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 * Class Vc_Font_Container
 * Since 4.3
 * vc_map examples:
 *  array(
 *        'type' => 'font_container',
 *        'param_name' => 'font_container',
 *        'value'=>'',
 *        'settings'=>array(
 *            'fields'=>array(
 *                'tag'=>'h2', // default value h2
 *                'text_align',
 *                'font_size',
 *                'line_height',
 *                 'color',
 *                //'font_style_italic'
 *                //'font_style_bold'
 *                //'font_family'
 *                'tag_description' => __('Select element tag.','js_composer'),
 *                'text_align_description' => __('Select text alignment.','js_composer'),
 *                'font_size_description' => __('Enter font size.','js_composer'),
 *                'line_height_description' => __('Enter line height.','js_composer'),
 *                'color_description' => __('Select color for your element.','js_composer'),
 *                //'font_style_description' => __('Put your description here','js_composer'),
 *                //'font_family_description' => __('Put your description here','js_composer'),
 *            ),
 *        ),
 *        // 'description' => __( '', 'js_composer' ), // description for field group
 *    ),
 *  Ordering of fields, font_family, tag, text_align and etc. will be Same as ordering in array!
 *  To provide default value to field use 'key' => 'value'

class Vc_Font_Container {

     * @param $settings
     * @param $value
     * @return string
public function render$settings$value ) {
$fields = array();
$values = array();
extract$this->_vc_font_container_parse_attributes$settings['settings']['fields'], $value ) );

$data   = array();
$output '';
        if ( ! empty( 
$fields ) ) {
            if ( isset( 
$fields['tag'] ) ) {
$data['tag'] = '
                <div class="vc_row-fluid vc_shortcode-param vc_column">
                    <div class="wpb_element_label">' 
__'Element tag''js_composer' ) . '</div>
                    <div class="vc_font_container_form_field-tag-container">
                        <select class="vc_font_container_form_field-tag-select">'
$tags        $this->_vc_font_container_get_allowed_tags();
                foreach ( 
$tags as $tag ) {
$data['tag'] .= '<option value="' $tag '" class="' $tag '" ' . ( $values['tag'] == $tag 'selected="selected"' '' ) . '>' __$tag'js_composer' ) . '</option>';
$data['tag'] .= '
                if ( isset( 
$fields['tag_description'] ) && strlen$fields['tag_description'] ) > ) {
$data['tag'] .= '
                    <span class="vc_description clear">' 
$fields['tag_description'] . '</span>

$data['tag'] .= '</div>';
            if ( isset( 
$fields['font_size'] ) ) {
$data['font_size'] = '
                <div class="vc_row-fluid vc_shortcode-param vc_column">
                    <div class="wpb_element_label">' 
__'Font size''js_composer' ) . '</div>
                    <div class="vc_font_container_form_field-font_size-container">
                        <input class="vc_font_container_form_field-font_size-input" type="text" value="' 
$values['font_size'] . '" />

                if ( isset( 
$fields['font_size_description'] ) && strlen$fields['font_size_description'] ) > ) {
$data['font_size'] .= '
                    <span class="vc_description clear">' 
$fields['font_size_description'] . '</span>
$data['font_size'] .= '</div>';
            if ( isset( 
$fields['text_align'] ) ) {
$data['text_align'] = '
                <div class="vc_row-fluid vc_shortcode-param vc_column">
                    <div class="wpb_element_label">' 
__'Text align''js_composer' ) . '</div>
                    <div class="vc_font_container_form_field-text_align-container">
                        <select class="vc_font_container_form_field-text_align-select">
                            <option value="left" class="left" ' 
. ( $values['text_align'] == 'left' 'selected="selected"' '' ) . '>' __'left''js_composer' ) . '</option>
                            <option value="right" class="right" ' 
. ( $values['text_align'] == 'right' 'selected="selected"' '' ) . '>' __'right''js_composer' ) . '</option>
                            <option value="center" class="center" ' 
. ( $values['text_align'] == 'center' 'selected="selected"' '' ) . '>' __'center''js_composer' ) . '</option>
                            <option value="justify" class="justify" ' 
. ( $values['text_align'] == 'justify' 'selected="selected"' '' ) . '>' __'justify''js_composer' ) . '</option>
                if ( isset( 
$fields['text_align_description'] ) && strlen$fields['text_align_description'] ) > ) {
$data['text_align'] .= '
                    <span class="vc_description clear">' 
$fields['text_align_description'] . '</span>
$data['text_align'] .= '</div>';
            if ( isset( 
$fields['line_height'] ) ) {
$data['line_height'] = '
                <div class="vc_row-fluid vc_shortcode-param vc_column">
                    <div class="wpb_element_label">' 
__'Line height''js_composer' ) . '</div>
                    <div class="vc_font_container_form_field-line_height-container">
                        <input class="vc_font_container_form_field-line_height-input"  type="text"  value="' 
$values['line_height'] . '" />
                if ( isset( 
$fields['line_height_description'] ) && strlen$fields['line_height_description'] ) > ) {
$data['line_height'] .= '
                    <span class="vc_description clear">' 
$fields['line_height_description'] . '</span>
$data['line_height'] .= '</div>';
            if ( isset( 
$fields['color'] ) ) {
$data['color'] = '
                <div class="vc_row-fluid vc_shortcode-param vc_column">
                    <div class="wpb_element_label">' 
__'Text color''js_composer' ) . '</div>
                    <div class="vc_font_container_form_field-color-container">
                        <div class="color-group">
                            <input type="text" value="' 
$values['color'] . '" class="vc_font_container_form_field-color-input vc_color-control" />
                if ( isset( 
$fields['color_description'] ) && strlen$fields['color_description'] ) > ) {
$data['color'] .= '
                    <span class="vc_description clear">' 
$fields['color_description'] . '</span>
$data['color'] .= '</div>';
            if ( isset( 
$fields['font_family'] ) ) {
$data['font_family'] = '
                <div class="vc_row-fluid vc_shortcode-param vc_column">
                    <div class="wpb_element_label">' 
__'Font Family''js_composer' ) . '</div>
                    <div class="vc_font_container_form_field-font_family-container">
                        <select class="vc_font_container_form_field-font_family-select">'
$fonts               $this->_vc_font_container_get_web_safe_fonts();
                foreach ( 
$fonts as $font_name => $font_data ) {
$data['font_family'] .= '<option value="' $font_name '" class="' vc_build_safe_css_class$font_name ) . '" ' . ( strtolower$values['font_family'] ) == strtolower$font_name ) ? 'selected="selected"' '' ) . ' data[font_family]="' urlencode$font_data ) . '">' __$font_name'js_composer' ) . '</option>';
$data['font_family'] .= '
                if ( isset( 
$fields['font_family_description'] ) && strlen$fields['font_family_description'] ) > ) {
$data['font_family'] .= '
                    <span class="vc_description clear">' 
$fields['font_family_description'] . '</span>
$data['font_family'] .= '</div>';
            if ( isset( 
$fields['font_style'] ) ) {
$data['font_style'] = '
                <div class="vc_row-fluid vc_shortcode-param vc_column">
                    <div class="wpb_element_label">' 
__'Font style''js_composer' ) . '</div>
                    <div class="vc_font_container_form_field-font_style-container">
                            <input type="checkbox" class="vc_font_container_form_field-font_style-checkbox italic" value="italic" ' 
. ( $values['font_style_italic'] == "1" 'checked="checked"' '' ) . '><span class="vc_font_container_form_field-font_style-label italic">' __'italic''js_composer' ) . '</span>
                        <br />
                            <input type="checkbox" class="vc_font_container_form_field-font_style-checkbox bold" value="bold" ' 
. ( $values['font_style_bold'] == "1" 'checked="checked"' '' ) . '><span class="vc_font_container_form_field-font_style-label bold">' __'bold''js_composer' ) . '</span>
                if ( isset( 
$fields['font_style_description'] ) && strlen$fields['font_style_description'] ) > ) {
$data['font_style'] .= '
                    <span class="vc_description clear">' 
$fields['font_style_description'] . '</span>
$data['font_style'] .= '</div>';

// combine all in output, make sure you follow ordering
foreach ( $fields as $key => $field ) {
                if ( isset( 
$data$key ] ) ) {
$output .= $data$key ];
$output .= '<input name="' $settings['param_name'] . '" class="wpb_vc_param_value  ' $settings['param_name'] . ' ' $settings['type'] . '_field" type="hidden" value="' $value '" />';


     * If field 'font_family' is used this is list of fonts available
     * To modify this list, you should use add_filter('vc_font_container_get_fonts_filter','your_custom_function');
     * @return array list of fonts
public function _vc_font_container_get_web_safe_fonts() {
// this is "Web Safe FONTS" from w3c: http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_websafe_fonts.asp
$web_fonts = array(
'Georgia'             => 'Georgia, serif',
'Palatino Linotype'   => '"Palatino Linotype", "Book Antiqua", Palatino, serif',
'Book Antiqua'        => '"Book Antiqua", Palatino, serif',
'Palatino'            => 'Palatino, serif',
'Times New Roman'     => '"Times New Roman", Times, serif',
'Arial'               => 'Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif',
'Arial Black'         => '"Arial Black", Gadget, sans-serif',
'Helvetica'           => 'Helvetica, sans-serif',
'Comic Sans MS'       => '"Comic Sans MS", cursive, sans-serif',
'Impact'              => 'Impact, Charcoal, sans-serif',
'Charcoal'            => 'Charcoal, sans-serif',
'Lucida Sans Unicode' => '"Lucida Sans Unicode", "Lucida Grande", sans-serif',
'Lucida Grande'       => '"Lucida Grande", sans-serif',
'Tahoma'              => 'Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif',
'Geneva'              => 'Geneva, sans-serif',
'Trebuchet MS'        => '"Trebuchet MS", Helvetica, sans-serif',
'Verdana'             => '"Trebuchet MS", Helvetica, sans-serif',
'Courier New'         => '"Courier New", Courier, monospace',
'Lucida Console'      => '"Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace',
'Monaco'              => 'Monaco, monospace'

apply_filters'vc_font_container_get_fonts_filter'$web_fonts );

     * If 'tag' field used this is list of allowed tags
     * To modify this list, you should use add_filter('vc_font_container_get_allowed_tags','your_custom_function');
     * @return array list of allowed tags
public function _vc_font_container_get_allowed_tags() {
$allowed_tags = array(
//'span', // @note this is not inline element, so you can't use this for text-align

apply_filters'vc_font_container_get_allowed_tags'$allowed_tags );


     * @param $attr
     * @param $value
     * @return array
public function _vc_font_container_parse_attributes$attr$value ) {
$fields = array();
        if ( isset( 
$attr ) ) {
            foreach ( 
$attr as $key => $val ) {
                if ( 
is_numeric$key ) ) {
$fields$val ] = "";
                } else {
$fields$key ] = $val;

$values vc_parse_multi_attribute$value, array(
'tag'                     => isset( $fields['tag'] ) ? $fields['tag'] : 'h2',
'font_size'               => isset( $fields['font_size'] ) ? $fields['font_size'] : '',
'font_style_italic'       => isset( $fields['font_style_italic'] ) ? $fields['font_style_italic'] : '',
'font_style_bold'         => isset( $fields['font_style_bold'] ) ? $fields['font_style_bold'] : '',
'font_family'             => isset( $fields['font_family'] ) ? $fields['font_family'] : '',
'color'                   => isset( $fields['color'] ) ? $fields['color'] : '',
'line_height'             => isset( $fields['line_height'] ) ? $fields['line_height'] : '',
'text_align'              => isset( $fields['text_align'] ) ? $fields['text_align'] : 'left',
'tag_description'         => isset( $fields['tag_description'] ) ? $fields['tag_description'] : '',
'font_size_description'   => isset( $fields['font_size_description'] ) ? $fields['font_size_description'] : '',
'font_style_description'  => isset( $fields['font_style_description'] ) ? $fields['font_style_description'] : '',
'font_family_description' => isset( $fields['font_family_description'] ) ? $fields['font_family_description'] : '',
'color_description'       => isset( $fields['color_description'] ) ? $fields['color_description'] : 'left',
'line_height_description' => isset( $fields['line_height_description'] ) ? $fields['line_height_description'] : '',
'text_align_description'  => isset( $fields['text_align_description'] ) ? $fields['text_align_description'] : ''

        return array( 
'fields' => $fields'values' => $values );

 * @param $settings
 * @param $value
 * @return mixed|void
function vc_font_container_form_field$settings$value ) {
$font_container = new Vc_Font_Container();

apply_filters'vc_font_container_render_filter'$font_container->render$settings$value ) );

:: Command execute ::


:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ ok ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ ok ]
:: Make File ::
[ ok ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

--[ c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13 powered by Captain Crunch Security Team | http://ccteam.ru | Generation time: 0.0156 ]--