("#tbl_summary_row"); // this is the first table created in this db if (tables_table.length === 0) { PMA_commonActions.refreshMain( PMA_commonParams.get('opendb_url') ); } else { /** * @var curr_last_row Object referring to the last <tr> element in {@link tables_table} */ var curr_last_row = $(tables_table).find('tr:last'); /** * @var curr_last_row_index_string String containing the index of {@link curr_last_row} */ var curr_last_row_index_string = $(curr_last_row).find('input:checkbox').attr('id').match(/\d+/)[0]; /** * @var curr_last_row_index Index of {@link curr_last_row} */ var curr_last_row_index = parseFloat(curr_last_row_index_string); /** * @var new_last_row_index Index of the new row to be appended to {@link tables_table} */ var new_last_row_index = curr_last_row_index + 1; /** * @var new_last_row_id String containing the id of the row to be appended to {@link tables_table} */ var new_last_row_id = 'checkbox_tbl_' + new_last_row_index; data.new_table_string = data.new_table_string.replace(/checkbox_tbl_/, new_last_row_id); //append to table $(data.new_table_string) .appendTo(tables_table); //Sort the table $(tables_table).PMA_sort_table('th'); // Adjust summary row PMA_adjustTotals(); } //Refresh navigation as a new table has been added PMA_reloadNavigation(); } else { PMA_ajaxShowMessage( '<div class="error">' + data.error + '</div>', false ); } }); // end $.post() } // end if (checkTableEditForm() ) }); // end create table form (save) /** * Attach event handler for create table form (add fields) */ $("form.create_table_form.ajax input[name=submit_num_fields]").live('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); /** * @var the_form object referring to the create table form */ var $form = $(this).closest('form'); var $msgbox = PMA_ajaxShowMessage(PMA_messages.strProcessingRequest); PMA_prepareForAjaxRequest($form); //User wants to add more fields to the table $.post($form.attr('action'), $form.serialize() + "&submit_num_fields=1", function (data) { if (data.success) { $("#page_content").html(data.message); PMA_highlightSQL($('#page_content')); PMA_verifyColumnsProperties(); PMA_ajaxRemoveMessage($msgbox); } else { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.error); } }); //end $.post() }); // end create table form (add fields) $("form.create_table_form.ajax input").live('keydown', function (event) { if (event.keyCode == 13) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); $(this) .closest('form') .append('<input type="hidden" name="do_save_data" value="1" />') .submit(); } }); }); /** * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page */ AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () { $("#copyTable.ajax").die('submit'); $("#moveTableForm").die('submit'); $("#tableOptionsForm").die('submit'); $("#tbl_maintenance li a.maintain_action.ajax").die('click'); }); /** * jQuery coding for 'Table operations'. Used on tbl_operations.php * Attach Ajax Event handlers for Table operations */ AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () { /** *Ajax action for submitting the "Copy table" **/ $("#copyTable.ajax").live('submit', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var $form = $(this); PMA_prepareForAjaxRequest($form); $.post($form.attr('action'), $form.serialize() + "&submit_copy=Go", function (data) { if (data.success === true) { if ($form.find("input[name='switch_to_new']").prop('checked')) { PMA_commonParams.set( 'db', data.db ); PMA_commonParams.set( 'table', $form.find("input[name='new_name']").val() ); PMA_commonActions.refreshMain(false, function () { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.message); }); } else { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.message); } // Refresh navigation when the table is copied PMA_reloadNavigation(); } else { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false); } }); // end $.post() });//end of copyTable ajax submit /** *Ajax action for submitting the "Move table" */ $("#moveTableForm").live('submit', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var $form = $(this); var db = $form.find('select[name=target_db]').val(); var tbl = $form.find('input[name=new_name]').val(); PMA_prepareForAjaxRequest($form); $.post($form.attr('action'), $form.serialize() + "&submit_move=1", function (data) { if (data.success === true) { PMA_commonParams.set('db', db); PMA_commonParams.set('table', tbl); PMA_commonActions.refreshMain(false, function () { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.message); }); // Refresh navigation when the table is copied PMA_reloadNavigation(); } else { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false); } }); // end $.post() }); /** * Ajax action for submitting the "Table options" */ $("#tableOptionsForm").live('submit', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); var $form = $(this); var $tblNameField = $form.find('input[name=new_name]'); if ($tblNameField.val() !== $tblNameField[0].defaultValue) { // reload page and navigation if the table has been renamed PMA_prepareForAjaxRequest($form); var tbl = $tblNameField.val(); $.post($form.attr('action'), $form.serialize(), function (data) { if (data.success === true) { PMA_commonParams.set('table', tbl); PMA_commonActions.refreshMain(false, function () { $('#page_content').html(data.message); PMA_highlightSQL($('#page_content')); }); } else { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false); } }); // end $.post() } else { $form.removeClass('ajax').submit().addClass('ajax'); } }); /** *Ajax events for actions in the "Table maintenance" **/ $("#tbl_maintenance li a.maintain_action.ajax").live('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); if ($("#sqlqueryresults").length !== 0) { $("#sqlqueryresults").remove(); } if ($("#result_query").length !== 0) { $("#result_query").remove(); } //variables which stores the common attributes $.post($(this).attr('href'), { ajax_request: 1 }, function (data) { function scrollToTop() { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }); } if (data.success === true && data.sql_query !== undefined) { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.message); $("<div id='sqlqueryresults' class='ajax'></div>").prependTo("#page_content"); $("#sqlqueryresults").html(data.sql_query); PMA_highlightSQL($('#page_content')); scrollToTop(); } else if (data.success === true) { var $temp_div = $("<div id='temp_div'></div>"); $temp_div.html(data.message); var $success = $temp_div.find("#result_query .success"); PMA_ajaxShowMessage($success); $("<div id='sqlqueryresults' class='ajax'></div>").prependTo("#page_content"); $("#sqlqueryresults").html(data.message); PMA_highlightSQL($('#page_content')); PMA_init_slider(); $("#sqlqueryresults").children("fieldset,br").remove(); scrollToTop(); } else { var $temp_div = $("<div id='temp_div'></div>"); $temp_div.html(data.error); var $error = $temp_div.find("code").addClass("error"); PMA_ajaxShowMessage($error, false); } }); // end $.post() });//end of table maintanance ajax click }); //end $(document).ready for 'Table operations' /** * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page */ AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () { $("#drop_db_anchor.ajax").die('click'); }); /** * Attach Ajax event handlers for Drop Database. Moved here from db_structure.js * as it was also required on db_create.php */ AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () { $("#drop_db_anchor.ajax").live('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); /** * @var question String containing the question to be asked for confirmation */ var question = PMA_messages.strDropDatabaseStrongWarning + ' '; question += $.sprintf( PMA_messages.strDoYouReally, 'DROP DATABASE ' + escapeHtml(PMA_commonParams.get('db')) ); $(this).PMA_confirm(question, $(this).attr('href'), function (url) { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(PMA_messages.strProcessingRequest); $.get(url, {'is_js_confirmed': '1', 'ajax_request': true}, function (data) { if (data.success) { //Database deleted successfully, refresh both the frames PMA_reloadNavigation(); PMA_commonParams.set('db', ''); PMA_commonActions.refreshMain( 'server_databases.php', function () { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.message); } ); } else { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false); } }); }); }); }); // end of $() for Drop Database /** * Validates the password field in a form * * @see PMA_messages.strPasswordEmpty * @see PMA_messages.strPasswordNotSame * @param object $the_form The form to be validated * @return bool */ function PMA_checkPassword($the_form) { // Did the user select 'no password'? if ($the_form.find('#nopass_1').is(':checked')) { return true; } else { var $pred = $the_form.find('#select_pred_password'); if ($pred.length && ($pred.val() == 'none' || $pred.val() == 'keep')) { return true; } } var $password = $the_form.find('input[name=pma_pw]'); var $password_repeat = $the_form.find('input[name=pma_pw2]'); var alert_msg = false; if ($password.val() === '') { alert_msg = PMA_messages.strPasswordEmpty; } else if ($password.val() != $password_repeat.val()) { alert_msg = PMA_messages.strPasswordNotSame; } if (alert_msg) { alert(alert_msg); $password.val(''); $password_repeat.val(''); $password.focus(); return false; } return true; } /** * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page */ AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () { $('#change_password_anchor.ajax').die('click'); }); /** * Attach Ajax event handlers for 'Change Password' on index.php */ AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () { /** * Attach Ajax event handler on the change password anchor */ $('#change_password_anchor.ajax').live('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var $msgbox = PMA_ajaxShowMessage(); /** * @var button_options Object containing options to be passed to jQueryUI's dialog */ var button_options = {}; button_options[PMA_messages.strGo] = function () { event.preventDefault(); /** * @var $the_form Object referring to the change password form */ var $the_form = $("#change_password_form"); if (! PMA_checkPassword($the_form)) { return false; } /** * @var this_value String containing the value of the submit button. * Need to append this for the change password form on Server Privileges * page to work */ var this_value = $(this).val(); var $msgbox = PMA_ajaxShowMessage(PMA_messages.strProcessingRequest); $the_form.append('<input type="hidden" name="ajax_request" value="true" />'); $.post($the_form.attr('action'), $the_form.serialize() + '&change_pw=' + this_value, function (data) { if (data.success === true) { $("#page_content").prepend(data.message); PMA_highlightSQL($('#page_content')); $("#change_password_dialog").hide().remove(); $("#edit_user_dialog").dialog("close").remove(); PMA_ajaxRemoveMessage($msgbox); } else { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false); } }); // end $.post() }; button_options[PMA_messages.strCancel] = function () { $(this).dialog('close'); }; $.get($(this).attr('href'), {'ajax_request': true}, function (data) { if (data.success) { $('<div id="change_password_dialog"></div>') .dialog({ title: PMA_messages.strChangePassword, width: 600, close: function (ev, ui) { $(this).remove(); }, buttons : button_options, modal: true }) .append(data.message); // for this dialog, we remove the fieldset wrapping due to double headings $("fieldset#fieldset_change_password") .find("legend").remove().end() .find("table.noclick").unwrap().addClass("some-margin") .find("input#text_pma_pw").focus(); displayPasswordGenerateButton(); $('#fieldset_change_password_footer').hide(); PMA_ajaxRemoveMessage($msgbox); $('#change_password_form').bind('submit', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this) .closest('.ui-dialog') .find('.ui-dialog-buttonpane .ui-button') .first() .click(); }); } else { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false); } }); // end $.get() }); // end handler for change password anchor }); // end $() for Change Password /** * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page */ AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () { $("select.column_type").die('change'); $("select.default_type").die('change'); $('input.allow_null').die('change'); }); /** * Toggle the hiding/showing of the "Open in ENUM/SET editor" message when * the page loads and when the selected data type changes */ AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () { // is called here for normal page loads and also when opening // the Create table dialog PMA_verifyColumnsProperties(); // // needs live() to work also in the Create Table dialog $("select.column_type").live('change', function () { PMA_showNoticeForEnum($(this)); }); $("select.default_type").live('change', function () { PMA_hideShowDefaultValue($(this)); }); $('input.allow_null').live('change', function () { PMA_validateDefaultValue($(this)); }); }); function PMA_verifyColumnsProperties() { $("select.column_type").each(function () { PMA_showNoticeForEnum($(this)); }); $("select.default_type").each(function () { PMA_hideShowDefaultValue($(this)); }); } /** * Hides/shows the default value input field, depending on the default type * Ticks the NULL checkbox if NULL is chosen as default value. */ function PMA_hideShowDefaultValue($default_type) { if ($default_type.val() == 'USER_DEFINED') { $default_type.siblings('.default_value').show().focus(); } else { $default_type.siblings('.default_value').hide(); if ($default_type.val() == 'NULL') { var $null_checkbox = $default_type.closest('tr').find('.allow_null'); $null_checkbox.prop('checked', true); } } } /** * If the column does not allow NULL values, makes sure that default is not NULL */ function PMA_validateDefaultValue($null_checkbox) { if (! $null_checkbox.prop('checked')) { var $default = $null_checkbox.closest('tr').find('.default_type'); if ($default.val() == 'NULL') { $default.val('NONE'); } } } /** * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page */ AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () { $("a.open_enum_editor").die('click'); $("input.add_value").die('click'); $("#enum_editor td.drop").die('click'); }); /** * @var $enum_editor_dialog An object that points to the jQuery * dialog of the ENUM/SET editor */ var $enum_editor_dialog = null; /** * Opens the ENUM/SET editor and controls its functions */ AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () { $("a.open_enum_editor").live('click', function () { // Get the name of the column that is being edited var colname = $(this).closest('tr').find('input:first').val(); var title; var i; // And use it to make up a title for the page if (colname.length < 1) { title = PMA_messages.enum_newColumnVals; } else { title = PMA_messages.enum_columnVals.replace( /%s/, '"' + escapeHtml(decodeURIComponent(colname)) + '"' ); } // Get the values as a string var inputstring = $(this) .closest('td') .find("input") .val(); // Escape html entities inputstring = $('<div/>') .text(inputstring) .html(); // Parse the values, escaping quotes and // slashes on the fly, into an array var values = []; var in_string = false; var curr, next, buffer = ''; for (i = 0; i < inputstring.length; i++) { curr = inputstring.charAt(i); next = i == inputstring.length ? '' : inputstring.charAt(i + 1); if (! in_string && curr == "'") { in_string = true; } else if (in_string && curr == "\\" && next == "\\") { buffer += "\"; i++; } else if (in_string && next == "'" && (curr == "'" || curr == "\\")) { buffer += "'"; i++; } else if (in_string && curr == "'") { in_string = false; values.push(buffer); buffer = ''; } else if (in_string) { buffer += curr; } } if (buffer.length > 0) { // The leftovers in the buffer are the last value (if any) values.push(buffer); } var fields = ''; // If there are no values, maybe the user is about to make a // new list so we add a few for him/her to get started with. if (values.length === 0) { values.push('', '', '', ''); } // Add the parsed values to the editor var drop_icon = PMA_getImage('b_drop.png'); for (i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { fields += "<tr><td>" + "<input type='text' value='" + values[i] + "'/>" + "</td><td class='drop'>" + drop_icon + "</td></tr>"; } /** * @var dialog HTML code for the ENUM/SET dialog */ var dialog = "<div id='enum_editor'>" + "<fieldset>" + "<legend>" + title + "</legend>" + "<p>" + PMA_getImage('s_notice.png') + PMA_messages.enum_hint + "</p>" + "<table class='values'>" + fields + "</table>" + "</fieldset><fieldset class='tblFooters'>" + "<table class='add'><tr><td>" + "<div class='slider'></div>" + "</td><td>" + "<form><div><input type='submit' class='add_value' value='" + $.sprintf(PMA_messages.enum_addValue, 1) + "'/></div></form>" + "</td></tr></table>" + "<input type='hidden' value='" + // So we know which column's data is being edited $(this).closest('td').find("input").attr("id") + "' />" + "</fieldset>" + "</div>"; /** * @var Defines functions to be called when the buttons in * the buttonOptions jQuery dialog bar are pressed */ var buttonOptions = {}; buttonOptions[PMA_messages.strGo] = function () { // When the submit button is clicked, // put the data back into the original form var value_array = []; $(this).find(".values input").each(function (index, elm) { var val = elm.value.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/'/g, "''"); value_array.push("'" + val + "'"); }); // get the Length/Values text field where this value belongs var values_id = $(this).find("input[type='hidden']").val(); $("input#" + values_id).val(value_array.join(",")); $(this).dialog("close"); }; buttonOptions[PMA_messages.strClose] = function () { $(this).dialog("close"); }; // Show the dialog var width = parseInt( (parseInt($('html').css('font-size'), 10) / 13) * 340, 10 ); if (! width) { width = 340; } $enum_editor_dialog = $(dialog).dialog({ minWidth: width, modal: true, title: PMA_messages.enum_editor, buttons: buttonOptions, open: function () { // Focus the "Go" button after opening the dialog $(this).closest('.ui-dialog').find('.ui-dialog-buttonpane button:first').focus(); }, close: function () { $(this).remove(); } }); // slider for choosing how many fields to add $enum_editor_dialog.find(".slider").slider({ animate: true, range: "min", value: 1, min: 1, max: 9, slide: function (event, ui) { $(this).closest('table').find('input[type=submit]').val( $.sprintf(PMA_messages.enum_addValue, ui.value) ); } }); // Focus the slider, otherwise it looks nearly transparent $('a.ui-slider-handle').addClass('ui-state-focus'); return false; }); // When "add a new value" is clicked, append an empty text field $("input.add_value").live('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var num_new_rows = $enum_editor_dialog.find("div.slider").slider('value'); while (num_new_rows--) { $enum_editor_dialog.find('.values') .append( "<tr style='display: none;'><td>" + "<input type='text' />" + "</td><td class='drop'>" + PMA_getImage('b_drop.png') + "</td></tr>" ) .find('tr:last') .show('fast'); } }); // Removes the specified row from the enum editor $("#enum_editor td.drop").live('click', function () { $(this).closest('tr').hide('fast', function () { $(this).remove(); }); }); }); /** * Ensures indexes names are valid according to their type and, for a primary * key, lock index name to 'PRIMARY' * @param string form_id Variable which parses the form name as * the input * @return boolean false if there is no index form, true else */ function checkIndexName(form_id) { if ($("#" + form_id).length === 0) { return false; } // Gets the elements pointers var $the_idx_name = $("#input_index_name"); var $the_idx_type = $("#select_index_type"); // Index is a primary key if ($the_idx_type.find("option:selected").val() == 'PRIMARY') { $the_idx_name.val('PRIMARY'); $the_idx_name.prop("disabled", true); } // Other cases else { if ($the_idx_name.val() == 'PRIMARY') { $the_idx_name.val(""); } $the_idx_name.prop("disabled", false); } return true; } // end of the 'checkIndexName()' function AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () { $('#index_frm input[type=submit]').die('click'); }); AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () { /** * Handler for adding more columns to an index in the editor */ $('#index_frm input[type=submit]').live('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var rows_to_add = $(this) .closest('fieldset') .find('.slider') .slider('value'); while (rows_to_add--) { var $newrow = $('#index_columns') .find('tbody > tr:first') .clone() .appendTo( $('#index_columns').find('tbody') ); $newrow.find(':input').each(function () { $(this).val(''); }); // focus index size input on column picked $newrow.find('select').change(function () { if ($(this).find("option:selected").val() === '') { return true; } $(this).closest("tr").find("input").focus(); }); } }); }); function indexEditorDialog(url, title, callback_success, callback_failure) { /*Remove the hidden dialogs if there are*/ if ($('#edit_index_dialog').length !== 0) { $('#edit_index_dialog').remove(); } var $div = $('<div id="edit_index_dialog"></div>'); /** * @var button_options Object that stores the options * passed to jQueryUI dialog */ var button_options = {}; button_options[PMA_messages.strGo] = function () { /** * @var the_form object referring to the export form */ var $form = $("#index_frm"); var $msgbox = PMA_ajaxShowMessage(PMA_messages['strProcessingRequest']); PMA_prepareForAjaxRequest($form); //User wants to submit the form $.post($form.attr('action'), $form.serialize() + "&do_save_data=1", function (data) { if ($("#sqlqueryresults").length !== 0) { $("#sqlqueryresults").remove(); } if (data.success === true) { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.message); if ($('#result_query').length) { $('#result_query').remove(); } if (data.sql_query) { $('<div id="result_query"></div>') .html(data.sql_query) .prependTo('#page_content'); PMA_highlightSQL($('#page_content')); } $("#result_query .notice").remove(); $("#result_query").prepend(data.message); /*Reload the field form*/ $("#table_index").remove(); var $temp_div = $("<div id='temp_div'><div>").append(data.index_table); $temp_div.find("#table_index").insertAfter("#index_header"); if ($("#edit_index_dialog").length > 0) { $("#edit_index_dialog").dialog("close"); } $('div.no_indexes_defined').hide(); if (callback_success) { callback_success(); } PMA_reloadNavigation(); } else { var $temp_div = $("<div id='temp_div'><div>").append(data.error); var $error; if ($temp_div.find(".error code").length !== 0) { $error = $temp_div.find(".error code").addClass("error"); } else { $error = $temp_div; } if (callback_failure) { callback_failure(); } PMA_ajaxShowMessage($error, false); } }); // end $.post() }; button_options[PMA_messages.strCancel] = function () { $(this).dialog('close'); }; var $msgbox = PMA_ajaxShowMessage(); $.get("tbl_indexes.php", url, function (data) { if (data.success === false) { //in the case of an error, show the error message returned. PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false); } else { PMA_ajaxRemoveMessage($msgbox); // Show dialog if the request was successful $div .append(data.message) .dialog({ title: title, width: 450, // increase the chance that the footer will be visible: height: 450, open: PMA_verifyColumnsProperties, modal: true, buttons: button_options, close: function () { $(this).remove(); } }); checkIndexType(); checkIndexName("index_frm"); PMA_showHints($div); // Add a slider for selecting how many columns to add to the index $div.find('.slider').slider({ animate: true, value: 1, min: 1, max: 16, slide: function (event, ui) { $(this).closest('fieldset').find('input[type=submit]').val( $.sprintf(PMA_messages.strAddToIndex, ui.value) ); } }); // focus index size input on column picked $div.find('table#index_columns select').change(function () { if ($(this).find("option:selected").val() === '') { return true; } $(this).closest("tr").find("input").focus(); }); // Focus the slider, otherwise it looks nearly transparent $('a.ui-slider-handle').addClass('ui-state-focus'); // set focus on index name input, if empty var input = $div.find('input#input_index_name'); input.val() || input.focus(); } }); // end $.get() } /** * Function to display tooltips that were * generated on the PHP side by PMA_Util::showHint() * * @param object $div a div jquery object which specifies the * domain for searching for tooltips. If we * omit this parameter the function searches * in the whole body **/ function PMA_showHints($div) { if ($div === undefined || ! $div instanceof jQuery || $div.length === 0) { $div = $("body"); } $div.find('.pma_hint').each(function () { PMA_tooltip( $(this).children('img'), 'img', $(this).children('span').html() ); }); } AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () { PMA_showHints(); }); function PMA_mainMenuResizerCallback() { // 5 px margin for jumping menu in Chrome return $(document.body).width() - 5; } // This must be fired only once after the inital page load $(function () { // Initialise the menu resize plugin $('#topmenu').menuResizer(PMA_mainMenuResizerCallback); // register resize event $(window).resize(function () { $('#topmenu').menuResizer('resize'); }); }); /** * Get the row number from the classlist (for example, row_1) */ function PMA_getRowNumber(classlist) { return parseInt(classlist.split(/\s+row_/)[1], 10); } /** * Changes status of slider */ function PMA_set_status_label($element) { var text; if ($element.css('display') == 'none') { text = '+ '; } else { text = '- '; } $element.closest('.slide-wrapper').prev().find('span').text(text); } /** * var toggleButton This is a function that creates a toggle * sliding button given a jQuery reference * to the correct DOM element */ var toggleButton = function ($obj) { // In rtl mode the toggle switch is flipped horizontally // so we need to take that into account var right; if ($('span.text_direction', $obj).text() == 'ltr') { right = 'right'; } else { right = 'left'; } /** * var h Height of the button, used to scale the * background image and position the layers */ var h = $obj.height(); $('img', $obj).height(h); $('table', $obj).css('bottom', h - 1); /** * var on Width of the "ON" part of the toggle switch * var off Width of the "OFF" part of the toggle switch */ var on = $('td.toggleOn', $obj).width(); var off = $('td.toggleOff', $obj).width(); // Make the "ON" and "OFF" parts of the switch the same size // + 2 pixels to avoid overflowed $('td.toggleOn > div', $obj).width(Math.max(on, off) + 2); $('td.toggleOff > div', $obj).width(Math.max(on, off) + 2); /** * var w Width of the central part of the switch */ var w = parseInt(($('img', $obj).height() / 16) * 22, 10); // Resize the central part of the switch on the top // layer to match the background $('table td:nth-child(2) > div', $obj).width(w); /** * var imgw Width of the background image * var tblw Width of the foreground layer * var offset By how many pixels to move the background * image, so that it matches the top layer */ var imgw = $('img', $obj).width(); var tblw = $('table', $obj).width(); var offset = parseInt(((imgw - tblw) / 2), 10); // Move the background to match the layout of the top layer $obj.find('img').css(right, offset); /** * var offw Outer width of the "ON" part of the toggle switch * var btnw Outer width of the central part of the switch */ var offw = $('td.toggleOff', $obj).outerWidth(); var btnw = $('table td:nth-child(2)', $obj).outerWidth(); // Resize the main div so that exactly one side of // the switch plus the central part fit into it. $obj.width(offw + btnw + 2); /** * var move How many pixels to move the * switch by when toggling */ var move = $('td.toggleOff', $obj).outerWidth(); // If the switch is initialized to the // OFF state we need to move it now. if ($('div.container', $obj).hasClass('off')) { if (right == 'right') { $('div.container', $obj).animate({'left': '-=' + move + 'px'}, 0); } else { $('div.container', $obj).animate({'left': '+=' + move + 'px'}, 0); } } // Attach an 'onclick' event to the switch $('div.container', $obj).click(function () { if ($(this).hasClass('isActive')) { return false; } else { $(this).addClass('isActive'); } var $msg = PMA_ajaxShowMessage(); var $container = $(this); var callback = $('span.callback', this).text(); var operator, url, removeClass, addClass; // Perform the actual toggle if ($(this).hasClass('on')) { if (right == 'right') { operator = '-='; } else { operator = '+='; } url = $(this).find('td.toggleOff > span').text(); removeClass = 'on'; addClass = 'off'; } else { if (right == 'right') { operator = '+='; } else { operator = '-='; } url = $(this).find('td.toggleOn > span').text(); removeClass = 'off'; addClass = 'on'; } $.post(url, {'ajax_request': true}, function (data) { if (data.success === true) { PMA_ajaxRemoveMessage($msg); $container .removeClass(removeClass) .addClass(addClass) .animate({'left': operator + move + 'px'}, function () { $container.removeClass('isActive'); }); eval(callback); } else { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false); $container.removeClass('isActive'); } }); }); }; /** * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page */ AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () { $('div.container').unbind('click'); }); /** * Initialise all toggle buttons */ AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () { $('div.toggleAjax').each(function () { var $button = $(this).show(); $button.find('img').each(function () { if (this.complete) { toggleButton($button); } else { $(this).load(function () { toggleButton($button); }); } }); }); }); /** * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page */ AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () { $('.vpointer').die('hover'); $('.vmarker').die('click'); $('#pageselector').die('change'); $('a.formLinkSubmit').die('click'); $('#update_recent_tables').unbind('ready'); $('#sync_favorite_tables').unbind('ready'); }); /** * Vertical pointer */ AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () { $('.vpointer').live('hover', //handlerInOut function (e) { var $this_td = $(this); var row_num = PMA_getRowNumber($this_td.attr('class')); // for all td of the same vertical row, toggle hover $('.vpointer').filter('.row_' + row_num).toggleClass('hover'); } ); /** * Vertical marker */ $('.vmarker').live('click', function (e) { // do not trigger when clicked on anchor if ($('a, img, a *')) { return; } var $this_td = $(this); var row_num = PMA_getRowNumber($this_td.attr('class')); // XXX: FF fires two click events for <label> (label and checkbox), so we need to handle this differently var $checkbox = $('.vmarker').filter('.row_' + row_num + ':first').find(':checkbox'); if ($checkbox.length) { // checkbox in a row, add or remove class depending on checkbox state var checked = $checkbox.prop('checked'); if (!$(':checkbox, label')) { checked = !checked; $checkbox.prop('checked', checked); } // for all td of the same vertical row, toggle the marked class if (checked) { $('.vmarker').filter('.row_' + row_num).addClass('marked'); } else { $('.vmarker').filter('.row_' + row_num).removeClass('marked'); } } else { // normaln data table, just toggle class $('.vmarker').filter('.row_' + row_num).toggleClass('marked'); } }); /** * Autosubmit page selector */ $('select.pageselector').live('change', function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); // Check where to load the new content if ($(this).closest("#pma_navigation").length === 0) { // For the main page we don't need to do anything, $(this).closest("form").submit(); } else { // but for the navigation we need to manually replace the content PMA_navigationTreePagination($(this)); } }); /** * Load version information asynchronously. */ if ($('li.jsversioncheck').length > 0) { $.getJSON('version_check.php', {}, PMA_current_version); } if ($('#is_git_revision').length > 0) { setTimeout(PMA_display_git_revision, 10); } /** * Slider effect. */ PMA_init_slider(); /** * Enables the text generated by PMA_Util::linkOrButton() to be clickable */ $('a.formLinkSubmit').live('click', function (e) { if ($(this).attr('href').indexOf('=') != -1) { var data = $(this).attr('href').substr($(this).attr('href').indexOf('#') + 1).split('=', 2); $(this).parents('form').append('<input type="hidden" name="' + data[0] + '" value="' + data[1] + '"/>'); } $(this).parents('form').submit(); return false; }); if ($('#update_recent_tables').length) { $.get( $('#update_recent_tables').attr('href'), function (data) { if (data.success === true) { $('#pma_recent_list').html(data.list); } } ); } // Sync favorite tables from localStorage to pmadb. if ($('#sync_favorite_tables').length) { $.ajax({ url: $('#sync_favorite_tables').attr("href"), cache: false, type: 'POST', data: { favorite_tables: (window.localStorage['favorite_tables'] !== undefined) ? window.localStorage['favorite_tables'] : '' }, success: function (data) { // Update localStorage. if (window.localStorage !== undefined) { window.localStorage['favorite_tables'] = data.favorite_tables; } $('#pma_favorite_list').html(data.list); } }); } }); // end of $() /** * Initializes slider effect. */ function PMA_init_slider() { $('div.pma_auto_slider').each(function () { var $this = $(this); if ($'slider_init_done')) { return; } var $wrapper = $('<div>', {'class': 'slide-wrapper'}); $wrapper.toggle($':visible')); $('<a>', {href: '#' +, "class": 'ajax'}) .text(this.title) .prepend($('<span>')) .insertBefore($this) .click(function () { var $wrapper = $this.closest('.slide-wrapper'); var visible = $':visible'); if (!visible) { $; } $this[visible ? 'hide' : 'show']('blind', function () { $wrapper.toggle(!visible); PMA_set_status_label($this); }); return false; }); $this.wrap($wrapper); PMA_set_status_label($this); $'slider_init_done', 1); }); } /** * Initializes slider effect. */ AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () { PMA_init_slider(); }); /** * Restores sliders to the state they were in before initialisation. */ AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () { $('div.pma_auto_slider').each(function () { var $this = $(this); $this.removeData(); $this.parent().replaceWith($this); $this.parent().children('a').remove(); }); }); /** * Creates a message inside an object with a sliding effect * * @param msg A string containing the text to display * @param $obj a jQuery object containing the reference * to the element where to put the message * This is optional, if no element is * provided, one will be created below the * navigation links at the top of the page * * @return bool True on success, false on failure */ function PMA_slidingMessage(msg, $obj) { if (msg === undefined || msg.length === 0) { // Don't show an empty message return false; } if ($obj === undefined || ! $obj instanceof jQuery || $obj.length === 0) { // If the second argument was not supplied, // we might have to create a new DOM node. if ($('#PMA_slidingMessage').length === 0) { $('#page_content').prepend( '<span id="PMA_slidingMessage" ' + 'style="display: inline-block;"></span>' ); } $obj = $('#PMA_slidingMessage'); } if ($obj.has('div').length > 0) { // If there already is a message inside the // target object, we must get rid of it $obj .find('div') .first() .fadeOut(function () { $obj .children() .remove(); $obj .append('<div>' + msg + '</div>'); // highlight any sql before taking height; PMA_highlightSQL($obj); $obj.find('div') .first() .hide(); $obj .animate({ height: $obj.find('div').first().height() }) .find('div') .first() .fadeIn(); }); } else { // Object does not already have a message // inside it, so we simply slide it down $obj.width('100%') .html('<div>' + msg + '</div>'); // highlight any sql before taking height; PMA_highlightSQL($obj); var h = $obj .find('div') .first() .hide() .height(); $obj .find('div') .first() .css('height', 0) .show() .animate({ height: h }, function () { // Set the height of the parent // to the height of the child $obj .height( $obj .find('div') .first() .height() ); }); } return true; } // end PMA_slidingMessage() /** * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page */ AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () { $("#drop_tbl_anchor.ajax").die('click'); $("#drop_view_anchor.ajax").die('click'); $("#truncate_tbl_anchor.ajax").die('click'); }); /** * Attach Ajax event handlers for Drop Table. */ AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () { $("#drop_tbl_anchor.ajax").live('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); /** * @var question String containing the question to be asked for confirmation */ var question = PMA_messages.strDropTableStrongWarning + ' '; question += $.sprintf( PMA_messages.strDoYouReally, 'DROP TABLE ' + escapeHtml(PMA_commonParams.get('table')) ); $(this).PMA_confirm(question, $(this).attr('href'), function (url) { var $msgbox = PMA_ajaxShowMessage(PMA_messages.strProcessingRequest); $.get(url, {'is_js_confirmed': '1', 'ajax_request': true}, function (data) { if (data.success === true) { PMA_ajaxRemoveMessage($msgbox); // Table deleted successfully, refresh both the frames PMA_reloadNavigation(); PMA_commonParams.set('table', ''); PMA_commonActions.refreshMain( PMA_commonParams.get('opendb_url'), function () { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.message); } ); } else { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false); } }); // end $.get() }); // end $.PMA_confirm() }); //end of Drop Table Ajax action $("#drop_view_anchor.ajax").live('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); /** * @var question String containing the question to be asked for confirmation */ var question = PMA_messages.strDropTableStrongWarning + ' '; question += $.sprintf( PMA_messages.strDoYouReally, 'DROP VIEW ' + escapeHtml(PMA_commonParams.get('table')) ); $(this).PMA_confirm(question, $(this).attr('href'), function (url) { var $msgbox = PMA_ajaxShowMessage(PMA_messages.strProcessingRequest); $.get(url, {'is_js_confirmed': '1', 'ajax_request': true}, function (data) { if (data.success === true) { PMA_ajaxRemoveMessage($msgbox); // Table deleted successfully, refresh both the frames PMA_reloadNavigation(); PMA_commonParams.set('table', ''); PMA_commonActions.refreshMain( PMA_commonParams.get('opendb_url'), function () { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.message); } ); } else { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false); } }); // end $.get() }); // end $.PMA_confirm() }); //end of Drop View Ajax action $("#truncate_tbl_anchor.ajax").live('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); /** * @var question String containing the question to be asked for confirmation */ var question = PMA_messages.strTruncateTableStrongWarning + ' '; question += $.sprintf( PMA_messages.strDoYouReally, 'TRUNCATE ' + escapeHtml(PMA_commonParams.get('table')) ); $(this).PMA_confirm(question, $(this).attr('href'), function (url) { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(PMA_messages.strProcessingRequest); $.get(url, {'is_js_confirmed': '1', 'ajax_request': true}, function (data) { if ($("#sqlqueryresults").length !== 0) { $("#sqlqueryresults").remove(); } if ($("#result_query").length !== 0) { $("#result_query").remove(); } if (data.success === true) { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.message); $("<div id='sqlqueryresults'></div>").prependTo("#page_content"); $("#sqlqueryresults").html(data.sql_query); PMA_highlightSQL($('#page_content')); } else { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false); } }); // end $.get() }); // end $.PMA_confirm() }); //end of Truncate Table Ajax action }); // end of $() for Truncate Table /** * Attach CodeMirror2 editor to SQL edit area. */ AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () { var $elm = $('#sqlquery'); if ($elm.length > 0) { if (typeof CodeMirror != 'undefined') { // for codemirror codemirror_editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea($elm[0], { lineNumbers: true, matchBrackets: true, indentUnit: 4, mode: "text/x-mysql", lineWrapping: true }); codemirror_editor.focus(); $(codemirror_editor.getWrapperElement()).bind( 'keydown', catchKeypressesFromSqlTextboxes ); } else { // without codemirror $elm.focus().bind('keydown', catchKeypressesFromSqlTextboxes); } } PMA_highlightSQL($('body')); }); AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () { if (codemirror_editor) { $('#sqlquery').text(codemirror_editor.getValue()); codemirror_editor.toTextArea(); codemirror_editor = false; } }); /** * jQuery plugin to cancel selection in HTML code. */ (function ($) { $.fn.noSelect = function (p) { //no select plugin by Paulo P.Marinas var prevent = (p === null) ? true : p; if (prevent) { return this.each(function () { if ($.browser.msie || $.browser.safari) { $(this).bind('selectstart', function () { return false; }); } else if ($.browser.mozilla) { $(this).css('MozUserSelect', 'none'); $('body').trigger('focus'); } else if ($.browser.opera) { $(this).bind('mousedown', function () { return false; }); } else { $(this).attr('unselectable', 'on'); } }); } else { return this.each(function () { if ($.browser.msie || $.browser.safari) { $(this).unbind('selectstart'); } else if ($.browser.mozilla) { $(this).css('MozUserSelect', 'inherit'); } else if ($.browser.opera) { $(this).unbind('mousedown'); } else { $(this).removeAttr('unselectable'); } }); } }; //end noSelect })(jQuery); /** * jQuery plugin to correctly filter input fields by value, needed * because some nasty values may break selector syntax */ (function ($) { $.fn.filterByValue = function (value) { return this.filter(function () { return $(this).val() === value; }); }; })(jQuery); /** * Create a jQuery UI tooltip * * @param $elements jQuery object representing the elements * @param item the item * (see * @param myContent content of the tooltip * @param additionalOptions to override the default options * */ function PMA_tooltip($elements, item, myContent, additionalOptions) { if ($('#no_hint').length > 0) { return; } var defaultOptions = { content: myContent, items: item, tooltipClass: "tooltip", track: true, show: false, hide: false }; $elements.tooltip($.extend(true, defaultOptions, additionalOptions)); } /** * Return value of a cell in a table. */ function PMA_getCellValue(td) { var $td = $(td); if ($'.null')) { return ''; } else if (! $'.to_be_saved') && $'original_data')) { return $'original_data'); } else { return $td.text(); } } /** * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page */ AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () { $('a.themeselect').die('click'); $('.autosubmit').die('change'); $('a.take_theme').unbind('click'); }); AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () { /** * Theme selector. */ $('a.themeselect').live('click', function (e) {, 'themes', 'left=10,top=20,width=510,height=350,scrollbars=yes,status=yes,resizable=yes' ); return false; }); /** * Automatic form submission on change. */ $('.autosubmit').live('change', function (e) { $(this).closest('form').submit(); }); /** * Theme changer. */ $('a.take_theme').click(function (e) { var what =; if (window.opener && window.opener.document.forms['setTheme'].elements['set_theme']) { window.opener.document.forms['setTheme'].elements['set_theme'].value = what; window.opener.document.forms['setTheme'].submit(); window.close(); return false; } return true; }); }); /** * Clear text selection */ function PMA_clearSelection() { if (document.selection && document.selection.empty) { document.selection.empty(); } else if (window.getSelection) { var sel = window.getSelection(); if (sel.empty) { sel.empty(); } if (sel.removeAllRanges) { sel.removeAllRanges(); } } } /** * HTML escaping */ function escapeHtml(unsafe) { return unsafe .replace(/&/g, "&") .replace(/</g, "<") .replace(/>/g, ">") .replace(/"/g, """) .replace(/'/g, "'"); } /** * Print button */ function printPage() { // Do print the page if (typeof(window.print) != 'undefined') { window.print(); } } /** * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page */ AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () { $('input#print').unbind('click'); $('a.create_view.ajax').die('click'); $('#createViewDialog').find('input, select').die('keydown'); }); AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () { $('input#print').click(printPage); /** * Ajaxification for the "Create View" action */ $('a.create_view.ajax').live('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); PMA_createViewDialog($(this)); }); /** * Attach Ajax event handlers for input fields in the editor * and used to submit the Ajax request when the ENTER key is pressed. */ if ($('#createViewDialog').length !== 0) { $('#createViewDialog').find('input, select').live('keydown', function (e) { if (e.which === 13) { // 13 is the ENTER key e.preventDefault(); // with preventing default, selection by <select> tag // was also prevented in IE $(this).blur(); $(this).closest('.ui-dialog').find('.ui-button:first').click(); } }); // end $.live() } var $elm = $('textarea[name="view[as]"]'); if ($elm.length > 0) { if (typeof CodeMirror != 'undefined') { syntaxHighlighter = CodeMirror.fromTextArea( $elm[0], { lineNumbers: true, matchBrackets: true, indentUnit: 4, mode: "text/x-mysql", lineWrapping: true } ); } } }); function PMA_createViewDialog($this) { var $msg = PMA_ajaxShowMessage(); var syntaxHighlighter = null; $.get($this.attr('href') + '&ajax_request=1&ajax_dialog=1', function (data) { if (data.success === true) { PMA_ajaxRemoveMessage($msg); var buttonOptions = {}; buttonOptions[PMA_messages.strGo] = function () { if (typeof CodeMirror !== 'undefined') {; } $msg = PMA_ajaxShowMessage(); $.get('view_create.php', $('#createViewDialog').find('form').serialize(), function (data) { PMA_ajaxRemoveMessage($msg); if (data.success === true) { $('#createViewDialog').dialog("close"); $('#result_query').html(data.message); PMA_reloadNavigation(); } else { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false); } }); }; buttonOptions[PMA_messages.strClose] = function () { $(this).dialog("close"); }; var $dialog = $('<div/>').attr('id', 'createViewDialog').append(data.message).dialog({ width: 600, minWidth: 400, modal: true, buttons: buttonOptions, title: PMA_messages.strCreateView, close: function () { $(this).remove(); } }); // Attach syntax highlighted editor if (typeof CodeMirror !== 'undefined') { var $elm = $dialog.find('textarea'); var opts = {lineNumbers: true, matchBrackets: true, indentUnit: 4, mode: "text/x-mysql", lineWrapping: true}; syntaxHighlighter = CodeMirror.fromTextArea($elm[0], opts); } $('input:visible[type=text]', $dialog).first().focus(); } else { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.error); } }); } /** * Makes the breadcrumbs and the menu bar float at the top of the viewport */ $(function () { if ($("#floating_menubar").length && $('#PMA_disable_floating_menubar').length === 0) { var left = $('html').attr('dir') == 'ltr' ? 'left' : 'right'; $("#floating_menubar") .css('margin-' + left, $('#pma_navigation').width() + $('#pma_navigation_resizer').width()) .css(left, 0) .css({ 'position': 'fixed', 'top': 0, 'width': '100%', 'z-index': 500 }) .append($('#serverinfo')) .append($('#topmenucontainer')); // Allow the DOM to render, then adjust the padding on the body setTimeout(function () { $('body').css( 'padding-top', $('#floating_menubar').outerHeight(true) ); $('#topmenu').menuResizer('resize'); }, 4); } }); /** * Scrolls the page to the top if clicking the serverinfo bar */ $(function () { $(document).delegate("#serverinfo, #goto_pagetop", "click", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: 0}, 'fast'); }); }); var checkboxes_sel = "input.checkall:checkbox:enabled"; /** * Watches checkboxes in a form to set the checkall box accordingly */ var checkboxes_changed = function () { var $form = $(this.form); // total number of checkboxes in current form var total_boxes = $form.find(checkboxes_sel).length; // number of checkboxes checked in current form var checked_boxes = $form.find(checkboxes_sel + ":checked").length; var $checkall = $form.find("input.checkall_box"); if (total_boxes == checked_boxes) { $checkall.prop({checked: true, indeterminate: false}); } else if (checked_boxes > 0) { $checkall.prop({checked: true, indeterminate: true}); } else { $checkall.prop({checked: false, indeterminate: false}); } }; $(checkboxes_sel).live("change", checkboxes_changed); $("input.checkall_box").live("change", function () { var is_checked = $(this).is(":checked"); $(this.form).find(checkboxes_sel).prop("checked", is_checked) .parents("tr").toggleClass("marked", is_checked); }); /** * Toggles row colors of a set of 'tr' elements starting from a given element * * @param $start Starting element */ function toggleRowColors($start) { for (var $curr_row = $start; $curr_row.length > 0; $curr_row = $ { if ($curr_row.hasClass('odd')) { $curr_row.removeClass('odd').addClass('even'); } else if ($curr_row.hasClass('even')) { $curr_row.removeClass('even').addClass('odd'); } } } /** * Formats a byte number to human-readable form * * @param bytes the bytes to format * @param optional subdecimals the number of digits after the point * @param optional pointchar the char to use as decimal point */ function formatBytes(bytes, subdecimals, pointchar) { if (!subdecimals) { subdecimals = 0; } if (!pointchar) { pointchar = '.'; } var units = ['B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB']; for (var i = 0; bytes > 1024 && i < units.length; i++) { bytes /= 1024; } var factor = Math.pow(10, subdecimals); bytes = Math.round(bytes * factor) / factor; bytes = bytes.toString().split('.').join(pointchar); return bytes + ' ' + units[i]; } AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () { /** * Opens pma more themes link in themes browser, in new window instead of popup * This way, we don't break HTML validity */ $("a._blank").prop("target", "_blank"); /** * Reveal the login form to users with JS enabled * and focus the appropriate input field */ var $loginform = $('#loginform'); if ($loginform.length) { $loginform.find('.js-show').show(); if ($('#input_username').val()) { $('#input_password').focus(); } else { $('#input_username').focus(); } } }); /** * When user gets an ajax session expiry message, we show a login link */ $('a.login-link').live('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); window.location.reload(true); }); /** * Dynamically adjust the width of the boxes * on the table and db operations pages */ (function () { function DynamicBoxes() { var $boxContainer = $('#boxContainer'); if ($boxContainer.length) { var minWidth = $'box-width'); var viewport = $(window).width() - $('#pma_navigation').width(); var slots = Math.floor(viewport / minWidth); $boxContainer.children() .each(function () { if (viewport < minWidth) { $(this).width(minWidth); } else { $(this).css('width', ((1 / slots) * 100) + "%"); } }) .removeClass('clearfloat') .filter(':nth-child(' + slots + 'n+1)') .addClass('clearfloat'); } } AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () { DynamicBoxes(); }); $(function () { $(window).resize(DynamicBoxes); }); })(); /** * Formats timestamp for display */ function PMA_formatDateTime(date, seconds) { var result = $.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', date); var timefmt = 'HH:mm'; if (seconds) { timefmt = 'HH:mm:ss'; } return result + ' ' + $.datepicker.formatTime( timefmt, { hour: date.getHours(), minute: date.getMinutes(), second: date.getSeconds() } ); } /** * Check than forms have less fields than max allowed by PHP. */ function checkNumberOfFields() { if (typeof maxInputVars === 'undefined') { return false; } if (false === maxInputVars) { return false; } $('form').each(function() { var nbInputs = $(this).find(':input').length; if (nbInputs > maxInputVars) { var warning = $.sprintf(PMA_messages.strTooManyInputs, maxInputVars); PMA_ajaxShowMessage(warning); return false; } return true; }); return true; } |
:: Command execute :: | |
--[ c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13 powered by Captain Crunch Security Team | | Generation time: 0.0312 ]-- |