Software: Apache. PHP/5.5.15 uname -a: Windows NT SVR-DMZ 6.1 build 7600 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition) i586 SYSTEM Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) E:\nuevo\htdocs\BLA2\boletinlegal\admin\report\sqlbuddy\js\ drwxrwxrwx |
Viewing file: core.js (23.19 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | var sb; var shiftPressed; var lastActiveRow = -1; var clearPanesOnLoad = false; var activeWindow; var animationStack = []; var viewportSize = [0, 0]; function f(g) { if (g == undefined || g == "undefined" || g == null) return ""; else return g; } var $E = function(selector, filter) { return ($(filter) || document).getElement(selector); }; var $ES = function(selector, filter) { return ($(filter) || document).getElements(selector); }; window.addEvent("domready", function() { document.addEvent("keydown", function(e) { var ev = new Event(e); if (ev.shift) shiftPressed = true; }); document.addEvent("keyup", function() { shiftPressed = false; }); // to disable keyboard shortcuts, comment out the following line window.addEvent("keydown", runKeyboardShortcuts); sb = new Page(); initializeSidemenu(); sb.loadHash(); sb.loadPage(); (function(){ sb.preload(); 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} this.topTabs[1].addTab(gettext("Overview"), "dboverview.php").addTab(gettext("Query"), "query.php").addTab(gettext("Import"), "import.php").addTab(gettext("Export"), "export.php"); this.topTabs[2].addTab(gettext("Browse"), "browse.php").addTab(gettext("Structure"), "structure.php").addTab(gettext("Insert"), "insert.php").addTab(gettext("Query"), "query.php").addTab(gettext("Import"), "import.php").addTab(gettext("Export"), "export.php"); } Page.prototype.loadPage = function() { if ( == "browse.php" && parseInt(this.tableRowCounts[this.db + "_" + this.table]) == 0) { = "structure.php"; this.topTab = 1; } var pageUrl = ""; if (f(this.s)) pageUrl += "s=" + this.s + "&"; if (f(this.sortDir)) pageUrl += "sortDir=" + this.sortDir + "&"; if (f(this.sortKey)) pageUrl += "sortKey=" + this.sortKey + "&"; pageUrl = pageUrl.substring(0, pageUrl.length - 1); if ( == "editcolumn.php") { = "structure.php"; this.topTab = 1; } else if ( == "edituser.php") { = "users.php"; this.topTab = 1; } else if ( == "edit.php") { = "browse.php"; this.topTab = 0; } clearPanesOnLoad = true; var x = new XHR({url:, onSuccess: finishTabLoad}).send(pageUrl); } Page.prototype.refreshTopTabSet = function(setNum) { if (f(setNum)) this.topTabSet = setNum; var topTabsElem = $E('#toptabs ul'); topTabsElem.empty(); var loopStop = this.topTabs[this.topTabSet].tabCounter; var browseIsActive = true; var currentTab, rowCount, tabId, tabLiObj, tabAObj, tabACount; for (var i=0; i<loopStop; i++) { currentTab = this.topTabs[this.topTabSet].tabList[i]; tabId = i; rowCount = sb.tableRowCounts[sb.db + "_" + sb.table]; if (isNaN(rowCount)) rowCount = 0; else rowCount = approximateNumber(rowCount); if (rowCount == 0) browseIsActive = false; tabLiObj = new Element('li'); = tabId; if ( == currentTab.url) tabLiObj.addClass('selected'); if (currentTab.url == "browse.php" && browseIsActive == false) tabLiObj.addClass('deactivated'); tabAObj = new Element('a'); tabAObj.appendText(currentTab.title); if (currentTab.url == "browse.php" && f(rowCount) != "") { tabACount = new Element("span"); tabACount.addClass("rowcount"); tabACount.appendText("(" + rowCount + ")"); tabAObj.appendChild(tabACount); } if (tabId != this.topTab && !(currentTab.url == "browse.php" && browseIsActive == false) && !currentTab.temp) tabAObj.onclick = topTabClicked; if (!(currentTab.url == "browse.php" && browseIsActive == false) && !currentTab.temp) { var hrefBuild = "#page=" + currentTab.url.substring(0, currentTab.url.length - 4); if (f(this.db)) hrefBuild += "&db=" + this.db; if (f(this.table)) hrefBuild += "&table=" + this.table; if (f(this.topTabSet) && this.topTabSet != 0) hrefBuild += "&topTabSet=" + this.topTabSet; if (tabId != 0) hrefBuild += "&topTab=" + tabId; tabAObj.href = hrefBuild; } tabLiObj.appendChild(tabAObj); topTabsElem.appendChild(tabLiObj); } } Page.prototype.getTabUrl = function(tabId) { tabId = tabId || 0; return this.topTabs[this.topTabSet].tabList[tabId].url; } Page.prototype.getTabTitle = function(tabId) { tabId = tabId || 0; return this.topTabs[this.topTabSet].tabList[tabId].title; } Page.prototype.removeTempTabs = function() { for (var i=0; i<this.topTabs[this.topTabSet].tabCounter; i++) { if ((this.topTabs[this.topTabSet].tabList[i].temp) == true && (this.topTabs[this.topTabSet].tabList[i].url != { this.topTabs[this.topTabSet].removeTab(i); } } } Page.prototype.preload = function() { var images = ["closeHover.png", "loading.gif", "openArrow.png", "goto.png", "schemaHeader.png", "info.png", "infoHover.png", "window-button.png", "window-center.png", "window-close.png", "window-header-center.png", "window-header-left.png", "window-header-right.png", "window-resize.png", "window-shadow-bottom-left.png", "window-shadow-bottom-right.png", "window-shadow-bottom.png", "window-shadow-left.png", "window-shadow-right.png"]; var pre; for (var i=0; i<images.length; i++) { pre = new Image(); pre.src = "images/" + images[i]; } } Page.prototype.setHash = function() { var newHash = ""; if (f( newHash += "page=" +, - 4) + "&"; if (f(this.db)) newHash += "db=" + this.db + "&"; if (f(this.table)) newHash += "table=" + this.table + "&"; if (f(this.topTabSet) && this.topTabSet != 0) newHash += "topTabSet=" + this.topTabSet + "&"; if (f(this.topTab) && this.topTab != 0) newHash += "topTab=" + this.topTab + "&"; if (f(this.s)) newHash += "s=" + this.s + "&"; if (f(this.view)) newHash += "view=" + this.view + "&"; if (f(this.sortDir)) newHash += "sortDir=" + this.sortDir + "&"; if (f(this.sortKey)) newHash += "sortKey=" + this.sortKey + "&"; newHash = "#" + newHash.substring(0, newHash.length-1); if (window.location.hash != newHash) { window.location.hash = newHash; this.hashMemory = newHash; } } Page.prototype.loadHash = function() { var hash = window.location.hash; var part = hash.substring(1); var pairs = part.split("&"); this.hashMemory = window.location.hash; for (var i=0; i<pairs.length; i++) { var pairsplit = pairs[i].split("="); var key = pairsplit[0]; var value = pairsplit[1]; if (key == "page"){ = value + ".php" } if (key == "db"){ this.db = value } if (key == "table"){ this.table = value } if (key == "topTabSet"){ this.topTabSet = value } if (key == "topTab"){ this.topTab = value } if (key == "s"){ this.s = value } if (key == "view"){ this.view = value } if (key == "sortDir"){ this.sortDir = value } if (key == "sortKey"){ this.sortKey = value } } } Page.prototype.checkHashState = function() { if (window.location.hash != this.hashMemory) { this.resetInternals(); this.loadHash(); this.loadPage(); } } Page.prototype.resetInternals = function() { = "home.php"; this.db = ""; this.table = ""; this.topTabSet = 0; this.topTab = 0; this.s = ""; this.view = ""; this.sortDir = ""; this.sortKey = ""; } function TopTabGroup(name) { = name; this.tabList = []; this.tabCounter = 0; } TopTabGroup.prototype.addTab = function(title, url, temp) { this.tabList[this.tabCounter++] = new TopTab(title, url, temp); return this; // for chaining } TopTabGroup.prototype.removeTab = function(id) { this.tabList[id] = null; this.tabCounter--; } function TopTab(title, url, temp) { this.title = title; this.url = url; this.temp = temp; } function initializeSidemenu() { var menudata = eval(menujson); menujson = null; var ulmenu = $('databaselist').firstChild; var currentItem, newli, newa, togglediv, textdiv; var subul, subli, suba, subatext; var counter = 0; for (var i=0; i<menudata['menu'].length; i++) { currentItem = menudata['menu'][i]; newli = returnMenuItem(currentItem['name'], i); subul = new Element('ul'); subul.addClass("sublist"); = "sublist" + i; if (currentItem['items']) { for (var j=0; j<currentItem['items'].length; j++) { subli = returnSubMenuItem(, currentItem['items'][j].name, currentItem['items'][j].rowcount); subul.appendChild(subli); sb.tableRowCounts[ + '_' + currentItem['items'][j].name] = currentItem['items'][j].rowcount; } } newli.appendChild(subul); ulmenu.appendChild(newli); sb.submenuHeights[i] = subul.clientHeight; // these properties have to be set after the height is measured = "0px"; = "none"; } menudata = null; } function addSubMenuItem(sublist, db, table) { var subul = $(sublist); var newItem = returnSubMenuItem(db, table, 0); subul.appendChild(newItem); = ''; = 'block'; recalculateSubmenuHeight(sublist); } function returnSubMenuItem(db, table, count) { var subli, suba, subacount; var subId = sb.$GUID++; subli = new Element('li'); = "sub" + subId; suba = new Element('a'); suba.href = "#page=browse&db=" + db + "&table=" + table + "&topTabSet=2&topTab=0"; suba.onclick = subTabClick; suba.appendText(table); subacount = new Element('span'); subacount.className = "subcount"; subacount.appendText("(" + approximateNumber(count) + ")"); suba.appendChild(subacount); subli.appendChild(suba); sb.submenuIds[db + '_' + table] = "sub" + subId; return subli; } function returnMenuItem(db, i) { var menuli, menua, togglea, texta menuli = new Element('li'); = 'db' + i; menua = new Element('a'); menua.onclick = $lambda(false); togglea = new Element('a'); togglea.className = "menutoggler"; togglea.onclick = toggleMenuClick; menua.appendChild(togglea); texta = new Element('a'); texta.className = "menutext"; texta.href = "#page=dboverview&db=" + db + "&topTabSet=1&topTab=0"; texta.onclick = databaseClick; texta.innerHTML = db; menua.appendChild(texta); menuli.appendChild(menua); sb.submenuIds[db] = "db" + i; return menuli; } function addMenuItem(db) { var ulmenu = $E('#databaselist ul'); var i = ulmenu.childNodes.length; var newli = returnMenuItem(db, i); var subul = new Element('ul'); subul.className = "sublist"; = "sublist" + i; = "0px"; = "none"; newli.appendChild(subul); ulmenu.appendChild(newli); sb.submenuHeights[i] = 0; } function showPane(paneId) { var panes = $$('#innercontent div[id^=pane]'); for (var i=0; i<panes.length; i++) { panes[i].style.display = 'none'; } $(paneId).style.display = ''; } function addPane(paneId) { if (Browser.Engine.trident) clearPanes(); var pane = new Element('div'); pane.className = 'pane'; = paneId; $('innercontent').appendChild(pane); showPane(paneId); } function generatePrompt(prepend, postpend, single, multiple, parameter, showQuery, context) { if (context) { var grid = $(context); var inputs = $ES("input", grid); } else { var grid = sb.grid; var inputs = $ES("input", sb.leftChecks); } if (f(grid)) { var buildList = ""; var m = 0; for (var i=0; i<inputs.length; i++) { if (inputs[i].type == "checkbox" && inputs[i].checked == true) { buildList += prepend + inputs[i].get("querybuilder") + postpend + ";\n "; m++; } } if (buildList) { var prompter = gettext("Are you sure you want to") + " "; if (m == 1) prompter += single + "? "; else prompter += multiple + "? "; if (showQuery) { var formattedQuery = buildList.replace(/\n/g, "<br />"); if (m == 1) prompter += gettext("The following query will be run:"); else prompter += gettext("The following queries will be run:"); prompter += " <div class=\"querybox\">" + formattedQuery + "</div>"; } buildList = encodeURIComponent(buildList.replace(/\n/g, "")); buildList = buildList.replace(/'/g, "\\'"); buildUrl = parameter + "=" + buildList; if ( == "browse.php") { if (f(sb.view)) buildUrl += "&view=" + sb.view; if (f(sb.s)) buildUrl += "&s=" + sb.s; if (f(sb.sortKey)) buildUrl += "&sortKey=" + sb.sortKey if (f(sb.sortDir)) buildUrl += "&sortDir=" + sb.sortDir; } showDialog(gettext("Confirm"), prompter, "var x = new XHR({url: \"" + + "\", onSuccess: finishTabLoad}).send(\"" + buildUrl + "\");" ); } } } function showDialog(title, content, action) { createWindow(title, content, {isDialog: true, dialogAction: action}); } function submitForm(formId) { var theForm = $(formId); var action = theForm.get("action"); if (!action) action =; var x = new XHR({url: action, onSuccess: finishTabLoad}).send(theForm.toQueryString()); } var XHR = new Class({ Extends: Request, initialize: function(options) { if (!options.url) options.url =; if (options.url.indexOf("?") == -1) options.url += "?ajaxRequest=" + sb.$GUID++; else options.url += "&ajaxRequest=" + sb.$GUID++; options.url += "&requestKey=" + requestKey; if (f(sb.db)) options.url += "&db=" + sb.db; if (f(sb.table)) options.url += "&table=" + sb.table; this.parent(options); if (options && options.showLoader != false) { show('load'); this.addEvent("onSuccess", function() { hide('load'); }); this.addEvent("onFailure", function() { hide('load'); createWindow(gettext("Error"), gettext("There was an error receiving data from the server."), {isDismissible: true}); }); } }, // redefined to avoid auto script execution success: function(text, xml) { this.onSuccess(text, xml); } }); function gettext(str) { if (f(getTextArr[str]) != "") return getTextArr[str]; else return str; } function printf() { var argv = printf.arguments; var argc = parseInt(argv.length); var inputString = argv[0]; for (var i=1; i<argc; i++) { var position = inputString.indexOf("%s"); var firstPart = inputString.substring(0, position + 2); var lastPart = inputString.substring(position + 2); firstPart = firstPart.replace("%s", argv[i]); inputString = firstPart + lastPart; } return inputString; } function fullTextWindow(rowId) { var rowQuery = $E(".check" + rowId, sb.pane).get("queryBuilder"); var fullQuery = "SELECT * FROM " + returnQuote() + sb.table + returnQuote() + " " + rowQuery; var loadWin = createWindow(gettext("Loading..."), gettext("Loading...")); var x = new XHR({ url: "ajaxfulltext.php", onSuccess: function(responseText) { $(loadWin).dispose(); createWindow(gettext("Full Text"), responseText) }, onFailure: function() { $(loadWin).dispose(); } }).send("query=" + fullQuery); } function createWindow(title, content, options) { options = options || {}; var windowInnerWidth = getWindowWidth(); var textWindow = new Element('div'); textWindow.className = 'fulltextwin'; if (options.isDialog || options.isDismissible) { textWindow.className += " dialog"; } var windowId = "window" + sb.$GUID++; = windowId; var leftValue = Math.round((windowInnerWidth - 475) / 2); = leftValue + "px"; var topValue = 120; if (window.scrollY) topValue += window.scrollY; = topValue + "px"; = sb.$GUID; var windowMain = new Element('div'); windowMain.className = 'fulltextmain'; var windowHeader = new Element('div'); windowHeader.className = 'fulltextheader'; windowHeader.addEvent("mousedown", focusWindow); windowHeader.addEvent("mousedown", startDrag); var windowHeaderContent = '<table cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td class="headertl"></td><td class="headercenter"><p><img class="fulltextimage" src="images/window-close.png" align="right" onclick="closeWindow(\'' + windowId + '\')" />' + title + '</p></td><td class="headertr"></td></tr></table>'; windowHeader.set('html', windowHeaderContent); windowMain.appendChild(windowHeader); if (options.isDialog && f(options.dialogAction) != "") { content += '<div class="buttons"><table cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td> </td><td align="right" width="20" style="padding-right: 8px"><input type="submit" id="' + windowId + 'Click" class="windowbutton" value="' + gettext("Okay") + '" /></td><td align="right" width="20"><input type="button" onclick="closeWindow(\'' + windowId + '\')" class="windowbutton" value="' + gettext("Cancel") + '" /></td></tr></table></div>'; } else if (options.isDismissible) { content += '<div class="buttons"><table cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td> </td><td align="right"><input type="submit" id="' + windowId + 'Click" onclick="closeWindow(\'' + windowId + '\')" class="windowbutton" value="' + gettext("Okay") + '" /></td></tr></table></div>'; } var windowInner = new Element('div'); windowInner.className = 'fulltextinner'; var innerContent = '<table cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td class="mainl"></td><td class="maincenter"><div class="fulltextcontent" style="max-height: 400px">' + content + '</div>'; if (!(options.isDialog || options.isDismissible)) { innerContent += '<div class="resizeHandle"><img src="images/window-resize.png" id="resize' + windowId + '"></div>'; } innerContent += '</td><td class="mainr"></td></tr></table>'; windowInner.set('html', innerContent); windowMain.appendChild(windowInner); textWindow.appendChild(windowMain); var windowFooter = new Element('div'); windowFooter.className = 'fulltextfooter'; var footerCode = '<table cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td class="footerbl"></td><td class="footermiddle"> </td><td class="footerbr"></td></tr></table>'; windowFooter.set('html', footerCode); textWindow.appendChild(windowFooter); document.body.appendChild(textWindow); if (options.isDialog == true && f(options.dialogAction) != "") { var okayClick = $(windowId + 'Click'); okayClick.addEvent("click", function() { closeWindow(windowId); eval(options.dialogAction); }); okayClick.focus(); } else if (options.isDismissible == true) { var okayClick = $(windowId + 'Click'); okayClick.focus(); } else if (!(options.isDialog || options.isDismissible)) { var resizeHandle = $('resize' + windowId); resizeHandle.addEvent("mousedown", startResize); } return windowId; } function show(a) { $(a).style.display = ''; } function hide(a) { $(a).style.display = 'none'; } function runKeyboardShortcuts(e) { var event = new Event(e); if (!(( == "INPUT" && ( == "text" || == "password")) || ( == "TEXTAREA") || event.meta || event.control)) { if (event.key == "a") { checkAll(); } else if (event.key == "n") { checkNone(); } else if (event.key == "e") { if ( == "browse.php" || == "structure.php" || == "users.php") editSelectedRows(); } else if (event.key == "d") { if ( == "structure.php") deleteSelectedColumns(); else if ( == "users.php") deleteSelectedUsers(); else if ( == "browse.php") deleteSelectedRows(); else if ( == "dboverview.php") dropSelectedTables(); } else if (event.key == "r") { sb.loadPage(); } else if (event.key == "f" && == "browse.php") { if ($('firstNav')) eval($('firstNav').get("onclick")); } else if (event.key == "g" && == "browse.php") { if ($('prevNav')) eval($('prevNav').get("onclick")); } else if (event.key == "h" && == "browse.php") { if ($('nextNav')) eval($('nextNav').get("onclick")); } else if (event.key == "l" && == "browse.php") { if ($('lastNav')) eval($('lastNav').get("onclick")); } else if (event.key == "q") { var tabId = 0; while (sb.getTabUrl(tabId) != "query.php") { tabId++; } topTabLoad(tabId); event.stop(); event.stopPropagation(); } else if (event.key == "o" && == "dboverview.php") { optimizeSelectedTables(); } } else if ( == "TEXTAREA" && event.control && event.key == "enter") { var curr = $(; while (curr && curr.get('tag') != "form") { curr = $(curr.parentNode); } if (curr) { currButton = $E("input[type=submit]", curr); if (currButton) {; } } } } function getWindowWidth() { if (window.innerWidth) return window.innerWidth; else return document.documentElement.clientWidth; } function getWindowHeight() { if (window.innerHeight) return window.innerHeight; else return document.documentElement.clientHeight; } function getScrollbarWidth() { var outer = new Element('div'); = 'absolute'; = '-1000px'; = '-1000px'; = '100px'; = '50px'; = 'hidden'; var inner = new Element('div'); = '100%'; = '200px'; outer.appendChild(inner); document.body.appendChild(outer); var w1 = inner.offsetWidth; = "auto"; var w2 = inner.offsetWidth; document.body.removeChild(outer); return (w1 - w2); }; function addAnimation(id, finish) { var elem = $(id); //remove duplicates for (var i in animationStack) { if (animationStack[i][0] == elem) animationStack.splice(i, 1); } var start = elem.offsetHeight; var change = finish - start; var totalFrames = 15; if (window.gecko) totalFrames -= 5; animationStack.push([elem, start, change, 0, totalFrames]); if (animationStack.length == 1) animate(); } function animate() { var j, elem, start, change, currentFrame, totalFrames; for (var i = 0; i < animationStack.length; i++) { j = parseInt(i); elem = animationStack[j][0]; start = animationStack[j][1]; change = animationStack[j][2]; animationStack[j][3] += 1; currentFrame = animationStack[j][3]; totalFrames = animationStack[j][4]; var newHeight = sineInOut(currentFrame, start, change, totalFrames); = newHeight + "px"; if (currentFrame >= totalFrames) { animationStack.splice(j, 1); //if the menu is expanded, take off the explicit height attribute if ( != "0px") { = ''; } } } if (animationStack.length > 0) setTimeout('animate()', 25); } function sineInOut(t, b, c, d) { return -c/2 * (Math.cos(Math.PI*t/d) - 1) + b; } |
:: Command execute :: | |
--[ c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13 powered by Captain Crunch Security Team | | Generation time: 0.0312 ]-- |