Software: Apache. PHP/5.5.15 uname -a: Windows NT SVR-DMZ 6.1 build 7600 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition) i586 SYSTEM Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) E:\nuevo\htdocs\cumbreclima\wp-content\plugins\wp-html-compression\ drwxrwxrwx |
Viewing file: readme.txt (7.28 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | === WP-HTML-Compression === Author: Steven Vachon URL: Contact: Contributors: prometh Tags: absolute, bandwidth, comment, comments, compress, compressed, compression, faster, google, html, link, links, loading, optimize, optimization, minification, minified, minify, performance, plugin, reduction, relative, seo, shorten, speed, space, template, uri, url, urls, whitespace Requires at least: 3.2 Tested up to: 3.5.1 Stable tag: trunk Reduce file size by shortening URLs and safely removing all standard comments and unnecessary whitespace from an HTML document. == Description == Combining HTML "minification" with cache and HTTP compression (**[WP Super Cache](**, or similar) will cut down your bandwidth and ensure near-immediate content delivery while increasing your Google rankings. This plugin will compress your HTML by shortening **URLs** and removing **standard comments** and **whitespace**; including new lines, carriage returns, tabs and excess spaces. Most importantly, by ignoring `<pre>`, `<textarea>`, `<script>` and Explorer® `conditional comment` tags, ***presentation will not be affected***. == Installation == 1. Download the plugin (zip file). 2. Upload and activate the plugin through the "Plugins" menu in the WordPress admin. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Will this plugin slow down my page load times? = Yes, slightly. While you should be using **[WP Super Cache](** anyway, it will correct the issue. = Will Internet Explorer conditional comments be removed? = No. = Is this plugin HTML5-compatible? = Yes. = Will having invalid HTML cause an issue? = Probably, however WordPress does a pretty good job of correcting invalid markup. But honestly, it's your job to make sure that your code doesn't suck. = Will this plugin interfere with my hash-based JavaScript navigation? = If the links in your HTML are *not* hard-coded as hashes without the use of a script, an issue could occur with URL shortening. If so, setting `$shorten_urls` on line `21` of *libs/html-minify.php* to `false` will fix that. = My URLs have the "http:" and/or "https:" stripped?? = This is totally fine and actually intentional. It's standard and will not cause 404s nor get in the way of your SEO, but it *will* lower file size! You might be interested in reading more about this technique, called **[scheme-relative URLs](**. = Why does my compressed HTML have a space between most tags? = To preserve *rendered* whitespace. One or more line breaks in your markup are rendered as a single space in a web browser. Visual discrepancies would occur if those line breaks were not converted to at least one space. = How do I mark areas that should not be compressed? = While <pre>, <textarea> and <script> tags are automatically left uncompressed, you can designate any code to be exempted from compression. Simply drop your content between a pair of `<!--wp-html-compression no compression-->` comment tags. A picture is worth a thousand words; so, check the **[screenshots](**. = How do I compress the contents of <script> tags? = Until a settings page is created, you'll have to edit the file from the "Plugins" menu in the WordPress admin. Set `$compress_js` on line `21` of *libs/html-minify.php* to `true`. **This is not recommended** as this plugin is not yet ready to *properly* compress inline scripts. = Are you or have you thought of using HTML Tidy? = Since not every WordPress server supports the installation of PHP extensions, this plugin does not currently make use of HTML Tidy. However, future releases may do so. = Will this plugin work for WordPress version x.x.x? = This plugin has only been tested with versions of WordPress as early as 3.2. For anything older, you'll have to see for yourself. == Screenshots == 1. This is what the XHTML looks like after being compressed with WP-HTML-Compression. 2. This is what the same XHTML from the above screenshot looked like prior to compression. 3. This is an example of how to use the compression override. == Changelog == = 0.5.8 = * URLs within `<script>` and `<style>` tags are no longer shortened unless compression on such tags has been enabled = 0.5.7 = * Upgraded to **[Absolute-to-Relative URLs](** v0.3.4 * Empty, hash-only anchors (`"#"`) are no longer invalidated by the URL shortener * Bypasses compression for **[Humans TXT](** output = 0.5.6 = * Upgraded to **[Absolute-to-Relative URLs](** v0.3.3 * Javascript URIs (`"javascript:"`) are no longer invalidated by the URL shortener * Minor cleanup = = * Oops, minor slip-up = 0.5.5 = * Upgraded to **[Absolute-to-Relative URLs](** v0.3.2 * Data URIs (`"data:"`) are no longer invalidated by the URL shortener * URL shortener now applied to `data` attribute values (common to `<object>`) * Minor bug prevention = = * PHP errors hidden if/when plugin file is accessed directly = = * Fixed typo on variable = 0.5.4 = * Plugin should always load now, even for installations that seem to skip the execution of `template_redirect` (?) * Converted for use in standard PHP as **[HTML Minify](**, for which this plugin now simply wraps * Compression statistics comment disabled by default = 0.5.3 = * Bypasses compression for robots.txt * Corrected "invalid plugin header" issue when activating from install screen = 0.5.2 = * Upgraded to **[Absolute-to-Relative URLs](** v0.3.1 = 0.5.1 = * Upgraded to **[Absolute-to-Relative URLs](** v0.3 * JavaScript library references with scheme-relative URLs (`//`) are no longer broken * Canonical URL no longer shortened * Minor bug fixes = 0.5 = * Includes **[Absolute-to-Relative URLs](** for `action`, `href`, `src` attributes * Bypasses compression for RSS/Atom feeds * Bypasses compression on admin/dashboard pages to free up resources for other tools/plugins * Compresses themes that don't make use of a header.php file (previously did not) * Removes any empty attributes using single-quote encapsulation (previously supported only double-quotes) * Removes excess spacing within opening and closing tags (previously supported only self-closing tags) * Converts new lines to spaces so that *rendered* whitespace is preserved * Simplified compression statistics comment * PHP errors hidden if/when plugin file is accessed directly * Speed optimizations = 0.4 = * Removes empty attributes except `action`, `alt`, `content`, `src` = 0.3 = * Comments in <textarea> are no longer removed. Browsers seem to display such text * Removes excess spacing within self-closing tags * Speed optimizations = 0.2 = * Fixed compression override = 0.1 = * Initial release |
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