Software: Apache. PHP/5.5.15 uname -a: Windows NT SVR-DMZ 6.1 build 7600 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition) i586 SYSTEM Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) E:\nuevo\htdocs\bogotacumbredelclima\wp-content\plugins\js_composer\assets\js\backend\ drwxrwxrwx |
Viewing file: composer-automapper.js (21.13 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | /* ========================================================= * composer-automapper.js v0.2.1 * ========================================================= * Copyright 2013 Wpbakery * * Visual composer automapper for shortcodes * ========================================================= */ var vc_am = { current_form: false }; (function ($) { "use strict"; _.extend( wp.shortcode.prototype, { taggedString: function() { var text = '[<span class="vc_preview-tag">' + this.tag + '</span>'; _.each( this.attrs.numeric, function( value ) { if ( /\s/.test( value ) ) { text += ' <span class="vc_preview-param">"' + value + '"</span>'; } else { text += ' <span class="vc_preview-param">' + value + '</span>'; } }); _.each( this.attrs.named, function( value, name ) { text += ' <span class="vc_preview-param">' + name + '="' + value + '"</span>'; }); // If the tag is marked as `single` or `self-closing`, close the // tag and ignore any additional content. if ( 'single' === this.type ) { return text + ']'; } else if ( 'self-closing' === this.type ) { return text + ' /]'; } // Complete the opening tag. text += ']'; if ( this.content ) { text += '<span class="vc_preview-content">' + this.content + '</span>'; } // Add the closing tag. return text + '[/<span class="vc_preview-tag">' + this.tag + '</span>]'; }}); wp.shortcode.atmPreview = function(options) { return new wp.shortcode( options ).taggedString(); }; var message_timer, show_message = function(text, type) { if(message_timer) { window.clearTimeout(message_timer); $('.vc_settings-automapper').remove(); message_timer = false; } var $message = $('<div class="vc_atm-message updated' + (type ? ' vc_message-' + type : '') + '" style="display: none;"></div>'); $message.text(text); $message.prependTo($('#vc_settings-automapper')).fadeIn(500, function(){ var $message = $(this); window.setTimeout(function(){ $message.remove(); }, 2000); }); }, template_options = { evaluate: /<#([\s\S]+?)#>/g, interpolate: /\{\{\{([\s\S]+?)\}\}\}/g, escape: /\{\{([^\}]+?)\}\}(?!\})/g }, regexp_shortcode = _.memoize(function() { return new RegExp( '\\[(\\[?)(\\S+)(?![\\w-])([^\\]\\/]*(?:\\/(?!\\])[^\\]\\/]*)*?)(?:(\\/)\\]|\\](?:([^\\[]*(?:\\[(?!\\/\\2\\])[^\\[]*)*)(\\[\\/\\2\\]))?)(\\]?)' ); }), to_title = function(string) { string = string.replace(/_|-/, ' '); return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); }; var request_url = window.ajaxurl + '?vc_action=automapper', sync_callback = function(method, model, options) { var data; if(method === 'create') { model.set('id', window.vc_guid()); data = { vc_action: 'create', data: model.toJSON() }; } else if(method === 'update') { data = { vc_action: 'update', id: model.get('id'), data: model.toJSON() }; } else if(method === 'delete') { data = { vc_action: 'delete', id: model.get('id') }; } else { data = { vc_action: 'read' }; } $.ajax({ method: 'POST', url: request_url, dataType: 'json', data:_.extend(data, {action: 'vc_automapper'}), context: this }).done(function(data){ var result = model; if(data && method === 'read') result = data; // Response if (result) { (method === 'read') && options.success(result); } else { options.error("Not found"); } }).error(function(data){ }); }; var ShortcodeModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults:function () { return { tag: '', name: '', category: '', description: '', params: [] }; }, sync: sync_callback }); var ShortcodesCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: ShortcodeModel, sync: sync_callback }); vc_am.shortcodes = new ShortcodesCollection; var ShortcodeView = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'li', // className: 'vc_automapper-item', className: 'widget', events: { 'click .vc_automapper-edit-btn': 'edit', 'click h4, widget-action': 'edit', 'click .vc_automapper-delete-btn': 'clear' }, template_html: $('#vc_automapper-item-tpl').html() || '<span>{{ tag }}</span>', initialize: function() { this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.render); this.listenTo(this.model, 'destroy', this.removeView) }, render: function() { this.$el.html(_.template(this.template_html, this.model.toJSON(), template_options)).attr('data-item-id', this.model.get('id')); return this; }, edit: function(e) { e && e.preventDefault(); new EditFormView({model: this.model}).render(); }, clear: function(e) { e && e.preventDefault(); if(confirm(window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.are_you_sure_delete)) { this.model.destroy(); } }, removeView: function() { this.$el.remove(); } }); var FormView = Backbone.View.extend({ render: function() { vc_am.current_form && vc_am.current_form.close(); vc_am.current_form = this; return this; }, getType: function() { return 'form'; }, validate: function(attrs) { var result = false; if(! { return window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.error_shortcode_name_is_required; } if (!attrs.tag || !attrs.tag.match(/^\S+$/)) { return window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.error_enter_valid_shortcode_tag; } var fields_required = ['param_name', 'heading', 'type']; _.each(attrs.params, function(param){ _.each(fields_required, function(field){ if(param[field] === '') { result = window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.error_enter_required_fields // ''; } else if(field == 'param_name' && !param[field].match(/^[a-z0-9_]+$/g)) { result = window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.error_enter_required_fields; } }, this); }, this); return result || null; }, isValid: function (data) { this.validationError = this.validate(data); return this.validationError ? false : true; }, close: function(e) { e && e.preventDefault(); vc_am.current_form = false; this.remove(); } }); var ComplexShortcodeView = Backbone.View.extend({ _$widget_title: false, _$form_view: false, edit_view: false, tagName: 'li', className: 'widget', events: { 'click .vc_automapper-edit-btn': 'edit', 'click h4, .widget-action': 'edit' }, template_html: $('#vc_automapper-item-complex-tpl').html() || '<span>{{ tag }}</span>', header_template_html: '<h4>{{ name }}<span class="in-widget-title"></span></h4>', initialize: function() { _.bindAll(this, 'removeEditForm'); // this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.renderTitle); this.listenTo(this.model, 'destroy', this.removeView); this.model.view = this; }, render: function() { this.$el.html(_.template(this.template_html, this.model.toJSON(), template_options)).attr('data-item-id', this.model.get('id')); return this; }, renderTitle: function() { this.$widgetTitle().html(_.template(this.header_template_html, this.model.toJSON(), template_options)); }, edit: function(e) { e && e.preventDefault(); if(this.$editForm().is(':animated')) return false; this.$el.addClass('vc_opened'); if(this.edit_view) { this.close(); } else { this.edit_view = new EditFormInnerView({model: this.model}).render(); } }, $widgetTitle: function() { if(!this._$widget_title) this._$widget_title = this.$el.find('.widget-title'); return this._$widget_title; }, $editForm: function() { if(!this._$edit_form) this._$edit_form = this.$el.find('.widget-inside'); return this._$edit_form; }, removeEditForm: function() { this.edit_view && this.edit_view.remove(); this.edit_view = false; }, beforeSave: function() { this.$el.find('#vc_atm-name').val($('#vc_atm-header-name').val()); }, close: function() { vc_am.current_form = false; this.$el.removeClass('vc_opened'); this.renderTitle(); this.$editForm().slideUp(100, this.removeEditForm); }, clear: function(e) { e && e.preventDefault(); this.model.destroy(); }, removeView: function() { this.remove(); } }); var AddFormView = FormView.extend({ className: 'vc_add-form-atm', template_html: $('#vc_automapper-add-form-tpl').html(), events: { 'click #vc_atm-parse-string': 'parseShortcode', 'click .vc_atm-cancel': 'close' }, getType: function() { return 'create'; }, render: function() {; this.$el.html(_.template(this.template_html, {}, template_options)); this.$el.insertAfter('.vc_automapper-toolbar'); return this; }, parseShortcode: function(e) { e && e.preventDefault && e.preventDefault(); var string = $('#vc_atm-shortcode-string').val(), matches, data, params = [], attr; if(_.isEmpty(string)) return alert(window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.error_enter_valid_shortcode); matches = string.match(regexp_shortcode()); if(!matches) return alert(window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.error_enter_valid_shortcode); attr = wp.shortcode.attrs(matches[3]); _.each(attr.named, function(value, key){ params.push({param_name: key, type: "textfield", heading: to_title(key), description: 'Example: ' + value , value: value}); }, this); if(matches[5]) params.push({param_name: 'content', type: "textarea", heading: 'Content', description: '', value: matches[5]}); data = { tag: matches[2], name: to_title(matches[2]), category: window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.my_shortcodes_category, params: params }; if(this.isValid(data)) { vc_am.shortcodes.create(data); show_message(window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.new_shortcode_mapped, 'success'); // new EditFormView({model: vc_am.shortcodes.last()}).render(); vc_am.shortcodes.last().view.edit(); } else { alert(this.validationError); } } }); var EditFormView = FormView.extend({ className: 'vc_edit-form', active_preview: false, events: { 'click #vc_atm-save': 'save', 'click .vc_atm-cancel': 'close', 'click .vc_atm-delete': 'clear', 'click #vc_atm-add-param': 'addParam', 'click .vc_delete-param': 'deleteParam', 'change #vc_atm-is-container': 'setContentParam', 'keyup .vc_param-name, .vc_param-value, #vc_atm-tag': 'setPreview', 'focus #vc_atm-tag': 'setTagFieldActive', 'focus .vc_params input, .vc_params textarea': 'setParamFieldActive', 'focus .vc_param.vc_content input, .vc_param.vc_content textarea': 'setContentParamFieldActive', 'blur #vc_atm-tag, vc_param input': 'unsetFieldActive' }, new: false, template_html: $('#vc_automapper-form-tpl').html(), param_template_html: $('#vc_atm-form-param-tpl').html(), getType: function() { return 'edit'; }, render: function() {; this.$el.html(_.template(this.template_html, this.model.toJSON(), template_options)); this.$el.insertAfter($('[data-item-id=' + +']').hide()); this.addAllParams(); return this; }, setTagFieldActive: function(e) { this.active_preview && $(this.active_preview).removeClass('vc_active'); this.active_preview = '#vc_shortcode-preview .vc_preview-tag'; $(this.active_preview).addClass('vc_active'); }, setParamFieldActive: function(e) { var $control = $(e.currentTarget), index = $control.parents('.vc_param:first').index(); this.active_preview && $(this.active_preview).removeClass('vc_active'); this.active_preview = '#vc_shortcode-preview .vc_preview-param:eq(' + index + ')'; $(this.active_preview).addClass('vc_active'); }, setContentParamFieldActive: function(e) { this.active_preview && $(this.active_preview).removeClass('vc_active'); this.active_preview = '#vc_shortcode-preview .vc_preview-content'; $(this.active_preview).addClass('vc_active'); }, unsetFieldActive: function(e) { $(this.active_preview).removeClass('vc_active'); this.active_preview = false; }, /*** * Escape double quotes in params value. * @param value * @return {*} */ escapeParam:function (value) { return value.replace(/"/g, '``'); }, getPreview: function(data) { var params = data.params, content = false, params_to_string = {}; _.each(params, function (value, key) { if (value.param_name !== 'content') { params_to_string[value.param_name] = this.escapeParam(value.value); } else { content = value.value; } }, this); return wp.shortcode.atmPreview({ tag: data.tag, attrs: params_to_string, content: content, type: content === false ? 'single' : '' }); }, setPreview: function() { var data = { params: this.getParams(), tag: $('#vc_atm-tag').val() }; $('#vc_shortcode-preview').html(this.getPreview(data)); this.active_preview && $(this.active_preview).addClass('vc_active'); }, save: function(e) { e && e.preventDefault && e.preventDefault(); this.$el.find('.vc_error').removeClass('vc_error'); var data = { tag: $('#vc_atm-tag').val(), name: $('#vc_atm-name').val(), category: $('#vc_atm-category').val(), description: $('#vc_atm-description').val(), params: this.getParams() }; if(this.isValid(data)) {; show_message(window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.shortcode_updated, 'success'); this.close(); } else { alert(this.validationError); } }, validate: function(attrs) { var result = false, added_param_names = {}; if(! { $('#vc_atm-name').addClass('vc_error'); return window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.error_shortcode_name_is_required; } if (!attrs.tag || !attrs.tag.match(/^\S+$/)) { $('#vc_atm-tag').addClass('vc_error'); return window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.error_enter_valid_shortcode_tag; } var fields_required = ['param_name', 'heading', 'type']; _.each(attrs.params, function(param, index){ if(param.param_name === 'content' && !$('#vc_atm-params-list [name=param_name]:eq(' + index +')').data('system')) { result = window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.error_content_param_not_manually; $('#vc_atm-params-list [name=param_name]:eq(' + index +')').addClass('vc_error'); return; } if(_.isBoolean(added_param_names[param.param_name]) && added_param_names[param.param_name] == true) { $('#vc_atm-params-list [name=param_name]:eq(' + index +')').addClass('vc_error'); if(!result) result = window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.error_param_already_exists.replace(/\%s/, param.param_name); } added_param_names[param.param_name] = true; _.each(fields_required, function(field){ if(param[field] === '') { $('#vc_atm-params-list [name=' + field +']:eq(' + index +')').addClass('vc_error'); if(!result) result = window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.error_enter_required_fields; } else if(field == 'param_name' && !param[field].match(/^[a-z0-9_]+$/g)) { $('#vc_atm-params-list [name=' + field +']:eq(' + index +')').addClass('vc_error'); if(!result) result = window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.error_wrong_param_name; } }, this); }, this); return result || null; }, setContentParam: function(e) { var $control = $(e.currentTarget); if($':checked')) { this.addParamField({type: 'textarea', heading: 'Content', description: '', param_name: 'content', value: ''}); this.setParamSorting(); } else { this.removeParamField('content'); } this.setPreview(); }, addAllParams: function() { _.each(this.model.get('params'), function(param){ this.addParamField(param); if(param.param_name === 'content') $('#vc_atm-is-container').prop('checked', true); }, this); this.setParamSorting(); }, getParams: function() { var params = []; _.each($('.vc_param'), function(param){ var $param = $(param); params.push({ param_name: $param.find('[name=param_name]').val(), type: $param.find('[name=type]').val(), description: $param.find('[name=description]').val(), heading: $param.find('[name=heading]').val(), value: $param.find('[name=value]').val() }); }, this); return params; }, addParam: function(e) { e && e.preventDefault(); this.addParamField({type: '', heading: '', description: '', param_name: '', value: ''}); this.setPreview(); }, removeParamField: function(name) { $('.vc_param-name[value="' + name + '"]').parents('.vc_param').remove(); }, addParamField: function(attr) { var $block = $('<div class="vc_param' + ( attr.param_name === 'content' ? ' vc_content' : '' ) + '"/>').appendTo('#vc_atm-params-list'); $block.html(_.template(this.param_template_html, attr, template_options)); }, setParamSorting: function() { $('#vc_atm-params-list').sortable({ items: '> .vc_param', tolerance: "pointer", handle: '.vc_move-param', update: this.setPreview, placeholder: "vc_sortable-placeholder"}); }, deleteParam: function(e) { var $control; e && e.preventDefault(); if(confirm(window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.are_you_sure_delete_param)) { $control =$(e.currentTarget); $control.parents('.vc_param').remove(); this.setPreview(); } }, close: function(e) { e && e.preventDefault(); this.model && $('[data-item-id=' + this.model.get('id') +']').show(); vc_am.current_form = false; this.remove(); }, clear: function(e) { e && e.preventDefault(); if(confirm(window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.are_you_sure_delete)) { this.model.destroy(); this.close(); } } }); var EditFormInnerView = EditFormView.extend({ template_html: $('#vc_automapper-form-tpl').html(), getType: function() { return 'edit'; }, initialize: function() { _.bindAll(this, 'setPreview'); }, render: function() { var params, content, parent = this.model.view; params = this.model.get('params');; this.$el.html(_.template(this.template_html, _.extend({shortcode_preview: this.getPreview(this.model.toJSON())}, this.model.toJSON()), template_options)); this.$el.appendTo(parent.$editForm()); parent.$widgetTitle().html('<span class="vc_atm-header"><input type="text" name="name" value="" id="vc_atm-header-name" class="vc_header-name"></span><span class="in-widget-title"></span>'); $('#vc_atm-header-name').val(this.model.get('name')); this.addAllParams(); parent.$editForm().slideDown(); return this; }, save: function(e) { e && e.preventDefault(); this.model.view.beforeSave();; }, close: function(e) { e && e.preventDefault(); vc_am.current_form = false; this.model.view.close(); }, clear: function(e) { e && e.preventDefault(); if(confirm(window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.are_you_sure_delete)) { this.model.view.clear(); this.remove(); } } }); var AppView = Backbone.View.extend({ events: { 'click #vc_automapper-add-btn': 'create' }, className: 'vc_atm-form', initialize: function() { this.listenTo(vc_am.shortcodes, 'add', this.addOne); this.listenTo(vc_am.shortcodes, 'reset', this.addAll); this.listenTo(vc_am.shortcodes, 'all', this.render); this.$list = $('.vc_automapper-list'); vc_am.shortcodes.fetch(); }, addAll: function(models) { models.each(function(model){ this.addOne(model); }, this); }, addOne: function(model) { var view = new ComplexShortcodeView({model: model}); this.$list.append(view.render().el); }, create: function(e) { e && e.preventDefault(); if(!vc_am.current_form || vc_am.current_form.getType() !== 'create') { new AddFormView().render(); } }, render: function() { } }); new AppView({el: $('#vc_settings-automapper')}); })(window.jQuery); |
:: Command execute :: | |
--[ c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13 powered by Captain Crunch Security Team | | Generation time: 0.0312 ]-- |