Software: Apache. PHP/5.5.15 uname -a: Windows NT SVR-DMZ 6.1 build 7600 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition) i586 SYSTEM Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) E:\nuevo\htdocs\cumbreclima\wp-content\plugins\js_composer\assets\js\backend\ drwxrwxrwx |
Viewing file: composer-storage.js (13.89 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | /* ========================================================= * composer-storage.js 1 * ========================================================= * Copyright 2013 Wpbakery * * Visual composer backbone/underscore Storage hidden field * ========================================================= */ (function ($) { vc.debug = false; /** * Shortcodes mapping settings. * @type {Object} */ = _.isUndefined(window.vc_mapper) ? {} : window.vc_mapper; /** * @constructor */ vc.Storage = function () { = {}; }; /** * CRUD methods for content management. * @type {Object} */ vc.Storage.prototype = { url:window.ajaxurl, checksum:false, locked:false, /** * Create new object in storage. Require to define model name because system uses only one hidden field with * serialized json object. * @param model - Backbone.Model object * @return {*} - Backbone.Model object */ create:function (model) { if (! = = vc_guid();[] = model.toJSON(); // optimize root update this.setModelRoot(;; return model; }, /** * Optimization methods */ // {{ Methods allows lock/unlock data parsing into shortcodes and saving it in wp editor. lock:function () { this.locked = true; }, unlock:function () { this.locked = false; }, // }} setModelRoot:function (id) { var data =[id]; if (_.isString(data.parent_id) && _.isObject([data.parent_id])) { data.root_id =[data.parent_id].root_id; } if (_.isObject([data.root_id]))[data.root_id].html = false; }, /** * Update object in storage. * @param model * @return {*} */ update:function (model) {[] = model.toJSON(); this.setModelRoot(;; return model; }, /** * Remove record from storage * @param model * @return {*} */ destroy:function (model) { if (!_.isUndefined([]) && !_.isUndefined([].root_id) && _.isObject([[].root_id])) {[[].root_id].html = false; } if (!_.isUndefined([])) { delete[]; }; return model; }, /** * Find record by id * @param model_id - id of model. * @return {*} - object */ find:function (model_id) { return[model_id]; }, /** * Find all records in storage. Used by fetch. * @return {*} */ findAll:function () { this.fetch(); return _.values(; }, /** * Find all root models which are sorted by order field. * @return {*} */ findAllRootSorted:function () { var models = _.filter(_.values(, function (model) { return model.parent_id === false; }); return _.sortBy(models, function (model) { return model.order; }); }, /*** * Escape double quotes in params value. * @param value * @return {*} */ escapeParam:function (value) { return value.replace(/"/g, '``'); }, /** * Unescape double quotes in params valus. * @param value * @return {*} */ unescapeParam:function (value) { return value.replace(/(\`{2})/g, '"'); }, /** * Converts model data to wordpress shortcode. * @param model * @return {*} */ createShortcodeString:function (model) { var params = _.extend({}, model.params), params_to_string = {}; _.each(params, function (value, key) { if (key !== 'content' && !_.isEmpty(value)) params_to_string[key] = this.escapeParam(value); }, this); var content = this._getShortcodeContent(model), is_container = _.isObject([model.shortcode]) && _.isBoolean([model.shortcode].is_container) &&[model.shortcode].is_container === true; if(!is_container && _.isObject([model.shortcode]) && !_.isEmpty([model.shortcode].as_parent)) is_container = true; return wp.shortcode.string({ tag:model.shortcode, attrs:params_to_string, content:content, type:!is_container && _.isUndefined(params.content) ? 'single' : '' }); }, /** * Save data in hidden field. * @return {Boolean} */ save:function () { if (this.locked) { this.locked = false; return false; } var content = _.reduce(this.findAllRootSorted(), function (memo, model) { // if(!_.isString(model.html)) { model.html = this.createShortcodeString(model); // } return memo + model.html; }, '', this); this.setContent(content); this.checksum = window.md5(content); return this; }, /** * If shortcode is container like, gets content of is shortcode in shortcodes style. * @param parent - shortcode inside which content is. * @return {*} * @private */ _getShortcodeContent:function (parent) { var that = this, models = _.sortBy(_.filter(, function (model) { // Filter children return model.parent_id ===; }), function (model) { // Sort by `order` field return model.order; }), params = {}; _.extend(params, parent.params); if (!models.length) { if(!_.isUndefined(window.switchEditors) && _.isString(params.content) && window.switchEditors.wpautop(params.content)===params.content) { params.content = window.vc_wpautop(params.content); } return _.isUndefined(params.content) ? '' : params.content; } return _.reduce(models, function (memo, model) { return memo + that.createShortcodeString(model); }, ''); }, /** * Get content of main editor of current post. Data is used as models collection of shortcodes. * @return {*} */ getContent:function () { var content; if (_.isObject(window.tinymce) && tinymce.editors.content) { // window.switchEditors.go('content', 'html');; } return window.vc_wpnop($('#content').val()); }, /** * Set content of the current_post inside editor. * @param content * @private */ setContent:function (content) { var tiny = _.isObject(window.tinymce) && tinymce.editors.content && !_.isUndefined(window.switchEditors), editor_hidden = tiny && window.tinyMCE.get('content') && window.tinyMCE.get('content').isHidden(); if (tiny) { window.switchEditors.go('content', 'html'); } $('#content').val(content); if(tiny && !editor_hidden) { window.switchEditors.go('content', 'tmce'); } }, /** * Parse shortcode string into objects. * @param data * @param content * @param parent * @return {*} */ parseContent:function (data, content, parent) { var tags = _.keys('|'), reg = window.wp.shortcode.regexp(tags), matches = content.trim().match(reg); if (_.isNull(matches)) return data; _.each(matches, function (raw) { var sub_matches = raw.match(this.regexp(tags)), sub_content = sub_matches[5], sub_regexp = new RegExp('^[\\s]*\\[\\[?(' + _.keys('|') + ')(?![\\w-])'), id = window.vc_guid(), atts_raw = window.wp.shortcode.attrs(sub_matches[3]), atts = {}, shortcode, map_settings; _.each(atts_raw.named, function (value, key) { atts[key] = this.unescapeParam(value); }, this); shortcode = { id:id, shortcode:sub_matches[2], order:this.order, params:_.extend({}, atts), parent_id:(_.isObject(parent) ? : false), root_id:(_.isObject(parent) ? parent.root_id : id) }; map_settings =[shortcode.shortcode]; this.order += 1; data[id] = shortcode; if (id == shortcode.root_id) { data[id].html = raw; } if (_.isString(sub_content) && sub_content.match(sub_regexp) && ( (_.isBoolean(map_settings.is_container) && map_settings.is_container === true) || (!_.isUndefined(map_settings.as_parent) && map_settings.as_parent !== false) )) { data = this.parseContent(data, sub_content, data[id]); } else if (_.isString(sub_content) && sub_content.length && sub_matches[2]==='vc_row') { data = this.parseContent(data, '[vc_column width="1/1"][vc_column_text]' + sub_content + '[/vc_column_text][/vc_column]', data[id]); } else if (_.isString(sub_content) && sub_content.length && sub_matches[2]==='vc_column') { data = this.parseContent(data, '[vc_column_text]' + sub_content + '[/vc_column_text]', data[id]); } else if (_.isString(sub_content)) { data[id].params.content = sub_content; // sub_content.match(/\n/) && !_.isUndefined(window.switchEditors) ? window.switchEditors.wpautop(sub_content) : sub_content; } }, this); return data; }, /** * Checks by checksum is content changed. * @return {Boolean} */ isContentChanged:function () { return this.checksum === false || this.checksum !== window.md5(this.getContent()); }, /** * Wrap content which is not inside vc shorcodes. * @param content * @return {*} */ wrapData:function (content) { var tags = _.keys('|'), reg = this.regexp_split('vc_row'), starts_with_shortcode = new RegExp('^\\[(\\[?)' + tags, 'g'); //'^\\[(\\[?)\s*' matches = _.filter(content.trim().split(reg), function (value) { if (!_.isEmpty(value)) return value; }); content = _.reduce(matches, function (mem, value) { if (!value.trim().match(starts_with_shortcode)) { value = '[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]' + value + '[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]'; } return mem + value; }, ''); return content; }, /** * Get data from hidden field and parse it from string to objects list. * @return {*} */ fetch:function () { if (!this.isContentChanged()) return this; this.order = 0; var content = this.getContent(); this.checksum = window.md5(content); content = this.wrapData(content); = this.parseContent({}, content); try { } catch (e) { = {}; } }, /** * Append new data to existing one. * @param content - string of shortcodes. */ append:function (content) { = {}; this.order = 0; try { var current_content = this.getContent(); this.setContent(current_content + "" + content); } catch (e) { } }, /** * Regexp used to split unwrapped data. */ regexp_split:_.memoize(function (tags) { return new RegExp('(\\[(\\[?)[' + tags + ']+' + '(?![\\w-])' + '[^\\]\\/]*' + '[\\/' + '(?!\\])' + '[^\\]\\/]*' + ']?' + '(?:' + '\\/]' + '\\]|\\]' + '(?:' + '[^\\[]*' + '(?:\\[' + '(?!\\/' + tags + '\\])[^\\[]*' + ')*' + '' + '\\[\\/' + tags + '\\]' + ')?' + ')' + '\\]?)', 'g'); }), regexp:_.memoize(function (tags) { return new RegExp('\\[(\\[?)(' + tags + ')(?![\\w-])([^\\]\\/]*(?:\\/(?!\\])[^\\]\\/]*)*?)(?:(\\/)\\]|\\](?:([^\\[]*(?:\\[(?!\\/\\2\\])[^\\[]*)*)(\\[\\/\\2\\]))?)(\\]?)'); }) }; = new vc.Storage(); vc.test = { a:_.memoize(function (a) { return a; }) }; })(window.jQuery); |
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