Software: Apache. PHP/5.5.15 uname -a: Windows NT SVR-DMZ 6.1 build 7600 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition) i586 SYSTEM Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) E:\nuevo\htdocs\cumbreclima\wp-content\plugins\wp-smushit\assets\js\ drwxrwxrwx |
Viewing file: wp-smushit-admin.js (9.45 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | /** * Processes bulk smushing * * @author Saurabh Shukla <> * */ var WP_Smush = WP_Smush || {}; jQuery(function ($) { // url for smushing WP_Smush.errors = []; WP_Smush.timeout = 60000; /** * Checks for the specified param in URL * @param sParam * @returns {*} */ WP_Smush.geturlparam = function(arg) { var $sPageURL =; var $sURLVariables = $sPageURL.split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < $sURLVariables.length; i++) { var $sParameterName = $sURLVariables[i].split('='); if ($sParameterName[0] == arg) { return $sParameterName[1]; } } }; WP_Smush.ajax = function ($id, $send_url, $getnxt) { "use strict"; return $.ajax({ type: "GET", data: {attachment_id: $id, get_next: $getnxt}, url: $send_url, timeout: WP_Smush.timeout, dataType: 'json' }); }; WP_Smush.Smush = function ($button, bulk) { var self = this; this.init = function (arguments) { this.$button = $($button[0]); this.is_bulk = typeof bulk ? bulk : false; this.url = ajaxurl; this.url += this.is_bulk ? '?action=wp_smushit_bulk' : '?action=wp_smushit_manual'; this.button_text = this.is_bulk ? wp_smush_msgs.bulk_now : wp_smush_msgs.smush_now; this.$log = $(".smush-final-log"); this.$button_span = this.$button.find("span"); this.$loader = $(".wp-smush-loader-wrap").eq(0).clone(); this.deferred = jQuery.Deferred(); this.deferred.errors = []; this.ids = wp_smushit_data.unsmushed.length > 0 ? wp_smushit_data.unsmushed : wp_smushit_data.lossless; this.is_bulk_super_smush = wp_smushit_data.unsmushed.length > 0 ? false : true; this.lossless_count = wp_smushit_data.lossless.length; this.$status = this.$button.parent().find('.smush-status'); }; //Show loader in button for single and bulk smush this.start = function () { this.$button.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); this.$button.addClass('wp-smush-started'); if (!this.$button.find(".wp-smush-loader-wrap").length) { this.$button.prepend(this.$loader); } else { this.$loader = this.$button.find(".wp-smush-loader-wrap"); } this.show_loader(); this.bulk_start(); this.single_start(); }; this.bulk_start = function () { if (!this.is_bulk) return; $('#progress-ui').show(); this.$button_span.text(wp_smush_msgs.progress); this.show_loader(); }; this.single_start = function () { if (this.is_bulk) return; this.$button_span.text(wp_smush_msgs.sending); this.$status.removeClass("error"); }; this.enable_button = function () { this.$button.prop("disabled", false); }; this.disable_button = function () { this.$button.prop("disabled", true); }; this.show_loader = function () { this.$loader.removeClass("hidden"); this.$; }; this.hide_loader = function () { this.$loader.hide(); }; this.single_done = function () { if (this.is_bulk) return; this.hide_loader(); this.request.done(function (response) { if (typeof != 'undefined') { //Append the smush stats or error self.$status.html(; if (response.success && !== "Not processed") { self.$status.removeClass('hidden'); self.$button.parent().removeClass('unsmushed').addClass('smushed'); self.$button.remove(); } else { self.$status.addClass("error"); } self.$status.html(; } self.$button_span.text(self.button_text); self.enable_button(); }).error(function (response) { self.$status.html(; self.$status.addClass("error"); self.enable_button(); self.$button_span.text(self.button_text); }); }; this.bulk_done = function () { if (!this.is_bulk) return; this.hide_loader(); // Add finished class this.$button.addClass('wp-smush-finished'); // Remove started class this.$button.removeClass('wp-smush-started'); //Enable the button this.disable_button(); // Update button text self.$button_span.text(wp_smush_msgs.done); }; this.is_resolved = function () { "use strict"; return this.deferred.state() === "resolved"; }; this.free_exceeded = function () { this.hide_loader(); // Add new class for css adjustment this.$button.removeClass('wp-smush-started'); //Enable button this.$button.prop("disabled", false); // Update text this.$button.find('span').html(wp_smush_msgs.bulk_now); }; this.update_progress = function (stats) { if( !this.is_bulk_super_smush ) { //handle progress for normal bulk smush var progress = ( / * 100; }else{ //Handle progress for Super smush progress bar if( wp_smushit_data.lossless.length > 0 ) { $('#wp-smush-ss-progress-wrap .remaining-count').html(wp_smushit_data.lossless.length); }else if( wp_smushit_data.lossless.length == 0 ){ $('#wp-smush-ss-progress-wrap #wp-smush-compression').html( wp_smush_msgs.all_supersmushed ); } } //Update stats $('#wp-smush-compression #human').html(; $('#wp-smush-compression #percent').html(; // increase the progress bar this._update_progress(, progress); }; this._update_progress = function (count, width) { "use strict"; if( !this.is_bulk ) { return; } if( !this.is_bulk_super_smush ) { // get the progress bar var $progress_bar = jQuery('#wp-smush-progress-wrap #wp-smush-fetched-progress div'); if ($progress_bar.length < 1) { return; } $('.done-count').html(count); // increase progress $progress_bar.css('width', width + '%'); }else{ if( this.lossless_count > 0 ) { var remaining_lossless = this.lossless_count - wp_smushit_data.lossless.length; var progress_width = ( remaining_lossless / this.lossless_count * 100 ); var $progress_bar = jQuery('#wp-smush-ss-progress-wrap #wp-smush-ss-progress div'); if ($progress_bar.length < 1) { return; } // increase progress $progress_bar.css('width', progress_width + '%'); } } }; this.continue = function () { return this.ids.length > 0 && this.is_bulk; }; this.increment_errors = function () { WP_Smush.errors.push(this.current_id); }; //Send ajax request for smushing single and bulk, call update_progress on ajax response this.call_ajax = function () { this.current_id = this.is_bulk ? this.ids.shift() : this.$"id"); //remove from array while processing so we can continue where left off this.request = WP_Smush.ajax(this.current_id, this.url, 0) .complete(function () { if (!self.continue() || !self.is_bulk) { self.deferred.resolve(); } }) .error(function () { self.increment_errors(); }).done(function (res) { self.update_progress(res); if (typeof res.success === "undefined" || ( typeof res.success !== "undefined" && res.success === false && !== 'bulk_request_image_limit_exceeded' )) { self.increment_errors(); } if (typeof !== "undefined" && == 'bulk_request_image_limit_exceeded' && !self.is_resolved()) { self.free_exceeded(); } else { if (self.continue()) { self.call_ajax(); } } self.single_done(); }); self.deferred.errors = WP_Smush.errors; return self.deferred; }; this.init(arguments); //Send ajax request for single and bulk smushing = function () { // if we have a definite number of ids if (this.is_bulk && this.ids.length > 0) { this.call_ajax(); } if (!this.is_bulk) this.call_ajax(); }; //Show bulk smush errors, and disable bulk smush button on completion this.bind_deferred_events = function () { this.deferred.done(function () { if (WP_Smush.errors.length) { var error_message = wp_smush_msgs.error_in_bulk.replace("{{errors}}", WP_Smush.errors.length); self.$log.append(error_message); } self.bulk_done(); }); }; this.start();; this.bind_deferred_events(); return this.deferred; }; /** * Handle the start button click */ $('button[name="smush-all"]').on('click', function (e) { // prevent the default action e.preventDefault(); //Check for ids, if there is none (Unsmushed or lossless), don't call smush function if (typeof wp_smushit_data == 'undefined' || ( wp_smushit_data.unsmushed.length == 0 && wp_smushit_data.lossless.length == 0 ) ) { return false; } $(".smush-remaining-images-notice").remove(); new WP_Smush.Smush($(this), true); return; }); //Handle smush button click $('body').on('click', '.wp-smush-send', function (e) { // prevent the default action e.preventDefault(); new WP_Smush.Smush($(this), false); }); }); (function ($) { var Smush = function (element, options) { var elem = $(element); var defaults = { isSingle: false, ajaxurl: '', msgs: {}, msgClass: 'wp-smush-msg', ids: [] }; }; $.fn.wpsmush = function (options) { return this.each(function () { var element = $(this); // Return early if this element already has a plugin instance if ('wpsmush')) return; // pass options to plugin constructor and create a new instance var wpsmush = new Smush(this, options); // Store plugin object in this element's data'wpsmush', wpsmush); }); }; })(jQuery); |
:: Command execute :: | |
--[ c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13 powered by Captain Crunch Security Team | | Generation time: 0.0156 ]-- |