Software: Apache. PHP/5.5.15 uname -a: Windows NT SVR-DMZ 6.1 build 7600 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition) i586 SYSTEM Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) E:\nuevo\htdocs\cursos\HTML Curso 2\HTML\SDAC02_M4\lms\ drwxrwxrwx |
Viewing file: AICCFunctions.js (78.48 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | var blnDirtyAICCData = false; var blnCommitSavedData = false; var intAICCErrorNum = NO_ERROR; var strAICCErrorDesc = ""; var aryAICCFoundItems = new Array(); //stores a list of data elements that have been found in a AICC GetParam result var blnUseLongInteractionResultValues = true; //we start off trying to submit verbose descriptions of interaction results, if this errors, we revert back to strict conformance var blnReviewModeSoReadOnly = false; //these variables come from and can go stright to the LMS var AICC_LMS_Version = ""; var AICC_Student_ID = ""; var AICC_Student_Name = ""; var AICC_Lesson_Location = ""; var AICC_Score = ""; var AICC_Credit = ""; var AICC_Lesson_Status = ""; var AICC_Time = ""; var AICC_Mastery_Score = ""; var AICC_Lesson_Mode = ""; var AICC_Max_Time_Allowed = ""; var AICC_Time_Limit_Action = ""; var AICC_Audio = ""; var AICC_Speed = ""; var AICC_Language = ""; var AICC_Text = ""; var AICC_Launch_Data = ""; var AICC_Data_Chunk = ""; var AICC_Comments = ""; var AICC_Objectives = null; var AICC_CourseID = ""; //these variables are more logical representations of the above variables var AICC_fltScoreRaw = ""; var AICC_fltScoreMax = ""; var AICC_fltScoreMin = ""; var AICC_blnCredit = true; var AICC_strLessonMode = MODE_NORMAL; var AICC_intPreviouslyAccumulatedMilliseconds = 0; var AICC_intMaxTimeAllowedMilliseconds = MAX_CMI_TIME; var AICC_blnExitOnTimeout = false; var AICC_blnShowMessageOnTimeout = true; var AICC_TextPreference = PREFERENCE_DEFAULT; var AICC_Status = LESSON_STATUS_NOT_ATTEMPTED; var AICC_Entry = AICC_ENTRY_FLAG_DEFAULT; //must be the default b/c absense of entry flag indicates "review" var AICC_AudioPlayPreference = PREFERENCE_DEFAULT; var AICC_intAudioVolume = 100; var AICC_intPercentOfMaxSpeed = 100; var AICC_intSessionTimeMilliseconds = 0; var AICC_aryObjectivesRead = new Array(); //objectives reported from LMS, read results from here, also store copy of currently set objectives here var AICC_aryObjectivesWrite = new Array(); //objectives altered during this session (that is all we're supposed to report to AICC LMS) var AICC_aryCommentsFromLearner = new Array(); var AICC_aryInteractions = new Array(); //constants to define the meaning of the positions in the arrays to store objective information //these arrays contain a top level array index by the obj index, these positions contain subarrays with these indicies var AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_ID = 0; var AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_SCORE = 1; var AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_STATUS = 2; //constants to define the meaning of the positions in the arrays to store interaction information var AICC_INTERACTIONS_ID = 0; var AICC_INTERACTIONS_RESPONSE = 1; var AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT = 2; var AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT_RESPONSE = 3; var AICC_INTERACTIONS_TIME_STAMP = 4; var AICC_INTERACTIONS_TYPE = 5; var AICC_INTERACTIONS_WEIGHTING = 6; var AICC_INTERACTIONS_LATENCY = 7; var AICC_INTERACTIONS_RESPONSE_LONG = 8; var AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT_RESPONSE_LONG = 9; var AICC_INTERACTION_TYPE_TRUE_FALSE = "T"; var AICC_INTERACTION_TYPE_CHOICE = "C"; var AICC_INTERACTION_TYPE_FILL_IN = "F"; var AICC_INTERACTION_TYPE_MATCHING = "M"; var AICC_INTERACTION_TYPE_PERFORMANCE = "P"; var AICC_INTERACTION_TYPE_SEQUENCING = "S"; var AICC_INTERACTION_TYPE_LIKERT = "L"; var AICC_INTERACTION_TYPE_NUMERIC = "N"; var AICC_RESULT_CORRECT = "C"; var AICC_RESULT_WRONG = "W"; var AICC_RESULT_UNANTICIPATED = "U"; var AICC_RESULT_NEUTRAL = "N"; //error constants var AICC_NO_ERROR = "0"; var AICC_ERROR_INVALID_PREFERENCE = "-1"; var AICC_ERROR_INVALID_STATUS = "-2"; var AICC_ERROR_INVALID_SPEED = "-3"; var AICC_ERROR_INVALID_TIMESPAN = "-4"; var AICC_ERROR_INVALID_TIME_LIMIT_ACTION = "-5"; var AICC_ERROR_INVALID_DECIMAL = "-6"; var AICC_ERROR_INVALID_CREDIT = "-7"; var AICC_ERROR_INVALID_LESSON_MODE = "-8"; var AICC_ERROR_INVALID_ENTRY = "-9"; var blnReviewModeSoReadOnly = false; function AICC_Initialize(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_Initialize"); //make getparam request, this will parse the data into local variables then begin loading the content window.AICCComm.MakeGetParamRequest(); return; } function AICC_Finish(strExitType, blnStatusWasSet){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_Finish, strExitType=" + strExitType + ", blnStatusWasSet=" + blnStatusWasSet); if (! blnStatusWasSet){ if ( (strExitType == EXIT_TYPE_FINISH)){ WriteToDebug("Setting status to complete"); AICC_Status = LESSON_STATUS_COMPLETED; } else{ WriteToDebug("Setting status to incomplete"); AICC_Status = LESSON_STATUS_INCOMPLETE; } } window.AICCComm.PrepareCourseExit(this.actionConceded); //Commit Data AICC_CommitData(); //Make ExitAU Request window.AICCComm.MakeExitAURequest(); return true; } function AICC_CommitData(){ var strAICCData; WriteToDebug("In AICC_CommitData"); if (blnReviewModeSoReadOnly === true){ WriteToDebug("Mode is Review and configuration setting dictates this should be read only so exiting."); return true; } //if there is data to save, make a putparam request blnCommitSavedData = false; if (IsThereDirtyAICCData()){ AICC_SaveTime(GetSessionAccumulatedTime()); blnCommitSavedData = true; WriteToDebug("Found Dirty Data"); strAICCData = FormAICCPostData(); window.AICCComm.MakePutParamRequest(strAICCData); //if there is no course id, then the LMS doesn't support interactions //MR - 5/24/05 - removed the course id check to allow aicc courses to be imported into an LMS without using the descriptor files //also, Saba doesn't send the Course Id field even when imported with the descriptor files if ( /*AICC_CourseID != "" && */ AICC_aryInteractions.length > 0){ WriteToDebug("Saving Interactions"); AICC_SendInteractions(); } ClearDirtyAICCData(); //if the PutParam request fails, the data will be set back to dirty via a call to AICC_PutParamFailed() } return true; } function AICC_SendInteractions(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_SendInteractions."); if (blnReviewModeSoReadOnly === true){ WriteToDebug("Mode is Review and configuration setting dictates this should be read only so exiting."); return true; } var strAICCData = FormAICCInteractionsData(); window.AICCComm.MakePutInteractionsRequest(strAICCData); } function AICC_GetStudentID(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_GetStudentID, Returning " + AICC_Student_ID); return AICC_Student_ID ; } function AICC_GetStudentName(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_GetStudentName, Returning " + AICC_Student_Name); return AICC_Student_Name; } function AICC_GetBookmark(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_GetBookmark, Returning " + AICC_Lesson_Location); return AICC_Lesson_Location; } function AICC_SetBookmark(strBookmark){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_SetBookmark, strBookmark=" + strBookmark); SetDirtyAICCData(); AICC_Lesson_Location = strBookmark; return true; } function AICC_GetDataChunk(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_GetDataChunk, Returning " + AICC_Data_Chunk); return AICC_Data_Chunk ; } function AICC_SetDataChunk(strData){ //need to check for character limits here 4096 characters WriteToDebug("In AICC_SetDataChunk, strData=" + strData ); SetDirtyAICCData(); AICC_Data_Chunk = strData; AICC_CommitData(); return true; } function AICC_GetLaunchData(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_GetLaunchData, Returning " + AICC_Launch_Data ); return AICC_Launch_Data ; } function AICC_GetComments(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_GetComments, Returning " + AICC_aryCommentsFromLearner.join(" | ")); //not available in AICC - return cached comments from this session return AICC_aryCommentsFromLearner.join(" | "); } function AICC_WriteComment(strComment){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_WriteComment, strComment=" + strComment); var intNextIndex; //remove the "|" since AICC has its own delimiters if ( \| /) == 0){ strComment = strComment.substr(3); } //remove encoding of "|" strComment.replace(/\|\|/g, "|") //add the comment to an array of comments intNextIndex = AICC_aryCommentsFromLearner.length; WriteToDebug("Adding comment to array"); AICC_aryCommentsFromLearner[intNextIndex] = strComment; SetDirtyAICCData(); return true; } function AICC_GetLMSComments(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_GetLMSComments, Returning " + AICC_Comments ); return AICC_Comments; } function AICC_GetAudioPlayPreference(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_GetAudioPlayPreference, Returning " + AICC_AudioPlayPreference); return AICC_AudioPlayPreference; } function AICC_GetAudioVolumePreference(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_GetAudioVolumePreference, Returning " + AICC_intAudioVolume); return AICC_intAudioVolume; } function AICC_SetAudioPreference(PlayPreference, intPercentOfMaxVolume){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_SetAudioPreference, Returning true"); AICC_AudioPlayPreference = PlayPreference; AICC_intAudioVolume = intPercentOfMaxVolume; SetDirtyAICCData(); return true; } function AICC_SetLanguagePreference(strLanguage){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_SetLanguagePreference, Returning true"); SetDirtyAICCData(); AICC_Language = strLanguage; return true; } function AICC_GetLanguagePreference(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_GetLanguagePreference, Returning " + AICC_Language); return AICC_Language; } function AICC_SetSpeedPreference(intPercentOfMax){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_SetSpeedPreference, Returning true"); AICC_intPercentOfMaxSpeed = intPercentOfMax; SetDirtyAICCData(); return true; } function AICC_GetSpeedPreference(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_GetSpeedPreference, Returning " + AICC_intPercentOfMaxSpeed); return AICC_intPercentOfMaxSpeed; } function AICC_SetTextPreference(intPreference){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_SetTextPreference, Returning true"); AICC_TextPreference = intPreference; SetDirtyAICCData(); return true; } function AICC_GetTextPreference(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_GetTextPreference, Returning " + AICC_TextPreference); return AICC_TextPreference; } function AICC_GetPreviouslyAccumulatedTime(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_GetPreviouslyAccumulatedTime, Returning " + AICC_intPreviouslyAccumulatedMilliseconds); return AICC_intPreviouslyAccumulatedMilliseconds; } function AICC_SaveTime(intMilliSeconds){ WriteToDebug("In intMilliSeconds, Returning true"); AICC_intSessionTimeMilliseconds = intMilliSeconds; return true; } function AICC_GetMaxTimeAllowed(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_GetMaxTimeAllowed, Returning " + AICC_intMaxTimeAllowedMilliseconds); return AICC_intMaxTimeAllowedMilliseconds; } function AICC_DisplayMessageOnTimeout(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_DisplayMessageOnTimeout, Returning " + AICC_blnShowMessageOnTimeout); return AICC_blnShowMessageOnTimeout; } function AICC_ExitOnTimeout(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_ExitOnTimeout, Returning " + AICC_blnExitOnTimeout); return AICC_blnExitOnTimeout; } function AICC_GetPassingScore(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_GetPassingScore, Returning " + AICC_Mastery_Score); return AICC_Mastery_Score; } function AICC_GetScore(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_GetScore, Returning " + AICC_fltScoreRaw); return AICC_fltScoreRaw; } function AICC_SetScore(fltScore, fltMaxScore, fltMinScore){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_SetScore, fltScore=" + fltScore + ", fltMaxScore=" + fltMaxScore + ", fltMinScore=" + fltMinScore); AICC_fltScoreRaw = fltScore; AICC_fltScoreMax = fltMaxScore; AICC_fltScoreMin = fltMinScore; SetDirtyAICCData(); return true; } function AICC_RecordTrueFalseInteraction(strID, blnResponse, blnCorrect, blnCorrectResponse, strDescription, intWeighting, intLatency, strLearningObjectiveID, dtmTime){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_RecordTrueFalseInteraction strID=" + strID + ", blnResponse=" + blnResponse + ", blnCorrect=" + blnCorrect + ", blnCorrectResponse=" + blnCorrectResponse + ", strDescription=" + strDescription + ", intWeighting=" + intWeighting + ", intLatency=" + intLatency + ", strLearningObjectiveID=" + strLearningObjectiveID + ", dtmTime=" + dtmTime); var intTotalInteractions; var aryData = new Array(10); intTotalInteractions = AICC_aryInteractions.length; if (intWeighting == null || intWeighting == undefined ){intWeighting="";} if (intLatency == null || intLatency == undefined){intLatency="";} if (blnCorrect == null || blnCorrect == undefined){blnCorrect="";} var strResponse = ""; var strCorrectResponse = ""; if (blnResponse){ strResponse = "t"; } else{ strResponse = "f"; } if (blnCorrectResponse == true){ strCorrectResponse = "t"; } else if(blnCorrectResponse == false){ //test for false b/c it could be null in which case we want to leave it as "" strCorrectResponse = "f"; } aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_ID] = strID; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_RESPONSE] = strResponse; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT] = blnCorrect; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT_RESPONSE] = strCorrectResponse; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_TIME_STAMP] = dtmTime; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_TYPE] = AICC_INTERACTION_TYPE_TRUE_FALSE; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_WEIGHTING] = intWeighting; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_LATENCY] = intLatency; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_RESPONSE_LONG] = strResponse; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT_RESPONSE_LONG]= strCorrectResponse; //in AICC ignore the description field since there is nothing we can do with it //in AICC, don't try to set the interaction objective because these need to specified in the descriptor files AICC_aryInteractions[intTotalInteractions] = aryData; WriteToDebug("Added to interactions array, index=" + intTotalInteractions); SetDirtyAICCData(); return true; } function AICC_RecordMultipleChoiceInteraction(strID, aryResponse, blnCorrect, aryCorrectResponse, strDescription, intWeighting, intLatency, strLearningObjectiveID, dtmTime){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_RecordMultipleChoiceInteraction strID=" + strID + ", aryResponse=" + aryResponse + ", blnCorrect=" + blnCorrect + ", aryCorrectResponse=" + aryCorrectResponse + ", strDescription=" + strDescription + ", intWeighting=" + intWeighting + ", intLatency=" + intLatency + ", strLearningObjectiveID=" + strLearningObjectiveID + ", dtmTime=" + dtmTime); var intTotalInteractions; var aryData = new Array(10); intTotalInteractions = AICC_aryInteractions.length; if (intWeighting == null || intWeighting == undefined){intWeighting="";} if (intLatency == null || intLatency == undefined){intLatency="";} if (blnCorrect == null || blnCorrect == undefined){blnCorrect="";} var strResponse = ""; var strResponseLong = ""; var strCorrectResponse = ""; var strCorrectResponseLong = ""; for (var i=0; i < aryResponse.length; i++){ if (strResponse.length > 0) {strResponse += ",";} if (strResponseLong.length > 0) {strResponseLong += ",";} strResponse += aryResponse[i].Short.replace(",", ""); strResponseLong += aryResponse[i].Long.replace(",", ""); } for (var i=0; i < aryCorrectResponse.length; i++){ if (strCorrectResponse.length > 0) {strCorrectResponse += ",";} if (strCorrectResponseLong.length > 0) {strCorrectResponseLong += ",";} strCorrectResponse += aryCorrectResponse[i].Short.replace(",", ""); strCorrectResponseLong += aryCorrectResponse[i].Long.replace(",", ""); } aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_ID] = strID; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_RESPONSE] = strResponse; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT] = blnCorrect; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT_RESPONSE] = strCorrectResponse; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_TIME_STAMP] = dtmTime; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_TYPE] = AICC_INTERACTION_TYPE_CHOICE; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_WEIGHTING] = intWeighting; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_LATENCY] = intLatency; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_RESPONSE_LONG] = strResponseLong; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT_RESPONSE_LONG]= strCorrectResponseLong; //in AICC ignore the description field since there is nothing we can do with it //in AICC, don't try to set the interaction objective because these need to specified in the descriptor files AICC_aryInteractions[intTotalInteractions] = aryData; WriteToDebug("Added to interactions array, index=" + intTotalInteractions); SetDirtyAICCData(); return true; } function AICC_RecordFillInInteraction(strID, strResponse, blnCorrect, strCorrectResponse, strDescription, intWeighting, intLatency, strLearningObjectiveID, dtmTime){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_RecordFillInInteraction strID=" + strID + ", strResponse=" + strResponse + ", blnCorrect=" + blnCorrect + ", strCorrectResponse=" + strCorrectResponse + ", strDescription=" + strDescription + ", intWeighting=" + intWeighting + ", intLatency=" + intLatency + ", strLearningObjectiveID=" + strLearningObjectiveID + ", dtmTime=" + dtmTime); var intTotalInteractions; var aryData = new Array(10); intTotalInteractions = AICC_aryInteractions.length; if (intWeighting == null || intWeighting == undefined ){intWeighting="";} if (intLatency == null || intLatency == undefined){intLatency="";} if (blnCorrect == null || blnCorrect == undefined){blnCorrect="";} if (strCorrectResponse == null || strCorrectResponse == undefined){strCorrectResponse="";} strResponse = new String(strResponse); if (strResponse.length > 255) {strResponse = strResponse.substr(0, 255);} strCorrectResponse = new String(strCorrectResponse); if (strCorrectResponse.length > 255) {strCorrectResponse = strCorrectResponse.substr(0, 255);} aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_ID] = strID; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_RESPONSE] = strResponse; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT] = blnCorrect; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT_RESPONSE] = strCorrectResponse; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_TIME_STAMP] = dtmTime; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_TYPE] = AICC_INTERACTION_TYPE_FILL_IN; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_WEIGHTING] = intWeighting; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_LATENCY] = intLatency; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_RESPONSE_LONG] = strResponse; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT_RESPONSE_LONG]= strCorrectResponse; //in AICC ignore the description field since there is nothing we can do with it //in AICC, don't try to set the interaction objective because these need to specified in the descriptor files AICC_aryInteractions[intTotalInteractions] = aryData; WriteToDebug("Added to interactions array, index=" + intTotalInteractions); SetDirtyAICCData(); return true; } function AICC_RecordMatchingInteraction(strID, aryResponse, blnCorrect, aryCorrectResponse, strDescription, intWeighting, intLatency, strLearningObjectiveID, dtmTime){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_RecordMatchingInteraction strID=" + strID + ", aryResponse=" + aryResponse + ", blnCorrect=" + blnCorrect + ", aryCorrectResponse=" + aryCorrectResponse + ", strDescription=" + strDescription + ", intWeighting=" + intWeighting + ", intLatency=" + intLatency + ", strLearningObjectiveID=" + strLearningObjectiveID + ", dtmTime=" + dtmTime); var intTotalInteractions; var aryData = new Array(10); intTotalInteractions = AICC_aryInteractions.length; if (intWeighting == null || intWeighting == undefined ){intWeighting="";} if (intLatency == null || intLatency == undefined){intLatency="";} if (blnCorrect == null || blnCorrect == undefined){blnCorrect="";} var strResponse = ""; var strResponseLong = ""; var strCorrectResponse = ""; var strCorrectResponseLong = ""; for (var i=0; i < aryResponse.length; i++){ if (strResponse.length > 0) {strResponse += ",";} if (strResponseLong.length > 0) {strResponseLong += ",";} strResponse += aryResponse[i].Source.Short.replace(",", "").replace(".", "") + "." + aryResponse[i].Target.Short.replace(",", "").replace(".", ""); strResponseLong += aryResponse[i].Source.Long.replace(",", "").replace(".", "") + "." + aryResponse[i].Target.Long.replace(",", "").replace(".", ""); } for (var i=0; i < aryCorrectResponse.length; i++){ if (strCorrectResponse.length > 0) {strCorrectResponse += ",";} if (strCorrectResponseLong.length > 0) {strCorrectResponseLong += ",";} if (aryCorrectResponse[i].Source.Short != "" && aryCorrectResponse[i].Source.Long != ""){ strCorrectResponse += aryCorrectResponse[i].Source.Short.replace(",", "").replace(".", "") + "." + aryCorrectResponse[i].Target.Short.replace(",", "").replace(".", ""); strCorrectResponseLong += aryCorrectResponse[i].Source.Long.replace(",", "").replace(".", "") + "." + aryCorrectResponse[i].Target.Long.replace(",", "").replace(".", ""); } } aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_ID] = strID; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_RESPONSE] = strResponse; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT] = blnCorrect; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT_RESPONSE] = strCorrectResponse; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_TIME_STAMP] = dtmTime; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_TYPE] = AICC_INTERACTION_TYPE_MATCHING; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_WEIGHTING] = intWeighting; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_LATENCY] = intLatency; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_RESPONSE_LONG] = strResponseLong; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT_RESPONSE_LONG]= strCorrectResponseLong; //in AICC ignore the description field since there is nothing we can do with it //in AICC, don't try to set the interaction objective because these need to specified in the descriptor files AICC_aryInteractions[intTotalInteractions] = aryData; WriteToDebug("Added to interactions array, index=" + intTotalInteractions); SetDirtyAICCData(); return true; } function AICC_RecordPerformanceInteraction(strID, strResponse, blnCorrect, strCorrectResponse, strDescription, intWeighting, intLatency, strLearningObjectiveID, dtmTime){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_RecordPerformanceInteraction strID=" + strID + ", strResponse=" + strResponse + ", blnCorrect=" + blnCorrect + ", strCorrectResponse=" + strCorrectResponse + ", strDescription=" + strDescription + ", intWeighting=" + intWeighting + ", intLatency=" + intLatency + ", strLearningObjectiveID=" + strLearningObjectiveID + ", dtmTime=" + dtmTime); var intTotalInteractions; var aryData = new Array(10); intTotalInteractions = AICC_aryInteractions.length; if (intWeighting == null || intWeighting == undefined ){intWeighting="";} if (intLatency == null || intLatency == undefined){intLatency="";} if (blnCorrect == null || blnCorrect == undefined){blnCorrect="";} if (strCorrectResponse == null || strCorrectResponse == undefined){strCorrectResponse="";} strResponse = new String(strResponse); if (strResponse.length > 255) {strResponse = strResponse.substr(0, 255);} strCorrectResponse = new String(strCorrectResponse); if (strCorrectResponse.length > 255) {strCorrectResponse = strCorrectResponse.substr(0, 255);} aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_ID] = strID; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_RESPONSE] = strResponse; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT] = blnCorrect; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT_RESPONSE] = strCorrectResponse; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_TIME_STAMP] = dtmTime; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_TYPE] = AICC_INTERACTION_TYPE_PERFORMANCE; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_WEIGHTING] = intWeighting; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_LATENCY] = intLatency; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_RESPONSE_LONG] = strResponse; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT_RESPONSE_LONG]= strCorrectResponse; //in AICC ignore the description field since there is nothing we can do with it //in AICC, don't try to set the interaction objective because these need to specified in the descriptor files AICC_aryInteractions[intTotalInteractions] = aryData; WriteToDebug("Added to interactions array, index=" + intTotalInteractions); SetDirtyAICCData(); return true; } function AICC_RecordSequencingInteraction(strID, aryResponse, blnCorrect, aryCorrectResponse, strDescription, intWeighting, intLatency, strLearningObjectiveID, dtmTime){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_RecordSequencingInteraction strID=" + strID + ", aryResponse=" + aryResponse + ", blnCorrect=" + blnCorrect + ", aryCorrectResponse=" + aryCorrectResponse + ", strDescription=" + strDescription + ", intWeighting=" + intWeighting + ", intLatency=" + intLatency + ", strLearningObjectiveID=" + strLearningObjectiveID + ", dtmTime=" + dtmTime); var intTotalInteractions; var aryData = new Array(10); intTotalInteractions = AICC_aryInteractions.length; if (intWeighting == null || intWeighting == undefined ){intWeighting="";} if (intLatency == null || intLatency == undefined){intLatency="";} if (blnCorrect == null || blnCorrect == undefined){blnCorrect="";} var strResponse = ""; var strResponseLong = ""; var strCorrectResponse = ""; var strCorrectResponseLong = ""; for (var i=0; i < aryResponse.length; i++){ if (strResponse.length > 0) {strResponse += ",";} if (strResponseLong.length > 0) {strResponseLong += ",";} strResponse += aryResponse[i].Short.replace(",", ""); strResponseLong += aryResponse[i].Long.replace(",", ""); } for (var i=0; i < aryCorrectResponse.length; i++){ if (strCorrectResponse.length > 0) {strCorrectResponse += ",";} if (strCorrectResponseLong.length > 0) {strCorrectResponseLong += ",";} strCorrectResponse += aryCorrectResponse[i].Short.replace(",", ""); strCorrectResponseLong += aryCorrectResponse[i].Long.replace(",", ""); } aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_ID] = strID; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_RESPONSE] = strResponse; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT] = blnCorrect; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT_RESPONSE] = strCorrectResponse; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_TIME_STAMP] = dtmTime; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_TYPE] = AICC_INTERACTION_TYPE_SEQUENCING; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_WEIGHTING] = intWeighting; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_LATENCY] = intLatency; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_RESPONSE_LONG] = strResponseLong; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT_RESPONSE_LONG]= strCorrectResponseLong; //in AICC ignore the description field since there is nothing we can do with it //in AICC, don't try to set the interaction objective because these need to specified in the descriptor files AICC_aryInteractions[intTotalInteractions] = aryData; WriteToDebug("Added to interactions array, index=" + intTotalInteractions); SetDirtyAICCData(); return true; } function AICC_RecordLikertInteraction(strID, response, blnCorrect, correctResponse, strDescription, intWeighting, intLatency, strLearningObjectiveID, dtmTime){ WriteToDebug("In RecordLikertInteraction strID=" + strID + ", response=" + response + ", blnCorrect=" + blnCorrect + ", correctResponse=" + correctResponse + ", strDescription=" + strDescription + ", intWeighting=" + intWeighting + ", intLatency=" + intLatency + ", strLearningObjectiveID=" + strLearningObjectiveID + ", dtmTime=" + dtmTime); var intTotalInteractions; var aryData = new Array(10); intTotalInteractions = AICC_aryInteractions.length; if (intWeighting == null || intWeighting == undefined ){intWeighting="";} if (intLatency == null || intLatency == undefined){intLatency="";} if (blnCorrect == null || blnCorrect == undefined){blnCorrect="";} var strResponse = response.Short; var strResponseLong = response.Long; var strCorrectResponse = ""; var strCorrectResponseLong = ""; if (correctResponse != null){ strCorrectResponse = correctResponse.Short; strCorrectResponseLong = correctResponse.Long; } aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_ID] = strID; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_RESPONSE] = strResponse; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT] = blnCorrect; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT_RESPONSE] = strCorrectResponse; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_TIME_STAMP] = dtmTime; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_TYPE] = AICC_INTERACTION_TYPE_LIKERT; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_WEIGHTING] = intWeighting; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_LATENCY] = intLatency; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_RESPONSE_LONG] = strResponseLong; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT_RESPONSE_LONG]= strCorrectResponseLong; //in AICC ignore the description field since there is nothing we can do with it //in AICC, don't try to set the interaction objective because these need to specified in the descriptor files AICC_aryInteractions[intTotalInteractions] = aryData; WriteToDebug("Added to interactions array, index=" + intTotalInteractions); SetDirtyAICCData(); return true; } function AICC_RecordNumericInteraction(strID, strResponse, blnCorrect, strCorrectResponse, strDescription, intWeighting, intLatency, strLearningObjectiveID, dtmTime){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_RecordNumericInteraction strID=" + strID + ", strResponse=" + strResponse + ", blnCorrect=" + blnCorrect + ", strCorrectResponse=" + strCorrectResponse + ", strDescription=" + strDescription + ", intWeighting=" + intWeighting + ", intLatency=" + intLatency + ", strLearningObjectiveID=" + strLearningObjectiveID + ", dtmTime=" + dtmTime); var intTotalInteractions; var aryData = new Array(10); intTotalInteractions = AICC_aryInteractions.length; if (intWeighting == null || intWeighting == undefined ){intWeighting="";} if (intLatency == null || intLatency == undefined){intLatency="";} if (blnCorrect == null || blnCorrect == undefined){blnCorrect="";} if (strCorrectResponse == null || strCorrectResponse == undefined){strCorrectResponse="";} aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_ID] = strID; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_RESPONSE] = strResponse; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT] = blnCorrect; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT_RESPONSE] = strCorrectResponse; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_TIME_STAMP] = dtmTime; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_TYPE] = AICC_INTERACTION_TYPE_NUMERIC; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_WEIGHTING] = intWeighting; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_LATENCY] = intLatency; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_RESPONSE_LONG] = strResponse; aryData[AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT_RESPONSE_LONG]= strCorrectResponse; //in AICC ignore the description field since there is nothing we can do with it //in AICC, don't try to set the interaction objective because these need to specified in the descriptor files AICC_aryInteractions[intTotalInteractions] = aryData; WriteToDebug("Added to interactions array, index=" + intTotalInteractions); SetDirtyAICCData(); return true; } function AICC_GetEntryMode(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_GetEntryMode, Returning " + AICC_Entry); return AICC_Entry; } function AICC_GetLessonMode(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_GetLessonMode, Returning " + AICC_strLessonMode); return AICC_strLessonMode; } function AICC_GetTakingForCredit(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_GetTakingForCredit, Returning " + AICC_blnCredit); return AICC_blnCredit; } function AICC_SetObjectiveScore(strObjectiveID, intScore, intMaxScore, intMinScore){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_SetObjectiveScore, strObjectiveID=" + strObjectiveID + ", intScore=" + intScore + ", intMaxScore=" + intMaxScore + ", intMinScore=" + intMinScore); var intNextID; var intObjIndex; var strAICCScore = ""; intObjIndex = FindObjectiveById(strObjectiveID, AICC_aryObjectivesRead); if (intObjIndex != null){ WriteToDebug("Found read objective"); AICC_aryObjectivesRead[intObjIndex][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_SCORE] = intScore; } else{ WriteToDebug("Adding new read objective"); intNextID = AICC_aryObjectivesRead.length; AICC_aryObjectivesRead[parseInt(intNextID, 10)] = new Array(3); AICC_aryObjectivesRead[parseInt(intNextID, 10)][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_ID] = strObjectiveID; AICC_aryObjectivesRead[parseInt(intNextID, 10)][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_SCORE] = intScore; AICC_aryObjectivesRead[parseInt(intNextID, 10)][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_STATUS] = ""; } intObjIndex = FindObjectiveById(strObjectiveID, AICC_aryObjectivesWrite); if (intObjIndex != null){ WriteToDebug("Found write objective"); AICC_aryObjectivesWrite[intObjIndex][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_SCORE] = intScore; } else{ WriteToDebug("Adding new write objective"); intNextID = AICC_aryObjectivesWrite.length; AICC_aryObjectivesWrite[parseInt(intNextID, 10)] = new Array(3); strAICCScore = intScore; //prior to version 3, AICC scores cannot contain a decimal if (AICC_LMS_Version < 3 && strAICCScore != ""){ strAICCScore = parseInt(strAICCScore, 10); } if ( (AICC_REPORT_MIN_MAX_SCORE === undefined || AICC_REPORT_MIN_MAX_SCORE === null || AICC_REPORT_MIN_MAX_SCORE === true) && (AICC_LMS_Version >= 3 ) //min and max scores are only allowed after version 3 ){ if ((intMaxScore != "") || (intMinScore != "")) { WriteToDebug("Appending Max and Min scores"); strAICCScore += "," + intMaxScore + "," + intMinScore; } } AICC_aryObjectivesWrite[parseInt(intNextID, 10)][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_ID] = strObjectiveID; AICC_aryObjectivesWrite[parseInt(intNextID, 10)][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_SCORE] = strAICCScore; AICC_aryObjectivesWrite[parseInt(intNextID, 10)][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_STATUS] = ""; } SetDirtyAICCData(); return true; } function AICC_SetObjectiveStatus(strObjectiveID, Lesson_Status){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_SetObjectiveStatus, strObjectiveID=" + strObjectiveID + ", Lesson_Status=" + Lesson_Status); var intNextID; var intObjIdex; intObjIdex = FindObjectiveById(strObjectiveID, AICC_aryObjectivesRead); if (intObjIdex != null){ WriteToDebug("Found read objective"); AICC_aryObjectivesRead[intObjIdex][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_STATUS] = Lesson_Status; } else{ WriteToDebug("Adding new read objective"); intNextID = AICC_aryObjectivesRead.length; AICC_aryObjectivesRead[parseInt(intNextID, 10)] = new Array(3); AICC_aryObjectivesRead[parseInt(intNextID, 10)][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_ID] = strObjectiveID; AICC_aryObjectivesRead[parseInt(intNextID, 10)][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_STATUS] = Lesson_Status; AICC_aryObjectivesRead[parseInt(intNextID, 10)][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_SCORE] = ""; } intObjIdex = FindObjectiveById(strObjectiveID, AICC_aryObjectivesWrite); if (intObjIdex != null){ WriteToDebug("Found write objective"); AICC_aryObjectivesWrite[intObjIdex][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_STATUS] = Lesson_Status; } else{ WriteToDebug("Adding new write objective"); intNextID = AICC_aryObjectivesWrite.length; AICC_aryObjectivesWrite[parseInt(intNextID, 10)] = new Array(3); AICC_aryObjectivesWrite[parseInt(intNextID, 10)][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_ID] = strObjectiveID; AICC_aryObjectivesWrite[parseInt(intNextID, 10)][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_STATUS] = Lesson_Status; AICC_aryObjectivesWrite[parseInt(intNextID, 10)][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_SCORE] = ""; } SetDirtyAICCData(); return true; } function AICC_SetObjectiveDescription(strObjectiveID, strObjectiveDescription){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_SetObjectiveDescription, strObjectiveID=" + strObjectiveID + ", strObjectiveDescription=" + strObjectiveDescription); WriteToDebug("Objective descriptions are not supported prior to SCORM 2004"); return true; } function AICC_GetObjectiveScore(strObjectiveID){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_SetObjectiveScore, strObjectiveID=" + strObjectiveID); var intObjIndex = FindObjectiveById(strObjectiveID, AICC_aryObjectivesRead) if (intObjIndex != null){ WriteToDebug("Found objective, returning " + AICC_aryObjectivesRead[intObjIndex][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_SCORE]); return AICC_aryObjectivesRead[intObjIndex][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_SCORE]; } else{ WriteToDebug("Did not find objective, returning ''"); return ""; } } function AICC_GetObjectiveDescription(strObjectiveID){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_GetObjectiveDescription, strObjectiveID=" + strObjectiveID); WriteToDebug("Objective descriptions are not supported prior to SCORM 2004"); return ""; } function AICC_GetObjectiveStatus(strObjectiveID){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_SetObjectiveStatus, strObjectiveID=" + strObjectiveID); var intObjIndex = FindObjectiveById(strObjectiveID, AICC_aryObjectivesRead) if (intObjIndex != null){ WriteToDebug("Found objective, returning " + AICC_aryObjectivesRead[intObjIndex][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_STATUS]); return AICC_aryObjectivesRead[intObjIndex][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_STATUS]; } else{ WriteToDebug("Did not find objective, returning " + LESSON_STATUS_NOT_ATTEMPTED); return LESSON_STATUS_NOT_ATTEMPTED; } } function AICC_SetFailed(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_SetFailed, Returning true"); AICC_Status = LESSON_STATUS_FAILED; SetDirtyAICCData(); return true; } function AICC_SetPassed(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_SetPassed, Returning true"); AICC_Status = LESSON_STATUS_PASSED; SetDirtyAICCData(); return true; } function AICC_SetCompleted(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_SetCompleted, Returning true"); AICC_Status = LESSON_STATUS_COMPLETED; SetDirtyAICCData(); return true; } function AICC_ResetStatus(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_ResetStatus, Returning true"); AICC_Status = LESSON_STATUS_INCOMPLETE; SetDirtyAICCData(); return true; } function AICC_GetStatus(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_GetStatus, Returning " + AICC_Status); return AICC_Status; } //public function AICC_GetProgressMeasure(){ WriteToDebug("AICC_GetProgressMeasure - AICC does not support progress_measure, returning false"); return false; } //public function AICC_SetProgressMeasure(){ WriteToDebug("AICC_SetProgressMeasure - AICC does not support progress_measure, returning false"); return false; } //public function AICC_GetObjectiveProgressMeasure(){ WriteToDebug("AICC_GetObjectiveProgressMeasure - AICC does not support progress_measure, returning false"); return false; } //public function AICC_SetObjectiveProgressMeasure(){ WriteToDebug("AICC_SetObjectiveProgressMeasure - AICC does not support progress_measure, returning false"); return false; } function AICC_SetPointBasedScore(intScore, intMaxScore, intMinScore){ WriteToDebug("AICC_SetPointBasedScore - AICC does not support SetPointBasedScore, returning false"); return false; } function AICC_GetScaledScore(intScore, intMaxScore, intMinScore){ WriteToDebug("AICC_GetScaledScore - AICC does not support GetScaledScore, returning false"); return false; } function AICC_GetLastError(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_GetLastError, Returning " + intAICCErrorNum); return intAICCErrorNum; } function AICC_GetLastErrorDesc(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_GetLastErrorDesc, Returning '" + strAICCErrorDesc + "'"); return strAICCErrorDesc; } //============================================================================== function AICC_PutParamFailed(){ WriteToDebug("ERROR: In AICC_PutParamFailed"); //set dirty data SetDirtyAICCData(); //currently, just leaves the data as dirty, could also re-try or display an error as desired return; } function AICC_PutInteractionsFailed(){ WriteToDebug("ERROR: In AICC_PutInteractionsFailed"); //set dirty data SetDirtyAICCData(); //the LMS probably only accepts strictly conformant interaction result values, so retry one more time //with the short values which will be used from now on //this call originates from the child frame so be sure to reference the parent if (parent.blnUseLongInteractionResultValues == true){ parent.blnUseLongInteractionResultValues = false; parent.AICC_CommitData(); } return; } function AICC_SetErrorInfo(strErrorNumLine, strErrorDescLine){ WriteToDebug("ERROR: In AICC_SetErrorInfo, strErrorNumLine=" + strErrorNumLine + ", strErrorDescLine=" + strErrorDescLine); if (strErrorNumLine.toLowerCase().search(/error\s*=\s*0/) == -1){ WriteToDebug("Detected No Error"); intAICCErrorNum = NO_ERROR; strAICCErrorDesc = ""; } else{ WriteToDebug("Setting Error Info"); AICC_SetError(GetValueFromAICCLine(strAICCErrorLine), GetValueFromAICCLine(strAICCErrorDesc)) } } function AICC_SetError(intErrorNum, strErrorDesc){ WriteToDebug("ERROR: In AICC_SetError, intErrorNum=" + intErrorNum + ", strErrorDesc=" + strErrorDesc); intAICCErrorNum = intErrorNum; strAICCErrorDesc = strAICCErrorDesc; } function SetDirtyAICCData(){ WriteToDebug("In SetDirtyAICCData"); blnDirtyAICCData = true; } function ClearDirtyAICCData(){ WriteToDebug("In ClearDirtyAICCData"); blnDirtyAICCData = false; } function IsThereDirtyAICCData(){ WriteToDebug("In IsThereDirtyAICCData, returning " + blnDirtyAICCData); return blnDirtyAICCData; } function GetValueFromAICCLine(strLine){ WriteToDebug("In GetValueFromAICCLine, strLine=" + strLine); //find equal sign //if found equal sign //get all characters after equal sign //remove leading and trailing white space (cr, lf, tab, space, etc) var intPos; var strValue = ""; var strTemp; strLine = new String(strLine); intPos = strLine.indexOf("="); WriteToDebug("intPos=" + intPos); if (intPos > -1 && ((intPos + 1) < strLine.length)){ WriteToDebug("Grabbing value"); strTemp = strLine.substring(intPos+1); WriteToDebug("strTemp=" + strTemp); strTemp = strTemp.replace(/^\s*/, ""); //replace leading whitespace strTemp = strTemp.replace(/\s*$/, ""); //replace trailing whitespace strValue = strTemp; } WriteToDebug("returning " + strValue); return strValue; } function GetNameFromAICCLine(strLine){ //find equal sign //if found equal sign //get all characters after equal sign //remove leading and trailing white space (cr, lf, tab, space, etc) //else, look for brackets and return contents of brackets WriteToDebug("In GetNameFromAICCLine, strLine=" + strLine); var intPos; var strTemp; var strName = ""; strLine = new String(strLine); intPos = strLine.indexOf("="); WriteToDebug("intPos=" + intPos); if (intPos > -1 && intPos < strLine.length){ WriteToDebug("Grabbing name from name/value pair"); strTemp = strLine.substring(0, intPos); WriteToDebug("strTemp=" + strTemp); strTemp = strTemp.replace(/^\s*/, ""); strTemp = strTemp.replace(/\s*$/, ""); strName = strTemp; } else{ WriteToDebug("Grabbing name from group / section heading"); intPos = strLine.indexOf("["); WriteToDebug("intPos=" + intPos); if (intPos > -1){ WriteToDebug("Replacing []"); strTemp = strLine.replace(/[\[|\]]/g, ""); //replace the square brackets WriteToDebug("strTemp=" + strTemp); strTemp = strTemp.replace(/^\s*/, ""); //replace leading whitespace strTemp = strTemp.replace(/\s*$/, ""); //replace trailing whitespace strName = strTemp; } } WriteToDebug("returning " + strName); return strName; } function GetIndexFromAICCName(strLineName){ WriteToDebug("In GetIndexFromAICCName, strLineName=" + strLineName); //find period //if found period //get all characters after preiod //if there is an equal sign (we got an entire line instead of a line name //remove all characters after the equal sign //remove leading and trailing white space (cr, lf, tab, space, etc) var intPos; var strIndex = ""; var strTemp = ""; strLine = new String(strLineName); intPos = strLine.indexOf("."); WriteToDebug("intPos=" + intPos); if (intPos > -1 && (intPos+1) < strLine.length){ WriteToDebug("Grabbing index"); strTemp = strLine.substring(intPos + 1); WriteToDebug("strTemp=" + strTemp); WriteToDebug("Checking for equal sign"); intPos = strTemp.indexOf("="); if (intPos > -1 && intPos < strTemp.length){ WriteToDebug("Found and removing equal sign"); strTemp = strLine.substring(0, intPos); } WriteToDebug("Removing white space"); strTemp = strTemp.replace(/^\s*/, ""); //replace leading whitespace strTemp = strTemp.replace(/\s*$/, ""); //replace trailing whitespace strIndex = strTemp; } WriteToDebug("returning " + strIndex); return strIndex; } //============================================================================== function ParseGetParamData(strLMSResult){ WriteToDebug("In ParseGetParamData"); var aryAICCResponseLines; var strLine; var strLineName; var strLineValue; var i, j; //loop line counters //parse LMS Result into local variables strLMSResult = new String(strLMSResult); aryAICCResponseLines = strLMSResult.split("\n"); //only use \n instead of \r\n b/c some LMS's will only use one character WriteToDebug("Split String"); for (i=0; i < aryAICCResponseLines.length; i++){ WriteToDebug("Processing Line #" + i + ": " + aryAICCResponseLines[i]); strLine = aryAICCResponseLines[i]; strLineName = ""; strLineValue = ""; if (strLine.length > 0){ WriteToDebug("Found non-zero length string"); //remove \r from the beginning or end of the string in case we missed it in the original array split if (strLine.charAt(0) == "\r"){ WriteToDebug("Detected leading \\r"); strLine = strLine.substr(1); } if (strLine.charAt(strLine.length - 1) == "\r"){ WriteToDebug("Detected trailing \\r"); strLine = strLine.substr(0, strLine.length - 1); } if (strLine.charAt(0) != ";") { //semi-colon indicates a comment line, ignore these WriteToDebug("Found non-comment line"); strLineName = GetNameFromAICCLine(strLine); strLineValue = GetValueFromAICCLine(strLine); WriteToDebug("strLineName=" + strLineName + ", strLineValue=" + strLineValue); } } strLineName = strLineName.toLowerCase(); if (! AICC_HasItemBeenFound(strLineName)){ //only process an item the first time it is found since only the first instance is significant WriteToDebug("Detected an un-found item"); AICC_FoundItem(strLineName); switch (strLineName){ case "version": //version WriteToDebug("Item is version"); var tempVersion = parseFloat(strLineValue); if (isNaN(tempVersion)){tempVersion=0;} AICC_LMS_Version = tempVersion; break; case "student_id": //student id WriteToDebug("Item is student_id"); AICC_Student_ID = strLineValue; break; case "student_name": //student name WriteToDebug("Item is student_name"); AICC_Student_Name = strLineValue; break; case "lesson_location": //bookmark WriteToDebug("Item is lesson_location"); AICC_Lesson_Location = strLineValue; break; case "score": //score WriteToDebug("Item is score"); AICC_Score = strLineValue; AICC_SeperateScoreValues(AICC_Score); break; case "credit": //credit WriteToDebug("Item is credit"); AICC_Credit = strLineValue; AICC_TranslateCredit(AICC_Credit); break; case "lesson_status": //status, flag for entry mode WriteToDebug("Item is lesson_status"); AICC_Lesson_Status = strLineValue; AICC_TranslateLessonStatus(AICC_Lesson_Status); break; case "time": //previous time WriteToDebug("Item is time"); AICC_Time = strLineValue; AICC_TranslateTimeToMilliseconds(AICC_Time); break; case "mastery_score": //passing score WriteToDebug("Item is mastery_score"); AICC_Mastery_Score = strLineValue; AICC_ValidateMasteryScore(AICC_Mastery_Score); break; case "lesson_mode": //lesson mode (browse, normal, review) WriteToDebug("Item is lesson_mode"); AICC_Lesson_Mode = strLineValue; AICC_TranslateLessonMode(AICC_Lesson_Mode); break; case "max_time_allowed": //max time allowed WriteToDebug("Item is max_time_allowed"); AICC_Max_Time_Allowed = strLineValue; AICC_TranslateMaxTimeToMilliseconds(AICC_Max_Time_Allowed); break; case "time_limit_action": //display message on timeout, exit on timeout WriteToDebug("Item is time_limit_action"); AICC_Time_Limit_Action = strLineValue; AICC_TranslateTimeLimitAction(AICC_Time_Limit_Action); break; case "audio": //audio play, audio speed WriteToDebug("Item is audio"); AICC_Audio = strLineValue; AICC_TranslateAudio(AICC_Audio); break; case "speed": //content speed WriteToDebug("Item is speed"); AICC_Speed = strLineValue; AICC_TranslateSpeed(AICC_Speed); break; case "language": //language WriteToDebug("Item is language"); AICC_Language = strLineValue; break; case "text": //text WriteToDebug("Item is text"); AICC_Text = strLineValue; AICC_TranslateTextPreference(AICC_Text); break; case "course_id": //course id WriteToDebug("Item is course id"); AICC_CourseID = strLineValue; break; case "core_vendor": //launch data WriteToDebug("Item is core_vendor"); AICC_Launch_Data = ""; strLine = ""; j=1; if ((i+j) < aryAICCResponseLines.length){ strLine = aryAICCResponseLines[i+j]; } //loop to the end of the file or current group while ( ((i+j) < aryAICCResponseLines.length) && (! IsGroupIdentifier(strLine))){ if (strLine.charAt(0) != ";"){ AICC_Launch_Data += strLine + "\n"; //add \n to make up for the one we dropped when splitting the string into the array } j = j + 1; if ((i+j) < aryAICCResponseLines.length){ strLine = aryAICCResponseLines[i+j]; } } i = i + j - 1 AICC_Launch_Data = AICC_Launch_Data.replace(/\s*$/, ""); //replace trailing whitespace (we've added an extra \n to the end of the string) break; case "core_lesson": //data chunk WriteToDebug("Item is core_lesson"); AICC_Data_Chunk = ""; strLine = ""; j=1; if ((i+j) < aryAICCResponseLines.length){ strLine = aryAICCResponseLines[i+j]; } //loop to the end of the file or current group while ( ((i+j) < aryAICCResponseLines.length) && (! IsGroupIdentifier(strLine))){ if (strLine.charAt(0) != ";"){ AICC_Data_Chunk += strLine + "\n"; //add \n to make up for the one we dropped when splitting the string into the array } j = j + 1; if ((i+j) < aryAICCResponseLines.length){ strLine = aryAICCResponseLines[i+j]; } } i = i + j - 1 AICC_Data_Chunk = AICC_Data_Chunk.replace(/\s*$/, ""); //replace trailing whitespace (we've added an extra \n to the end of the string) break; case "comments": //comments from LMS WriteToDebug("Item is comments"); AICC_Comments = ""; strLine = ""; j=1; if ((i+j) < aryAICCResponseLines.length){ strLine = aryAICCResponseLines[i+j]; } //loop to the end of the file or current group while ( ((i+j) < aryAICCResponseLines.length) && (! IsGroupIdentifier(strLine))){ if (strLine.charAt(0) != ";"){ AICC_Comments += strLine + "\n"; //add \n to make up for the one we dropped when splitting the string into the array } j = j + 1; if ((i+j) < aryAICCResponseLines.length){ strLine = aryAICCResponseLines[i+j]; } } i = i + j - 1 AICC_Comments = AICC_Comments.replace(/\s*$/, ""); //replace trailing whitespace (we've added an extra \n to the end of the string) break; case "objectives_status": //objectives WriteToDebug("Item is objectives_status"); AICC_Objectives = ""; strLine = ""; j=1; if ((i+j) < aryAICCResponseLines.length){ strLine = aryAICCResponseLines[i+j]; } //loop to the end of the file or current group while ( ((i+j) < aryAICCResponseLines.length) && (! IsGroupIdentifier(strLine))){ if (strLine.charAt(0) != ";"){ AICC_Objectives += strLine + "\n"; //add \n to make up for the one we dropped when splitting the string into the array } j = j + 1; if ((i+j) < aryAICCResponseLines.length){ strLine = aryAICCResponseLines[i+j]; } } i = i + j - 1 AICC_Objectives = AICC_Objectives.replace(/\s*$/, ""); //replace trailing whitespace (we've added an extra \r\n to the end of the string) AICC_FormatObjectives(AICC_Objectives); break; default: //comment or empty line so do nothing WriteToDebug("Unknown Item Found"); break; } //end switch } //end if AICC_HasItemBeenFound } //end for return true; } function IsGroupIdentifier(strLine){ WriteToDebug("In IsGroupIdentifier, strLine=" + strLine); var intPos; //remove leading white space strLine = strLine.replace(/^\s*/, ""); intPos =\[[\w]+\]/); WriteToDebug("intPos=" + intPos); if (intPos == 0){ WriteToDebug("Returning True"); return true; } else{ WriteToDebug("Returning False"); return false; } } function AICC_FoundItem(strItem){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_FoundItem, strItem=" + strItem); aryAICCFoundItems[strItem] = true; } function AICC_HasItemBeenFound(strItem){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_HasItemBeenFound, strItem=" + strItem); if (aryAICCFoundItems[strItem] == true){ WriteToDebug("Returning True"); return true; } else{ WriteToDebug("Returning False"); return false; } } //================================================================== //functions for dealing with specific data elements //================================================================== function AICC_SeperateScoreValues(AICC_Score){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_SeperateScoreValues, AICC_Score=" + AICC_Score); var aryScores; aryScore = AICC_Score.split(","); AICC_fltScoreRaw = aryScore[0]; if (IsValidDecimal(AICC_fltScoreRaw)){ WriteToDebug("Found a valid decimal"); AICC_fltScoreRaw = parseFloat(AICC_fltScoreRaw); } else{ WriteToDebug("ERROR - score from LMS is not a valid decimal"); AICC_SetError(AICC_ERROR_INVALID_DECIMAL, "score is not a valid decimal") } if (aryScore.length > 1){ WriteToDebug("Max score found"); AICC_fltScoreMax = aryScore[1]; if ( IsValidDecimal(AICC_fltScoreMax)){ WriteToDebug("Found a valid decimal"); AICC_fltScoreMax = parseFloat(AICC_fltScoreMax); } else{ WriteToDebug("ERROR - max score from LMS is not a valid decimal"); AICC_SetError(AICC_ERROR_INVALID_DECIMAL, "max score is not a valid decimal") } } if (aryScore.length > 2){ WriteToDebug("Max score found"); AICC_fltScoreMin = aryScore[2]; if (IsValidDecimal(AICC_fltScoreMin)){ WriteToDebug("Found a valid decimal"); AICC_fltScoreMin = parseFloat(AICC_fltScoreMin); } else{ WriteToDebug("ERROR - min score from LMS is not a valid decimal"); AICC_SetError(AICC_ERROR_INVALID_DECIMAL, "min score is not a valid decimal") } } } function AICC_ValidateMasteryScore(strScore){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_ValidateMasteryScore, strScore=" + strScore); if (IsValidDecimal(strScore)){ AICC_Mastery_Score = parseFloat(strScore); } else{ WriteToDebug("ERROR - mastery score from LMS is not a valid decimal"); AICC_SetError(AICC_ERROR_INVALID_DECIMAL, "mastery score is not a valid decimal") } } function AICC_TranslateCredit(strCredit){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_TranslateCredit, strCredit=" + strCredit); var strFirstChar; strFirstChar = strCredit.toLowerCase().charAt(0); if (strFirstChar == "c"){ WriteToDebug("Credit = true"); AICC_blnCredit = true; } else if (strFirstChar == "n"){ WriteToDebug("Credit = false"); AICC_blnCredit = false } else{ WriteToDebug("ERROR - credit value from LMS is not a valid"); AICC_SetError(AICC_ERROR_INVALID_CREDIT, "credit value from LMS is not a valid") } } function AICC_TranslateLessonMode(strMode){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_TranslateLessonMode, strMode=" + strMode); var strFirstChar; strFirstChar = strMode.toLowerCase().charAt(0); if (strFirstChar == "b"){ WriteToDebug("Lesson Mode = Browse"); AICC_strLessonMode = MODE_BROWSE; } else if (strFirstChar == "n"){ WriteToDebug("Lesson Mode = normal"); AICC_strLessonMode = MODE_NORMAL; } else if (strFirstChar == "r"){ WriteToDebug("Lesson Mode = review"); AICC_strLessonMode = MODE_REVIEW; if (!(typeof(REVIEW_MODE_IS_READ_ONLY) == "undefined") && REVIEW_MODE_IS_READ_ONLY === true){ blnReviewModeSoReadOnly = true; } } else{ WriteToDebug("ERROR - lesson_mode value from LMS is not a valid"); AICC_SetError(AICC_ERROR_INVALID_LESSON_MODE, "lesson_mode value from LMS is not a valid") } } function AICC_TranslateTimeToMilliseconds(strCMITime){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_TranslateTimeToMilliseconds, strCMITime=" + strCMITime); if (IsValidCMITimeSpan(strCMITime)){ AICC_intPreviouslyAccumulatedMilliseconds = ConvertCMITimeSpanToMS(strCMITime); } else{ WriteToDebug("ERROR - Invalid CMITimeSpan"); AICC_SetError(AICC_ERROR_INVALID_TIMESPAN, "Invalid timespan (previously accumulated time) received from LMS"); } } function AICC_TranslateMaxTimeToMilliseconds(strCMITime){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_TranslateMaxTimeToMilliseconds, strCMITime=" + strCMITime); if (IsValidCMITimeSpan(strCMITime)){ AICC_intMaxTimeAllowedMilliseconds = ConvertCMITimeSpanToMS(strCMITime); } else{ WriteToDebug("ERROR - Invalid CMITimeSpan"); AICC_SetError(AICC_ERROR_INVALID_TIMESPAN, "Invalid timespan (max time allowed) received from LMS"); } } function AICC_TranslateTimeLimitAction(strTimeLimitAction){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_TranslateTimeLimitAction, strTimeLimitAction=" + strTimeLimitAction); var arySplit; var blnError = false; var strChar1 = ""; var strChar2 = ""; //note - order of characters is not significant arySplit = strTimeLimitAction.split(","); if (arySplit.length == 2){ WriteToDebug("Found 2 elements"); strChar1 = arySplit[0].charAt(0).toLowerCase(); strChar2 = arySplit[1].charAt(0).toLowerCase(); WriteToDebug("Got characters, strChar1=" + strChar1 + ", strChar2=" + strChar2); if ( (strChar1 != "e" && strChar1 != "c" && strChar1 != "m" && strChar1 != "n") || (strChar2 != "e" && strChar2 != "c" && strChar2 != "m" && strChar2 != "n") || (strChar1 == strChar2) ) { blnError = true WriteToDebug("Found an invalid character, or 2 identical characters"); } if (strChar1 == "e" || strChar2 == "e") {AICC_blnExitOnTimeout = true;} if (strChar1 == "c" || strChar2 == "c") {AICC_blnExitOnTimeout = false;} if (strChar1 == "n" || strChar2 == "n") {AICC_blnShowMessageOnTimeout = false;} if (strChar1 == "m" || strChar2 == "m") {AICC_blnShowMessageOnTimeout = true;} WriteToDebug("AICC_blnExitOnTimeout=" + AICC_blnExitOnTimeout + ", AICC_blnShowMessageOnTimeout" + AICC_blnShowMessageOnTimeout); } else{ WriteToDebug("Line does not contain two comma-delimited elements"); blnError = true; } if (blnError){ WriteToDebug("ERROR - Invalid Time Limit Action"); AICC_SetError(AICC_ERROR_INVALID_TIME_LIMIT_ACTION, "Invalid time limit action received from LMS"); } } function AICC_TranslateTextPreference(strPreference){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_TranslateTextPreference, strPreference=" + strPreference); if (strPreference == -1){ WriteToDebug("Text Preference = off"); AICC_TextPreference = PREFERENCE_OFF; } else if (strPreference == 0){ WriteToDebug("Text Preference = default"); AICC_TextPreference = PREFERENCE_DEFAULT; } else if (strPreference == 1){ WriteToDebug("Text Preference = on"); AICC_TextPreference = PREFERENCE_ON; } else{ WriteToDebug("ERROR - Invalid Text Preference"); AICC_SetError(AICC_ERROR_INVALID_PREFERENCE, "Invalid Text Preference received from LMS"); } } function AICC_TranslateLessonStatus(strStatus){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_TranslateLessonStatus, strStatus=" + strStatus); var strFirstChar; var intPos; var strEntry; strFirstChar = strStatus.charAt(0).toLowerCase(); AICC_Status = AICC_ConvertAICCStatusIntoLocalStatus(strFirstChar); WriteToDebug("AICC_Status=" + AICC_Status); //check for an entry flag intPos = strStatus.indexOf(","); if (intPos > 0){ strEntry = strStatus.substr(intPos); strEntry = strEntry.replace(/,/, ""); strFirstChar = strEntry.charAt(0).toLowerCase(); if (strFirstChar == "a"){ WriteToDebug("Entry is Ab initio"); AICC_Entry = ENTRY_FIRST_TIME; } else if (strFirstChar == "r"){ WriteToDebug("Entry is Resume"); AICC_Entry = ENTRY_RESUME; } else{ WriteToDebug("ERROR - entry not found"); AICC_SetError(AICC_ERROR_INVALID_ENTRY, "Invalid lesson status received from LMS"); } } } function AICC_ConvertAICCStatusIntoLocalStatus(strFirstCharOfAICCStatus){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_ConvertAICCStatusIntoLocalStatus, strFirstCharOfAICCStatus=" + strFirstCharOfAICCStatus); if (strFirstCharOfAICCStatus == "p"){ WriteToDebug("Status is Passed"); return LESSON_STATUS_PASSED; } else if (strFirstCharOfAICCStatus == "f"){ WriteToDebug("Status is Failed"); return LESSON_STATUS_FAILED; } else if (strFirstCharOfAICCStatus == "c"){ WriteToDebug("Status is Completed"); return LESSON_STATUS_COMPLETED; } else if (strFirstCharOfAICCStatus == "b"){ WriteToDebug("Status is Browsed"); return LESSON_STATUS_BROWSED; } else if (strFirstCharOfAICCStatus == "i"){ WriteToDebug("Status is Incomplete"); return LESSON_STATUS_INCOMPLETE; } else if (strFirstCharOfAICCStatus == "n"){ WriteToDebug("Status is Not Attempted"); return LESSON_STATUS_NOT_ATTEMPTED; } else{ WriteToDebug("ERROR - status not found"); AICC_SetError(SCORM_ERROR_INVALID_STATUS, "Invalid status"); return LESSON_STATUS_NOT_ATTEMPTED; } } function AICC_TranslateAudio(strAudio){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_TranslateAudio, strAudio=" + strAudio); var intTempPreference = parseInt(strAudio, 10); WriteToDebug("intTempPreference=" + intTempPreference); if (intTempPreference > 0 && intTempPreference <= 100){ WriteToDebug("Returning On"); AICC_AudioPlayPreference = PREFERENCE_ON; AICC_intAudioVolume = intTempPreference; } else if (intTempPreference == 0){ WriteToDebug("Returning Default"); AICC_AudioPlayPreference = PREFERENCE_DEFAULT; } else if (intTempPreference < 0) { WriteToDebug("returning Off"); AICC_AudioPlayPreference = PREFERENCE_OFF; } else{ //preference is not a number WriteToDebug("Error: Invalid preference"); AICC_SetError(AICC_ERROR_INVALID_PREFERENCE, "Invalid audio preference received from LMS"); } } function AICC_TranslateSpeed(intAICCSpeed){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_TranslateSpeed, intAICCSpeed=" + intAICCSpeed); var intPercentOfMax; if ( ! ValidInteger(intAICCSpeed) ){ WriteToDebug("ERROR - invalid integer"); AICC_SetError(AICC_ERROR_INVALID_SPEED, "Invalid speed preference received from LMS - not an integer"); return; } intAICCSpeed = parseInt(intAICCSpeed, 10) if (intAICCSpeed < -100 || intAICCSpeed > 100){ WriteToDebug("ERROR - out of range"); AICC_SetError(AICC_ERROR_INVALID_SPEED, "Invalid speed preference received from LMS - out of range"); return; } AICC_Speed = intAICCSpeed; intPercentOfMax = (intAICCSpeed + 100) / 2; intPercentOfMax = parseInt(intPercentOfMax, 10); WriteToDebug("Returning " + intPercentOfMax); AICC_intPercentOfMaxSpeed = intPercentOfMax; } function AICC_FormatObjectives(strObjectivesFromLMS){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_FormatObjectives, strObjectivesFromLMS=" + strObjectivesFromLMS); var aryLines; var i; var strLineName; var strLineValue; var strLineType; var strIndex; aryLines = strObjectivesFromLMS.split("\n"); //establish the read array with empty elements for all the IDs we'll encounter for (i=0; i < aryLines.length; i++){ WriteToDebug("Extracting Index From Line: " + aryLines[i]); strLineName = GetNameFromAICCLine(aryLines[i]); strIndex = GetIndexFromAICCName(strLineName); strIndex = parseInt(strIndex, 10); WriteToDebug("strIndex: " + strIndex); AICC_aryObjectivesRead[parseInt(strIndex, 10)] = new Array(3); } //loop through the line again and now populate the actual data for (i=0; i < aryLines.length; i++){ WriteToDebug("Populating Line " + aryLines[i]); strLineName = GetNameFromAICCLine(aryLines[i]); strLineValue = GetValueFromAICCLine(aryLines[i]); strIndex = GetIndexFromAICCName(strLineName); strIndex = strIndex; WriteToDebug("strLineName: " + strLineName); WriteToDebug("strLineValue: " + strLineValue); WriteToDebug("strIndex: " + strIndex); strLineType = strLineName.substr(0,4).toLowerCase(); if (strLineType == "j_id"){ WriteToDebug("Found ID"); AICC_aryObjectivesRead[parseInt(strIndex, 10)][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_ID] = strLineValue; } else if (strLineType =="j_st"){ WriteToDebug("Found Status"); AICC_aryObjectivesRead[parseInt(strIndex, 10)][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_STATUS] = AICC_ConvertAICCStatusIntoLocalStatus(strLineValue.charAt(0).toLowerCase()); } else if (strLineType == "j_sc"){ WriteToDebug("Found Score"); AICC_aryObjectivesRead[parseInt(strIndex, 10)][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_SCORE] = AICC_ExtractSingleScoreFromObjective(strLineValue); } else{ WriteToDebug("WARNING - unidentified objective data found - " + aryLines[i]); } } } function AICC_ExtractSingleScoreFromObjective(strLineValue){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_ExtractSingleScoreFromObjective, strLineValue=" + strLineValue); //AICC objectives can have multiple score sets (raw,max,min) seperated by semi-colons,they represent the various attempts at an objective //we're just concerned with the most recent attempt var aryParts; aryParts = strLineValue.split(";"); //drop the previous instances if any aryParts = aryParts[0].split(","); //drop the max and min scores if any WriteToDebug("returning " + aryParts[0]); return aryParts[0]; } function FindObjectiveById(strID, aryObjectives){ WriteToDebug("In FindObjectiveById, strID=" + strID); for (var i=0; i <= aryObjectives.length; i++){ WriteToDebug("Searching element " + i); if (aryObjectives[i]){ WriteToDebug("Element Exists"); if (aryObjectives[i][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_ID].toString() == strID.toString()){ WriteToDebug("Element matches"); return i; } } } return null; } //___________________________________________________________ //Interaction Retrieval Functionality //NOTE ON INTERACTION RETRIEVAL //A. It is only available in certain standards, standards where it is unavailable will return nothing //B. The interaction records are currently reported using "journaling", whereby each entry is appended // Retrieval methods will retrieve only the most recent value //___________________________________________________________ //Helper Methods function AICC_FindInteractionIndexFromID(strInteractionID){ WriteToDebug("AICC_FindInteractionIndexFromID - AICC does not support interaction retrieval, returning null"); return null; } //___________________________________________________________ function AICC_GetInteractionType(strInteractionID) { WriteToDebug("AICC_GetInteractionType - AICC does not support interaction retrieval, returning empty string"); return ''; } //public function AICC_GetInteractionTimestamp(strInteractionID) { WriteToDebug("AICC_GetInteractionTimestamp - AICC does not support interaction retrieval, returning empty string"); return ''; } //public function AICC_GetInteractionCorrectResponses(strInteractionID) { WriteToDebug("AICC_GetInteractionCorrectResponses - AICC does not support interaction retrieval, returning empty array"); return new Array(); } //public function AICC_GetInteractionWeighting(strInteractionID) { WriteToDebug("AICC_GetInteractionWeighting - AICC does not support interaction retrieval, returning empty string"); return ''; } //public function AICC_GetInteractionLearnerResponses(strInteractionID) { WriteToDebug("AICC_GetInteractionLearnerResponses - AICC does not support interaction retrieval, returning empty array"); return new Array(); } //public function AICC_GetInteractionResult(strInteractionID) { WriteToDebug("AICC_GetInteractionResult - AICC does not support interaction retrieval, returning empty string"); return ''; } //public function AICC_GetInteractionLatency(strInteractionID) { WriteToDebug("AICC_GetInteractionDescription - AICC does not support interaction retrieval, returning empty string"); return ''; } //public function AICC_GetInteractionDescription(strInteractionID) { WriteToDebug("AICC_GetInteractionDescription - AICC does not support interaction retrieval, returning empty string"); return ''; } //________________________________________________ //public function AICC_CreateDataBucket(strBucketId, intMinSize, intMaxSize){ WriteToDebug("AICC_CreateDataBucket - AICC does not support SSP, returning false"); return false; } //public function AICC_GetDataFromBucket(strBucketId){ WriteToDebug("AICC_GetDataFromBucket - AICC does not support SSP, returning empty string"); return ""; } //public function AICC_PutDataInBucket(strBucketId, strData, blnAppendToEnd){ WriteToDebug("AICC_PutDataInBucket - AICC does not support SSP, returning false"); return false; } //public function AICC_DetectSSPSupport(){ WriteToDebug("AICC_DetectSSPSupport - AICC does not support SSP, returning false"); return false; } //public function AICC_GetBucketInfo(strBucketId){ WriteToDebug("AICC_DetectSSPSupport - AICC does not support SSP, returning empty SSPBucketSize"); return new SSPBucketSize(0, 0); } //================================================================== //================================================================== function FormAICCPostData(){ WriteToDebug("In FormAICCPostData"); var strAICCData = ""; strAICCData += "[Core]\r\n"; strAICCData += "Lesson_Location=" + AICC_Lesson_Location + "\r\n"; strAICCData += "Lesson_Status=" + AICC_TranslateLessonStatusToAICC(AICC_Status) + "\r\n"; strAICCData += "Score=" + AICC_TranslateScoreToAICC() + "\r\n"; strAICCData += "Time=" + AICC_TranslateTimeToAICC() + "\r\n"; strAICCData += "[Comments]\r\n" + AICC_TranslateCommentsToAICC() + "\r\n"; strAICCData += "[Objectives_Status]\r\n" + AICC_TranslateObjectivesToAICC() + "\r\n"; strAICCData += "[Student_Preferences]\r\n"; strAICCData += "Audio=" + AICC_TranslateAudioToAICC() + "\r\n"; strAICCData += "Language=" + AICC_Language + "\r\n"; strAICCData += "Speed=" + AICC_TranslateSpeedToAICC() + "\r\n"; strAICCData += "Text=" + AICC_TranslateTextToAICC() + "\r\n"; strAICCData += "[Core_Lesson]\r\n"; strAICCData += AICC_Data_Chunk; WriteToDebug("FormAICCPostData returning: " + strAICCData); return strAICCData; } function AICC_TranslateLessonStatusToAICC(intStatus){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_TranslateLessonStatusToAICC"); switch (intStatus){ case LESSON_STATUS_PASSED: WriteToDebug("Status is passed"); AICC_Lesson_Status = "P"; break; case LESSON_STATUS_COMPLETED: WriteToDebug("Status is completed"); AICC_Lesson_Status = "C"; break; case LESSON_STATUS_FAILED: WriteToDebug("Status is failed"); AICC_Lesson_Status = "F"; break; case LESSON_STATUS_INCOMPLETE: WriteToDebug("Status is incomplete"); AICC_Lesson_Status = "I"; break; case LESSON_STATUS_BROWSED: WriteToDebug("Status is browsed"); AICC_Lesson_Status = "B"; break; case LESSON_STATUS_NOT_ATTEMPTED: WriteToDebug("Status is not attempted"); AICC_Lesson_Status = "N"; break; } return AICC_Lesson_Status; } function AICC_TranslateScoreToAICC(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_TranslateScoreToAICC"); AICC_Score = AICC_fltScoreRaw; //prior to version 3, AICC scores cannot contain a decimal if (AICC_LMS_Version < 3 && AICC_fltScoreRaw != ""){ AICC_Score = parseInt(AICC_Score, 10); } //some older versions may not have this setting available if ( (AICC_REPORT_MIN_MAX_SCORE === undefined || AICC_REPORT_MIN_MAX_SCORE === null || AICC_REPORT_MIN_MAX_SCORE === true) && (AICC_LMS_Version >= 3 ) //min and max scores are only allowed after version 3 ){ WriteToDebug("Using max and min values if available."); if ((AICC_fltScoreMax != "") || (AICC_fltScoreMin != "")) { WriteToDebug("Appending Max and Min scores"); AICC_Score += "," + AICC_fltScoreMax + "," + AICC_fltScoreMin; } } WriteToDebug("AICC_Score=" + AICC_Score); return AICC_Score; } function AICC_TranslateTimeToAICC(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_TranslateTimeToAICC"); var strTime; strTime = ConvertMilliSecondsToSCORMTime(AICC_intSessionTimeMilliseconds, false); return strTime; } function AICC_TranslateCommentsToAICC(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_TranslateCommentsToAICC"); var strComments = ""; for (var i=0; i < AICC_aryCommentsFromLearner.length; i++){ strComments += "<" + (i+1) + ">" + AICC_aryCommentsFromLearner[i] + "<e." + (i+1) + ">"; } return strComments; } function AICC_TranslateObjectivesToAICC(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_TranslateObjectivesToAICC"); var strObjectives = ""; for (var i=0; i<AICC_aryObjectivesWrite.length; i++){ WriteToDebug("Looking at index: " + i); if (AICC_aryObjectivesWrite[i]){ WriteToDebug("Element " + i + " exists, id=" + AICC_aryObjectivesWrite[i][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_ID] + ", score=" + AICC_aryObjectivesWrite[i][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_SCORE] + ", status=" + AICC_aryObjectivesWrite[i][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_STATUS]); strObjectives += "J_ID." + (i+1) + "=" + AICC_aryObjectivesWrite[i][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_ID] + "\r\n"; if (AICC_aryObjectivesWrite[i][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_SCORE] != ""){ strObjectives += "J_Score." + (i+1) + "=" + AICC_aryObjectivesWrite[i][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_SCORE] + "\r\n"; } if (AICC_aryObjectivesWrite[i][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_STATUS] != ""){ strObjectives += "J_Status." + (i+1) + "=" + AICC_TranslateLessonStatusToAICC(AICC_aryObjectivesWrite[i][AICC_OBJ_ARRAY_STATUS]) + "\r\n"; } } } return strObjectives; } function AICC_TranslateAudioToAICC(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_TranslateAudioToAICC"); var strReturn; switch (AICC_AudioPlayPreference){ case PREFERENCE_ON: WriteToDebug("Preference is ON"); strReturn = AICC_intAudioVolume; break; case PREFERENCE_DEFAULT: WriteToDebug("Preference is DEFAULT"); strReturn = 0; break; case PREFERENCE_OFF: WriteToDebug("Preference is OFF"); strReturn = -1; break; } return strReturn; } function AICC_TranslateSpeedToAICC(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_TranslateSpeedToAICC"); var intAICCSpeed; intAICCSpeed = (AICC_intPercentOfMaxSpeed * 2) - 100; return intAICCSpeed; } function AICC_TranslateTextToAICC(){ WriteToDebug("In AICC_TranslateTextToAICC"); var strPreference = 0; if (AICC_TextPreference == PREFERENCE_OFF){ strPreference = -1; } else if (AICC_TextPreference == PREFERENCE_DEFAULT){ strPreference = 0; } else if (AICC_TextPreference == PREFERENCE_ON){ strPreference = 1; } return strPreference; } //================================================================== //interactions //================================================================== function FormAICCInteractionsData(){ WriteToDebug("In FormAICCInteractionsData"); var strInteractions; var strDate; var strTime; var strResult = ""; strInteractions = '"course_id","student_id","lesson_id","date","time","interaction_id",' + '"objective_id","type_interaction","correct_response","student_response",' + '"result","weighting","latency"\r\n'; var blnCorrect = ""; var strResponse = ""; var strCorrectResponse = ""; var strLatency = ""; for (var i=0; i < AICC_aryInteractions.length; i++){ blnCorrect = AICC_aryInteractions[i][AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT]; strResult = ""; //need to leave support for blnCorrect=t/f for legacy implementations of RSECA //if it's null, leave it as "" (not every interaction is correct/incorrect if (blnCorrect == true || blnCorrect == INTERACTION_RESULT_CORRECT){ strResult = AICC_RESULT_CORRECT; } else if (blnCorrect == "false" || blnCorrect == INTERACTION_RESULT_WRONG){ //compare against the string "false" because ("" == false) evaluates to true strResult = AICC_RESULT_WRONG; } else if (blnCorrect == INTERACTION_RESULT_UNANTICIPATED){ strResult = AICC_RESULT_UNANTICIPATED; } else if (blnCorrect == INTERACTION_RESULT_NEUTRAL){ strResult = AICC_RESULT_NEUTRAL; } strDate = ConvertDateToCMIDate(AICC_aryInteractions[i][AICC_INTERACTIONS_TIME_STAMP]); strTime = ConvertDateToCMITime(AICC_aryInteractions[i][AICC_INTERACTIONS_TIME_STAMP]); if (blnUseLongInteractionResultValues == true){ strResponse = AICC_aryInteractions[i][AICC_INTERACTIONS_RESPONSE_LONG]; strCorrectResponse = AICC_aryInteractions[i][AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT_RESPONSE_LONG]; } else{ strResponse = AICC_aryInteractions[i][AICC_INTERACTIONS_RESPONSE]; strCorrectResponse = AICC_aryInteractions[i][AICC_INTERACTIONS_CORRECT_RESPONSE]; } strResponse = new String(strResponse); strCorrectResponse = new String(strCorrectResponse); var tempLatency = AICC_aryInteractions[i][AICC_INTERACTIONS_LATENCY]; if (tempLatency !== null && tempLatency !== undefined && tempLatency != ""){ strLatency = ConvertMilliSecondsToSCORMTime(tempLatency, false); } strInteractions += '"' + AICC_CourseID.replace("\"", "") + '","' + AICC_Student_ID.replace("\"", "") + '","' + AICC_LESSON_ID.replace("\"", "") + '","' + strDate + '","' + strTime + '","' + AICC_aryInteractions[i][AICC_INTERACTIONS_ID].replace("\"", "") + '",' + '""' + ',"' + AICC_aryInteractions[i][AICC_INTERACTIONS_TYPE] + '","' + strCorrectResponse.replace("\"", "") + '","' + strResponse.replace("\"", "") + '","' + strResult + '","' + AICC_aryInteractions[i][AICC_INTERACTIONS_WEIGHTING] + '","' + strLatency + '"\r\n'; } return strInteractions; } /* moved to UtilityFunctions.js ConvertToCMIDate function ConvertToCMIDate(dtmDate){ WriteToDebug("In ConvertToCMIDate"); var strYear; var strMonth; var strDay; var strReturn; dtmDate = new Date(dtmDate); strYear = dtmDate.getFullYear() strMonth = dtmDate.getMonth(); strDay = dtmDate.getDate(); strReturn = ZeroPad(strYear, 4) + "/" + ZeroPad(strMonth, 2) + "/" + ZeroPad(strDay, 2); return strReturn; } */ /* moved to UtilityFunctions.js ConvertDateToCMITime function ConvertToCMITime(dtmDate){ WriteToDebug("In ConvertToCMITime"); var strHours; var strMinutes; var strSeconds; var strReturn; dtmDate = new Date(dtmDate); strHours = dtmDate.getHours(); strMinutes = dtmDate.getMinutes(); strSeconds = dtmDate.getSeconds(); strReturn = ZeroPad(strHours, 2) + ":" + ZeroPad(strMinutes) + ":" + ZeroPad(strSeconds, 2); return strReturn; } */ //================================================================== //debug stuff //================================================================== //used for debug only function DisplayAICCVariables(){ var strAlert = ""; strAlert += "AICC_Student_ID = " + AICC_Student_ID + "\n"; strAlert += "AICC_Student_Name = " + AICC_Student_Name + "\n"; strAlert += "AICC_Lesson_Location = " + AICC_Lesson_Location + "\n"; strAlert += "AICC_Score = " + AICC_Score + "\n"; strAlert += "AICC_Credit = " + AICC_Credit + "\n"; strAlert += "AICC_Lesson_Status = " + AICC_Lesson_Status + "\n"; strAlert += "AICC_Time = " + AICC_Time + "\n"; strAlert += "AICC_Mastery_Score = " + AICC_Mastery_Score + "\n"; strAlert += "AICC_Lesson_Mode = " + AICC_Lesson_Mode + "\n"; strAlert += "AICC_Max_Time_Allowed = " + AICC_Max_Time_Allowed + "\n"; strAlert += "AICC_Time_Limit_Action = " + AICC_Time_Limit_Action + "\n"; strAlert += "AICC_Audio = " + AICC_Audio + "\n"; strAlert += "AICC_Speed = " + AICC_Speed + "\n"; strAlert += "AICC_Language = " + AICC_Language + "\n"; strAlert += "AICC_Text = " + AICC_Text + "\n"; strAlert += "AICC_Launch_Data = " + AICC_Launch_Data + "\n"; strAlert += "AICC_Data_Chunk = " + AICC_Data_Chunk + "\n"; strAlert += "AICC_Comments = " + AICC_Comments + "\n"; strAlert += "AICC_Objectives = " + AICC_Objectives + "\n"; alert(strAlert) } |
:: Command execute :: | |
--[ c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13 powered by Captain Crunch Security Team | | Generation time: 0.0312 ]-- |