Viewing file: mostrar.php (7.22 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
$con = 0;
* UserEdit.php
* This page is for users to edit their account information
* such as their password, email address, etc. Their
* usernames can not be edited. When changing their
* password, they must first confirm their current password.
* Written by: Jpmaster77 a.k.a. The Grandmaster of C++ (GMC)
* Last Updated: August 26, 2004
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html class="noI firefox" xmlns=""><head>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="../../images/favicon.ico">
<title>Modulo Administración</title>
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<link href="../index_files/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link rel="StyleSheet" href="../../tabla_files/orangebrownie.css" type="text/css">
<script language="JavaScript">
function enviar(){
<!-- CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/dynamic.css" type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/creation.css" type="text/css">
</head><body id="creation">
* User has submitted form without errors and user's
* account has been edited successfully.
echo "<h1>User Account Edit Success!</h1>";
echo "<p><b>$session->username</b>, tu cuenta ha sido actualizada satisfactoriamente. "
."<a href=\"../index.php\">Inicio</a>.</p>";
* If user is not logged in, then do not display anything.
* If user is logged in, then display the form to edit
* account information, with the current email address
* already in the field.
<div id="container" class="clearfix">
<div> <img src="../../images/cabezote BLEGAL.jpg" width="960" height="150" border="0"></div>
<TABLE width="764" border=0 style="BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: green; BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR: green; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: green; BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR: green" align="center">
<div id='boundary'>
<div id='content'>
<div id='itsthetable'>
<FORM name=f1 action="mostrar.php" method="post">
<SELECT name="ano" style="font-family: Tahoma; color: #006600; font-size: 8pt; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid #006600; background-color: #E2E2E2;">
<option value=''>Seleccione el año ...</option>
$sql = 'SELECT distinct YEAR(fecha) ano FROM resoluciones order by fecha';
while ( $myrow=mysql_fetch_array($res)){
printf ("<option value='%s'>%s</option>",$ano, $ano);
<select id="tipo" name="tipo" onChange="f1.submit();" style="font-family: Tahoma; color: #006600; font-size: 8pt; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid #006600; background-color: #E2E2E2;">
<option value="">Seleccione el tipo</option>
<option value="AUTO">AUTO</option>
<option value="RESOLUCION">RESOLUCION</option>
<input type="button" name="limpiar2" value="Volver al menu principal" onClick="location.href='../admin.php'">
if ($_POST['tipo'] == 'AUTO')
$tabla = 'AUTOS';
$tabla = 'RESOLUCIONES';
</TBODY></TABLE> <table width='100%'>
<th width='91' scope='col'>id</th>
<th width='139' scope='col'>No</th>
<th width='85' scope='col'>Fecha </th>
<th width='129' scope='col'>Titulo</th>
<th width='186' scope='col'>Usuario</th>
<th width='100' scope='col'>Seleccionar</th>
<?php include("../../conex.php");
$sql = "select no, fecha, resuelve, expediente, usuario, sector, subsector, abogado, direccion, id, tipo from $tabla where YEAR(fecha)= '$_POST[ano]' order by id asc";
//echo "$sql";
$cursor = mysql_query( $sql, $conexion );
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($cursor);
while( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $cursor ) ){
$no = $row["no"];
$fecha = $row["fecha"];
$resuelve = $row["resuelve"];
$sector = $row["sector"];
$subsector = $row["subsector"];
$usuario = $row["usuario"];
$expediente = $row["expediente"];
$abogado = $row["abogado"];
$direccion = $row["direccion"];
$id = $row["id"];
$tipo = $row["tipo"];
$con = $con+1;
$year1=date("Y", strtotime($fecha));
if ($no <> '0') {
$nos = $nos + 1;
<form name="<?php echo "form$con"; ?>" method="post" action="../actos/modificar.php">
<tr <?php if ($change == 1) {echo "class='odd'";} ?>>
<td><input name='id' type='text' onFocus='setFocus(;' onBlur='setFocus(' value='<?php echo "$id"; ?>' size="4"');'></td>
<td><input type='text' name='no' value='<?php echo "$no"; ?>' onFocus='setFocus(;' onBlur='setFocus('');'>
<input type="hidden" name='tipo' value='<?php echo "$tipo"; ?>' onFocus='setFocus(;' onBlur='setFocus('');'></td>
<td><?php echo "$fecha"; ?></td>
<td><?php echo "$resuelve"; ?></td>
<td><?php echo "$usuario";?>
<input name="ver" type="button" id="ver" value="+" onclick="'detalle.php?id=<?php echo "$id"; ?> ','pepe')"/></td>
<td><INPUT id=creTercero:_id468 onBlur="setFocus('');" onfocus=setFocus(; onClick="window.opener.document.getElementById('no').value = window.document.<?php echo "form$con"; ?>.no.value;
window.opener.document.getElementById('id').value = window.document.<?php echo "form$con"; ?>.id.value;
window.opener.document.getElementById('tipo').value = window.document.<?php echo "form$con"; ?>.tipo.value; window.opener.focus(); self.close(); return false;" type=button value=Aceptar name=creTercero:_id468>
if ($change == 0){
else if ($change == 1){
<td>Total Solicitudes :</td>
<td><?php echo "$num_rows"; ?></td>
<td >Total :</td>
<td ><?php echo "$nos"; ?></td>
<td >Indicador de Eficiencia:</td>
<td ><?php echo $nos/$num_rows*100; ?></td>
</table> </TD>
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