Software: Apache. PHP/5.5.15 uname -a: Windows NT SVR-DMZ 6.1 build 7600 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition) i586 SYSTEM Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) E:\nuevo\htdocs\bogotacumbredelclima\wp-content\plugins\js_composer\assets\js\backend\ drwxrwxrwx |
Viewing file: media-editor.js (8.64 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | /* ========================================================= * media-editor.js v1.0.0 * ========================================================= * Copyright 2013 Wpbakery * * WP 3.5 Media manager integration into Visual Composer. * ========================================================= */ (function ($) { var media =, Attachment = media.model.Attachment, Attachments = media.model.Attachments, Query = media.model.Query, l10n = i18nLocale, workflows = {}; // extends featuredImage controller // --------------------------------- media.controller.VcSingleImage = media.controller.FeaturedImage.extend({ defaults:_.defaults({ id:'vc_single-image', filterable:'uploaded', multiple:false, toolbar:'vc_single-image', title:l10n.set_image, priority:60, syncSelection:false }, media.controller.Library.prototype.defaults), updateSelection:function () { var selection = this.get('selection'), id = media.VcSingleImage.getData(), attachment; if ('' !== id && -1 !== id) { attachment = Attachment.get(id); attachment.fetch(); } selection.reset(attachment ? [ attachment ] : []); } }); media.controller.VcGallery = media.controller.VcSingleImage.extend({ defaults:_.defaults({ id:'vc_gallery', title:l10n.add_images, toolbar:'main-insert', filterable:'uploaded', library:media.query({type:'image'}), multiple:'add', editable:true, priority:60, syncSelection:false }, media.controller.Library.prototype.defaults), updateSelection:function () { var selection = this.get('selection'), ids = media.vc_editor.getData(), attachments; if ('' !== ids && -1 !== ids) { attachments =,/), function (id) { return Attachment.get(id); }); } selection.reset(attachments); } }); media.VcSingleImage = { getData:function () { return this.$hidden_ids.val(); }, set:function (selection) { this.$img_ul.html(_.template($('#vc_settings-image-block').html(), selection.attributes)); this.$; this.$hidden_ids.val(selection.get('id')).trigger('change'); return false; }, frame:function (element) { this.element = element; this.$button = $(this.element); this.$block = this.$button.closest('.edit_form_line'); this.$hidden_ids = this.$block.find('.gallery_widget_attached_images_ids'); this.$img_ul = this.$block.find('.gallery_widget_attached_images_list'); this.$clear_button = this.$; // TODO: Refactor this all params as template if (this._frame) return this._frame; this._frame ={ state:'vc_single-image', states:[ new ] }); this._frame.on('toolbar:create:vc_single-image', function (toolbar) { this.createSelectToolbar(toolbar, { text:l10n.set_image }); }, this._frame); this._frame.state('vc_single-image').on('select',; return this._frame; }, select:function () { var selection = this.get('selection').single(); ? selection : -1); } }; media.view.MediaFrame.VcGallery = media.view.MediaFrame.Post.extend({ // Define insert-vc state. createStates:function () { var options = this.options; // Add the default states. this.states.add([ // Main states. new media.controller.VcGallery() ]); }, // Removing let menu from manager bindHandlers:function () { media.view.MediaFrame.Select.prototype.bindHandlers.apply(this, arguments); this.on('toolbar:create:main-insert', this.createToolbar, this); var handlers = { content:{ 'embed':'embedContent', 'edit-selection':'editSelectionContent' }, toolbar:{ 'main-insert':'mainInsertToolbar' } }; _.each(handlers, function (regionHandlers, region) { _.each(regionHandlers, function (callback, handler) { this.on(region + ':render:' + handler, this[ callback ], this); }, this); }, this); }, // Changing main button title mainInsertToolbar:function (view) { var controller = this; this.selectionStatusToolbar(view); view.set('insert', { style:'primary', priority:80, text:l10n.add_images, requires:{ selection:true }, click:function () { var state = controller.state(), selection = state.get('selection'); controller.close(); state.trigger('insert', selection).reset(); } }); } }); media.vc_editor = _.clone(media.editor); _.extend(media.vc_editor, { $vc_editor_element:null, getData:function () { var $button =$vc_editor_element, $block = $button.closest('.edit_form_line'), $hidden_ids = $block.find('.gallery_widget_attached_images_ids'); return $hidden_ids.val(); }, insert:function (images) { var $button =$vc_editor_element, $block = $button.closest('.edit_form_line'), $hidden_ids = $block.find('.gallery_widget_attached_images_ids'), $img_ul = $block.find('.gallery_widget_attached_images_list'), $clear_button = $, $thumbnails_string = ''; _.each(images, function (image) { $thumbnails_string += _.template($('#vc_settings-image-block').html(), image); }); $hidden_ids.val(,function (image) { return; }).join(',')).trigger('change'); $img_ul.html($thumbnails_string); }, open:function (id) { var workflow, editor; id =; workflow = this.get(id); // Initialize the editor's workflow if we haven't yet. if (!workflow) workflow = this.add(id); return; }, add:function (id, options) { var workflow = this.get(id); if (workflow) return workflow; workflow = workflows[ id ] = new media.view.MediaFrame.VcGallery(_.defaults(options || {}, { state:'vc_gallery', title:l10n.add_images, library:{ type:'image' }, multiple:true })); workflow.on('insert', function (selection) { var state = workflow.state(), data = []; selection = selection || state.get('selection'); if (!selection) return; this.insert(, function (model) { return model.attributes; })); }, this); return workflow; }, init:function () { $('body').unbind('click.vcGalleryWidget').on('click.vcGalleryWidget', '.gallery_widget_add_images', function (event) { var $this = $(this), editor = 'visual-composer';$vc_editor_element = $(this); if ($this.attr('use-single') === 'true') {'vc_editor'); return; } event.preventDefault(); $this.blur();; }); } }); _.bindAll(media.vc_editor, 'open'); $(document).ready(function () { media.vc_editor.init(); }); }(jQuery)); |
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--[ c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13 powered by Captain Crunch Security Team | | Generation time: 0.0312 ]-- |