Viewing file: wp-smush.php (27.93 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php /* Plugin Name: WP Smush Plugin URI: Description: Reduce image file sizes, improve performance and boost your SEO using the free <a href="">WPMU DEV</a> WordPress Smush API. Author: WPMU DEV Version: Author URI: Textdomain: wp-smushit */
/* This plugin was originally developed by Alex Dunae. */
/* Copyright 2007-2015 Incsub (
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (Version 2 - GPLv2) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
/** * Constants */ $prefix = 'WP_SMUSH_'; $version = ''; $smush_constatns = array( 'VERSON' => $version, 'BASENAME' => plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), 'API' => '', 'UA' => 'WP Smush/' . $version . '; ' . network_home_url(), 'DIR' => plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ), 'URL' => plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ), 'MAX_BYTES' => 1000000, 'PREMIUM_MAX_BYTES' => 32000000, 'PREFIX' => 'wp-smush-', 'TIMEOUT' => 30
foreach ( $smush_constatns as $const_name => $constant_val ) { if ( ! defined( $prefix . $const_name ) ) { define( $prefix . $const_name, $constant_val ); } }
require_once WP_SMUSH_DIR . "lib/class-wp-smush-migrate.php";
if ( ! class_exists( 'WpSmush' ) ) {
class WpSmush {
var $version = WP_SMUSH_VERSON;
var $is_pro;
/** * Meta key for api validity * */ const VALIDITY_KEY = "wp-smush-valid";
/** * Api server url to check api key validity * */ const API_SERVER = '';
/** * Meta key to save smush result to db * * */ const SMUSHED_META_KEY = 'wp-smpro-smush-data';
/** * Meta key to save migrated version * */ const MIGRATED_VERSION = "wp-smush-migrated-version";
/** * Constructor */ function __construct() { /** * Hooks */ //Check if auto is enabled $auto_smush = get_option( WP_SMUSH_PREFIX . 'auto' );
//Keep the uto smush on by default if ( $auto_smush === false ) { $auto_smush = 1; }
if ( $auto_smush ) { add_filter( 'wp_generate_attachment_metadata', array( $this, 'filter_generate_attachment_metadata' ), 10, 2 ); } add_filter( 'manage_media_columns', array( $this, 'columns' ) ); add_action( 'manage_media_custom_column', array( $this, 'custom_column' ), 10, 2 ); add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'admin_init' ) ); add_action( "admin_init", array( $this, "migrate" ) );
function admin_init() { load_plugin_textdomain( 'wp-smushit', false, dirname( WP_SMUSH_BASENAME ) . '/languages/' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'common' ); }
/** * Process an image with Smush. * * Returns an array of the $file $results. * * @param string $file Full absolute path to the image file * @param string $file_url Optional full URL to the image file * * @returns array */ function do_smushit( $file_path = '', $file_url = '' ) { $errors = new WP_Error(); if ( empty( $file_path ) ) { $errors->add( "empty_path", __( "File path is empty", 'wp-smushit' ) ); }
if ( empty( $file_url ) ) { $errors->add( "empty_url", __( "File URL is empty", 'wp-smushit' ) ); }
// check that the file exists if ( ! file_exists( $file_path ) || ! is_file( $file_path ) ) { $errors->add( "file_not_found", sprintf( __( "Could not find %s", 'wp-smushit' ), $file_path ) ); }
// check that the file is writable if ( ! is_writable( dirname( $file_path ) ) ) { $errors->add( "not_writable", sprintf( __( "%s is not writable", 'wp-smushit' ), dirname( $file_path ) ) ); }
$file_size = file_exists( $file_path ) ? filesize( $file_path ) : 0;
//Check if premium user $max_size = $this->is_pro() ? WP_SMUSH_PREMIUM_MAX_BYTES : WP_SMUSH_MAX_BYTES;
//Check if file exists if ( $file_size == 0 ) { $errors->add( "image_not_found", sprintf( __( 'Skipped (%s), image not found.', 'wp-smushit' ), $this->format_bytes( $file_size ) ) ); }
//Check size limit if ( $file_size > $max_size ) { $errors->add( "size_limit", sprintf( __( 'Skipped (%s), size limit exceeded.', 'wp-smushit' ), $this->format_bytes( $file_size ) ) ); }
if ( count( $errors->get_error_messages() ) ) { return $errors; }
/** Send image for smushing, and fetch the response */ $response = $this->_post( $file_path, $file_size );
if ( ! $response['success'] ) { $errors->add( "false_response", $response['message'] ); } //If there is no data if ( empty( $response['data'] ) ) { $errors->add( "no_data", __( 'Unknown API error', 'wp-smushit' ) ); }
if ( count( $errors->get_error_messages() ) ) { return $errors; }
//If there are no savings, or image returned is bigger in size if ( ( ! empty( $response['data']->bytes_saved ) && intval( $response['data']->bytes_saved ) <= 0 ) || empty( $response['data']->image ) ) { return $response; } $tempfile = $file_path . ".tmp";
//Add the file as tmp file_put_contents( $tempfile, $response['data']->image );
//handle backups if enabled $backup = get_option( WP_SMUSH_PREFIX . 'backup' ); if ( $backup && $this->is_pro() ) { $path = pathinfo( $file_path ); $backup_name = trailingslashit( $path['dirname'] ) . $path['filename'] . ".bak." . $path['extension']; @copy( $file_path, $backup_name ); }
//replace the file $success = @rename( $tempfile, $file_path );
//if tempfile still exists, unlink it if ( file_exists( $tempfile ) ) { unlink( $tempfile ); }
//If file renaming was successful if ( ! $success ) { copy( $tempfile, $file_path ); unlink( $tempfile ); }
return $response; }
/** * Fills $placeholder array with values from $data array * * @param array $placeholders * @param array $data * * @return array */ private function _array_fill_placeholders( array $placeholders, array $data ) { $placeholders['percent'] = $data['compression']; $placeholders['bytes'] = $data['bytes_saved']; $placeholders['size_before'] = $data['before_size']; $placeholders['size_after'] = $data['after_size']; $placeholders['time'] = $data['time'];
return $placeholders; }
/** * Returns signature for single size of the smush api message to be saved to db; * * @return array */ private function _get_size_signature() { return array( 'percent' => - 1, 'bytes' => - 1, 'size_before' => - 1, 'size_after' => - 1, 'time' => - 1 ); }
/** * Read the image paths from an attachment's meta data and process each image * with wp_smushit(). * * This method also adds a `wp_smushit` meta key for use in the media library. * Called after `wp_generate_attachment_metadata` is completed. * * @param $meta * @param null $ID * * @return mixed */ function resize_from_meta_data( $meta, $ID = null ) {
//Flag to check, if original size image needs to be smushed or not $smush_full = true; $errors = new WP_Error(); $stats = array( "stats" => array_merge( $this->_get_size_signature(), array( 'api_version' => - 1, 'lossy' => - 1 ) ), 'sizes' => array() );
$size_before = $size_after = $compression = $total_time = $bytes_saved = 0;
if ( $ID && wp_attachment_is_image( $ID ) === false ) { return $meta; }
//File path and URL for original image $attachment_file_path = get_attached_file( $ID ); $attachment_file_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $ID );
// If images has other registered size, smush them first if ( ! empty( $meta['sizes'] ) ) {
foreach ( $meta['sizes'] as $size_key => $size_data ) {
//if there is a large size, then we will set a flag to leave the original untouched if ( $size_key == 'large' ) { $smush_full = false; }
// We take the original image. The 'sizes' will all match the same URL and // path. So just get the dirname and replace the filename.
$attachment_file_path_size = trailingslashit( dirname( $attachment_file_path ) ) . $size_data['file']; $attachment_file_url_size = trailingslashit( dirname( $attachment_file_url ) ) . $size_data['file'];
//Store details for each size key $response = $this->do_smushit( $attachment_file_path_size, $attachment_file_url_size );
if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { return $response; }
if ( ! empty( $response['data'] ) ) { $stats['sizes'][ $size_key ] = (object) $this->_array_fill_placeholders( $this->_get_size_signature(), (array) $response['data'] ); }
//Total Stats, store all data in bytes if ( isset( $response['data'] ) ) { list( $size_before, $size_after, $total_time, $compression, $bytes_saved ) = $this->_update_stats_data( $response['data'], $size_before, $size_after, $total_time, $bytes_saved ); } else { $errors->add( "image_size_error" . $size_key, sprintf( __( "Size '%s' not processed correctly", 'wp-smushit' ), $size_key ) ); }
if ( empty( $stats['stats']['api_version'] ) || $stats['stats']['api_version'] == - 1 ) { $stats['stats']['api_version'] = $response['data']->api_version; $stats['stats']['lossy'] = $response['data']->lossy; } } }
//If original size is supposed to be smushed if ( $smush_full ) {
$full_image_response = $this->do_smushit( $attachment_file_path, $attachment_file_url );
if ( is_wp_error( $full_image_response ) ) { return $full_image_response; }
if ( ! empty( $full_image_response['data'] ) ) { $stats['sizes']['full'] = (object) $this->_array_fill_placeholders( $this->_get_size_signature(), (array) $full_image_response['data'] ); } else { $errors->add( "image_size_error", __( "Size 'full' not processed correctly", 'wp-smushit' ) ); }
//Update stats if ( isset( $full_image_response['data'] ) ) { list( $size_before, $size_after, $total_time, $compression, $bytes_saved ) = $this->_update_stats_data( $full_image_response['data'], $size_before, $size_after, $total_time, $bytes_saved ); } else { $errors->add( "image_size_error", __( "Size 'full' not processed correctly", 'wp-smushit' ) ); }
//Api version and lossy, for some images, full image i skipped and for other images only full exists //so have to add code again if ( empty( $stats['stats']['api_version'] ) || $stats['stats']['api_version'] == - 1 ) { $stats['stats']['api_version'] = $full_image_response['data']->api_version; $stats['stats']['lossy'] = $full_image_response['data']->lossy; }
$has_errors = (bool) count( $errors->get_error_messages() );
list( $stats['stats']['size_before'], $stats['stats']['size_after'], $stats['stats']['time'], $stats['stats']['percent'], $stats['stats']['bytes'] ) = array( $size_before, $size_after, $total_time, $compression, $bytes_saved );
//Set smush status for all the images, store it in wp-smpro-smush-data if ( ! $has_errors ) {
$existing_stats = get_post_meta( $ID, self::SMUSHED_META_KEY, true );
if ( ! empty( $existing_stats ) ) { //Update total bytes saved, and compression percent $stats['stats']['bytes'] = isset( $existing_stats['stats']['bytes'] ) ? $existing_stats['stats']['bytes'] + $stats['stats']['bytes'] : $stats['stats']['bytes']; $stats['stats']['percent'] = isset( $existing_stats['stats']['percent'] ) ? $existing_stats['stats']['percent'] + $stats['stats']['percent'] : $stats['stats']['percent'];
//Update stats for each size if ( ! empty( $existing_stats['sizes'] ) && ! empty( $stats['sizes'] ) ) {
foreach ( $existing_stats['sizes'] as $size_name => $size_stats ) { //if stats for a particular size doesn't exists if ( empty( $stats['sizes'][$size_name] ) ) { $stats['sizes'][$size_name] = $existing_stats['sizes'][$size_name]; } else { //Update compression percent and bytes saved for each size $stats['sizes'][$size_name]->bytes = $stats['sizes'][$size_name]->bytes + $existing_stats['sizes'][$size_name]->bytes; $stats['sizes'][$size_name]->percent = $stats['sizes'][$size_name]->percent + $existing_stats['sizes'][$size_name]->percent; } } } } update_post_meta( $ID, self::SMUSHED_META_KEY, $stats ); }
return $meta; }
/** * Read the image paths from an attachment's meta data and process each image * with wp_smushit() * * Filters wp_generate_attachment_metadata * * @uses WpSmush::resize_from_meta_data * * @param $meta * @param null $ID * * @return mixed */ function filter_generate_attachment_metadata( $meta, $ID = null ) { $this->resize_from_meta_data( $meta, $ID );
return $meta; }
/** * Posts an image to Smush. * * @param $file_path path of file to send to Smush * @param $file_size * * @return bool|array array containing success status, and stats */ function _post( $file_path, $file_size ) {
$data = false;
$file = @fopen( $file_path, 'r' ); $file_data = fread( $file, $file_size ); $headers = array( 'accept' => 'application/json', // The API returns JSON 'content-type' => 'application/binary', // Set content type to binary );
//Check if premium member, add API key $api_key = $this->_get_api_key(); if ( ! empty( $api_key ) ) { $headers['apikey'] = $api_key; }
//Check if lossy compression allowed and add it to headers $lossy = get_option( WP_SMUSH_PREFIX . 'lossy' );
if ( $lossy && $this->is_pro() ) { $headers['lossy'] = 'true'; } else { $headers['lossy'] = 'false'; }
$args = array( 'headers' => $headers, 'body' => $file_data, 'timeout' => WP_SMUSH_TIMEOUT, 'user-agent' => WP_SMUSH_UA ); $result = wp_remote_post( WP_SMUSH_API, $args );
//Close file connection fclose( $file ); unset( $file_data );//free memory if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { //Handle error $data['message'] = sprintf( __( 'Error posting to API: %s', 'wp-smushit' ), $result->get_error_message() ); $data['success'] = false; unset( $result ); //free memory return $data; } else if ( '200' != wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $result ) ) { //Handle error $data['message'] = sprintf( __( 'Error posting to API: %s %s', 'wp-smushit' ), wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $result ), wp_remote_retrieve_response_message( $result ) ); $data['success'] = false; unset( $result ); //free memory
return $data; }
//If there is a response and image was successfully optimised $response = json_decode( $result['body'] ); if ( $response && $response->success == true ) {
//If there is any savings if ( $response->data->bytes_saved > 0 ) { $image = base64_decode( $response->data->image ); //base64_decode is necessary to send binary img over JSON, no security problems here! $image_md5 = md5( $response->data->image ); if ( $response->data->image_md5 != $image_md5 ) { //Handle error $data['message'] = __( 'Smush data corrupted, try again.', 'wp-smushit' ); $data['success'] = false; unset( $image );//free memory } else { $data['success'] = true; $data['data'] = $response->data; $data['data']->image = $image; unset( $image );//free memory } } else { //just return the data $data['success'] = true; $data['data'] = $response->data; } } else { //Server side error, get message from response $data['message'] = ! empty( $response->data ) ? $response->data : __( "Image couldn't be smushed", 'wp-smushit' ); $data['success'] = false; }
unset( $result );//free memory unset( $response );//free memory return $data; }
/** * Print column header for Smush results in the media library using * the `manage_media_columns` hook. */ function columns( $defaults ) { $defaults['smushit'] = 'WP Smush';
return $defaults; }
/** * Return the filesize in a humanly readable format. * Taken from */ function format_bytes( $bytes, $precision = 2 ) { $units = array( 'B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB' ); $bytes = max( $bytes, 0 ); $pow = floor( ( $bytes ? log( $bytes ) : 0 ) / log( 1024 ) ); $pow = min( $pow, count( $units ) - 1 ); $bytes /= pow( 1024, $pow );
return round( $bytes, $precision ) . ' ' . $units[ $pow ]; }
/** * Print column data for Smush results in the media library using * the `manage_media_custom_column` hook. */ function custom_column( $column_name, $id ) { if ( 'smushit' == $column_name ) { $this->set_status( $id ); } }
/** * Check if user is premium member, check for api key * * @return mixed|string */ function is_pro() {
if ( isset( $this->is_pro ) ) return $this->is_pro;
//no api key set, always false $api_key = $this->_get_api_key(); if ( empty( $api_key ) ) { return false; }
$key = "wp-smush-premium-" . substr( $api_key, -10, 10); //add last 10 chars of apikey to transient key in case it changes if ( false === ( $valid = get_site_transient( $key ) ) ) { // call api $url = self::API_SERVER . '&key=' . urlencode( $api_key );
$request = wp_remote_get( $url, array( "user-agent" => WP_SMUSH_UA, "timeout" => 3 ) );
if ( ! is_wp_error( $request ) && '200' == wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $request ) ) { $result = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $request ) ); if ( $result && $result->success ) { $valid = true; set_site_transient( $key, 1, 12 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); } else { $valid = false; set_site_transient( $key, 0, 30 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS ); //cache failure much shorter }
} else { $valid = false; set_site_transient( $key, 0, 5 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS ); //cache network failure even shorter, we don't want a request every pageload }
$this->is_pro = (bool) $valid; return $this->is_pro; }
/** * Returns api key * * @return mixed */ private function _get_api_key() { if ( defined( 'WPMUDEV_APIKEY' ) ) { $api_key = WPMUDEV_APIKEY; } else { $api_key = get_site_option( 'wpmudev_apikey' ); }
return $api_key; }
/** * Checks if image is already smushed * * @param int $id * @param array $data * * @return bool|mixed */ function is_smushed( $id, $data = null ) {
//For new images $wp_is_smushed = get_post_meta( $id, 'wp-is-smushed', true );
//Not smushed, backward compatibility, check attachment metadata if ( ! $wp_is_smushed && $data !== null ) { if ( isset( $data['wp_smushit'] ) && ! empty( $data['wp_smushit'] ) ) { $wp_is_smushed = true; } }
return $wp_is_smushed; }
/** * Returns size saved from the api call response * * @param string $message * * @return string|bool */ function get_saved_size( $message ) { if ( preg_match( '/\((.*)\)/', $message, $matches ) ) { return isset( $matches[1] ) ? $matches[1] : false; }
return false; }
/** * Set send button status * * @param $id * @param bool $echo * @param bool $text_only * * @return string|void */ function set_status( $id, $echo = true, $text_only = false ) { $status_txt = $button_txt = ''; $show_button = false;
//Stats are not received properly, otherwise wp_cache_delete( $id, 'post_meta' );
$wp_smush_data = get_post_meta( $id, self::SMUSHED_META_KEY, true ); // if the image is smushed if ( ! empty( $wp_smush_data ) ) {
$bytes = isset( $wp_smush_data['stats']['bytes'] ) ? $wp_smush_data['stats']['bytes'] : 0; $bytes_readable = ! empty( $bytes ) ? $this->format_bytes( $bytes ) : ''; $percent = isset( $wp_smush_data['stats']['percent'] ) ? $wp_smush_data['stats']['percent'] : 0; $percent = $percent < 0 ? 0 : $percent;
if ( isset( $wp_smush_data['stats']['size_before'] ) && $wp_smush_data['stats']['size_before'] == 0 ) { $status_txt = __( 'Error processing request', 'wp-smushit' ); $show_button = true; } else { if ( $bytes == 0 || $percent == 0 ) { $status_txt = __( 'Already Optimized', 'wp-smushit' ); } elseif ( ! empty( $percent ) && ! empty( $bytes_readable ) ) { $status_txt = sprintf( __( "Reduced by %s ( %01.1f%% )", 'wp-smushit' ), $bytes_readable, number_format_i18n( $percent, 2, '.', '' ) ); } }
//IF current compression is lossy if ( ! empty( $wp_smush_data ) && ! empty( $wp_smush_data['stats'] ) ) { $lossy = !empty( $wp_smush_data['stats']['lossy'] ) ? $wp_smush_data['stats']['lossy'] : ''; $is_lossy = $lossy == 1 ? true : false; }
//Check if Lossy enabled $opt_lossy = WP_SMUSH_PREFIX . 'lossy'; $opt_lossy_val = get_option( $opt_lossy, false );
//Check image type $image_type = get_post_mime_type( $id );
//Check if premium user, compression was lossless, and lossy compression is enabled if ( $this->is_pro() && ! $is_lossy && $opt_lossy_val && $image_type != 'image/gif' ) { // the button text $button_txt = __( 'Super-Smush', 'wp-smushit' ); $show_button = true; } } else {
// the status $status_txt = __( 'Not processed', 'wp-smushit' );
// we need to show the smush button $show_button = true;
// the button text $button_txt = __( 'Smush Now!', 'wp-smushit' ); } if ( $text_only ) { return $status_txt; }
$text = $this->column_html( $id, $status_txt, $button_txt, $show_button, $wp_smush_data, $echo ); if ( ! $echo ) { return $text; } }
/** * Print the column html * * @param string $id Media id * @param string $status_txt Status text * @param string $button_txt Button label * @param boolean $show_button Whether to shoe the button * * @return null */ function column_html( $id, $status_txt = "", $button_txt = "", $show_button = true, $smushed = false, $echo = true ) { $allowed_images = array( 'image/jpeg', 'image/jpg', 'image/png', 'image/gif' );
// don't proceed if attachment is not image, or if image is not a jpg, png or gif if ( ! wp_attachment_is_image( $id ) || ! in_array( get_post_mime_type( $id ), $allowed_images ) ) { return; }
$class = $smushed ? '' : ' hidden'; $html = ' <p class="smush-status' . $class . '">' . $status_txt . '</p>'; // if we aren't showing the button if ( ! $show_button ) { if ( $echo ) { echo $html;
return; } else { if ( ! $smushed ) { $class = ' currently-smushing'; } else { $class = ' smushed'; }
return '<div class="smush-wrap' . $class . '">' . $html . '</div>'; } } if ( ! $echo ) { $html .= ' <button class="button button-primary wp-smush-send" data-id="' . $id . '"> <span>' . $button_txt . '</span> </button>'; if ( ! $smushed ) { $class = ' unsmushed'; } else { $class = ' smushed'; }
return '<div class="smush-wrap' . $class . '">' . $html . '</div>'; } else { $html .= '<button class="button wp-smush-send" data-id="' . $id . '"> <span>' . $button_txt . '</span> </button>'; echo $html; } }
/** * Migrates smushit api message to the latest structure * * * @return void */ function migrate() {
if ( ! version_compare( $this->version, "1.7.1", "lte" ) ) { return; }
$migrated_version = get_option( self::MIGRATED_VERSION );
if ( $migrated_version === $this->version ) { return; }
global $wpdb;
$q = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->postmeta . "` WHERE `meta_key`=%s AND `meta_value` LIKE %s ", "_wp_attachment_metadata", "%wp_smushit%" ); $results = $wpdb->get_results( $q );
if ( count( $results ) < 1 ) { return; }
$migrator = new WpSmushMigrate(); foreach ( $results as $attachment_meta ) { $migrated_message = $migrator->migrate_api_message( maybe_unserialize( $attachment_meta->meta_value ) ); if ( $migrated_message !== array() ) { update_post_meta( $attachment_meta->post_id, self::SMUSHED_META_KEY, $migrated_message ); } }
update_option( self::MIGRATED_VERSION, $this->version );
/** * @param Object $response_data * @param $size_before * @param $size_after * @param $total_time * @param $bytes_saved * * @return array */ private function _update_stats_data( $response_data, $size_before, $size_after, $total_time, $bytes_saved ) { $size_before += ! empty( $response_data->before_size ) ? (int) $response_data->before_size : 0; $size_after += ( ! empty( $response_data->after_size ) && $response_data->after_size > 0 ) ? (int) $response_data->after_size : (int) $response_data->before_size; $total_time += ! empty( $response_data->time ) ? (float) $response_data->time : 0; $bytes_saved += ( ! empty( $response_data->bytes_saved ) && $response_data->bytes_saved > 0 ) ? $response_data->bytes_saved : 0; $compression = ( $bytes_saved > 0 && $size_before > 0 ) ? ( ( $bytes_saved / $size_before ) * 100 ) : 0;
return array( $size_before, $size_after, $total_time, $compression, $bytes_saved ); } }
global $WpSmush; $WpSmush = new WpSmush();
//Include Admin classes require_once( WP_SMUSH_DIR . '/lib/class-wp-smush-bulk.php' ); require_once( WP_SMUSH_DIR . '/lib/class-wp-smush-admin.php' );
//require_once( WP_SMUSH_DIR . '/extras/dash-notice/wpmudev-dash-notification.php' ); require_once( WP_SMUSH_DIR . '/extras/free-dashboard/module.php' );
// Register the current plugin. do_action( 'wdev-register-plugin', /* 1 Plugin ID */ plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), /* Plugin ID */ /* 2 Plugin Title */ 'WP Smush', /* 3 */ '/plugins/wp-smushit/', /* 4 Email Button CTA */ __( 'Get Fast', 'wp-smushit' ), /* 5 getdrip Plugin param */ 'Smush' );
// The rating message contains 2 variables: user-name, plugin-name add_filter( 'wdev-rating-message-' . plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), 'wp_smush_rating_message' );
/** * Filters the rating message, include stats if greater than 1Mb * @param $message * * @return string */ function wp_smush_rating_message( $message ) { global $wpsmushit_admin; $savings = $wpsmushit_admin->global_stats(); $image_count = $wpsmushit_admin->total_count(); $show_stats = false;
//If there is any saving, greater than 1Mb, show stats if( !empty( $savings ) && !empty( $savings['bytes'] ) && $savings['bytes'] > 1048576 ) { $show_stats = true; }
$message = "Hey %s, you've been using %s for a while now, and we hope you're happy with it.";
//Conditionally Show stats in rating message if( $show_stats ) { $message .= sprintf( " You've smushed <strong>%s</strong> from %d images already, improving the speed and SEO ranking of this site!", $savings['human'], $image_count ); } $message .= " We've spent countless hours developing this free plugin for you, and we would really appreciate it if you dropped us a quick rating!";
return $message; }
// The email message contains 1 variable: plugin-name add_filter( 'wdev-email-message-' . plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), 'wp_smush_email_message' ); function wp_smush_email_message( $message ) { $message = "You're awesome for installing %s! Site speed isn't all image optimization though, so we've collected all the best speed resources we know in a single email - just for users of WP Smush!"; return $message; } // All done!