Software: Apache. PHP/5.5.15 uname -a: Windows NT SVR-DMZ 6.1 build 7600 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition) i586 SYSTEM Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) E:\nuevo\htdocs\cumbreclima\wp-content\plugins\js_composer\assets\js\editors\ drwxrwxrwx |
Viewing file: panels.js (33.78 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | /* ========================================================= * lib/panels.js v0.5.0 * ========================================================= * Copyright 2014 Wpbakery * * Visual composer panels & modals for frontend editor * * ========================================================= */ (function($) { if(_.isUndefined( = {}; $( document ).ajaxSend(function(e, xhr, req) { req && && && $('#vc_logo').addClass('vc_ajax-loading'); }).ajaxStop(function(){ $('#vc_logo').removeClass('vc_ajax-loading'); }); vc.active_panel = false; vc.closeActivePanel= function(model) { if(!this.active_panel) return false; if(model && vc.active_panel.model && vc.active_panel.model.get('id') === model.get('id')) { this.active_panel.hide(); } else if( !model ) { this.active_panel.hide(); } }; vc.updateSettingsBadge = function() { var value = vc.$custom_css.val(); if(value.trim() !== '') { $('#vc_post-css-badge').show(); } else { $('#vc_post-css-badge').hide(); } } /** * Modal prototype * @type {*} */ vc.ModalView = Backbone.View.extend({ events: { '': 'hide', '': 'shown' }, initialize: function() { _.bindAll(this, 'setSize', 'hide'); }, setSize: function() { var height = $(window).height() - 150; this.$content.css('maxHeight', height); }, render: function() { $(window).bind('resize.ModalView', this.setSize); this.setSize(); vc.closeActivePanel(); this.$el.modal('show'); return this; }, hide: function() { $(window).unbind('resize.ModalView'); }, shown: function() { } }); vc.element_start_index = 0; /** * Add element block to page or shortcodes container. * @type {*} */ vc.AddElementBlockView = vc.ModalView.extend({ el: $('#vc_add-element-dialog'), prepend: false, builder: '', events: { 'click .vc_shortcode-link': 'createElement', 'keyup #vc_elements_name_filter':'filterElements', '': 'hide', '': 'buildFiltering', 'click .wpb-content-layouts-container [data-filter]':'filterElements', '': 'shown' }, buildFiltering: function() { this.do_render = false; var item_selector, tag, not_in, item_selector = '.wpb-layout-element-button'; tag = this.model ? this.model.get('shortcode') : 'vc_column'; not_in = this._getNotIn(tag); $('#vc_elements_name_filter').val(''); // New vision var as_parent = tag && !_.isUndefined(vc.getMapped(tag).as_parent) ? vc.getMapped(tag).as_parent : false; if (_.isObject(as_parent)) { var parent_selector = []; if (_.isString(as_parent.only)) { parent_selector.push(_.reduce(as_parent.only.replace(/\s/, '').split(','), function (memo, val) { return memo + ( _.isEmpty(memo) ? '' : ',') + '[data-element="' + val.trim() + '"]'; }, '')); } if (_.isString(as_parent.except)) { parent_selector.push(_.reduce(as_parent.except.replace(/\s/, '').split(','), function (memo, val) { return memo + ':not([data-element="' + val.trim() + '"])'; }, '')); } item_selector += parent_selector.join(','); } else { if(not_in) item_selector = not_in; } // OLD fashion if (tag !== false && tag !== false && !_.isUndefined(vc.getMapped(tag).allowed_container_element)) { if (vc.getMapped(tag).allowed_container_element === false) { item_selector += ':not([data-is-container=true])'; } else if (_.isString(vc.getMapped(tag).allowed_container_element)) { item_selector += ':not([data-is-container=true]), [data-element=' + vc.getMapped(tag).allowed_container_element + ']'; } } this.$buttons.removeClass('vc_visible').addClass('vc_inappropriate'); $(item_selector, this.$content).removeClass('vc_inappropriate').addClass('vc_visible'); this.hideEmptyFilters(); }, hideEmptyFilters: function() { this.$el.find('.vc_filter-content-elements .active').removeClass('active'); this.$el.find('.vc_filter-content-elements > :first').addClass('active'); this.$el.find('[data-filter]').each(function () { if (!$($(this).data('filter') + '.vc_visible:not(.vc_inappropriate)', this.$content).length) { $(this).parent().hide(); } else { $(this).parent().show(); } }); }, render: function(model, prepend) { var $list, item_selector, tag, not_in; this.builder = new vc.ShortcodesBuilder(); this.prepend = _.isBoolean(prepend) ? prepend : false; this.place_after_id = _.isString(prepend) ? prepend : false; this.model = _.isObject(model) ? model : false; this.$content = this.$el.find('.wpb-elements-list'); this.$buttons = $('.wpb-layout-element-button', this.$content); return; }, hide: function() { $(window).unbind('resize.vcAddElementModal'); if(this.do_render) { if(this.show_settings) { this.showEditForm(); } this.exit(); } }, showEditForm: function() { vc.edit_element_block_view.render(this.builder.last()); }, exit: function() { this.builder.render(); }, createElement: function(e) { this.do_render = true; e.preventDefault(); var $control = $(e.currentTarget), tag = $'tag'), model; if(this.model === false && tag !== 'vc_row') { this.builder .create({shortcode: 'vc_row'}) .create({shortcode: 'vc_column', parent_id: this.builder.lastID(), params: {width: '1/1'}}); this.model = this.builder.last(); } else if(this.model !== false && tag === 'vc_row') { tag += '_inner'; } var params = {shortcode: tag, parent_id: (this.model ? this.model.get('id') : false), params: vc.getDefaults(tag)}; if(this.prepend) { params.order = 0; var shortcode_first = vc.shortcodes.findWhere({parent_id: this.model.get('id')}); if(shortcode_first) params.order = shortcode_first.get('order') -1; vc.activity = 'prepend'; } else if(this.place_after_id) { params.place_after_id = this.place_after_id; } this.builder.create(params); if(tag === 'vc_row') { this.builder.create({shortcode: 'vc_column', parent_id: this.builder.lastID(), params: {width: '1/1'}}); } else if(tag === 'vc_row_inner') { this.builder.create({shortcode: 'vc_column_inner', parent_id: this.builder.lastID(), params: {width: '1/1'}}); } if(_.isString(vc.getMapped(tag).default_content) && vc.getMapped(tag).default_content.length) { var new_data = this.builder.parse({}, vc.getMapped(tag).default_content, this.builder.last().toJSON()); _.each(new_data, function(object){ object.default_content = true; this.builder.create(object); }, this); } this.show_settings = _.isBoolean(vc.getMapped(tag).show_settings_on_create) && vc.getMapped(tag).show_settings_on_create === false ? false : true; this.$el.modal('hide'); }, getDefaultParams: function(tag) { var params = {}; _.each(vc.getMapped(tag).params, function(param){ if(!_.isUndefined(param.value)) params[param.param_name] = param.value; }); return params; }, _getNotIn:_.memoize(function (tag) { var selector = _.reduce(, function (memo, shortcode) { var separator = _.isEmpty(memo) ? '' : ','; if (_.isObject(shortcode.as_child)) { if (_.isString(shortcode.as_child.only)) { if (!_.contains(shortcode.as_child.only.replace(/\s/, '').split(','), tag)) { memo += separator + '[data-element=' + shortcode.base + ']'; } } if (_.isString(shortcode.as_child.except)) { if (_.contains(shortcode.as_child.except.replace(/\s/, '').split(','), tag)) { memo += separator + '.[data-element=' + shortcode.base + ']'; } } } else if (shortcode.as_child === false) { memo += separator + '[data-element=' + shortcode.base + ']'; } return memo; }, ''); return '.wpb-layout-element-button:not(' + selector + ')'; }), filterElements:function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var $control = $(e.currentTarget), filter = '.wpb-layout-element-button', name_filter = $('#vc_elements_name_filter').val(); if ($'[data-filter]')) { $('.wpb-content-layouts-container .isotope-filter .active', this.$content).removeClass('active'); $control.parent().addClass('active'); filter += $'filter'); $('#vc_elements_name_filter').val(''); } else if (name_filter.length > 0) { filter += ":containsi('" + name_filter + "')"; $('.wpb-content-layouts-container .isotope-filter .active', this.$content).removeClass('active'); } else if(name_filter.length == 0) { $('.wpb-content-layouts-container .isotope-filter [data-filter="*"]').parent().addClass('active'); } $('.vc_visible', this.$content).removeClass('vc_visible'); $(filter, this.$content).addClass('vc_visible'); }, shown: function() { if(!vc.is_mobile) $('#vc_elements_name_filter').focus(); } }); /** * Add element to admin * @type {*} */ vc.AddElementBlockViewBackendEditor = vc.AddElementBlockView.extend({ render: function(model, prepend) { var $list, item_selector, tag, not_in; this.prepend = _.isBoolean(prepend) ? prepend : false; this.place_after_id = _.isString(prepend) ? prepend : false; this.model = _.isObject(model) ? model : false; this.$content = this.$el.find('.wpb-elements-list'); this.$buttons = $('.wpb-layout-element-button', this.$content); return; }, createElement:function (e) { var model, column, row; _.isObject(e) && e.preventDefault(); this.do_render = true; var tag = $(e.currentTarget).data('tag'); if (this.model === false) { row = vc.shortcodes.create({shortcode:'vc_row'}); column = vc.shortcodes.create({shortcode:'vc_column', params:{width:'1/1'},, }); if (tag != 'vc_row') { model = vc.shortcodes.create({ shortcode: tag,, params:vc.getDefaults(tag), }); } else { model = row; } } else { if (tag == 'vc_row') { row = vc.shortcodes.create({ shortcode:'vc_row_inner',, order:(this.prepend ? this.getFirstPositionIndex() : vc.shortcodes.getNextOrder()) }); model = vc.shortcodes.create({shortcode:'vc_column_inner', params:{width:'1/1'},, }); } else { model = vc.shortcodes.create({ shortcode: tag,, order:(this.prepend ? this.getFirstPositionIndex() : vc.shortcodes.getNextOrder()), params:vc.getDefaults(tag), root_id:this.model.get('root_id') }); } } this.show_settings = _.isBoolean(vc.getMapped(tag).show_settings_on_create) && vc.getMapped(tag).show_settings_on_create === false ? false : true; this.model = model; this.$el.modal('hide'); }, showEditForm: function() { vc.edit_element_block_view.render(this.model); }, exit: function() { }, getFirstPositionIndex:function () { vc.element_start_index -= 1; return vc.element_start_index; } }); /** * Panel prototype */ vc.PanelView = Backbone.View.extend({ draggable: false, events: { 'click [data-dismiss=panel]': 'hide', 'mouseover [data-transparent=panel]': 'addOpacity', 'mouseout [data-transparent=panel]': 'removeOpacity' }, initialize: function() { _.bindAll(this, 'setSize'); }, addOpacity: function() { this.$el.addClass('vc_panel-opacity'); }, removeOpacity: function(){ this.$el.removeClass('vc_panel-opacity'); }, message_box_timeout: false, init: function(){}, show: function() { vc.closeActivePanel(); this.init(); vc.active_panel = this; $(window).bind('resize.vcPropertyPanel', this.setSize); this.setSize(); this.$; if(!this.draggable) { this.$el.draggable({iframeFix: true, handle: '.vc_panel-heading'}); this.draggable = true; } }, hide: function(e) { e && e.preventDefault(); $(window).unbind('resize.vcPropertyPanel'); vc.active_panel = false; this.$el.hide(); }, content: function() { return this.$el.find('.panel-body'); }, setSize: function() { //var height = $(window).height() - 200; // @fix ACE editor //this.content().css('maxHeight', height); }, showMessage: function(text, type) { this.message_box_timeout && this.$el.find('.vc_panel-message').remove() && window.clearTimeout(this.message_box_timeout); this.message_box_timeout = false; var $message_box = $('<div class="vc_panel-message type-' + type +'"></div>').appendTo(this.$el.find('.vc_panel-body')); $message_box.text(text).fadeIn(); this.message_box_timeout = window.setTimeout(function(){ $message_box.remove(); }, 6000); }, minimizeBody: function(e) { e && e.preventDefault && e.preventDefault(); this.$el.find('.panel-body,.panel-footer').slideToggle(); }, isVisible: function() { return this.$':visible'); } }); /** * Shortcode settings panel * @type {*} */ vc.EditElementPanelView = vc.PanelView.extend({ el: $('#vc_properties-panel'), $content: false, dependent_elements:{}, mapped_params:{}, draggable: false, events: { 'click [data-save=true]': 'save', 'click [data-dismiss=panel]': 'hide', 'mouseover [data-transparent=panel]': 'addOpacity', 'mouseout [data-transparent=panel]': 'removeOpacity' }, initialize: function() { _.bindAll(this, 'setSize'); }, setSize: function() { var height = $(window).height() - 190; this.$content.css('maxHeight', height); }, render: function(model, not_request_template) { this.model = model; var tag = this.model.get('shortcode'), params = this.model.setting('params') || []; _.bindAll(this, 'hookDependent'); this.mapped_params = {}; this.dependent_elements = {}; _.each(params, function (param) { this.mapped_params[param.param_name] = param; }, this); this.$content = not_request_template ? this.$el : this.$el.find('.vc_properties-list').removeClass('vc_with-tabs'); this.$content.html('<span class="vc_spinner"></span>');; !not_request_template && $.ajax({ type:'POST', url:window.ajaxurl, data:{ action:'wpb_show_edit_form', element:this.model.get('shortcode'), post_id: $('#post_ID').val(), shortcode: vc.builder.toString(this.model) }, context:this }).done(function (data) { this.$content.html(data); this.$content.scrollTop(0); this.init(); }); this.setTitle(); return this; }, init: function() { this.initDependency(); $('.wpb-edit-form .textarea_html').each(function(){ window.init_textarea_html($(this)); }); }, initDependency:function () { // setup dependencies _.each(this.mapped_params, function (param) { if (_.isObject(param) && _.isObject(param.dependency) && _.isString(param.dependency.element)) { var $masters = $('[name=' + param.dependency.element + '].wpb_vc_param_value', this.$content), $slave = $('[name= ' + param.param_name + '].wpb_vc_param_value', this.$content); _.each($masters, function (master) { var $master = $(master), rules = param.dependency; if (!_.isArray(this.dependent_elements[$master.attr('name')])) this.dependent_elements[$master.attr('name')] = []; this.dependent_elements[$master.attr('name')].push($slave); $master.bind('keyup change', this.hookDependent); this.hookDependent({currentTarget:$master}, [$slave]); if (_.isString(rules.callback)) { window[rules.callback].call(this); } }, this); } }, this); }, hookDependent: function (e, dependent_elements) { var $master = $(e.currentTarget), $master_container = $master.closest('.vc_column'), master_value, is_empty, dependent_elements = _.isArray(dependent_elements) ? dependent_elements : this.dependent_elements[$master.attr('name')], master_value = $':checkbox') ?$content.find('[name=' + $(e.currentTarget).attr('name') + '].wpb_vc_param_value:checked'), function (element) { return $(element).val(); }) : $master.val(); is_empty = $':checkbox') ? !this.$content.find('[name=' + $master.attr('name') + '].wpb_vc_param_value:checked').length : !master_value.length; if($master_container.hasClass('vc_dependent-hidden')) { _.each(dependent_elements, function($element) { $element.closest('.vc_column').addClass('vc_dependent-hidden'); }); } else { _.each(dependent_elements, function ($element) { var param_name = $element.attr('name'), rules = _.isObject(this.mapped_params[param_name]) && _.isObject(this.mapped_params[param_name].dependency) ? this.mapped_params[param_name].dependency : {}, $param_block = $element.closest('.vc_column'); if (_.isBoolean(rules.not_empty) && rules.not_empty === true && !is_empty) { // Check is not empty show dependent Element. $param_block.removeClass('vc_dependent-hidden'); } else if (_.isBoolean(rules.is_empty) && rules.is_empty === true && is_empty) { $param_block.removeClass('vc_dependent-hidden'); } else if (_.intersection((_.isArray(rules.value) ? rules.value : [rules.value]), (_.isArray(master_value) ? master_value : [master_value])).length) { $param_block.removeClass('vc_dependent-hidden'); } else { $param_block.addClass('vc_dependent-hidden'); } $element.trigger('change'); }, this); } return this; }, setActive: function() { this.$el.prev().addClass('active'); }, window: function() { return window; }, getParams: function() { var attributes_settings = this.mapped_params; this.params = _.extend({}, this.model.get('params')); _.each(attributes_settings, function (param) { var value =, param); if(_.isNull(value) || value === '') { delete this.params[param.param_name]; } else { this.params[param.param_name] = value; } }, this); _.each(vc.edit_form_callbacks, function(callback){; }, this); return this.params; }, content: function() { return this.$content; }, save: function(){{params: this.getParams()}); this.showMessage(window.sprintf(window.i18nLocale.inline_element_saved, vc.getMapped(this.model.get('shortcode')).name), 'success'); !vc.frame_window && this.hide(); }, show: function() { if(this.$':hidden')) vc.closeActivePanel(); vc.active_panel = this; $(window).bind('resize.vcPropertyPanel', this.setSize); this.setSize(); this.$; if(!this.draggable) { this.$el.draggable({iframeFix: true, handle: '.vc_panel-heading'}); this.draggable = true; } }, hide: function(e) { e && e.preventDefault(); vc.active_panel = false; $(window).unbind('resize.vcPropertyPanel'); this._killEditor(); this.$el.hide(); this.$content.html(''); }, setTitle: function() { this.$el.find('.vc_panel-title').text(vc.getMapped(this.model.get('shortcode')).name + ' settings'); return this; }, _killEditor:function () { if(!_.isUndefined(window.tinyMCE)) { $('textarea.textarea_html', this.$el).each(function () { var id = $(this).attr('id'); if(tinymce.majorVersion === "4") { window.tinyMCE.execCommand('mceRemoveEditor', true, id); } else { window.tinyMCE.execCommand("mceRemoveControl", true, id); } }); } // TODO: move with new version of params types. jQuery( 'body' ).off( 'click.wpcolorpicker' ); } }); /** * Post custom css * @type {Number} */ vc.PostSettingsPanelView = vc.PanelView.extend({ events: { 'click [data-save=true]': 'save', 'click [data-dismiss=panel]': 'hide', 'mouseover [data-transparent=panel]': 'addOpacity', 'mouseout [data-transparent=panel]': 'removeOpacity' }, saved_css_data: '', saved_title: '', $title: false, editor: false, post_settings_editor: false, initialize: function() { vc.$custom_css = $('#vc_post-custom-css'); this.saved_css_data = vc.$custom_css.val(); this.saved_title = vc.title; this.editor = new Vc_postSettingsEditor(); }, render: function() { this.$title = this.$el.find('#vc_page-title-field'); this.$title.val(vc.title); !vc.$title.length && $('#vc_settings-title-container').hide(); this.setEditor(); return this; }, setEditor: function() { this.editor.setEditor(vc.$custom_css.val()); }, setSize: function() { this.editor.setSize(); }, save: function() { if(this.$title) { var title = this.$title.val(); if(title != vc.title) { vc.frame.setTitle(title); } } this.setAlertOnDataChange(); vc.$custom_css.val(this.editor.getValue()); vc.frame_window && vc.frame_window.vc_iframe.loadCustomCss(vc.$custom_css.val()); vc.updateSettingsBadge(); this.showMessage(window.i18nLocale.css_updated, 'success'); }, /** * Set alert if custom css data differs from saved data. */ setAlertOnDataChange: function() { if( this.saved_css_data !== this.editor.getValue() ) { vc.setDataChanged(); } else if( this.$title && this.saved_title !== this.$title.val() ) { vc.setDataChanged(); } } }); vc.PostSettingsPanelViewBackendEditor = vc.PostSettingsPanelView.extend({ render: function() { this.setEditor(); return this; }, /** * Set alert if custom css data differs from saved data. */ setAlertOnDataChange: function() { if(vc.saved_custom_css !== this.editor.getValue() && window.tinymce) { window.switchEditors.go('content', 'tmce'); window.setTimeout(function(){window.tinymce.get('content').isNotDirty = false;},1000); } }, save: function() {; this.hide(); } }); /** * Templates editor * @type {*} */ vc.TemplatesEditorPanelView = vc.PanelView.extend({ events: { 'click [data-dismiss=panel]': 'hide', 'mouseover [data-transparent=panel]': 'addOpacity', 'mouseout [data-transparent=panel]': 'removeOpacity', 'click .wpb_remove_template':'removeTemplate', 'click [data-template_id]':'loadTemplate', 'click [data-template_name]':'loadDefaultTemplate', 'click #vc_template-save':'saveTemplate' }, render: function() { this.$name = $('#vc_template-name'); this.$list = $('#vc_template-list'); $("#vc_tabs-templates").tabs(); return this; }, /** * Remove template from server database. * @param e - Event object */ removeTemplate:function (e) { e && e.preventDefault(); var $button = $(e.currentTarget); var template_name = $button.closest('.wpb_template_li').find('a').text(); var answer = confirm(window.i18nLocale.confirm_deleting_template.replace('{template_name}', template_name)); if (answer) { // this.reloadTemplateList(data); /*$.post(window.ajaxurl, { action: 'wpb_delete_template', template_id: $button.attr('rel'), vc_inline: true }); $button.closest('.wpb_template_li').remove();*/ $button.closest('.wpb_template_li').remove(); this.$list.html(window.i18nLocale.loading); $.ajax({ type:'POST', url:window.ajaxurl, data:{ action:'wpb_delete_template', template_id:$button.attr('rel'), vc_inline: true }, context: this }).done(function(html){ this.$list.html(html); }); } }, /** * Load saved template from server. * @param e - Event object */ loadTemplate:function (e) { e && e.preventDefault(); var $button = $(e.currentTarget); $.ajax({ type:'POST', url:window.ajaxurl, data:{ action: 'vc_frontend_template', template_id:$'template_id'), vc_inline: true }, context: this }).done(function (html) { var template, data; _.each($(html), function(element){ if( === "vc_template-data") { try {data = JSON.parse(element.innerHTML) } catch(e) {}; } if( === "vc_template-html") { template = element.innerHTML; } }); template && data && vc.builder.buildFromTemplate(template, data); this.showMessage(window.i18nLocale.template_added, 'success'); /* _.each(vc.filters.templates, function (callback) { shortcodes = callback(shortcodes); }); */ //; //Shortcodes.fetch({reset: true}); }); }, /** * Load saved template from server. * @param e - Event object */ loadDefaultTemplate:function (e) { e && e.preventDefault(); var $button = $(e.currentTarget); $.ajax({ type:'POST', url:window.ajaxurl, data:{ action:'vc_frontend_default_template', template_name:$'template_name'), vc_inline: true }, context: this }).done(function (html) { var template, data; _.each($(html), function(element){ if( === "vc_template-data") { try {data = JSON.parse(element.innerHTML) } catch(e) {}; } if( === "vc_template-html") { template = element.innerHTML; } }); template && data && vc.builder.buildFromTemplate(template, data); this.showMessage(window.i18nLocale.template_added, 'success'); /* _.each(vc.filters.templates, function (callback) { shortcodes = callback(shortcodes); }); */ //; //Shortcodes.fetch({reset: true}); }); }, /** * Save current shortcode design as template with title. * @param e - Event object */ saveTemplate:function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var name = this.$name.val(), data, shortcodes; if (_.isString(name) && name.length) { shortcodes = this.getPostContent(); if(!shortcodes.trim().length) { this.showMessage(window.i18nLocale.template_is_empty, 'error'); return false; } data = { action:'wpb_save_template', template:shortcodes, template_name:name, frontend:true, vc_inline: true }; this.$name.val(''); this.showMessage(window.i18nLocale.template_save, 'success'); this.reloadTemplateList(data); } else { this.showMessage(window.i18nLocale.please_enter_templates_name, 'error'); } }, reloadTemplateList:function (data) { this.$list.html(window.i18nLocale.loading).load(window.ajaxurl, data); }, getPostContent: function() { return vc.builder.getContent(); } }); vc.TemplatesEditorPanelViewBackendEditor = vc.TemplatesEditorPanelView.extend({ /** * Load saved template from server. * @param e - Event object */ loadTemplate:function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $button = $(e.currentTarget); $.ajax({ type:'POST', url:window.ajaxurl, data:{ action:'vc_backend_template', template_id:$button.attr('data-template_id'), vc_inline: true }, context: this }).done(function (shortcodes) { _.each(vc.filters.templates, function (callback) { shortcodes = callback(shortcodes); });; vc.shortcodes.fetch({reset: true}); this.showMessage(window.i18nLocale.template_added, 'success'); }); }, /** * Load default template from server. * @param e - Event object */ loadDefaultTemplate:function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $button = $(e.currentTarget); $.ajax({ type:'POST', url:window.ajaxurl, data:{ action:'vc_backend_default_template', template_name:$button.attr('data-template_name'), vc_inline: true }, context: this }).done(function (shortcodes) { _.each(vc.filters.templates, function (callback) { shortcodes = callback(shortcodes); });; vc.shortcodes.fetch({reset: true}); this.showMessage(window.i18nLocale.template_added, 'success'); }); }, getPostContent: function() { return; } }); vc.RowLayoutEditorPanelView = vc.PanelView.extend({ events: { 'click [data-dismiss=panel]': 'hide', 'mouseover [data-transparent=panel]': 'addOpacity', 'mouseout [data-transparent=panel]': 'removeOpacity', 'click .vc_layout-btn': 'setLayout', 'click #vc_row-layout-update': 'updateFromInput' }, _builder: false, render: function(model) { this.$input = $('#vc_row-layout'); if(model) this.model = model; this.addCurrentLayout(); vc.column_trig_changes = true; return this; }, builder: function() { if(!this._builder) this._builder = new vc.ShortcodesBuilder(); return this._builder; }, hide: function(e) { e && e.preventDefault(); vc.active_panel = false; this.$el.hide(); vc.column_trig_changes = false; }, addCurrentLayout: function() { vc.shortcodes.sort(); var string ={parent_id: this.model.get('id')}), function(model) { var width = model.getParam('width'); return !width ? '1/1' : width; // memo + (memo!='' ? ' + ' : '') + model.getParam('width') || '1/1'; }, '', this).join(' + '); this.$input.val(string); }, isBuildComplete: function() { return this.builder().isBuildComplete(); }, setLayout: function(e) { e && e.preventDefault(); if (!this.isBuildComplete()) return false; var $control = $(e.currentTarget), layout = $control.attr('data-cells'), columns = this.model.view.convertRowColumns(layout, this.builder()); this.$input.val(columns.join(' + ')); }, updateFromInput: function(e) { e && e.preventDefault(); if (!this.isBuildComplete()) return false; var layout, cells = this.$input.val(); if((layout = this.validateCellsList(cells))!==false) { this.model.view.convertRowColumns(layout, this.builder()); } else { window.alert(window.i18nLocale.wrong_cells_layout); } }, validateCellsList: function(cells) { var return_cells = [], split = cells.replace(/\s/g, '').split('+'), b, num, denom; var sum = _.reduce(, function(c){ if(c.match(/^[vc\_]{0,1}span\d{1,2}$/)) { var converted_c = vc_convert_column_span_size(c); if(converted_c===false) return 1000; b = converted_c.split(/\//); return_cells.push(b[0] + '' + b[1]); return 12*parseInt(b[0], 10)/parseInt(b[1], 10); } else if(c.match(/^[1-9]|1[0-2]\/[1-9]|1[0-2]$/)) { b = c.split(/\//); num = parseInt(b[0], 10); denom = parseInt(b[1], 10); if(12%denom!==0 || num > denom) return 1000; return_cells.push(num + '' + b[1]); return 12*num/denom; } return 1000; }), function(num, memo) { memo = memo + num; return memo; }, 0); if(sum >= 1000) return false; return return_cells.join('_'); } }); vc.RowLayoutEditorPanelViewBackend = vc.RowLayoutEditorPanelView.extend({ builder: function() { if(!this.builder) this.builder =; return this.builder; }, isBuildComplete: function() { return true; }, setLayout: function(e) { e && e.preventDefault(); var $control = $(e.currentTarget), layout = $control.attr('data-cells'), columns = this.model.view.convertRowColumns(layout); this.$input.val(columns.join(' + ')); } }); })(window.jQuery); |
:: Command execute :: | |
--[ c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13 powered by Captain Crunch Security Team | | Generation time: 0.0312 ]-- |